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Page Eight Keyser-Worthington Vows Exchanged In Informal Wedding, December 2 Informality marked the Monday evening, Dec. 2 wedding cere mony solemnized at 8:30 o'clock in the Ninth street Methodist church, Cambridge, for Miss Betty Keyser and Charles E. Worthington. The single ring vows were read by Rev. Floyd R. Gaugler. Only the attendants were present for the ceremony. Monday's bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Keyser Bumpus-Parks Vows Exchanged Recently Miss Dell Bumpus, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bum pus, of Cumberland Furnace, Tenn., recently exchanged mar riage vows with Vernon F. Parks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Parks, of Brookfield town Ship. The double ring ceremony was performed in the Mt. Zlon Meth odist church in Cumberland Fur nace, Tenn., by the Rev. William Buckner, cousin of the bride. The bride chose a floor length gown of Chant illy lace and tulle over slipper satin and carried a bouquet centered with an orchid. Mrs. Harold Hayes, sister of the bride, was matron of honor and the bridesmaids were Miss Donna Fay Parks, of Zanesville, •aster of the bridegroom and Miss Gladys Vantrease. Harold Hayes served as best man and the guests were seated by Charles Baldwin and Clyde Bumpus. Danny Hayes was the ring bearer. A reception was held follow ing the ceremony in the home of the bride's parents. Several Noble county relatives attended the wedding and re ception. Circle One W.S.C.S. Meets In Moore Home Circle One of the W.S.C.S. of the First Methodist church en joyed a Christmas covered dish dinner, Thursday evening, Dec. 5 in the home of Eleanor Moore, Chautauqua Court. Companion hostesses were Alice Guiler, Juanita Shamhart. and Jessica Reed. Eleanor Moore, circle chair man, presided at a brief busi ness session at which time Mary Secrest reported on the Christ mas gifts that were sent to the Southside Settlement in Colum bus. The devotionals were led by Jessica Reed and Grace Hender son was program leader. Mrs. Henderson gave a story entitled "The Tree That Trimmed It self". Ruth Knox gave "The Little Lost Angel." Those present were: Martha Parrish, Dee Slay, Ruth Davis Helen Carter, Helen Hinkle Grace Henderson, Ruth Knox Barbara Leighton, Mary Secrest Enid Barnhouse, Estelene Dan ford, Adaline Jordan, Ruth Johnson, Irma Smith, Kathleen Hupp, Opal Brumbach, Helen Pez*opane and the hostesses. J.O. Bridge Club Plays Tuesday Evening The M.N.O. Bridge club was entertained last Tuesday even ing in the home of Mis. Clarence J. Estadt on Chautauqua court. An evening of bridge was en joyed with Mrs. Robert Lorenz and Mrs. George Daugherty re ceiving the prizes. Refreshments were served by the hostess to the following members: Mrs. Robert Lorenz Mrs. George Daugherty, Mrs Joseph Giallombardo, Mrs. Jack Fe rrell, Mrs. William Davis, Mrs Clark Knox, Mrs. Robert Den nison, Mrs. Kenneth Leighton and a guest, Mrs. Frank Durante Of New York City. Classified Pay Dividends WIIIIIUIINUIIIIIUUIHUItllllUIIIIIMIIHIlUtllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIUUIIIIH KODAK GIFTS SAY.. |P fUj^ THfYU SAVE CHWSTMA5 FUlOOR YtARS TO CO**' KODAK SIGNET 40 QWSUlOUTFIT Fine camera, projector... in a complete color outfit Matchless way to launch a slide career! Superb Signet 40 Cam era with 2-reflector flash and Kodak 300 Projector with smooth Reodymatic Changer. The "300" is the revolutionary projector that has set a new standard of excellence in slide projector de sign and performance. mone DRUGS ISO CALDWELL.OHiO HiiiMiMiismiiiiiiHiimwmiiimiiiiniitiiiiiiiMmimiiiiMiimiiimmiHmHHi I of Caldwell route, and Mr. Worthington is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alex Worth ngton, of Shawnee. Mr. Worth ngton was formerly from Co unibus. The bride wore a street-length natural colored, dress of wool flannel and rabit hair, kept line by its own rayon taffe petticoat, designed with a iitt waist and bodice. Her