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Newspaper Page Text
Page Four- FRIDAY, November 8 6:55 Dailv Word 7:00 Today 9:00 Romper Room Il0:00 Arleno Francis Show 10:30 Treasure Hunt 11:00 The Price is Right 11:30 Truth or Consequences 12:00 Tic Tac Dough 12:30 It Could Be You 1:00 Heart of the Home 1:30 Inner Sanctum 2:30 Bride and Groom 3:00 Matinee Theatre 4:00 Queen for a Day 4:45 Modern Romances 5:00 Comedy Time 5 30 Hopalong Cassidy 6:30 Popeye Playhouse 7:00 Seven O'Clock Report 7:15 NBC News 7:30 Badge 714 8:00 Ford Star Jui 30 Life of Riley 9:00 "M" Squad & 30 The Thin ui 10:00 Cavalcade of Sports 10:50 Red Barber's Corner 11:00 Up-to-the-Minute News 11:15 "Tonight!" SATURDAY, November 9:00 Action Theatre "Texas Legionnaires" Roy Rogers 10:00 Howdy Doody 10:30 Gumby 11:00 Fury 11:30 Cartoon Carnival 12:00 ABC's of Music 12:30 Mr. Wizard 1:00 Town and Country 1:15 NCAA Football Purdue at Ohio State 4:30 Football Periscope 4:40 Tri-State Trails 5:00 Movie Matinee 5:30 A Small Planet T: k Look at Itself {1:00 0:30 Bugs Bunny's Friends The Christophers 11:30 The Funnies 12:00 This is the Life 12:30 Bethany Colli 1:00 Bowling 2:00 Pro Football WTRF-TV WHEELING 6:00 Victory at S' 6:30 Waterfront 7:00 Jim Bowie 7:30 People are Funny 8:00 Perry Como Show (color) 9:00 Polly Bergen Show 9:30 Gisele MacKenzie Show 10:00 What's It For? 10:30 Your Hit Parade 11:00 News 11:15 Premiere Performance "Deep Waters" Dana Andri Jean Peters. Cesar Romero SUNDAY November 10 10:00 Industry on inide 10:15 How Christian Science Heals 10:30 Downtown 11:00 The Price is Right 11:30 Truth or Consequences 12:00 Tic Tac Dough 2:30 It Could Be You 1:00 Heart of the Home 1:30 Inner Sanctum 2:00 Howard Miller Show 2:30 Bride and Groom 3:00 Matinee Theatre (color) 4:00 Queen for a Day 4:45 Modern Romances 5:00 Comedy Time 5:30 Hopalong Cassidy "Sunset Trail" 6:30 Popeye Playhouse 7:00 Seven O'clock Report 7:15 NBC-News 7:30 Oz/.ie and Harriet 8:00 The Restless Gun 8:30 Tales of Wells FargO 9:00 Twenty-One 9:30 A Turn of Fate 10:00 Suspicion 11:00 Up-to-the-Minute News 11:15 "Tonight!" Tl 6: 7: 8: 9 10: land Pittsburgh Steelers Browns 4:30 Wide Wide Worlo .30 Outlook 6:00 Disneyland 7:00 Whirlvbirds 7:30 Sally—NBC 8:00 Steve Allen Show 9:00 Dinah Shore Clu vy Show 10:00 Loretta Young Show 10:30 Pro Football Highlights 11:00 News 11:15 Diamond Theatre "Bwana Devil" Robert Stack Barbara Britton, Nigel Bruce. MONDAY, November 11 6:55 Daily Word 7:00 Today iJ:25 Local News 9:00 Romper Room ]p.nn Fvarwia Rlun BEAUTIFUL Artificial Wreaths Pillowsond Crosses JUST ARRIVED! TETERS' FLORAL SHOP ALiitthLL, OHAO PIIONi: 397-M ESDAY. November 1! 55 Daily Word 00 Today 25 Local New 00 Romper Ruoiu 00 Arlene Francis Show 30 Downtown 00 The Price is Right 30 Truth or Consequences 00 Tie Tac Dough 30 It Could Be You 00 Heart of the Home 30 Inner Sanctum 00 Howard Miller Show 30 Bride and Groom 00 Matinee Theatre 00 Queen for a Day 45 Modern Romances 00 Comedy Time 30 Kit Carson 00 Capt. David Gri I 30 Popeye Playhouse 00 Seven O'clock Report 15 NBC New 30 Mama 00 Eddie Fish* Show 00 Meet McGraw 30 Bob' Cummiivgs Show 00 The Californians 30 Golden Playhouse 00 Up-to-the-Minute News 15 Tonight 10: 1 1 11: 12: 12 1: 1 2: 2: 3: 4: 4: 5: 5: 6: 6: 7 WEDNESDAY, November 15 6:55 Dailv Word 7:00 Today 8:25 Local New 9:00 Romper Room 10:00 Arlene Francis Show 10:30 Downtown 11:00 The Price is Right 11:30 Truth or Consequences 12:00 Tic Tac Dough 12:30 It Could Be You 1:00 Heart of the Home 1:30 Inner Sanctum 2:00 Howard Miller Show 2:30 Bride and Groom 3:00 Matinee Theatre (color) 4:00 Queen for a Day 4:45 Modern Romances 5:00 Comedy Time 5:30 Kingdom of the Sea 6:00 Flatt and Scruggs Show 6:30 Popeye Playhouse 7:00 Seven O'clock Report 7:15 NBC News 7:30 Wagon Train 8:30 Father Knows Best 9:00 Kraft Theatre (color) 10:00 This is Your Life 10:30 Silent Service 11:00 Up-to-the-Minute News 11:15 "Tonight" THURSDAY, November 14 6:55 Daily Word 7:00 Today 8:25 Local News 9:00 Romper Room 10:00 Arlene Francis Show 10:30 Downtown 11:00 The Price is Right 11:30 Truth or Consequences 12:00 Tic Tac Dough 12:30 It Could Be You 1:00 Heart of the Home 1:30 Inner Sanctum 2:00 Howard Miller Show 2:30 Bride and Groom 3:00 Matinee