Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, December 12, 1957 Summerfield Vernon Moore Installed As Master Ot Local Lodge, F. & A. M.r Thursday Summerfield Lodge F. & A. M. met Thursday evening for their regular meeting and installation of officers for the ensuing year. During the meeting the follow ing officers were installed: Mast er, Vernon Moore senior warden, Ross Watson junior warden. Dean Oliver secretary, Everett Bircher treasurer, Ray Keylor senior deacon, Blaine Day jun ior deacon, A1 Dysert tyler, John Leasco stewarts, H. W. Weaver and C. A. Atkinson trustee, C. D. MoKinney chapalin, Durel Truax. The installing officers were Truax and Moore and installing marshal was H. W. Weaver. Af ter the close of the meeting, a lunch was served. Women To Meet The women of the Methodist church will meet Thursday, Dec. 19, at 10:00 for their get-together meeting, with a sack ulnch at noon. Club Meeting The Homemakers club met on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Leone Garret for their regular meeting. Mrs. Kathryn Dysert had charge of the lesson, "Meals From the Freezer", and at noon a delicious meal was enjoyed, part of the day was spent sewing rag rugs. In the afternoon, business was conducted by the president, Le one Garrett, and numbers were drawn for the fifty-cent gift ex change. The lesson was also ex plained more in detail by Kath ryn. The next meeting will be neld in the Grange hall on Jan. 9 and the meeting will be in charge of Mrs. Ruth Archer. Other present besides the above mentioned were Pearl McKinney, Wilma Johnson and son, Jimmy, Wadna Hanes, Celia Peters, Elsie Bode, Pearl Reed, Verna Dotson, Nora Hill, Marie Bircher, Roma Jean Wharton, Treva Tilton and Mar ian Leasco. Personals Mrs. Ross Watson and Mrs. Ray Keylor were among the shoppers Friday in Cambridge. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Garrett W PENS and SETS SHAEFFER CARTRIDGE $2.95 Se,s were shopping in Zanesville Fri day and they also visited with Mrs. Odell Herlan. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Weaver were business callers Friday in Caldwell. Mrs. Vernon Moore and chil dren and'Miss Mildred Hannum were among the shoppers Satur day in Marietta. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hesson of Summerfield route were among the shoppers Saturday in Mar ietta. Mrs. Clara Evens visited recent ly with Mrs. J. C. Wyscarver. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Gibson of Cambridge visited Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Gibson and Mrs. Offa Bishop. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Rutherford, Mr. and Mrs. Don Rutherford and sons of Caldwell route, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Lutz of Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. William Truax of Dayton, visited recently with Mrs. Leone Garrett and son. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gessell and son, of Zanesville, visited Fri day night with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guiler. Mr. Edwin Bates of Pasadena. Calif., visited this week with his sisters, Mrs. E. T. Bircher and husband and Mrs, Fred Fisher and husband, He was enroute home following a conference in Washington at the U. S. Depart ment of Commerce. He is mana ger of the Department Field Of fice in Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wheatley, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Wharton, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Batten, Mrs. Betty Kearns and children, Mrs. Fran cis Harding and children, Mrs. A1 Dysert and sons were among the shoppers Saturday in Cald well. DECLARES DIVIDEND The Board of Directors of In vestors Selective Fund, Inc., mutual fund affiliate of Inves tors Diversified Services, Inc., has declared a regular quarterly dividend of 13 cents per share, payable Dec. 12, to shareholders of record at the close of business Nov. 29. Richard F. Long repre sent- the c^mpanv V. i- count v. BE A SucccAAiid SANTA $4-95 PARKER $5.95 Sets $9JO PAPERMATE SCRIPTO PARKER JOTTER HAIR BRUSH SETS $2 $10 50 HAfR DRYERS $(£.95 $8-95 ELECTRIC RAZORS Norelcs $24.95 Remington $27.50 Auto- Home $33.50 Rollelectric $31.50 Schick $29.50 Sunbeam $29.50 RALSTON S I.O. O. F. btdg. Shop at ALSTONS KODAKS Brownie Holiday Outfit $9.95 Brownie Starflash Outfit $9.95 Brownie Hawkeye Outfit $15.25 Brownie Bullseye Outfit $19.95 take COLOR SLIDES Argus C-3 $69-50 (With Attachment and Case) Argus C-20 Outfit $59-50 Kodak Pony II *26 Projectors, Screens, Viewers, Light Meters GIVE MOVIES FOR CHRISTMAS Cameras- 8 mm $29.95 Projectors $62.50 HUGE SELECTION OF I CHRISTMAS CARDS V CC(KtCtCWlCiCtC«tKlCtStCi(«C««tctC«««tKietKtCtK«K««IK«te(C(CtK(0 fi&xaJU Stow Shoot Two Deer In West Virginia I Sheriff and Mrs. Donald Conaway and Leland Hesson are shown admiring their two deer which they caught last week near Davis, W. Va. The one on the right is a ten-point buck and that on the left, an eight-point buck. The Caldwell hunters left Sunday morning for.Davis, W. Va., and both had bagged their catch Monday §veningj The average weight was 140 pounds and they were dressed by the Hayes meat market. Deer Hunting Season Now Open In Noble County But Ends Saturday The deer