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Page Six—B Summerfield Grange Elects Officers And Plans Annual Halloween Festival, Saturday Summerfield Grange No. 2073 met for their regular meeting on Saturday evening, Sept. 21 with Master Ruby Heft in charge. At the close of the business meeting, election of officers fbr 1958 was held. Officers elected are as follows: Master, Ruby Heft of Lewisville overseer, Art Batten lecturer, Roma Jean Wharton of Lewis ville steward, Bill Wharton as sistant steward, Elmer Moore chaplain, Beulah Watson treas urer, Ross Watson secretary, Thelma Wharton gate keeper, Urban Heft of Lewisville. Flora, Opal Carpenter Ceres, Bernice Batten Pomona, Gladys Moore L. A. Steward, Edna Truex executive committee, Bill Wharton, Durel Truex and Bert Leasure home economics chair man, Roma Jean Wharton youth chairman, Nellie Keylor and legislative agent, Durel Truex. Plans were also made for the annual Halloween festival which is to be held Friday evening, Oct. 25 in the hall. Features of the festival will be a bake sale, dance, prizes and refreshments. A candy contest was conducted by the grange with Opal Carpen ter winning the prize. A special meeting is scheduled for Friday evening, Sept. 27 for the purpose of completing plans for the Halloween festival. All members are urged to attend and assist in the planning. W. S. C. S. The Womans Society of Chris tian Service will meet Tuesday evening, October 1 for their regu lar meeting. They will also have Bracken society as their guests Mrs. Emily Havener will be the program leader and Mrs. Beulah Watson, president, will have charge of the meeting. Lunch will be served. Summerfield society will be guests at Woodsfield on Wednesday evening, October 2. Lodge To Meet Summerfield Lodge F. & A. M. will meet Wednesday evening, October 2, for their regular meet ing, in charge of Vernon Moore. Enjoy Visit Mr. and Mrs. William Nelson and sons, of Columbus, were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Day. They also called on Mi^. Nellie Cunningham and] Mrs. Mary Weinstein. Enjoy Visit Mrs. Viola Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Spence Morris, Mrs. Oscar Morris and Philip Morris, of Som erton, and Mrs. Hazel Carpenter and granddaughter, Irene, of Ca lais, visited Saturday afternoon with Mr. Wib Taylor. Chapter Meeting The Alpha Rho Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, Noble and Guernsey counties, held its first meeting for the year 1957-58 at Buffalo, Ohio, on Monday even ing, September 16. The covered-dish dinner was served in the beautiful new Home Economics room of the Buffalo school. Georgian Lady acted as hostess for the evening and she was assisted by the Cumberland Pleasant City group which includ ed the following members: Vera Bates, Mary Revenaugh, Ruth Kackley, and Beryl Fisher. The tables were decorated with ar rangements of fall flowers. Dama Reed, president, was in charge of the business meeting Roll-call was answered by each member giving a short resume of her vacation activities. Plans for the work of the year were dis cussed and Mary Crevev was ap pointed to act as treasurer for the year in the place of Gladys Phil pot, who has accepted a teaching position at Hilliards, Ohio. The next meeting will be held at Summerfield on October 14 and a very special speaker has been secured for the occasion. In addition to the above men tioned persons, the following members were present: Mary Ar nold, Mabel Bennett, Velma Bur son, Opal VanDyne. Esther Pine, and Margaret Reed, of Cam bridge Inez Clark, Esther Kegg. cp K production up by following th Red Comb Quality Egg Program 1. Red Comb Egg Moth i kept in front of layers, a all time*. 