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Page Eight—B Ohio Youngsters Hit "Jackpot* Basebail heroes and kids make a natural combination like ham and eggs. Here three happy youngsters get some advance information from stars of the Cleveland Indians on the $1(F 000 Baseball Jackpot Just announced by The Standard Oil Company. Indians Vic Wertz, Ray Narleskt and Bob Lemon are showing the autographed baseballs, bats and gloves Jackpot give-aways to Nan Ellen Rose and John Rose, 21347 Stratford Avenue, Rocky River, and Donald Evert, 9238 High land Drive, Brecksville. During weeks of May 19 through June 9 Ohio youngsters will get In this Baseball Jackpot, twenty-nine scholarship checks totalling $33 000, four ten-day road trips with the Cleveland Indians or the Cincinnati Redlegs, four trips to the 1957 World Series, and 10,000 baseballs, bats, gloves or jackets. Photo albums and pictures of stars of these major league teams can also be obtained for boys and girls at any Sohio station, beginning May 19. In northern Ohio, albums of the Cleveland Indians will be given and in southern Ohio albums and pictures of the Cincinnati Realegs. HARRIETTSVILLE NEWS i A K f? IKTTSY 11 LE Mi John Huffman entertained on Wednesday evening with a din ©er in honor of the birthday an niversary of her husband. A decorated cake and flowers Was the centerpiece for the table. Covers were arranged for the honored one, Mr. and Mrs. Har ley Beardmore of Lewisville route, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Schafer of Marietta, Roger Hendershot, the hostess and sons, Johnny and Steve. Sunday Guests Mrs. Franklin Fryfogle enter tained on Sunday with a din ner. Covers were arranged for Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Schenk of Marietta, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ullman, Mr. and Mrs. Fryfogle and children, Jimmy and Jane Ann. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zook and daughters, Carla and Caron, Mr. Herman Hansen and Joey Stefanka, all of Akron, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hughlett, Keith and Karen. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Marian, Mr. W. T. Miller and Miss Glenna Miller, of Lowell route, were Sunday afternoon and evening dinner guests of Mrs. Mary Haidet and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Luke, of Caldwell route, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Luke, Donald arid Myra Lynn. Supt. and Mrs. L. D. Schramm were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schramm and fam ily. Mrs. C. E. Johanning accom panied them and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hartshorn, all of Newport Pike. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Charley Van Fossen and C. D. Miller spent Thursday and Friday with Car los and Gaylord Miller and their families at Alliance. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ullman Bectronic Dry Cleaning "If Your Clothes are Not Becoming to You, They Should be Coming to ITs." a e a po:- 1, a s i convention at Springfield, were called home on Tuesday when Jim Needs, who made his home with them, was reported missing. At this writing he has not been found, Supt. and Mrs. L. D. Schramm attended commencement exer cises at Summerfield high school on Thursday evening and on Fri day evening attended exercises at Dexter City high school. Mrs. Ellen Day, of Canton, was a dinner guest on Wednesday of Mrs. Beryl VanFossen. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Baker of Lewisville, Mr. and' Mrs. Bill Stevens, Karen and Billy, of Marietta and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nobbs and sons, Billy, Timmy and Tommy of Williamstown, were Sunday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Brown and family of Ravenna, ^ere weekend guests of Mrs. Elsie Zimmerman and visited with Mrs. Anna Baker, who is a pati ent at Marietta Memorial hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. John Huffman and sons spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Schafer of Marietta. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Davis and son, Junior, of Ravenna, and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Williams and Hank of Belpre, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ullman and Jane, of Circleville, were Satur day evening guests at the Carl Stevens home. Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Duncan, of Matamoras, were Sunday after noon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ullman. Mrs. Martha Fryfogle and daughter, Jane Ann, were Cald well visitors on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Feld ner, who are employed at Cleve 'and, spent a week at their home. J. R. VanFossen was a guest in their home. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dennis and Cheryl, of Elba, visited on Sat urday with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dennis and family. Mrs. Pearl Ullman visited on Saturday morning with Mrs. Erma Willis, of Lower Salem. Mr. and Mrs. John Schoeppner and children spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Felix Schott of Fulda. Mrs. Carl Stevens spent the weekend in the Henry Nobbs home in Williamstown. West Milton, Ohio was at one time the largest producer of lighting rods in the world. '.A vl*? (Armstrong ASPHALT TILE Open a whole new world of pleasure this year by making indoor playground in your basement. Arm strong Asphalt Tile is an ideal floor. It's an economical floor, yet the As low beautiful colors will make your basement room a favorite for the entire family. I se our credit plan. Square Foot HILL'S i:t IN CALDWELL SOUTH 0IJIVE NEWS SOUTH .OLIVE Visitors over the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sanford and son, Larry, were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sanford, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hanson and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bird and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Sanford and son. Mr. and Mrs. Byon Sharkey of Columbus, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Davis. Mrs.. Marjory Love visited several days in Columbus with her son, Dwight Love and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Schoep pner and sons spent the weekend visiting friends in Canton. 