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Thursday, August 8, 1957 Port Blinkey Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sullivan Entertain At Their Home With A Family Reunion At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sullivan of Dexter City, Sunday, Aug. 4th, when we re ceived the quaint little note of invitation, all knew that we were in for a good time. Old friends and new from far and n^ar came and were greeted with a hearty welcome from th£se dear friend?, the Sullivan's. AVA AVA Those from around here who attended Victory camp meeting at Gelina, Ohio, the past two weeks during camp meeting were Rev. and Mrs. Kettle and daughters of Cumber land, Ralph Larrick and daugh ter, of Ava, Marie Fry and sons, of Ava, Emma Warehime, of Ava, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Yerian of Hiramsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Yerian, of Coal Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baker, of Marietta, announce the birth of a baby boy last week. It was named Willard Malone. Mr. and Mrs. David Gessell of Warner, were visiting here, Sunday. Mrs. Bertha Bates is visiting this week in Columbus. Mrs. Zella Danford, of Akron, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Lena Burlingame. Mr. and Mrs. Arlo McElroy were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mason Wood, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bates were visiting in Steubenville last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton McElroy and son, Lorain, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Audley Elroy. Miss Grace Keith, of Caldwell, is visitinig this week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ginn and family. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wood and sons, of Buffalo, were callers here, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rayner and son spent Sunday in Columbus HOLMES RODEO OHIO STATE FAIR AUGUST 23-30 00 w buektag broncos, 'rope twirling, bull-dog clowni* wild steers. 5 perforatoeset Aug. 30 oad 24. V 9 W 9 A A •I Continues W W A & Soon a dinner bell rang clear and v loud, informing us that lunch was served by the men, and oh what a meal it wag, bountiful and done to a turn. Several tables made room for all. The afternoon was spent in renewing old times and singing with Metta Moseley at the piano. The songs they all knew and loved but the best was a patriotic song when Mrs. Sullivan appear ed on the stairway waving a huge flag. That called for a salute which was given. Later pictures were taken on the lawn and before leaving, ice cream and cake was served. "God Be With You Till We Meet Again" was sung ending a party long to be remembered. South Olive SOUTH OLIVE Mrs. Byron Sharkey, of Columbus, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Davis over the weekend. Peter J. Brinkley visited over the weekend at the A. V. Swain home, returned home Sunday, accompanied by his wife and son who has spent several weeks with relatives. Mrs. Cora Antill and Mrs. Lil lian Jordan were callers in Cald well. Jack and Rodney Swain, of Canton, and their friend from Nevada, visited Ruth L. Harper and family over the weekend. Earl Davis, of Marietta, was in town one day last week. The Ullman family visited Mrs. Minnie Clark and Beryl over the weekend. Ruth L. Harper visited her son, Wiley Harper and family, Sun day. Mrs. G. D. Harper entertained in honor of her granddaughter, Barbara's fourth birthday. An enjoyable time was had by the youngsters and the honored guest received gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Harper are announcing the birth of a son, Saturday night, Aug. 3 in Zanesville hospital. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Harper and Mr. and Mrs. Byron Marquis are the grand parents Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Rowlands and Mr. and Mrs. James Tidd and family attended the Row land reunion, Aug. 4, in park near Newcomerstown. Larry Sanford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sanford, is a pati ent in hospital, Marietta. He was injured Monday while at work 4for the Heibey Construction Co Marietta. See The Journal for Quality Printing. w AUGUST CLEARANCE* M* m* m* "STORE-WIDE" SPORT COATS SUMMER SUITS SLACKS SHOES JEWELRY SPORT SHIRTS TIES SOCKS "STORE-WIDE" WHERE MEN LIKE TO SHOP Cumberland CUMBERLAND Cumber land Grange will meet on Mon day evening at 8:30 p. m. The re freshment committee is: Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Larrick, Mr. and Mrs. Myrl Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith, Roy Lyon and Thomas Scott. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Max Early an i family, of Massillon, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mr? Herbert Malvin and family. Mesdames Opal Trunby, Bes Black, Marguerite Bose, Anm belle Todd, Janet Bose, daughter Peggy, of Freeport, also Mr Helen Taylor of Zanesville an i Erma Ellis, enjoyed a surprise birthday party at the home of Mrs. A. L. Crawford on Thursday Miss Clara Crozier, of Zanes ville, visited over the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Anna St. Clair. Mrs. Joe Rosenau is a patient at Good Samaritan hospital and William McClurg for virus pnue monia at St. Francis. Mrs. Lucille Waller and son, James, have returned from a va cation trip into North Carolina. Shirley and Sharon Mellinger attended a church picnic at Lan caster on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Bond, ac companied by their granddaugh ter, Miss Rita Bond, of Portland, Oregon, also Mrs. Charles Ham ilton, of Dexter City, attended the Bond reunion on Sunday, at Mt. Zion. Caldwell Ronle CALDWELL ROUTE 3 Mr. and Mrs. John Haga, of Sharon, were calling on Edna Boyd, Sun day. Mrs. Esther Garvin spent one night last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Phillis. Mae Gardner has returned home from a Zanesville hospital, after an operation. Dale Garvin, of Cambridge, was calling on Edna Boyd re cently. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Garvin were calling on Mr. and Mrs. John Garvin, of Sharon, Thurs day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Davis at tended the fair at Plain City on Thursday and Friday evenings. Miss Janet King of Columbus, spent the weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn King Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gill, of Columbus and Mr. and Mrs Henry Clark and son, of Newark spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Irvil Garvin and family. Mrs Blanch Woodford returned home with Mrs. Gill for a visit. Miss Beulah Garvin has re turned home after spending some time with her aunt, Dessie Gar vin. Dicky Ray Wells, of Zanesville, is spending a few days with his grandmother, Mrs. Esther Gar vin. Here & Yon HLKE AND YOI» Larry Rossiter has been removed from St. Francis hospital and is now in Columbus at University hos pital. His mother, Mrs. Addison Rossiter remains at his bedside. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Phillips were recent visitors of Mrs. Mag gie Phillips. Patsy Jean Wickham, of Sar ahsville, will celebrate her 8th birthday on Aug. 13. Sunday visitors of Patsy's were Becky Kirk, Tommie Hickman, Patricia Young, Terry and Bobby Gib son, Mike Kirk, Donnie Bettinig er and Shirley Mae VanDyne. Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson spent Saturday evening with Mr and Mrs. Richard Gibson and sons. Sunday visitors of Raymond Poling and family were Mrs Betsy Poling, Mr. and Mrs Harry VanDyne and daughter Walter Johnson and son, Russell Previous visitors were Addison Rossiter and children. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hickman and son were Sunday visitors of Ruth Kirk and family. its tliMp&l to have Paul Daniels of the U. S. Navy from Norfolk, Va., spent the weekend with his wife, Mrs. Sandra Daniels and son, Jeffrey at the home of her mother, Mrs. Pauline Loveall and family. Attend Homecoming A number of our people at tended the homecoming at Wes ley Chapel church on Sunday. Rev. Thurman Alexander was -present and gave a talk. Former pastor, Rev. Erdis Kollar and County Supt. Secrest both gave talks. Gertrude Deal gave a history of the church's founding 100 years ago. Mrs. Mabel Coultas favored with vocal selections and Mrs. Helen Douglass and Miss Doris Reed read appro priate poems. A basket dinner was held in the church yard prior to the afternoon's program. Personals Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Osborne and son are spending this week with his parents at Winchester. Mary .Stevens of Cincinnati, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Stevens. On Friday she left on an eastern trip. She will return here before resum ing her school duties in Septem ber. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Stevens entertained on Tuesday evening in honor $f their son and daugh ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stevens' second wedding anni versary. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Foster Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jeffrey, Marlene Jef fery and Mary Stevens of Cin cinnati, Mr. and Mrs. James DRY YOUR CLOTHES for much less with GAS—the same fuel that is 80 €CO» Domical for cooking, for water heating. THE PERMIAN OIL & GAS COMPANY "See Your Loral CiaN Appliance Healer" Join the Switch to GAS—the MODERN fuel THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO Sunday School Bulletin Board Erected The above outside bulletin board has been erected by the Free Methodist church on Cumberland street. It was sponsored by the Sunday school classes of the church with the brick donated for the project by the Ava Brick company. Timely messages, such as the above, will appear on the bulletin board the first part of each week with sermon topics, etc., listed each Friday by the pastor, Rev. James L. Mason. The bulletin was constructed bv Rev. Delton Needs, pastor of the Bvesville Free Methodist church. QUAKER CITY NEWS QUAKER CITY Friends here have received word of an accident which befell Leland Hall of Dayton, while washing windows at his home. He fell, fracturing his arm in two places which has proved quite painful and he has been a hospital pati ent for a few days. Enjoy Visit Mrs. Nellie Johnson and Mrs. Ann Bierus, of Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Shaw of Venice, Florida, and Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Lingo of this place, spent Thursday evening with Mrs, Pearl Johnson of Fairview. At Piedmont Mrs. Beatrice Bates, Mrs. Helen Floyd, Mrs. Esther Gibson, Mrs. Lourie Stubbs, Mrs. Martha Morgan of the Quaker City Demonstration club, Mrs. Mil dred St. Clair of the Salesville club, Mrs. Faye Johnson of the Pultney Ridge club spent three days this week at club camp at Piedmont Lake. Enjoy Furlough David Ellison of the U. S. Army from Ft. Riley, Kan., is spending his furlough with h's wife, Mrs. Judith Ellison at the home of her father, Marvin Starr and family. Spent Weekend Smith of here, the honored guests and their daughter, Mich elle and host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gardner, of Cambridge, and Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Eagon were dinner quests of the Wilmer *and Ralph Hartley families on Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Brothers and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brothers and children are on a vacation trip, visiting their sister, Mrs. Kaufman and family of Freeman, North Dakota. Mrs. Ed Carpenter entertained on Wednesday evening with Stanley Brush party at her home on E. Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Shaw, of Venice, Florida and Mrs. Nellie Johnson and Mrs. Ann Burns of Columbus, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Lingo and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Robinson last week. Willscreek WILLSCREEK We are in need of a good rain. Corn needs it bad and if it don't rain soon it going to be cut short. We hear that Bertha Roe, who is in the Barnesville hospital, is in a very serious condition. Not much hope for her. Howard Roe is now at home. His hand is much better. James Wyscarver says he has baled over 30,000 bales of hay. There was a wonderful crop. Maybe we will need it next winter. Ellis Moore and family were visiting friends and neighbors the latter part of last week. Protracted meeting is still in progress at the Bateshill church. Bradley Carpenter and wife and G. P. Moore were business callers in Caldwell last Saturday. Bradl^ has bought a new car from Worl Thompson of Cald well. Junior Moore is in the white washing business these days. Whitewashing, washing cow stables and so, so. Otto Carpenter fell off the truck and hurt his knee and is now walking with a cane. Leonard Lashley is building a new house in Kennonsburg. Leonard is agent for the Bel mont Insurance company. Edgar Roe and wife were visi tors here Saturday evening. Rodney Leach and family, of Canton, were visitors at Acel Leach's and Perry Philpot's the weekend. The fishers have been having better luck the last week or so. They have caught several nice catfish and crappies. Junior Smith and family were business callers at Caldwell last Saturday. Junior's wife is poorly at present. If everybody would attend to their own business and leave other people's business alone, it would be a better place to live. Myron Roe and wife of Can ton were visitors at Edgar Roe's and Lorene Eagon's the latter part of last week. Calvin Smith and family were attending the outdoor theatrt near Brady's Mills, Saturday night. Photo Developing—Gillespie's Gome A-gallofwtig, Pardnfcr/ 2-Door and 4-Door Sedan* -a We're offering -the Roofitiesf.Tootmesb of tellies you finer did see Today-youcan get a brand-new'57 Buick-at a price that will make you stand up and cheer. Now at our sensational Buick Sales Roadeo! WHIN BETTIR AUTOMOBILES AM BUIIT BUICK Will BUILD THMR e »C7 DIIIPW Look what makes 57 BUICK VARIABLE PITCH DYNAHOW