3. Red Comb Scratch Grain art hand fed up to 50^ of total feed contumptior It's the sure way to get max mum production of quality eg| with the uniform yolk colo i n e a v or a n strong shells that bring top prices a i e s e e o u a i y Rt iultJ at low Cost." NOBLE HATCHERY "The Home of Quality Chicks" Al DWFXL, OHIO and Rama Steen, of Caldwell: Helen Raney and Helen Ogle, ol Dexter City Gladys Forshey and Florence Lothes, of Sarahsville Josephine Craig, of Salesville Mary Crevey and Margaret Clark of Byesville: Eva Davis, Miriarr Hawes, Blanche Richey, and Bertha Mae Murphy, of Seneca ville Ruth Day and Grace Tay: lor, of Summerfield and Mabe' Flood and Gertrude Hartley ol Quaker City. Spend Weekend Mr. H. L. Jerles and daughter Beulah, of Niles, spent the week end at their home here. In Hospital Mrs. Martha Bates Fisher was admitted Tuesday to the St. Fran cis hospital in Cambridge, for ob servation and treatment. The trip was made in the Brubach ambu lance. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Luther Robinson, of Millersburg, visited over the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Zeter Hanes. Miss Jean Gee, of Barnesville visited a few days with her moth er, Mrs. Clara Evans. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Morris, of Caldwell, visited Tuesday with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Fisher, and they were dinner guests in the evening with Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Bircher. Mrs. Edna Truax, Norma Moore, Kathryn Dysert and Mil dred Day attended a reception Saturday evening, given by the Cumberland chapter 110, O. E. S in the Cumberland Methodist church for Mrs. Elizabeth K Frisbee, of Cumberland, deputy grand matron of district 15, O. E. S. and Mrs. Garnet Hoag, Byes ville, grand representative to the state of Washington. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Palmer were, Mrs. Dolly Ross and Mrs. Hazel Watkins, of Pleasant City and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McElfresh, of Newark. Mr. and Mrs. John Kane, of Newark, are announcing the birth of a son born Sept. 22 and has been named David. Mrs. Kane is a first cousin of Mrs. Leona Wheatley. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wheatley attended funeral services Satur day morning at Burkhart for Mr. Joe Kuhn. Mrs. Cora Danford spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Hoover and Mr. and Mrs. Clark Bryan in Zanesville. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Watson had as dinner guests Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hothem, of St. Clairs ville Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Philpot, Hilliards Miss Ginger Ralston, 1' Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Larry Philpot, Miss Patsy Truax, Mr. Bud King and Don Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bode had dinner guests Sunday: Mr. nd Mrs. G. A. Horton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bode and Mrs. Ida Hartshorn. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Bircher visited Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Fred Fisher, a patient in St. ii Complete Basic Training In CHARLES W. CHAjMPLIN GLEN R. HUFFMAN Charles Walter Champlin, son of Mrs. Florence L. Hornick of Ava and Glen R. Huffman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen C. Huff man of Sarahsville route 1 have completed eight weeks of Infan try basic training at Fort Gordon, Ga. Following a furlough with their parents in Noble county, these men will be assigned to active Army units thru-out the world for advanced training. I Francis hospital in Cambridge. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bode, Mrs. Ida Hartshorn and Mr. G. A. Hor ton were business callers Monday morning in Caldwell. The annual telephone picnic was held Sunday at Pine Lake. Those attending from here were Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wheatley and Mrs. Maud VanFossen. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wheat ley of Barnesville, will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on Sunday, Sept. 29, with a fam ily dinner at noon. They are the parents of Mr. L. A. Wheatley. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guiler and daughter, Carolyn, were shopping Saturday in Cambridge. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gessell and son, of Zanesville, visited over the weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guiler. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guiler and family were dinner guests Sun day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Danford in- Whig ville. Jean Allen Honored With Surprise Party Mrs. Leonard L. Long and Miss Janice Allen entertained a group of girls with a surprise birthday party for Miss Jean Allen at her home on Spruce street, Wednes day night. Present were Dawn Carol Johnson, Nancy Feldner, Kay Davis, Gracie Keith, Lorraine Kalan, Barbara Lorenz, Patty Noon, Joyce Willey, Lynn Rob inson and Kittie Jo Parks, all of Caldwell, and Mrs. Dorotha Gibson and daughter, Lori, of Cambridge, and the honored guest. Contests were enjoyed With Kay Davis and Joyce Willey winning the prizes. Refreshments were served and Miss Allen was presented with a number of gifts. Eleven hundred and sixty-eight miles of the "Little Big Inch" irom Baytown, Texas, to Moundsville, West Virginia, is being recon verted from natural gas transmission to the original service for which it was built. This portion of the line is to become part of a 1700-mile system that will include a 230-mile (14-inch) lateral from Seymour, Indiana, to Chicago, now nearing completion. The new "Little Big Inch" system will be large diameter common carrier of petroleum products in the United States. It will connect the world's largest refining capacity (refineries in the Gulf Coast, East Texas, North Louisiana, South Arkansas and Mid-Continent areas) with, markets in 13 Midwestern and Southern states. 43* "J 1#^ Middleburg MIDDLEBURG Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stanberry were callers at Columbus last Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morrison and daughter, of Bar berton and Miss Bertha Morrison of Columbus, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. James Mor rison and boys. William Brotton was a caller at Marietta, Saturday. John Antill and Eddie Roehrig who are employed with the Marietta Silo company, spent the weekend at their homes. Mrs. Clara Gildow is slowly improving at her home. Speedy recovery, Clara, and lots of good luck. Mr. and Mrs. John Morrison and J. H. Morrison spent Mon day at Parkersburg. Mr. J. H. Morrison had a minor operation on his jaw by a specialist in that city. Mr. and Mrs. George Braden and daughter, of Newark, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clark. Little Sherry Morrison, of Marietta, is spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Morrison and family. Mrs. Ruth Hayes, Mrs. Bertha Hayes, Mrs. Lucille Clark, Mrs. Clara Morrison, Mrs. Leona Mit chell, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Eieh horn, Mr. and Mrs. John Clark attended the funeral, Thursday afternoon, of Donald Eichhorn at Barlow, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Clark and family, of Crooksville, spent the weekend with Mrs. Dean Clark and family. Mrs. Ruth Hayes and son spent Friday with Mrs. Eleanor Hayes and family, near Sarahs ville. Texas Eastern's "Little Big Inch" (20-inch) pipeline is returning to the vital job it did during World War II... the efficient, economical transportation of clean petroleum products. the longest THE JOURNAL, CALBWETX OHIO as petroleum products pipeline The "Little Big Inch" system will deliver all grades of aviation and motor gasoline, kero sene, heating oils, diesel and jet engine fuels, and liquefied butane and propane...and do it regularly, on schedule regardless of weather, and at a substantial saving over other trans portation methods. New facilities will assure continuing deliveries of supplies of natural gas to all of Texas Eastern's customers who are pres ently being served through the "Little Big Inch" pipeline system. In addition, new con struction will increase the delivery capacity of Texas Eastern's 5900-mile natural gas transmission system to over 1,744,000,000 cub-ic feet per day by year end. TEXAS EASTERN e uaviirBABT hi I Alllftl AMA SHREVEPORT .Xgf LOUISIANA natural yas PIPE LI N ES oil products KEITHTOWN KLi'i-i'i 1\ Charlie Smith is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. James Fran ces of Marietta. Sam Rogers and a friend from Kent, were callers over the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Stack