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Page Eight—B Noble Township Joe and Norma Dudley enter tained members of the Adult Bible classes of the Belle Val ley Methodist church with a Halloween party at their home on Friday evening, Nov. 1. Mrs. Iva Carnes was in charge of the business meeting. Norma conducted the devotionals. Door prize went to Sara Hurst and contest prizes were won by Iva Carnes and Dale Milligan. Delici ous refreshments were served to the following: Jean Wilson, Stevie and Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Carnes, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Milligan, Mr. and Mrs. Urbane Hurst, the host and hostess and children. Defeat Cumberland Belle Valley's Purple "iders were victorious in their varsity game of basketball played at Cumberland, Friday evening, Nov. 1. Altho the Belle Valley reserves lost by two points. It was a grand and glorious even ing. The cheerleaders put on a good show, too all in all a good start for a good season. Birthday Party Little Debbie hori'-'ivrt .{ Bartoletta was a iirtlid iy party 4 i ,*£ *•?•"&" k-f on i 3 IPMyu ~H V ru\:%^ feS fl *£'•4 LIVE BETTER^ V* *4 y'-fs, ft 5 y *.%• .*•& 1 V* .#• V OHIO ^WER COMPANY Wednesday p. m., Oct. 30 in the home of her parents. About 30 guests enjoyed two hours of fun followed by real birthday re freshments. Debbie, who has reached the ripe old age of six years, received many nice and useful gifts. W.S.C.S. The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service of Belle Valley Methodist church will meet at the home of Mrs. Edgar Bates on Friday evening, Nov. 8. Please bring your sales tax stamps. Return From Hospital Aunt Lizzie Fogle has return ed to her home in west end of Belle Valley after several days in Guernsey Memorial hospital for observation and treatment and is reported feeling much better. Leone Barnhouse, Danny Bond, Ruth Leasure, W. C. Reed are others on the sick list this past week. Personals Edgar Bates visited Sunday morning with his dad, Peter Bates, of Reinersville, and said he seems stronger and more cheerful than on a previous visit. On Friday evening, Mr. and Vlrs. Samuel Curtis and myself vere guests of Mrs. Mary Okey md enjoyed the time very much. Ava AVA Mr. and Mrs. John Delancey and family, of Coal lidge, and Mrs. Bertha Bates vere visiting in Zanesville on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Eayner ipent Sunday in Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Mason Wood vere visiting in Cambridge on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hawley ind son were in Cambridge Mon iay on business. Mr. ana Mrs. Harvey Bates, )t Columbus, spent the weekend here. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Ritter oeck and family of Pleasant Jity, were visiting Virgil Brown md family, Sunday. Mrs. Ruth Ann Shondrick and 'amily, of Maple Heights, Mr. md Mrs. Rodney Buckley, of Coal Ridge, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bill Buckley, Sunday. Mrs. Robert Mellon and chil dren, wore visiting at Sarahs •/ille recently. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stoltz, of Pleasant City, were visiting Mar gin Hawley and family, Sunday. Mrs. Ora Hoover was visiting ast week at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Per kins and Mrs. Ethel Stiers were n Cambridge, Friday. Mrs. Nora Bates is spending Do you remember the fences and buildings torn up by the bulls you have had on your farm? We have yet to hear of a COBA technician going mad and damaging a COBA mem ber's property. Protect your property and your family from a danger* ous bull. Call COBA today. For Service Call CALDWELL 273 Before 9:00 a.m. Noble County Dairy fir Beef Scrvice Co-op Farmer-Owned and Operated Al'lili iUd with the Central Ohio Breeding Association 9 Packed to M*v«iil«at 25 H. kagi. With plastic inner-liner and handy measuring cup. Feeding guide print Mi right on the bag. Proved by 20 million calves—come in and get tfc* latest calf feeding facts! LOOKS like A •w i %g Phone 124 Tmmi Sweeping styling changes are apparent in the 1958 Ford car line. The Fairlane 500 Town Victoria (right) and Fairlane Club Victoria (left) share with all new Fords such dramatic styling changes as new safety dual headlights, corrosion-proof anodized aluminum grille, pow "if, sculptured in A decision that will try the pride of many women who reached the age. of 62 in the last few months will either start social security checks immedi ately or result in higher bene fits at age 65. Social security district man ager Robert Youmans reports that many youthful sexagenar ians have apparently decided to pass up the smaller benefit at this time. He did not comment on the reasons for this decision— whether from a reluctance to admit to age 62 or from prudent actuarial computation, with the choice of a higher benefit at 65. The