Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, January 9, 1958 O S A E Six roo.n residence with bath. Three barns and other farm buildings. GOOD EIGHT room house, good well and cistern, gas and elec tric lights. Good location. Priced very reasonably. A MODERN six room house, full basement with laundry room and garage. A 15 minute drive from Caldwell. We are ready to talk to you about any real estate you may have for sale. HOWARD M. SHAFER, Realtor 526 North Street, Caldwell, Ohio Phone 333 40 ACRES, with modern home bath and furnace. Good out buildings and barn. Located one fourth of a mile from Caldwell corporation limits. Inquire at Estadt's Cream Station, Cumber land Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 27 28 29. HOUSE in Beverly Heights. Two additional bedrooms and bath roughed in and insulated on sec ond flopr. Four years old. Price $17,900. Phone Beverly 217 for appointment. 27tf For Sale—LIVESTOCK CALF, TWO WEEKS old and al so a front quarter of beef. Mit chell Keyser, Caldwell, Ohio Route 5. 28 pd EIGHT TEN-WEEK-OLD PIGS for sale. Phone Caldwell 357 F-14. 28 29 30 ARTIFICIAL BREEDING Service —COBA dairy or beef bulls Contact Billy Moore or Floyd Henderson or phone Caldwell 273 40tf REGISTERED HEREFORD bull seven months old baby high chair, and seasoned white oak lumber, sawed 1V4 inch by 14 ft for truck bed. Frank Ostroski Caldwell, Ohio, Route 4. 28 For Sale—FEEDS SEEDS 500 BUSHELS OF CORN. Clif ford Stephens, Summerfield Ohio, Route 2. 28 29 30 pd STOP worms in pigs BEFORE the dnmogs is done WAYNE PIG FEEDS are available now, HYGROMYCIN the new antibiotic that prevents worm eggs from hatching. Standard in Tail Curler, optional in Pig Balancer. Wayne Tail Curler and Pig Balancer contain Arson flic Acid Too as a standard ingredient —proven as a valuable aid in scour prevention. For », Faster Gain At Lower Cost, Get Syixro-Zymic Wayne Hog Feeds Today! Wayne Feed Supply Co. Phone 124 Cumberland St. CALDWELL, OHIO do it yourself 5^s save money! Why Kovt dull, worn-looking floor*? Jvit VM our Clark* rantol floor •qwipm*M »o yo«r floor* llko- britliancel provide •v«ryfhing and full, «oty instruction*. MV. phone for your Clarke nntal equipment todayI OMIO D. O S A E For Sale—DWELLINGS LOTS For Sale—HOUSEHOLD GOODS SEVEN ROOM HOUSE with bath, gas, electricity and built in kitchen. Nicely decorated. Out kitchen with basement, garage. Good location in Caldwell. FOUR ROOM bungalow with bath, built-in kitchen, gas and electricity. Nicely decorated. Good location in Caldwell. SEVEN ROOM house, gas elec tricity and cellar. Barn and garage. About three acres of land. Located in Macksburg. CHESTER J. HOWILER—Realtor 516% West Street Phone 250-W 49tf Caldwell. Ohio A STRICTLY modern three-bed room residence property. Will be vacated Dec. 1. Fine location, full basement, two-car garage. GOOD 75 ACRE farm, on SR 340. BENDIX semi-automatic eleelrie washer, square type, white enam el finish. In good condition. Pric ed to sell. Russell Locke, Cald well, Ohio, Route 6. in Bronze Heights. Phone 359-W. 28 29 30 pd. OIL HEATING STOVE, in good condition. Will sell cheap. J. W. Dutton, Crooked Tree, Ohio. 27 28 29 pd. for Sale—CARS TRUCKS 1951 CHEVROLET, 2-door. Dor othy Murrey, Cumberland St., Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 288. 28 29 30 1957 FORD. Has approximately 10,700 miles. Albert Yerian, two miles noi-th of Belle Valley on State Route 340. 