Newspaper Page Text
8, 198*7 Court House Real Estate Transfers Mariam Karkafi Obeid et. al., by Donald Conaway, Sheriff, to Moses Tonnous, village of Cald well, lots 37 and 38, Belle Valley, 6 and part of five, sheriff's deed. Harley and Ida Mae Wisen barger, Jr., to the First National Bank, Sumrnerfield, lot 121 and .25 acre. Samuel F. Wiley, administra tor of the estate of C. W. Wiley, deceased, to Mabel Wiley, Sharon township, 105.66 acres, adminis trator's deed. George F. Zimmerman, deceas ed, to Howard Zimmerman, Elk township, 60.17 acres, certificate for transfer. Emmett and Mary Ginn to Walter and Bessie Harriman, Noble township, 9:50 acres. Rudy and Faye Combs to The Franklin Real Estate Co., Sharon township, 80 acres. C. B. and Bertha Spence to Pittsburgh Consolidation Coal Co., Stock township, 55.25 acres. Edwin L. and Anita Crum, to Walter and Faye Rine, Noblv? township, Florence lots 251, 252, 253. Veftion W. and Mary I. Slater to L. E. and Virginia Potts, Broiiyn and Slater Addition, lots 16 and 15. Edmund G. James, executor of the estate of Adah E. Conner deceased, to Ara Kimnach, Cald well, lot 207, executor's deed. K. G. Kearns, administrator of the estate of Karl Aug:enstein to Howard and Martha Timberlake, Jackson township, 30 acres, ad ministrator's deed. C. R. Atkinson, auditor to N. A. Christman, Brookfield township, coal, 59.87 acres, audi tor's deed. C. R. Atkinson, auditor to N. A. Christman, Buffalo township, coal, 1,003.59 acres, auditor's deed. C. R. Atkinson, auditor to N. A. Christman, Marion town ship, coal, 190.3-2 acres, auditor's deed. C. R. Atkinson, auditor to N. A. Christman, Noble town ship, coal, 461.50 acres, auditor's deed. C. R. Atkinson, auditor to N. A. Christman, Olive township, coal, 442.94 acres, 'auditor's deed. Probate Court In reference to the 5 6 7 8 10 land Happenings sale of Mary Jordan, guardian, Belva Mae Jordan, Cecil Jordan, et. al., minor wards, plaintiff, versus her wards, Belva Mae Jordan. Cecil Jordan, Sharon Sue Jor dan, et. al., defendants: guard ian's petition to sell real estate filed waiver of summons on petition to sell real estate and consent to sell filed precipe to issue summons for minor defend ants directed to the sheriff of LEGAL NOTICE Grethel Spicer, whose last known place of residence was at 748 Wash ington Blvd., Kansas City, Kansas, and whose place of residence is other wise unknown and ennnot with rea sonable diligence be ascertained, will take notice that on the 26th day of Julv, 1957, the plaintiff. Ernest Spicer, filed his petition against her in the Court of Common Pleas of Noble Countv, Ohio, the same being Case No. 9680 the prayer of said petition is for divorce and other equitable re lief on the grounds of gross neglect of duty and ^Jitretne cruelty. Said ruuae will be for hearing on or after six weeks from the date of the filing of said petition. JOHN W. HAZARD, Attorney for Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that th? Of ficers of the First Church of Christ, Caldwell, Ohio, have filed a petition in Case Number 9679. in the Common Pleas Court of Noble County, Ohio, praying for authority to sell the real oriate described as follows: .Situate in tlie Village of Caldwell, Oiuo. to-wit: Being a tract off of the North end of Lot numbered 166 in said Village described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said lot numbered 166, thence running south along the East line of said lot to a point on said East line which is five teet South of the line of the foundation ul the dwelling house now on said tPttct herein conveyed thence run West across said lot on a line parallel with the foundation of said dwelling house and five feet south thereof to the West lino of said Lot 166 thence run north along the West line of said lot to the North line thereof thence East along the North line of said lot to the place of beginning. RESERVING, however, to Norval Robey, his* heirs and assigns, the right to maintain and repair the water line and sewers belonging to the dwelling house on the South end of said lot, which cross the tract herein conveyed with ingress and egress to and from tlie same. Said officers further pray for auth ority to purchase and to borrow money upon and to mortgage the following real estate described as follows: Situate in the Village of Caldwell, Ohio, and being Lot numbered One Hundred Sixty (160) in said Village of Caldwell. Ohio, as indicated on the re corded plat thereof in the office of the Noble