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Page Six Qomuiq Social £vswi& Mixed Dance The Senior class of Belle Val ley high school is sponsoring a mixed dance Friday evening, March 1 in the school auditorium from 8:00 to 11:30 o'clock. Public invited. Halley's Ridge Grange Halley's Ridge Grange will meet in regular session, Friday eveninjg, Feb. 22 at 8:00 o'clock. A pot luck dinner will be ser ved. All members are urged to attend. Mt. Ephraim W.S.C.S. The W.S.C.S. of the Mtt Eph raim Methodist church will be entertained Thursday afternoon, Feb. 21 in the home of Mrs. Dal las Law with Mrs. Guy Oliver serving as companion hostess. All members are urged to attend. Caldwell P.T.A. The Caldwell P.T.A. will meet Monday afternoon, Feb. 25 at 2:15 p. m. in the grade school cafeteria for the annual Found ers Day program. Mrs. Floyd Henderson will speak on the "United Nations" and the local cub scout pack will be represent ed. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Semon are chairmen of the hospitality committee. All members are urged to attend. Circle NO7 4, ~W.sTc.s7 Circle No. 4 of the W.S.C.S. will hold its regular meeting Tuesday evening, Feb. 2o in the dining room of the Methcdist church. Helen Harmon is the hostess and Evelyn Johnson, the co-hostess. Jackson Grange There will not be a meeting of Jackson grange No. 407 Friday evening, Feb. 22 but it will be held instead on Friday evening, March 8. Lodge To Meet A special communication of Noble Lodge No. 459, F. anx! A. M. will be held Monday evening, Feb. 25 at 7:30 o'clock in the Masonic Temple on Main street. Work will be conferred in the E.A. degree. Sharon Grange Sharon Grange No. nfil will meet in regular session Friday evening, March 1 instead of on the n—'••'•••r if V J, i e 3 1957 automatic washer has built-in lint filter! Filters out fuzz as it washes out dirt—automatically! White Bpecks can't get through to dark socks! Filters full time, too, »ven when water level is low. Two separate speeds—Normal {ives you vigorous agitator Bpeed 'or regular laundry Gentle slows it to a softer, swishing ac tion that protects finer things. Seven automatic rinses, too, yet it uses no more water! Only an RCA WHIRLPOOL is so thorough, yet so gentle: so auto matic, yet BO controllable I Mizpah Class The Mizpah class of the First Methodist church will meet Fri day evening, Feb. 22 at 7:30 o'clock in the church dining room. Host and hostess vill be Mr. and Mrs. Orton Lantz. Ruth Winberg and Helen Pezzopane will conduct the devotional service. Woman's Literary Club The February meeting of the Woman's Literary club will be held at the home of Elsie Kir chner on North street, Tuesday evening, Feb. 26 at 8:00 o'clock. Papers will be presented by Opal Brumbach and Betty Murphy. Mixed Dance There will be a mixed dance at St. Michael's hall, Carlisle, Sat urday evening, Feb. 23. Music will be furnished by the Shen andoah Valley gang and the public is invited. Laurel Grange Laurel Grange No. 1678 will hold their regular meeting on Thursday evening, Feb. 21 at 7:30 p. m. After the meeting, cherry pie and ice cream will be served. To Hold Dance An evening of entertainment and a dance will be held Sun day evening, Feb. 24 at St. Mary's parish hall, Fulda. Music will toe furnished by the Mid night Ramblers. Refreshments will be served by the February group. Sponsor Dance A dance will be held Saturday evening, Feb. 23 at the Golden Plaza in Belle Valley sponsored by the Holy Name Society of the Corpus Christi church. The music will be furnished by Spaid's orchestra. Public invited. Soup Supper The Senior class Qf Cumber land high school is sponsoring a soup supper at the Methodist church, Friday, Feb. 22, begin ning at 5:00 o'clock until 