2509 NUMBERS TOR FRtC SIFTS TO BE POSTED EVERT WEEK FOR FOUR WEEKS AT All SOHIO STATIONS! Right now a list of 2509 winning Ohio pas senger car license numbers is posted at all Sohio stations. Each station has the same list. There will be a different list every week for lour weeks—each list good for one week only. Winners-claim forms are available at all Sohio Stations. Car owner must sign form and it must be mailed no later than the Monday follow ing the week in which the list was posted. HIRE'S HOW THE WINNING NUMBERS WERE SELECTED Working with a complete list of all 1957 Ohio passenger car license numbers (with names unknown) an independent statistical organi zation selected the free gift numbers through mathematical sampling methods to insure fair distribution in every county of Ohio. These numbers have been placed in a locked vault and are not known to Sohio, its employees, or members of Jfe advertising agency until they are posted at Sohio stations. tt THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gessel and family, Mr. Arnold Row lands and Mr. and Mrs. James Tidd and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Row lands. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Harper called on his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Harper, Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Foster were callers in town, Saturday. Virgil Williams, who is em ployed in Cleveland, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Holland Williams and sons. Visitors over the weekend at the Ruth L. Harper home were Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Harper and son and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Whet stone and daughter. Fredericksdale FKEDEKICKSDALE Mrs. Norma Jean Guy, of Cambridge, and Pvt. Charles Henry visited Mr. and Mrs. Morris Henry and daughter, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Parsons and children of East Union, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gordon and children. Mr., and Mrs. Leslie Cater and children, Clyta and David, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis. Hayes Carter has returned to Navarre, after spending the past two weeks visiting relatives. Youngstown, Ohio, because of its steel mills, is known as the "Ruhr Valley of America".<p></p>IRS 111037 OHIO BOVS AND GIRLS!! Your license number may be a winner in Sohio's 4 EXCITING GIVEAWAY WEEKS-MAY 19 to JUNE 16! You can pick a boy or girl to receive a free gift if your 1957 Ohio passenger car linense number appears on winners' lists posted weekly at all Sohio stationst 9. A *5000 COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP Winning license number will be posted June 16 4 10-DAY ROAD TRIPS One winning license number posted each weak Each gift includes 10 exciting days with the Reds or Indians for a boy or girl, plus one adult —cash voWe— 2500 BASEBALL GLOVES Winning license number* potted May 19 List price—approximately $19.00. 2500 BATS Winning license numbers posted June 2 Major League and Little League models. SPECIAL FREE WHILE THEY LAST! PHOTO ALBUM AND BIG 5x7 INDIANS ACTION PHOTOS Ask about them of any Sohio Station• ARCHER S RIDGE NEWS ARCHERS RIDGE Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Ida Smith were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allen of Zanesville and Mrs. Edna John son of Derwent. Recent callers were Mr. and Mrs. Minus Good will of Center Service and Mr. and Mrs. James Clark and daugh ter, Betty Jo. Sue Anderson spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Paul King and son, Gary Lee, of near East Union and Mr. and Mrs. James Clark and daughter, Betty Jo, and Charles Henry visited Satur day with Mr. and Mrs. Zedrick Clark and sons, Junior and Billy. Mr. and Mrs.<p></p>GIFR Jess Butler of Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson and family spent Saturday eve ning with Mr. and Mrs. Paul King and son, Gary Lee. Deb Anderson and children and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ander son and children, Vera Roch Ann and Jeffrey, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson. Mrs. Anna Paisley and Mrs. Bertha Lahue attended grange at Fulda, Tuesday evening. Dallas Paisley was in Cald well, Saturday afternoon. Donnie Bettinger spent Tues day night with Ronnie NOT A CONTEST! NOTHING TO BUY! NO WORK! LOOK AT THESE 10,037 ABSOLUTELY FREE GIVEAWAYS! i s/ s/sA, Lahue.<p></p>(OR w {'As vA- Thursday, May 23, 1957 4 Hamilton visited Thursday night and Friday with Mrs. Bertha La hue and son. NEURITIS PAIN LIKE AN ELECTRIC SHOCK A middle-age woman told us she suffered 3 years or torture with neuritis pains. She said the pains would strike her like an electric shock. Today this lady again enjoys life and says the change is due to taking RUGON. Her pains are gone and she is entirely free of misery. RUGON is helping so many victims of rheumatism and neur itis because this NEW Liquid Formula contains Three Wonder ful Ingredients. Not a tablet or capsule. RUGON goes to the very source of pain almost at once and costs but a few cents a day to take. So don't go on suffering. Get RUGON at Gillespie's Drug Store. v 9 28 $1000 COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS Seven winning license numbers posted each weel 4 TRIPS TO THE WORLD SERIES One winning license number posted each week' Each gift includes tickets and expense money for a boy or girl, plus one adult—cash value—$1000.00. 2500 Personally Autographed BALLS (OFFICIAL AMERICAN LEAGUE) Winning license numbers posted May 26 Personally signed by top stars. 2500 WARM-UP JACKETS W inning licence numbers posted June 9 Official team style and colors. List price approximately $14.00. 4