eligible woman who was 62 in November 1956, may apply before November 30 of this year and, under certain conditions, re ceive benefits for all months back to November 1956. "Eligible women" include the wives of retired workers who are receiv ing retirement benefits them selves, and women who, on the basis of their own employment, are insured for retirement bene fits. The latter's benefit at age 62 is reduced 20% from the amount she would receive at 65, and once reduced it generally stays reduced for life. The wife's benefit, based on her husband's account, will be reduced by 25% if she applies at 62 instead of 65 years of age. Widows and depen dent mothers of deceased insured workers, however, are given pre ferential treatment under the law. In their case there is no reduction in benefit amount at age 62—they receive the full widow's or parent's benefit bas ed on the deceased worker's ac count. According to Mr. Youmans, the eligible wife or retired woman worker who postpones her de 1 ion to file after November 30 may still pick up the maximum ot 12 retroactive benefits, pro vided she was eligible for them i'o! all 12 months. Any benefits !u• has not claimed between the auo of 62 and 65 will serve to m. .ke her life-time benefit amount slightly higher when she doos apply. Mr. Youmans feels this pro vision in the law is so important to under 65 year old women that hoy should get more specific information from the social security office. Clergymen who have failed to oloct social security coverage as il'-employed persons now have another chance to secure old survivors, and disability in- miranee protection for themselves and their families, Robert 1 jJiMjiyp*1 i- In addition, Youmans points out, a minister who filed a waiv er after April 15, 1957, and before August 31, which was valid for 1957 but too late to get coverage for 1956, may still get coverage for 1956 by filing a supplemental waiver. The law now provides that ministers will include as net earnings for social security pur poses, (1) the rental value of a parsonage or rental allowance furnished them as Dart of their compensation and (2) the value of meals and lodging furnished them for the convenience of their employer. This change in the law applies only to the amount of a minister's earnings which are covered by social security it does not affect his liability for income tax. This provision is effective for taxable years ending on or after December 31, 1957. o u i s u n e s a n i n Youmans says, some non-profit church-related organizations er roneously reported the remun eration of certain ordained min isters performing teaching or ad ministrative duties, and paid the employer and employee social security taxes. The amended law provides that the remuneration reported as paid to these min isters in 1955 and 1956 shall be treated as if correctly reported, and not as net earnings from self-employment, to the extent that the employer tax or em ployee tax was not credited or lefunded before August 31, 1957. B. Youmans, manager of the Zanes RAISE YOUR A V E S a LOWER COST on WAYNE CALFNIP I K E A E OUT-Pti WAYNE FEED SUPPLY CO. Cumberland Street Sarahsvilie THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO New 1958 Fords Make Debut* »v verted V trunk lid and twin ville social security office de ared today. An amendment of the Internal i Revenue Code gives them, in .•eneral, from August 31, 1957, irough April 15, 1959, to elect icial security coverage, he said. Ministers who file waiver certi eates during this extended per »d will be mandatorily covered 1956 and for all subsequent ears in which they have net arnings from self-employment $400 or more, including earn igs from the practice of their ministry. SARAHSVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mellon spent Sunday in Weiton, W. Va., with Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Creasey and daugh ters. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snode and family, of Zanesville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Gibson and Mrs. Nellie Snode. Mr. and Mrs. Redmond Archer visited with Mr. Harold Sullivan Sunday, in Zanesville. Mrs. Mark Rossiter returned home after spending the past month in Steuben ville with her brother, Mr. J. A. Cartledge and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Spence, Co lumbus, and Mrs. Pluma Smith, Zanesville, visited recently at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mellon spent Saturday in Zanesville with rela tives. Mrs. Grant Shafer is slowly im proving from her recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Swain, of Columbus, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Orpha Swain. Friends and neighbors called at the home of Mrs. Orpha Swain October 31, to help her celebrate her 88th birthday. Photo Developing—Gillespie's Lt^e weight on a High Protein diet.. drink 