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Page Eight Her fingertip veil of nylon tulle was held in place by a crown of irridescent sequins and tiny seed pearls. The bride's jewelry con sisted of a single strand of pearls and tiny pearl earrings. The bride's bouquet was a cas cade arrangement of white Fuja mums and white pom poms en twined with white satin leaves Miss Mary Lois Ontko, of Pleas ant City, a cousin of the bride was maid of honor. She wore an aqua satin ballerina gown with a cowl neckline and carried a cascade of pink carnations and white mums. Misses Michaline Falkosky, of Canton, and Evelyn Smee, of Cleveland, were bridesmaids. They wore identical gowns of frosted pink and shrimp shades with cowl necklines and carried cascadcs of bronze and yellow mums. All the attendants wore single strand pearl necklaces and matching earrings, gifts of the bride. Miss Gerianne Woytko, of Pleasant City, cousin of the bride, was flower girl and she wore dress of pink nylon with a bouf fant skirt and a scalloped hem line. A matching headdress of mums completed her ensemble She carried a basket of yellow mums. Jei'ry Kozik, of Cleveland, served as Mr. Buckey's best man and the guests were seated b.v David Smee, brother of the bride and George Kopsual, of Mans field. Gary Woytko. of Pleasant City, nephew oj th• bride, was ringbearer. The bride's mother received her guests in a fur stole over a Kelly green wool sheath dress trimmed in satin. Black accessories com plimented her ensemble. Mrs. Buckey wore a beige frock with black accessories. Both mothers wore orchid corsages pinned to their shoulderlines. A reception for approximately 300 guests was held, beginning at 6:00 p.m., in the Golden Plaza at Belle Valley. John Falkosky, of jr if." Miss Janis Smee Plights Troth With James Buckey St. Michael's Catholic church in Pleasant City created a beauti ful setting Saturday morning, November 2, for the wedding of Miss Janis Mae Smee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Smee of Belle Valley and James R, Buckey, son of Mrs. Kathleen Buekey of Ava. Fr. Simeon Fetzko, pastor of the church, officiated at the double ring ceremony at nine o'clock. Nuptial High Mass was sung by the church choir. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was lovely in a floor length gown of Chantilly lace and net over satin. The gown was de signed with a very bouffant skirt with layers of net topped with alternate tiers of net and hand clipped Chantilly lace. The fitted bodice came to a point in the front and featured long tight-fit ting sleeves that came to points over the hands. A row of tiny self-covered buttons extended down the back of the gown. The high mandarin neckline was fin ished with tiny hand-clipped scal loped lace. served as master of ceremonies at the festivities. Assisting at the reception were: Anne Woytko, Mary Ontko, Anne Skeshlok, Marie Evancho, Marjo rie Smee. Rose Smee, Helen Kun drat and Verna Falkosky. The reception hall was beauti fully decorated in a white, pink and green color scheme. Arrange ments of assorted colored mums were also used in decorating. A large five-tiered decorated wed ding cake, topped with miniature bride and bridegroom, centered the bride's table. The reception was followed by a wedding dance and the tradi tional bridal dance at 11:00 p.m. The music was presented by the Polka Gems, of Pleasant City. The bride is a 1953 graduate of Belle Valley high school and was employed as a registered practi cal nurse at the Cambridge Com munity hospital in Cambridge. Mr. Buckey is a 1950 graduate of Belle Valley high school and is employed by the General Mo tors Corp. in Mansfield. Before leaving on a wedding trip through the southland, the bride changed to a beige sheath dress with leopard accessories. Upon their return, the couple will reside at 1.78 Sturges Ave nue in Mansfield. Their apart ment is in readiness. Out of town guests at the wed ding were from Cleveland, Can ton, Mansfield, Wadsworth, Par ma, Lakewood and surrounding communities. Woman's Literary Club Holds Meeting The