Theatre (color) 4:00 Queen for a Day 4:45 Modern Romances 5:00 Comedy Time 5:30 Western Marshal 6:00 Annie Oakley 6:30 Popeye Playhouse 7:00 Seven O'clock Report 7:15 NBC News 7:30 Tic Tac Dough 8:00 You Bet Your Life 8:30 Dragnet 9:00 Slim Bryant Show 10:00 The Lux Show 11:00 Up-to-the-Minute News 11:15 "Tonight" Extended Coverage OF Till CALDWELL. TV CABLE S We are now extending our lines in order that residents of the following communities might en joy good, clear television reception: MAPLE HEIGHTS TERRACE FLORENCE PARK HEIGHTS BRONZE HEIGHTS $50 00 For Connection Caldwell TV Cable Service Phone 44 410 Spruce Street w 3^1 Steel production in the U. S. A. in the first nine months of this year set a record at approximate ly 87% million net tons of ingots and steel for castings. That total was nearly 5 mil lion tons larger than the output I during the first three quarters of 1956, and over 1.9 million tons larger than the previous record iset during the first nine months I of 1955. As steel is the basic com modity, this new record of pro duetion piled up by the steel industry would seem to indicate that basically our American economy continues to "hit on all six," despite the bad behavior of the Stock Exchange. You can take your choice as to what is in prospect: Believe the pessimism of investors and spec ulators. or the optimism of the executives of the steel industry. Personally, we think we'll string along with the steel men. A GRAVE INJUSTICE The hand that rocks the cradle Is the hand that rules the world." That's as true today as when William Ross Wallace penned it almost a century ago. Congress woman Katharine St. George (Republican) of New York State is a present day exponent of the great contribution women have made, are making and always will make to the welfare of man kind. This redoubtable lady has in troduced R. 7141 in Congress— an amendment to the Social Security Act—which will "re move the limitation upon tht amount of outside income which an individual may earn while receiving benefits therefrom." The Social Security Law now says that at age 65 (for men), 62 (for women) you can take your pension, plus a maximum of $1200 earned per year or keep your job paying more than $1200 and be deprived of the pension you've spent years building up with enforced savings. Right now over 9 million elderly American citizens are victims of this asinine, discriminatory provision of the Social Security Law. Now, if you are one of that million currently suffering under this cock-eyed regulation, or of the many more millions who I sometime in the future will be reaching the pension age, write your Congressman to get this St George bill, H. R. 7141, out of committee, on to the floor of Congress. That is, of course, pro vided you would like to get rid of this grave injustice. MOKE AND BETTER TOOLS _The DoALL Company of De Pla ines, Illinois, which manu factures a large variety of cost reducing machine tools, in re cent advertisements cites some interesting statistics. These fig ures graphically illustrate how automation has practically el n:mated back-breaking labor, re ii iiced the weekly hours of em oyment, raised "real wages, and enhanced "The American Way of Life." In 1900, there were $7 billion ii vested in tools and the aver !je work week was 60 hours while in 1020, $15% billion in sted in tools had reduced the ork week to 54 hours. By 1930, there were $18Ia bil on invested in tools and the ork week had shrunk to hours: and in 1950. the furthc vestment in tools to the whop Ding sum of $33 billion had rought about an average wor a eek of only 40 hours. DoALL makes the prediction [hat wider use of better tools in li e future will provide an eve horter work week accompanied by better living for everyone in the U.S.A. HtWHI REST HOME Openings now for men and women, bed or ambulu tprjr patients. Cumberland, Ohio Phone 73 Geneva and Harry Hewitt Opti.itorv i ,,,/y U t- Pontiac's Perennial favorite is this big, I luxurious and exquisitely styled Star Chief four-door Catalina designed to make the heart of every motorist beat faster. Solidly built on a 124-inch whetUbase, the Star Chief Catalina is synonymous with big car styling and comfort, UNDAUNTED STKEL Just in ca^e you may be