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Page Eight Mls Miss Nancy Secrest Completes Plans For Marriage To Dr. Robert S. Rudge Ail open thuun" ceremony at o'clock Sunday afternoon, January 13. in the Caldwell First Methodist church will unite in marriage Mis/ Nancy Secrest and Dr. Robert S. Rudge. both of Caldwell. The Rev. Floyd R. Gaugler will officiate at the double ring ceremony. Pvt. Donald E. Bates Weds Miss Holland In Zanesville Church The bride, escorted to the altar and given in marriage by her father, wore a lace and net gown. The bodice of lace extended into a lace peplum, and the full net skirt was enhanced with appli ques of the lace motif, and swept into a chapel-length train. Drapings of net formed a sweet heart neckline. She wore a veil of illusion caught to a lace tiara embroidered with seed pearls and rhinestones, and carried a white prayer book topped with a single red poinsettia md green ery. Miss Sally Davis was maid ol honor. She wore a gown of cotil lion blue lace and net with lace bodice and peplum and sweet heart neckline. She wore a head dress of light blue velvet leave.* scattered with rhinestones and carried a colonial bouquet ol blue carnations. -Miss Shirley Iioldren. the bridesmaid, also wore cot illicit blue lace and net, fashioned with scoop neckline, full skirt and short sleeves. Her bouquet was of blue carnations. Richard J. Reinhart, of Canton, was best man and the guests were seated by Donald Owens and Robert Pen Mrs. Bates attended Bishop Du Bourg high school in St. Louis, Mo., and was graduated from Zanesville high school. She at tended Meredith Business college and has been employed as a clerk at the General Electric company. Pvt. Bates, a graduate of Cald well high school and Ohio State University, was attending pre medical school at OSIJ prior to his induction into the Army. New And Different Club Enjoys Holiday Dinner The New and Different club had their annual December meeting at the home of Mrs. Goldie Foster near Sharon on Wednesday". The day was spent piecing quilt blocks, sewing rug rags and binding- a quilt. At noon a pot luck dinner was enjoyed. In the afternoon, contests were held with Ethel lams winning club prize: Jean Ramsey the guest prize and Doris Smith, the v.uo-.s ing prize. A Christmas exchangt was also enjoyed and secret sisters were revealed Those who attended tin- meet ing were Ruth Walters, Ruth Wiley, Blanche Burlingame, Louise Walters, Edna Foraker. Ruth Zimmerman. Violet Brown. Etta Burlier. Lura Ramage, Geneva Foraker. Emma Foraker, Kthel lams, Jeanette Lowers, Clarice Mendenhall. Jean Ram sey and Doris Smith, in addition to a number of children. The January meeting of this group will be held at the home of Ruth Wiley on Jan. 31. Photo Developing—Gillespie's t'T UrHAWV —i—wiiimm111in,,im juj, Miss Secrest has completed her wedding plans by naming her attendants. Miss Joan Uhl. of Columbus, will be maid of honor. Bridesmaid will be Miss gal el Jodiiiie HoiiiUid, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mack E. Holland, of Zanesville. ex change nuptial vows with Pvt. Donald E. Bates, son of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Bates, of Caldwell route 1, Saturday morning, December 29 in St. Thomas Catholic church, Zanesville. Arrangements of red poin settias adorned the altar where the double ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. S. A. Rosetti. The nuptial music was presented by John Guinsler, vocalist and Miss Margaret Dennis, organist. s iKrth of Co lumbus. Assistants at tlu- brenkfast •which was served following the ceremony in the St. Thomas school hall were Miss Eileen Merriam, Mrs. M. Fulks, and Mrs. R. El lie a reception war held, in th fkol hall in. th* afternoon. Betty Miley. cousin of the bride elect, of Pleasant City. Flower girls will be Evelyn and Janet Powell, of Mt. Ephraim, also cousins of the bride-elect. Dr. Carl Baker, of McConnels ville. will be best man and ushers will be Dr. William Jones, of Columbiana Dr. Wilbert Briggs, of Barnesville: Dr. Richard Stang of Bellelontaine, and Bruce Van Fossen, of East Palestine. Dar rell Secrest, brother of the bride elect, will serve as junior usher. A half-hour of nuptial music will precede the ceremony with James Carter, organist and Mrs. Paul McVay, soloist. Following