October meeting of the Woman's Literary club was held last Tuesday evening in the home of Mrs. Opal Brum bach on North street. Roll call was responded to by sixteeen members with "Vig nette From One of the Arts". The business meeting was in charge of the president, Miss Louise Clark. The program lor the evening included the following reviews: "The Fabulous Dorseys" by Mrs. Margaret Archer Pinza and "South Pacific" by Mrs. Dorothy Dyer "Eugene O'Neill, Play wright" by Mrs. Rama Steen and "Portrait of An Artist: George Bellows" by Mrs. Frances Wood. Members present were: Mar garet Archer, Lillian Beyer, Inez Clark, Marion Robey, Adaline Jordan, Dorothy Dyer, Inna Smith, Frances Wood, Louise Clark, Rama Steen, Esther Kegig, Mary Secrest, Grace Henderson, Ruth Knox, Mary Slater and IS THIS YOU? Put a 1958 MAYTAG 4j-:f DRY 'EM FAST typical load in 26 minute*. DRY 'EM SAFE at little more than body temperature. ffcfo FT' i #f ft#* 4 /, VWfl! V i Maytag Exclusive,J NO HOT SPOTS! A gentle circle of heat sjrfounds Automatic Time arid Temperature Controls Special Wash and Wear Setting Anti-Lint Disc I» Your Cfionc* To Haw Maytag Quality at BIG Savings USED APPLIANCES Healers... Washers... Refrigerators Clothes Dryers... Ranges PATTEN'S tsr Phone 58 North Street cloth®*. Special Air Fluff Setting Electric (230 Of 115V) or 6M Safety OOOT Rustproof Cabinet QDIVW I JO PHONE 98 Kathleen King Weds Robert D. McElfresh In Long Beach, Calif. I"!''' an -amoraled with candelabra and vases of white chrysanthemums and gladioli, Miss Mary Kathleen King, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otis G. King, of Columbus, formerly of Summerfield, and M.M. 2 Robert D. McElfresh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward McElfresh, of Summerfield, were united in marriage Friday evening, Oct. 18 in the Garden Wedding Chapel in Long Beach, Calif. The ceremony was performed at 7:00 p. m. by Rev. Loran L. Hancock. The bride was attired in a street length dress of coral lace and chiffon with black acces sories. She carried a white orchid surrounded by stephanatis on a white Bible. Mrs. Arlene Becker, of Red ding, Calif., was matron of honor. She wore a turquoise blue lace dress with black accessories. A corsage of shattered white carnations was pinned to her shoulderline. Richard Oldbury, a Navy friend of the bridegroom, was best man. Both the bride and bridegroom are graduates of Summerfield high school with the class of 19f)2. The new Mrs. McElfresli was employed for a number of years with the Motorist Mutual Insurance Co. in Columbus. The bridegroom, at present, is serv ing with the U. S. Navy aboard the U.S.S. Kermit Roosevelt and is stationed at Lonig Beach, Calif. They are now residing at 343 Maine Avenue in Long Beach. Alpha Rho Chapter Enjoys Dinner Meeting Alpha Kho Chapter, Delta Kappa Gamma enjoyed a dinner meeting Monday evening, Nov. 4 in the Home Economics Dept. of Caldwell high school. A dinner of lovely appoint ments was served at 6:30 o'clock by the local F.H.A. club under the direction of Rama Steen at tables beautifully decorated in the fall theme. Helen Ogle, of Dexter City, was chairman of the committee in charge for the evening. Madam Shao Fanig Sheng, of Williamstown, W. Va., a native of China, was the guest speaker for the evening. Madam Sheng, a noted artist, presented an il lustrated lecture and appeared in her native costume. Her hus band teaches engineering at Marietta college and Madam Sheng gives private art lessons. Those present were: Mary Crevey, of Byesville: Inez Clark, Rama Steen and Esther Kegg, of Caldwell, Thelma Burson, Margaret Reed and Margaret Clark of Cambridge Vera Bates and Lucy Waller of Cumber land Helen Raney and Helen Ogle of Dexter City. Beryl Fishel, Ruth Kackley, Georgian Lady and Bertha Mae Murphy of Pleasant City Helen Douglass, Mabel Flood and Gertrude Hartley of Quaker City Josephine Craig of Sales ville Gladys Forshey of Sarahs ville Eva Davis and Blanche Riehey of Senecaville Dama Reed, Grace Taylor and Ruth Day of SMmmerfield and Mary Hevn K i i.1 ot Za 1 ii j.