accessor^ were sapphire blue and black She wore a rhinestone necklace and earrings. She carried a modern bouquet of Orange De light roses. The bridal traditions were carried out by Miss Keyser. Mrs. Gloria Worthington, of Columbus, daughter-in-law of the bridegroom, was matron of honor. She wore a fitted grey tweed dress of wool with white nd black accessories. She wore a pearl choker and earrings, a gift "f the bride. She carried a modern bouquet of pink carna tions. Charles A. Worthington, of Columbus, was best man for his father. The bride is a graduate of Forest Grove high school of Sharon and Cameron Beauty School in Columbus. She is em ployed at the Anderson Beauty Shop in Cambridge. She is a member of Zeta Chapter of Lambda Chi Omega National Sorority. Mr. Worthington is employed by George Union. The couple will reside at 121 S. 11th street in Cambridge. Catholic Women's Club Of 51. Mary's Church Enjoys Christmas Parly The Catholic Women's club of St. Mary's church in Fulda en joyed their annual Christmas party Sunday afternoon, Dec. 8 n the church hall. The president, Alberta Hoh man, conducted a short business ession. Games were enjoyed during the social hour with Mrs. Ignatz Schockling winning the door prize. The hall was attractively de corated for the occasion, carry ing out the holiday motif. A gift exchange was enjoyed. The officers of the club served as hostesses for the meeting. Hostesses were: Mrs. Terrance Hohman, Mrs. E. H. Crock, Mrs, Ed. Sehell, Mrs. Bernard Shafer, Mrs. Andrew Crum and Mrs. Ignatz Schockling. Those present were: Fr. J. Donaldson, Mrs. James F. Arch er, Mrs. Walter Weisent, Mrs. Linus Crock, Mrs. Clem Ruppel, Mrs. Albert Schoeppner, Mrs. Clarence Schott, Mrs. Otto Mil ler, Mrs. Harold Schockling, Mrs. Phil Harding, Mrs. Joseph«Crock, Mrs. Ronald ScheU, Mrs. Lander Crock. Mrs. Norman Schoeppner, Mrs. Dora Hill, Miss Viola Crum, Miss Leon a Hill, Mrs. Martha Schafer, Mrs. Paul Hill, Mrs Joseph Hohman, Mrs. Ignatz Schockling, Mrs. Ed. Schell, Mrs. Bernard Shafer, Mrs. Terrance Hohman, Mrs. E. H. Crock and Mrs. Andrew Crum. Circle Two, W. S. C. S. Enjoys Xmas Dinner Circle Two of the W.S.C.S. of the First Methodist church was delightfully entertained for their annual Christmas pot-luck tur key dinner Thursday evening at the home of Etta Davis on East street with Mary Hanes, Ruby Merry and Violet Morgareidge serving as companion hostesses Mrs. Lillian Beyer had charge of the meeting and Mrs. Made line West gavo several interest ing Christmas ami illus trations. After the meeting the gilt ex change was held amidst the beautifully decorated home for the holiday season by the follow ing members and guests: Helen Clark, Olive Groves, Inez Clerk Lillian Beyer, Louise Clark, Mar jorie Harris, Mary Morgareidge Mary Richcreek, Thelma Rice Mary Sanford, Nellie Parks Gladys Seffens, Fiances Wood Bernice Semon, Bessie Stringer Lois Davis, Madeline West and the hostesses. Woman's Bible Class Holds Christmas Dinner The Woman's Bible class of the First Methodist church en joyed their annual Christmas pot luck dinner last Thursday even ing in the church dining room There were approximately 30 members and guests in attend ance. The tables were attractively decorated in the Yuletide theme Opal Ullman led the devo tional service and a vocal selec tion entitled "Away In A Man ger" was presented by Page Joy, Merideth and Heather West A brief business session was conducted by the president, Mrs. Iva Guiler. The program book lets for the ensuing year were distributed durir.