Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, September 26, 1057 O S A E For Sale—DWELLINGS LOTS FOUR ROOM bungalow with bath, built-in kitchen, gas and electricity. Nicely decorated. Good location in Caldwell. GOOD FIVE room bungalow. Gas, electricity, good well. Out buildings. Located in North Belle Valley. GOOD, FIVE room, two-story house. Gas, electricity, well and cistern. Barn, large lot. Lo coted in North Belle Valley. SEVEN ROOM house, gas elec tricity and cellar. Barn and garage. About throe acres of land. Located in Macksburg. SIX ROOM MODERN house, bath, built-in kitchen, utility room, gas, electric, gas furnace, hardwood floors. Located two blocks from square in Caldwell. FOR RENT Modern six room and bath apartment. One-half block from public square. Fur nished or unfurnished. Private entrance. CHESTER J. HOWILER—Realtor 516 lj2 West Street Phone 250-W 49tf Caldwell, Ohio A VERY NICE three room resi dence, about three acres of land, garage, other buildings and cellar. Located on USR 21, short distance out. GOOD 75 ACRE farm, on SR 340. Six room residence with bath. Three barns and other farm buildings. GOOD EIGHT room house, good well and cistern, gas and elec tric lights. Good location. Priced very reasonably. A MODERN six room house, full basement with laundry room and garage. A 15 minute drive from Caldwell. We are ready to talk to you about any real estate you may have for sale. HOWARD M. SHAFER, Realtor 526 North Street, Caldwell, Ohib Phone 333 HOUSE LOCATED in Coal Ridge. Four rooms, electricity, gas and running water, full basement and furnace. George Tomcho, Cum berland, Ohio, Route 2. 13 18 pd NICE COUNTRY home, located two miles south of Caldwell" 22.20 acres of land, mostly Duck Creek bottom. Good eight room house with furnace, electric, gas and deep well water system. Good barn and other outbuildings. Call I. A. Yerian, Caldwell 377-F-22. 13 pd. SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, located in Macksburg. Furnace, full basement, full bath, new automat ic Lindsey water softener. Fred Bauer, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 3. 12 13 14 pd. ANYONE WHO wishes to see the John Kemp property in Sarahs ville may do so from Monday, Sept. 23, until the date of the sale which is Saturday, Sept. 28, b.\ contacting Ilattie Davis, Sarahs ville, Ohio. 12 13 For Sale—BUSINESSES BEAUTY SHOP equipment for sale. Good condition. Will sell reasonable. Call evenings. Phone Lewis ville 7-3312. Mrs. Mary Stephen. 13 14 15 For Sale—FARMS APPROXIMATELY 243 acres situated in Elk Township, No ble County. Ohio, in Sections 28, 29 and 35, underlaid with coal. Better known as the old John H. Starr farm. Contact Charles F. Starr, 2130 W. 81st Street, Cleve land, Ohio, or Fred F. Fox, at tornev-at-law, Caldwell, Ohio. 11 12 13 UUitiuiUHmiiimmUiiiiMiiimiiiiiiiuijiHUH BUYING HOME FURNISHINGS!! Simple as the a Murphy's e* r? UP To 24 Mos. To Fay Murphy's Furniture CALDWELL, OHIO aBWIIimWIMimiitlMIHMHHHIHIUIfimilHIiil'.I'llsmiilihlHimiiiiHIiKII do it yourself..