Newspaper Page Text
Puge Two THE Every facilitv joi A KEWSP.vr' IN AND FOff spend jig Christ mas Eve and Christmas Day with their families. The postma.-ter reports that the present flow of Christmas cards is running about the same as last year, but the mailing of gif s by parcel post at the Cald well office is somewhat behind schedule. He suggests that all gift parcels to most distant points be sent by air parcel post from now on. He also emphasized the im portance of wrapping all gifts with heavy paper and securely typing with strong cord, after they have been packed in sturdy corrugated cartons. It's especially important to write legibly, or better yet, print the recipients full name, street address, zone number, city and state, on all mailing labels, making sure to include an extra label inside your gift package. Send all Christmas cards by first class mail, and include your name and address on the Christ mas card envelopes, which is not only socially correct, but helps you and your friends to keep your mailing lists uj?-'o-date. If any of your Christmas card envelopes are larger than 9" T.Ffi", vcmcF, IN THE PROBATE COURT OF NOI1LE COUNTY, OHIO MARIE MORRISON, Administratrix of the Estate of Glen Anderson, deceased Pliiintiff —vs— HAROLD J. WILEY, et. al Defendants Harold Wiley who resides at 5431 Swope Place, Kansas City, Missouri Helen Shields, who resides at Martin Hotel. Rantoul, Illinois Gertrude weibel, who resides at Route 3. Chari ton, Iowa Ada Lay, who resides at 422 Maple Ave., Grove City, Pa. Marie Dientsbnch, who resides at 1601 East Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Luther King, who resides King's Shoe Store. Grove City, Pa. and Jewell Wiley, William King, Ervin King. Eivin King, Jaek King, Albert King, Betty Jane King, and Frances King whose places of residence are each Unknown and can not with reason able diligence be ascertained and toe unkown heirs, devisees, legatees executors and administrators, of Glen Anderson, deceased, will take notice that Marie Morrison, Administratrix of the Estate of Glen Anderson deceased, on the 18th day of October 1057, filed her petition in the Probate Court within and for the county of Noble and State of Ohio, alleging that the personal estate of said decedent Is insufficient to pay his debts and the charges of administering his estate that he died seized in fee simple of the following described real estate: Parcel No. 1 Two tracts of land, the first tract bounded and described as follows II being a part of twenty 20) acres Ujf land in the North East corner of the N'otth Fan* quarter of the Soutl West quarter of Section 29. Township B, of Range 7, and is more partlcul arly described as being lot or parce of land number 1 of the land ap praisement for the year 1880. Now -said conveyed tract of land herein conveyed being fourteen (14) acres 'Off the East end of the above describ twenty (20) acres, in Noble 'County, Ohio. The second tract bound ed and described as follows—The East half of South East quarter of the North West quarter of Section 21) Township 6, Range 7, situated Noble County, Ohio, containing twenty (20) acres, more or less. Parcel No. 2 Situated in the County of Noble Ija the State of Ohio and in the Town Hiip of Stock and bounded and described as follows Being a part Of twenty (20) acres of land in the northeast corner of the north east QIection uarter of the south west quarter o" 29, Township 6, Range 7 and more particularly described Ijeinjj lot or parcel of land No. 1 of the land appraisement of 18K0. Now the said conveyed tract herein eon veyed being six acres of the west end of said above described twenty (20) acres. Parcel No. 3 Situated in the County of Noble in the State of Ohio and in the Town ship of Stock and bounded and described as follows Being the South West quarter of the Northwest quart iff of Section 29. Township 6. Range ?, containing forty (40) acres, more or less, excepting nineteen and twentv-two hundredth (19.22) acres deeded to Welcome Horton on April 1, 1900, leaving twenty and seventy e.ghth hundredth (20.78) acres, more or less. Also the West half of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 29, in srid town ship, containing twenty (20) acres more or less, containing in all herein conveyed fortv and seventy-eighth hundredth (40.78) acres more or less The prayer of said petition is for a sale of V aid premises for the pay ment of debts and charges aforesaid The persons first above mentioned will further take notice t.h .t they hive been made parties defendant to said petition and that thej arc required to answer the same on or before the 27th day of December, 195" NX 1.'