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Thursday, July 4, 1957 From Journal Filers Ten Years Ago All roads will lead to Caldwell next Friday morning when one of the most elaborate programs will be held in observance of July 4th. Sponsored by the Cald well Booster club, every effort has been made by the many members to assure the public a full day of events one which will appeal to the young and the entire family arid to be climaxed with a gigantic display of fire works from the old athletic dia mond. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Estadt, of Main street, are announcing the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Twila to Roger Finlaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Finlaw, Zanesville. Robert T. Secrest, former Ohio 15th district congressman, will be the headline speaker, July 4th, at a celebration sponsored by the citizens of Pleasant City. Following a thorough investi gation by juvenile authorities, Robert Tucker, 15, was released from the Noble county jail Mon- Political Mailers And Otherwise By JESS S. HARRIS (Continued from Page 2-B) pastor of the First Methodist church, to Cambridge, where he becomes pastor of the Ninth Street Methodist church, Rev Palmer Manson, for three years pastor of the First Presbyterian ehurch, to a church in eastern Pennsylvania, and Thomas Ben nett, an employee of the Ohio Power Company, to their new home recently built in Claysville, Guernsey county, to be much closer to the location of his em ployment. The very best wishes of their many Caldwell friends follow all to their new locations. The Fourth of July is at hand and all automobile drivers are requested to use extreme care during the present time that many lives may be saved and others possibly not seriously in jured. If the frequent explosions of atomic bombs were not the cause of the frequency of floods, cyclones, tornadoes and the final hurricane that have occurred in the middle west since the begin ning of the present year, will some knowing—one please stand up and give the general public of the United States the true reason? The like never before happened in the history of this nation. Let's immediately stop all aid to foreign countries and come to the aid of the Americans who have suffered great losses thru various disasters, not to mention deaths. A radio report late last Sat urday afternoon stated that while Roberi. T. Secrest, of Sen ecaville, was, along with others on a pleasure cruise on the Potomac river, near Washington D. C., the vessel on which the party was cruising and another craft collided in mid-stream but that no serious results followed For several years, "Bob" repre sented the Fifteenth Ohio con gressional district in congress during the latter days of which he resigned to accept appoint ment by President Eisenhower as a member of the Federal Trades Commission, which position he now holds. He was succeeded as congressman by John E. Hender son, of Cambridge, the present representative from this district If a little child were to enter a candy store, hand the proprie tor a dollar bill for that amount of candy, the proprietor shoved the money into his coffers but failed to deliver the candy to the lad, would you say that was an honest business transaction you would say it was not? The same is true of the Caldwell dog owner who went into the county auditor's office last January planked down $2.50 for a dog license through the year 1957 and walked out with a receipt in his possession. TheR^in the fol lowing June the village council passed an ordinance saying that the dog could not roam at large the remainder of the year and if it did the owner would subject himself to arrest and draw a fine from $10.00 to $100. Shouldn' the owner be entitled to a rebate of $1.25 for lack of service? You would be sure to say he should Then let him have it. $150 day afternoon after Probate Judge Otto Poling had ruled that the shooting of Helen Lahue, 15, who is improving, at St. Francis hospital, Cambridge, was accidental or another incident where the principal involved did not know the gun was loaded." The large barn owned by Edgar Guiler of the Summer field community was completely destroyed by fire, Sunday even ing, when it was struck by lightning. Eight new cars and trucks were sold in Noble county during the month of June, according to the records on file in the office of Clerk of Courts George L. Thompson. Leo Schoeppner, 60, a native of the Fulda community, was in stantly killed Sunday in a gas explosion at Republic Steel Corp., Canton, according to word received here by relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Paul McVay and daughter, Linda Sue, ha-ve re turned to their home on North street, after enjoying a motor trip for the past three weeks in the west. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Davison celebrated their golden wedding anniversary, June 15, at their home near Caldwell. Carlisle CARLISLE Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thompson, of Columbus, spent the weekend with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Thomp son. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johns and daughters, Linda and Glenna visited Sunday afternoon with Blanche Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hardesty and son, Larry, of Canton, spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Nellie Crum. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Miracle and Bill Thompson were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Rohrig of Fulda. Mr. and Mrs. Don Mallett, of Canton, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mallett and children, of New Concord route, spent Sunday with their father, Lawrence Mai lett. Dorothy Archer has returned home from Canton after spend ing the past week with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Don Mal lett. Mrs, Bertha Horton and Eunice Horton visited Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Emma Warner. Mrs. Lawrence Kuhn spent a few days the past week with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Kuhn of. Zanesville. Her granddaughter, Connie Ann re turned home with her Mr. and Mrs. Leland Okey, of Euclid, Ohio, visited Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Thompson. Miss Peggy Spence, of Colum bus, spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Char les F. Spence. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Spence and Peggy and George' spent the weekend of June 22 with their son, Charles F. Spence, Jr., of the U. S. Navy, who is stationed at Norfolk, Va. In Washington (Continued from Page#2-B) of Congress raises the hue and cry that the Supreme Court is legislating and taking over the prerogative of the Congress Another member will take the floor and point out that the pre rogatives of the Congress are being invaded by the Executive Branch of the government. Oc casionally the Congress will en deavor to take upon itself some duty or discretion that the Con stitution had not conferred upon Congress but had given to the President. For instance, last week, there was considerable discussion by members of Con 'gress over the desirability of determining which were and which were not nations friendly to this country. Such a plan fell through when it was pointed out that this determination, the re cognition of nations and the ac ceptance of diplomatic creden tials are within the prerogative of the President. Though we the public may quarrel with the courts, with the Executive and with Congress and they may quarrel with each other, it is my feeling that so long as there is vigilance on the part of all three branches of the government, and a jealous guard ianship of the rights which each possesses under the Constitu tion, then no one branch has the power to check the others and when the conflict between them stops, we must take warning. IN 15 V N 52U WEST ST. PHONE 69 BOB MILLER, MGR. Loans Up To $1000 Subject To Our Prompt Approval. Fredericksdale FREDERICKSDALE Chil dren's Day service will be held the church Sunday morning, July 7th. Every one invited. The annual Sunday school pic nic was held at the Cambridge City park, June 30. Those attend ing were Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Watson and children, Merle, Junior, Judy, Billy, Duane and arion, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Robinson and children, Jerry, Diane and Joan, Larry Robinson nd Joey Hill, Mr. and Mrs. John Beattey, Mr. and Mrs. James Shaw and children, Jimmie and Jeffrey, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Gant and sons, Darrell, Ronald and Stephen, John Green, Mr. and Mrs. John Carter and chil dren, Carol, Johnnie, Jimmie and Davids Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cater and daughter, Clyta, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Guiler and son, Myron, Mrs. Edna Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis and daughter, Wanda. MT. TABOR MT. TAB(3R Mr. Otis Mar tin was a business caller in Caldwell, Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Stephens and daughters, Ann and Lynn visited Mr. and Mrs. Otis Mar tin and family, Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Thomp son and granddaughter, Hazel Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Tyson and family of Beverly, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Thompson and daughter, Shila, were visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wells and son, Paul David, Monday evening. Mrs. Thoburn Leasure and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Leasure and relatives this week. Miss Elsie Wright accom panied them back to Akron on Sunday for a few days visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and family were .business callers in Marietta, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Shroyer and daughter, Tina Dawn, and Mrs. Jerome Morris visited Mr. and Mrs .Otis Martin and fam ily, Tuesday evening. Wiley Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and family were business callers in Caldwell Wed nesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Mallett, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mallett and family and Mrs. Alta Archer visited Frank Wright and daugh ter, Elsie, Wednesday. Miss Elsie Wright and Miss Fanchion Okey and girl friend were callers at Mrs. Otis Martin Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Ste phens and daughters, Ann and Lynn, and Miss Judy Nabors en joyed home made ice cream and cake at Mr. and Mrs. Wiley rtrll I'lTlH I ritilYiWi rflffliYilrfr THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL OHIO In Annual Homecoming Contest The beautiful and shapely Miss Jean Alden, from Ashville, Ohio, will be one of the contestants in the Miss Southeastern Ohio Beauty Pageant, to be held Friday night, July 19, at Quaker City, Ohio. In 1956, Jean placed in the Miss Central Ohio Beauty contest, was crowned Miss Pumpkin Show and was Homecoming Queen of Commercial Point. Jean is now being groomed by the Sil houette Modeling Studios in Columbus. Thompson and daughter, Shila, Thursday evening. Kenneth Martin and Wiley Thompson were business callers in Woodsfield, Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mor rison and son, Tommy, visited Mr. and Mrs. Everett Archer and family, Sunday evening. Mrs. Everett Archer and fam ily, Mrs. Neal Stephens and daughters, Miss Genena Han nahs visited Mrs. Otis Martin and family, Sunday afternoon. Joe Thompson and son, Bert Leasure, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Wen dell of Canton and son, Danny, Charles Snyder, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snyder, Jr. and children, of Summerfield Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Thompson and daughter, Shila, Mr. and Mrs Gerald Thompson and family, -yours with the Mr. and Mrs. Galen Thompson and son, Clarence Leasure and son, Cleon were visitors at Mr and Mrs. Reed Thompson, Sun day. Mr, and Mrs. Wayne Overmyer and children, of Cincinnati, Edg tr Guiler and daughter. Aroma of East Union, Mrs. Estella Miracle and son, Jesse were visitors at Mr. and Mrs Wiley Thompson and daughter Shila, Saturday. Clarence Leasure and son Cleon were callers at Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Thompson, Sunday Mrs. Esther Thompson and daughter, Shila, visited Mrs Estella Miracle and son, Jesse Sunday evening. Kenneth Martin and Wiley Thompson, were business callers in Woodsfield, Saturday. WhigviUe WHIGVILLE Mr. and Mrs. George Berry .spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth VanFos sen of East Union. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Guiler, of Caldwell, were calling on friends here, Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clark and children spent Wednesday even ing with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clark of Middleburg. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warner of Summerfield and Mr. and Mrs. Gould Ward were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. West and family. Mrs. Helen Watson and son, Jerry, of Caldwell, were calling on Mrs. Florence Carter, Thurs day evening. Myron Guiler, student at Bob Jones University, Greenville, S. C., was calling on friends here, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William Gulick, of Cambridge, were callers here Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clark spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ker mit Border, of Beverly. Patricia Reed is spending a few days with friends at Zanes ville. Friends here received word the past Week of the death of Tilda Moore, of Byesville. She was a former resident of this place. East Union EAST UNION The East Union home-makers enjoyed a meeting held at the home of Mrs. Irene Miller, June 20. The day was spent quilting and at noon a pot luck dinner was enjoyed. The prizes were won by Rosa Miller, Mary Green, Edith Craig. Those present were Shirley Miller, Rosa Miller, Marie Tuck er, Alice Huffman, Mary Eddy, Mary Green, Dorothy Snyder, Rachel Robinson, Lou Archer, Edith Craig, Grace VanFossen, Audrey Sorg, Osie Sullivan. Children present were Rusty Tucker, Tommy Snyder and San dra Snyder, Timmy Huffman, Denny Miller. The next meeting will be July 18 at the home of Mrs Grace VanFossen. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller were calling on T. R. Bates of Mt Ephraim, Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Miller were in Zanesville, Sunday call ing on her brother, Gordon Mil ler. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller were in Zanesville, Saturday, calling on Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Miller and Roy Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Shroyer and daughter, Tina Dawn, Mr Jerome Morris were callers at Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and family, Saturday evening. smoothest power you can buy SUPER BORON, Pleasant City Rev. and Mz&. A. G. were honored Monday evening when members of the Lutheran church where he is pastor, Sun day school held a party celebrat ing their thirty-third wedding anniversary. The evening was spent both spiritually and soci ally. A covered dish luncheon was enjoyed. The honored ones received a platform rocker as a gift. Personals Mrs. William Clark and daugh ter called on Mrs. Peggy Ellison on Wednesday evening. Miss Barbara Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Chet Ball and family, of Columbus, spent the weekend with local relatives and friends and attended the wedding of Miss Barbara Moyer and Mr. Larry Buckey at the Methodist church, Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Bryan and daughter, of Zanesville,' visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Teel and family. Mr. and Mrs. Iril Nicholson attended the golden wedding celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Collins at Cumberland on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ted German and sons, David and Mark, have re turned home after spending a week's vacation with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wargo and family in Habelton, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Speraw and son, Robert and Mrs. Nancy Buckey, of Massillon, visited over the weekend with relatives and friends. Gary Harper, U. S. Navy, Bainsbridge, Md., spent the past week with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Watkins. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Miley and daughter, Betty Jane, attend ed the golden wedding anniver sary of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore at Mt. Ephraim, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson and daughter, Jackie, of Zanesville, spent the weekend with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Johnson. INSURANCE Phone Page Three—B Rev. and Mrs. A. Higgle Honored On Their 33rd Wedding Anniversary and ijoii, Joel, ietuiaru to their home in Columbus, Wednesday after spending a vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dal ton Secrest and her mother, Mrs, Mary Lachic and son, John, in Cambridge. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Williams and children, of Byesville, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Williams. Here & Yon HKKK AND YON Recent visitors of Emma Kirkbride were Mrs. Nora Forshey, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sills and family and Mr. and Mrs. Clark McCandless. Visitors of Raymond Poling and family the past week were Junior Poling of Canton, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Denton and seal Eddie, Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Harmon, Mr. and Mrs. Don Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wiley. Mr. and Mrs. Don Moore, of Senecaville, made a business trip to Cambridge, Friday. Business callers in Caldwell Friday were Mrs. Wava Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. Roma Thompson and Mrs. Rose Smithberger. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hickman and son, Tommie spent Sunday with Ruth Kirk and family. Photo Developing—Gillespie's Electronic Dry Cleaning "If Your Clothes are Not Becoming to Yon, They Should be Coming to Us." Reed Insurance Agency CALDWELL, OHIO .VW. A J. OF ALL TYPES i. O. O. F. Bldg. Vift Hill f» l*H—fa «*ml