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giWWMSiWBSg Page Six-r-S Noble Township w. s. c. s. S0? Unfinished Projects To Be Complied At Homemakers Meeting, Thursday The Belle Valley Homemakers club meeting is, scheduled for Thursday, Aug. 15 with Mrs. Irene DeVolld as hostess at her home. Unfinished projects which any member wishes to bring can be worked on that day as there is nothing special outlined for the August meeting. The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service of the Belle Valley Methodist church will meet Fri day evening, Aug. 9 at the home of Mrs. Edgar Bates. Please bring your sales tax stamps and we will count them during the social hour. Parties Held Sorry I am unable to report on the two parties of last week since illness prevented my at tendance of either. On Tuesday evening, July 30, Mrs. Nora Stewart was hostess at a Tupperware party in her home with Mrs. Aubrey Ralph of McConnelsville as demonstra tor. Wednesday evening. July 31, UVi BETTER i 91 V w 9 -v.. i 'k 7? JS* i «v ii'J -t 4: ni f"Y .. dW. mi V tg'-f •••V 1 V I— OHIO P0WER COMPANY Mr. and Mrs. Loren Games en tertained with a Sunday school and church "get-together" for the Belle Valley Methodist hurch. In Marietta Last Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Dyer, Mrs. Olive Milligan, my husband and I enjoyed a grand day at Marietta the Campus Martius museum took up the greater part of our time, anyone that has never been there has a "treat" in store if you just make a special trip to see that wonderful place, I ought to know for I've been there several times. Bond Reunion The Bond reunion at Mt. Zion drew a nujnber of local residents Sunday with a report of a big dinner and lots of "visiting." This is an annual affair, of course and we sure have lots of Bonds and in-laws who take advantage of a chance to be together on the first Sunday in August of each year. In Columbus Mr. and -Mrs. Dale Milligan ind Cheryl spent the weekend n Columbus with Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Brown. While there they 'isited the "zoo" and the adjoin ng amusement park, also went 0 the big shopping center but nost of all they enjoyed just hatting with the Browns who vere "the neighbors next door" ormerly. Little Dixie and Diana Brown had been with grandma tnd grandpa, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis for a vacation but accom aniod the Milligans to Colum us. vVith The Sick Rev. Foster's health seemed omewhat improved this past veek hope it continues so aw Mr. John McPeek out driv ing the other day, so guess I can afely say he's on the improved list. Larry Rossiter ife in the Uni versity hospital, Columbus now vith hopes of helping his condi ion. Attend Reunion Mr. and Mrs. Lund.McKce. of Cuyahoga Falls and their daugh ter, (Vera), Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jackson and daughter, Dorothy Columbus, attended the Bond eunion and then picniced at the home of Mrs. Olive Milligan on Sunday. Mrs. McKee will be re membered as Renee Bond of Bond's Ridge. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Okey Bond and David spent Wednesday evening A/ith *5 Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bates Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs W. C. Reed were their son, George and family of Prospect. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wilson uid children (and other rel itives) left on vacation, Monday destination, Niagara Falls, J.S.A. and Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Milligan, Terry and Christine spent Sun iay with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clair Heddleson of Sharon iier sister, Elaine and family of Slyria, were also present. Mi. Ephraira Mrs. Edith Williams and son James, attended the Cartwright •amily x-eunion Sunday, August 1 at the Blue Rock State Park near Duncan Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Davis, of Malta, spent Saturday with Harry VI i ley and daughter, Barbara Sunday callers at the Miley home were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Archer of Sarahsville. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Poulton of Zanesville, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Poulton and lildren. Mrs. Edison Shafer is visiting with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs Richard Morrison and son of Zanesville. Mr: and Mrs. George Mason of Marietta, spent Sunday even ir.g and Mondav with Mr. and Mrs. J. Wallace Rich. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sanford and daughter, of Senecaville route, and Mr. and Mrs. David Rich and children, of near Cam bridge, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Rich and children. See The Journal for Quality Printm?. "!!5S!3inS2L HEADQUARTERS Fishing Equipment RCDSM REELS Hunting Equipment fiiFLU °"d SHOTGUNS Overseas He completed his basic train ing at Fort Knox, Kentucky and I engineer training at Fort Leon-| ard Wood, Missouri. He is married to the former] Dona Faye Groves, of Canton. Pvt. McKee's address is U. S.l 52415251, Hq. Co. 2nd Bn., 34th Inf. Regt., A.P.O. 24, San Fran-| cist'*'. Calif. Middleburg Homecoming To Be Held Next Sunday, Dean Clark, Bob Brotton and Bobby Harriman, employed at the Marietta Silo Co., spent the weeeknd at their homes. Personals Lester Hesson, of Elk Fork, was a caller at Middleburg, Sunday| morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Morrison, I Mrs. Kathryn Poland and chil dren spent Sunday with relatives! on Crum Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Thomp-I son, Mr. and Mrs..Harry Thomp.[ son and boys, Mr. Bill Brotton,! Walter Estadt, visited Saturday| evening with Mr. and Mrs. Le land Feldner and family of Rado. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Luke, of Mar-| ietla, spent Sunday with Mr. and[ Mrs. Harry Eichhorn and Mrs. Rilla Luke. Mr. and Mrs. John Clark andl children, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eichhorn attended the Eichhorn I reunion at Marietta, Sunday at| the fairgrounds. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Clark and| family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark and fam-| ily of Senecaville. Jackie Clark spent last week] with Mr. and Mrs. Emil Barnett| and children of Marietta. Rev. and Mrs. Lenley Addis andl son, Mark, Mrs. Frieda Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Cramer, of Findlay, spent last week at Fort Knox, Ky., visiting their sons, Roy and Dale Addis and Tom Clark, who are stationed there at Fort Knox, Ky. Then they visited other places| of interest. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harriman I and children visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harriman and children. Charles Clark and Charles Mit-I chell were callers Sunday morn ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Junior Mitchell and son, of Ava. Mrs. Leland Clark and boys spent Wednesday at Cambridge.] Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gerst and son, of Fulda, spent Friday even ing with Mr. and Mi's. Bob Clark| and family here. Mr. and Mrs. James Fogle andl daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe| Schott and children were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hayes| and family. Mrs. Kathryn Poland, Dick andl Beverly, visited Thursday and Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Piwitrl* So.bit SpoJd Shop At the "Oasis" in Belle Valley, Ohio I Sharon 4/ PVT.. F!() KI W. McKEE Pvt. Robert, W. McKee, son of Irene McKee, of Macksburg, and William McKee, of Marietta, is serving with the U. S. Army as a combat engineer in Korea. Aug. If Don't forget to come this Sun day, August 11 to the Middleburg Methodist church. Bring your basket well filled. Dinner at noon. Rev. Clare Gray will be principal speaker and other speakers for the program. Special music by Flower Brothers. Everyone wel come. Enjoy Visit President, Mabel Wilson, pre sided and meeting opened with Lord's Prayer and reading of Psalm 75. A short business ses sion was held and meeting closed with Minnie Marquis leading in rayer. During social hour, Hannah Miller received the "surprise gift." Hannah Miller had charge of a Bible contest with Rhea McNabb winning a prize. Delicious refreshments were served by hostesses, Pauline Haga and Gila Garvin to four teen members. Improving Mrs. Dessie Garvin is improv ing slowly from an illness. Beu lah Garvin is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Garvin and assisting with the work. Attends Reunion R. T. Dovenbarger attended the Rowlands reunion at Cy Young park at Newcomerstown, Sunday. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reed of near Zanesville, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Still of Zanesville, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parrish of Cambridge, call ed on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wil son and Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Par rish, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Brown and Sandra Hayes, of Willoughby, spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Ralph. Betty Keyser, of Cambridge, is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Keyser. Peggy and Jerry Ramsey spent a few days last week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Mendenhall at Caldwell. Mrs. Nora Marquis and Eva May, Kendrick Marquis, Mrs. Cora Marquis and Tommy called on Mrs. Olga McCutcheon at Zanesville last week. Mrs. Maud Jennings spent last week with her son, Earl Jen nings and family and her daugh THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO Aiken Ladies Aid Society Enjoys Meeting In Local Church Basement Members of the Aiken Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian church met at the church basement on Thursday afternoon for their August meeting. ter, Mrs. Lucille Heddleson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hogue and children, of Homesworth, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hill and children, of Zanesville, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Keyser, Sunday. Joan Archer, of Zanesville, spent a few "days recently with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Archer. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Caldwell and children of near Caldwell, Mrs. Helen Cartell and children of Belle Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Radcliff and son of Cald well, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. James Doty, of Greenwood, Indiana, and Mrs Mary Haines, of Caldwell, called recently on Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Eicher. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Shields and Jon, of Wooster, Mr. and Mrs. John Collins, of Zanesville, sp^nt Sunday with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Court ney. Mr. and Mrs. Hallie Farson, Mr. and Mrs. John Leicher of Cleveland, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Boyd. Additional guests on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. William Dut ton and Miss Lillie Boyd. Kathy Boyd, of near Dexter City, is spending a few days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Hurlbert Boyd. Johnny Haga, of Belle Valley, is spending a few days with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Haga. John Hann, Jr., of Malta, spent Monday with his a-unt, Mary Haga and family. Annette Archibald, of Zanes ville, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Archibald. Daniel Boone was once held captive overnight by Indians at one of the caves in the Seven Caves Park area now a tourist mecca in Ohio. Pontiac's stoppin' the shoppin' all up and down the price scale! And it's easy to see why when you compare values. In beauty, comfort and performance Pontiac outclasses anything on wheels, regardless of cost. Yet, Pontiac prices actually start right down with the lowest—a discovery that is amazing a lot of former low-price buyers. As a matter of Senecaville SENECAVILLE Saturday evening, August 10, at the public square, an ice cream social and sale of baked goods will be held. The fire department are the spon sors. Proceeds will be used to purchase new equipment. The public is urged to attend. Vacations Mr. and Mrs. Oather left re cently for a vacation in Californ ia. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Warehime, of Akron. They will also visit Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Rose and family in Boulder, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Cowden are spending their vacation at Hough ton Lake, Michigan. Miss Martha Ann Marquis has returned from a two weeks vaca tion in Florida. Chauncey Winland has return ed from a visit with his son, Ray mond, in Madison. Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Secrest and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Secrest are enjoying a southwestern trip and plan to visit old Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Devine, Mineral City, Mr. and Mrs. Russ ell Devine and children and Miss Mary Jane Wilson, of Columbus, and Jack Gaither, of Springfield, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Devine. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miley, of Canton spent a few days with Mr Mansel Murphy. Mrs. Beryl Patterson, of Barnesville, visited Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. Vera Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Allan, of Akroh, recently visited his moth er, Mrs. Kate Allan. Mrs. Mary Shutler, of Alliance, spent the past week with her mother, Mrs. Alice Williams. Mrs. Gertrude Dorman, of Talmadge, is also visiting Mrs. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lowry, of Columbus, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peach. Mrs. Guy Betts and son, Gary, spent the past week with her hus band, who is employed at Mott ville, Michigan. Miss Carol Sherman, of Cleve land, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Bert Oiler. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Carlisle Triplett at tended the Finley reunion held Sunday at the Cambridge Park. Mrs. Linnie Garrett, of Cam bridge, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Davis. IN CALDWELL... PONTIAC Outsells All Cars but 2 of the Low-Price 3* SEE YOUR AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER Phone 43 Homemakers Club Enjoys Meeting Thursday At Mabel Hesson Home The Carlisle Homemakers club met at the home of Mrs. Mabel Hesson, Thursday, Aug. 1st. The day was spent sewing rug rags. The hostess conducted two con tests with Ruby Leasure winning first prize and Bernetta Schehl, second prize. Guest prize was won by Mrs. Dale Garrett. Members present were Blan che Smith, Ruby Leasure, Mabel Hesson, Anna Miracle, Bernetta Schehl, Marcella Warner. Guests: Mrs. Victor Schehl of Canton, Mrs. Dale Garrett, of Caldwell route and Mrs. Belle Spance, of Summerfield route. Children: Norman Feldner, Sheryl and Sharon Garrett. Club Meets Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dim merling entertained the Cinch club Sunday evening. Those pre sent were Mr. and Mrs. Clem Warner, Mr. and Mrs. Rayner Schehl, Richard Schehl and Carolyn Dimmerling. Personals Mrs. Victor Schehl, of Canton, spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rayner Schehl. Mr. and Mrs. Don Mallett, of Canton, spent the weekend with his father, Lawrence Mallett and sister, Dorothy Archer. Mr. and Mrs. Hark Pryor, of Zanesville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Miracle. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Adams and daughters, Karen, Debbie and Beth, of Cleveland, spent a few days with her grandmother, Mrs. Ida Horton, Mrs. Hilda Swick and Eunice Horton. Mr. C.'hai lo Bwrs and 'or INSURANCE fact: 5 out of 10 smaller cars wear a Pontiac price tag—yet none gives you any of Pontiac's advantages! It's easy to check all this at your Pontiac dealer's. See him today or tomorrow and compare Pontiac value with any car on the road. When you do you'll agree, America's Number One Road Car is definitely America's Number One Buy! 0According Thursday, August 8, 19^7 Bud and Jim, of Stafford, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and', Mrs. E. L. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kuhn were shopping at Cambridge on Thursday. Mrs. Hilda Horton and Loretta Adams, of Zanesville, visited Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Ida Horton and Eunice. Mrs. Ora Wickham, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Butler, of Adams ville, were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Robbins. Mr. and Mrs. Ray E. Johns and daughters, Penny Rae and Augelyn of Barnwell, S. C., visited Tuesday with his grand mother, Mrs. Angie Johns, of Summerfield route and Blanche Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde L. Crum and family spent the weekend with relatives at Akron. I N I N I N OHIO STATE FAIR A U U S 23-30 Reed Insurance Agency i. o. a r. Btdg. CALDWELL, OHIO to the latest official registration figures. iter of radio, TV, movies. Performs with Rusty and Rip Masters in Holmes Rodeo, Fri.& $ot., Aug. 23,24. OF ALL TYPES