the ceremony, there will be a reception in the church dining room for the bridal party and invited guests. Mrs. Byron Steen, who will serve as senior hostess, will be assisted by Mrs. Gavle Scott (nee Joan Aeklev), Miss Lois Johnson. Mrs. Fred Bo usher, all ol' Columbus, and Miss Terri Pruett, of McConnels ville. The bride-elect is the daughter of Noble County Superintendent of Schools and Mrs. H. C. Secrest and Dr. Rudge is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rudge, of Zanesville. The parents of the prospective bridegroom will be hosts at a rehearsal dinner at Ogle's Maple Shade Inn on Saturday evening, January 12. Belle Valley Legion And Auxiliary Host At Community Party Approximately 160 members and guests were in attendance at the annual Christmas party sponsored recently by the Belle Valley American Legion Post and Auxiliary for all of the chil dren in the community. The party wtts held in the Legion hall. Features of the evening were a movie and a visit from Santa Claus. Delicious refreshments were served from attractively decorated tables which carried out the Christmas motif. Family Dinner Honors Birthday Anniversary' tyr. and Mrs. Dallas Paisley, of Caldwell route, entertained recently with a surprise dinner honoring the HOth birthday an niversary of Mrs Fva Gerst. The dining table was attrac tively arranged with a large decorated cake featured in the center. Covers were1 laid for the following: Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Wiley and daughter, Kathryn Ann, of Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Ephrem Gerst and daughters, Delores and Janet, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Streatter and son. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. William Knight and daughters, Machele and Dyshra. Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Gerst and children. Janice, Janine and Jeffrey. Charles Alden and Richard Loveall, all of Zanes ville. Anges Gerst and Donald Noll of Columbus Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Noll and son, Dale, of Glandorf Mrs. John Schiminoler of Van Wert, the honored one and the bust and hostess. Mendenhalls Honored With Dinner, Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mendenhall of Canton, formerly of Caldwell, were honored Sunday, Decem ber 30 with a dinner in observ ance of their 42nd wedding an niversary in the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Muhlbach. Those attending included: Miss Terry Foster. Karl Mendenhall. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stewart and children, Billie, Sheree and Dickie Joe, Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Davis and sons. Buddy and Rusty, the honored ones and the host and hostess and son, Nelson. Here's wishing a very happy 1957 to all of you who have done so much to make our 1956 successful. May your New Year abound in good health, good fortune and sat isfying achievement. If we may add a wish for ourselves, it is that we shall have many new opportunities to serve you in 1957 and that we shall in every way prove worthy of your continued con fidence. R. B. DeLONG GRANGE MUTUAL Local Resident's Granddaughter Weds MRS. JAMES STUART TUBBS Miss Carmen Ann Creamer became the bride of Mr. James Stuait Tubbs on Saturday at 2:30 p. m. The ceremony was per foimed by Di. John D. Dickhaut in the home of the bride's par ents. on their 22nd wedding anniversary. Christmas and bridal motifs were carried out in mante The bride is the daughter of Creamer, formerly of Summer field. Mr. Tubbs is the son of Mrs. Kenneth F. Tubbs, Colum bus, and the late Mr. Kenneth Tubbs. The bride was given mar riage by her father. She wore a ballerina length gown of white taffeta, designed along princess lines. Alencon lace fashioned the yoke, edging the low, round neckline. A lace and pearl cap held her fingertip veil of illusion. She carried a cascade of roses and. holly. Miss Sue Ellen Creamer, ,ster of the bride, was maid of honor. She was dressed in red velvet designed on princess lines, with a low round neck and bracelet length sleeves. She carried a bouquet of white roses and holly. Mr. Richard Van Atta was best man. Seating the guests was Mr. Robert Tubbs, brother of the bridegioom. A reception o o w e e ceremony. For her daughters