County, Ohio, Recorder, and be uig the premises now owned by Ethel Hazard. Said case will be for hearing on or alter lour weeks from the date of the first publication of this notice. John W. Hazard Attorney for the First Church of Christ 3 4 5 6 Nol— i„tu, \jiu'Ors fixing time for hearing and for notice issued for answer and for hearing on July 20, 1957, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. summons on petition to sell real estate for minor defendants to' the peti tion issued to the sheriff of Noble county, Ohio. In reference to the estate of Adah E. Conner, deceased: con sent and request of all bene ficiaries entitled to share in estate upon distribution filed order to commence action to sell real estate issued. In reference to the estate of Glen Anderson, deceased: proof of publication of notice of filing inventory and appraisement to next of kin resident of the state of Ohio, made by the Journal Publishing Co., and filed order approving publication of notice of filing inventory issued. In referense to the estate of Zuinglius McFerren, deceased: application for determination of inheritance tax filed order de termining inheritance tax issued schedule of claims filed orders on filing of schedule of claims confirming without notice issued first and final account of A. M. Secrest, executor, filed for hear ing Monday, Aug. 12, 1957, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. In reference to the land sale of Hilles Keeton, administrator of the estate of Perry Keeton, aka, Perry David Keeton, de ceased, plaintiff, versus Paul David Keeton, defendant: hear ing had on answer date June 15, 1957, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. orders postponed. In reference to the will of Pete Kusnerak, deceased: will filed application for probate of will filed waiver of notice and consent to probate filed journal entry on presentation of will for probate issued. In reference to the land sale of Samuel F. Wiley, administra tor of the estate of A. W. Wiley, deceased, plaintiff, versus Mabel P. Wiley, Mae Stowe, Samuel F. Wiley, individually,iLinda Wiley and Kay Wiley, minors, et. al., defendants: petition for sale of real estate to pay debts filed waiver of summons on petition to sell real estate and consent to sell filed precipe to issue summons for minor defendants directed to the sheriff of Noble county, Ohio, filed orders fixing time for hearing and for notice issued for answer and hearing July 20, 1957, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. summons on petition to sell real estate for minor defend ants to the petition issued to the sheriff of Noble county, Ohio. In reference to the estate of Taylor G. Camden, deceased: application for transfer of real estate filed authority to trans fer real estate issued certificate for transfer of real estate issued: affidavit in lieu of schedule of claims filed orders on filing afidavit in lieu ofl schedule of claims issued first and final account of L. C. Young, executor, filed for bearing on Monday, Aug. 12, 1957, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. In reference to the land sale of Mary Jordan, guardian, Belva Mae Jordan, Cecil Jordan, et. al., minor wards, plaintiff, versus her wards Belva Mae Jordan, Cecil Jordan, Sharon Sue Jor dan et. al., defendants: summons on petition to sell real estate for minor defendants to the petition, returned by the sheriff of Noble county, Ohio, and filed. Photo Developing—Gillespie's SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE The state of Ohio, Noble County Common Pleas Court Case No. 9654 The Caldwell Building and Loan Co., a Corporation Plaintiff -—vs.— Vernon Secrest and Norma Secrest, Defendants In pursuance of an Order of Sale in the above entitled action, I will offer for sale at public auction, at the west door of court house in Caldwell, Ohio, in the above named county, on Saturday, the 10th day of August. 1957, at 10:30 o'clock a. m., the following described real estate, situate in the County of Noble and State of Ohio, and in the township of Wayne to-wit: Situated in the Township of Wayne, County of Noble and State of Ohio and being described as the North half of the West half of the Northeast quarter of Section 6, Township 8 of Range 8 of land sold at Zanesville, Ohio, containing 44 acres, more or less, and being the same premises recorded in Volume 111, Page 20 of the Deed Records of Noble County, Ohio. Said premises located at or near the junction of State Route No. 285, and State Route No. 566. App. mile Northeast of said junction. Said premises appraised at $200.00 and cannot be sold for less than two thirds of that amount. Terms of Sale: Cash. DONALD CONAWAY, Sheriff of Noble County, Obio Fred F. Fox, Attorney 2. 