* save money! Why haw doll, wont-looking floor*? jMlf ow Clark* r«n»ol Hoof «qvlpm*nt to giv» your flooo lik» MW brilHarcol provide •v«rything Med and lull, *asy instruction*. phone for your Clarke equipment todayl O S A E For Sale—BUILDINGS —BUILDINGS FOR SALE— To be removed from the prem ises located on the following farms, in Bristol and Manchester Townships, Morgan County, Ohio, in the vicinty of Bristol, Ohio. Dean Hancher Farm Ivan E. Morris Farm Humphrey Ashton Farm For further information see rep resentative at Ohio Power Of fice, Stanberry Building, McCon nelsville, Ohio, or phone 3801, McConnelsville, Monday through Friday 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Bids to be mailed to Ohio Power Company, P.O. Box 501, McCon nelsville, Ohio, before midnight Friday, October 4, 1957. 13 14' For Sale—LIVESTOCK YEARLING New Hampshire hens in full production. Noble Hatch ery, Caldwell, Ohio. 13 TWO BLOND and one blond and white spotted Cocker Spaniel puppies. Thoroughbreds. 1019 Belford Street. Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 339-R. Call evenings. 13 pd. 20 PLYMOUTH ROCK pullets, ready to lay. Warden Everly, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 1. On State Route 78 at the Perryopolis church. 13 14 15 BAY HORSE, 12 years old, wt. 1750 pounds. B. L. Cunning ham, McConnelsville. Ohio, Route 2. 13pd TWO REGISTERED 8%-month old double standard Hereford bulls, nicely marked, clean heads, both a good buy. Wilbur Grimes on Davis Ridge or W. W. Grimes, East Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 12 13 14 SPOTTED PONY COLT. No Sun day sales. William Wells, Cald well, Ohio, Route 4. Phone 327 F-31. 12 13 14 FOUR COARSE RAMS and one fine wool. Nine Berkshire pigs. Two sows, with eight pigs each. Sows will weigh 800 pounds. G. W. Ankrom, three miles west of Batesville on State Route 147. 12 13 14pd NINE COLLIE PUPPIES. Seven weeks old. R. W. Morris, seven miles Southwest of Sharon on Township Road. 12 13. 14 pd. FIVE COWS. Noah Pitts, three fourth mile off State Route 78 near the Perryopolis church. Turn left at the church. 11 12 13 pd. ARTIFICIAL BREEDING Service —COBA dairy or beef bulls. Contact Billy Moore or Floyd Henderson or phone Caldwell 273. 40tf for £ale--MACHINERY-TOOLS 16 LEIDECKER DRILLING ma chine, good lines and tools, four steins, bits from 13" to 5", water pump and engine, 100 barrel wa ter tank, 1000 ft. 1" line. Dale De Puy, 1005 Orchard Street, Mar ietta, Ohio. Phone FRontien 3-7467. 11 12 13 pd. NEW CASE GRAIN DRILL, re duced price. A small wood wheel wagon with horse pole and tractor hitch. R. D. Buckey, Rail road Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 57. 11 12 13 ONE UNIT MILKER, complete, pipe and all. Good condition. Will trade for livestock. Mitchell Keyser, Route 5, Caldwell, Ohio. Inquire at Sharon. 12 13 14 pd. TWO GOOD USED chain saws. New Strunk and Lombard saws. R. D. Buckey, Railroad Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 57. 11 12 13. GE ELECTRIC DRYER, used only four times. John Melcher, 410 Bridge Street, Caldwell. Ohio. 11 12 13 pd. For Sale—LUMBER TIMBER ATTENTION Contractors and drillers—For sale: oak timber, 28 ft. long by 12 inches square. Sound and cheap. Zail E. Spear, two and one-half miles south of Caldwell, Ohio, on old Route 21. 