marriage, Mrs. Creamer chose a dress of blue wool with white accessories and a while orchid corsage. Mrs. Tubbs chose ji dress of cham pagne crepe with matching accessories, and a corsage of brown and green cymbidium orchids. The bride is a graduate of Grandview Heights high school, attended Ohio Wesley an Univer sity and is a December graduate of Ohio State University. She is a member of Delta Gamma Sorority and Phi Upsilon Omi eron and is now a kindergarten teacher in the Upper Arlington public schools. Mr. Tubbs is a graduate of North high school and served for four years as a hospital corpsman in the Navy. He at tended Ohio State University and is with the D.T. and C., Inc. They will reside in their new home tit 298 Circle Dr., Hilliard, Ohio. The new Mrs. Tubbs is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Bode, of Summerfield. Regan's Chapel W.S.C.S. Meets In Higgen's Home The regular i n i i n of the Regan's Chapel W.S.C.S. ol Ilos kinsville, was held recently in the home of Mprgaret liiggens. Nellie Thomas led the devo tional service followed by group singing and a number of read ings which were given by the members. A short business session was conducted by the president, Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess and a gift exchange was enjoyed. Attending were Jane Mclvee. Ola Teters, Eunice Coyle, Betty Harmon, Hazel Dudley, Nellie Thomas, Evie Secrest, Margaret McFerren, Esther Secrest, Mar lene Teters and Secrest. MARRIAGE PERMITS Two marriage permits were issued in neighboring counties iast week to Noble county resi dents. They were Donald Bates, 23, of Caldwell route 1, and Margaret Holland, 19, of Zanes ville: Richard W. McNabb, farmer, -of Coal Run and Mane Biedenbach, of Waterford. ENJOYED VISIT Mrs. Gertrude Hamilton and Frances Taylor returned to their homes Sunday from Arlington Heights. 111., after vihiting with their son and brother,' Major James Hamilton and family. Major Hamilton was transferred New Year's day to Colorado Springs, Colo., where he will command "a guided missile unit. THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL. OHIO and fireplace arrangements. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jefferson Patty Ann Robey Honored At Party The honored one was presented with a number of nice gifts in cluding a gift from Bill Merry who was unable to attend. Those present were Donnie Moore, Sharon Brandon, Kar$m Brandon. Cindy Landaker, Bar bara Fowler, Susie Teters. Susie Clark, Betty Jane Long, Doug las Brandon and the honored one. Ava W. C. T. U. Meeis For Christmas Party The December im-et ing and the annual Christmas party of the Ava W.C.T.U. was held last Friday evening in the home of the president, Mrs. Margaret Clark with 37 members and guests present. The meeting opened with group singing of Christmas carols with Mary Trenner at the piano. Prayer was led by Mary Wood and the scripture reading was given by Gladys Dudley. Mrs. Clark read a number of interest ing articles from the Union Signal. Alice Phelps, local di rector of Armed Services, report ed that 89 boxes of cookies and candy had been sent by the group to the Chillicothe and Dayton veteran hospitals and also gifts were sent to the San dusky hospital. The January meeting will be held in Jfoe home ol Faye Rayner. During the social hour, 14 baskets were prepared for shut ins. Santa Claus was a feature of the evening and presented gifts to those attending. Delicious refreshments were served by The hostess who was assisted by Betty Clark and Faye Rayntr. Macksburg Merrymaids Hold December Meeting The December meeting of the Macksburg Merrymaids 4-H club was held last week in the home of Marilyn McAtee. Games were played and a Christmas gilt exchangfe was held. Delicious refreshments were served to the following members. Marilyn McAtee, Marilyn Wat son, Sonja Hartshorne. Wilda and Wilma Jackson, Sandra Bates, Donna Rowlands, Judy and Joyce McAtee. Linda Jeffery and Frances Rowlands. Three club advisors were also in attendance. They were Mrs. Rita McAtee. Mrs. Virginia Frew and Mrs. Sarah McAtee. The next regular meeting will be held March 5, 1957, beginning at 6:30 p. m. at the home of Frances Rowlands. CONTEST WINNER Paul J. Biedenbach, of route 1, Summerfield, has been awarded a ten-dollar certificate