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Page Sin—B M!. Tabor MT. VABOR Jiisj.ti Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Stephens and daughters. Ann and Lyn, were visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Otis Mar tin's and family, Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and son, Jerry, visited at Mrs. Neal Stephens and daughters, Ann and Itfn, Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Neal Stephens and Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin were busi ness callers at Caldwell, Tues day. Sandra Hannahs. Elsie Wright. Mr. Wiley Thompson and daugh ter Shila, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Stephens and daughters, Ann and Lynn visited at Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin's and family on New Year's Day. Mrs. Everett Archer and chil dren called on Miss Elsie Wright, Monday afternoon. Mrs. Clarence Morrison and son visited at Mrs. Everett Ar biter's and son, Dale, Thursday. Elsie Wright visited at Mrs. Or vflle Okey's and Mrs. Otis Mar tin's, Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Stephens, daughters, Ann and Lyn, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and family, Thursday evening. Judy Nabbs, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Stephens and daughters, Ann and Lyn, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Mor ris, Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Shoyer and daughter, Tina, Mr. Earl Bennett and Miss Sondra Han nahs were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and family, Sun da y. Mrs. Otis Martin visited at El sie Wright's Saturday morning. Mr. W. E. Johns, Kenneth Mar tin and Wiley Thompson were business callers at Whipple, Mon day afternoon. Elsie Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mallett and children were callers in Cambridge, Sunday. Kenneth Martin visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Thompson and daughter, Shila, Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Thompson and daughter, Shila, were visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mallett and family, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Wiley Thompson and daughter, Shila, were visiting Mrs. Estella Miracle and son Jesse, Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Thompson and daughter, Shila, Mr. and Mrs Four Months Old ELIZABETH A. SMITH Elizabeth Ann Smith is the four months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, of Devola, formerly of Caldwell. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Milligan, of Caldwell, and Mr. and Mrs. Harley Smith, of Old Washington. Little Miss Smith also has a sister, Elaine Diane, aged 20 months. Arthur Willison and family visit ed at Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Miracle's and son, Lowell, Monday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Willison and family of Lakemore visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Thomp son and daughter, Shila, Monday evening and Tuesday morning. Mrs. Lillie Carpenter and son, Forrest and daughter, Mary Lou ise, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Thompson and daugh ter, Shila, Tuesday evening. W. E. Johns and David Rubel were callers at the home of Mr and Mrs. Wiley Thompson and daughter, Shila, Friday evening Wiley Thompson and Kenneth Martin were business callers at Woodsfield, Saturday afternoon. A small dose of a drug diluted with glucose and given daily in one-fourth teaspoonful of hard boiled egg yolk will help song birds sing, a veterinary authority reports. -NOTICE- I am now servicing TV sets at the Caldwell Cable Service on Spruce Street. SERVICE CALLS MADE IN TOWN FROM 9:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. CALDWELL TV SERVICE Phone 44 '-ZK. iif' T&* yf w:: is lower, wider and nine lively inches longer. Your dollars never had it so good! With all its startling new advances and stunning new style, Chevy is still priced right down at the bottom of the ladder. And look at what you get for the low pricc you pay! You get boldly sculp tured new beauty with the quality crafts manship of Body by Fisher. You get the year's big buy—even the lowest Caldwell Route 3 CAL.1 WL.LL KOLiL 3 Es ther Garvin and Dicky Ray Wells spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Radcliff. Mrs. Virgie Gardner called on Leoda McKee Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Garvin and Beulah spent Tuesday evening v/ith Mr. and Mrs. John Garvin of Sharon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gardner and Edna Boyd called on Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gardner New Year's Day. Dicky Ray Wells of Zanesville returned home after spending several days with his grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Gardner. Mrs. Alva Gardner spent Wed nesday and Thursday visiting her daughters in Zanesville. Clem and Beulah Garvin call ed on Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Barn hart Friday evening. Harvey Tilton, a former resi