Newspaper Page Text
.Page Eight Argyl Vorhies' Feted On Their Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Argyl Vorhies, of Pleasant City route, were pleas antly surprised Sunday after noon. February 17 when a group of friends and relatives gathered for a party in observance of their silver wedding anniversary. The afternoon was spent socially and delicious refresh ments were served. The honored ones were presented with a num ber of nice gifts. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Robert McQuigg and sons, •Stephen and Allan of Mt. Ver sion Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Vor llies and children, Rita, Mary Ann and Johnny of Akron Mr. #nd Mrs. James Vorhies and children, Jimmy, Sammy and Anita of Canton Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Vorhies of Cambridge Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Went worth and children, Carol and Bob of Byesville. Mr. and Mrs. John Fites and children, Edwin, Shirley, Ronald and Bonnie Sue of Atwater Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Babock and children, Cheryl and Gary of Clinton Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hen dricks and children, Debra and Brenda Kay of Greensburg Mr. and Mrs. Roger Williams and children, Gary and Darlene of Byesville Mr. and Mrs. Robert Williams and children, Bobby and Karen Sue of Buffalo Mrs. Martha Williams of Atwater Mrs. Dewey King and son, Junior, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Sponcil and children, Gregory, Terry and Deanna of Summer field. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Vorhies and son, Daniel of Canton Mr. and Mrs. Thad Weyand and sons. Tommy and Thad Eugene of Tal madge Joyce Ann and Timothy Vorhies, Mrs. Mary Ruckman and children, Patty and Richard and Mildred Campbell of Quaker City and the honored ones. Good Neighbors Club Holds February Meeting The Good Neighbors club of the Sharon community met on Thursday, February 14 in the home of Ruth Lawrence. The day was spent in quilt ing and other sewing projects. A delicious pot luck dinner was served at noon. The president, Jean Ramsey, was in charge of the business meeting. Lois Blake received the club prize Martha Parrish, the puzzle'prize and Maggie Shep para, me guest prize, hi tie Ram sey, Alta lams and Jean Ramsey received birthday gifts. Members present were Doris Ramsey, Roberta Bigley, Martha Parrish, Lois Blake, Mabel Wil son, Belle Boyd, Jean Ramsey, Alta lams, Floy Parrish, Phenia Bigley, Pearl Elliott and the hostess. Guests were Mrs. Perley Law rence, Mrs. Carlos Lawrence ant! children, Goldie Foster, Mildred Pickenpaugh, Maggie Sheppard, Nellie Chandler, and Clarice Mendenhall. i! St. Ann's Guild Meets Wednesday in K. Of C. Hail St. Ann's Guild of St. Philo mena's Catholic church held their regular meeting at the K. of C. hall on Main street, Wed nesday evening, February 13. The new president, Mrs. Wil liam Heppner, presided at the meeting. It was decided that the Guild hold a social on March 3 in the church hall. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Donald Johnson, Mrs. Albert Crock, Mrs. Kathryn Womack, Mrs. Ralph Schoeppner, Mrs. Urban Nau and Mrs. Wil liam Nau. Delicious refreshments were served during the social hour and the door prize was won by Mrs. Henry Schott. Those present were Mrs. James Ackley, Mrs. Albert Crock, Mrs. Elizah Crum, Mrs. Pearl Crum, Mrs. William Dimmerling, Mrs. Clarence Estadt, Mrs. William Estadt, Mrs. Helen Ehlermann, Mrs. Ignatz Fox, Mrs. J. L. Hep pner, Mrs. William Heppner, Mrs. Beda Hill. Mrs. Philip Hohrnan, Mrs. John Hupp, Mrs. Adele James, Mrs. Donald Johnson, Mrs. Ver onica Kress, Mrs. Howard Kress, Mrs. Mark Kuhn, Mrs. Lewis Lori, Mrs. Albert Miller, Mrs Eunice Miller, Mrs. Urban Nau, Mrs. Robert Paxton, Mrs. John Riski, Mrs. Henry Schott, Mrs. Robert Schott, Mrs. Paul Schott, Mrs Edwin Snider, Mrs. Lucy Schockling, Mrs. Andrew Shock ling, Mrs. Ralph Schoeppner, Mrs. Carl Saliba, Mrs. Walter Warner, Mrs. Kathryn Womack, Miss Sylvia Venovich and the Guild Advisor, Rev. Fr. Stephen Pekalla. Kathy Whilcomb Feted With Birthday Party Mrs. Robcit Whilcomb enter tained Saturday afternoon, Feb ruary 16 at her home on North street with a party honoring the 9th birthday anniversary of her daughter, Kathy. Mrs. William Semple assisted the hostess. The afternoon was spent in playing games and delightful refreshments were served in keeping with the St. Valentine Day theme. Those