and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ard Chandler and and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Chandler and Cindy and Gene spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest O'Farrel and Linda of Columbus and visited the zoo in the afternoon. The sons of Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Groves, of South Olive, spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Elm er Groves. Elmer Groves and Ard Chand ler attended the Jack Foraker sale at Waterford, Saturday afternoon. Andrew Gamary Dies Following Surgery Andrew Gamary, 40, of Ava, died Thursday, Sept. 19 at 3:30 a. m. at the St. Francis hospital in Cambridge, following surgery for the removal of his appendix. The deceased was the son of John and Julia Duran ^imary and was born May 18, 1917 in Cleveland. He had spent most of his life in Noble county. He was never married. Survivors are: his mother and step-father, John Schott two brothers, John and Joseph Gam ary of St. Louis, Mo. four sisters, Mrs. Charles Morland of Pleas ant City Mrs. Julia Larson of Ava Mrs. Sue Zedella of Cleve land and Mrs. Mildred Stoltz of Malvern. The body was removed to the McVay funeral home where ser vices were held Saturday, Sept. 21 at 1:00 p. m. with Rev. Leroy Hiett officiating. Burial was made in Hal ley's Ridge cemetery. Lewisville Farmer Summoned Thursday Joseph A. Kuhn, 80, a farmer of Lewisville route 1, died Thurs day morning, Sept. 19 at 2:30 o'clock at his home. Mr. Kuhn was born January 17, 1877. Survivors are his wife of the home four daughters, Mrs. Doro thy Norris of Zanesville Mrs. Emma Dimmerling of Carlisle, Mrs. Maltilda Burkhart and Mrs. Nellie Burkhart, both of Canton one son, Mark Kuhn of Caldwell route 6 27 grandchildren, one brother, John W. Kuhn and one sister, Mi's. Alex E. Burkhart, both of Lewisville route 1. One son died in infancy and a sen, Herman Kuhn, was killed in action during World War II. Funeral services were held Saturday morning at 9:00 o'clock at St. Joseph's Catholic church at Burkhart. Rev. Fr. Joseph Finan officiated. Burial was made in the church cemetery. The body remained at the Brubach fu neral home in Summerfield until the hour of services. See The Journal for Quality Printing. LITTLE BIG INCH" GOES BACK TO SERVICE Probate Court In reference to the estate of Mary Galayjia, deceased: applica tion for determination of inheri tance tax filed estate not sub ject to inheritance tax issued affidavit in lieu of schedule of claims filed orders on filing affidavit in lieu of schedule of claims issued. In reference to the estate of Katherine Pitt, deceased: ap plication for letters of adminis tration filed waiver of adminis tration and recommendation for appointment filed order for ap pointment and for bond issued bond of administrator filed and approved bond approving and letters issued, appointment of appraisers and order to publish notice issued letters of adminis tration issued to Charles L. Pitt. In reference to the estate of Harry Amlin Wright, aka. Harry A. Wright, deceased: will filed application for probate of will filed waiver of notice and con sent to probate of last will and testament filed journal entry on presentation of will for probate issued application for commis sion- to take deposition of wit nesses to will filed order for commission to take deposition of witnesses to will issued com mission to take deposition of witnesses to will issued to pro bate judge of Washington county, Ohio. In reference to the land sale of Verna Warner, guardian of Martha King, plaintiff, versus Martha A. King, her ward, Bertie James, Verna Warner, individ ually, division of aid for the aged et. al., defendants hearing had order finding sale neces sary and ordering appraisement issued order of appraisement issued. In reference to the guardian ship of George Carter Steele: 34th partial account of Maggie Phillips, guardian filed for hear ing on Monday, Sept. 9, 1957 at 10:00 o'clock a. m. In reference to the estate of Homer Fleeman, deceased: first and final account of Carol Burk hart, administratrix filed for hearing on Monday, Sept. 9, 1957 