7:30. Worthwhile Class The Worthwhile class of the First Church of Christ will hold their monthly meeting in the church basement Thursday even ing, Frb. 21. rV)-hnrfrrr t.VH: be u if iTeYel 2-speed washer /3v Phone 20 Caldwell a WC Xim 4 The right heat Pictured above are the newly elected of ficers of the Noble' County Dairy and Beef service unit, who were named last Wednesday evening at their annual meeting held in the courthouse. The officers, left to right, first row. are: Albert Hupp, secretary-treasurer George Law rence, president David Beckett, vice president Mr. and Mrs. Jum Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest McKitrick and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dyer. All mem bers are urged to attend. Olive Grange The regular meeting of Olive Grange No. 398 will be held Fri day evening, February 22 at 7:30 o'clock in the grange hall. A literary program will be pre sented by Mrs. Mary Young. Re freshments will be served by the committee. A good attend ance is desired. Plan Party All members of the Noble county Farm Bureau Council are invited to attend a party sponsored by the Farm Bureau Woman's Committee Saturday evening, February 23 at 7:30 nYl.ick in the O'lii W.ti.n':al •A i! g&ASUvS aft lor every fabric Never before has drying been so perfectly controlled. Choose any heat—room temperature to 195° —there are 5 automatic settings. That means every fabric is safe— even delicate synthetics. All clothing comes out softer— towels are actually 34% fluffier —with gentle, tempered breeze. Ultra-Violet lamp helps sanitize clothes, gives them fresh-air sweetness. Big 20-lb. capacity with plenty of speed to keep up with your washer. Handy built in lint screen is easy to clean. New Officers Named For Dairy Service THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO Guard Armory on State Route 285 in Caldwell. Features of the evening will be music, games and refreshments. Each family is asked to bring a pie. Ice cream and coffee will be furnished by the committee. DEATHS Martha Palmer Mrs. Martha Jane Palmer, 77, of Barnesville, died at the Barnes ville General hospital, Thursday morning. A native of Beaver township, she was born Jan. 27, 1880, the daughter of Edmond and Marga et Gallagher. Her husband, Lee Palmer, died last year. Most of her life was spent in the Bates ville community. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Kelly Moore, Bethesda route 1: two brothers one sister eight randchildren several great randchildren and several nieces iid nephews. Funeral services were conduct 's Saturday at 1:30 p. m. from Campbell funeral home with v. Floyd Workman officiating. :rial was made in the Bethel metery. Carrie Wells Mrs. Carrie O. Wells, 70, of Cambridge, formerly of Caldwell, icd at her home Saturday night, olio-wing a brief illness. Born in Noble county, March 1887, she was the daughter of nton and Ann Colter. She was i.trried to Elmer E. Wells in 905. In addition to her husband, she survived by two sons, Bertrum Wells of near Zanesville and )wight Wells of Cambridge three laughters, Mrs. Loree Carleton Ava, Mrs. Isolena Miller of Zanesville and Mrs. Lucille Rossi iT of Canton a sister a brother 1 grandchildren and six great randchildren. Funeral services were held at 0 a. m. Monday at the East Cam ridge Methodist church with u v. James P. Martin officiating. 