present were Becky Fuchs, Mary and Judy Wikand er, Keitha and Connie Reed, Dee Brown, Kathy Estadt, Cindy Mil ler, Margaret, Roberta and Christine Semple, and the hon ored one. The honored one was the recipient of a number of nice Jiifts inducing gifts from Becky Milligan, Sharon Wikander and Sue Brown who were unable to attend. Iwaturcd in your jurorilc niagticities .... featured at y Qray, 1513 315 Main Street Caldwell, Ohio Comfortable igunng, smooth imes with the gentle control of Ol bkippies Jormlit .Ml case, no squeeze! Skippies give you a naturallv smooth figure with the feather-light, coaxing control oi gentlest ela-tir. Skippies Panlie No. 815 ia made of long wcaung nylon elastic net. '1 he satin elastic front panel gives an extra measure o[ slimming. The inch waistband nips your waist. White. S.M.L. (Aim a, lilable as Girdle No. 915.) Shown with ''Romance" Bra No. "Nylo-Braid" cireie-stilched cups give uplift that lasts the life of the bra. Easy to launder cotton broadcloth. White. '40 A to -iftr I /-*v 4.£v V 8 U\ 00 $2 Six Months Old SUSAN'HUPP Susan Hupp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hupp, of Cald well route 4, was six months old, January 28. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Hupp, Caldwell route 4, and Mr. and Mrs. James Zwick, of Lewisville route 1. N. I. Burk hart, of Lewisville, is the mater nal great grandfather. Ava W. C. T. U. Meets In Helen Boley Home Mrs. Helen Boley was hostess to the Ava W.C.T.U. Friday evening, February 15 with 28 members being in attendance. The meeting opened with group singing followed by pray er by Ila Dunlap and Rev. Wil liam Foster. Rev. and Mrs. Foster were guests for the evening. Mary Wood was in charge of the devotional service. Evelyn Ray ner and Lela Davis were in charge of the program. A short business session was conducted by the president, Mar garet Clark. Interesting reports were given from the Union Signal. Readings were given by Gladys Dudley, Betty Rayner and Helen Boley. The meeting was closed by Laura Foster. Group singing and contests were enjoyed during the social hour. The prizes were won by Gladys Dudley and Elizabeth Clark. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess as sisted by Lela Davis, Rebecca and Elizabeth Clark. The next meeting will be held Thursday evening, March 14 in the home of Peggy Clark at Pleasant City. Dexter City legion Auxiliary Meets The regular meeting of Amer ican Legion Auxiliary Unit 418 of Dexter City, was held Tues day evening in the leigion hall with the president, Mrs. C. C. Wdbber in charge. Plans1 were made for attending the midwinter conference to be In Id in Columbus on February 2A The group voted a contribu tion to the American Red Cross iid also to send a representa tive to Girl's State. An interesting Americanism ogram was presented by the chairman, Mrs. Glenna Warren. A short legislative program was il.o presented by several mem bers. At the close of the meeting refreshments were served by the hospitality committee. Mrs. Groves Hostess To Ragan's Chapel W. S. C. S. Mis. Mattie Groves entertain ed the Ragan's Chapel W.S.C.S. Wednesday evening, February 13 at her home in Caldwell. Mrs. Hazel Dudley read the i ripture lesson. Margaret Hig ins and Esther Secrest presented the program which consisted of a monalogue entitled "What Shall I Send?" Following the business session, dainty refreshments were served I.v Mrs. Rama Steen, assisted by !V! iss Lois Dudley, to eight mem bers and three guests. Dorothy Perkins Hostess To Club The Jolly Good Neighbors club of Ava met Wednesday, February 1 in the home of Mrs. Dorothy Perkins with 15 members and children in attendance. Sewing was the project for the day and a delicious pot luck lunch was served. Contests were enjoyed during the afternoon. Contest prizes were awarded to K'.aye Rayner and Lela Stiers. Lela Davis received the door prize. The meeting opened with the scripture reading by Lela Davis. The next meeting of the group will be held March 13 in the home of Grace Bond. Homebuilders Class Meets In Church Room The Homebuilders class of the First Methodist church met Mon day evening, February 18 in the church dining room. Hosts and hostesses for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Hal leek Secrest and Mr. and Mrs. John Sham hart. A covered dish dinner was enjoyed at 6:30 o'clock followed i»y the business meeting which v as conducted by the president Airs. Etta Davis. Mrs. Ira Smith