dent of route 3, was buried at Sharon Saturday. Clem and Beulah Garvin spent Friday evening with Mf. and Mrs. Willard Smith and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Garvin and Beulah helped Mr. and Mrs. Earn est Barnhart butcher Saturday. Edna Boyd and Virgie Gardner attended the funeral Saturday of Harvey Tilton.' Mrs. Bessie Harper and son, Dwight and Fred, spent Sunday afternoon with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Fred Gardner. Mrs. Edna Boyd called on Mr. and Mrs. Irvil Garvin and fam ily, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Garvin, James, Joihnnie and Beulah, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Garvin, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hutchins and family and Jessie Combs were supper guests Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Barnhart and son. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Willey, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wells, Dicky Ray and Christy, of Zanesville, spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Garvin. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Garvin and Edith, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clark and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. George Garvin and Billy, Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Garvin, Edna Boyd, Blanch Woodford, Deanna Marquis spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Irvil Garvin and family. George Lawrence has been on ihe sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Darl Gardner and Ilicky, Mr. ancl Mrs. Pearly Lawrence, Earl Gardner and Mr. nd Mrs. Carlos Lawrence and family gpeait Christmas with Mr. ird Mrs. Leonard Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Smith md Johnnie and Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zimmerman and W orge, Sherida and Karen, Mr and Mis. Clem Garvin and .1.1 mes, Johnnie and Beulah, Mr iid Mrs. Albert Marshall and Jnbin, Ancil Boney, Thomas Mc Kt e, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barnes tid Rhonda and Bobby, Mr. and 1 is. Roy Reed and Becky, Rusty Urshall and Marion, Mr. and Airs. Jay Barnes and Terry, Mr and Mrs. Ernest Barnhart and LOWEST PRICED of the LOW-PRICED THREE in the models most people buy* In the models mosl people prefer, a new Chevrolet cosls !©ss than the other two low-priced cars*. Yet Chevrolet is the only truly new car in its field. And everjf Chevy priced models bring you full measure of Chevy's new length. You get Chev rolet's own special brand of perform ance and economy. In fact, you get the one car in the low-price field that per forms in the high-price class! Stop by your Chevrolet dealer's and let him prove it. He's making quick appraisals and prompt deliveries! See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer for quick appraisal—prompt delivery! •BASED ON Tfc« Be Air 4-Door THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO Ten Months Old /s* GREGORY ALAN WHEELER George Alan Wheeler is the 10-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Wheeler, of Caldwell route 2. He was 10 months old Jan. 2. His grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. W. Z. Baker, of Cumber land route, and Mr. and Mrs. Alden Wheeler, of Caldwell. Great-grandparents are H. C. Baker, of Cumberland route Mrs. Lillie Upton, of Byesville Mrs. E. J. Pickenpaugh, of Cum berland route, and Ambrose Shifflet, of Ewington, Ohio. James, Jessie Combs and Sut Hutchins, all spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. John Boney and Irvil of Hoskinsville. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Barn hart and James, Sue and Virgil Hutchins, Jessie Combs, James and Johnnie Garvin spent Sun day evening with Mr. and 'Mrs Clem Garvin and Beulah. Mrs. Virginia Wagner, Mrs Bessie Harper and Dwight and Fred and Bernard Gardner and grandsons called on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gardner, Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. John Garvin Mr. and Mrs. Alva Garvin, Mr and Mrs. Clem Garvin and James, Johnnie and Beulah, Mrs Ernest Barnhart and James, Sue Hutchins, Jessie Combs and Dicky Ray Wells spent Sunday with Edna Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gardner called on his grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Fred Gardner, Thurs day. Fred Gardner spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gardner and Edna Boyd spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs* Leon ard Gardner. Agriculture economists at the University of Deleware estimate that the loss of broilers, due to disease, cost $4.5 million, medi cines cost $2.5 million, for a total loss of $7.0 millions from disease to Deleware poultry farmers. Cattle warts have been report ed to grow almost as large as basketballs in extreme cases, the American Veterinary Medical Association says. Sedan. Chevy's the ootf car in its field with Body by Fisher and Soiety Plate Glass all around. 