Newspaper Page Text
"oxiJElL Sticker Dinner A family dinner was enjoyed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Rucker, Bronze Heights, on Christmas evening. Those enjoying the dinner were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Tliomas Zimmerman, Dennis, Kenneth and Raymond, of Cam bridge Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Osborne of Zanesville Mr. and Mrs. Miles Jacobs and Mrs. Anna Wentworth of Fredericksdale Mr. and Mrs. Clare Boyd and son, Dcnnie, Larry Rucker, Mr and Mrs. Thomas Rucker and children, Tommy, Suzanne and Jane, Mr. and Mrs. Merlie Ball and daughters, Janet and Nancy, and the host and hostess. Bates Dinner A turkey dinner was featured Christmas day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bates of Pleasant City route. The dining table was appro priately decorated with covers being arranged for the following: Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kelley ana Mrs. Lou Bates of Byesville Mrs. Susie Secrest, Mary Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Davis and chil dren, Eva Sue and Billy and Fred Masters of Pleasant City route and the host and hostess and son, Alfred. w'r LADIES' Holiday Dinners Featured By Many Families in Area Noll Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Charles Noll, of the Fulda community, enter tained their children and their families at a dinner Christmas day. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Clem Hohrnan and children, Richard and Dayle, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Schoeppner and children, Diane, Beverly and Kenneth, Lawrence Noll and Ruth Wal chok, all of Zanesville Mr. and Mrs. Victor Meola, of Canton Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schaub and children, David, Teddy and Vickie, of Louisville Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Noll and children, Ronnie and Bruce of Magnolia Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spence and son, George, of Summerfield Margaret Spence of Columbus, and Mrs. Angie Caldwell of Sharon. Young Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Young, Walnut street, entertained at Lheir home Christmas day with family dinner. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Young, Jr., and daughter, Cathy and son, Larry, all of Canfield. They visited the holidays here with his parents and also her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hedge, of Brockfield townshij. Sole Starts Friday, Jan. 4 Ends Saturday, Jan. 12! y 11 COATS VERY SPECIAL $ 10 5 COATS 00 Back GIRLS' COATS Sizes 10 to 14 ALL WOOL »25°o BOYS' JACKETS ALL WOOL $e.oo TO *12 SHORT COATS *15 4 COATS SMALL CfRLS' COATS Nylon Wool Water Repellent Sizes 1 Year to 8x Tears *7 95 95 .95 Bath r. *10 TEEN-AGE 95 "f,T ALL WOOL *20 7 COATS 95 yyiadq&'A Specialty Shop Each North Street Caldwell, Ohio Graham Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Gene Graham en tertained with a Christmas din ner on Tuesday at their home in Senecaville. Guests were seated at two tables which were beautifully decorated with lovely candles. The guest list included: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Guiler and son, Marvin Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Gra ham Mr. and Mrs. Bud Rich and children Mr. and Mrs. Lester Guiler and children Mr. and Mrs. William Frank and daugh ter of Columbus Mr. and Mrs. Andy Zaleha and daughters the host and hostess and sons, Gregory and Garey Lee. Afternoon guests were Lucy Pryor, Shirley Sue and Janice Pryor, Sandy Secrest, Susan and Sally Kish. Baker Dinned Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ullman, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ullman and family of the Harriettsville community, were holiday dinner mests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Baker, Cliff road. Moore Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Moore, of Walnut street, entertained at their home with a family dinner on Christmas day. Those present included the following: Rev. and .Irs. Charles Moore and daugh is, Rebecca and Cindy of ,'iestline Mr. and Mrs. Victor Stickel and daughters, Mary jr, and Vickie of Zanesville, an Moore, the host and hostess. iter Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Dannie Slater tertained with a Christmas nner at their home. A gift change was held in the after on. Those present were Mr. Mrs. Clayton Slater and ildren, Richard, Mary and rgil, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wilson children, Kenneth, David Dannie. Wilier Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miller, of .ildwell route 4, entertained ies*ts Christmas day with a rkey dinner at their home, i iiose present were Mr. and Mrs. ex Miller, Don Thomas, the n st and hostess and children, an, Donald, Norma, and Ralph eLong Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Paul DeLong i tertained Christmas day with i family dinner at their home in Macks burg. Covers were arranged around i a attractively decorated table the following guests: Mrs. I)onna Davis and son, David Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Herschel i Uvis and son, Gary, the host ud hostess and daughters, Becky .iae and Cindy Lou. Brown Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Guy Brown en t* rtained at their home on Sun i ay, December 23 with a lovely iiristmas dinner and gift ex I ange. Covers were arranged for the following: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Horton and son, Dana, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore, Mr. and Mrs Richard Crooks and daughter, 'athy of Zanesville Mr. and \Irs. Howard Devol and children, Gregory, Michael, Jeffrey and "Fonda of Williamstown, W. Va. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sesterhenn of North Canton Mr. and Mrs. Athel Pitts and daughter, Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Watson t' Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Athel Moore of Caldwell route Mr. Mrs. Mark Rossiter and Frank VanFleet, of Sarahsville, and the host and hostess. Leasure Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Leasure, )f Caldwell, entertained with a turkey dinner Christmas day. rovers were arranged for the following: Mr. and Mrs. Dean Archer and children, Bill and .Man of Zanesville Mr. and Mrs rank Moore and children, Susie and Rusty of Cambridge Mr. ad Mrs. Homer Bates and chil dren, Debbie and Bobby of Cald well and the host and hostess. Nau Dinner A turkey dinner was enjoyed New Year's Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nau, of Cald well route 1. Covers were ar ranged for the following guests: Pfc. Harold Nau, who is stationed with the U. S. Army at Fort Hragg, N. C., Mr. and Mrs. Alex Miller, James Safigan, Kenneth Hates, the host and hostess and (laughters, Wilma, Donna and Heverly. GUEST SPEAKERS Gerald Bates, ministerial stu dent at the Ashbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Ky., was .quest speaker Sunday morning at the Caldwell Free Methodis hurch. Myron Guiler, minis terial student at Bob Jones Uni versity in North Carolina, was Tie guest speaker at the evening ervice, IN HOSPITAL Mrs. Hart J. Cunningham, of Caldwell route 6, is a patien' hi the St.* Francis hospital, Cam bridge, for observation and rcatment. i Photo Developing—Gillespie's Nine Months Old GREGORY F. TILTON Gregory Ford Tilton is the nine-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tilton, of Summer field. Mrs. Civilla Carpenter, of Summerfield, si the maternal grandmother and Mrs. Freda Tilton, of Caldwell, the paternal grandmother. The father is con nected with the First National bank. Look Who's Here! Mr. and Mrs. William C. How iler, Miller street, are announc ing the birth of a daughter at Thompson hospital, Sunday, Dec. 30. The infant weighed six pounds and ten ounces and has been named Beverly Sue. The mother and baby were removed Sunday evening in the .McVay ambulance to their home. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Howiler, of Caldwell, are the paternal grand parents'. Mrs. Zalia Perez, of Columbus, and Roy C. Mason, of Mansfield, are the maternal grandparents. Mrs. Anna Howil er, Main street, is a great-grand mother. This is the first girl to be born in the Howiler family in more than 31 years. Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Hague, of Danville, announce the birth of a seven pound, one ounce son on December 26 at the Memorial hospital in Mt. Vernon. The new arrival has been named Edward Allen. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Sholtis, of Cald well route 6, and Mr. and Mrs. Okey Hague, of Senecaville route 1. Great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hague, of Sarahsville route 1. Mr. and Mrs. William Rossiter, of Sarahsville route 1, announce the birth of a seven pound, 13 ounce son on Monday, December 31 at Thompson's hospital. The new arrival has been named James Arthur. Grandparents are Mrs. Nancy Rossiter, of Sarahs ville route 1, and John Murrey, of Canton. Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeLancey of Caldwell route 6, are the par ents of a six pound, 12 ounce son born Monday, December 31 at Thompson's hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Carl DeLancey, of Fair ground street, are the paternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davis, of Cumberland, are announcing the birth of a nine pound, four ounce daughter on December 25. The baby has been named Kathy Marie. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Davis, of Cumber land, and the late Fred Bruner. Great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harley Davis of New Con cord and Mrs. Ruth Koontz of Cumberland. They are also the parents of a son, Ricky, age two and one-half years. «B JooHirye. rarowec, ww jggg Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stotts berry, of Sarahsville, are the parents of a daughter born Dec. 29 in the Guernsey Memorial hospital, Cambridge. The new arrival weighed six pounds and four ounces. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stottsberry, of Cumberland street, and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pickenpauigh, of Senecaville route 1. Mr. and Mrs. William Long, of Quaker City route 4, are an nouncing the birth of a daugh ter, Dec. 29 in the St. Francis hospital, Cambridge. The infant weighed eight pounds and 12 ounces at birth. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schoep pner, of Lower Salem, are the parents of a son born Dec. 28 in the Marietta Memorial hos pital. Atty. and Mrs. Robert E. Mc Ginnis, of San Diego, Calif., are the parents of a daughter born December 31 at a hospital there. Grandparents are Judge and Mrs. Earl P. McGinnis, of Caldwell, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Linden meyer, of Michigan City, ind, TONSILECTOMY Judy Wikander, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Roy Wikander of North street, underwent a tonsilectomy last week in the Marietta Memorial hospital. IN FLORIDA Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Kalan and daughters, of Bronze Heights are spending tij£ holidays in Florida. ENJOYING FURLOUGH Pfc. Jerry Heddleson, who stationed at Huntsville, Ala., ,'isiting with his parents, Mr. anc •Irs. V. G. Heddleson, of Spruce street. Circle Meeting The January meeting of Circle Three of the Woman's Associa tion of the First Presbyterian church will be held Tuesday evening, January 8 at 7:30 o'clock in the home of Mrs. Gleri lams with Mrs. Lewis Young &s co-hostess. Plan Meeting Noble Auxiliary No. 2952, P. O. E. will meet Thursday even ing, January 3 at 8:00 o'clock in the Aerie hall. All members are unged to attend. Renrock Grange The program to be presented at regular meeting of Renrock grange, Friday evening, Jan. 4 at 7:30 o'clock, will be as fol lows: roll call, "Helpful Thoughts for 1957" talk, safety on the farm and highways by L. E. Hedge readings by Laura Mc Nutt and Jane McKee colored pictured of their travels will be given by Mr. and Mrs. Glade Manifold. The program will close with stunts by Louie Hall. Mixed Dance A mixed dance will be held Saturday evening, Jan. 5 from nine to twelve o'clock in the Macksburg school gymnasium sponsored by the Aurelius town ship school community club. The Shenandoah Valley gang will furnish the music with Floyd Thompson as the caller. Refresh ments will be served and a door prize will be awarded. Public invited. =. =s. at Rebekah Lodge Noble Rebekah lodge will hold their annual installation of of ficers Friday evening, Jan. 4 at 7:30 o'clock in the lodge hall. All members are requested to come in formal attire. Presbyterian Meeting Circle One of the Woman's Association of the First Presby terian church will meet Tues day evening, Jan. 8 in the home of Thelma Rice, North street with Mary Jo Heddleson and Mildred Hickman serving as companion hostesses. Wayne Danfords Feted With Anniversary Party Mr. and Mrs. John T. Young and Leonard Danford were hosts and hostess at a party Saturday evening, December 29, honoring the silver wedding anniversary of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Danford. The party was given in the Danford home in Olive. Social diversions occupied the evening hours and delicious re freshments were served. The serving table was attractively decorated with a large decorated cake featured in the center. The honored ones were pre sented with a number of nice gifts including gifts from Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bond, Mr. and Mrs. Dana Foraker, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Hannahs and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Day who were unable to attend. Those present included: Mr. and Mrs. Ben Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Gay Pitts, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Rich, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Long, Sarah Young, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Harding, Mr. and Mrs. John Mendenhall, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Mendenhall, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Ramsey, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brumbach, Mrs. Mary Morgareidge, Art Beyer, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sholtis, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Heddleson, Mr. and Mrs. Junior Braden, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cuningham, Mrs. Alma Harding, Mrs. Tessie Dan ford, June Danford, Frances Harding, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Feldner, Merle Lashley, the honored ones and the host and hostess. Esther Circle Meets In Ora Berry Home The Esther Circle of the W. S. C. S. of the First Methodist church met Tuesday evening, January 1 in the home of Mrs. Ora Berry on Belford street. Mary M. Okey, circle chair man presided and opened the meeting with prayer. Mrs. Okey also conducted the worship ser vice. Lois Ziler was in charge of the program and gave an in teresting article and poem. Articles were also given by Lela Kevser and Iva Guiler. During the business meeting a total of $205.03 was reported from the circle's bazaar enve lopes. The meeting tlosed with the Lord's prayer in unison. Guests present were Mrs. Mattie Groves and Mrs. Clara Beattey. 