Newspaper Page Text
Page Four—B "r Summerfield— John E. Henderson Will Speafc At Annua! Memorial Day Services Final arrangements are beinglrish was present. Mr.s. Clifford made for the annual Memorial I Parrish, juvenile deputy master Day services which will be hold I was also in attendance. at the Eastern cemetery in Sum-I Mr. and Mrs. Guy Moore were merfield, Thursdav. May 30. The I in charge of refreshments. Gwirge parade will leave the Legion hall I and Burt Measure were candidates at 10:30 a. m. The program at the| for first degree work. cemetery will begin at 10:45 a. m. with Congressman John E. Hen derson delivering the Memorial| Day message. Senior Trip The senior class left for Park-I Sevvrai persons from this com munity attended the Armed I Forces Day program held Sun day nt the Noble countv fair-1 ground. Class Meeting The Sunshine Sunday School I elass will meet Tuesday evening, May 28 at 7:30 at the home oi Mrs. Edna Truax, with Garnet Bach as co-hostess. Purchase Property Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Atkinsonl have bought the Ralph Hannahs) property and will move there by the first of June. Mr. and Mrs. Hannahs and son, Charles, will I move to Circleville to make their| home. EMS. G™dv. Philpot and Elmerl Christman entertained their priI mary classes with a picnic on the school grounds this past week. District Convention Those who attended the District home demonstration convention in Marietta Thursday were Emily Havener, Leone Garrett and Cath erine Dysert. Secures Employment Clayton VanFossen leil this. _. past week for Shadvside, where| Marquis in Sharon. Luther Robinson he has secured employment. Entertain Guests Mrs. De lores Orem and children of Akron: Mrs. Earl Treadway and Martha White of Canton and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Oliver of Cald well visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. William Oliver. Sr., and attended Commencement exer cises Thursday evening. School Picnic Mrs. Dama Reed, teacher of the fifth and sixth grades, entertain ed the children with a picnic Mon day at Seneca Lake Church Notes Mrs. Helen Smith was in charge the Frty Methodist church ser vices Sunday evening in the ab sonce of her husband, Rev. Paul Smith, who was conducting evangelistic services at the Perry opolis Five Methodist church. Undergoes Surgery Ronald Bates underwent minor surgery for the removal of his tonsils Wednesday in the Guern sey Memorial hospital, Cam bridge. Sunday Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Ross Watson en tertained with a dinner Sunday. Covers were arranged for Mrs. Olive LaFollette, Mrs. Jennie Watson and Mr. and Mrs. William IIopps, all of Pleasant City route. Grange Meeting Summerfield Grange No. 2073 met Saturday with Master Ruby Heft in charge. Carlisle grange members were present as guests and put on the first degree work Edwin Crum gave an interesting talk. Deputy Master Clifford Par Select Your Herd Sires From the Great Bulls 4t COBA These outstanding bulls have proved their ability to sire daughters that are heavy milkers. And, they are the kind you'll be proud to look at. For Service Call: CALDWELL 273 GmuM£F tkieibiua Office Noble County Dairy & Beef Service Co-op Farmer-Owned and Operated Affiliated with the— Ontral Ohio Breeding Association Missionary Convention Rev. Paul Smith, pastor of the Free Methodist church and Smith, are in charge of an "Area Missionary Convention" whicb was held at the Sarahsvillc er^burg W Va„ Sunday where I church. The program was held left for Washington. D. C. on their annual trip. They will also visit points of interest in New York City. They were escorted by[ Supt. and Mrs. Ward Bishop. Returned Home C. A Atkinson, who has been| a patient the Guernsey Mem orial hospital, Cambridge, was dismissed to his home Wednesday.