3. 4, 5. 6, Front End Alignment JOHN BEAN VISUAIINER AND PRECISION WHEEL BALANCING Within One-fourth Ounce Accuracy STEWART-WARNER BALANCER For All Make Cars, Including 1957 FLEEMAN PONTIAC COMPANY USR 21, South Caldwell, Ohio tileburg Sep Miss Linda Hayes visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hayes and family of Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hayes and girls spent the weekend with relatives at Canton. Mrs. Pansy Poland, Mr, Jack Poland and son, of Ava, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Morrison and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Mallett, of Canton, is visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hayes and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore and children, of Barberton, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Mor rison and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gildow, Mr. and Mrs. Charles West left Sun day on a vacation down south. Mrs. Amelia Shott, who had been a patient at Good Samari tan hospital, Zanesville, last month, was brought to her home on Dexter City route, Saturday. Mrs. Shott is slowly improving. Charles Mitchell was a caller ill Zanesville this week. MT. TABOR MT. TABOR Mrs. Otis Mar tin visited Mrs. Elizabeth Car penter, Mrs. Dwayne Shroyer and daughter, Tina, and Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Morris and son, Racey, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Maywood Lucas, Mrs. Otis Martin and son, Jerry, visited Mr. Frank Wright and daughter, Elsie, Tuesday evening. Mr. Jerome Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Shroyer and daugh ter, Tina, visited Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and family, Monday evening. Nancy Lee Martin visited Mrs. Lester Hesson, Monday. Mrs. Jerome Morris, Mrs Dwayne Shroyer and daughter, Tina, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Stephen visited Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and family, Wednesday evening. Mrs. Everett Archer and family were calling on Miss Elsie Wright and Mrs. Otis Martin, Thursday Mrs. Everett Archer and fam ily, Miss Hester Rossiter, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and son, Jerry, were business callers in Caldwell Thursday forenoon. Elsie Wright visited Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mallett, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Thompson and daughter, Shila, Mr. Edgar Guiler and daughter, Aroma, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Over myers at Cincinnati over the weekend and returned by way of Columbus and visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Starrett and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Marsh Snyder. They returned home on Wednesday. Mr. Reed Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wells and son, Paul David, Mrs. Willard Mallett and son, Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Thompson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and family, Miss Bertha Bonar, Mr. Dell Harper were visitors at Mr. and Mrs Wiley Thompsons and daughter Shila, Sunday afternoon. Miss Judy Nabors. Mrs. Charle: Kirkbride, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and family visited Mrs Vernon Hannahs and children Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Shroyer and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Stephens and daughters, Mrs E i z a e a e n e o e Christman at the home of Mr and Mrs. Jerome Morris and daughter, Janet, Sunday after noon. Miss Nabors returned hom Sunday evening after spending the day with Mr. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wells visited Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wells and son, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hines visited Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wells and son, Paul David, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wells and son, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Thomp son and daughter were sight see ing down by Clarington and the new aluminum plant, Sunday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Thompson and daughter, Shila, were busi ness callers in Caldwell, Friday. Mr. Otis Martin, Mr. Wiley Thompson were business callers in Woodsfield, Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and sons, Jerry, Terry and Roger, and granddaughter, Joy, were busi ness callers in Caldwell Satur day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and family, Mr. Jerome Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Shroyer and daughter enjoyed a wiener roast at Mr. and Mrs. Neal Stephens and daughters, Ann and Lyn, Sat urday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Thompson and daughter, Shila, Mr. and Mrs Oscar Wells and son, Paul David attended the family reunion at Woodsfield, Saturday afternoon. Miss Karen Wilson enjoyed a picnic supper with Mr. Thomp son and Mr. Martin the past week at Woodsfield. Sorry for omitting her last week. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Stephens and daughter visited Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and family, Friday. INSURANCE THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO QlwJidx TlaiM Sotith Olive Methodist Charge Lenley Addis, Pastor South Olive Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Margaret Pryor, Supt. M.Y.F., 7:00 p. m. Olive Green Worship ser vice, 10:00 a. nt. Sunday school, 11:00 a. m. Charles Nichols, Supt. Middleburg Sunday school, 10:00 a. m. Worship service, 11:00 a. m. Afternoon service at 1:30 p. m. Reinersville Methodist Charge Harvey H. McPheron, Pastor Reinersville Worship service 10:00 a. m. Special numbers. Sermon topic "Honey Along The Way!" Sunday school, 10:45 a. m. Woman's Society of Christian Service meeting Thursday at 8:00 p. m. Smith'.? Chapel Sunday school, 10:00 a. m. Worship service, 11:00 a. m. Sermon topic "Honey Along The Way!" Prayer meeting Thursday at 8:00 p. m. Forest Grove Evening ser vice, 8:00 p. m. The Keith youth group is to participate in this service. Special numbers. Sermon topic "Honey Along The Way!" Keith Sunday school. 9:30 a. m. Youth group meeting at 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Tuesday at 8:00 p. in. Caldwell St. Philomcsa Cath«)k Church Rev. Fr. S. J. Pekalla, pastor Confessions, Saturday at 1:30 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Sunday Masses at 7:00 a. and 9:00 a. m. Pleasant City Lutheran Parish A. G. Riggle, Pastor St. Paul's, Pleasant City Church service, 9:15 a. m. Sunday school, 10:15 a. m. Harmony Church, Buffalo Sunday school, 10:00 a. m. Church service, 11:15 a. m. Mt. Zion Church Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Worship ser vice, 10:15 a. m. New Harmony Baptist Church Leslie Koskovics, Pastor Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Worship service, 10:30 a. Evening service, 7:30 p. m. The "Martin Luther" film will be shown at the evening service Sunday, Aug. 11. Sharon Presbyterian Church Sunday school. 10:30 a. m. Stafford STAFF OKh Mr,. Wayne Bishop and children spent one day last week with Elva Bishop and Shirley. Mrs. Sadie Stallings and son Frank Stallings, of Westerville, called on Mrs. Estella Miracle and son, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Fogle and family spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Fogle. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hines and family, of Bolhrnr, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr and Mrs. Harold Shafcr and Mr and Mrs. Jim Hines. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bonar and daughters, of Columbus, spent the weekend here and attended the funeral of her father, Theo dore Love at Road Fork, Sunday Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Hart shorn and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Connie Hayes, Tib Ullman and Bert Mallett were Woods field callers one day last week Miss Martha Jane Robinson, of Zanesville, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mr John Robinson. Those who attended the re union picnic at the Stafford Road Side park on Sunday, July 28, were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lincicome and children, Earl, Bessie, David and Connie Sue, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hesson and daughters, Betty and Cathy. Mr and Mrs. Kin Hupp of Dexter City, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hupp and children of Caldwell route 6, Mrs. Ethel Steed, Mar tha Lois, Lynn and Larry Steed. See The Journal for Quality Printing. CAIN REUNION Will be held at the Noble County Fairgrounds, Sunday, August 11, 10:30 to 4:00. Rela tives and friends invited. CAIN RFINION ASSOCIATION Farley and Elswick Agencies JOE YONTZ West Street Phone 14-J OF ALL KINDS Bene Valley Corpus Christ! Rev. S. J. Pekalla, pastor Confessions, Saturday at 3:00 p. m. Sunday Mass at 10:30 a. m. Macksbur* Dexter City Methodist Charge Walter H. Brown, Pastor Mary Reed Memorial—Church school, 10:30 a. m. Don Theiss, Supt. Worship service. 