at 10:00 o'clock a. m. In reference to the estate of Sadie Edwards, aka Sarah Ed wards, deceased: inventory and appraisement filed waiver of notice filed inventory and con sent to approval filed orders on filing inventory and appraise ment, waiver obtained, issued order approving inventory and appraisement issued. In reference to the estate of Eunice Howiler, deceased: af fidavit in lieu of schedule of claims filed orders on filing af fidavit in lieu of schedule of claims issued first and final account of Orange P. Howiler, administrator filed for hearing Monday, Sept. 9, 1957, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. In reference to the guardian ship of Simon J. Warner: 12th partial account of Elenora Warn er, guardian filed for hearing on Monday, Sept. 9, 1957, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. In reference to the estate of msms Nolilc County Court House News ilu Elswick, ducked, lot pai tial account of Harry E. Tarle ton, administrator, with the will annexed, filed for hearing Mon day, Sept. 9, 1957 at 10:00 o'clock a. m. In reference to the estate of John Wesley Kraps, deceased: application for release of estate from administration filed waiv ers of notice and consent to de livery or transfer of property filed order relieving estate from administration issued order to deliver or transfer of property issued. Real Estate Transfers Ocie White, affidavit, miscel laneous record. Stephen Parrish, affidavit, mis cellaneous record. E. R. Keyser, affidavit, mis cellaneous record. A. R. and Alice Fogle to Rose Morgan and Cleo Roe, Summer field lot 28. Rose Morgan, et. al., to Paul J. and Elizabeth Wise, Marion township, .19 acre. Edward A. and Arrowanda Bartoletta to Dickie and Donna Poland, Noble township 33/40 acre. Vernon L. and Catherine Leas ure, to Raymond A. and Shirley M. Fiddler, Noble township, 8.95 acres. Vernon Slater and others, 3rd allotment, plat. William H. and Dolores Gerard to The East Ohio Gas Co., pipe line right-of-way. Clarence and Leona Morrison to Donald R. and Thelma Piatt, Stock township, 23.05 acres. Bertha and Clarence Mallett to Pittsburgh Consolidation Coal Co., Stock township, coal only, 94.66 acres. Leo and Dorothy A. Schwallie to State of Ohio, easement for highway purposes. Leo and Dorothy A. Schwallit to State of Ohio, agreement foi LIME doesnt cost -IT PAYS ASK YOUR DEALER HOW Thursday, Sepfrm^w 26, i^57 je. Doris K. and Anna V. Re£d to State of Ohio, easement for hign-i way purposes. Doris K. and Anna V. Reed, to State of Ohio, easement for highway purposes. John R. and Icel Flood to State of Ohio, easement for highway purposes. John W. Kirk to Pittsburgh Consolidation Coal Co., Seneca township, coal only, 79 acres. Alice L. Roman to Doris K. ana Anna V. Reed, Batesville, lot 9 part- Union Carbide Corp. to The Village of Dexter City, easement. John Uro, deceased, to Susa Uro, et. al., Belle Valley, lots' 99, 100, 101 102 affidavit for trsnsf cr» Susa Uro et. al., to Michael Uro, North Belle Valley, lots 99, 100, 101, 102. Bertha and Clarence Mallett to Glen and Madelene Mallett, Stock township, 135.08 acres. C. E. and Elizabeth Boyd to John L. Palmer, Noble township and Belle Valley, 4.19 acres. Roman J. Crock administrator of the estate of Ruth Crock, de ceased, to Joseph Crock, Olive township, 4.05 acres, adminis trator's deed. John J. Sichiner, et. al. to Robert A. Sluga, North Belle Valley, lot 131. Burton, Ohio was the home of Fred J. Gould, famous for his only poem, "Remember the Maine" commemorating the sink ing of Dewey's flagship in Hav ana Ha:" i Be A Magician Write MEYER BLOCH »ir. Conjurors' Club 240 Rivington St. N Y V 2 Also Authorized Agents For DAVCO Granulated Fertilizers ALL ANALYSIS R. C. KEITH & SON Phone 270-F-13 Caldwell, Ohio 1700-mile "little Big Inch" products pipeline system extending from Baytown, Texas, to Mit •rn terminus at Moundsville, West Virginia, and northern terminus at Chicago. Texas Eastern's 5900-mile natural gas pipeline system extending from Mexican border to east ern terminus at linden. New Jersey. Delivery capacity ol this system will be 1,744,000,000 cebk feet per dey