• DWFI I. \NI» NO'.'t OUHlf PRINTKH EVERY THLKSUW AT I ALDWKLL, UHiO Office: ,!0 Main Street Telephone 98 All Independent Democrat newspaper that goes into the home* Of Noblt County and covers the Caldwell business zone like the sunshine. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION Outside Noble County— One Year $3.50 Six Months $1.78 Noble County and Radius—One Year $3.00 Six Months $1.50 Entered at the postoffice at Caldwell,» Noble County, Ohio, as second class mail matter under Act of Congress of March 3, 1IM. N A I O N A E I O I A I AS SO cfiTI~©N I r) vj Members of Ohio Newspaper Association, National Editorial Association, Weekly Newspaper Representatives, Inc., Ohio Press News Service, and the Newspaper Advertising Service, Inc. Published bv The Caldwell Journal Publishing Co., Inc. CLARENCE J. ESTADT, JOHN D. WHEELEB, President. Vice President. Successor to The Journal, The Caldwell Press, Tbe Republican Journal and The Republican eli Posfoffice Ha^dleci 123,580 all In December Las! ¥eai "The mounting volume of Christmas mail makes it more im portant than ever for everyone to 'mail early for Christmas'," Post master Woodrow Cecil said today. He said further, "Last year we handled a total of 123,580 pieces of mail between December 1 and 25. So far this year, the postoffice has already received and sent 20,000 Christmas cards, let ters and packages, and the real heavy rush is just getting under way." Pes' master Cecil says that every effort is being made to deliver all mail on time and in good condition before Christmas Eve, as has been done during the PaiJt three years. of the postoffice is being preyed into maximum service, extra trucks and per sonnel have been added, and ,wih the help of the mailing public, postal employees can look forward 4o 12" or smaller than 23/4" 4" they can be sent only by first class mail because such cards require hand cancellation. If you wish to enclose your Christmas card or letter in your gift package, merely add the appropriate let'er postage to the postage for the package itself and indicate the presence of a letter or Christmas card inside the package. I n o n u s i o n Postmaster Cecil said, "We can make it a much merrier Christmas for everybody if you will jus* follow these three simple rules: Wrap your Christmas gifts securely ddress your gifts and cards cor ectly and mail them now!" Batesville Pays (Continued From Page I) mills for the state levy. Although they approved a bond issue for $190,000 to be used for a new addition to their high school, the tax levy for Sou hern Noble school dis trict and Dexter City corpora tion is now 26.00 mills and 25.70 for 1957 or 6.80 mills less in the school district than they are paying in Batesville corporation, and 7.10 mills less in the Dexter corporation. The Caldwell school district will be paying a total tax rate of 20.10 in Olive township while the corporation will be paying 25.70. The lowest tax rate in the entire county is the "Summer field school district in Seneca township with 15.80 mills or 17.00 mills less than that paid in Batesville. This school dis trict in Marion township pays a tax of 16.30 mills. ATTENDS PARTY Mrs. Lou Tarleton, of Cald well, a'tended a farewell party Monday evening, Dec. 9 in New Philadelphia for Robert Quail division traffic supervisor of the General Telephone Company of Ohio. Mrs. Tarleton, chief oper ator for the Caldwell office, was accompanied by Evelyn Hilton of Beverly, and Dorothy Atkin son, of Cambridge. SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE The State of Ohio, Noble County Common Pleas Court Case No. 9608 St. Francis Hospital Association, Inc., Plaintiff, .—vs.