season in Ohio and Noble county opened Wednesday, Dec. 11 and will continue for four day* through Saturday, Dec. Although declared extinct in Ohio in 1911, the deer has made a re markable comeback and the population today is listed at some 3,500 to 4,000 animals. Deer may be taken with shotgun loaded with single ball or rifled slug but rifles are prohibited. The hunting hours are from 9:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. One deer only of either sex may be taken in all counties of the state except Scioto and Adams, where* bucks only may be taken. According to the division of wildlife, the eastern one-half of the state provides deer hunting opportunities for the greatest number of hunters as there are more deer and considerably more deer range in this region. In the western half of the state, there are fewer deer and much less deer range, resulting in 7* Phone 296-J THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL. OHIO 14. hunting opportunities for fewer hunters. In addition to a valid 1957 hunting license, all deer hunters in Noble county must have on their person a 1957 deer hunt ing permit which cost $5.00 and obtainable throughout the state from license dealer agen cies. lift 1 WHTGViLLii, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Berry spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Bob. Gessel and son, of Zanesville, spent Satur day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Forest Danford. G6orge Berry spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Van Fossen, of East Union. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Guiler, of Caldwell, were callers here Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. West and son, Clarence were shopping at Caldwell, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clark and children spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clark, of Middleburg. Gloria and Mrs. Joe Guiler of Summerfield, spent Sunday af ternoon with Mr. and Mrs. IT. H. Danford. Mr. and Mrs. Donald -Berry and Mrs. Ruth Clark and chil dren were at Caldwell, Saturday Ray Clark and Clarence West were at Columbus, Thursday. Helen Moore, Gloria Bates and Gloria Guiler, of Summerfield, were callers here, Thursday. Middleburg MIDDLEBURG Mr. and Mrs Edward Gildow were cullers at Marietta Saturday. Mrs. Clara Morrison and sons, Jack and Larry, spent Thanks giving Day with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore and family, of Barberton. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mi's Walter Estadt were Mrs. Bertha Johanning, Jr., and Franchon Ann of Harriettsville, Mrs. Wan da Ullman of Lower Salem, Mrs. Lydia Pryor of Lower Salem, route, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shafer and son Harry, of Harriettsville, Mrs. Frieda Carnes and son, Eu gene, of Belle Valley. Mrs. Frieda Clark spent Tues day with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hayes of Dexter City. Charles Mitchell spent Tues day at Zanesville. Mr. and Mrs. George Krask pought and son, Danny, of near Zanesville, visited Wednesday af ternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Morrison and family. Gay Bettinger and Frank Harri man are at the present time pull ing casing in West Virginia. Mrs. Vesta Bettinger, Mrs. Myrtle Harriman and children were callers at Caldwell Tuesday. Ray Bettinger of Sarahsville, was calling at Middleburg Thurs day afternoon. Mrs. Bertha Hayes spent Fri day afternoon with Mrs. Clara Morrison. Thomas Clark, who is stationed with the National Guards at Tex as, has his six months in and ex pects to start for home the 14th of December. J. H. Morrison, Dick and Bev erly Poland were callers at Ava Sunday afternoon. Alex Bettinger was taken last week to Memorial hospital, Mar ietta, for observation and treat ment. Francis Thompson spent Fri day night with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Miracle, of Carlisle. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Miracle, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Thompson and girls visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Leland Feld ner and family and Mrs. Theresa Thompson. Here & Yon HERE AND YON Addi.on Rossiter spent Saturday with Time: 7 "II Wmgville :30. his son, Larry at Columbus. He is slowly improving but will re main a patient for several months. Would his friends arr.i schoolmates please remember him with Xmas cards or and address is as follows: Lany Rossiter, University Hospital, Room 991, Columbus, Ohio. Laura Blake is ill at her home in Caldwell. Mrs. Nancy Meighen was a weekend visitor of her daughter in-law, Mrs. Callie Meighen and Ruth Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Emma Kirkbride returned to her home Saturday after several days visit with relatives in Cam bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Church were recent visitors of Maggie Phillips. Visitors of R. A. Poling Melvin Wentworth relates he is getting along O.K. in his new adventure. His address is A IB Melvin Wentworth, A.F. 15590 480, 376 1st Sturon, Box B-365, Sheppard A.F.B., Texas. The annual Xmas program at M. E. Church at Sarahsville will be on Thursday evening, Dec. Miss Elsie Wright visited Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mallett