1 trial was made in the North wood cemetery. Eunice Howiler Mrs. Eunice Howiler, 82, of Caldwell route 3, died early Fri lay morning at her home of a ieart attack. She was a life long resident Noble county. She*had not K'en in ill health and death was unexpected. Born Oct. 9, 1874, she was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ball. She was married to Orange Howiler on Dec. 12, 1894. In addition to her husband, she s survived by a sister, Mrs. Co umbia Hesson of Dexter City and a granddaughter. Miss Ruby Caldwell, of Columbus. Funeral services were held at 2 30 p. m. Sunday from the Mc Vay funeral home with Rev. Walter Brown officiating. Burial was made in the Olive cemetery. Rena Ferguson Mrs. 11. A. (5oiler, Caldwell, has u ceived word of the recent death her aunt, Mrs. Rena Ferguson !., of Huntington Park, Calif, fallowing' a fail. She was the daughter of Leslie arid Sarah Henderson Reed and was born in the Crooked Tree immunity, in Jackson township ier husband, Thomas Ferguson ti ed in 1907. Survivors include one son: two step-sons two sisters-in-law and a number of nieces and nephews Burial was made in Los Ange ics, Calif. Mrs. Ferguson was ister of famous missionary, Miss Mary Reed of Crooked Tree, who devoted her life to the Leper col nics in India. Mrs. Charles A. Lent Mrs. Elia Elizabeth Lent, 81 former Noble county resident died at 8:30 a. m., Sunday, at tne home of her son, James Lent of Bonn. Born in Noble county April 1875, she was a daughter of the late James and Lizzie Gordon Love. She was married to John •'I'xfM second row, Eddie Chandler, executive mem ber Andrew Crum, executive board member and Bill Moore, technician. Wayne Day was also elected as a new di rector on the board to represent Wayne town ship. Other than the above, only routine busi ness was transacted. Armstrong, who is deceased. One son, Harley Armstrong of Mar ietta, survives this marriage She was later married to Char les A. Lent who preceded her in death. Four sons and one daugh ter survive, James Lent, Henry Lent and Harry A. Lent of Whip ple and Otis Lent and Mrs. Edna Ullman of Akron. There are 22 grandchildren and 33 great grand children two sisters survive, Mrs. Jane Wilson of Caldwell and Mrs. Anna Wilson of Woodsfield. Short funeral services wer held at 1 p. m., Tuesday at th Doudna and McClure funeral home with further services at '2 and Vaughn E. Hill of Malta route 1 one brother, Grover Hill of Cumberland one sister, Mrs. Alice Ethell of ChandlersvilU1 route seven grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. HOSPITAL NOTES Marietta Memorial Admitted Feb. 13: Kenneth Smith, Caldwell, Dismissed Feb. 14: Clarence Wagner, Elba route 1. Admitted Feb. 15: Harry Bar low, Elba. Dismissed: Kenneth Smith, Caldwell. Admitted Feb. 17: Mrs. Mary Weppler, Coal Run and Miss June Handahumaker, Lower Salem route 2. St. Francis Admitted Feb. 11: Nelson Crab tree, Summerfield and Wayne Garrett, Caldwell. Admitted Feb. 14: Mary Frye, Caldwell. Admitted Feb. 15: Mary Daw son, Ava and Mrs Jack R. Miley. Sarahsville. Dismissed Feb. 17: Nelson Crab tree, Summerfield. Guernsey Memorial Admitted Feb. .11: Miss Naom Moore, Summerfield. Dismissed Feb. 13: John Lar rick, Caldwell and Minor Wood. Ava. Dismissed Feb. 14: Miss Naoma Moore, Summerfield. Admitted Feb. 16: Anna Mae Lichwarcik, Caldwell. Dismissed: Mrs. Charles Roberts and infant daughter, Cumberland route 2. Bethesda Admitted Feb. 11: Mts. LucilK Jones, Caldwell route 6. Treated and dismissed Feb. 11 Charles Vickers, Cumberlani route 1. Admitted Feb. 12: James Nel son, Reinersville Dismissed: Mrs Edith King, Summerfield anc Mrs. Lucille Jones, Caldwe! route 6. Admitted Feb. 13: Mrs. Bonnie Wickham, Cumberland route 4. Dismissed: James Nelson, Rein ersville. Admitted Feb. 14: William A Reed, Caldwell. Good Samaritan Admitted Feb. 19: Gerald Mill er, Caldwell route 4. BOUND TO GRAND JURY Edmond Poulton, of Summer field route 1, was arrested Sun day by Sheriff Donald Conawa. on an affidavit filed by hi brother, Roy Poulton, v/ho char^ ed him with the tlieft of 30 locu posts. Poulton entered a plea not