- v 8 wy'udh'W* 11' w VH* as little as MOUNTING SPECIAL i No charge for estimates LEWIS E. HENERY JEWELER CUMBERLAND ST. V I jfc. THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO Lambda Phi Class Enjoys Halloween Party In Church Wed 50 Years J*- MR. AND MRS. ANDHKW I K A Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mika celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Sunday, Oct. 20, at their home in Coal Ridge. The custom of "open house" was observed from two to four o'clock in the afternoon. Susan Placko and Andrew Mika were united in marriage on Oct. 17,1907 at Mingo Junction. Mr. Mika is a retired farmer and coal miner. The couple has resided in Noble county since 1902, both having come to this country from Czechoslovakia. They are the parents of five sons and three daughters, namely: John Mika of Cleveland Joe Mika of Elyria Andrew Mika of Cumberland route 2 Martin Mika of Ava route 1 Milan Mika, of Ava, route 1 Mrs. Mary Gallik of Lore City Mrs. Sue Cepelnik of Cleveland, and Mildred Mika of the home. They also have 13 grandchildren. The Lambda Phi class of the First Church of Christ enjoyed a Halloween party last Tuesday evening im the church basement. Games were enjoyed .during the evening hours and delicious refreshments were served. The Halloween motif was used. Those present were: Mr. £.nd Mrs. Ira J. Brandon, Mr. and Mrs. Clair-1 Hay^s. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Woodford ani son, Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson, Gerald Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Miller and Charles Meek. Catholic Womens Club Ot Belle Valley Meets The Catholic Women's club of Belle Valley held their regular monthly meeting Sunday even ing in the church dining hall with 19 members present. The group decided to hold a social on Sunday, Nov. 17 begin ning at 6:30 p. m. Those in changejOf the social are: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bailey, chairmen, Mr. and Mrs. Laura Kokel, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Gaydos, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lorey, Mary Mesar ehik, Marie Reidy, Raymond Marelli, Leona Bania, Catherine Bronish, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Spizak and Josephine Yakupcak. The group announced that the public was invited to attend this social. Following the business ses sion conducted by the president, Marie Reidy, delicious refresh ments were served by the host esses, Betty Thomas and Mar garet Spizak. The meeting closed with prayer by Rev. Fr. S. J. Pekalla. The next meeting will be held Dec. 1 at 6:30 o'clock. The re freshment committee consists of Bonnie Bailey and Leona Bania. Members present were: Marie Reidy, Mary Barlock, Philomena Caldwell, Helen Macenko, Leona Bania, Anna Wukelich. Mary Mesarchik, Anna Kachalko, Helen Mizik, Josephine Hrinko, Margaret Spizak, Betty Thomas, Arlene Mizik, Katherine Bron ish, Emma Lesko, Mary Schott, Susie Minyo, Helen Gaydos and Bonnie Bailey. Miley Home Scene Ot Halloween Parly Misses Barbara Miley and Jane Shafer entertained Saturday eve ning, Nov. 2 with a Halloween party in the former's home in Mt. Kphraim. An evening of games and rec urds was enjoyed and delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses. A Halloween scheme was carried out in the home dec orations. Those present were: Rex Casey, Charlotte Clark, Larry Cowgill, Ronnie McConnell, James Will iams, Bill Franklin, Linda Moore, Sandra Rich, Gerald Poulton, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Archer and the hostesses. Pearl Stack Weds Donald I. Dotson Sfe Studebaker-Packard Ziler's Garage Caldwell, O. Mrs. Pearl Stack, daughter of the late Frank Gessel, of Lowell route 3, exchanged marriage vows with Donald Imon Dotson, son of Forest Dotson and Mrs. Gladys Hemming, of Zanesville, on Saturday, Nov. 2 at 7:00 p. m. in the parsonage of Rev. Walter H. Brown, near South Olive. The couple was unattended. The bride chose a street length dress of navy blue and pink with a collar studded with sequins. Her only jewelry was a white