1 a i fmHffffW I |I| Only franch FACTORY LIST PRICES FOR I iscd ChrvroiM dealer* display this jamous trademark 1% FOKWAKD PROM flFTY COMPARABLE SHMN AND HARDTOP MODELS. South Olive SOUTH OLIVE Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker and Mrs. Lulu Shilling were: Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Dei stine, Sr., and son Eddie, of Lex ington, Pa.: Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Shillings and son Jerry and Jeff rey, and Edith Shillings of Can ton Frank Riegn and Wayne L. Shillings of Zanesville. Miss Janet Sklenar and Willa R. Harper spent the weekend wit Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Brinkky and soft of Canton. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Harper and son David, were dinner guests Christmas Day of Mr. and Mis. G. D. Harper. Charles Ball, after a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mis E. H. Ball and other friends and relatives, returned to Norfolk, Va., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Shriver and Charles Ball visited Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Harper and son, Satur day evening. Mrs. A. V. Swain and sons, Mrs. James Whetstone, Miss Hazel Gessel and Willa R. Harper were shopping in Cambridge. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Schoepp ner and sons visited relatives in Canton. Mrs. Ruth L. Harper and son Wayne, and Miss Hazel Gessel were dinner guests Christmas of Mrs. Rhonda Gessel and family. Mrs. A. G. Schoeppner and daughter called at the Vernon Schoeppner home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harper were callers in town, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bird and family and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sanford were guests Christmas Day of Mr. and Mrs. Howard San ford and family. Chalmer Haines, Columbus visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haines. Willard and Willa Harper were dinner guests Christmas of Mr and Mrs. A. V. Swain and sons. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Whetstone and dau ghters Sunday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ray and son, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Harper and son and Ruth L. Harper. Archer's Ridge ARCHER'S RIDGE Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilcox of Tennessee and Mr. and Mrs. William Knight of Zanesville were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Paisley and Mrs. Eva Gerst. Miss Shirley Anderson spent New Year's holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Leasure and family of Pleasant City. Natie Wickham and Mary Dav is spent New Year's eve with Bertha Lahue and son. Other visitors the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Leland Hicks of Cincin nati and Mrs. Ocie Sullivan and David Sullivan. Kathryn Ann Wiley, of Cald well, visited the past week with her grandmother, Mrs. Eva Gerst and Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Paisley Mr. and Mrs. Zedrick Clark and son Billy, Mrs. Ida Smith, Natie Wickham and Mary Davis were among the ones that attended church at Senecaville, Saturday evening. Natie Wickham called on Mr and Mrs. Minus Goodwill Friday morning. Mr. Goodwill has spent several weeks in Geneva hospital Several from this place attend ed the New Year's party held in the Fulda grange hall. Mrs. Ida Smith has returned home after spending the holiday: with her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Fred Alan of Zanes ville. Willscreek WILLS CREEK Still nice weather. A little cold about 20. Bradley Carpenter is getting along fine in the Communit hospital at Cambridge. He been there two weeks. Otto Carpenter and Byr i. Bates took a load of cattle the Barnesville sales last Satin day. Cattle sold good. J. C. Johnson, who v/as op« i ated on at the Memorial hospital last week, is doing fine. Pr i ably he will come home tin week. Evan Brill, who has ben working at Columbus, was visitor at Blaine Day's the s week. Dwain Gregg, who is in navy at Annapolis, was a socia caller here last week. He look well. Harley Bates was on the creek one day last week. Clyde Teeters, our fur buyer from Caldwell, was here last week, taking up furs and beef hides. Frank Triplett, of Summer field, was a caller here last Sun day. He got a deer. The following visitors at Hayes Bates last Sunday were Ronald Feldner, two daughters and son Ronald Bates and wife and two sons. Christmas presents were exchanged after a chicken din ner. Bert Bates and wife, of Calais were here last Sunday. Maywood Dinges says faje will be a candidate for trustee in Beaver township next fall. John Bates and his two daugh tcrs, Ruth and Jane were visitors here one day last week. Ervin Stallin-gs and family were callers here Sunday even ing. Ward McVicker has bought a new car. He wrecked his and wasn't worth the fixing. One Year Old DONALD E. SPICER, JR. Donald Eugene Spicer, Jr. is the one year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Spicer, of Maple Heights. Grandparents axe Mr. and Mrs. George Collins, of Cald well route 2, and