13 14 15 pd. ox BOTTLE GAS See us for your Bottle Gas Needs. Economic-ally Priced per Tank. D. D. NICHOLS CALDWELL, OHIO DONALD D. NICHOLS IlIL BEST FOR LLSS" Phone 63-J 506 Cumberland Street WANT AD SECTION O S A E For Sale—HOUSEHOLD GOODS SERVEL gas refrigerator, kitch en stove and gas heater.. See Albert Boyd, Dexter City or call 57-F-12, Defter City. 13 14 15 pd. GAS SIDE-ARM hot water heat er. F. E. Howell, Dexter City, Ohio. 12 13 14 pd. For Sale—WEARING APPAREL GRAY three-quarter length coat with red plaid lining, size 12. Worn one-hall of a season. Good new, Priced at $15.00. Phone Caldwell 372-M or contact G. W. Weeklev, Cumberland Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 11 12 13 pd. For Sale—FRUIT APPLES Red Delicious, Grimes Golden, and sweet cider. Beebe's orchard, one mile west of Waterford postoffice. 13 14 15 For Sale—CARS TRUCKS 1951 JEEP 4 W. D., cab, 15-inch tires. Ralph Davis, Caldwell. Ohio. 13pd 1952 DODGE 4-DOOR, equipped with radio, heater and seat covers. Recently overhauled. Price $500. Fr. Rudolph Wargo, Berne (Carlisle), Ohio. Phone Summertield 64-F-3. 13 14 15 1947 NASH Ambassador 4-door. May be seen at 801 West Street, Caldwell. Contact Herman Muhl bach. 12 13 14 1951 BUICK SPECIAL, deluxe, four-door sedan, with radio, heater, back-up lights, seatcovers, actual miles, 44,000, one owner. See Kenneth VanFossen on State Route 78 in East Union. 11 12 13 pd. 1950 FORD, two door, in good running condition. wight Johnson, Hiramsburg, Ohio. 1112 13 pd. For Sale—FEEDS SEEDS APPROXIMATELY 450 bushels of oats and approximately 3000 bushels of corn off the pick er. Corn will be sold in lots of 50 bushels. Also custom picking. Ralph Bettinger, two miles North of Harriettsville, Ohio. 12 13 14 pd. GROUND BARLEY feed off the car, $3.00 per cwt. $57.00 ton. Excellent for hogs and cattle. R. D. Buckey Feed Store, Railroad Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 57. 11 12 13. For Sale—MISCELLANEOUS 1947 ZIMMER house trailer, 27 ft., 3-room. Priced at $750. Junior Clark, Florence Addition. Phone Caldwell lll-F-21. 13 pd. 31-FT. TRAVELO, 1951 model house trailer. All metal. Sam Davis, Olive Green, on State Route 78, west of Caldwell. 13 14 15 pd. LIVE EVERGREENS. Red, white and scotch pine and Norway spruce. We dig them or you may dig your own. John Wargo, north of Belle Valley, Ohio, on USR 21 Phone Caldwell 364-F-12. 13 14 15. WOOD FOR SALE. Cut for fire place or furnace. Harold L. Rossiter, 920 Belford Street, Cald well, Ohio. Phone 264-M. 13 14 15 pd. HAVANA SWEET scent tobacco. Frank Wright, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 1. 12 13 14 pd SADDLE, in good condition. Harry Reed, Caldwell, Ohio. Route 4, in Olive. 12 13 14pd REMINGTON MODEL 870, 1(5 gaugc Wingmaster, same as new, reasonable. Several other guns for sale. H. O. Buckey, 831 Railroad Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 11 12 13 pd. HELP WANTED WANTED, middle aged lady to live with elderly couple and do light housework. Contact Mrs. Everett Law, Marietta, Ohio. Route 1, or phone FR 3-5376. 12 13 14 jjimmwiiimimmimimmmiiiiimiiiimiiiiiitiiuiiimiiiiiiniiiiHiMimmiiii I LOWEST PRICES JAMES A. WATSON AUCTIONEER Phone 274-R Caldwell 607 Cumberland Street CALDWELL, OHIO 1 Please Call or Write for 1 Auction Sales Service minniiiiiiiiiiiinHiiiimiimiinniiimiinninmiiniiniiiiiiMtiiiiiiiHiiiiii'iiiif W A N E TOY DEMONSTRATORS WANTED! Party plan openings now open. No investment, no de liveries, no collections. Possible commissions between now and Christmas of $1,000 up. Many items not available in local stores. Interviews will be ar ranged at your home. Contact O. C. Dunn, 402 Washington St., Marietta, Ohio. Phone Frontier 30508. Han-Som Products Co. This is not 'only a Christmas money maker, but also good for the year with many* plastic household items. 