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Image provided by: Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH
Newspaper Page Text
EXTRA SPECIAL SOLI) vr «?.98 AND $3.98 CHIT .MKFV'S BLOUSES Sizes 1 to 11 Cottons, Nylons, Rayons Any in our stock SOLD TO $2.98 Boys Girls Ladies fifrfr inCC 6REAT/ »ii EBUSINESS CnnlC 0 V fast. I will be marking prices down every day until every item is sold. To complete a close-out in the shortest time—will sell any part or all of this stock to merchants, stock buyers, job lot buyers at any day or any hour without regard to cost or loss. Until stock is sold this great sale will continue every day and sold to you at almost your own price. Don't fail to take advantage of the savings here on vour needs. REMEMBER—you never miss a good thing until it's gone—and this sale can't last at prices ottered. $1.87 »H) A'l *L*r, AM) s'i.jO BABY Soft Soles—Sizes 0 to 2 (jutting Business Price! SHOES $1.471 Bonnets W s Nylon Angoria Silk Leather BUCK AUCTION liidoy—7:00 P. M. SATURDAY—10:15 A. M. EVERYTHIW 60ES/ FIXTURES" STOCK- Folks, due to the limited time I have in which to close out this entire stock and contents, I refuse to let prices stand in mv way of selling this stock C. J. HARRINGTON—Liquidator in Charge. FOR FRIDAY! o'i IK«i/»i, lie&uuiint ti n.uu u clock until u0 p. in., a 10\,, hourly discount—every hour ... on the hour. REMEM15ER, this will be the biggest money savings event ever known in the town of Caldwell—You can't atlord to miss this event. Yes, you can buy merchandise listed in any of the advertised departments at 10% LESS ff- 'TT OW I' "T- ~i'• v thh mi s rli i ntliM in•.(metioiis I'lsru here. ft i SOLI) AT $8.95, $10.95 AND $12.95 Coats 1\ ools Corduroys Sizes to SOLD AT si .:! TO SMC BABY Nylon Wools Corduroy AS LOW AS SOLD AT $4.95 AND $5.95 SKIRTS J™ Teenage Sizes .men, Corduroy Wools If You Arc Fortunate Enough To Read This Ad 1111 t.Ml- IS M: \lt N O E A S O N A E O E S E U S E SOLD AT S1.98 Chuv Brand DISPOSABLE DIAPERS ttttiti tuiiM Folks, in order for me to rush this entire stock out in a very short time, I'm offering YOU WOI UJ v /iiTiunoiT' ATRA CAU.VM THE JOURNAL. NATIONAL SALES SYSTEM" NEW YORK TAKES OVER "WHIRLWIND FINISH" COME-ENTIRE STOCK YOUR MERCY ******$»J O S A E Sealed bitls now accepted on tin Show Cases Adding Machine Skirt Rack Carpet Hull ATTENTION ALL LADIES! This week I'm going to offer you values in ladies' and children's wearing apparel that will rock andi shock this entire community thousands of brand name items Nannette, Toddlers Dresses, Nitey Nite, Cinderella, l-Wanta, Billy the Kid, and many, many more to sell a# practically PRICES! REMEMBER—The time is set—so, I refuse to let prices stand in ntjr way of selling everv item in onlv a FEW BIG, BI(. SELLING DAYS! 3 BIG! B1C! DAYS Ai.nwi.i.i., OHIO I I OFTTO »i'• 3 lit I! Si! Yes, ENTIRE and COMPLETE STOCK Placed Into Hands of "Uncle Jack" To Be Sold At COST- HALF COST- Yes, a FRACTION OF COST! IT CAN'T LAST LONG! FIXTURES Sold At $29.95 LADIES' COATS Wool Nice Styled Assorted Sizes Qutting Business Price! following: Bassinet shelving Filing Cabinet Window Displays 1 Cash Register 2 Dress Racks 1 U i i n s s 4 WED. IHURS. -FRI. 4 MADGE'S SPECIALTY SHOP COATS- COATS $1498 For your overwhelming response to our Going-Out-of-Business Sale. We tried to do our best, but the crowds last week were just too much for our small store. We prepared for crowds, but oh! What a jam! For you who came and failed to get waited on, due to the crowds, please come again. Every day since our sale opened, our store has been packed to capacity. There's a reason, of course—BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! We still have thousands of dollars worth of good, clean merchandise that will be sold without regard to cost. Ladies, and Children's i V.UA 15: All Sizes. 5 nDCCCCCi Ladies' and Children's V L/IVCJjEJ. Any in the house. GLOVES: Ladies. Girls. Rov U i n Sold At $25.00 CHILDREN'S (OATS Wools Sizes 1-14 Famous Flo-Togs Qutting Business Price! SLACKS: Ladies' and Children's. All types and sizes. BLOUSES: Sweeper Shoe Stool SOLD AT $5.95 AND $10.95 TEENAGE DRESSES Sizes 8 to 14 Cotton Silk Nylon SOLD AT BOYS' FLANNEL iO VS FLANNEL SOLD AT 29c KOTEX CHILDREN'S SNOWSUITS Any in stock—Assorted Sizes. ttt?SA THANKS A MILLION FOLKS... YOU'RE MOST WONDERFUL! I Signed— MRS. HELEN CROY and MRS. JEAN HAZARD 50 Merchandise To Be Reduced Friday To 10% Less Than Our Now Low-Sale Price!| !rrtATC. Ladies' Slacks and Jeans. W I Boys' Sports Long jmi\ J. sleeves Dress. All styles and Types. Good selection. ANKLETS Boys' and Girls'. Infants, HOSIERY: Cotton. Nvlon Hose. Anv SHIRTS Qc I Blouses $ .49 Sizes 1 to 12 Nylon Silk Quitting Business Price! Cotton §EUk l/2 ^^-Thursday^ July 4. lQfiSLi** 1 .Ti(f.. I in: PRICE AND LESS I ON EVERY COAT IN STOCK! u iTf AND BONNETS: Infants, Girls, Boys. Good selection. DRESS SLACKS: Boys. Sizes 12 to 18 selection in Gabardine, Cotton, orduroy, etc. AND JACKETS. Ladles Children's SWEATERS Extra Special For Friday! INSTRUCTIONS FOR HOURLY DISCOUNT! Friday, July 5th, from 11:00 a. m. until 9:00 p. m., a 10% (less than sale price) reduction, each hour on the hour, will be placed on one of the advertised departments listed in this adver tisement. SOLD AT $5.95 LADIES' SKIRTS $ Sizes 22 to 32 Cotton Wool Gabardine SOLI) AT S"!.9.*» AND S5.95 LADIES' SOLD AT $1.00 AND $1.95 BOYS and GIRLS' S' and GIRLS' JW Mf BELTS 67 Anv in stock! j^Come Expecting Much! Prices Cracked Wide Open! Prirp I REMAINING STOCK "ORDERED SOLD AT ANY STORE HOURS Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday PRICE a* m" m* iiICc Friday and Saturday 9:00 a. m. 'til 9:00 p. m. Closed: Thursday, July 4th tf THE PUBLIC WILL PAY!-