177IT k W® AAJUL YOU NEVER OUTGROW *OUR NEED FOR FOODS MADE FROM MILK Drink 3 grosses of milk every day Caldwell Produce Co. Phone 75 CALDWELL, OHIO 1 safety Engineering and design advances include new engines, new Cruise-O-Matic transmission and optional Ford-Aire suspension. The new Ford car line will be on display at Ford dealerships on November 7.1 taillights Middleborg MIDDLLHl'K( nd Mrs. Jack Orr and children, of Massi llon, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Felix Arnold. Mr. and Mrs. George Braden and family, of Newark, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore and children, Mr. and Mrs. Char les Morrison and daughter, of Barberton, visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. James Morrison and boys, Jack and Larry. Mr. and Mrs. Detmer Eicholtz, of Wheeling, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mit chell. J. H. Morrison, Beverly Poland, Mr. and Mrs. John Antill, were callers at Caldwell, Monday morning. Lester Hesson, of Elk Fork, was a caller at Middleburg, Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. George Clark are parents of a baby girl, born last week at a Marietta hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Antill and children, of Macksburg, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brotton and sons. Dale Harbaugh and Bernard Carnes, of Belle Valley, were sup per guests Sunday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Estadt. SALES TAX RECEIPTS Sales tax receipts in Noble county for the week ending Oct. 19 amounted to $3,468.18, com pared to $3,548.21 for the same period in 1956, according to Treasurer of State Roger W. Tracy. Total collected to date in the county amounts to $45,185.91, compared to $42,043.40 for the same number of months last year. lyaawaBaawBM All F.D.A.F. 315 WEST ST. Elba ELBA Mr. and Mrs. Pete Kirkbride, of Zanesville, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Goodwill. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Swain were in Marietta, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Schob and family were in Marietta, Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Willi ams spent ?.he iffinr weekend with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hill and family at Zanesville. Mrs. Joanne Bonar and son, Ricky and Mrs. Betty Good-.yj 11 and son, Darrcl, were in Mari etta, Fiiday. Peari Goodwill and Clara Reed attended church services at Ogle's Ridge church, Sunday evening. A. E. Swam was in Caldwell, Saturday. Dorothy Schob and son, Kevin and Joanne Bonar and son, Ricky, were in Marietta, Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Kirkbride and Gale and Betty Jo Goodwill were Saturday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hendershot at Whip ple. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Schob and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Emil Schob and fam ily at Marietta. Walnut Ridge WALXl'T RIDGE Several attended the Edward Leasure sale, Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Feldner and Mrs. Martha Horton were callers at Cambridge, Saturday. Visitors at O. O. Horton's last week were: Major Joe Morrison of Toledo, George Morrison, M. M.C., U. S. Navy, wife and daughters, Patsy and Vnona of Chula Vista, Calif., Mrs. Carletta Morrison, Mrs. Lala Smithberg er, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Horton and children and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Smith and daughters. Fred Warner and Raymond Smithberger attended the stock sale at Woodsfield, Wednesday. Mrs. Martha Horton spent Thursday with Mrs. Bertha Hor ton, of Berne. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. King, of Canton, were recent visitors at O. O. Horton's. Mrs. Earl Horton and son, Dana and Mrs. Nancy Rossiter spent Tuesday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Horton. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Horton were callers at Woodsfield, Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. George Horton and son were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Hor ton. See The Journal foT Quality Printing. you liave to do Here's how the 11 new Fords will be given away To be eligible to win The entry form Be sure to fill in two stubs. Then drop these »tube into the boxes you'll find on the You may win one of the 12 NEW 58 FORDS TO BE GIVEN AWAY! There9s nothing newer in the world! CARLISLE Mr. and Mrs. Bert Miracle entertained Sun day with a chicken din»er. Twenty plates were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Francis Thompson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Feldner and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thompson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Roehrig and Kennonsburg KENNONSBURG Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sell and