13 14 WHY NOT BECOME a prosper ous business man in your lo cality? You need no money to start--just a good car or light truck. There are many families in Noble County who would be happy to have a good dealer bring those famous, nationally-known Watkins Products for farm and home to their door. Why not be come independent and work for yourself? Write your own unlim ited paycheck. For details, write Ross Stewart, 403 McKinley Ave nue, N. W., Canton, Ohio. 12 13 14. WANTED TO BUY WANTED—Good used piano to be used in church. Rev. E. E. Jacobs, Summerfield, Ohio. 13pu WANTED TO BUY 1,000 feet of 6174-ineh oil well casing and 100 feet of 84. Write Box 487, Barnesville, Ohio, or phone 212-J or 107. Belmont Pulling Co.. Barnesville, Ohio. 13 14 15 WANTED TO BUY A few White- Rock or New Hampshire red pullets. Also a good quiet work horse or mare, weight 1300 to 1500 pounds. E. R. Keyser, Caldwell route 5. 13 14 15 pd. RATS .AND MICE eliminated for ever. "'Get Star". Noble Farm Bureau. 12 13 14 15 16 17 pd. WANTED TO BUY—Antiques of all kinds, including old fashion ed bureaus, dressers, corner and wall cupboards, tables, stands, brass and copper kettles, music boxes, lamps, desks, chairs, dolls, guns, dishes, buggies and sur reys. Write Vesta Evans, 2267 East Pike Street, Zanosville, Ohio 28 tf O E N FOR RENT -Two five-Boom houses located in Ava. $10 and $15 per month. Lela Stiers. Cum berland, Ohio, Route 2. Phone Caldwell 132-F-ll. 13 14 15 FOR RENT Three-room house with full basement. Gas and electricity. Located near Cald well. Also fouY-room house, with gas and electricity. Located on USR 21. Call Caldwell 192-F-2. 13 14 15. GARAGE. Mrs. Otto Poling, 613 Cumberland Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 289-J. 13 pd THREE-ROOM apartment in Olive, partially furnished. Lee Davis, Caldwell route 4, in Olive. 13 14 15 pd. SIX ROOMS AND BATH. 515 Walnut Street, Caldwell. Ohio. Phone 171-M or 67-J. 12 13 14 THREE ROOM apartment with bath, unfurnished. Contact Charles Howiler, 217 Main Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 12 13 14 FOR RENT Furnished rooms. Inquire at 413 Locust Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 11 12 13pd UIUU)IIIUJIlltllltUIIUUIllUiJIIIIUIUIIIUIUllMIUIIUU«lfMUIHUIHHIUIlUHUU GALLAGHER MONUMENTS MALAGA, OHIO See and Compare Our Fine Selection! Phone: Woodsfield 21008 uniiiuifiimiiHmiiiiuHHHiiiiitHtiMiiiiHmimiiiittitmiHiiiMiitifiiiitMmmi TERMITES Exterminated THE JOURNAL. CALDWELL. OHIO For free inspections Phone 211 Tipton's Corner Hardware Caldwell, Ohio Between McConnelsville and Caldwell on SR 539. Lump Coal $4.50 per Ion Mine Run $100 per Ion Shaker Screen Nut Coal $3.50 per Ion Deliveries Made! Phone Cumberland 132 Loading Hours 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Jtfionday through Saturday Haines & Lawrence Coal Co. Reinersyille, Ohio PUBLIC SALES PUBLIC AUCTION located 1(5 miles east of McConneLsville 12 miles west of Caldwell 12 miles south of Cumberland, oi State Route 539. Watch for signs SATURDAY, SEPT. 28, 1957 At 10:00 A. M. 102 CATTLE Registered Here ford bull, 15 months old Reg. Hereford bull, 9 months old Milk cows: Ayshire, 5 years old, due to freshen Oct. 25 Guernsey, 8 years old, due to freshen Marc 10 Hereford, 6 years old, due' t( freshen Oct. 6 Hereford, 7 years old Hereford, 6 years old 20 Bred Hereford Heifers 18 Here ford eows with calves at side 1 Registered Hereford cow with calf at side 1 Registered Here ford cow to freshen Nov. 10 14 Steers, approximately weight 750 lbs 23 Short Yearlings. 