28 29 30 pd. 1950 STUDEBAKER. Andrew Hornick, Ava, Ohio. 28 29 30 pd. For Sale—FRUIT ROME BEAUTY Apples, mixed alfalfa hay, also two good five panel doors, cast iron sink. Beebe's Orchard, Waterford, Ohio. 27, 28, 29 pd. For Sale—MACHINERY-TOOLS SMALL FLOOR SAFE, grocery store scales and a National cash register, all in good condition. Contact Lillian Snider at Fulda 28 29 30 pd. DE LAVAL ELECTRIC cream separator, model No. 4 also a Coleman oil burning heater, mod el No. 666-A, output 35,000 BTU. In. excellent condition. L. Wright, Caldwell, Ohio, Box 294. 28 pd. CDR HEAVY duty rotor and an tenna, slightly used. Will sell cheap. Don Bates, 401 Miller Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 198-R. 28pd For Sale—FEEDS SEEDS HEAD START your chicks with Synero-Zymic Wayne Chick Starter. New Syncro-Zymic for mulation converts feeds into gain more effectively than ever be fore. More gain on less feed means lower feed costs for you Wayne Feed Supply Co., Cum berland Street, Caldwell, Ohio Phone 124. 28 For Sale—MISCELLANEOUS 1947 ZIMMEK HOUSR TRAILER 27 ft., in good condition. Will sell for $600.00. Junior Clark Florence, north of Caldwell. 28pd BIG AFTER-CLEARANCE sale at Highman's General store iSjarahsviile, Ohio. Open Sunday 50,000 BTU Dearborn gas stove cast iron, regular price $119.00 Now $69.00 Jet well pumps, regu lar price $129.95. Now $97.50 30 gallon gas, glass-lined water heat er, 10-year guarantee, regular price $99.50. Now $79.95 30-gal Ion electric table-top water heat er, regular $129.00. Now $09.95 3-piece bath room outfit, all fit tings to floor, including shower curtain, towel bar and legs for lavatory, soap dish, etc. Regular price $169.00. Now $149!95 1958 Philco 21-inch TV with hyper power tuner, 3 speakers, on cast ers. Regular price $349.00. Now 3259.00 Electric shopmate 7" hand saw. Regular price $39.95. Now $29.95 Black and Decker, heavy duty, electric 7,-»" hand saw, with rip fence and meter square. Regu lar price $95.50. Now $69.50: RCA Imperial gas dryers. Regular price $339.00. Now $239.00 Norgc forced air gas furnace for 6 to 7 room home. Installed for only $398.00. 28 CORN FED BEEF, one front quarter and one side. H. Ogle, Dexter City, Ohio. Phone 57-F-2. 27 28 DEAD STOCK REMOVED! HORSES and COWS FREE 1 DICKSON RENDERING CO. Phone FR-3-4532 Marietta, Ohio I We do not accept collect calls. miiiiiii!iiiiii:itiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiii iiikJst&l I. LOWEST PRICES ON UTILE GAS See us for your Bottle Gas Needs. Economically Priced per Tank. 3 D.D.NICHOLS CALDWELL, OHIO H!Cs:oii •THE PEST FOR LESS" Phone 63-J 506 Cumberland Street W A N E WANTED—A ride to Missouri by this weekend. Must get back to school. Licensed driver. Con tact Clyde McAuley, Caldwell Route 3, or four miles southwest of Caldwell on County Road 7 in the Thrqe Forks community. 28pd WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY 20-inch bi cycle, boys or girls, in good condition. Phone Caldwell 369-R. 28 WANTED GLEANING RAGS WILL PAY 100 WANTED TO BUY— Antiques of all kinds, including old fashion ed bureaus, dressers, corner and wall cupboards, tables, stands brass and copper kettles, music boxes, lamps, desks, chairs, dolls, guns, dishes, buggies and sur reys. Write Vesta Evans, 2267 East Pike Street, Zanesville Ohio 28 tf HELP WANTED BE AN AVON representative and earn a good income close to home. Territories now available in Center and Brookfield town ships. Contact Avon, Box 148 Marietta, Ohio. 26 27 28 O E N THREE ROOM modern house, lo cated in Caldwell. Call GLad stone 35253 or write Mrs. Glady R. Davis, 606 Westborne Avenue Zanesville, Ohio. Reference ex change. 27 28 29 pd FOR RENT 203 ACRE farm located in Sections 3 and 10 Marion township, Noble Count} Ohio, known as the Andrew Bates farm. Immediate posses ion. Dairy barn equipped for dairy. Large silo, modern house Appointment to see farm can be arranged by contacting Andrew E. Bates, route 2, Summerfield Ohio, or by phoning Caidweil 198-R. Hanna Coal Company Cadiz, Ohio, John W. Brckaw agent. 