necklace and matching earrings, a gift of the bride groom. The bride attended the Noble county schools and has been em ployed as a cook at Quimby's restaurant in Beverly. Mr. Dot son was formerly employed as an orderly at the Coshocton hospital. The couple is -now residing near Crooked Tree. Friendly Sewing Circle Enjoys Halloween Party The Friendly Sewing Circle recently enjoyed a Halloween party in the home of Norma Jean Pilcher in Olive with Mary Belle DeVolld, serving as com panion hostess. Games and contests were en joyed and delicious refreshments were served. A Halloween theme was carried out in the decora tions. A short business meeting was held at which time only routine business was transacted. Members present were: Kate Pitts, Mary Davis, Estelene Dan ford, Tessie Danford, Caroletta Morrison, Marilyn Bond, Mae Robinson and the hostesses The next meeting will be held in the home of Nancy Clark. Caldwell B.W.=Club Holds Meeting Nov. 4 The re^uiar meeting of the Caldwell Business and Profes sional Women's club was held Monday evening, Nov. 4 in the Belle Valley school cafeteria. A delicious dinner was serv at 6:30 o'clock to 34 members and two guests by members of the Belle Valley Mother's club A clever election day then a was carried out in the tabk decorations. The legislative committee wa in charge cf arrangements Headley-Thompson Vows Exchanged for the evening. Members of this committee are: Ruth Add a chairman, Sarah Nichols, Ber tella Rice, Bernice Marquis. Frances Wood and Nancy Mooia Rev. E. Parker West, pasta of the First Methodist chur in Caldwell, was the gue speaker for the evening. Two new members, Carol TJiil and Joyce Wharton, were we! coined into the club. Guests Ouji for the evening were Rev. West aiui Miss Eileen Farley. A brief business session wus conducted by the president, Grace Robinson. Vcdi IN A '58 WE'LL DEMONSTRATE... Come see Studebaker-Packard'i tll oe« Hawk-inspired styling See America's lowest-priced, full-sized car. the Scotsman the famous Hawk# the all-new Packards! Then guest-drive the one that suits you beet Do it—today! iiulh. E. Headley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hague, of Graysville route 1, and John M. Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thompson, of Lower Salem route 1, were united in marriage Wednesday, Oct.. 16 in the home of Rev. Ira J. Brandon in Caldwell. The double ring ceremony was performed by the pastor, Rev. Brandon, at 11:00 o'clock a. m. The couple was unattended. Miss Shiela Schafer Honored On Birthday Mrs. Clarence Schafer enter tained at her home Sunday after noon with a surprise birthday party in honor of her daughter, Shiela. Dancing and games were enjoyed during the afternoon hours and the honored one was the recipient of a number of lovely gifts. Refreshments were served to the following guests: Joyce Wil ley, Carolyn Giallombardo, Nancy Feldner, Lynn Robinson, Barbara Lorenz, Nancy Wheal don, Kitti Jo Parks, Dawn Carol Johnson, Grace Keith, Jean Allen, Patty Noon, Robert De Volld, Charles Johnson, Bill Hayes, Tommy Lewis, Dick Semple, James Watson, David Schafer, Kenneth Schafer, Diane Schafer, Duane Schafer, Clar ence Schafer, the honored one, and the host and hostess. Those who sent gifts but were unable to attend included Kay Davis, Marvin Jackson, Chad Moore, and David Thomas. Learners Class Enjoys Annual Halloween Party Mrs. Donald D. Nichols and daughter, Donna Mae enter tained members of the Learners Sunday school class of the First Presbyterian church last Tues day evening in the church din ing room. Games were enjoyed and Hal loween costumes were worn with the prizes going to Dee Brown and Frances Hutchins. A long table decorated in Halloween colors centered the room at which 17 members en joyed refreshments. Those present were: Debra and Dee Brown, Brenda and Carla Jane Dowling, Barbara and Frances Hutchins, Betty Moore, Linda Perez, Nancy Riley, Joan Pangle, Mikey Ball, David Rad cliff, Norma Fish, Donna Hed dleson, the teacher, Freda Robin son and the hostesses. Local Group Attends Auxiliary Open House