-i th business session. Engaged Mr. and Mrs. James Morrison, of Middleburg, announce the engagement of their daughter. Bertha to Willard Chaffee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Chaffee, Sr., of Eastern, Minnesota. Miss Morrison has been em ployed in the home of M-. and Mrs. Nolan Blake, of Columbus, for the past three and a half years. Mr. Chaffee is serving in the U. S. Air Force and at the pre sent time is stationed in Green land. The wedding is being planned for the first of February. VFW Auxiliary Plans Annual Christmas Party On Friday, Dec. 20 President Carol McAuley presided over the regular meet ing of the V.F.W. Auxiliary on Monday evening at the post home. Plans were discussed for the annual past Commanders' banquet, which will be held on Saturday, Dec. 14 at the Pres byterian church. Tickets may be secured from George Daugherty or Carol McAuley. Carolyn Wycoff announced that plans had been completed for the Christmas party for V. W. post and auxiliary mem bers' children. The party will be held Friday, Dec. 20 from 7:00 to 9:00 p. m. Margaret Rice and Helen Car tell were welcomed into the Auxiliary as new members. Two new members were balloted upon and will be initiated at the next meeting. All members are to be contacted by the next meeting date in an effort to have dues paid by 100% of the mem bers, according to President Mc Auley. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting by Eleanor Moore, chairman, Dor othy Shaw, Donna Lee Barn hart, Bernadine Michel and Velma Tarleton. The refreshment committee for January will be Rosemary Fer rell, chairman, Thelma Moore, Edna Searle, Eulalia Wiley and Mary Hanes. Christmas Meeting Of Garden Club Enjoyed Mrs. Betty Douglass, at her home near Batesville, was host ess at the Christmas meeting of the Beaver Hills Garden club held Thursday evening, Dec. 5 with 15 members in attendance. Devotionals were read by Mrs. Edith Cline and roll call was re sponded to with "A Gift I Would Like To Give". A Christmas story, "The Cobbler and His Guest", was given by Mrs. Beat rice Bates, followed by a period of carol singing in charge of Mrs. Ruth Morgan. The singing was done by candlelight, each member holding a lighted red candle. As each person arrived at the meeting, a small red Christmas Hall was pinned upon them and from numbers on these balls, their gift was determined in the annual Christmas exchange. A covered dish dinner followed. The Douglass home took on a Christmas look with decorations of evergreens and candles and a tiny Santa and reindeer set ascended the stairway railing. A Christmas workshop was planned for Thursday evening Dec. 12 at the home of Mrs Marie Betts in Batesville. Christ mas sprays for the church doors will be made at this time. Hostess for the January meet ing will be Mrs. Helen Douglass and the program will center on "Birds." Am. Legion Auxiliary Holds Xmas Meeting American Legion Auxiliary Unit No. 252 met Wednesday evening, Dec. 4 in the Post Hall on Main street for their annual Christmas meeting. The president, Mary Jo Hed dleson, conducted a brief busi ness session after which the Auxiliary and Post enjoyed an oyster supper. The ladies enjoyed their an nual gift exchange. John Pearson, of Clarington 11th district cdmmander, was a guest of the Post. There were 35 in attendance, Ohio's fields and forests con tain 65 different kinds- "f mn mals. An interesting report was given by Helen Clark, treasurer. Mrs. Clark also read a thank you letter from Miss Ethel Pryor of Albuquerque, N. Mex. for the group's recent gift of money to the girls school where she is teaching. Plans were made for a post graduate party to be held on Sunday, Dec. 22. The School of Missions for January, 1958 was announced by .the pastor, Rev. E. Parker West. The closing prayer was led by Rev. West. Slides were shown following the meeting in the church dining room by the guest speakers. Re freshments were served to the group by Circle Four. Mrs. Ruth Evilsizer To Head Presbyterian Church Association Ruth Evilsizer was elected president of the Woman's As sociation of the First Presby terian church at a quarterly meeting held Tuesday evening, Dec. 10 in the church. The business session was con ducted by Miss Thelma Rice, retiring president. The associa tion voted a contribution to be used for the public address sys tem to be installed in the church. Other officers elected were first vice president, Natalie Da hood second