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.PadftS^l Page Eight of Floyd Gauglers Feted With Farewell Parly Rev. and Mrs. Floyd R. Gaug ler and daughter, Viola, were honored Thursday evening, June 27 with a covered dish dinner and farewell party in the dining room of the First Methodist church. The Gauglers are moving to Cambridge where Rev. Gaug ler has accepted the pastorate of the Ninth Street Methodist church. This party and dinner were sponsored by the W.S.C.S. ©f the local church. The tables were attractively decorated with lovely floral arrangements. The invocation was given by Rev. Gaugler. A short program, arranged by Mrs. Lois Ziler, was presented following the dinner. Bolon Barnhouse served as toastmaster. Eugene Boyd and Walter Mc Kee favored with musical selec tions on the electric guitar and accordion. Joey and Sally Hill rendered a vocal duet. The hon-. ©red. ones made a few remarks expressing their appreciation to the congregation for their co operation during their pastorate here. The W.S.C.S. presented the honored ones with a nice gift. This presentation was made by Opal Brumbach, president of the organization. H. C. Secrest, in behalf of the Homebuilders class, also presented a nice gift to the Gauglers. Jes S. Harris, with well chosen words, paid a glowing tribute to Rev. and Mrs. Gaugler and daughter at the close of the program. M.N.O. Bridge Club Plays In Knox Home The M.N.O. Bridge «.lub was entertained last Tuesday even ing in the home of Mrs. Clark Knox on Spruce street. An evening of bridge was en joyed with Mrs. Clarence Estadt and Mrs. Robert*Lorenz receiving the prizes. Refreshments were served by the hostess to the following: Mrs. William Davis, Mrs. Clar ence Estadt, Mrs. George Daugh erty, Mrs. Jack Ferrell, Mrs. Joseph Giallombardo, Mrs. Rob ert Searle, Mrs. Robert Lorenz and Mrs. Kenneth Leighton. MEETING^ HELD~ More than 20 were in attend ance at the regular meeting of the Brookfield Farm Bureau Council held Friday evening, June 28 in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wickham. H. R. Black burn, discussion leader, presided. Plans were made to hold their annual picnic Sunday, July 14 at the Big Bottom Park. Refresh ments were served at the close of the meeting by the host and hostess. MUTUAL, la*. Notice of 67 th Consecutive Dividend. Board of Director! of Invwtors Mutual hat declared a quarterly divi dend of nine cents per thare payable on July 11, 1957, to shareholder* of record ot of June 27, 1957. Joteph M, FHztimmoftt GUwwan of MM MUTUAL., INC. 0TOCK FUND, INCE IKUKCTIVE FUND, iMiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiimiNMHiiwmiimiiiwiMie juikvwl Sojciaty O N 9 8 IHMIMmmtmlMiMiMlllllMMHItHIHMMMIIIIHIHIMIIMMtMMMIIIIIMfWMMIfMtlllHMfMKHtiKlllfKdl Miss Rigmor Wulfert, Of Oslo, Norway, Weds Thomas J. Smithberger, June 15 Miss Rigmor Wulfert, of Oslo, Norway, became the bride of Thomas J. Smithberger, of South Bend, Ind., on Saturday, June 15, at 10:00 a. m. in the Log Chapel on the campus of the University Notre Dame. The Rev. Fr. Robert J. Sheehan, C.S.C., officiated at the Mass and ceremony uniting the couple. Decorating the altar were ar rangements of delphinium, gla dioli and hydrangea. INC. •ROUP CANADIAN FUND LTD. •aaaBSBBSSP for pro*p+cfu*e( wnfe DIVERSIFIED SKK VICES, IN& Investors Bldg., Minneapolis 2, Minntiola Or fill out, elip and moil coupon below: KICHARD F. LONG 2011 Wheeling Avemie Phone 4-6774 Cambridge, O. P1*8M send the prospectus describ ing the investment company or companies checked below 0 Investors Mutual, Inc. Investors Stock Fond, Inc. f""l Investors Selective Fund, Inc. O Investors Group Conadian Fund Ud. Address. 