Newspaper Page Text
Page Stx FRIDAY, July 5 7:00 Today 9:00 Romper Room 10:00 Home 11:00 The Price is Right 11:30 Truth or Consequel 12:00 Tic Tac Dough 12:30 It Could Be You 1:00 Heart cf the Home 1:30 Club 60 (color) 2:30 Bride and Groom 3:00 Matinee Theatre 4:00 Queen for a Day 4:45 Modern Romances 5:00 Comedy Time 5:30 Roy Rogers 6:30 Sports Final 6:40 TV Newsroom 6:55 Weather Ahead 7:00 Wild Bill Hickok 7:30 Helen O'Connell Show 7:45 NBC News 8:00 Blondie 8:30 Life of Riley 9:00 Joseph Cotton Show On Trial 9:30 Big Story 10:00 Cavalcade of Sports 10:50 Cavalcade of Sports 11:00 Up-to-the-Minute News 11:15 "Tonight!" SATURDAY, July 6 tlflO Action Theatre "Nighttime in Nevada" Roy Rogers 10300 Howdy Doody 10:30 Gumby 11:00 Fury 11:30 Steve Donavan WTRF-TV WHEELING Western Marshal 12:00 Hans Christian Anderson 12:30 Cartoon Carnival 1:00 Conservation Show 1:30 The Living Word 1:45 European Tour 1:50 News 1:55 Get Set, Go! 2:25 Cleveland Indians Cleveland at Chicago 5:00 Movie Matinee-Roy Rogers "Sheriff of Tombstone" 6:00 This is the Life 6:30 Tee-Vee Frolic ?:30 :00 Ford Theatre People are Funny 8:00 Julius La Rosa Show 0:00 George Sanders Show 9:30 Dollar A Second 10:00 Encore Theatre 10:30 Adventure Theatre 11:00 News 11:15 Premiere Performance "David Harum" Will Rogers, Louise Dresser, Noah Beery SUNDAY, July 7 11:00 The Christophers 11:30 The Funnies 12:30 Industry on Parade 12:45 How Christian Science Heals 1:00 Movie Matinee "Derby Day" Anna Neagle, Michael Wilding i :55 Cleveland Indians Cleveland at Chicago 5:00 Get Set, Go! 5:30 The Falcon 6:00 Disneyland 7:00 Paragon Playhouse 7:30 Circus Boy 8 00 Steve Allen S&ow 9:00 Alcoa Hour 10:00 The Web 10:30 Waterfront 11:00 News 11:15 Skyline Theatre "Appointment in London" Dick Bogarde, Ian Hunter MONDAY, July 8 7:00 Today 9:00 Romper Room 10:00 Home 11:00 The Price is Right 11:30 Truth or Consequences 12:00 Tic Tac Dough 12:30 It Could Be You 1:00 Heart of the Home 1:30 Club 60 2:30 Bride and Groom 3:00 Matinee Theatre (color) 4:00 Queen for a Day 4:45 Modern Romances 5:00 Comedy Time 5:30 Gene Autry 6:30 Sports Final 6:40 TV Newsroom 6:55 Weather Ahead 7:00 Superman 7:30 Georgia Gibbs Show 7:45 NBC News 8:00 Charles Farrell Show 8:30 Wells Fargo 9:00 Twenty-One f:30 Arthur Murray Party 10:00 Ted Mack Amateur Hour 10:30 Whirlybirds 11:00 Up-to-the-Minute News 11:15 "Tonight!" TUESDAY, July 7:00 Today 9:00 Home 10:00 Home 11:00 The Price is Right 11:30 Truth or Consequences 12:00 Tic Tac Dough 12:30 It Could Be You 1:00 Heatt of the Home 1:30 Club 60 (color) 2:00 Warm-Up 2:15 All Star Baseball Game 3:00 Matinee Theatre (color) 4:00 Queen for a Day 4^:45 Modern Romances 5:00 Comedy Time 5:30 Hopalong Cassidy 6:30 Sports Final 6:40 TV Newsroom 6:55 Weather Ahead 7:00 Adventures of Jim Bowie 7:30 Valli-Williams Show 7:45 NBC News 8:00 Festival of Stars 6:30 Panic 9:00 Badge 714 fl:3ft Summer Playhouse 10:00 Nat "King" Cole Show 11:00 Up-to-the-Minute News 11:15 Tonight Photo Developing—Gillespie's WEDNESDAY, July 10 7:00 Today 9:00 Romper Room 10:00 Home 11:00 The Price is Right 11:30 Truth or Consequences 12:00 Tic Tac Dough 12:30 It Could Be You 1:00 Heart of the Home 1:30 Club 60 (color) 2:30 Bride and Groom 3:00 Matinee Theatre (color) 4:00 Queen for a Day 4:45 Modern Romances 5:00 Comedy Time 5:30 Roy Rogers 6:30 Sports Final 6:40 TV Newsroom 6:55 Weather Ahead 7:00 Ozzie and Harriet 7:30 Helen O'Connell Show 7:45 NBC News 8:00 Masquerade Party 8:30 Father Knows Best 9:00 Kraft Theatre (color) 10:00 This is Your Life 10:30 Victory at Sea 11:00 Up-to-the-Minute News 11:15 "Tonight" THURSDAY, July 11 6:57 Sign On 7:00 Today 9:00 Romper Room 10:00 Home 11:00 The Price is Rigltt 11:30 Truth or Consequences 12:00 Tic Tac Dough 12:30 It Could Be You 1:00 Heart of the Hdifi® 1:30 Club 60 (color) 2:30 Bride and Groom 3:00 Matinee Theatre (color) 4:00 Queen for a