hd the worship service. Sudv Riehcreek and Sally Hill rend ered a vocal duet with Mrs Davis at the piano. Pboto Developing —Gillespie's THE JOURNAL, Frances Willard Tea Held In Jennings Home Friday, February 15 Arrangements oi Snapdragons and white mums formed the decorations at the annual Cald well W.C.T.U. Frances Willard Tea, Friday afternoon, February 15 in the home of Mrs. Lois Jen nings, East street. There were 30 members and guests in attendances. The presifiLeot^ Mrs. Ola Shaf er, was jjx..phange of the meet ing which, opened with group singing with Mrs, Susabelle Mc Vay at the piano. Mrs. Opal Ull rnan was leader of the worship service and Mrs. Martha Gaugler presented the program. Mrs. Billa Patterson introduced the following new members: Mrs. Jessie Elliott, Mrs. Norma Mil ler, Mrs. Goldie Brown and Mrs. Marie Mason. The new members were wel comed by the president who also ntroduced the Noble county Union president, Mrs. Margaret Clark. An interesting article was presented by Mrs. Iva Guiler, followed by a report of 27 white ibbon recruits by Miss Effie Warren, Noble county welfare director. The closing prayer was led by Mrs. Guiler. Mrs. Jessie Young presided at the refreshment table of lovely appointments. At the close of the tea, Miss Lillian Harkins favored with a number of piano selec tions. Those present in addition to the above mentioned were: Edna Racey, Nora Clark, Lois Ziler, Anna Cleary, Lucy Jennings, Adeline McKee, Roberta Cleary, Mattie Groves, Winnie Johnson, Minnie Heddleson, Bertha UU man, Kathryn Merry, Mary Dyer and guests, Velara Hutcheson of Dexter City and Mrs. Faye Ray ner of Ava. Enoch Farm Bureau ouncil Meeting Held The Enoch Farm Bureau coun cil met Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schockling, Caldwell route. A brief business meeting was conducted after which delicious refreshments were served by the host and hostess. Those present included Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Crum and daughters, Connie and Donna, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dimmerling and sons, Jimmie, Norman, Chuckie and David, Mr. and ilrs. Terrance Hohman and son, Her man, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Crum, Billie, Mary Alice and Bobbie Schockling and the host and hostess. Contests during the social hour were won by Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Crum and Andrew Crum. Plans were made to hold the next meeting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Crum. Narcissus Club Enjoys Luncheon Thursday ili'i, Katheryn Merry and Mrs. Betty Murphy entertained the Narcissus club members at a delightful luncheon at the form er's home on West street, Thurs day. A short business meeting was conducted toy the president. Marion Robey. Games and read ngs in keeping with the day followed. Members and guests enjoying the occasion were Winnie John son, Zoe Harris, Mary Secrest, Hope Webster, Jo Freestone, Freda Robinson., Evelyn John son, Mary Tipton, Mary Okey, Elsie Kirchner, Jessie Young, Natalie Dahood, Gertrude Har per, Mildred Zimmerman, Flor ence Archer, Marion Robey, Vivian Davis, Minnie Heddleson, Ada Johnson and Wava McVay. Year after year... CALDWWT.T., REGULARLY SOLD FOR *59" Once again drastically reduced to OHIO Qawuud Sacisdjy O N 9 8 Martha Washington Class Meeting Held In C. C. Webber Home The Martha Washington class of the Dexter City Methodist church met recently in the home of Mrs. C. C. Webber with Mrs. Walter H. Brown serving as com panion hostess. The meeting opened with the scripture reading foHowed by prayer by Mrs. Brown. After a short business session, games and contests were enjoyed. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses to the following members: Mrs. H. Danford, Mrs. Loren Hutcheson, Mrs. Clifford Misel, Mrs. Nelle Headley, Mrs. Nola Clymer, Mi's. Ila Clymer, Mrs. W. E Bonar, Mrs. Chester Batten, Mrs. Harry Hutcheson, Miss Eileen Hutcheson, Mrs. Harry Long and one guest, Miss Marlene Misel. Annual Cub Scout Banquet Enjoyed Members of Cu,b Scout Pack &4 of Caldwell and their families enjoyed tl?e annual Blue and Gold banquet Thursday evening, February 14 in the basement of the First Church of Christ. There were 80 in attendance. Merle Barnhart, Cub Master, presided at the meeting at which time a film on Cub Scouting was shown. There are three dens, and each displayed articles made in the past month. Den mothers are Mesdames Twila Ball, Janice Brandon