— Saturday, the 14th day of Decem ber, 1957, at 10:00 o'clock A. M., the following described real estate situate in the County of Noble and of Ohio, and in the Township of Olive, to-wit: Tract No. 1 Situated in th, State of Ohio. County if Noble and Township of Olive and hieing known as Fraction Number ipht (8) in the'northwest quarter of Section twenty-six (26), Township six fi), Range nine (9), containing twenty ive and ten hundredths (25.10) acres *ore or less. Tract No. 1 appraised at Fifteen hundred ($1,500.00) Dollars. Tract No. 2 Township of Olive, County of Noble nd State of Ohio, and bounded and described as follows to-wlt: the south west quarter of the northwest quarter nd the south half of the southeast uarter of the northwest quarter of Section twenty-four (24), Township -ix (6). Range nine (9). containing sixty (00) acres, more or less Aino the following described real state, situated in said Township County and State, commencing for the same at southwest corner of the torthwest quarter of Section twenty rour MARIE MORRISON. Admir.i'-lrrurix of the Estate oi Glen Anderson. John W. Hazard, Attorney 21, 22, 23, 24. 25 26 (24), Township six (6), Range line (9), thence running east sixty 'our(64) rods, thence north thirteen •13) rods, thence west sixty-four (64) 'ods, thence south thirteen (13) rods 'o the place of beginning, containing ive and thirty-two hundredths (5.32 icres, more or less Also the following described real estate situated in Township of Olive County of Noble and State of Ohio 'n-wit: being fraction number six (6) in the northwest quarter of the south '.vest quarter of Section twenty-four 24), Township six (6), of Range nine (')), containing twenty-four (24) acres being so numbered, platted and desig ^ated and returned by the appraiser )f real estate for the said Township if Olive for the year 1900 and the mds which said Ambrose Cunning i im died seized containing in all urein conveyed ninety (90) acre9, nore or less. Tract No. 2 appraised at Four Thousand ($4,000.00) Dollars. Said premises located at approxl matel.v five (5) miles south of Cald well, Ohio, in Olive Township, Section twenty-(our (24), traveling south on US. Route 21, it would be the first township road left on U.S. Route 21 -•outh of Dudley, Ohio. Said premises appraised at Tract *o. 1. Fifteen Hundred ($1,500.00) Dol irs, at.d Tract No. 2. Four Thousand ?4,000 00) Dollars, and cannot be sold or less than two-thirds of that imount. Terms of Sale: Cash in hand. DONALD CONAWAY, Sheriff oi Noble County, Ohio L. C. Young. Attorney. i 20 21 22 28 24 IF 3/i-inch Groups Plan Xmas Party For YoimgiSers Piquant Pastries For Parties 7 Tabasco and grated cheese added to packaged pastry mix re sults in the season's best-tasting cocktail fare! Easy to do, and you're assured of crisp, warm nibbling food for your guests, so good that you need serve little else. Tabasco, one of the oldest food products in the land, (it "came out" shortly after the Civil War!) is still one of the best friends ®f every food. Does wonders for eggs, for meat dishes of every description, for white sauces and gravies. Keep the bright little bottle handy, and measure out the proper amount of drops, so that you'll be sure of using enough to impart the delicate flavor and zest for which this liquid pepper seasoning is so famous. Tabasco Cheese Straws I package pie crust mix 1 cup grated sharp American cheese Yj teaspoon Tabasco Turn pie crust mix into mixing bowl add cheese. Mix with 2 forks until cheese is evenly distributed throughout mixture. Add ^Tabasco to water called for in package directions. Stir into mixture with a fork. Form into ball. Roll out 1/lfi-inch thick on lightly floured board or pastry cloth. Cut out with small star or other small cutter, or roll with pastry wheel into strips 3 inches long and The Catholic Women's club and the Knights of Columbus of St. Philomena's Catholic church are sponsoring a children's Chris'mas party, Sunday after noon, Dec. 15, at the new K of hall on West street. The party is being held for all children of the parish who are in the eighth grade or under. The hall has been attractively decorated for the occasion and all the children of the parish are welcome to attend, according to the two organizations in charge of the event. Precinct1 Changes (Continued from page