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Page Six fominq Social £vsmi& Center Grange Center Grange No. 2285 will have its regular meeting Thurs day evening, Nov. 7 at the town hall. A pot luck lunch will be served and a door prize will be given away during the social hour. Carffsle Grange Carlisle Grange No. 2344 will meet in regular session, Nov. 14 at 7:30 p. m. with Master Ray ner Schehl in charge. Sharon grange will be the guests at this meeting and they will put on the literary program. A pot luck will be served following the business meeting. All Carlisle grange members are urged to attend. Homemakers Club The Mt. Ephraim Homemakers club will meet at the home of Evelyn Bond, Wednesday, Nov. 13 at 10:30 a. m. The lesson will be on "Complete Meals From The Freezer", it will be taught by Emma McDonald and Evelyn Bond. Lunch will be served from the food used in the demonstra tion and members are asked to bring their own table service. Cora Leland Class The Cora Leland class of the First Presbyterian church will be entertained Friday evening, Nov. 8 at 7:00 o'clock in the home of Mary Tipton on Lewis street with Gertrude Harper serving as companion hostess. Auxiliary To Meet A meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary, Dexter City Unit No. 418, will meet on Tues day, Nov. 12, beginning at 7:30 p. m. A sack lunch will be ser ved, and a good attendance is desired. To Hold Stage Show The Movie Marshal and his gang from WTRF-TV, Wheeling, W. Va., will appear in person on the stage of the Southern Noble high school gymnasium on Fri day, Nov. 8, beginning at 8:00 p. m. The event is being spon sored by the Dexter City Com munity club. dries 20 V.F.W. Auxiliary V.F.W. Auxiliary Unit No. 4721 will meet in regular session on Thursday evening, Nov. 14 at 8:00 o'clock in the post hall on West street. The date of this meeting was changed due to the fact that the regular date fell on Armistice Day. Church Bazaar The annual bazaar and chicken supper o'f the Sharon Presby terian church will be held Thurs day, Nov. 7, with serving to begin at 5:30 o'clock. The public is invited to attend. Youth Fellowship The Ava Youth Fellowship group will meet Thursday even ing, Nov. 14" at 7:30 o'clock in the Ava Methodist church. All members are urged to attend. Presbyterian Circle Circle One of the Woman's Association of the First Presby terian church will meet Tuesday evening, Nov. 12 at 8:00 o'clock in the home of Mrs. Capitola Love on North street with Mrs. Gertrude Hamilton serving as companion hostess. Bazaar money is to be turned in at this meeting. Club To Meet The Sarahsville Home Demon stration club will meet Wednes day, Nov. 13 at the home of Irene Clark. A feature of this meeting will be "Hints and Ideas for Christmas." A pot luck lunch will be served at noon. W.S.C.S. To Meet" The general meeting of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the First Methodist church will meet, Tuesday even ing, Nov. 12 in the church an nex. Program leaders will be Frances Wood and Ruby Merry. Elsie Kirchner will conduct the devotional service. The Esther Circle will serve as hostesses. Fulda Grange Fulda Grange No. 2458 will hold an officers meeting Fri day evening, Nov. 8 at 7:30 o'clock. All officers are urged to pounds little day to own mh£n£pot all-fabrics dryer at all-time low price! Yuu can't wrong Fabric Guide tells you which of the three heats to select for safe dry ing of anything! Even nylon's safe! And you're right on price, too, because this is lowest ever for our RCA WHIRLPOOL Cus tom dryer! Available in gas or electric WE WILL BE OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE! USE OUR CHRISTMAS LAY-AWAY PLAN! BARNHARTS Phone 20 516 North Street A & Jr~ Eagles Auxiliary A miscellaneous shower will be held at the regular meeting of the Eagles Auxiliary on Thursday, Nov. 7, beginning at 8:00 p. m. at their hall in Flor ence Addition. A good attend ance is desired. Refreshment committee for the evening will be Dorothy Caldwell and Helen Safigaiu Circle Three Circle Three of the Woman's Association of the First Presby terian church will meet Tuesday evening, Nov. 12 at 7:30 o'clock in the home of Mrs. W. £. Rad cliff on Main street. Companion hostesses will be Helena Boe shaar and Ollie McKee. 