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Image provided by: Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH
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"IHm Two—4^ Importance Of X-Rays For Locai Food Handlers Sfresetf By Health Board Frank Egbert, Zanesville, who is serving on a part time basis as sanitarian for Noble county, presided at regular meeting of the Noble County Health board held Monday evening at their offices in the courthouse. Health problems, as it pertains to the county as a whole, were discussed and every effort is being made to perfect a health program for this ccunty. The importance of a pure water supply and that of x-ray films to detect tuberculosis were discussed at some length by Mr. Egbert. His findings on the im portance of the TB x-rays clinics as it pertains to food handlers are as follows: "Tuberculosis is a communic able disease caused by a micros copically small bacteria. It is passed from person to person by direct contact and indirectly on food or other objects con taminated by those infected. In addition, tuberculosis which has been unrecognized for too long becomes a disease requiring a long period of treatment. •'Truly, neither employee nor patron would wish to be pres ented with the necessity em battling with tuberculosis. Yet "this type of exposure does occur and right in our own county. During the three years of the .Food Service Operation Law, mwww. Lionel 5-Unil Diesel U7-M Lightweight Elet. Drill V.v *1113-18 10" model. Red, white. Other models 12", 16" & 20". 9-75 Electric Machine Gun .. V Recoils like a real gun when fired, complete with 12' tri pod Batteries not incl. $4.98 several food handlers from Noble county have been hospitalized which was first discovered by the required chest x-ray. "Many individuals and agen cies cooperate in implementing this section of the law the food handler, himself, by his willing compliance with the regulation, doctors, hospital, county health department and the Noble county tuberculosis association. If you are contemplating employment in a food service operation, ask any of those just listed about obtaining your chest x-ray. "If you eat out, look for the restaurant license—it is your as surance that all employees have a yearly chest x-ray and do not have tuberculosis. "A food service operation in cludes many factors of safety. Some of these are concerned with hidden items which are seldom thoughtfully but which may be ^f great importance, one of these is the health of the food FAMILYOIFTS 61" Electric Handsaw vJHIOTO V vU Drills clean V4" diameter holes in metal or wood. One-tenth h.p. motor. Guaranteed. S12-2' Ball Bearing Trike Portable, with $10.95 carrying case Free. $39-95 Santa Claus Drummer t3014 y 12" battery-powered Santa walks forward drumming, rings bell, turns head. 2-93 Unbreakable Tea Set V)913 4 Full 22 pieces corobex treated for permanent cleanliness! Twilight pattern. $2" 14" Walking Bride Doll Moving eyes, rooted hair, Beautiful bridal ensemble, complete to bouquet! $5-89 15 cu. ft. Custom Freezer Five-year Guaranteed! Thrift-Temp Unit. with $20.00 FREE Merchandise handlers. "The food service operation law as passed by the Ohio State legislature makes provision for this seldom thought of aspect of 9afety including tuberculosis. Item 2, if regulation 305 of the law states 'when the board of health determines that x-ray facilities are reasonably avail able, it shall require periodic chest x-rays of all employees.' "In Noble county permanent x-ray facilities have been avail able for many years. Therefore in accordance with the regula tion, the Noble county board of health requires an annual chest x-ray for each person engaged in food service. "The board of health feels that this is a doubly protective requirement. It protects the in dividual who 'eats out' and it protects the worker hipiself by detecting his disease in an early, treatable stage. This double pro tection can be reliably obtained only by the evidence of the x-ray. Many people who have early tuberculosis look well and feel well so that neither they nor those whom they serve can trust the evidence of their own obser vations." Zanesville, Ohio is headquart ers for America's largest manu facturer of ceramic tile, The Mo saic Tile Company. This is also the largest industry in the city. Folding Metal Tunnel Colorfully lithographed land scape. Metal. 