children, Brian, Terry and Donna, of Can ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Flood and children, Cindy and Scott of Eldon, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Lashley, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Linn and three children, of Circleville, and Mr. and Mrs. Don McMillen and son, Timmy, of Newcomerstown, were weekend visitors of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Groves and son, Allen, of Pleasant City, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tis dale and three children, of Can ton, were visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rich the past weekend. Mrs. U. J. Massie was visiting Mrs. Oliver Wells, Friday. Quite a few- school students have been absent from school with flu and severe colds. Russell Magis received an in jury to his head while at work last Thursday and was treated at the Barnesville hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Long enter tained with supper Wednesday evening in honor of Dicky Wys carver, who celebrated his fifth birthday. The following wefie present: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wyscarver and children, Joyce, where she received medical Gerry and Dicky, and the host and hostess. Mrs. Eddie Engler returned home Friday from the Lock o u n e o s i a o u u s treatment and surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Day ani Frank Gregg were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ward, Sunday. RETURN TO NEW YORK Mr. and Mrs. Noel B. Van Wagenen, who have been spend ing the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Clark, south of Caldwell, are returning this week to their home in New York City. mm* is register FORD DEALER'S Thurs. Nov• 7 thru Sat, Nov. 9 one of the twelve new 58 Ford V-8 Custom 300 Tudor cars, all you have to do is visit your neighborhood Ford Dealer on November 7th, 8th or 9th, and fill in and sign an entry form, which your Dealer will supply on request. is made up of three stubs. at your neighborhood Dealer's showroom floor. Drop the "Dealer's stub" into the "Dealer's box" and the "Judges' stub" into the "Judges' box." Everyone 18 years of age or older is elig^tft to participate except Ford Dealers' em ployees and their families—Ford Motor Company sales department personnel and their families—and the members of the Ford Dealers' and Ford Motor Company's ad vertising agencies and their families. In the event of questioned eligibility, the decision of the judges YOU NEED NOT BE PRESENT TO WIN Winners will be announced in this paper after they have been determined. If winner has already purchased^ 1958 Ford, full purchase price will be refunded. Cars to be given away are brand-new 1958 Ford V-8 Custom 300 Tudors, equipped with radio and heater. Proved and approved around the world! See it Nowt will be final. CALDWELL MOTORS, Inc. Thursday. November 7, 1957 CARLISLE NEWS HAPPENINGS daughter, Mrs. Theresa Thomp son and host and hostess. Dinner Guests Mr. and Mrs. Leland Hesson and son, Scott, and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Garrett and daughters were Sunday dinner guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hes son. Community Institute Plans are being made for a community institute to be held Nov. 12 in the grange hall. A complete program will be print ed later. At noon a pot luck din ner will be served. Personals Mr. and Mrs. £. Brown visited the past week at Rockford, HI. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kuhn spent a few days the past week at Columbus and Zanesville. Eunice Horton, Gertrude Kuhn and Evelyn Gressel visited Mon day evening at the home of Mrs. Betty Archer. The evening was spent in quilting. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Schehl visited Sunday evening with Mrs. Ida Horton and daughter, Eunice. James Ritterbeck. of Zanes ville, spent Wednesday nigjht with his mother, Mrs. Emma Rit terbeck. Mrs. Roma Jean Wharton and Mrs. Ruby Leasure were shop ping in Zanesville, Thursday. Mrs. Don Barnett visited Wed nesday afternoon with her grandmother, Mrs. Emma Ritter beck. Mrs. Lucy Dimmerling, of Caldwell, spent Friday with her sister, Mrs. Anna Miracle. Mrs. Ida Dimmerling, Mrs. Loretta Hesson and Mrs. Anna Miracle spent Thursday evening at Zanesville.- Electronic Dry Cleaning "If Your Clothes are Not Becoming to You, They Should be Coming to Us." C0LLEY INSURANCE 409 West Street Phone 125 Ccldwell, Ohio REGISTER AT ANY FORD DEALER'S IN THESE OHIO PENNSYLVANIA COU&IilS OHIO ASHLAND ASHTABULA CARROLL COLUMBIANA COSHOCTON CRAWFORD CUYAHOGA DELAWARE ERIE FAIRFIELD i FRANKLIN GEAUGA GUERNSEY HOLMES HURON KNOX LAKE LICKING LORAIN MAHONING MEDINA MORGAN MORROW MUSKINGUM NOBLE PERRY PORTAGE RICHLAND SENECA STARK SUMMIT TRUMBULL TUSCARAWAS WAYNE PENNSYLVANIA CRAWFORD ERIE MERCER VENANGO MiiHWiili PHONE 84 CALDWELL mmimimiiifflimiiiMflii