and Evelyn Johnson. Bobcat badges were presented to David Robinson, Danny Bates, Bobby Paxton and Donnie Moore. The Cub Scouts also attended church this past Sunday morn ing at the First Church of Christ in a group. Free Methodist W. M. S. Holds February Meeting The W.M.S. of the Free Meth odist church in Caldwell held their February meeting Thursday evening in the church sanctuary with the president, Mrs. Lois Jennings, presiding. There were 30 members in attendance. The scripture reading was given by Mys. Lavonna Mer ritt. Interesting reports were given by Bessie Wharton, Rosa Bates, Clara DeVolld and Ruth Pickenpaugh. Articles were read by Rev. James L. Mason, Myron Pickenpaugh, Mrs. Eileen Bates, and Mrs. Margaret Grimes. An interesting quiz was conducted with all participating. Birthday Celebrants Feted With Dinner Mrs. Ch :i!es Paulus, of Mc Connelsville, entertained Sun day, February 10 -with a turkey dinner. Covers were arranged for the following. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Schott of Caldwell route 4 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Paulus and daughter, Charlene of McC« n nelsville Mr. and Mrs. Harold Heppner and children, Teddy and Karen of Louisville Mr. and Mrs. Paul Burkhart of Colum bus Vernon Schott of Canton and Miss Norma Jean Schott of Caldwell. The dinner was in honor of the birthday anniversaries of Mrs. Schott and Mrs. Burkhart. MRS. AMERICA CONTEST Paul G. Bushong, Ohio Fuel Gas Co., Zanesville district, dis tributed Mrs. America conti entry blanks in Caldwell, Wed nesday, Feb. 13. Information con cerning the contest and entry blanks can be obtained from loc:d appliance dealers and at the Per mian Oil & Gas Co. office, We: street. Classified* Pny THrlrtrnfl* Imagine saving nearly $20 on the regular year-round price of a famous Sealy Natural Rest! It's button-free ... no buttons, no bumps, no lumps! You can't buy a finer quality, more luxuriously comfortable mat Iress for the money! TESTED FOR 10 YEARS USE & ~X3 V Guartsrtted b* .Good Houi«k'*pi»g By American Standards Testing Bureau, Inc. MURPHY'S FURNITURE 301-305 Main Street Phone 128 Wed 54 Years v? "./A M§r 1 A djbf jJflF K MR. & MRS ORANGE MOORE Mr. and Mrs. Orange Moore, of the Ava community, will quietly observe their 54th wed ding anniversary Monday, Feb ruary 25 at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Charles Stiers in Hiramsburg. The couple was married in 1903 at Caldwell by Rev. Ross, pastor of the First Methodist church. They have been making their home with their only •daughter, Mrs. Stiers, during the winter months." They have one granddaughter, Mrs. Robert Clark of near 'Ava and one great grandson, Chuckie Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Moore have lived their entire lives in the Ava community where in Mr. Moore's early life he was a carpenter and contractor. In 1925 Mr. Moore was employed by the Ava Brick Company where he retired last August with 32 years of service. M.N.O. Bridge Club Plays Tuesday Evening Mrs. Robert Searle enter tained the M.N.O. Bridge club Tuesday evening, February 19 at her home in Bronze Heights. An evening of bridge was enjoyed with Mrs. Clarence Estadt and Mrs. Jack Ferrell winning the club prizes. Mrs. Ferrell was presented with a nice gift from the club. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess to the following members: Mrs. Joseph Giallombardo, Mrs. Gordon Wood, Mrs. Robert Lorenz, Mrs. Clarence Estadt, Mrs. Jack Fer rell and guests, Mrs. Verne Kalan, Mrs. Kenneth Leighton and Mrs. Robert Vogel. IN HOSPITAL Willjam Reed was removed from his heme on Caldwell route 3, Thursday afternoon, Feb. 14 and was taken to the Bethesda hospital, Zanesville for observa tion and treatment. The trip was made in the McVay ambulance. i (P&Ji&Qifwl Wjwtwn Mrs. C. J. Mendenhall, of Can ton, spent the past week in the homps of her daughters, Mrs. Lamar Dowling and Mrs. Law rence Davis, south of Caldwell. Lawrence Davis was recently dismissed from University hos pital, Columbus, where he was under observation and received treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Gray spent Tuesday of this week in Pitts burgh. Pa., in the interest of buying new stock for their store on Main street. Mrs. Margaret Pryor, Mrs. Belva Landaker, Mrs. Beulah Pryor, Mrs. Lottie Blake ^nd Mrs. Eleanora Rubel assist eo Mrs. Goldie Baker with an all day quilting last Friday at her home in South Olive. Mrs. Etta Jane Colley, of