from Aldens, Inc., Chicago, 111., as a winner in the recent nation-wide •"Name the Tire" contest. Sandra King Bride Of Ronald Reed In Richmond, Indiana QoWwcd Society Mrs. Robert Robey entertained Saturday afternoon, December 29 with a party between the hours of two and four, honoring her daughter. Patty Ann. who was observing her sixth birthday anniversary."""" The afternoon was spent in games and delightful refresh ments were served. Miss Sandra King, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis King, of Uyesville, and Ronald Reed, son "f Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. Reed, Caldwell, were united in mar riage December 26 at Richmond, Indiana. Rev. Goris officiated at the ouble ring ceremony. Miss Mary 1'Ou Reed, sister of the groom and Kenny Gibson were the only attendants. The bride attended Byesville nigh school. Mr. Reed was grad uated from Caldwell high school nd is employed with Com mercial Fuel of Dexter City. Mr. and Mrs. Reed are residing in Caldwell. Legion Auxiliaiy Of Belle Valley Meets 1 fie Belle Valley American legion Auxiliary held their an nual Christmas party and pot hick recently in the Legion hall. Following the dinner games ere enjoyed and a gift exchange was held. The hall was attrac tively decorated in the holiday theme. Those present were Marie Reidy, Margaret Duffalo, Joseph ine Hrinko, Opal McCune, Arlene Mizik, Eileen Serdy, Helen Mizik, Leona Hrinko, Mary Svercek, Feme Carnes, Lillian Zeleznik, Mildred Yonker, Eileen Miller, Dorothy Hannum, Jean Lori, Jane Dovenbarger, Marguerite Hannum, Josephine* Wargo, Inez Hannum, Kitty Petry, Pearl Craft, Faye Boyd, Alberta Mai lett, Helen Cartell, Dorothy Caldwell and Gladys Hill. O N E 9 8 Christmas Party Held By Friendly Neighbors The Friendly Neighbors club of the Keithtown community re cently held their annual Christ mas party at the grange hall. A highlight of the evening was a dinner which was enjoyed by the following members and their families: Mareeda Willey', Jessie Swank, Cleo Waller, Nellie Chandler and sons, Phil and Stevie, Mr. and Mrs. Duke Hughes, Kate Hale, Mr. and Mrs. Dannie Slater, Olive Chand ler, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Foraker and son, Timmie, Wilma Waller, Jeanette Waller, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mitchell and son, Ronnie. Edna Garvin, Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Garvin, Edith Chandler, Betty Teeters and daughters, Nancy and Judy, Ruth Craig, Johnnie Craig, Mr. and. Mrs. I?ick Briggs, Gene Briggs, Mr. tand Mrs. Walter Morris, Gene Morris, R. B. Morris, Blanche Woodford and Joanne Hanson. A Christmas gift exchange was held writh secret sisters being revealed. Plans were made for the next meeting which will be held January 24 at the home of Cleo Briggs. Election of officers for the ensuing year will be heid at this meeting. Caldwell W. t. T~U. Meets Friday Evening All.-.. Minnie iieddleson was hostess Friday afternoon at her home on West street to members of the Caldwell W.C.T.U. Group singing was enjoyed with Iva Guiler at the piano, followed by prayer by Lois Jen nings. The worship service was led by Lois Ziler. Ola Shafer, president, con ducted the business meeting ?t which time the following local directors were named: Bilia Pat terson, christian citizenship and legislation Ruth Johnson, child welfare Elizabeth Ball, flower mission and relief Opal Ullman, armed services Lois Jennings, spiritual life and Lois Ziler, publicity. An interesting program plan ned by Mrs. Patterson was pre sented. Interesting articles were given by Mrs. Guiler. Mrs. Ball, Mrs. Heddleson. Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. Jennings and Mrs. Shafer. Light refrehments were served by the hostess. Forest Grove Group Will Meet On Jan. 9 January meeting of the Forest Grove Home Demonstration club will be held at the home of Mil dred Piekenpaugh, Wednesday, Jan. 9. Project for the day will be finishing sewing boxes, mak ing aluminum trays and any other project which has not yet been completed. There will be a sack lunch. December meeting of this club was held at the home of Ethel lams. Following work on their sewing box project, they enjoyed a gift exchange with the follow ing members present: Jeanette Lowers, Mae Gardner, Chloe Long, Mildred