Mrs. Annabelle Spicer, of Caldwell. Great-grand parents are Mrs. Daisy Sayre, of Malta, and Mrs. Mary Collins, of MeConnelsville. (rooked Tree CROOKED TREE Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rogers and children, Freddie and Ann, of Kent, spent the past few days with Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Farson and other relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harriman and children, Eddie, Charles, Eugene, Louise and Roy, of near Middleburg, called on Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Lamp and sons last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Lamp called on Mr. and Mrs. G. E Chandler last Friday evening. Callers at the G. E. Chandler home last Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rogers of Kent and Frank Lamp. I Visiting Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chandler and fam ily were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark and children, of Dungan non and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Duck worth, 'of Cats Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murrey and son, of Hebron, spent Sat urday night with Mrs. Lila Chandler. Mrs. Ida Boney returned to Canton Saturday after spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Lila Chandler. Callers at the G. E. Chandler home Sunday evening were Han ford Chandler of Macksburg and Bob Chandler. Macksburg MACKSBUKG Mrs. Ella Walters gave a dinner on Jan. 1st in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Farley's 40th wedding anniversary. Helping to celebrate the day were Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Rihl, Mrs. Cora Longfellow, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Farley, Dean Goodwill and the hostess. Mrs. Cora Longfellow is visit ing this week with friends in Canton. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Medley, of Canton, called on Mrs. Ella Wal ters on Wednesday. Mrs. Pearl Fairwell, of Akron, visited a few days recently at the E. E. Finch home. Clifford Barlow is a patient in the Memorial hospital in Marietta. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Farley and Mrs. Ella Walters called on Mrs. Frank Miller of Lowell and Walter Boon of Crooked Tree, who are on the sick list. Harry Neff was discharged from Selby hospital in Mari etta on Saturday. keep COM dosvn and eps production up by following the Red Comb Quality Egg Program R«d Comb E99 Math kept in front of loytra, •II tim*» ft. lid Comb Scratch Oraint arc hand fad up to SO** of total faad consumption U th« »ur« way to get ma am production of quality eggs with the uniform yolk col n o a v o a n ong shells that Divas top prices st all times o o o u a i y Results at tow Cost." NOBLE HATCHERY "The Home of Quality Chicks' CALDWFLL. OHIO Regular $2.79 WHIGT1LLE NEWS WHIG VILLE Aim Loi uci, of Beverly, spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Ruth Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Guiler, of Caldwell, were callers here on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas were at Caldwell, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clark, of Middleburg, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Guiler SALE 3-T SUPER-CUSHIONS IgoodAEAR This tire is famous Goodyear quality inside and out. Exclu sive 3-T Cord Body fights off the big tire killers Heat, Shock, and Fatigue. You get extra wear and safety, better traction. Save now at this rock bottom price! MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GttWtEAR TIRES Thursday, January 9, 1058 ai daughter, of Caldwell, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and! Mrs. Chester Bates. Ruth Clark and Florence Cart er were at Summerfield Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Berry were at Senecaville Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gessell, of Zanesville, was calling on Mr. and Mrs. Forest Danford Saturday af ternoon. Soodtfstwt APPRECIATION TIRE SALE now going on! An outstanding bargain at *13 ALL-WEATHER BATTERIES *GOOD/¥EAR Longer Life! More Starting Power! Goodyear'i new battery design and developments give you more power and longer-lasting, trouble free service. For Cars and Trucks BLINKS ON AND OFF A new safety device that is designed protect you in case of after-dark break-down—particularly important with today's high speed traffic. 11-PIECE SOCKET WRENCH SET Set includes reversible ratchet handle flexible shaft driver extension bar sockets. MIKE'S TIRE SHOP 35 Blackwail Tube-Type 6.70 15 Size Plus Tax and Recappable Tire THAN ON ANY OTHER IMPERIAL "BLUE SAPPHIRE" LICENSE PLATE FRAME Dress up your car today with the bril- Only liantly-finished triple plated "Blue Sapphire" chrome license plate frames. They fit most license plate sizes and come complete with clear plastic lens. Each 99c Same Low Pricet 15-volt6 xprUyomoU FLASHING RED WARNING LIGHT baUmp 19-volt12 ami your old Pay as low a» 91— per week $J77 49 *1 per set Successor to Goodyear Service Store North & Cumberland Streets Phone 200 Caldwell, Ohio