one) All voters who formerly voted at the Olive prerinct voting place but are now residing within the corporative limit* of the village of Caldwell by official action of annexa'ion will vote at the Cald well I precinct voting place in the Red Cross room at the court house. All Maple Heights precinct voter? who have been voting at the Miners hall in this precinct will now vote at the Eagle's recreation room in the Eagle's hall. The county auditor lias esti mated that the bond issue, if ap proved, would increase the local property taxes 3.60 mills for each one dollar of valuation or 36 cents for each $100 valua'ion for a period of 23 years. The local school board pro Tvces to constiuct a new elemen y grade si.hool building with 11 4 William Ritterbeck and Mary Ritterbeck, Defendants. In pursuance of an Order o*' P-iIe in he above entitled action, I will offer or sale at public auction, at the West Door of the Court House In Caldwell, Ohio, in the above named County, on el as? rooms and which will fc? sm flexible that it could be converted into a high school at a later date. The site has not yet been selected. See The Journal for .» Oualitv Printing. SHERIFF'S SH E IN PARTITION The Stnt'1 of f)hw. Noble County. Common Pleas Court Cnse No. 9675 Clarence R. Ktlier, Plaintiff. VK- Margaret Kllzer, Aueust H. Kllzer, Emma Ilardrsty, and Paul Kllzer, Defendant*. Notice is herein- Riven, that on Saturday, the 14th day of Decem ber, A. D. 1957, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock A. M., I will offer for sale at public auc tion at the West door of the Court House in Caldwell, Ohio, the follow lng real estate, situate in the County of NoblQ and State of Ohio, and in the Township of Elk, to-wit: Situated in the State of Ohio. Countv of Nol'lo, and in the district of lands 'ormerlv wide. Bake on ungrensed cookie sheet in a moderate oven, (375° F.) 5 to 7 minutes for small shapes and 10 minutes for strips. NOTE: If desired, form all or half of dough into a roll, l*/2 lnch« in diameter. Place in freezer 1 hour or in refrigerator 2 hours. or until firm enough to slice. greased baking sheet if desired a moderate ,ven, (375° F.) 5 to subject to sale at Marietta and bounded and described as follows to-wit: Being port of the norther* ouarter of the southwest qinrter of Section twentv-one (21), Townshi five (5) of Range seven 7, comment ing at the end of twenty (20 rods and running south sixty (60) rods, more or less. Thence west eighty (80) rods, thence north forty (40) rods, thence to place of beginning, containing twenty ive (25) acres, and twenty-sevdn hun dredths of an acre (25 27'. And the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section, township and range aforesaid, containing forty and twenty-seven hundredths of an acre '40.27). And also the southeast quar tr-r of the southwest quarter of Sec tion twenty-one (21), Township five (5). Ranre seven (7), containing forty and thirty-seven hundredths of an acre (40.37) and the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section Township, and Range aforesaid, con -.ining torty (40) acres, more or less. Containing in all herein conveyed one hundred forty-five and ninety-one hundredths (145.91) acres, more or less. Said premises located at approxi mately two (2) miles northeast of Har riettsville, Ohio. Appraised at Three Thousand ($3 000 00) Dollars, and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of said amount Said premises to be sold as the prop erty of the parties to the above action on an order of sa'.e in partition from the Common Pleas Court of Noble Cou: t\ Ohio, and directed to me, the undersigned sheriff. Terms ol sale: Cash. Given unck.