0» .Zone StoU_ As her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Karl E. Wulfert, were unable to come from Norway for the wed ding, Dr. Johan Bjorksten, of Madison, Wisconsin, gave the bride in marriage. A gown of chantilly lace over tulle, made with a small Peter Pan Collar, was worn by the bride. Tiny buttons closed her fitted lace jacket. Lace inserts highlighted the waltz length gown. She wore a scalloped lace crown, embroidered with seed pearls, and a finger-tip veil of illusion. Blue delphinium and lilies of the valley formed the bride's bouquet. Miss Beverly Jean Netherton, of South Bend, Ind., the bride's only attendant, wore a powder blue princess style gown of taf feta fashioned with matching jacket with a small collar and three-quarter length sleeves. A white nylon lace picture hat with a chiffon bow complemented her costume. The bridegroom's brother. Andy W. Smithberger, was the best man and ushering were Paul Myers of Mishawaka and Arthur T. Pulte of Royal Oak, Mich. The bride studied at Ries Junior College, Oslo, Norway and the University of Oslo, Nor way, before coming to this country to attend the Univer sity of Wisconsin at Madison. She met her husband while working in New York City, where he was stationed during part of his service in the U. S. Navy. He had attended the Uni versity of Notre Dame before being graduated from the Uni versity of Michigan in Ann Arbor. The bridegroom is the son of Prof, and Mrs. Andrew T. Smithberger, formerly of Har riettsville, tout now of 53085 Oakmont Park, near the Notre Dame campus. A wedding break fast was served to the bridal party and a number of close relatives and friends at the Oakmont Park address and a reception was held afterward. The newlyweds, who left for a tour of the western states, expect to be at home in Bakers field, Calif., where Mr. Smith berger has a position with the U. S. forestry division. Mrs. Samuel H. Stille and Miss Justine Smithbeijger, of Lower Salem route, attended the wed ding. They are aunts of the bridegroom. Mary Quick Hostess A! Bridge Dinner Mrs. Walter Quick entertained members of her bridge club with a dinner (bridge last Tuesday evening at her home on Main street. Flowers were used profusely throughout the rooms. Following the dinner, bridge was enjoyed with Nelle Headley and Mrs. J. K. Walkenshaw win ning the prizes. Those present were: Mrs. Harry Richcreek, Mrs. Howard Tarleton, Mrs. Glen lams, Miss Thelma Rice, Mrs. Helen Ehler mann, Mrs. Frank Morgareidge, Mrs. Nelle Headley, Mrs. J. K. Walkenshaw and the hostess. ENJOY DINNER Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson entertained at their home Thurs day evening with a steak dinner. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Springer, of Maple Heights, the host and hostess and daughter, Mary. MADAM STELLA CHARACTER READER And ADVISOR Madam Stella will give you advice on all your problems. There is no problem too great for Madam Stella. So bring all your problems to Madam Stella and let Madam Stella bring sunshine into your home and happiness. A complete reading with this ad will be $1.00. If you are not fully satisfied, money will be refunded. Readings are con fidential and private if so de sired. Open Daily and Sundays 8:00 a. m. to 9:00 p. m. 271 Main Avenue Byesville, Ohio Engaged MISS RUBY CALDWELL Announcement is being made of the engagement of Miss Ruby Caldwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bird Caldwell of Caldwell to Frank C. Dehner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Dehner of Co lumbus. The bride-elect is a graduate of Caldwell high school and is em ployed by the Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company at Columbus. Mr. Dehner is a graduate of Aquinas high school and served two years with the U. S. Navy. He is associated with the Ohio Bell Telephone Company at Co lumbus. Wedding plans are incomplete. Mizpah Class Meets In Church Friday The Mizpah class of the First Methodist church met Friday evening, June 28 in the church dining room. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Johnson were host and host ess. A farewell party was given by the group honoring Rev. and Mrs. Floyd R. Gaugler. The Gauglers', who are moving to Cambridge, were presented with a nice gift from the class. The presentation was made by Merle Barnhart. A short program was presented by Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Feldner. Those in attendance included: Mr. and Mrs. Merle Barnhart, Mrs. Dana Caldwell and son, Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Feldner and sons, Rev. and Mrs. Floyd R. Gaugler, Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Kirchner and son, Mr. and Mrs. Orton Lantz and family, Mrs. Alex Pezzopane and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rudge. Cambridge Country Club Scene of Bridge Luncheon Mrs. Kenneth Leighton, Mrs. Joseph Giallombardo and Mrs. John W. Hazard were hostesses at a bridge luncheon Thursday, June 27 at the Cambridge Coun try club. Following the luncheon an afternoon of bridge and canasta was enjoyed with the prizes being won by: Mrs. Donald Harkins, Miss Thelma Rice, Mrs. Lucien Young, Mrs. Ulrich Allen, Mis. Harry Richcreek and Mrs. Gerald Ramsey. Those attending were: Mrs. Robert C. Moore, Mrs. Harry Knox, Mrs. Robert Stevenson, Mrs. John D. Wheeler, Mrs. E. G. Ditch, Mrs. Robert Lorenz, Mrs. Harry Richcreek, Mrs. Ward Murrey, Mrs. Vernon Kalan, Mrs. Donald Moore, Mrs. Henry Brumbach, Mrs. Donald Harkins, Mrs. A. G. McGregor, Mrs. Robert Searle, Mrs. N. S. Reed, Miss Thelma Rice. Mrs. Walter Quick, Mrs. Ulrich Allen, Mrs. Russell Locke, Mrs. Al. Walton, Mrs. Lucien C. Young, Mrs. Clarence J. Estadt, Mrs. William Gillespie, Mrs. John Ferrell, Mrs. Clyde Har ris, Mrs. Paul McVay, Mrs. Ver non Archer, Mrs. Forrest Racey, Mrs. William Davis, Mrs. Robert Vogel, Mrs. Sarah Young, Mrs. Clark Gray, Mrs. Warren Bruns, Mrs. Gerald Ramsey, Mrs. John Matheney and the hostesses. DIVORCE-ACTION A divorce action was filed last week in the Noble county com mon pleas court, according to John H. Snyder, clerk, and W. V. Archer, judge. Clifford O. Pickenpaugh, of Sharon, is the plaintiff in the action and the defendant is Laura Pickenpaugh. Attorney L. C. Young is repre senting the plaintiff. ENJOYS FURLOUGH^' Pvt. Larry M. Wilson returned to service at Fort Ord, Calif ornia, last week after enjoying a 14-day furlough with his mother, Mrs. Minnie Wilson, Cumberland street. His complete address is as follows: Pvt. Larry M. Wilson, FR 15576284, Co. C, 14th Battle Group, 4th Brigate, Class 206, Fort Ord, California. |CALDWELL CAB SERVICE^ And- PACKAGE DELIVERY CALL Caldwell 63-J S 8:00 a. m. to 5:30 m. S Caldwell 258-W 6:00 p. m. to 2:00 a. m. CAB STOP D. D. Nichols Hardware S 506 Cumberland Street i was observed during the after- Edison Shafer, Jane Shafer, P. S. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mil ler, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest'Reed and family, Thoburn Reed, Mrs. Fred C. Stiles, Susan Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Casey and fam ily, H. G. Williams, Mrs. Wal ter Powell and daughters, Billy Franklin, Ronnie McConnell, Sam Dye, Mrs. Ray Shafer, Marie Bates, Mrs. Chelsie Mc Connell and son, Terry, Bethel Bates. Mrs. Anna Groves, Mrs. A. N. Secrest, Susie Hannahs, Mrs. James A. Sholtis, Mrs. Rodney R. Williams, Russell Moore, Charles Moore, Timothy Bates, Harry Morrison and Guy Oliver. Out of town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Caldwell of Tria delphia, W. Va. George Kent of Sarahsville Rev. Robert Grie singer of Senecaville Mildred Herron of Cumberland Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Moore and family of Sum merfield Mr. and Mrs. Warren Miley and daughter of Pleasant City Mr. and Mrs. Luther D. Stiles of Hollywood, Calif. Mrs. Ralph Beardsley of Long Beach, Calif. Mrs. Ronald Wheeler and sons of Caldwell route 6 Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Moore and family of Zanesville Mr. and Mrs. Don ald Moore and daughter of Senecaville Mike Minyo of Ava Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Secrest of Caldwell. The honored couple received a number of nice gifts including gifts from the following who didn't attend: Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Moore and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith and family, Hazel Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Paul McVay, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Knox, Mrs. Belle Conner and Mrs. Louella Pringle. Cross