vice president. Isabelle Dowling secretary, Mil dred Rutherford treasurer, Mary Radcliff circle leaders, Twila Ball, Jane Radcliff, Jessie Moore and Mary Lou Miller. Mary lams led the devotional service. Walter McKee favored with two accordion selections and Carla and Maureen Dowling rendered a vocal selection. An impressive candlelight service was conducted by Miss Rice with organ selections being presented by Kathryn Walken shaw. Miss Bice, retiring president. was presented with a nice gift from the group. Refreshments and a social hour followed' in the church din ing room. Nancy Ball Feted At Birthday Supper Mr. and Mrs. Mcrlie Ball en tertained Sunday, Dec. 8 at their home near Caldwell with a sup per honoring the fifth birthday anniversary of their daughter, Nancy. A dinner of lovely appoint ments was served at a table centered with two beautifully decorated cakes. The honored one received a number of nic gifts. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Zimmerman and sons, Raymond, Kenneth and Dennis, of Cambridge Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Osborne and Mrs. Faye Kinsey of Zanesville Mr. and Mrs. Clare Boyd and son, Donnie, Mi', and Mrs. William Rucker, Janet and Peggy Ball, the honored one and the ho^t and hostess. Noble Rebekah Lodge Enjoys Christmas Dinner Noble Rebekah Lodge enjoyed their annual Christmas party and pot luck dinner last Friday evening in their dining room On West street. Covers were arranged for 3ft members at tables attractively decorated in the holiday motif. Following the dinner, a busi ness session was conducted by Noble Grand Kathleen Hupp at which time officers were elected for the ensuing year. Officers elected were: Noble Grand, Be nice Semon vice Noble Grand, Bessie Stringer recording secrt tary, Inez Clark financial seen tary, Louise Clark treasurer. Ada Ackley trustee, Amy Ru ker deputy president, Helen Carter and captain of the de gree staff, Ruth Evilsizer. To keep the high quality i food, put no more unfrozen food into a freezer than will free/ within 24 hours. Usually th: will be about 2 or 3 pounds o food to a fc THE JOURNAL CALDWELL. OHIO jiMiiMiiiMMiiiitiiiiiimiiiiiMmiHiiiitHiiifiiiiiiiiiMiiMiitiimmiiMiiiiiiiiiMiiiiniiiimitHHiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiMiimitiiiHi Miss Evelyn Weaver, Returned Local Missionary, Speaks To W. S. cub e foot of freezer capacity. O N 9 8 i illimiHIHMMMttHUMmilMHMMItilMIIIIMHHMIItllMIIHMIinilllMIIIIMtniMMmtftMMIHMMMIIIIIttHIMtUtMMMtMMIHl! C. 5. Miss Evelyn Weaver, returned local missionary to Pakistan, was guest speaker Tuesday evening, Dec. 10, at the regular meeting of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the First Methodist church. Also speaking to the group in the church sanctuary was Mabel Dean, who had served nine years as principal of the Methodist Girls School in Lahore, Pakis tan. The meeting opened with pray er led by the president, Opal Brumbach, who also conducted brief business session. Lillian Beyer, devotional lead er, used "You Are My Witnesses" as her theme. Mary Secrest and Madeline West favored with a vocal solo with Nancy Rudge accompanying at the piano. Mary Secrest led the group in singing Christmas carols. Baptist Missionary Society Holds Meeting The Ladies Missionary Society of the First Baptist church held their December meeting Tuesday evening in the home of Mrs. Raymond G. Moore on Walnut street. The business session was con ducted by Mrs. Moore, the presi dent. Mrs. Charles Milligan was in charge of the program and devotional service, using as her topic "If The Missionary Had Not Come." Each member gave a scripture verse on "Praise." Ten boxes were prepared to send to young people in college and the ill. Refreshments were served by the hostess to the following: Mrs. Charles Patten, Mrs. Henry Simonton, Mrs. Harold Brown, Mrs. Carter Shafer, Mrs. Charles Doan, Mrs. Walter Johnson, Mrs. Carrie Reed, and Mrs. Charles Milligan. Betrothed MISS PHYLLIS