| He is somewhat improved. Attend Program tion was conducted by Mrs. Paul ine Jones, of Zanesville, district president. Miss Betty Cox, miss ionary of Congo Africa, was th main speaker. Special music wa: furnished by Helen Smith, pian ist. Dinner was served in the Sar ahsville high school to approxi mately 45 persons. Several p?i sons from th? Summertield com munity attended the convention. Recent Guests Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weisend and children of Lewisville, visited Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Bircher. Visits Mother Mrs. Bernard VanDyne of Cam bridge, visited Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Offa Bishop. In Dover Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Weaver visited Wednesday and Thursday with Mrs. Etta Osborne in Dover. Saturday Shoppers Mildred and Ronald Hannum were among the shoppers Satur day in Barnesville. Attend Funeral Mr. and Mrs. Claude York, Mr. and Mrs. Purel Truax and sons, Mr' and„MrJ ?olfrt Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guiler were business callers Wednesday in]||rf)nu McNUT' Zanesville.' Mrs. Ida Hartshorn visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Holschuh, of near Stafford. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guiler and daughter, Gloria, and son, Carl, were shopping Saturday in Cam bridge. Evang. and Mrs. McKinley ites visited Saturday with Flo| Smith and son, Walter. Mrs. Lcla Roe and son, Dean,] Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Betts of itesville visited .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hardcsty Zanesville and Mr. and Mrs. K nald Young of Roseville visited er the weekend with Mrs. Hazel Dtiley. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Freetage West Lafayette visited over the u eekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jo ph Carpenter. William Lythe and family of Zanesville called on Mr. and Mrs. Chester Thomas this past week nd. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Carpenter •isited with Mr. and Mrs. |tobert Norris and Mr. and Mrs. Mc&in y Norris, Friday. Mrs. Joseph Carpenter is visit ig this week with Mr. and Mrs Eugene Freetage of West Lafa yette. See The Journal for (Quality Printing. C0LLEY INSURANCE 409 West S*re«t Phone 125 Cc(dwell, Ohio Class Processional Invocation Music Johnson and sons, attended funeral services sons, attended funeral services Sunday in Bellsville, for Mr. Xl vin Staueh. Personals Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Weaver were business callers Saturday in Caldwell. Mrs. Roma Jean Wharton, Mrs. Ruby Leasure and Mrs. Agatha Lou Hannahs and sons, spent one day last week with Mrs. Blanche of Millers- burg, Ralph Doan and Ralph Reed of Akron, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Zeter Hanes, and were accompanied home by their wives, who had spent the week at the Hanes home. Presentation of Class Presentation of Diplomas Benediction Class Recessional ORC.WIST CLYDE II. LARRICK ROBERT BIRD Mr. and Mrs. William Guiler and daughter of Caldwell, visited (LESLIE O. CARPENTER Monday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guiler. lELl.EN HANNON Mrs. Blanche Christy and dau-. vmvwnu ghter, of Bellaire Mrs. Frieda lhlLEbN Hincs and two grandchildren of|ciLADYS SPEER Graysville, were dinner guests Saturday, with Mrs. Ida Hart shorn. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Bircher visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Clive Brague and|Qrgan Prelude son, Norman, in Byesville. I Mr. Flode Yost left Saturday| Processional lor a three weeks visit with his_ sister, Mrs. Ella Moore and fam-|"*vacaWQn ily in Indiana. MONKUl' Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Meek and! Solo—"The Lord's Prayer" son. Duane, of Senecaville, visited!^ Sunday afternoon with Mr. andl Scripture Mrs. Charles Meek. Mrs. Geraldine Hannahs visiting in Circleville this week.1 Mrs. Dew-.r,y Mathers and son,| Carl, of Cambridge, visited Wed nesday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob| Mathers and attended the Com mi ncement exercises Thursday] evening. itev. and Mrs. Lowell Kiger re visiting in Marietta, Mon-| day. iivang. and Mrs. McKinley Hates were shopping in Barnes ille, Monday. [Organ Solo Sermon Organ Postlude OWJANIST Sixtieth Annua! fommswc&mwt £xjVurid&A Cumberland-Spencer High School Wednesday, Mciy 29,1957 High School Auditorium O A 'ML' AMI CIRCUMSTANCE" •Rr Salutatory Music Salutatory Music Valedictoiy ON T11 K SWEET MMSA K' I I K I A S 1 A FTH."