-r my hand this 12th day of November, 1957. DONALD CONAWAY, Sheriff, Noble County, Ohio By Walter Hutchins, Deputy, L. C. Young. Attorney 20 21 22 23 24 into 1/16-inch slicos. Place I THE JOURNAU CAMJWFT.JJ, OTTTD on sprinkle with paprika. Bake rrinutos. in kad Oi Bu.kcye Polled cre!ord Association At the annual meeting of the Buckeye Polled Hereford associa tion, Inc. Dec. 7 at Lancaster, C. E. Knowlton, owner of Know lton Hereford Farm, Bellefon aine, was elected president suc ceeding A. C. Hunsinger, Mt Eaton. William Hurm, Double N Z Farms, Hamilton, was elected vice president. Mr. Knowlton and H. Stoddard, Washington Court House, were chosen as the new directors of the association replacing A. C. Hunsinger, and C. M. Maxson, Laurelville. O her directors of the Bu eye Polled Hereford Association are L. M. Burton, Salem Frei W. Schlichter, Hamilton Clyde Banbury, Danville, and Henry Hans, Zanesville. Lorin G. San ford, Caldwt'll, is secretary. Xmas Store Hours (Continuffl From Pa^e It stores in Caldwell will remain closed all day. In other words they will not revert back to opening on Thursday morning until Jan. 9. This will apply only to the general merchant stores in Cald well but the banking institutions and postoffice will be open as usual, including the county offices at 1he courthouse. The opening and closing sche dule for local or general stores in Caldwell during the Christmas season will, in a nutshell, be as follows. Open Thursday afternoon, Dec 12 open Saturday evening Dec. 14 open Thursday after noon and evening, Dec. 19 open Friday, Saturday and Monday evenings, Dec. 20, 21 and 23 closed Christmas eve', Dec. 24 at 6:00 p. m. closed all day Thursday, Dec. 26 and closed all day, Thursday, Jan. 2. SUFFERS STROKE Mrs. James M. Dailey, of Bridge street, was removed to the Marietta Memorial hospital Wednesday morning, Dec. 13 after suffering a stroke. LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office o the Clerk of Board of Public Affair until 12:00 o'clock noon, on the 27th day of December 1957. for the »ale of the following described machinery No. 1 Watts Miller Gas engine, 1!K) H. P. with General Electric Gener ator 120 K.W. at 80' Power Factor Weight of engine approximately 20 ton. To be removed from premises by January 10, 1!58. Said m-iehincry to be sold to the highest bidde Certified check must accompany eacl bid. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Charles Roger, President Board of Public Affairs Violet Morgareidge, Clerk NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT No. 22. 23, 24 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Case No. 6^13 Estate of Francs D. Love, Deceased Notice is hereby given that C. E l,uve. of 1107 Parkway Drive. Colun bus, Ohio, liny beer, duly appoints. Executor of the Estate of Frances T,ove. deceased, late of the Village Caldwell, Noble County, Ohio. Creditors are required to file their claims with said fiduciary within lour months. Dited this 30th day of November, 1957. Earl P. McGinnls veslive GOLDEN RIPE PICK SH & wi No. 216 Stze Fresh Tasfing, Vitamin-Rtch YOURS 4" EARLY! V 4?, *,„V '1 it y-i V Kit- v v U. S. No. 1's Rich Flavor, Economical INSTANT Large Jar W jiir' 1* tii W MLaVd''' Lb. Emerald Lb. Diamond LIBBY'S DELICIOUS FRUIT ,.* ,"4v ,7 rt* n Ai «!. A -iP jg Y) IS Board of Public Affairs 24, 24 6211 Estate of Ivan O. Groves, Deceased Notice is hereby given that Joh W. Groves, of Star Route. Box No. 3 Portsmouth, Ohio, has been dul appointed Executor of the Estate o Ivan O. Groves, deceased, late o R.F.D., Salesville, Wayne Township Noble County, Ohio. Creditors are required to file thel claims with said fiduciary within four months. Dated thi9 22nd day of Novembe i.957. Earl P. McGinnls Probate Judge of said Count\ Probate Judge of said Count 23 24 28 1 f^r Festive !:iys Ahead! if Foods At 1 n f? I. I 4 5 „4 FRESH, LEAN 4 a M-ii I Jpll Jx IN YOUR CONTAIN® NORTHERN GROWN XMAS SHORT NEEDLES VACUUM PACKED TINS «*«ular Large Selection Of Packaged $1.15 $1M 4:« ROLLER NO. 303 CANS ROBIN HOOD $1.99 25-Lb. SACK CANS WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE! Rich Color, Appetizing Tart Flavor 9 i\ 45' SECTION For Those V/inter Night Snacks y v 1-Lb. BOXES I W TVumcuiuii Turkeys- Hams -Chickens Big Savings! S 10 Lbs. Sack Drip Fine ROAST 69 IDAHO BAKING LARGE, CRISP BULK ROASTED .00 NO. 303 5^ M?- ft DANDY OLEO SWEET \\*ef---• 'rt Thnrsrfnv. Dcrrmtorr 15, $«j.00 Bu. Jf up DOZ. DUFF'S Ginger Bread MIX 2 Box Deal CHEF BOY AR DEE PIZZA PIE MIX 2 BOXES Lg. 6-oz XMAS CANDY For Xmas $H.19 JAR Lb. 89c To Choose From! lb 10-Lb. BAG Head Lettuce 2 29c $M0 iiVeuiiigii Lit iii & uu fiwr Your Shopping Convenience! Prices Apply to Friday and Saturday Only! On Delivery Orders Please Coll Before 2:00!