K. MALLETT Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mallett, of Caldwell route 1, are an nouncing the engagement of their daughter, Phyllis Kathryn, to William Haycox, son of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Haycox, of Painesville. The bride-elect is a- graduate of the Summerfield high school and is employed by the Ohio' Bell Telephone Co. in Paines ville. Mr. Haycox is a graduate of the Harvey high school, attend ed Ohio State University, where he majored in chemistry. He is employed in the laboratory of the Industrial Rayon Corp. Wedding plans are incom plete. See The Journal for Quality Printing. /C Choose for her from a heavfenly collection of lingerie treasures slips, petticoats, exquisitely fashioned in laces. These are the Christmas gifts that really pamper her, because, for all their delicate loveliness, she never has to fuss with them they wash and dry in record time. We Still Have a Wonderful Selection of W I N E O A S Our Christmas Special 20 to 30% OFF! ray, A THE HOUSC of FASHION TOYS• fivdhday a Boys and Girls! See Our Window Display !^%iz diappy Sunday, Dec. 15 Opal Ullman, Lee Myers. Monday, Dec. 16 Carol Sue Spicer, Donna Louise Archer, Richard Leasure. Tuesday, Dec. 17 Dean Lorey, Myra VanFossen, Betty Anderson, Barbara Wood. Wednesday, Dec. 18 Kathy Estadt, Tarry Lee Staats, R. C. Moore. Friday, Dec. 20 Walter O. Staats. Saturday, Dec. 21 Billy West, Myrtle VanFossen, Mildred Hickman. Sunday, Dec. 22 Jewell Powell, Zona Lorey, Rev. S. J. Pekalla, Judy Pavis. Monday, Dec. 23 Andy Miller. Caldwell Faculty Staff Enjoys Christmas Dinner Members of the board of education and faculty members of the Caldwell exempted vil lage school district enjoyed a Christmas dinner Wednesday evening in the grade school cafeteria. Included on the program was Miss June Shamhart, county win ner in the prince of peace con test. Miss Shamhart presented her winning declamation before the group. Group singing and special numbers from a high school girl's ensemble were also fea tured on the program. mtt'imm Thursday. December 12, 1957 HOSPITAL NOTES Cambridge Community Admitted Dec. 2: Mrs. Ken neth Perkins, Ava. Dismissed Dec. 3: wonderful array of pretty things sure to delight her, and at such little prices, Mrs. Forrest Hatfield, Caldwell route 4 Mrs. Kenneth Perkins, Ava, and Mary Jo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Hatfield, Caldwell route 4. Admitted Dec. 6: Irvil Rayner, Ava. Admitted Dec. 7: James Phelps, Caldwell route 3. Admitted Dec. 8: Mrs. Carl Hesson, Dexter City Mrs. Carl son Schaffer, Ava, and John Moore, Summerfield. Selby General Admitted Dec. 4: Mrs. Charles L. Hall, Lower Salem route 2. Grand Slam Bridge Club Is Entertained Mrs. Joseph Buckey enter tained the Grand Slam Bridge club Wednesday evening, Dec. 4 at her home in Bronze Heights. Bridge was enjoyed with Mrs. Clarence Estadt, Mrs. Robert Dennison and Mrs. Robert Lor enz receiving the prizes. Snack refreshments were ser ved to the following: Mrs. Robert Dennison, Mrs. Robert Robey, Mrs. Harold Hune, Mrs. Clar ence Estadt, Mrs. Robert Lor enz, Mrs. John Hazard, Mrs. Robert Vogel and Mrs. Donald Moore. A1 Hodge, from Ravenna, Ohio, is better know to the nation's TV fans as Captain Video. Put a smite on her face and sparkle in her eyes surprise her with fashion gifts at Christmas! We've a you con give her lots and lots of packages to open. You choose just the right fashion gifts for her at C. 1*1*: raij. & Certainly, she wants a ROBE,. and our fine selection makes it easy to choose ex actly the robe that will please her most, this Christmas. We've tailored and frilly styles, long and short robes, quilted robes. Pamper HER with these Pradical Gifts Handbags Hankies .. Hosiery .. Scarfs Blouses Umbrellas Belts Gloves Such beautiful ways to make her Christmas wishes come true. Give her sweaters, and more sweat ers. Here choose from cardigans and slip-ons in classic and dressy styles many with jewel or embroidery trims. Complete Line of Children's Wear