and family, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Thompson and daughter, Shila, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Thompson and family, Saturday evening. Mrs. Wiley Thompson and daughter, Shila, visited Mrs. Estella Miracle, Sunday. Forest Carpenter visited Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Thompson and daughter, Shila, Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martirf and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Shroyer and daughter, Miss Janet Morris, Mrs. Vernon Hannahs and family, Mr. Earl Bennett and Miss Geneve Han nahs of Cambridge, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morris and daughters, Miss £eggy Spence at Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Morris', Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and family, Miss Judy Nabors visit ed Earl Bennett and Miss Gen eve Hannahs at Mr. and Mrs. Neal Stephens and daughters, Ann and Lynn, Sunday evening. Roger spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. Stephens. Cleon Leasure visited Roger Martin, Sunday afternoon. CRAMPED FOR ROOM*? There's more leg room & head room... more spacious com fort .... in '58 Studebakers. See them today. Sttidebaker Paekard ZILER'S GARAGE CALDWELL V t* 3k letters, and Gibson have returned from Indiana where they attended the funeral of Namon Fogle (a relative). IS. and family the past week were Hugh Cox, Harden Everly, Fannie Kirkbride and son, Russell, Wai ter Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warrick and children, Addison Rossiter and Clarence Depew. 19. Everyone is invited. Mi. Tabor MT. TABOIl Aiiss Elsie Wright called on Mrs. Otis Mar tin, Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and sons, Jerry and Terry and grand daughter, Joy visited Mrs. Eflie Orr at Miss Elsie Wright's Mon day evening. Wiley Thompson visited Mr. Otis Martin, Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Stephens and daughters, Ann and Lynn, Mrs. Jerome Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Shroyer and daughter, Tina Dawn visited Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and family, Wednesday evening. Wiley Thompson and daugh ter, Shila, Kenneth, Nancy and Roger Martin, Miss Judy Nabors attended the basketball game at Summerfield, Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wells and son visited Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Thompson and daughter, Shila, Sunday evening. Nancy Lee Martin spent Sat urday night with Miss Elsie Wright. FOR LASTING When your gift is an appliance, you give years of wonderful convenience and modern living. not "just trimmed" ... Furniture Proportioned" mmtmmsmmi smarter, S| trimmer cabinet designs i.TuWf flf.i £f THE KENT Model A224S blue 2 NEW SUPER HORIZONTAL CHASSIS with Extended Band Video Amplifier—allows up to 350,000 more cycles of picture Information to reach the TV screen for greater picture detail than ordinary narrow band TV receivers. 18,000 volts of picture power. NE^ SUNSHINE PICTURE TUBE with new Zenith high speed electron gun that drives electrons against the screen hard and fast —pictures sparkle with bright highlights. New design eliminates troublesome ion trap magnet which, when improperly adjusted, causes low briqhlner.'' world's finest quality performance XMAS SUPPLIES Twinkle Lights Light Bulbs Lighting Fixtures 10 UR OU' fctgVi* n° fcXlRA a *»ee a world's finest quality performance NOWI TV rjbhtt ttylfet Mt too thin, not too balky but "proportiOM#" likiflnalurnitur*.M* «jt ttylini in TYt U 21' diag. meas. 262 sq. in. of rectangular COQQ QC picture area. Available in Walnut, Mahog- •P*'® any or Blond Oak colors. GREAT NEW ZENITH DEVELOPMENTS COMPARt ricTuti ir*m« THE FAIRFIELD Modal ASM3 21' diag. meas. 262 sq. Oak in. rectangular picture area. Pull Push On-Off Knob. Tone Con trol. Spotlite Dial. Available in Mahogany, Ebony, Blond o e y colors. Base avail-$209.95 able, extra cost. BUY NOW ON OUR EASY TIME PAYMENTS ZENITH RADIOS Hi-Fi A eve HER A TAPPAN CHRISTMAS! rn\A Ribbo" Come In-Make Us an Offer! FtfXG-SPEED Wm with low temperature, wide lame burner One-piece sani clean porcelain oven lining. Llf£-T1ME guar Mtee on oven bottom. SET N FORGET BURNER Top burner thermosta controls cooking temper ature automatically. Just set and forget—no burn ing, no scorching, no scouring. OWN Tappan MtES-TOE BROILER. Just press the pedal and the troiler drawer rolls out. Touch broiler drawer and back It goes A work sav ing feature. America's most outstanding range value. Modern in appearance constructed with many exclusive work and money saving features. Every one backed by a bona fide written Tappan guarantee. Come in and see a demonstration. A TAPPAN Range for as little as A Small Down Payment Will Hold Any Purchase Until Christmas! All deliveries will be made before Christmas Day. v Page One—0 For the finest Electrical Gift! Automatic MIXMASTER V3*SS Controlled Heat Automatic FRYPAN Radiant t'ontrol: TOASTEflt Steam and Dry IRON Percolator Coffeemaster Cooker fir Deep fvysr Shavemaster Electric Blanket Save $$$ On a Brand New Tappan Matchless GAS RANGE 5 OOlD RI6BON RANGE Mod*! CTV-2662 *169 PATTEN'S K O Phone 58 North Street ASr