imoofh-instantly Even for those in the middle LOW-SWEEP SILHOUETTE Suave, natural, distinctively distinguished! fe me at your command FULL 6-PASSENGER ROOM Low Qou/n Easy-to-catty Rjymenft S K I Y O U SPECIM S-Door the dream car tCLfiiiyo BUICK MIIUON DOllAR ""1 Paves at you go BWIUANT MtWJ« Riviera Hardlopa Strong, silent, obedHW^motos yOM boss of the road FXCLUSIVE SAFETY-BUZZER* Tete you if you go too fast High •hade-in Allowances •New Advanced SARAHSVILLE NEWS SARAHSVILLE Leaving last Sunday for Ladies' Camp at Camp Piedmont were Lucille Watson, Helen Davis, Gladys Cooper, Freda Cooper, Edna Bond and Mary Ann Bond. They returned to their homes on Wed nesday. Visit Here Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snode and Larry and Beverly, of Zanesville, visited Saturday and Sunday in Sarahsville after returning from a vacation trip through the New England states. Beverly stayed for a few days' visit with her grandmother, Nellie Snode. Personals Kim, small son 6f Mr. and Mrs. Reed Mellon, is spending a few days' visit with his grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mellon. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown, of Canton, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip McWilliams. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rich called Saturday night on Mr. and Mrs. Ira Camden. L. G. Highman visited over the weekend in Columbus with his uncle, Mr. F. L. Truex. Spending a two-day visit at the Guy Gibson home recently were Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Swain of Columbus. Sunday callers with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Gibson and Mrs. Orpha Swain were Mr. and Mrs. War den Everly of Caldwell route 1 who will soon celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary. Other callers were Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson of Caldwell route 6, Mr. and Mrs. William Mansperger of Cambridge, Mary Braden and family, Frances King, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gibson and sons, and Mr. and Mrs. Robley Guiler who attended the Bond reunion at Mt. Zion. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Fish were Mr. and Mrs. Slade Nichols of Beverly. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Shafer and V America's Greatest Choice of Models, trice Ranges and Colors Page On»—H daughter are spending their vacation in Canton and Youngs town, visiting with relatives there. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Redmond Archer were Mrs. Muzzetta Koening and children, of Chester, West Vir ginia, and Richard Gay Archer of Canton. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Creasey and daughters of Weirton, West Virginia, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mellon. Whigville WHIGVIL^K Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gessel and son, of Zanes ville, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Danford. Jane Berry was calling on Ruth Clark, Tuesday afternoon. Kenneth Roe, of U. S. Army, is spending a few days .with his mother, Gladys Roe. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Guiler, of Caldwell, were calling on friends here, Wednesday even ing. Helen Watyon, of Caldwell, was calling on Florence Carter, Monday. Gladys Roe was calling on Ruth Clark, Monday afternoon. Mrs. Clarice Guiler and chil dren, of Summerfield, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. For est Danford. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ven Fossen and children, of Fast Union, and Mr. and Mrs. George Berry spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Berry. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clark and children spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clark of Middleburg. Delia Thomas was calling on Florence Carter, Friday. Mrs. Herman Garden and Ruth Clark spent Tuesday evening with Mrs. Kermit Border, of Beverly. For All Your Insurance Needs HOWILER INSURANCE SERVICE Ofiice: West Street CALDWELL Phone 250-W OHIO DOAl CENTURY SUPER ROADMASTER distinguished 74 id tH fty-IWing Allowances •for flur present car Our used car market is booming right now. Your car's worth plenty, more to us right now. So come and swap it for a '57 Buick-nght_nowt Estate Wagont (Including the RM Caballero) Convertible* 4-Door Riviera Hardtop* Hurry and get your lasso on it! tfyBevfs \Buick. 'BtoTfotiets Most completely new Buick in history Variable Pitch Dyndhw is the only Dynatlew OS Buick 'h k standard on Roadmasler, Super and Century -optional at modest extra cost on Hte Speeial. Saiety-Buizer standard on Roadmaster, optionoi A U O I S E U I K I A E builds today. otter SeriM,