Irene Mclilvain, filth district president of the ladies auxiliary of the V. F. W. instituted a new colored auxiliary to the William Payton Post No. 7536 V. F. W. in Zanesville, Sunday at 2:00 p.m. The custom of open house was ob served. Twenty-two charter members took the obligation in a very im pressive ceremony put on by the fifth district officers. District of ficers participating from Caldwell were: Ethel Moore, conductress and Dorothy Sh^w, color bearer. Others from Caldwell attending were William Moore, David Shaw and Terrance Smith. Auxiliaries represented at this meeting were: New Lexington, Yorkville, Martins Ferry, Zanes ville and Caldwell. The district president announc ed that the annuaf Mid-Winter conference will be held in Akron on Nov. 21, 22 and 23. BRAND-NEW ,7 ff /, V .-v t'ri rJl Tajtauei LINOLEUM TILE BY (Armstrong 9" 9" tiles with diago nal graining—in beauti ful tan and redwood colorings for distinc tive, modern floors. Easily installed. 151 ONL 9" 9" TILE SEE IT TODAY! Beginning Friday, Nov. 8, we will resume our nor mal 5:30 p.m. closing hour. HILL'S in Caldwell Donnis Hannums' Feted At Shower An evening of social diversions was enjoyed and refreshments were served to approximately 40 guests. The couple received a number of nice gifts including gifts from many who were unable to attend. Couple Celebrate 28th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Harold Roe, of Quaker City route 1, recently celebrated their 28th wedding anniversary. They were feted with a dinner in the home of daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Carpenter with Mrs. Darrell Roe and Miss Janice Roe assisting. Mr. and Mrs. Roe were united in marriage on Oct. 19, 1929 at Caldwell. They are the parents of seven children, Darrell, of Summerfield route Mrs. Paul Winland of Salesville route Mrs. Carpenter of Quaker City route Miss Janice Roe of Cambridge, and Carol, Jene and Shirley, of the home. Thursday, November 7, 1957 The Three Mika Children Pictured .:bove art- the Three children of Mr. and Mrs. Milaa Mika of Ava, route 1 community. They are Andrew Joseph, Mary Agnes and Anthony Milan. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Macenko, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mika, Sr., all of Ava, route 1. Mrs. Mary Hannum, of Sarahs ville route 1, entertained recently with a miscellaneous shower honoring her son and daughter in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Donnis Hannum, newlyweds. New And Different Club Holds Meeting iidercoivr Strategy. easy elastic to coax your curves into a smooth fashion line 1 Regular meeting of the New and Different club was held at the home of Mrs. Louise Walters recently. There were ten mem bers, four guests and a number ©f children present. Piecing quilt blocks was the project for the day. During the business meeting, the group de cided not to hold a November meeting. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Ethel lams, Dec. 4, when a Christmas exchange will be enjoyed. Contest prizes were won by Goldie Foster, Margaret Boney and Ruth Walters. divorce"granted"" Richard E. Roe, of Coal Run, has been granted a divorce from Mrs. Kay June Farley Roe, of Lowell route, on the grounds of gross neglect of duty, according to Common Pleas Judge Leonard B. Ogle, Marietta. SEEKS DIVORCE A divorce action was filed in the Noble county clerk of courts last week with Mildred M. Feld ner, of Ava route 1, as the plain tiff and George E. Feldner, defendant. Attorney L. C. Young is representing the plaintiff in this action. bkippies & All your clothes look smoother, smarter when you start your wardrobe with "Skippies". They mold and slim your curves, naturally, comfortably! "Skippies'1 Girdle No. 945 is made of light nylon elastic net. The satin elastic front panel gives a flat, flattering line. 2!2 inch waist trims your middle. White. S.M.L.XL. (Also available as Pantie No. 845) "Revel" Elastic Bra No. 583 gives $Q00 (Marvelous support, wonderful comfort. Embroidered nylon sheer cups, all-elastic band. 32At*3aC. White. Gray IM CALDWELL