And Crown Class Enjoys Picnic Sunday The Cross ami Crown ckiss 'I'uif trtrruwAt' r»ATnnrm t" nmn Hostesses were: Mrs. Rex ^r' Moore, Mrs. Walter Powell of Mt. Ephraim Mrs. Mildred Her- ron of Cumberland Mrs. Ralph THE JOURNAL, CALDWELE, OHIO Arthur Moores Celebrate Golden Anniversary At Their Home, Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore celebrated their golden wedding anniversary Sunday, June 30, at their home in Mt. Ephraim. A family dinner was served at noon to members of the im lediate family and other relatives. P. S. Moore of Mt. Ephraim ras the only guest who was also in atendance at the wedding -inner 50 years ago. A large white cloth with silver bells was used on the table. A irge cake, decorated in yellow with the number fifty in gold, centered the table. A large cry- end ofuthe\ab£'stood Al PhrkfOnhprS AfP at one of the First Presbyterian church enjoyed a picnic Sunday even ing, June 30 at the Murphy Grove on Main street. A short program was pre sented following the picnic dinner. Officers of the class are: president, Mrs. Phyllis Brown vice president, Richard Ball secretary-treasurer, Edna Wiley and teacher, Theodore Murphy. DINNER GUESTS" Mr. and Mrs. Phil Harding of Caldwell route 1 entertained at their home Saturday evening with a chicken dinner. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Danford and son, Leonard, of Caldwell, Mrs. Alma Harding of Senecaville, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roe, sons, Junior and Terry and daughter, Connie, of Mansfield and the host and hostess. Other callers Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Don Forbes, Roger and Becky Jean, of Senecaville, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Long, Mr. and Mrs. John Young, Lorraine and Jane, all of Chilli cothe. MARRIAGE PERMIT Donald Dale Nichols, 25, of Belle Valley, construction work er, and Connie Lou King, 21, of Caldwell, waitress, was the only marriage permit issued in the Noble county probate court last week, according to E. P. Mc Ginnis, Judge. DISMISSED HOME Mrs. Lena Kinnen was dis missed to her home on Belford street Friday from Good Sam aritan hospital, Zanesville, where she has been receiving treatment. Her condition is improved. AMBULANCE-TRIP Charles Hartley, of Caldwell route 6, was admitted to the Marietta Memorial hospital, Mon day, July 1, for observation and treatment. w IJiUpllGIj MIC Fete(f With Shower aru* were a Beardsley of Long Beach, Calif. ^r" Mrs. Charles Mee Mrs. Blaine Moore of Summer- -'ornPani°n host and hostess we field Mrs. Orville Casey of Mt. Ephraim and Mrs. Sumner Moore, of Zanesville. The custom of "open house" Mr' ^ls' Chr*,.,,,,..*., Pleasantly surprised wi'i !p'*cn'c ^nd linen shower Tut day evening July 2 at the hor and MrS- Claire Th° Hayes. games were ev i Wallace Rich, Mr. and Mrs. Oather Mor rison, Dorothy Miley and chil dren, Edith Williams, Mrs. Hes ter Shafer, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. William Rich and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gould Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Char les Casey, Rex Casey, Mr. and Mrs. Craig Cleary and family. enjoyed during tl £"inS- noon and evening. There Those attending included Mrs. There were approximately 20 a^en^ance' John Miley, Mary Riggs, Bertha ,7, Shafer, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace CdldWell B.P.W. Clllb Enjoys Picnic Monday Hie Caldwell Business and Professional Women's club en joyed a picnic Monday evening, July 1, at the home of Mrs. Violet Morgareidge on North street. A pot luck dinner was enjoyed on the lawn at the Morgareidge home at 6:30 o'clock by approxi mately 30 members and guests. A short business meeting was conducted by the president, Mrs. Grace Robinson. The club voted to recess during the month diappij. Sihikdcuj. Sunday, July 7 Stephen D. Ball, Mary Har mon. Monday. July 8 Leo Kullman, Jum McKee, Ruth Clark, Fred Fox, Janice Weekley. Tuesday, July 9 Brady Archer, Mildred Barr, Becky Kirk, Roland Reed. Wednesday, July 10 Lydia Gant, Tilly Danford, Dewey Stotts, Mark Wilk, Her man Gordon, Ted Finley. Thursday, July 11 Douglass Edward Ralph, Roger Bates, Mrs. Emmet Bates. Friday^ July 12 La Wayne Hayes, Edison Shaf fer, Florence A. Orr. Satunday, July 13 Madge Davis, Glenna Clark. Look Who's Here! Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rossite 1 of Belford street, are announcii the birth of a daughter, Sunda\, June 30 in the Marietta Me morial hospital. The infant weighed seven pounds and fi\ ounces at birth and has be n named Sally Ann. Grandparent are Mr. and Mrs. Ira Clark, North street, and Mr. and Mrs. Mai K Rossiter, Sarahsville. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hed» of Genoa, announce the birth a son on Friday, June 28 in Toledo hospital. Paternal gran I parents are Mr. and Mrs. Cli Hedge, of Genoa, formerly Caldwell. Great grandparerr are Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hedt and H. R. Blackburn of Broo field township. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Atkinson. Batesville, announce the birth a seven pound, four and one-ht .it ounce son at the Barnesvili* General hospital, Monday, Juiw 24. Grandparents are Mr. aiu! Mrs. Frank M. Atkinson and Mr and Mrs. Leslie Long, Batesvilh Great-grandparents are Mr. an.i Mrs. Jim Hedleston, also Batesville. Mr. and Mrs. William McKe of Marietta, are the parents of son born Sunday, June 23 in th Marietta Memorial hospital. Tin' infant has been named Willian, Edward. Mrs. Clara McKee, Caldwell, is the paternal gran mother. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clark, u Caldwell route 2, are announr ing the birth of a son, June 11. in the Good Samaritan hospit in Zanesville. The infant win weighed seven pounds, twel\ ounces has been named Euger.' Edwin. Mr. and Mrs'. Glen LOJI of Caldwell route 2 and Mr. ai.' Mrs. Walter Clark of Senec ville route 1, are the gran i parents. The maternal great grandmother is Mrs. Elizabeth Fogle of Caldwell route 2. LACERATES THUMB The small son of Mr. and Mi James Walker of Harriettsvill received medical attention at tin office of a local physician Fn day, July 28 for a lacerated lei: thumb. WE WILL CLOSE FOR VACATION JULY 15 16 17 18- 19- 20 SEMON'S DRY CLEANING Anniversary THJ3 FARSONS Mr. and Mrs. George F. Farson of Cleveland, former well-known residents of Noble county, re cently observed their 40th wed ding anniversary. They enjoyed a family dinner, after which "open house" was held at their home for a number of friends. Thimble Circle Meets In Mattie Groves Home of August. Those participating in the pro gram included: Nancy Rudge, Leone Barnhouse, Betty Buckey, Bernice Webber and Edith Mc Farland. Mrs. Mattie Groves and ])tfrs. Ola Shafer entertained members and guests of the Caldwell Thimble Circle at the former's home on Belford street at a 12:30 o'clock luncheon Friday, June 28. The rooms were attractively decorated with arrangements of red and white flowers. A short business meeting was conducted, followed the lunch ton, by the president, Roberta Cleary. Mrs. Cleary opened the meeting with a poem. Lorene Moseley gave a poem and a quiz was conducted by Kama Steen. Another feature of the afternoon's program was a brief talk by Mrs. Rizen. Members present were: Wava McVay, Roberta Cleary, Mary Tipton, Billa Patterson, Jessie Young, Eva Croy, Elsie Kirch ner, Lorene Moseley, Willis Hupp, Freda Robinson and the hostesses. Guests were Ora Berry, Mar tha Gaugler, Mary Quick, Mrs. Rizzen, and Rama Steen. SUNDAY~DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Junior Wilson, of Terrace Addition, entertained with a Sunday dinner at their home. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Bigley of Zanesville, the host and hostess. Afternoon visitors were Mr. and Mi V-m- Bi-.