11" long, 9" wide, T* high. 98^ 3-D Electric Wall Clock 19-21 3-diiuciw*wii Auw pastel red, pink or yellow back ground 5-ft. cord. 3.45 Gas Station & Park Lot g», wV" j£a it-m,f t(3 Realistically lithographed steel center complete with 6 cars, attendants. $4-95 Collapsible Dolt Buggy IXM i vvi -LV J* r- Q. |UM Quilted and tweed fabric in gay colors. Foot brake, hood: 23" long! Ages 3-7. $0.95 Home Owned and Operated by Calvin Mendenhail Phone 154-M 417 Main Street Caldwell, Ohio I TFfl JOURNAt CJALDWW* OHTO Water Supply From Health Standpoint Discussed Water is one of the biggest problems at the present time and from a health standpoint, Sani tarian Egbert says: "Of all the wonders of nature, water is by far the most wonder ful. Water literally is "the main spring" of all life. Every living thing, with rare exceptions, is dependent upon a constant and never failing supply of water, or it quickly passes out of exis tence. "Good water of satisfactory characteristics is so common place now that thought is sel dom given to it. An abundant supply of it is usually obtain able at a mere turn of a faucet or value. It is only when a good water is not immediately avail able is restricted, or some dis agreeable characteristics of an existing supply, such as bad taste, odor, dirt, hardness, etc., ecome apparent that the value realized. "Any problems with water usually focus public attention upon this commodity and fre luently, upon its history, coup ed with many facts and fal acies. For instance, we read? the miraculous appearance of water with the touch of a rock by Moses, the worship of springs nd water wells as a religious ite, the dedication of shrines nd temples to them by the indents because of their life ustaining properties. There were jeliefs that certain waters were nhabited by good and bad pirits. "With the passage of time, it was only natural that attention was turned to water for the bet srment of a community, how ver, not without the usual bstacles thrown in the way of rogress, frequently by well ntentioned, but misinformed or political minded persons the ighteous weakling usually caus more trouble than the poli ician. For instance, when ster lization of water was first pro posed as a typhoid fever control ystem, there were those who nferred the process would cause ancer. Some insisted it means iestruction of body tissues and thers believed the fever was aused by seWer gas instead of rganisms in the water. "Developments every where have now proved that steriliza ion of the water by chlorine was he answer to the problem. "In other ways, there were hindrances to development. The owly bath tub had its problems. There were those who claimed aking a bath would result in heumatism, inflammation of he lungs and many other odily ailments. Even the poli icians saw bathing as "an end 0 our democratic way of life." n Philadelphia, an attempt was nade to ban ba'hing during the vinter months. Some commun es endeavored to discourage jathing by passing a prohibi tive water tax, in fact, the state if Virginia imposed a $30.00 mnual tax for that purpose. "These and many other imagi nary difficulties and nations con cerning water vanishes with final acceptance of the improve ments. "But, do not let the improve ments brought about by new notions and fallacies be mislead ing for just because the water from a questionable source is :lear and sparkling is no assur ince it is safe to drink, since uch water could contain harm ful bacteria. On the other hand, 1 water with a brownish dis coloration is not necessarily langerous, because this water might be free of harmful bac eria and contain only some harmless iron. "However, dangerous bacteria in water, which cause certain acute diseases, are not visible to the eye. A spring can easily come from a source, which, in its path of flow, picks up a pol luted water. "If the water flows through underground sand bed strata By Sanitarian Frank Egbert "When the well's dry, they know the worth of water," accord ing to Frank Egbert, sanitarian, who pointed out to the Noble county health board Monday evening at their regular meeting of the vast importance that water plays in the growth of a community such as Caldwell. Sanitarian Egbert is attempting to set up a health program for Noble county and in so doing," it is necessary to educate the general public