Day 4:45 Modern Romances 5:00 Comedy Time 5:30 Gene Autry 6:30 Sports Final 6:40 TV Newsroom 6:55 Weather Ahead 7:00 Annie Oakley 7:30 Dinah Shore 7:45 NBC News 8:00 You Bet Your Life 8:30 Dragnet 9:00 Slim Bryant Show 9:30 The Ford Show 10:00 Lux Video Theatre 11:00 Up-to-the-Minute News 11:15 "Tonight" HOSPITAL NOTES Marietta Memorial Admitted June 24: Mrs. Clar ence Becker, Elba. Admitted June 25: Raymond Mitchell, Dexter City. Dismissed: Mrs. Iva Masters, Lewisville route 1. Admitted June 28: Chester R. Hayes, Caldwell. Dismissed: Mrs. James Parks, Lower Salem route 2. Admitted June 29: James Grant, Elba. Dismissed: Chester R. Hayes, Caldwell. Admitted June 30: Mrs. Char les Pitts, Dexter City. Dismissed Mrs. Clarence Becker, Elba, Mrs. Raymond Mitchell, Dexter City. St. Francis Dismissed June 29: Mrs. John Wise, Summerfieid, and Leo Carter, Caldwell. Admitted June 30. Paul Mac enko, Ava. Marietta Osteopathic Dismissed June 25: Mrs. Vcr 11011 O. Reed, Caldwell. Guernsey Memorial Admitted June 24: Mrs. Ella Warehime, Caldwell, Mrs. John LaFollette, Sarahsville, and George Macenko, Belle Valley. Admitted June 25: Mrs. Nina Burlingame, Ava and Mrs. Louis Larson, Ava. Dismissed: Mrs. Rodney Buckley, Ava Mrs. Hazel Daily, Summerfieid Mrs Elizabeth Fogle, Caldwell, and Mrs. H. P. Gibson, Summerfieid. Admitted June 26: Mrs. G. Davis, Caldwell. Dismissed: Mrs. John LaFollette, Sarahsville. Admitted June 27: Okey King, Caldwell. Dismissed June 28: Mrs. Betty Kerns and infant son, Summer field, Mrs. A. Paul Jonard, Cald well, and Ella Warehime, Cald well. Admitted June 29: Beth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stan ley Maagay, Caldwell. Dismissed. Mrs. Lena Burlingame, Ava Okey King, Caldwell, and Mrs Louis Larson and infant, Ava. Rethesda Dismissed June 24: Mrs. Nellie M. Everly, Summerfieid route 1 Dismissed July 25: Tommy Ferguson, Caldwell. Admitted June 26: Charles Ferguson, Caldwell. Admitted June 27: Mrs. Lois O. Stiers, Ava route 1. Dismissed Mrs. Nelva E. Hune, Caldwell. Admitted June 28: Mrs Ramona Sue VanHorn, Reiners ville route 1. Dismissed: Mrs Lois O. Stiers, Ava route 1. ATTEND PICNIC Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Parks of East street, attended the dis trict game protectors picnic last Wednesday at the Guernsey County Fish and Gilme club. PARKING METER RECEIPTS Parking meter receipts for the month of June totaled $826.50 according to a check with Violet Morgareidge, village clerk. The four collections made during the month were as follows: $194.50 $215.00, $223.50 and $193.50. WE WILL CLOSE FOR VACATION JULY 15 16 17 18 19 20 SEMON'S DRY CLEANING rcoming IfllHIHIHmfntHHIIMIIMHflWnilWflfKllttMIVIMIfr Events on the 1 Social Register Circle One Circle One of the W. S. C. S. of the First Methodist church will meet Thursday, July 1L in the home of Mrs. Roy Smith in Park Heights at 8:00 p.m. This meeting date was changed due to the July 4th holiday. Companion hostesses are Mrs. Rosamond Landaker and Mrs. John K. Siiamhart. Plan Social The second group of St. Philo mena's Catholic church will spon sor a social Sunday evening, July 7 beginning at 6:30 o'clock in the school hall. Public invited. Social and Dance An ice cream social and dance will be held at the Mt. Ephraim school building Thursday eve ning, July 4 beginning at 7:00 p. m. for the benefit of the Mt. Ephraim Alumni Association. Homemade ice cream and cake will be served. Public invited. To Hold Social An ice cream social and parcel post sale will be held Sunday, July 7 at 3:00 p. m. on the Ameri can Legion grounds in Belle Val ley. This event is being sponsored by the American Legion Auxili ary. Public invited. Dexter City Auxiliary The American Legion Auxiliary of Dexter City will hold a meet ing on Tuesday, July 9, at the Legion hall. There will be in stallation of officers and a pot luck dinner will be served. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p. m. Center Grange Center grange No. 2285 has postponed its regular meeting un til Wednesday evening, July 10. Meeting will be held at the Sar ahsville high school auditorium at 8:00 o'clock. The third and fourth degrees will be conferred on a class of candidates. A pot luck lunch will be served. Rebekah Lodge Noble Re'oekali Lodge will meet in regular session Friday evening, July 5 at 8:00 o'clock Mrs. William Radcliff is chair man of the refreshment com mittee. All members are urged to attend.' Mixed Dance A mixed dance will be fea tured Thursday evening, July 11 at the annual Summerfieid Homecoming. The Shenandoah Valley Gang will furnish the music. Public invited. Mixed Dance There will be a mixed dance Saturday evening, July 6 at St. Michael's church hall in Car lisle. The Shenandoah Valley gang will furnish the music. Public invited. V.F.W. Auxiliary V. F. W. Auxiliary Unit 4721 will hold their regular meeting Monday evening, July 8 at 8:00 o'clock in the Post Hall on West street. All members are urged to attend. Center Grange Center grange will meet on Thursday evening, July 11 at 8:00 o'clock in the Sarahsville high school auditorium. All members are urged to attend. Joint Meeting A joint meeting of the Circles of the Woman's Association of the First Presbyterian church will be held Tuesday evening July 9 at 8:00 o'clock in the church. Mrs. Beulah Van Wagen en will show pictures of places in today's head lines and places that she has visited during hei travel around the world. This will be an open meeting and anyone wishing to see these pic tures and hear Mrs. Van Wagen en are cordially invited to at tend. Regular Meeting Regular Communication of Noble Lodge No. 459, and A. will be held Monday evening July 8 at 7:30 o'clock in the Mas onic Temple on Main street. All Master Masons invited. rr Dance Postponed A dance which was scheduled to have been held July 6 at the Macksburg high school has been postponed until Saturday night, July 20. There will be a dance thereafter every two weeks. Grange To Meet Sharon Grange No. 1561 will meet in regular session, Friday evening, July 5 at 8:00 o'clock. The third and fourth degrees will be conferred. Refreshments will be pie and ice cream. ENJOY CINERAMA Misses Inez and Louise Clark of Miller street, met a group of friends from Marietta and en joyed an excursion trip tp Cin cinnati, Sunday where they at tended Cinerama, Seven Wond ers of the World. RECKLESS DRIVING Robert Noll, of Quaker City route, was fined $20 and costs Wednesday when he appeared before Mayor Dwight F. Wiley on a reckless driving charge. The complaint was filed by Russell Davis, of Sarahsville. See The Journal for Quality Printing. W. W. Wilson, president of the organization, was in charge of the program. Many incidents of by-gone years were related by those attending who remembered past occurrances. Talks were given by Charles Redd of Lore City, Elsworth Secrest of Lucas, Mae Unkles bay, of Camibridge. The minutes were read by Mrs. Raymond Secrest. All the officers were re-elected for the coming year. They are as follows: W. W. Wilson, president Edgar Richey, vice president Mrs. D. P. Keller, secretary treasurer. Among those attending from a distance included Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lee, New Phila delphia Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sec rest, Lucas W. A. Secrest, Woodsfield Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tillet, New Concord Mrs. Anne M. Zimmer, Newcomerstown ElmibHh Foil, Mr and Mrs. Caldwell Route A I U V K U K 1 Bernard Gardner and grandson and Mr. Cooper, all of Caldwell, were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gardner recently. Mrs. Esther Garvin was call ing on Mrs. Fannie Combs of Reinersville, Monday. Mrs. Clem Garvin and Beulah were