Mt. Vernon, visited Sunday with Mrs. Lillian Colley and daugh ter, Karen, of West street. Recent guests at the home of Sarah and Lydia Gant on East street were Mr. and Mrs. Char les Gildow of Elba Mr. and Mrs. William Johns and Mrs. Angie Johns of Summerfield route Clyde Still of Caldwell route and Joan Gant and son, of Sar ahsville route. Rev. and Mrs. Hiett and Inez Perkins, of Ava, and Jess John son of Maple Heights, visited Tuesday evening with Mrs. Elida Gill of Caldwell route. Rev. Roy Wikander, of Caldwell, was also a recent visitor at the Gill home. Kathryn Dutton Danford, of the Marinella Beauty shop, at tended the annual trade exhibit and hair fashion show at Colum bus, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Longfellow and children, of near Dudley, were Sunday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Sanford and family, of West street. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Osborne, of Zanesville, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Ruck er, of Hillerest. Amazon Chapter No. 30, 0. E. S. Meets.Tuesday Amazon Chapter No. 30, Order of Eastern Star met in regular session Tuesday evening, Feb ruary 19 in the Masonic Temple on JVlain street. Mrs. Gertrude Harper, worthy matron, presided at the meeting. The chapter inspection was an nounced for April 24. The char ter was draped for Adah Con ner, a deceased past matron and life member. At the close of the meeting refreshments were served. The committee was composed of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Beyer, Mrs. Opal Brumbach, Mrs. Jessie Blake, Mrs. Margaret Brienza, Mrs. Phyllis Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown and Mrs. Virginia B.iker. Phone 58 North Street clock and appliance outlet ate optional at a slight extra colt) Appliance Center Thursday, February 21, 1957 Mrs. Elizabeth Kelly, of Can ton, was a guest the past week in the home of Dr. and Mrs. N. S. Reed, Miller street. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde L. Crunt and family, of Berne, were Sat urday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Sanford and family of West street. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Davis, of Caldwell route, visited Tuesday in Cambridge. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Grimes and Mrs. G. T. Jennings, of- Cald well, visited Monday in "Zanes ville. dfjaffipij. Sihiliday Tuesday, February 19 Robert Reed, Jum Clark. Wednesday, February 20 Donna Jean and Donald Dim merling (twins), Euclid Bishop, Durban Hague, Ida Washington. Thursday, February 21 Edgar B. Wheeler, Jerry Pat ton, John Christopher, E. E. Ullman, Mrs. Clara Crock, Mrs. Nellie Lashley, Edna McKee, Elijah Danford, Edna Brown. Friday, February 22 George Washington, Lillian McCune, Marvin Wood, George Christopher, Mary Belford Okey, Carol Miller, Lela Howland. Saturday, February 23 Frank Bates, Joe F. Giallom bardo, Paul G. McGlashan. Sunday, February 24 Marilyn Gessel, Kenneth Van Fossen, David Rich, Stanley Maz gay, Kenneth VanFossen. Monday, February 25 Carol Webb. Tuesday, February 26 Marie Poling, Mrs. Robert Smith, Homer Jerles, Inez Han num, Mae Whealdon, Gerald H. Ramage, High Carter. Wednesday, February 27 Robert Wheeler, Gerald Mil ler, Mrs. Joyce Smith, Beth Wood, Lawrence Nichols, Norma Carter, Pearly Snyder. Thursday, February 28 Anson Fry, Jean Miller, Ralph Hick's. Freda Tilton. Saturday, March 2 Anna West, Ellen Douglass, Harry Miley, Helen Croy. MARRIAGE PERMIT Noble County Probate Judge Earl P. McGinnis reported today that one marriage permit was is sued in that court last week. It was issued to George Pryor Mor gareidge, 24, of Caldwell, laborer, and Margaret Ann Ickes, 20, Cald well, office worker. AMBULANCE TRIP Mary L. Dawson was removed from her home in Ava to the St. Francis hospital, Cambridge, Friday, February 15 for observa tion and treatment. The trip was made in the McVay ambulance. I ra n N EW- ing S y I i n A a z N E W e a u e s •. 1 The Tappaii 'Seventy denies It's brand new—just arrived—this glamorous 1956 Tappan! You'll be thrilled with its smartly Styled appearance, and proud of the fine meals It makes so easy to prepare! Don't wait any longer, see and buy a great new 1956 Tappan n o w I With Old Kan«e Trade-In $139.95 THIS WEEK SPECIAL Used Automatic E WASHER $59.95 I scd Gas and Electric Ranges. Good Selection of Used Refrigerators. Used TV Sets ... All Makes. Used Washers Auto matic and Conventional.