on the 'many health problems which confront them. some purification can take place, however, the safety is always quesf ionable. If the water passes through rocky formation, any purification action would be meager. It would be dangerous practice to drink any such water without some knowledge of its source or history. "Water from a well is safe to drink because of its use over many years. Sueh thinking is dangerous, in the sense that con ditions surrounding a well or spring might change. To illus trate, an unnoticed earth tremor could easily open crevices to permit a polluted water to enter such a supply source and there by contaminate the water. "The best safety mdLs-ure with a private well or spring is to have the water tested period ally. Your health department sanitarian will be glad to do this for you and advise what corrective measures may be needed. "Water may, however, contain many bacteria and still not be dangerous or unsafe, because not all bacteria in water are harm ful. A bacterialogist is most in terested in the kind rather than the quantity present. If one is in doubt as to the purity of a water, the best procedure is to boil it vigorously for twenty or thirty minutes, then stir it as it cools to remove the flat taste. "Water, closely approximates the central idea of the universe— everything else hinges upon it. It is an every moment factor in the life of every living thine While the poet sings of love on moon-lit waters, the farmer prays for rain for his thir?'y crops and his livestock tiro engineer studies and schemes to arrest its destructive influence* on the structures of civilization and the beasts of the forest strealthily tread to the water hole for the most precious of ail fluids. "So this wonderful, all power full compound is a paradoxic a) compound, because while it pro vides us with everything we have to eat or drink or wear, it carries equal powers of truction and man is compelle to find ways and means to slow up or delay the damage it doe. See The Journal for Quality Printing. aidwell Produce Co. suggests S*""^«*3cC£cQ,Oe *0 refresh with milk! You never outgrow yoyr need for Milk! Next time you "take a break," enjoy a lift with- out a letdown. Make Ice cold milk your drink. CALDWELL PRODUCE CO. l'hono 75 CAT.DWELL. OHIO ELECTRONIC WHEEL BALANCING ON THE CAR! FLEEMAN PCNTIAC CO. Phone 78-M Caldwell, Ohio GIVE HfT£ML0CKtM6 DinftiunQ KIHuS i V: 1. Il cdnccalfil i tack **ing& f. .fiat irirn titf •y rvv :!?. Rings 'urtertaBk. i V* 3. flings ioinsif: i*ort«Gt position fNGAGEMENT RINGS km BRIDAL SETS $22-50 U| JEWsLRY BOXES Fer Men and Women $3-95 »p PURSES FOR LADIES Justin Genuine Leather Beautifully Styled $4-95 up BILLFOLDS For Mrn and Women $3-95 «p COSTUME JEWELRY A Small ?X V*v Phone 143 1 9 5 7 O N O A V E S E O (Based on estimates from DeKaib's C'op and Weather Observers) a 4 r// i The best corn prospects this year are in the Western Corn Belt where Nebraska and Iowa have much higher yields than last year. Northern Illinois has an excellent crop, but south and east from there, wet weather delayed planting and hurt yields. New York has one of its best crops in several years. The East Coast was hurt by a prolonged summer drouth and Illinois, Minnesota and Indiana river bottoms had much drowned out corn. w/,//y JEWELRY THAT SAT For a most enchanted Christmas, give Jewelry. You'll find something for everyone in our wide selection. RINGS For Her For Him Pearl Black Onyx Fraternal Birthstone SIO-" NECKLACE SETS /m 4 EARRINGS BROOCHES NECKLACES BRACELETS SmgL i! Matrhing Sets $4-95 up PHOTO IDENTS For Men and Womeit Speidel J. B. Bellavance LIGHTERS RONSON ZIPPO Engraving Done FREE! $3-50 «p WATCH BANDS SPEIDEL ^GEMEX "bTxIA VANCE 'FOSTER e-2-25 «P Deposit V/'sll Hold Any Article Until Christmas! EMERY, Thttrsflay, December 12, 1957 EXCELLENT GOOD AVERAGE llpooa FAILURE —BBaMion™ scrv BULGVA DIAMOND PRISCILIA »sparkling d.amorids in an enchanting setting. 17 jewels, lifetime unbreakable mainspring. MAKE THIS A DIAMOND N ^jip CHRISTMAS! $3975 Price includes Fed. Tax AS FEATURED ON THE FRANK SINATRA TV SHOW FINEST EVER! SENATOR 17 jewels unbreaK able mainsaring shock proofefl tux ury expansion band $35.75 Easiest Credit Terms RAZORS For Men and Women BULOVA ,• REMINGTON SUNBEAM SCHICK WILL ACCEPT TRADE-INS! 514-95 LINK ond CLIP SETS $ 1.50 "P JEWELER 414 £%rrr:!btr?0rid ZUccl