guilty before JP Leo Cart and was bound over to the gran jury under $150 bond, which failed to furnish. BRONZE GLEANINGS From 2 m. at the Universalist church Burial was made in the Salem township cemetery. Alva W. Hill Funeral services were conduct ed Sunday morning in the Youn Hickory Methodist church, for Alva W. Hill, 73, former resident of Noble county. Rev. John Sutton, pastor of th Renrock Methodist church, offi iated and burial followed in th church cemetery. Mr. Hill passed away Thursday. February 14 »at his home following a lingering illness. The decease* was born April 9,1883 in Center ville, a son of the lates Jesse and Almina Wilkins Hill. Survivors included his widow. Stella of the home three sonj Floyd R. Hill of Reinersville H. Dale Hill of Zanesville route Caldwell Plant, CGB Paul McPeek of Pleasant City route has resigned his position at ho Caldwell plant and will leave n the near future with his family for Tuscon, Arizona, in the in terest of their health. Mr. McPeek has been employed in the blank and flatner operation in the wash ing department. Howard Albrittian, who is em ployed in the tool crib section, has sold his home in Ava and moved his family this week to the Schafer apartments on Main street. Your Ohio National Guard needs men. FRIDAY CHEVROLET FCBD fm mm CHEVROLET FORD FORD CHEVROLET FORD MERCURY 4-Door Station Wagon CHEVROLET CHEVROLET MERCORLF FORD Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Miley of Sarahsville route 1, announce the birth of a nine pound, five ounce daughter on Saturday, February 16 at the St. Francis hospital, Cambridge. Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Rich of Sarahs ville route 1, are the maternal grandparents and Mr. and Mrs. Forest R. Miley of Sarahsville route 1, are the paternal grand parents. Mr. and Mrs, Bernard Ray Johnson, of Canton, are announc ing the recent birth of a eight pound daughter at the Aultman hospital in Canton. The new ar rival has been named Deborah Caldwell Motors, Inc. Ford Mercury USED CAR SALE FEBRUARY 22 FEBRUARY 23 AND OPEN UNTIL 10:00 P. M. 1956 Models MAKE MODEL ENGINE TRANSMISSION 150 2-DoorSedan 6 fairlane 2-Boor Victoria OislofrdiJie 4-Door Sedan Fairlane 2-Boor Sedan Bel Air 4-Door Sedan Fairlane 4-Door Sedan FORD Hainiine 2-Door FORD Customline 4-Door Sedan Pickup Truck 4-Door Sedan 8 CHEVROLET 4-Door Station Wagon Customiine 4-Door Sedan Thursday, February 21, 1957 Look Who's Here! 8 Sedan Fairlane 2-Door Sedan 1954 Models 210 4-Door Sedan 6 Customline 4-Door Sedan Sue. Grandparents are Mrs. Sheila Johnson of Canton, form erly of Caldwell and Mrs. Fidelia Robinson of Canton, formerly of Ava. FOUR PASS TEST Stephen Stanley Doudna, Cald well Patty Lou Reed, Cumber land route 1 Ray Willard Ben nett, Beverly route 1, and James Darryl Dodds, Summerfield, all passed their test and received operator's licenses Monday under the jurisdiction of the state patrol. The new drivers became eligible to apply for operator's license at the office of M. A. Brienza, new registrar. SATURDAY Cylinder 8 8 8 1955 Models Standard cv|inder 8 Cylinder 8 Cylinder 8 1953 Models 210 2-Door Sedsa 6 8 6 8 ALL THESE CARS WILL BE PRICED UNDER N. A. D. A. BOOK PRICES. 15 NEW MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM! "GIL" PATTON—SALES MANAGER *0ON RUTHERFORD Salesman MALCOLM PARKS Salesman "BRICKER" LORI Salesman ART DAVIS Salesman CALDWELL MOTORS, Inc. West Street Phone 84 Caldwell, Ohio Fordomaiic cviindar Fordomatic c*Iindef Overdrive Cylinder Fordomatic Power Glide (v|inder 6 Cylinder 8 Fordomatic Standard cviindw Fordomatic Power Glide (v|inder Fordomatic Cylinder Standard (v|inder Fordgmatic Cylinder Standard Cylinder' Mercomatit 6 1952 Models (viinder Standard cYiindw Fordomatit