30 fine wool ewes 12 half blood ewes 37 wethers 23 year ling sheep Hampshire sow Berkshire sow 50 tons mixed hay, baled 10 tons old hay, mixed 100 bushels Barley 50 bushels oats 100 old corn-if not sold before day of sale 2 tons straw. Household goods: Cupboard corner cupboard dresser oil heater bed kitchen safe piano. Farm machinery: 1950 Ford tractor 1951 Ford tractor with double transmission Dearborn plow 2-row cultivator 6 ft. Dearborn disc Dearborn mower: John Deere side delivery rake New Holland 66 baler with motor New Idea manure spread er King W.vse hay and grain elevator, 32 ft., used 2 seasons, gas motor rubber tired wagon steel wheel wagon. All above machinery in good condition. Hay tedder horse drawn rake Thomas disc grain drill 2-row corn planter hay rope and pulleys trailer 100 bushels grain fcox wood saw outfit with 30-inch saw: 2 cross cut saws 2 sets work harness wool tier 4 milk cans 400 seasoned locust posts fylcCulloch 21-inch power saw, like new. Terms of Sale: Cash Lunch will be served. K. E. NESSELROAD & SONS Tom and Fennel 1, Auctioneers E. D. Parks, Clerk (Not Responsible for Accidents) 12 13 THE UNDERSIGNED auctioneer, James Watson, will offer for sale at public auction the follow ing described real estate and per sonal property, the same being the property of John Iarrick and Tharcilla Larrick. said sale to be held at the John Larrick farm, situated o.n State Route 260, ap proximately one mile south of Berne (Carlisle). Time of sale: Friday, September 27, 1957, com mencing at :00 o'clock. Real Estate: Part of the north east quarter of Section 12, Stock Township, containing 20.30 acres. Also the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 33 Stock Township, containing 33 acres. And containing in all the real estate to be sold, 53.30 acres, more or less. Terms of sale on real estate: One Hundred Dollars at time of sale, balance on de livery of deed. Sale of said real estate subject to prior private sale. Personal Property: Livestock 11 cows, 22 yearlings, seven calves, one Hereford bull, three hogs, 43 head of ewes and lambs. Farm Machinery: Ford tractor, 1949 model: New Holland hay baler: Wood Bros, cornpicker side delivery rake tractor mow er cultivator disc tractor plows manure spreader weed sprayer wagon trailer for tractor and uianv miscellaneous farm and garden tools and baled hay. Terms of sale on personal prop erty: Cash on dav of sale. JAMES WATSON, Auctioneer for John Larrick and 11 12 13 Tharcilla Larrick jniiMHnuiiiiiimi.ihHniii'ji.' DEAD STOCK HORSES and COWS FREE 1 DICKSON RENDERING CO. Phone FK-3-4532 Marietta, Ohio I We do not accept collect calls. HiiiiiiiiiiiHmmiiHMimnHiiiimiimmMiummimiimiiimiMiiHiiiintHidT X! IIIIHI )l I mill Itl 11 llll 111 11 III 11 III llllilll III Ullllll I EVERY S Vaughan's Exterminating 1 Service St. Mary's, W. Va. TiiiniivitiiiiiiiiitifiitnrfMiiitiiivHiniifitifiiifiiHUiiiiiiuitfiiiiiitiiiiHiiiiiimiii COAL! COAL! Market Report Submitted tnru the courtesy oJ The Caldwell Produce Co. Wednesday, Sept. 25 Heavy hens lb. 15e Light hens lb. 10c Old cocks lb. 8c Eggs Large A Whites 45c Eggs Medium A Whites 35c Eggs Large Whites 35c Eggs Large A Browns 45c Eggs Medium A Browns 35c Eggs Large Browns .... 