worrying about the manner in which the N. Y. Stock Market has been acting up (or rather down) in recent weeks, here's a bit of a reassuring news re cently released by the American I Iron and Steel Institute: E A E U A N W A Y THE JOURNAL. CALDWELL, OHIO Pontiac's Perennial Favorite My thanks to the DoALL Com pany for having dug up and pub lished these statistics that de monstrate just what more and better tools have already accom plished for us, and their promise of greater accomplishments in the davs to come. POOR AMERICAN PEOPLE Back in the year 1758, Ben jamin Franklin in one of his 'Poor Richard's Almanacs," among a wealth of other sage counsel and observations, wrote the following: "It would be thought a hard Government that should tax its people one-tenth Part of their Time, to be employed in its i J£v-"48#* -Sf,-" c" and is available in four models two and four door Catalinas, a four-door, slim pillar sedan and a four-door Custom Safari station wagon. Among the fine features of this series is the big "Tempest 395" V-8 engine and "prestige" in terior oi glamorous leather and fabric. wV 4 Service." Wise old Ben undoubtedly thought that he was making a more than liberal allowance for the necessary expenses of gov ernment. One can not help won dering what Franklin would think today if he could se-e the burdens of Federal, State and local taxation constantly mount ing, while spending increase even more rapidly. Our thought is that he would be horrified to see the Federal Government alone taking as high as 91 percent of the incomes of the wealthy and over 20 percent from just us Ordinary folks. 'Poor Richard" would shake his head in pity, muttering the 'Poor American People." Ohio .is the leading industrial state in this region and ranks sec ond in the nation exceeded only by New York State. A •swmm aaoa THE GOLDEN JUBILEE CAR! It's a revolution on wheels—boldly planned from the very beginning as a Golden Anniver sary showpiece for Pontiac and General Motors. This one you really must see—here is a car unlike any you have ever known! This Golden Jubilee Pontiac is actually an all-new breed of cars—in four brilliant series and 16 sleek models covering virtually every price bracket. In all of them you'll find engineering advances so daringly different yet so basically sound that they will trigger the next big change in automobile design. You'll find a few of these ideas illustrated here, but even they can't begin to tell the full story. Why not be among the first to discover the newest. When you meet this bold new Pontiac, you're in for a driving thrill that is impossible to duplicate in cars of conventional design. So make it a point to see your Pontiac dealer soon and prove to yourself that no car in history ever left yesterday so far behind! My fellow Wayfarer, Gerald Heard, has been studying prob lems of mental health and mak ing televised "on the scene" re ports to the citizens of Southern California. He makes this reveal ing observation: The more quali fied the doctors in our numerous mental institutions, the more deep concern they feel for their patients—the more reluctant they are to exercise coercive control over them. On the other hand, the more insane any pati ent is, the more that patient wishes someone to direct his every moment. I wonder if this tells us anything about those who extend controls and they who ask to be controlled—in America's mushrooming welfare state? Robert Osborn, cartoonist-phil osopher, in the October number of Better Homes and Gardens, has made effective in a few words and several pictures a message about secular confor mity I've been, trying for years to pass on. Osborne says Americans today thoughtlessly "copy—comply— agree—CONFORM!" "Let us emerge," he urges, "one by one—and remember that the only people who have accom plished anvthing in life have been INDIVIDUALS Bravo! But I would like to add, and underscore, that the only way we individuals can accomplish anything lastingly worth-while is through conformity at a high er level—to God's will and to His pattern. We are, in Paul's words, to "be not conformed to this world" precisely in order that we may be conformed to God's world and, by this, to be transformed! V NEW KID OF CAR IS BOM! mmmm mmmm mm mmmm mrnmm .mm us:::::::::: rssr* aft fzi:::::::::::::::: \v.y,.. '///V.