visiting Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Rudy Combs and fam ily, who are moving to Dexter City. Mrs. Edna Boyd was a busi ness caller in Cambridge, Thurs day. Mrs. Edna McCune, of Dudley and Fred Pedicord of Canton, spent Saturday evening with Edna Boyd. A large crowd attended the sale at Rudy Combs, Saturday. Mrs. Rama Steen and Margaret Archer were calling on Beulah Garvin, Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Haga and grandson of Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Boyd. Lillie Boyd and Bud and Icel Hutchins of Dex ter City, were callers at Edna Boyd's, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boney and sons sipent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Clem Garvin Mr. and Mrs. Myron Willey, of Zanesville and Mrs. Esther Gar vin visited relatives in Oak Hill over the weekend. Miss Beulah Garvin spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs Ernest Barnhart. They spent Sunday at Old Man's cave. PROPERTY SELLS Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reed, of Cambridge, have purchased the newest property to be erected on Bronze Heights and they moved to their new home last Thursday. Mr. Reed is a sales man for the R. C. Moore Lumber company. THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO People, Spots In The News JET NOISE relief is furnished by this silencer at Hughes Air craft's flight strip at Culver City, Cal Adaptable to five types of interceptors used by Hughes to test air-going electronic control systems, it reduces "run-up" noise by nearly 50 per cent. INtLAiiuN is normal wilii Fred Polk of Baltimore, show ing cheek muscles developed bv pcrfume-bol1 Nov* ii WHATZIT? Give up? An upward look at spiral stair case in new office building in I .on don. Pint'land WHO'S WHO in this five-generation i t"' Lto nght. Grandma Catherine Salisbury Great-Grandma Matilda Erbe Baby Edgar Denson 3rd of Baltimore his mother, Margaret Denson, and Great-Great-Grandma Carrie Johnson. Annual Homecoming Of Senecaville Old Timers Gano The 18th annual homen i, of the Senecaville Old Timers was held Sunday in the grade school yard with a picnic dinner at noon in the Home Economics room of the school with approxi mately 80 in attendance. rr Features Picnic Dwiflii Moorhead, Miss Mae tin kles-bay, Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Craig and Ray Moorhead, all of Cam bridge Mrs. Lottie Kaho Crow, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Southerland and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice New man, of Lorain Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zimpfer and daughter, Ann of Bexley, Mrs. Ada Thomas, Cuyahoga Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Earu Waterhouse, of Wheeling. W. Va. The next homecoming will be held the Sunday before the Fourth of July, 1958. $510,422.43 Received By Noble County From State N o e i o i y e n i v $j1 0 522.43 from the state for high ways and streets, State Auditor James A. Rhodes said today. The money came from the gasoline tax and the auto licenses. This is during the past f&cal year which closed June 30. From the gasoline tax distri bution, the county received a certain amount for county high ways, the villages for streets and the townships for maintenance of township roads. The ab-jve total for Nobie county represents the total amount sent to the county, vil lages and townships here. Two Injured In SR 145 Accident Russell G. Belts, of Lewisville, and Anna M. Brookcr, 22, of Marietta, were involved in an auto accident Sunday at 5:15 p. m., on State Route 145, in Noble county. The state patrol said the ac cident occurred when Betts slowed down for a skunk which was crossing the road and was struck from behind by the Brooker auto. Mrs. Brooker was cited by the patrol on a charge of failure to stop within the assured clear distance. She was cited to appear in Mayor Blake's court July 3. 