35c Pullets Eggs 20c Current receipts do?.. 30c Butterfat lb. 50c PUBLIC SALES I, THE UNDERSIGN KD, will offer at public auction on the fifth day of October. 1957, at one o'clock p.m. sharp, at the Alex Gerst residence located at Fulda, Ohio, seven miles east of Cald well, the following personal proper!v and real estate: HOUSEHOLD GOODS—West inghouse refrigerator four-burner Jewel gas stove: dining room suite sewing machine: odd chairs dav enport: rocking chairs, pictures lamps mantel clock old-fashion ed wall telephone some dishes pots and pans: quilting frames: brass kettle sausage grinder meat barrels meat table, water pump: large bird house some hand tools large screw jack and lever jack. FARM MACHINERY Mow ing machine hay rack grain drill disk wagon: plows break ing plow shovel plow ladders and some loose hav in mow. REAL ESTATE Eight-room house, four rooms and bath up stairs and four rooms down, fur nace, all in good state of repair small barn, tool shed, shop, corn crib, garage, ample supply of water, located on 10 acres of ground in beautiful location over looking the Fulda community. I reserve the right to accept or re ject bids on real estate. Terms of sale of personal prop erty CASH. Terms of sale of real estate 10'', on day of sale and balance upon delivery of deed. (Not Responsible for Accidents) ALEX GERST. owner Edward H. Hill, auctioneer Phone Zanesville GL-25885 13 14. THE UNDERSIGNED will offer for sale at public auction «n Saturday, October 12, 1957, con mencing at 12:30 P.M. at the 1 t residence of Walter Schneil» located on Big Run road th: e miles east of Route 77 and miles north of Lowell on Coun'^ Road 56, the following personai property belonging to the esl of the said Walter Schneider, ceased: Case tractor, size Case m'v. er plows: cultivator trailc corn planter, two-row: disc: cu i packer grain drill lime spre er manure spreader hay tedd hay rake hay loader: side deliv ery rake binder wagon: Mc(\i' lough power saw, like new Plan et junior garden tractor: Buzz saw fodder cutter corn shelh sheep clippers feed mill dump scrapers bean scales ladder hay rope grapple fork butcher ing kettles lard press: sausai grinder vise 1 tarp power lawn mower H.P. electric mot one, seven H.P. gasoline in good condition: approximate 300 bales straw 4 ton baled n othv approximately 4 ton lc» alfalfa lot of loose mixed lot of corn and other articles *... numerous to mention. Terms of Sale: CASH. The Estate of Walter Schnekiei by Nora Schneider, executrix Weddle Brothers. Auctioneers 13 14 15. N O I E S MOTHERS, need money? B. MilllltllllllitttHllttllll Itlllllitt U HHIIlf it 1 i t' H11H: IH HI I MARIETTA LIVESTOCK AUCTION THURSDAY- 1:00 P. M. 19 years of satisfactory service for the Livestock I Producers in this area. Best facilities 2 sets of scales Experienced management Licensed auctioneers State bonded and financially strong:. A market yon can patronise with