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Page Two Clara Matheney FRESH COUNTRY "3* & fi -DEATH NOTICES- Rev. J. Paul Clark Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Larrick and Mr. and Mrs. Miley Larrick, of Pleasant City route, attended funeral services at Bluffton, on Wednesday, Dec. 26, for Rev. J. Paul Clark. Rev. Clark, a native of the Coshocton area, was a retired Methodist minister of the Lima district. His wife was the former Goldie McFarland, who survives also one son, three daughters and 14 frrandchildren. Mrs. Clark has several cousins in Noble county, •Rev. Clark died after a short illness in the Lima Memorial hospital on December 23 at age 69. Mrs. Clara Matheney, 52, died Monday evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Corene Mohler, of Junction City, follow ing an illness of five months. Surviving besides her daugh ter, are a son two grandsons •I --i \Y»1) N l. ONOiWKIi LEO SWIFTVI\{ h' SWIF'l cyi & ft" a it •VV'I'TN i s. (.ooi) (ii aim »',! s rnuCK or Si' Maine's—No. 1't—50 Lbs Maine's—10 Lb. Sack Maine's—15 Lb. Sack Idaho's Baker—10 Lbs. rsrrsif, C!US!» CRANBERRIES VI1LUU IM5FI: ONIONS :w:{ Size ui IT CCCKT KAIJ) WaSnuts HA»Y l.MliliAIJ) BILK Fresh Peasiist Brittle ASSOJiT!- They're delicious sm§ INSTANT a sister and four brothers includ ing William Binegar of Reiners ville. Funeral services were held at 10:00 a. m. today (Thursday) a the Junction City Methodist church with Rev. C. P. Cecil of ficiating. Burial was in the Hearn cemetery near Newport. Com mittal rites were held at the Pine Ridge church near New port. The C. L. Chute funeral home in New 'Lexington-was in chaiige of funeral arrangements. James Harper James Harper, of South Olive, died .suddenly at 8:00 o'clock Tuesday night at his home fol lowing a heart attack. A retired oil well driller, he was a son of George and Liza Mendenhall Harper. Survivors include his widow, the former Drusy Slack, of the i ,. i 1 umi imwrjp 2-D». Pkg. JELLY BEANS—2 Lb. Pkg 49c GOLDEN SUN Large 6-oz. Jar i V T.O1' 3-lb. Can S I 4a 3-lb. Sack §7^5* ilpen Lvtiuri^s Uiiiil J»:uu 1 '. Mil v I i.ii'ill SCARED WELL 0,000 YEAPS MSO.ThIS IS THE COSTUME W0«N BY DOCTORS TO CUKE A(LINS PELLWW TRIBESMEN.' YOURTNyi$T{*E,NT PAY5 OFF SFSueirv mate Ok C-=«S.SAMMM monos 23DV1DES sBCUKrry *nd sabs vdu n-E con- XKze T«AT s eoe A HAPPY, hbalthv Wilson of South Olive and Mrs. Lena Wilson of Cumberland two grandchildren and one great [randchild a brother, W. C. Harper, of South Olive. The body was removed to the McVay funeral home. Funeral arrangements are incomplete. Mrs. Chloe Pierce Mrs. Chine 70, a resi dent of Caldwell for many years, lied at 5:00 p. m. Tuesday at the family home on Fairground troet following a long illness. Mrs. Pierce is survived by her husband, Ernest two brothers, Richard Briggs of Caldwell route and James Briggs of Caldwell route 2 two sisters, Mrs. Daisy !3arr of Blue Rock and Mrs. Jorma Hooper of McConnels ville. Funeral services will be held Friday at 1:00 p. m. from the VTcVay funeral home with Rev. Palmer Manson officiating. Bur ial will be in the Sharon ceme Itery. Ernest Williams Ernest Williams, 68, of Mt. Ephraim, died at 12:30 p. Tuesday in St. Francis h&spitafT Cambridge, where he had been 1 patient for three days. A retired sign painter who was formerly employed in Cleveland, he was born July 9, 188H, a son of Oscar and Jennie Ransom Williams. Surviving are his Widow, Ruth a daughter, Mrs. Dorothy De Vries, of Cleveland five grand children, a sister, Mrs. O. C. Rarney