4.18 Inches Of Rain Hits County In June Noble co\in!v had -i II' inches of rainfall during the month of June, according to a report re leased today by Richard Burlin game of Noble township, official weatherman for the area. Highest temperature for the month was a record breaking 94 degrees which occurred on June 16. The low of 49 degrees was registered on the 2nd and 3rd of June. There were five cloudy days, 11 clear and 14 partly cloudy during the month. TRANSFERRED Miss Ruth Ann DeVolld, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Waldo DeVolld, east of Caldwell, has been transferred from Chicago, 111., to the greater Cincinnati air port, where she is employed in the traffic division. Miss DeVolld is now living in Erlanger, Kjr, DEATHS Wukelich Infant The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wukelich, of Akron, formerly of Belle Valley, died at birth, Saturday. The mother is the former Martha Barlock, daughter of Mrs. Mary Barlock, Belle Valley. The infant is survived by her parents and a brother, eight years old. Funeral services were in charge of Rev. S. J. Pekalla and burial made in Mt. Olivet cemetery, Caldwell. Stephen Varhola Stephen Varhola, 84, of Belle Valley, died at 7:00 o'clock Fri day evening at his home follow ing a long illness. Born August 15, 1876, in Czechoslovakia, he was a mem ber of the Greek Orthodox church in Belle Valley. He was a retired miner and had also operated a filling station for a number of years in Belle Valley. Survivors include his widow, Mary Baranchik Varhola four sons, Michael and Andrew of Belle Valley, John of Detroit and Stephen of FonDulac, Wise. four daughters, Mrs. Mary Bar lock of Belle Valley, Mrs. Betty Emery and Mrs. Anna Blackerby of Akron and Mrs. Sue Denny of Cumberland route 1 19 grand children and a number of great grandchildren. Funeral services were held Monday morning at 9:30 o'clock from the Greek Orthodox church in Belle Valley with Rev. Bol garsky, officiating. Burial was made in St. Michael's cemetery, Pleasant City. Homer H. Hull Homer H. Hull, 74, of the Salesville community, died early Friday morning in the Guernsey Memorial hospital, Cambridge, where he had been a patient for ten days. The son of Logan and Eliza beth Rossiter Hull and a mem ber of the Salesville Methodist church, he was born Oct. 31, 1881 in Guernsey county. Surviving are his widow, Velva McBurney Hull one son, Fred of Salesville route a daughter, Mrs. Donald Long of Quaker City route 1 two grandchildren a brother, Lawrence of Cam bridge three sisters, Mrs. Pearl Scott, Mrs. Leah Brokaw, both of Salesville and Mrs. Ora' Wil son, of Mt. Ephraim. Funeral services were held Sunday at 1:30 p. m. from the Eberle funeral home in Quaker City. Rev. George Peoples of ficiated and burial was made in the Friends cemetery, Quaker City. Harry A. Wright Harry A. Wright, 70, died Tuesday at 3:30 a. m. at his home in Jackson township, Noble county. He was born Oct. 29, 1877, in Adams township, Washington county, to the late Freeman and Nancy Dobbins Wright. He lived in Marietta for several years be fore moving to Kentucky where he was superintendent of the Cumberland Pipe Line Co. for 35 years. Upon his retirement he and his wife moved to Jackson township. A 32nd degree Mason in Camp ton, Ky., Mr. Wright was- mar ried on Aug. 12, 1907, to the former Sara^ L. Alexander, of Campton. Survivors are his wife a son, Richard of Beverly two grand children three brothers, Joseph Noll Resigns Position From Service Board John G. Noll, of Kulda, who has served for the past two years as a member of the Noble county selective service board, resigned from this office, effective Tues day, July 2, according to Mrs. Lucy Jennings, clerk of the board. Reason for the resignation was business interests necessitated more of his time and prevented regular