-U-v. of li. TOUCH- and the ihelves revotve TOUCH shftlve* odfust up or down TOUCH loot Mdiot and Ifcfe tolfety Anna Lowe To Wed Stanley Williams Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lowe, of Reinersville, announce the en gagement of their daughter, Anna Faye to Stanley Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wil liams, of Pennsville. Miss Lowe is a graduate of Manchester high school and is employed with the Nation Wide Insurance Company in Colum bus. Mr. Williams is a graduate of Pennsville high school and is employed with the State High way Department in Columbus. Wedding plans are incomplete. Family Dinner Held In Henry Schott Home A family dinner was enjoyed Sunday, June 23 in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schott, Cald well route. Those present were: Mrs. Anna Hanna and son, Bill of Brad dock, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Schott and children, Janet, Jerry, Johnny and Jackie, Albert Schott, all of Canton Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Zwick and children, Joan, Charles, John, Don, Marlene, Sandra, George, Joe, Roger, Elaine and Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Zwick and chil dren, Judy, Mike, Annabelle and Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Huffman «and children, Larry, Bob, David, Mary Margaret Mark and Christie, all of Har riettsville Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schott and daughter, Marilyn and Tim Fleming. Those visiting in the after noon were: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schott and children, Dick, Ron ald and Mike, Mr. and Mrs. Har old Archer and children, Judy, Jim, Janice, Jerry, Joey, Jackie, Joyce and Jeanie, Mr. and Mrs. James Ackley and children, Patricia, Pamela, Jimmy, Jef fery and Jlickie, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schott and children, Chuckie, Mark, Timmy and Kristie Kay. Friendly Sewing Circle Meets In Danford Home The Friendly Sewing Circle met recently in the home of Estelene Danford in Olive with Tessie Danford serving as com panion hostess. A short business meeting was held after which refreshments were served. Guests were: Edna Crum, Ruth Johnson and June Danford. Members present were: Mari lyn Bond, Mary Davis, Bessie Loop, Caroletta Morrison, Kath ryn Pitts, Gladys Seffens, Edna Tarleton, Opal Pilcher, Mary belle DeVolld, Norma Jean Pil cher rmd the ho.-1esses. PATTEN'S Phone 58 BIG ZERO-DEGREE FREEZER AUTOMATIC DEFROSTING REFRIGERATOR SECTION Thursday, My 4, 1957 Little Miss k KATHY ANN WILSON Kathy Ann Wilson is the five and one-half month old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wilson of Crooked Tree. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Dannie Slater of Keith town Mrs. Minnie Wilson of Caldwell and Mark Wilson of Crooked Tree. Great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Will Phillis of Coal Run. Flower Judging School At Zanesville, July 9 The Ohio Association of Gar den club will sponsor School No. 1 of the Flower Judging Schools, Tuesday, July 9, at 10:00, Day light Saving Time, in the Y.W. C.A. at Zanesville. These classes are open to the general public and anyone interested in attend ing may do so, whether you be long to a garden club or not. Luncheon may be had at the Y.W.C.A. cafeteria without ad vance reservation. Prefessor Victor Reis, of Ohio State University, will discuss horticulture in the morning ses son. Professor Phyllis Krurn, also of Ohio State University, will have charge of the afternoon session. Noble county has two active clubs including one at Batesville and the other in Dexter City. It is expected that several repre sentatives from these clubs will ahending this meeting. DIVORCE GRANTED Eva J. Strahler, of Jackson township, was granted a divorce from Clement Strahler Friday morning in the Noble county common pleas court with Judge W. V. Archer on the bench. The plaintiff was granted a divorce on the grounds of extreme cruelty and wilfull absence. Attorney L. C. Young represent e e a i n i PRICED RIGHT! Model- BH-1 2P NEW GENERAL ELECTRIC 12-CUBIC-FOOT "STRAIGHT-LINE" design REFRIGERATOR- FREEZER with TOUCH-ACTION Features REMOVABLE, ADJUSTABLE DOOR SHELVES BUTTER COAAPARTMENT EGG RACK $ PORCELAIN VEGETABLE DRAWERS 379 .95 Select Your Appliance from an Appliance Store! select tour /vppuance irom an Ap AND YOUR OLD ItEfKIGERATOR Appliance Center North Street