confidence. i YoYur cheek over-the-counter If yon wish or in t» mail the day of sale. The Marietta Live Stock Market, Inc. Pike and Acme Streets Highway iits. 7 and 50-N IftiiiimiiMimiiiiiiiiiiiuiiitmiiiimimiiiiiiHiimmiiiiiMiimiiimitiiiiiniuuiniimiimiiii.iiiiiMiiiMiniiiHmmiiiimiHmiiniiMiiiiiimniinuiiimiiiiirinif -COAL- Located Between Carlisle and Road Fork On State Route 260 Loading Hours: 7:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. Monday Thru Saturday! BAKER COAL COMPANY CALDWELL, OHIO Phone 90 Don' borrow. Earn over two doli^r per hour, part time. No inv»M ment, no experience, no limit. No catch to this! Inter ested? Write P.O. Box 473. Bev erlv. Ohio. 12. n. !i L. CUNNINGHAM LICENSED AUCTIONEER Reasonable Rates Phone: 8033 McConnelsville, Rt. 2, Ohio It it! M1U UIM MIU U111JI! 1111M 11H U111 i it J11111 i U N O I E S CIDER .AND MAKING. Will op erate my cider press, near Hir amsburg, afternoons by appoint ments and Friday afternoons and will have sweet cider after thi Friday afternoon. Bird B. Cald well, 516 Spruce Street, Caldwell. Ohio. 13 pd. TREE TRIMMING done by con tract, Harold L. Rossiter. 920 Belford Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 264-M. 13 14 15 SEE US FOR ALL your interior and exterior painting and car penter work. C. A. "Red" Mitchell and Sons. Dexter Citv, Ohio. Phone 700-F-12. 13 14 15 pd. NOTICE—1 am now hauling coal from the following mines: Haines and Lawrence Palmer mine: Baker Coal company Bves ville mine Dogtown mine. Hauling lump, egg or nut coal. Amos Franklin, Phone 207-W. Caldwell. Ohio. 11 tf. NOTICE—Expert picture fram ing:, good selection. Murphy's Furniture, Caldwell, Ohio. 40tf WHY WORRY if afflicted with any skin disease? Ask about V-J-O at Gillespie's Drug Store, Caldwell, Ohio. 27 pd. INSURE YOUR CAR or truck with Motorists Mutual Insur ance Company. The best com pany at the time of a loss. Joe Buckey, Agent, Caldwell, Ohio. NOTICE—Support James "Jim" Hill, candidate for Trustee of Olive Township, Noble County, Ohio. Your support will be greatly appreciated. 10 15pd "We Buy and SflV Anything For The HOME" (,. T. JENNINGS #Fl'RMTIJRE STORE Phone 113 Caldwell, Ohio CARD OF THANKS I wish in this manner to thank all my friend.-, for the cards and best wishes which I received when I was recently injured at the Caldwell plant. CGB. The\ were all deeply appreciated. Harold McDonald Caldwell, Ohio 13" K i: XXI! I) Y In Barnesville Flint St Walling Water Pumps. The finest quality money can buy. Pump complete with tank. Sale price complete $19.50 Beautiful Dinette Sets. Plenty to choose from. Sale price Bathrooms, cast -iron tub. 3-piece set. tub, lavatory and com mode, complete with fittings. Special Sale $169.95 SALE on discontinued colors of DuPont Paints. Duco Semi Gloss. DuPont Interior Flat Wall Price KENNEDY'S We Give S & Green Stamps. 180-190 lbs. 190-220 lbs. 230 lbs. ... 