Piekenpaugh, Lura Ramage, Etta Burrier, Goldie Foster, Genevieve For aker, Wilma and Jean W*U*r and the hostess. Betrothed MISS MARGARET ICKES Mr. and Mis. Edw. Ickes, of Caldwell, are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Margaret Ann to George Morgar eidge, son of Mrs. Mary Morgar eidge, of Caldwell, and the late Forrest Morgareidge. The bride-elect is a 1955 grad uate of Caldwell high school and is employed ®,. the^office of the Cozier Container Corp. in Cald well. Mr. Morgareidge, a 1951 grad uate of Caldwell high school, is employed at Barnhart's and has served four years in the U. S. Navy. Wedding plans are incomplete, however an early spring wedding is planned. RELIGIOUS MOVIE "Call of the Navajo" a religious movie will be shown at the Cald well Free Methodist church, on Thursday evening, Jan. 3, begin ning at 8:00 o'clock. This movie is in color and the public is invited. er (OATS ALL LADIES' WINTER SLEEP WEAR Grand Installation Held Thursday For New Amazon Chanter Officers Patricia Stevenson, Martha i'atricia Parks Electa Martha McKibben, warder and Maurice Colley, sentinel. Assisting the grand installing officer were installing marshalls. Opal Brumbach and Ruth Evil sizer installing chaplain, Freda Robinson installing conductress, Bernice Semon installing secre tary, Willis Hupp installing warder, Lulu McDonald instal ling sentinel, Willis McDonald and installing organist, Mildred Hickman. The chapter room was decorat ed with Christmas greenery and colored lights with 130 members and guests present including Elizabeth Frisbee of Cumber land, who is the deputy grand matron of the 15th district. Visit ing matrons and patrons were also present from Macksburg, Cumberland and Beverly. During the recession, a med ley of carols was presented by John T. Kirchner, Lawrence Nichols, Byron Steen, Faye Hayes, Mary Secrest, Susabelle McVay and Elsie Kirchner with Nelle Startzman as accompanist. When Mrs. Harper was instal led as worthy matron for the Gray'* JANUARY CLEARANCE Starts Friday, Jan. 4 Real Values At Their Regular Prices Now Exceptional Values At Their Reduced Prices! S A V E to O N A I E S SUITS COATS DRESSES INFANTS' and CHILDREN'S AND SPECIAL GROUP OF LADIES' SKIRTS, SWEATERS AND BLOUSES REDUCED! MANY OTHER ITEMS THROUGHOUT THE STORi INCLUDING LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. GREATLY REDUCED! All Sales Final No Approvals No Exchanges Thursday, January 3,195? Grand installation for new officers of Amazon chapter, No. 3(L rder of Eastern Star, was held Thursday evening at the Masonic lemple with Mrs. Roberta Mindling of Beverly, past grand matron Ohio, as the installing officer. Elective and appointive officers installed at this meeting in Ciuded: Gertrude Harper, worthy matron Walter H. Brown worthv matron Walter H. Brown, worthy patron Rama Steen, •.soeiate matron Byron Steen, ssociate patron Mary Hanes, ecretary Thelma Rice, treas urer Mary Lois Colley, conduct ress Geraldine Martin, associate conductress Helen Harmon, chaplain Jessie Moore, marshall Nelle Startzman, organist Ruth Winberg Ada Lois Kirchner, Kuth Roberta Daugherty, Esth coming year, Mrs. Susabelle Mc Vay favored with the vocal selec tion, "A Prayer For You". A past* matron pin was pre sented to Mrs. Helen Harmon, outgoing officer and a past patron pin to Halleck C. Secrest. Mrs. Harper announced that Willis Hupp would serve as prompter for the year and the pages would be Margaret Brienza, Eleanor Hayes, Joleat Clark and Margaret Archer. Mothers Club Of Belle Valley Meets The December meeting of the Belle Valley Mothers club was recently held in ths gracfe school building with Mils. Josephine Wargo, president in charge. Election of officers for the ensuing year was held with the following being elected: presi dent, Irene DeVolld vice presi dent. Josephine Wargo secre tary, Mary Svercek assistant secretary, Lucy Feldner and treasurer, Carrie Worthington. A delicious pot luck dinner was enjoyed during the social hour and a gift exchange was held. The next meeting will be held Wednesday, January 30 at. 7:30 p. m. in the grade school build ing. Members present were Carrie Worthington, Josephine Wargo, Mary Svercek. Lucy Feldner, Elizabeth Buckey, Irene DeVolld and Margaret McFerren. SN0WSUITS Qray. 313-315 East Main Street Phone 106-M