1 IN HOSPITAL Mrs. Twila Archer, of Sarahs ville, was admitted to the Guern sey Memorial hospital, Cam bridge, Wednesday, January 2 and will undergo surgery Thurs day. In Ohio tests, "virus-free^ strawberry stocks have produced an average of 68 percent more :ruit than ordinary stocks of the same varieties, according to Ohio State University extension plant pathologists. To Hold Dance There will be a dance at St. Henry's hall, Harriettsville, Sun day evening, Jan. 6. Music will be furnished by the Midnight Ramblers. Refreshments will be served by group seven. Mothers Club The Caldwell Mothers club will meet Monday evening, Jan. 7 at 8:00 o'clock in the home of Mrs. Robert Stevenson in Bronze Heights. Ruth Winberg will be in charge of the program. Community Club The Dexter City Community club will meet Monday evening, January 7 at 7:30 o'clock at the school cafeteria. All members are urged to attend. W.S.C.S. Meeting The general meeting of the W.S.C.S. of the First Methodist church will be held Tuesday evening, January 8 at 7:30 o'clock in the church dining room. Hostesses will be Luna Fowler and Sarah Camden. Worship and program leaders are Minnie Heddleson and Opal Brumbach. A good attendance is desired. Caldwell B.P.W. The Caldwell Business and Professional Women's club will meet Monday evening, January 7 at 6:30 o'clock in the dining room of the First Methodist church. The International Rela tions committee, headed by Genenieve Jacobs, will be in charge of the program. Mrs. Everett Brown will be the guest speaker for the evening and the musical portion of the program will feature duets by Susabelle McVay and Helen James. All members are urged to attend. Square Dance A square dance will be held Saturday, Jan. o, at tne Macks burg school gym, beginning at 9:00 p. m., sponsored by the Aurelius Local Community club. The Shenandoah Valley gang will furnish the music and re freshments will be sold. e 11,1 Upon her arrival in New York December 13th the SS United States, the world's fastest ship, completed her 100th voyage to and from the European ports of LeHavre, and Southampton, and includes Bremerhaven in the winter months. This record has been compiled in less than 4Vfe years since the superliner's rec ord-breaking maiden voyage be ginning July 3,1952. A popular ship from the very beginning, the UNITED STATES has carried 312,878 passengers during the 4M year period which is 95% of her total capacity. She has averaged 3,128 passengers for each round trip and her pas senger lists have read like a veritable Who's Who and has included the King and Queen of Greece, Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, Prince Rainier and Princess Grace, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, and in ad dition diplomats from every corner of the earth headed by ex-President Harry S. Truman and family. From the theatre such famous names as Joan Crawford, Bob Hope, Marlon Brando, John Wayne, Rita Hayworth, Burt Lancaster, Jackie Gleason and many others have enjoyed the luxuries aboard the world's most modern liner. The superliner has also carried such outstanding men in their fields as Francis Cardinal Spellman, Doctor Jonas Salk. golfer Ben Hogan, tennis The danger range of a shotgun when loaded with a charge of small shot extends from 150 to 300 yards, depending on the gauge of the gun and the shell. 3/ Thurs9ay. Jamiary 193?' S S United States, the World's Fastest Sfc«p, Completes Her 100th Round Trip ladies' Misses' Children's WEARING APPAREL! LADIES' COATS -t SUITS V4 »o Vz CHILDREN'S Coats and Snowsuits /4j to "V3 One Croup of LADIES' DRESSES V2 PRICE ALL OTHER DRESSES $1.00 to $4.00 OFF! Children's Dresses Vs to lk We Have Racks and Counters of Other Reduced Merchandise! COME IN AND LOOK AROUND! ALL SALES FINAL ... No Approvals ... No Charges ... No Exchanges Off more Off more Off n u i. .. ..u" _• ... maa&iLl star Vic Seixas, Evangelist Billy Graham and scores of industrial ists like Henry Ford II, presi dent of Ford Motor Co., Benja min Fairless, chairman of the board, U.S. Steel, and Harlowe Curtice, president of General Motors. The 70,104 passengers she carried in 1955 was the largest number carried by any luxury liner during that year. In winning the coveted blue ribbon denoting speed suprem acy on the North Atlantic in 1952 the SS United States was the first American flag vessel to break the record in almost 100 years. During her 200 trips across the Atlantic, the First Lady of the Seas has traveled 637,824 nau tical miles between lightships, a distance equivalent to approxi mately 25 *'2 times around the world, at an average speed of 30.64 knots which is about 35 land miles per hour. A total of 2,815 pets of passen gers have traveled in the super liner's air conditioned kennels. Of these 2,542 were dogs, 271 cats, one monkey and one ham ster. There were 5,384 automo biles and 1,148,000 sacks of mail carried to and from Europe. During her 4l/z years of serv ice the vessel's shafts have never been stopped or slowed at sea due to machinery derange ment, a tribute to the excellence of American shipbuilding tech nic! ues. The Ohio Swine Improvement program started as a small field testing effort and grew into development of the Ohio Swine Evaluation station in 1954. Estadt's Zi-e Savitvfe- Sale Starts Friday, Jan. 4 9:00 A. M. Estadt's 419 Main Street