attendance at the meet ings. No person has been named to fill the vacancy. The two remain ing members of the board are Lewis Long, of Dexter City, and Homer Finley, of Caldwell. The board maintains offices in the basement of the postoffice building, Spruce street, Caldwell New Cab Service Is Now In Operation Clarence W11. y and Donald Nichols received permission from the village council to operate a cab and delivery ser vice within the municipality of Caldwell, Tuesday night. Wiley and Nichols stated that service hours would be from 8:00 a. m. through 5:00 p. m. and from 6:00 p. m. through 2:00 a. m. The cab may be obtained by calling Caldwell 63-J in the morning and afternoon and 258-W during the evening hours. The cab stop will be located at 506 Cumberland street. BEGINS INTERNSHIP Dr. Fred Cox, Caldwell, who received his doctorate degree from Ohio State University last month, started his year's intern ship at the Ohio Valley General hospital, Wheeling, W. Va., Mon day of this week. They moved Saturday from Columbus to Wheeling. TO XT. WA*M WAPAKONCTA ST. MARYS MARY S VII I. E Route 33 enters Ohio from West Virginia at Pomeroy on the Ohio River, passes through some of this State's most scenic coun try in an area rich in Indian lore and is a direct route to Fort Wayne, Indiana. Ohio's early pioneers knew this route. At Athens was estab lished the first college west of the Allegbenies, Ohio University, which is today one of our big State universities. Logan is known today as the gateway to the Hocking State Parks, which draw many thousands of motor ists each summer as they search o e e a i o n a n v a a i o n spots. This list of State Parks and Sidney of Devola and Nate of Coal Run, and a sister, Mrs. Hazel Dixon of Devola. Funeral services will be Thurs day at 2:00 p. m. at the McCurdy funeral home in Beverly. Burial will be in Beverly cemetery. Masonic services will be held Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. at the funeral home. Elias H. Kuhn Elias Henry Kuhn, 76, of} the Burkhart vicinity, died Saturday morning at the Barnesville Gen eral hospital. He was a member of St. Joseph's Catholic church, Burkhart. Thursday, July 4, 1957 LETS EXPLORE OHIO a l. n MAN'S CAVE SOHIO 1948 01DSM0BIIE 4-Door... $295 BAKER SALES & SERVICE USR 21 South Phone 90 ANCASTER LOGAN tTATB PARK AREA SCENE ON GRAND LAKE FOMIROY includes: Cantwell Cliffs, Old Man's Cave, Cedar Falls, Rock bridge, Conkles Hollow, Ash Cave, and the Hocking State Forest. This highway goes through Columbus and Marysville. It crosses the highest point in Ohio near Bellfountaine and skirts along the edge of Indian Lake, one of Ohio's most popular recre ational lakes that was originally one of the reservoirs on the Miami-Erie Canal. At St. Marys is Grand Lake, for a century and more a popular Ohio recreational and fishing lake that was one of the Miami-Erie Canal reservoirs. Surviving are his wife, Fannie Pearl Kuhn of the home: two daughters, Mrs. Mary Reischman of Woodsfield and Mrs. Kather ine Kuhn Darby of Woodsfield and Clyde Kuhn of Canton one sister, Mrs. Lucy Friday, Lewis ville two brothers, Simon and Nick Kuhn of Lewisville and 10 grandchildren. Funeral services were conduct-, ed at 9:00 a. m., Tuesday from St. Joseph's Catholic church with Rev. Fr. Joseph Finan officiating. Burial was made in the Chapel Hill cemetery. The Gardner funeral home in Woodsfield was in charge of arrangements. Used Cars 1956 BlIKK 2-Door $2195 1956 OLDS"!»" 2-Door... $2459 1955 CHEVROLET 2-Door $1395 1955 0LDSM0BILE 2-Door $1(95 1955 BUICK 2-Door $1655 1954 0LDSM0BILE 4-Door. $1595 1954 PACKARD 4-Door $1165 1954 PONTIAC 4-Door... $1175 1953 PACKARD 4-Door... ..$895 195J BUICK. SUM 1953 FORD 2-Door $825 1952 NASH 4-Door $475 1952 CHEVROLET 4-Door $550 1951 HUDSON Convertible. .. $185 1950 OLDS Club Sedan... ..$250 1950 FORD Tudor $175 1949 FORD.... $195 5