9:30 a. m. Dexter City Church school, 10:00 a. m. C. C. Webber, Supt. Worship service, 11:00 a. m. Macksburg Church school, 9:30 a. m. Mrs. Ina Bate,-. Supt. Caldwell First Baptist Church Roy Wikander, Pastor Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Worship service, 10:30 a. m. Sermon topic "Partakers". Evening service, 8:00 p. m. The Rev. Charles Moore, of Crestline, formerly of Caldwell, will be the guest speakn at the evening service. First Church of Christ Ira J. Brandon, Pastor Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Worship service, 10:30 a. m. There will be a guest speaker at the morning service and there will be no evening service. JZ\ PEANUT SCHOOL I)AV VIMCO Caldwell First Methodist Church K. Parker West, Pastor Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Worship service, 10:30 a. mi Evening service, 7:00 p. m. Rev. and Mrs. Parker West and children are vacationing for the next two weeks in Massachusetts therefore, guest speakers will occupy the pulpit for the morn ing service n the xt uvo Sun days. St. Andrew-on-Lake Sunday Mass at 11:00 *. m. EST. Fr. Kbbert A. Mascot no. Fv-'ior Ava Free Methodist Church Leroy Hiett, Pastor Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Worship service, 10:30 a. m. Evening service, 7:30 p. Prayer meeting Thursday evening, 7:30 p. m. Archer's Ridge Free Methodist Church Albert F. Randolph, Pastor Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Worship service, 10:30 a. m. Mid-week prayer meeting. Wednesday evening, 7:30 p. m. Perryopol is Free Methodist Paul W. Smith, Pastor Sunday school, 10:00 a. m. Morning worship, 11:00 a. m. LIBBY'S THANK YOU "FANCY" Halves or Slices TOMATO AMERICAN BEAUTY PORK-BEANS 4 Dolly Madison SALAD DRESSING Quart Jar 39' Loray Caverns "Free stone* PEACHES 2«n*e« 59 Happy Vale New Pack SWEET PEAS 17 Oz. Cans 30 oz. NL* Coos tfir Caldwell First Presbyterian Church Sunday school, 9:15 a, m. Worship service, 10:15 a. m. Ogle Ridge Church J. T. Barnes. Pastor Sunday school, 10:0# ft. m. 'MVV GOLDEN Ji BILEK PEACHES KED RIPE OHIO Worship service, 11:00 a. m. Bible study and prayer meet ing Tuesday at 7:30 o'clock. Church of Christ on Main Evening service, 8:00 p. m. Thursday ever,::. Bible study at 7:30 p. m. Sumrnerfield Free Methodist Church Paul W. Smith, Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 a. m» Worship service, 10:30 a. m. Worship service, 7:30 p. m. Prayer service, Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Mt. Ephraim Methodist Church Rev. Robert Griesinger, Pastor Sunday school, 10:00 a. m. TOMATOES JUMBO Worship service, 11:00 a. m. Sarahsville Free Methodbft Paul W. Smith, Pastor Worship service, 9:30 a. m. Sunday school, 10:30 a. m. CANTALOUPES CALIFORNIA ORANGES E A E A E N COD or PERCH ^3 9c PLATE BOIL GROUND BEEF u, 39c WIENERS (Skinless) o faster Savmjjs 12 Oz. Cello Bags TOASTIE CORN FLAKES Giant 18 Ot Boxes Voiuet. Five^P-B Sumrnerfield Methodist Church Church school, 9:30 a. rn. Worship service, 10:80 a. m. M.Y.F. 10:00 a. m. Under the direction of Dure! Truax and Bernice Batten. Choir practice, Thursday even ing at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Ruth Day, Choir director. Road Fork Baptist Church Ray Fellengcv. Pastor Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Street William Deuell, Pastor Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Worship service, 10:30 a. m. Worship service, 10:30 a. m. Evening service, 7:30 p. m. Sumrnerfield Church of Christ McKinlev R. Bates, Pastor Bible study, 10:00 a. m. Worship service, 10:30 a. m. Evening service, 7:30. Caldwell Free Mefheidtst Chufek .James L. Mason, Pastor Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Worship service, 10:30 a. jft. Children's service, 7:00 p. in. M.Y.F. at 7:00 p. m. Evening service, 8:00 p. m. Midweek service, Wednesday evening at 7:30 p. m. South Olive Free Methodist Leroy Hiett, Pastor Worship service, 9:30 a. m. Sunday school, 10:30 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesdajr evening at 7:30 p. m. 59c 24 Oz. Jar 49 46 Oi. Cam pUCtMfe, 2 25' 2 25' 2r- 49* 5 59* 21c 43 Lb.