250-295 lbs. Sows Iioars BARNESVILLE LIVESTOCK Market Sale Prices for Saturday, Sept. 21, 1957 HOG RECEIPTS 120 HEAD CATTLE RECEIPTS 253 HEAD Good choiw «!ry feed steers Choice grass steers Good grass cattle Medium grass cattle __ Common and light cattle Feeder calves .. Feeder steers __ Baby beeves for slaughter Butcher bulls Light hulls Good Cows Medium cows Common cows CALF RECEIPTS 308 HEAD 10 In ad prime 130-215 lbs. 17 bead choice 130-215 lbs. 30 head good 130-215 lbs. 15 head medium 130-215 lbs. 16 head good to choice 105-125 lbs. 11 head medium to choice 225-250 2 head plain 115-140 lbs 4 head heavies 225-265 lbs. 30 head 85-KM) lbs. 118 head 80 lbs. and down 14 head 100 lbs. and down 7 head £ond lambs ave. 77-98 lbs. to $21.00 7 head medium lambs ave 65-70 lbs. $18.00 to $18.50 19 head good feeder ave. 58-62 lbs. SI7.00 to $17.10 8 head medium feeder ave. 42-65 lbs. S14.50 to $15.50 5 head cull lambs ave. 40-55 lbs. S 7.00 to $ 9.00 4 head bucks |»er head $11.00 to $24.00 54 head ewes .......... per head $ 3.75 to $10.56 21 head sheep .50c to S 9.90 cwt. BARNESVILLE LIVESTOCK BARNESVILLE, OHIO We more buUber hogs ajid Umbs and good teeder steers and feeder calves. Page Seven IN MEMORY in of our lather end granaiather, isaac M. McDonald, Sr.. who passed away just one year ago, September 29, 1956. He is gone and now we mis* Jiim, Time can never dull the pair., pain, Gentle breeze poftly whispers— We will meet him once again. Sadly missed by: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Morgan and son, lT. S. Navy, Norfolk, Va. 13 CARD OF THANKS We wish in this manner to ex press our sincere thanks for the many kindnesses shown during the illness and at the time of the death of our father, William Graham. Special thanks to the friends and neighbors for their many kindnesses, flowers and cards, to the McVay funeral home and Dr. Jenkins. Your kindness was deeply appreciated. Mrs. Lero.v Hlett and The Graham Family. 13 CARD OF THANKS I wish in this way to thank all of those who helped in any way during my recent illness. Thanks to Dr. McCuskey, Dr. Kellurr, and Dr. Bryant, nurses and aids at the Guernsey Memorial hos pital, those who sent cards, flow ers and gifts. May God bless you all. 13pd. Mrs. Clarence Hague PARTS for BRIGGS & STkATTON (1IMON In Barnesville, Ohio YOr WILL NEVER KNOW IIOU Ml'CH MONEY YOl' CAN SAVE I NTII VOl SHOP KENNEDY S IN BARNESVILLE. 52-gal. Westinghouse Water Heaters, one carload direct from factory. With certificate. $99.% We issue you a $20.00 Certificate on this heater. 10-yr. warranty. Home Freezers, one carload direct from factory. The finest in the business. AU fast freeze, with all-aluminum construction inside. 18 cu. ft., holds 600 lbs., guaranteed to save up to 39% on electricity. Factory-to-you price ... $299.95 5-year warranty. We cash vour $15.00 Certificate. 9.1 cu. it. Refrigerator. Thi refrigerator will give you years of trouble-free service. Large Freezer Compartment. Large Crisper Bin. Sale price, with trade $189.95 LAWN BOY PROWEK PRODUCTS I A? SON E N I N E S I MIKE'S TIRE SHOP. Phone 200 Cumberland Street ntmmnmimiimmnmHMiHimniimimimitmMiimmtiNmiimmiHMl s $59.05 Phone 800 Easy Credit Terms S18.30 to S18.70 Sl8.(i0 to 5519.35 *18.00 to S18.50 S16.90 to SI8.20 S14 75 to S16.90 SI 3.20 $21.00 to SI9.0.0 to *17.00 to S1.»,00 to SI 1.00 to $20.50 and SI9.50 and 819.50 and S21.60 S19.00 S17.00 $15.00 down down down $16.70 $14.70 $15.00 $13.00 $10.50 S 13.00 to SI 1.50 to S13.00 to S10 50 to tLlti to S28.50 to S31.00 S27.25 to $27.75 S23.00 to S27.00 S2P.00 to S25.00 $16.50 to $23.00 lbs. SI5.50 to $21.25 $16.00 $14.00 to $23.50 $11.40 to $14.00 1 $ 8.60 to $11.10 $16.00 to $18.00 cwt. going back to the farm SHEEP RECEIPTS 129 HEAD