."0ATTOJS" MOT THE SUNSBT, BUT THE DAWN IloHRM! (Una-" from Bailee's Opera WE ENTER A Presentation of Speaker Class Address JOHN RAYMOND HIJHX -CLASS MOTTO "TOUAY AU-ENGING WORLD" FACULTY llivrokY (Bcua&daivuiaie SsAoks Sunday, May 26, 1957 8:00 P. M. Buffalo Presbyterian Church Cumberland, Ohio "SONATA IN U MINOR" Solo—"The Holy City" [Benediction Recessional— I A tA THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO Walter Craft The Reverend Mert Conrad Mixed Chorusl Eloise Wattsl Jea*n Roberts and Joseph Rosmanl Joanne Hicklel Walter Craftl Norma Halll Mr. Clyde Larrickl The Reverend Reinhard Wobus DON 'T SETTLE FOR LESS" CLASS ROLL (JliOJWJE PHILLIP HARNETT DANA STRAHL BATES ELIZABETH ANN BETHEL CAROLE SUE COGAR DAVID EMERSON DOZER ALICE FAYE DUDLEY BRADDY LYNN EIBEL NORMA JEAN HALL EVA JOANNE HICKLK W'K FOLLOW TOMORROW WK LI AD" CLASS COLORS RED AND WHITK CLASS FLOWER RKI» AMI WHITE VARIEGATED CAR\ VIH Mr. Clyde Larrick Paul Kackley I ^odney,' Dr. J. J. Smith Walter Craft WALTER CRAFT JERRY LEROY MOORE KENNETH LEROY MOORE THOMAS FINLEY REVENNAUGH M*RON NOLAN RHINEHART, Jr. CAROL JEAN ROBERTS JOSEPH THOMAS ROSMAN LONNIE REX STEPHEN JUDITH CLAIRE WALTERS DOROTHY KLOISF \V\TTS EXECUTIVE HEAD PUYU s AND INDUSTRIAL ARTS MUSIC MATHEMATICS, GENERAL SCIENCE, AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION EM UH. LATIN, SPEECH, BIOLOGY AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION AMERICAN GOVERNMENT, SCIENCE AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION O E E O N O I S A N E N I S GNNRRAPHY, SCIENCE, AND COMMFRCIM. Dr. J. J. Smith 1 'KK^RVWRI A 111 u Cumberland, Oh Robert Bit ..... liorma Alexander Guilmant Rev. Mert Conr: METHODIST CHURCH, Cumberland, O Jean Robei Dr. J. J. Smi WALTER CR M- VSHERETl I S HOLLENBECK LLHJEN JUNIOR MARSHALS KACKI SHIRLEY MOORE KAY BLACK Baseball Equipment Gloves Bats Balls Fishing Equipment Tackle Boxes Minnow Buckets Rods—Reels Lines—Plugs Flatfish—Bait Hooks—Nets Paints 3nd Supplies Vqrnish Kpmovep Penetro) Galv-a-grip Fobulon Reducer CORNER HARDWARE TIPTON'S Main and Cumberland Streets Caldwell, Ohio Elba ELBA mr. and Mrs. Paul Goodwill, of Marietta, were Sat urday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Goodwill. Mrs. Anna Starling and Mrs. Clara Hesson, of Ashland, spent the weekend with their brother, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ogle. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Wsye borowski, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Still and Mrs. Emma Derwiis, of Mingo Junction, were Sunday callers of Clara Reed. Clara Reed was in Caldwell, Wednesday. Ethel Hendershot, o£ Whipple, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Goodwill. Pearl Goodwill, Betty Jo Good will, Clara Reed, Darrel Good will attended church at Pleasant Ridge, Sunday evening. Clara Reed was a recent visit or of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Fore man at Crooked Tree. Macksburg MACKSBURG Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Char les Lewis and family were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pennock and brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pennock, Cheryl, Bobby and Pamela, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pennock, Donna and M£-JMrs- Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wharton |of Burgettstown, Pa., called on Sunday at the home of Mrs. Mary Hesson. Mrs. Thomas Fickel returned to her home at Logan after spending a few days at T. J. (Hunter home. Born to Mr. and Mrs. David jMackie a daughter, May 19, name Linda Lou. Mrs. Cora Longfellow and Ella Walters and Mrs. Jessie Krapps were Caldwell visitors on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wheel er and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill and children, of Mari etta, were Sunday dinner guests it thr hnrrr nf Mr- FHn WnHr- 40 9" ROUND 8 9" COLORED CUT RITE CHOICE CHUCK Pleasant- City Francis Pennock, Dobbie and Donnie and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Pennock, Brenda, Kathy and Michael also Mrs. William Blackford and Rodney, all of near Beverly. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lewis pent Sunday with their daugh ter, Mrs. Wehrle Leget, of Wat ertown. Miss Lillian Kerr, of Parkers burg, spent Monday with Mrs. Nelle Kean. Mrs. Virginia Schoeppner, Judy and Jean and Donald Bridgeman were Sunday even ing callers at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rhodes of near Lower Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis, David and Roger and Gerald spent Sunday evening with his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Combs and family of near Sharon. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Bates, of High Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Wood row Periy and family, of Colum bus, and Mr. and Mrs. John Bates, Jr., and Jackie of Quaker iCity, were the weekend visitors rat the John Bates Sr. home. Young Adult Methodist Class Enjoys Dinner Party A! Andrews Restaurant The Young Adult Methodist Sunday school class held a ban quet Saturday evening at the Andrew's restaurant, west of Cambridge. Following a seven o'clock dinner, a program and social time was enjoyed with Mrs. Mona Eddy, Miss Betty Mi ley and Mrs. Edna Bond in charge. Contest prize winners were Duane Williams, Rev. Paul Mus tard, William and Edna Bond, Galen and Alveretta Teel. Those present besides above mentioned were Robert Eddy, Eileen Williams, Frances Mus tard, Dale and Rena Buckey, Edna Gress, James and Charlotte Secrest, Hubert and Audrey Bayly, Dale and Carol Williams, Wayne and Sonnie Huff, Francis and Patty LaFollette, Max and Patty Schafer and Donna Elling er. Attend Meeting Orville Tilton, of Byesville, Dalton Secrest and George Ontko attended the Aladdin Shrine spring ceremonial service at Zanesville, Saturday. Club Meeting Mrs. Jean Crow was hostess to members of the Mt. Zion Homemakers club at her home on route 2, Thursday. The presi dent, Mrs. Crow conducted the business, hour. Cora Nicholson was devotional leader, reading the fourth chapter of Solomon, closing with all repeating Lord's Prayer. Ruby Secrest was in charge of the contests with prizes, being won by Mary Cale and Mrs. Nicholson. At noon a cafeteria dinner was enjoyed. The afternoon was spent in mak ing chenille flowers with Mrs. Minnie Secrest instructor. Those present were Florence Larrick, Mary Cale, Helen Sec rest, Ida Bailey, Helen Miley, Dungannon DUNG ANN ON Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Kearns visited the latter's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mc Bride of Summerfield, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mincks are moving from the Jim Mincks house to the Ward property at Lowell. Mrs. Buth Stewart attended grange at Keithtown, Thursday night. Mrs. Lillian Jordan and sister, Mrs. Cora Antill, of South Olive, spent Tuesday at the Jordan home. Mrs. Ruth Stewart was shop ping at Marietta, Thursday. Mrs. Kermit Border and Mrs Mary Jordan were Caldwell visi tors, Thursday. Miss Nora Hughes spent Thursday evening with her cou sin, Vernie Stewart. Mrs. Ruth Stewart attended the quilting at the home of Opal Owens and Ellen Gray. l'lioto DevHojunn PAPER PLATES- 49c PLATES WAX PAPER 25' ROAST RED tj WHITE Salad Mustard -19 RED & WHITE CALDWELL, OHIO lf-pie s 15 Pkg. 33c Lb Ruby Secrest, Norene Hively, Clara Cunningham, Minnie Sec rest, Harriett Riggle, hostess and sons, Danny and Bobby. Mrs. Strauch of Byesville, was a guest. Personal Mr. and Mrs. Rex Moore, of Mt. Ephraim, Mr. Robert Petti bone, of Buffalo, N. Y., and his aunt, of Lowell, visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Miley and daughter, Betty Jean. Mrs. Freda Secrest left Mon day for Columbus, where she will make her future home. Mr. Robert Ellison and ne phew, Fred, of Canton, spent the'weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Galen Ellison. Miss Helen Nicholson, student at Ohio University, Athens, visit ed over the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nicholson. Mrs. Mona Eddy and Mrs. Patty Schafer were Cambridge shoppers, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Secrest called on Mrs. Mary Latchic and son, John, at Cambridge, Sunday afternoon. Gary Harper, of U. S. Navy, Bainsbridge, Md., spent the week end with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Watkins. Mrs. Donna Ellinger and hus band, of Canton, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eddy and son. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Shriver left early Sunday morning for Tuscon, Arizona, where they will visit their son, Dale and wife. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Byron Marquis, of Caldwell. Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Williams and Mrs. Mary Groves were Mr. and Mrs. Homer Williams and children and Mrs. Bertha Mal leree of Byesville, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Malleree, of Columbus, Howard Williams, Redding, Cali fornia, Mr. and Mrs. James Hive ly and daughter, Carol, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Secrest, Mrs. Har riett Riggle, Mrs. Mary Church, Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Bond and family, Mrs. Susie Secrest and Mr. Dwight Davis, of Pleasant City route. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bayly and children, of Columbus, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bayly and son, Merlin LOW PltlCES START MARQUIS' PICNIC SUPPLIES UALOltE 18 DIVIDED SQUARE PLATES 75 WAXTEX 5-lb. BAG 100°o PURE RED & WHITE Thursday, May 23, 1057 Sharon SHARON anaron grange met in regular session Friday evening with a nice program and business session. Church Notes Presbyterian Sunday school will meet at 10:30 followed by worship service with Rev. Palm er Manson preaching his final sermon before leaving for his new work in Bradford, Penn sylvania. The M.Y.F. will meet at the Methodist church at 7:00 p. m. Doris Ramsey, counselor. Wor ship service at 7:45 with Rev. Ola Teters bringing the message. Attend Funeral Among those from a distance attending the funeral service for Mrs. Beulah Marquis on Sunday were Wayne Lyons of Massillon, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Smith of Lorain, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Marquis, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. William Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. William Rogers of Cambridge, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mar quis of Senecaville. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary, Sunday vv ith a family dinner. Cash Marquis, of Canton, spent the weekend with his daughter, Mrs. John Kuntz and family and attended the funeral of Mrs. Beulah Marquis. Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Marquis and Darla May of Amanda, visited with his mother, Mrs. Nora Marquis and Eva May, Sun day and attended the funeral of Mrs. Beulah Marquis. Annette Archibald, of Zanes* ville, spent the weekend witK her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Archibald. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyd and children, of Zanesville, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Boyd arid children, Sunday after noon. Mrs. Elizabeth Miller, of Macksburg, visited with het son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ger ald Miller, recently. Mrs. Nora Marquis and son, Cash and Mrs. John Kuntz were* at Zanesville, Saturday, visiting with the former's daughter, Mrs. Olga McCutcheon, who is seri ously ill at Good Samaritan hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Radcliff and son of Caldwell wrere visit ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Caldwell, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hupp, of Caldwell, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clair Hysell, Saturday. COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE ALL MAKES BARNHOUSE CHEVROUT COMPANY Telephone 261 Miller Street Sandwich Bags 20c Charcoal 49 GROUND BEEF 3 98c Salad Dressing 39c 49 Pkg. GENERAL STORE SHARON, QHIO