5 Pictured above are the prize winners at the annual Halloween party held at the Legion Hall in Belle Valley last Tuesday evening. The party is sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary and is for all the children in the community. Those pictured above are: The Witch, Lynn Seamster gypsy, Theresa Serdy mamma and pappa, Joie Taylor and Jerry Springer bride attend. The grange will also have entertainment Sunday af ternoon, Nov. 10 in their hall beginning at 1:00 o'clock. This will consist of games and free entertainment during the first half-hour. A lunch will be ser ved. All members are asked to donate five prizes or money. The public is invited to this meeting. THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO Prize Wi liners At Legion Auxiliary Party V i -t .» --V v: r". V-x ./ I I. A/ m*\ -i To H«ld Dance The Macksburg community club is sponsoring a mixed dance in the school auditorium, Sat urday evening, Nov. 9 at 9 p. ni. Mixed Dance A mixed dance will be held at St. Michael's hall, Berne, Sat urday night, Nov. 9. Music will be furnished by the Shenandoah Valley gang. Grange To Meet Jackson Grange No. 407 will meet Friday evening, Nov. 8, at 8:0G p. m. foi their regular meeting. Installation officers for the coming year will be held. Refreshments of sweet cider and doughnuts will be furnished by ue grange and iol members are aj'.uo to bri.i^ a pie. A good at fndance is requested TO NATIONAL CONVENTION Mrs. Mary Barlock, Belle Val ley, left Tuesday for Las Vegas, Nevada, where she will attend the national convention of the Brewers association. A special train tour is planned as a part of this convention. with ADJUSTABLE 'f Y *0$ PRODUCT tDEAL for any room. So BIG, so HANDSOME, so PRACTICAL. Perfect for telephoning, reading and writing. Stu.vly construction. Mar and stain resistant FORMICA top and shelf. Tapered black legs with brass ferrules. Sensational low SALE price. k ij Brass Ferrules b.'% ^yi and bridegroom, Joey Springer and Jimmie Taylor clown, Johnny Bill Wargo hobo, Ger ald Yonker the prettiest, Joanelle Wargo the ugliest, Tina Svercek, and the most original, Jonita Wargo. Games were enjoyed during the evening and refreshments were served to approximately 150 children. M. N. 0. Bridge Club Plays Monday Evening Mrs. Jack Kerrell entertained members of the M.NJO. Bridge club Monday evening, Nov. 4 at her home in Bronze Heights. An evening of bridge was en joyed with Mrs. Kenneth Leigh ton and Mrs. Robert Lorenz re ceiving the club prizes. Refreshments were served by the hostess to the following: Mrs. Kenneth Leighton, Mrs. Robert Lorenz, Mrs. Clark Knox, Mrs. William Davis, Mrs. Clar ence Estadt, Mrs. Joseph Gial lombardo, Mrs. Robert Searle, and Mrs. George Daugherty. EIGHTEEN CASES The Justice court of Caldwell handled 18 new cases during the month of October which resulted in a collection of $146.33, accord ing to Attorney Leo E. Carter. Of this amount, $82.07 was turned over to the county, $18.65 to the sheriff's department for county distribution and $45.60 to the justice. LAY-AWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS! w 'mt *-x i' Myrphy's Fyrniture "Qualify Furniture Since 1925" 301 305 Main Street Phone 128 Caldwell, Ohio Look Who's Here! Caldwell, are announcing the birth "of a daughter, Nov. 4 in the Bethesda hospital, Zanes ville. The infant weighed nine pounds and 12 ounces at birth and has been named Peggy Lynn. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Rucker and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ball, all of Cald well. Peggy Lynn, has two other sis*ers, Janet 8, and Nancy 5. Mr. and Mrs. Karl E. Stritz. of Caldwell, are announcing the birth of a son, Wednesday, Oct. 30 in the Guernsey Memorial hospital, Cambridge. The new arrival weighed seven pounds and 14 ounces at birth. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stritz, of Maple Heights, are the paternal grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram O. Buckey, of Rajlroad street, are the maternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rich, of Columbus, are announcing the birth of a seven pound, two ounce son on Nov. 2 at the Mt. Carmel hospital. The new ar rival has been named Michael Keith. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Guy LaMasters, of Obetz, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rich, of Grove City. Great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Homer Finley, of Caldwell, and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Reed, of Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Archer, of Dexter City route 2, are the parents of a daughter, born Oct. 31 in the Marietta Memorial hos pital. Joe Huffman, of Dexter City route, is the maternal grandfather. Mr. and Mrs. Rortny Childress of Macksburg, are the parents of a son born Nov. 1 in the Marietta Merrtorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore, of Caldwell, are announcing the birth of a son, Sunday, Nov. 3 in the Guernsey Memorial pital, Cambridge. The infMit weighed six pounds and nin ounces at birth. Mr. and Mrs. Zail Spear, oi Caldwell route 3, are announc ing the birth of a son, Nov. 4 in the Marietta Memorial pital,. hos Mr. and Mrs. George L. Cla. k, of Dexter City route 2, annoui the birth of a daughter at the Shelby General hospital, Mai etta, Oct. 29. The infant weighed seven pounds and 12 ounces an.1 has been named Barbara Jan nette. Grnn-dparents are Mr. a- 1 Completes Basic •s w Wr PAUL J. LANG Paul J. Lang, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Lang, of Lowell route, has completed eight weeks of basic training at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Pvt. Lang will be transferred to Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, to finish his training. Mrs. Walter L. Clark, of Seneca Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Ball, of South Olive. Mrs. A. J. Swain, of Buffalo, is the great grandmother. CLUB MEETS The Sarahsville Home Demon stration club was entertained October 30 in the home of Mrs. Helen Davis. There were 13 members and one guest, Mrs. Hazel Keffer, in attendance. The project for the day was "Preparing Foods From The Freezer." Thursday, November 7, 1957 Esther Circle Meets In Church Tuesday The Esther Circle of the W. S. C. S. of the First Methodist church held their regular Nov ember meeting Tuesday evening in the church annex with the chairman, Mary M. Okey, presid ing. Mrs. Okey opened the meet ing with a poem, followed by a circle of prayer. Group singing was enjoyed with Iva Guiler at the piano. "Abide With Us" was the theme of the worship service led by Opal Ullman. "The In dian American" was presented by Ellen Douglass, program leader. During the business session, it was reported that $114.00 had been realized from the recent variety sale sponsored by the group. It was announced that the bazaar envelopes are to be turned in at the December meet ing. Refreshments were served during the social hour by the hostesses. Hostesses were Winnie Johnson, Alice Blackburn, Effie Warren, Vina Pickeripaugh, Mar tha Archer, Grace Tipton and Anna Jordan. Members present were: Edna Racey, Mildred Fink, Ola Shaf er, Lois Ziler, Jessie Young, Allie Archer, Mary M. Okey, Iva Guiler, Opal Ullman, Ellen Douglass, Effie Warren, Winnie Johnson, Alice Blackburn and one guest, Mrs. Irma Harmon, of Hopedale. SUFFERS FRACTURE Mrs. Mary Sailing, of Cald well route 3, suffered a fractured right ankle Friday, Nov. 1 as i result of a fall in her home. She was treated at the Caldwell Clinic. jtei-op-seaacm stjte Qui- $-seasot p/uces FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK WINTER Gray For misses, women, pe tites, juniors Season's newest, most fashionable styles Black and every impor tant color Choice of wools, alpacas, tweeds, fleeces v Clutches, ^raps, flares Fur trims, double restated coats. Just when you need a warm winter coat, you get a real bargain! Here are coats of incomparable quality coats you've admired in our regular stock, now at reduced prices. Be early ... be sure you get the coat you want! Lay it away while we have a nice selection. S IN CALDWELL miiiHiiimmnimHiHiiiuiutmiiiiiiiinmiwimmiiM mtmiimiiiiiiiiitiiiiujiiiiimimiiiimmmu.