• t! »«B« HOf o••• ffMOk hisj aatt naai« «va sano 4v^. iiaaa aava aaau aaaa aaaS £aaa SSaa SSSS *10®" onvenl ionnl Springs Pontiac'* New Air Ride Ever-Level Air Ride The most perfect suspension system ever designed—and Pontiac's revolutionary Aero-Frame is specifically designed for it! Air cushions on all four wheels literally float you over the bumps keep the car perfectly level regardless of load or road1 *AA extra-Gout option anajpa mwmw* •mimw (pauAs ftoJi JtLun This sort of conformity must bring increasing meaning, var iety and beauty for God offers uniquely distinctive patterns for each of us. And it is in this high est and most challenging deve lopment of our God-given in dividuality that we will find the most richly rewarding com munion with one another. "Some statistically minded individual," says Sunshine Mag azine, "reflecting on the increas ed complications of our present day living, has pointed out that an average man today has 484 wants, as against 72 a century ago. Of these, 94 can be classi fied as necessities. One hundred years ago, according to the sta tistics, there were but 200 differ ent articles being offered for sale. Today the total is far above 32,000." Well, this is wonderful. And I hope you will not think I am being critical if I ask a simple question: What are our alleged "wants and necessities" neces sary for? If the answer is con venience, comfort, conversation of time and energy, wholesome pleasure, then we are on safe ground. However, if we get the idea that any of these new wants or necessities are essential for a joyful or useful life, then we are in danger. For life is meant to be something much more than a mere race for more mat tresses. Turn to Matthew 5:1-12 and study the beatitudes. They sound strange, do they not, against our hectic background of frantic pur suit of pleasure and more and more things? And yet human experience through the centuries has completely verified these At your Pontine Dealer's ttov. 9 Bin am iihihi ••iitiuin 3SSS 5SSS SSSS •*. aaaa aiki aM«ana aaaa mi nmi vaaa uai aaaa CTE» ill ::::::::iis:::::::SSaSSSSSSSSSaaa!aaaSS"•••«aiaaa MRH Aero -Frame STABILITY ivsomuts! Here is the biggest basic construction change since the early days of motoring. Pontine1 s revolutionary new frame design is lighter, stronger, more stable than the conventional box type used on other cars. Circles-of-Steel SAFETY Pontiac's completely new body construction surrounds you with girder steel protection— tibove, below, fore and aft. Now you can drive with wonderful new peace of mind! Quadra -Poise ROADABILITY Only the wheels know where the bumps are! Pontiac1s new suspension geometry ends dive, sway and bounce to bring you the Smoothest ride, easiest handling you've ever known! Thtfrsflay,. November 7,^^ teachings. Our real necessities for a blessed life of genuine joy and usefulness are humility, ten derness, thirst for righteousness, mercifulness, purity, peaceable ness, and the courage to do right though we die for it. Start with these and with the guide posts of the two great Command ments and the Golden Rule and all else we need follows. As long as we recognize this, all the new things we want as well as those we have come to regard as necesr sities can take their rightfbl places—and contribute to our benefit instead of driving us i distraction. COSTLY EXPLORATION During 1956, International Nick el spent more than $8,000,000 on exploration activities in search for new nickel ore deposits. VERSATILE NICKEL The element nickel is tough and strong, has high resistance to cor rosion, and imparts many oi these qualities to the alloys oi' which it becomes a component. *mm STOPS FROZEN PIPES Electric cable or tape with fiber Tempest 395 glass insulation & thermo. Easy do-it-yourself job PERFORMANCE Try Pontiac's new jeweled-action response! Scores of exclusive engineering innovations make Pontiac's hefty power plant a miracle of smoothness and you can choose from four horsepower ratings including Tri-Powcr Carburet ion'' and Fuel Injection\ pro- tects to 59J below. Sizes for all pipes $1 up. Don't let your pipes freeze. See us. (RAFT HARDWARE CUMBERLAND, OHIO