of Arvada, Colo. Funeral services will be held at 2:00 p. m. today (Thursday) from the Mt,. Ephraim Methodist church. Rev. Robert Griesinj. er will officiate. Burial will be in the Mt. Ephraim cemetery. The McVay funeral home is in charge of funeral arrangements. •••MMHaitmmilllHIIIIIIIHtlllltttllltlllllMHIIIHMM* a y Birthday! Tuesday, December 25 Will Bridgeman (88), Jim White. Thursday, December 27 Ruth Creamer, Wanda Van Fossen. Friday, December 28 Ward Cunningham, Mrs. J. C. Wyscarver. Saturday, December 29 Wilma Archer. Sunday, December 30 John James, Grover Smith, David VanDyne, Etta Carter. Monday, December 31 Goosell Carter. Tuesday, January 1 Sadie Brothers. Friday, January 4 Edna McVicker, ~e. Billy Vieker. Saturday, January S David Wolfe. Sunday, January 6 Florence Carter, nahs. Tuesday, January 8 Minerva Frazier. Wednesday. January 9 Victory Bridge Ciub Held At Starr Home Me- Connie Potts William Thomas, Jeffrey Ran Sally Mill, O. H. Pickenpaugh a nice Morrison. Saturday, January 12 Everett .Hill, Jessica Reed Donna Whiston, James Reed \nna Belle Wen I worth. SQUARE DANCE A square dance will be held Saturday, Jan. 5 at Brookfield sponsored by the Brookfield 4-H lub. Junior Dawson will be the jailer. TO FORT DIX I Miss Patricia Fleming, who 1 spent the holidays -with her par 'cnts, Mr. and Mrs. William Heming, left Wednesday for rort Dix, New Jersey, where he will be processed for her lischarge from the Army Nurs I 'orps. Patrick Cook of Hot Springs, Ark., was also a guest 1 in the Fleming home. THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OmO ("ORoOi i fcN Hti\G ^?N!aZO. SCARCELY OUT OP HIS "TEENS. NATHANIEL BROWN PALMS* OP CONNECTICUT PGCCXZZEP A VAST CONTINENT WsiDTUE WORLD'S LMT&REAT LANS MASS NE«kR THE SOUTH POLE, THE SOUTH SHETLAND ISLANPS. Mrs. Herman Starr entertainc her bridge club with a dessert bridge at her home on Lev is street during the holidays. Tin tables were appropriately de corated in the Christmas motii An evening of bridge was en joyed with Mrs. Mary Ellen San ford and Miss Inez Clark urn ning the club prizes, and Mr.-. Mary Richcrec-k winning Canton. Marietta Memorial Dismissed DecT the guest prize. Refreshments were served by the hostess to the following members and guests: Misst Inez and Louise Clark, Mrs. Ada Ackley, Sylvia Bryan, Dorothv Dyer, Lulu McDonald, Mary Ellen Sanford, Hattie Wiley.. Mary Scherr, Mary Richcrec k. Adeline Jordan, all of Caldwell. Mrs. Rosemary O'Conner 01' HOSPITAL NOTES 2Z'. Mrs. Wayne Anderson and infant, Coal Run. Admitted Dec. 23: Mrs. Aha Garvin, Caldwell route 3. s missed: Mrs. Elwood Pileher and infant son, Dexter City route 2 Admitted Dee. 24: Loren Ram sey, Caldwell. Admitted Dec. 25: Mrs. Ada Becker, Lower Salem route 2 ami Mrs. John Thompson, Lower Salem route 1. Admitted Dec. 26: Miss Dianne Phillis, Coal Run route 1 Rosier Phillis, Coal Run route 1 Cobb, Coal Run and Eugene Wagner, Coal Run. Dismissed: Rex Cobb. Coal Run. Admitted Dec. 28: Miss Mm'\ Huffman, Harriettsville. Pi. missed: Miss Dianne Phillis, Ca Run route 1, and Roger Phillis Coal Run route 1. Admitted Dee. 29: William Schmelzenbach, Reinersville, and Kerry L. Kimbrel, Caldwell. Dismissed Dec. 30: Miss Mar garet Huffman, Harriettsville Dismissed: Mrs. Esther Garvin, Caldwell route 3 Eugene W.i.j. ner. Coal Run and Miss Beti\ Stewart, Caldwell route 3. Guernsey Memorial Admitted Dec. 24: Mrs. Mich ael Malenda, Belle Valley. Dis missed: Mrs. Michael Mulenda Belle Valley, and Mrs. Walton Starr, Caldwell. Admitted Dec. 27: Judy and Janice, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Archer, Caldwel Admitted Dec. 28: Mrs. Ralph Hicks, Sarahsville. Dismissed Judy and Janice, daughters ol Mr. and Mrs. Harold Archer, ol Caldwell. Admitted Dec. 29: Mrs. Wayne Stottsberry, Sarahsville. Admitted Dec. 30: Mrs. Step hen Edward Thomas, Belle Val ley. St. Francis Surgery Dec. 24: Mrs. Bertha Fish, Sarahsville. Admitted Dec. 27: James, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Sparks Belle Valley. Admitted Dec. 29: Roy Poul ton, Summerfield. Admitted Dec. 30: Linda daughter of Mrs. Faye Cunning ham, Caldwell. Marietta Osteopathic Dismissed Dec. 22: Stewart Brokaw. Coal Run. Admitted Dec. 28: Miss Hilm True, Lower Salem. Bethesda Dismissed Dec. 22: Jesse Mc Dcr.akl, Caldwell, and Mrs Nellie Nichols, Caldwell route 2 Admitted Dec. 24: Ray McVay Caldwell. Admitted Dec. 25: Mrs. Ruth Davis, Cumberland route 2. Admitted Dec. 28: Aaron Bates of Caldwell route 1. See The Journal for Quality Printing. WILS0Nv File Pockets and File Folders pay for themselves many times over in speedier, more accurate filing. They keep files neat and orderly. .r%. FILE FOLDERS Made oi high quality Manila Ot Kraft stock clear, smooth and of a toughness that give3 long wear. Triple scored at bottom for expan sion. Double and single top styles in choice of printed or plain tabs in various positions. Letter, legal and invoice sizes. Parcel Ppst Labels Speed ball Pen Sets Art Construction Paper Shears Rulers Autodex Touch Control Type Wallets Colors That Avoid Eye Strain OTHER RULINGS FOR EVERY NEED Pen ruled and printed both sides on durable ledger paper. Finished to withstand erasures. CriTiped hinge allows sheets to lie flat. Full range of sizes. Your Office Supply Headquarters .. 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Memo Book Sheets i Stamp Pads All Colors $tamp Pad Ink Inventory Sheets Cardboard AH Weights Nfr-B Regular Ledger NM Balance Ledger IF It's Paper or Office Supplies Wo THE JOURNAL INDEX CARDS—All Standard Size* ALPHABETICAL INDEX GUIDES METAL INDEX BOXES—All Sizes TYPEWRITER RIBBONS—All Makes BRIEF CASES—All Styles LEDGERS—Double and Single Entry RECORD BOOKS—150-200-300 Pages JOURNALS—150-200-300 Pages ACCOUNT BOOKS—200-300 Pages POST BINDERS—All Sizes in Stock LEDGER SHEETS—All Sizes in Stock n w A Selection of Products Leading Line of Record Keeping Essentials S304 Line Account Books —Canvas bound, red craft leather corners. 150 to 500 pages, all rulings. Size 12y4 8M. S65 Line Account Books-Bound in black cloth sides, red craft-leather back and corners. 150 to 500 pages, all rulings. T'ze 14!4 9 Thursday. Januarv 3, 1957 ADDING MACHINE PAPER—Regular Site CARBON PAPER—Colors All Sizes TYPING PAPER—Cut to Size MIMEOGRAPH PAPER—Colors All Sizes MIMEOGRAPH SUPPLIES Ink- Stencils FILE FOLDERS—Letter Legal Sizes PAPER CLIPS—All Sizes ONION SKIN PAPER—Second Sheets DUPLICATE RECEIPT BOOKS—4 to Sheet RECEIPT BOOKS—All Types COGNOVIT NOTES—In Pad Form STAPLERS—Markwetl Bostitch Tatum STAPLES—For All Makes of Machines ILS3N Nijj 4. S9447 Manifold Order Books-Duplicate, 75 sets, flexi ble covers, cloth back. Fressure board, carbon paper and index sheets. Size 4% 7Vb. S1654 Duplicate Receipt Books-500 sets, four to a page, lithographed iorms, black leather grain stiff covers, red cloth back. D*op cover style. Size IIV2 9!4. S1646 Bill Heads-Padded 40 leaves, blotter top, cloth reenforced back. Size 8x5. S1649 Statements-Padded 40 leaves, blotter top, cloth reenforced back. Size 5x8. ,)K Phsrne 98