25, 26, 27, 28 TWO four-room houses and farm house. For further infor mation, phone Caldwell 192-1 1 27 28 29 pd. FOR RENT—Modern three-ro apartment with bath. Ini pendent utilities. Floyd Hend son, 901 North Street, Caldw Phone 198-W or 100. 27 28 29 s BUYING HONE FURNISHINGS!! Simple os the fej PER POUND Rags will be inspected Raffs must be clean Overalls and silks will be refused The Journal-Leader WANTED Raw iurs and be. hides. I will be at Estadt's Feed Store each Wednesday from 11:00 a. m. to 2:00 p. m. C. R. Teters, Caldwell route 2. Phone 304-F-21. 22 tf at Up To 24 Mos. To Pay Murphy's Furniture CALDWELL, OHIO ftmiimjHiiiiiHiiiMiHMiuiiHiHimfMumuiitiiiimtiuiiiiijmniiniiHi mi AilUIIlllltUlllililKllflUIIIIIIIMIIIHlUllltllUtltltlllHIUHIfllJIllUUIlIIIIUiN 1 PARTS for i liRIGGS & STRATTO% CLINTON I LAWN BOY I PROWER PRODUCTS I LAUSON E N I N E S MIKE'S TIRE SHOP Phone 200 Cumberland Street niHiiMimmiiiMiiimniiiiiiiiitimiiimmuiiiHiinniufiHiiiimmimmmiiui THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL OHIO O E N NICE LARGE three-room apart ment, unfurnished except for kitchen cabinets and Servel re frigerator. Available some time in ebruary. Inquire at 1020 North Street, Caldwell, Ohio or phone 76-M. 26 27 28 O S LOST, MAN'S Elgin wrist watchf, Sunday, somewhere in Cald well. Reward. Finder please call Caldwell 11 or inquire at 704 North Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 23pd O U N FOUND, FEMALE HOUND red bone and bluetick coloring harles Snyder, Jr., Summer ld, Ohio. 28pd. N O I E S NOTICE—Expert picture fram ing-, good selection. Murphy's Furniture, Caldwell, Ohio. 40tf NSURE YOUR CAR or truck with Motorists Mutual Insur ance Company. The best com pany at the time of a loss. Joe Buckey, Agent, Caldwell, Ohio. MAYFAIR RUG WEAVING, $1.25 per yard. Lela Stiers, Hirams burg, Ohio. Phone Caldwell 312 F-ll. 27 28 29 pd NOTICE I am now ready to haul coal, gravel, sand, road rock and ashes or other hauling Wayne Yerian, Coal Ridge, Ohio or Ava route 1. 27 28 29 pd NOTICE I am now hauling coal from the following mines Haines and Lawrence Palmer mine Byesville mine Dogtown mine. Hauling lump, egg or nut coal, crushed stone, sand and gravel. Amos Franklin, Phone 207-W, Caldwell, Ohio. 11 tf NOTICE I will accept book keeping and posting work from any local business* firm. All work will be performed at my home, but 1 will call for and vie liver all items necessary in pre paring entries, etc. Mrs. Reuben Parks, East Street, Caldwell, O Phone 146-J. 27 28 29 NOTICE The annual meeting of the shareholders of The Caldwell Building' & l.oan Company will be held at the Office of the Com panv, Caldwell, Ohio, Mondav January 13, 1958, from 7:00 P.M to 7.30 P.M. for the purpose of electing a board of Directors and any other business that ixuy prop erly be considered. The Caldwell Building & Loan Company By JOHN C. GROVES, Secretary 26 27 28 "We Buy and Sell Anything For the HOME" G. T. JENNINGS FURNITURE STORE Phone 113 Caldwell, Ohio KENNEDY'S In Barnesville EASTERN OHIO'S LARGEST HARDWARE PRE INVENTORY S A E 52 gal. Electric Hot Wat Heaters, fiber-glass ins lated. 10 vear warrant SALE PRICE $98, Westinghouse Dryers, nc at this new pre-invento Sale Price $148, 3-piece Bathroom, cast ir tub with lavatory a: commode, and comple set of fittings to floor. SALE PRICE $158, Flint & Walling Water S stems. Now you can an Electric water pun for wells up to 200 depth. For wells up to ft. depth, (less tank), SALE PRICE $78. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY ON THIS PRE INVENTORY S A E Dinette Sets in the color your choice. Table and chairs, SALE PRICE $68. See our TOOL DEPARI MENT. We have the to for ^ny i. b-—power hand. Located Between Carlisle and Road Fork On State Route 260 Loading Hours: 7:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. Monday Thru Saturday! 1KSR C0/1!. COM' CALDWELL, OHIO Phone 90 ON Market Report Submitted thru the curisy oi The Caidweil Produce Co. Wednesday, Jan. 8 Heavy hens .... lb. 15c Light hens lb. 10c Old cocks —_— lb. 8c Eggs large A white* 38c Eggs Medium A Whites 35c Eggs Large Whites -—35c Eggs large A brown 36c Eggs Medium A Browns 35c Egg-s Large Browns 35c Pullets Eggs 20c Current receipts doz. 30c Butterfat lb. 50c N O I E S I WILL BE RESPONSIBLE for no debts, excepting those contract ed by mvself. Ed. Shafer. 27 28 29 pd. SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE COMMON PI.FAS COURT Ihe ol Ohio, Noble ountv Case No. 9702 Mildred E. f'cldncr Plaintiff —vs— George E. Feldner Defendant In pursuance oi an Ordci ol Coini in the above entitled action. I wil offer for sale at public auction at the west door ol the Court House, Caldwell Ohio, in the above named County, on Saturday the 1st day of February, 1958 at 10:30 o'clock, A.M., the following described real estate, situate in the County of Noble and State of Ohio, and in the Township of Buffalo to wit: TRACT 1 The southeast quarter of the south west quarter ol' Section 28. Township 8 of Range 9. containing forty (40 acres, more or less. TRACT 2 Part of said Section 28 commencing at the southeast corner of the north east quarter of the southwest quarter of said Section 28. thence north 5 di grees ea&'t 14:53 feet alont! Shnver line south 851. degrees east 1044 feet along Shriver line north 25 degrees west 645 feet along Charleton line to a stom north 74!4 degrees west 570 feet north 51'-j degrees west 451 feet to a stake by Hickory 40" south 86' degree we."7t 257 feet north G4 degrees w«st 900 feet to corner of county road Num ber 21-A south 51 degrees west 450 feet in said road to center of State Highwa\ Number 146 south 41 d: grees esat 7P3 feet in said State High way Number 146 south 32' i def'reo west 1310 feet: south 4'.: degrees west 700 feet to quarter quarter line south 85degrees east 1000 feet to comment ing point, containing 78.30 acres, more or less. Containing in all a total of One Hun dred Eighteen and 30/100 (113.30) acres more or lens. I EASY CREDIT S & GREEN STAMPS KENNEDY'S In r.irnt n!e Phone 8- m. JL Being the same premises conveyed by Mary Groves to the said Mildred Feldner and George E. Feldner bv deed recorded Volume 111 at Page 514. Deed Records of Noble County. Ohio. Said premises are sold subject to the right of one Fred Ginn to re-enter the fields thereon for the purpose of har vesting the 1058 crop ol wheat, said rights accurhig to him by a lease herr tofore made, between him and the sell ers. Said Premises .Appraised at Tract 1 $'•2400.00. Tract 2-$1200.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Terms of Sale: Cash. Upon confirma tion of sale DONALD CONAWAY Sheriff of Noble County, Ohio L. C. Young Attornev 28 211 30 31 J. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Case No. 6217 Estate of John M. Dudley. Deceased Notice is hereby given that Rach Dudley, of Caldwell, Route 6. Noble County, Ohio, has been duly appoint* executrix of the estate of John Dudley, deceased, late of the Villag of Caldwell, Noble County. Ohio. Creditors are required to file their claims with said fiduciary within four months. Dated this 6th day of January, 1958 EARL P. McGINNIS. Probate Judge of Said Countv 28 29 3ft CLINTON CHAIN SAWS 7*1 cr Quick Starting IN MEMORY In loving memory of our dear parents, Naaman and Cora Moore, who left us July 25, 1948 and Jan. 8, 1955. Dark are the windows, no flickering glow lights up the old home that we used to know. But in the darkness sweet faces o fair, smile down from Heaven for our parents are there. Oh, how I miss their sweet voices and smiles, yet I shall see them again after a while. With our dear Saviour, I know they will wait with a glad welcome just inside the gate. Sadly missed by: 28 TheFamih. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to our friends and neigh bors for their many acts of kind ness during the illness and at the time of the death of our beloved husband and father, C. K. Pryor. Special thanks to those who rent flowers, to Rev. W. E. Peters ffi ll is comforting words and to the funeral director, Clarence Bru bach, for his friendly and effec ient service. Mrs. C. K. Pryor and family. 28 pd. LEGAL NOTICE To THE fTI-ECTOR ATE OF THE CALDWELL EXEMPTED VILLAGE SCHOOL DISTRICT, NOBLE COUNTY, OHIO That as a result of a resolution adopted by the Board of Education of Die Caldwell Exempted Village School District, Noble County, Ohio, on Tuef day. the 4th day of February. 1958, a Special Election will be held in and for said school district, at voting places to be designated later by the Noble County Board of Elections There wil! be submitted a proposed bond issue, for the benefit of the Cald well Exempted Village School District, for the purpose of constructing a fire proof school building, modernizing the xisting school buildings, equipping and furnishing the same and acquiring real estate therefore, for which pur pose it will be necessary to issue and sell $350,000.00 of bonds of said school district and a levy ot taxes to be made, outside of the ten mill limitation, esti mated by the county auditor to average 3.60 mills tor each one dollar of valua tion. which amounts to thirty six cents tor each one hundred dollars of valuation, for a maximum period of 23 years to pay the principal and in terest of such bonds. The polls for this election will be open at 6:30 AM and close at 6:30 PM EST on Tuesday the 4th day of Feb ruary, 1958 By order of Tli© Noble County Board of Elections Clem Dutton, Chairman Attest: Harry C, TMclH-n-ek. Clerk 28 29 30 31 .1 PROBATE NOTICE APPROVAL AND SETTLEMENT OF ACCOCNTS Accounts and vouchers of the fol lowing named persons and estate* have been filed in the Probate Court of Noble i Tremendous Cutting Speed Performance Tested Light Balanced Easy Handling DIRECT or TORSION DRIVE $159.501 $316.50 MIKE'S TIRE SHOP Phone CALDWELL. OHIO DEiH County. Ohio, for approval and settlement: First and final account of H. W Morgareidge, administrator with the w'll annexed of the estate of W Erb, deceased. First and final account of Ernest Huffman, administrator of the estate of Josephine Huffman, deceased. Schedule of claima of Okey B. Cald well, administrator of the estate oi Samuel Cartell a.k.a, Sam Cartell. de ceased. •Unless exceptions art- filed therel said accounts and schedule of claims will be jor hearing before said court on the 10th day of February, 1958, at which time said accounts will be con sidered and continued from day to day until finally di.^posed of. Any person interested may file writ ten exceptions to said accounts or to matters pertaining to the execution of the trust, not less than five days prior to t!••,. !ate set for hearing. EARL P. McGINNIS, Probate Judge 28 iwsrnice Mills, Deputy Cleric. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Case No, 62ifi Estate ot Harry E. Hutehemn. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Merrill C. Hutcheson. of 1823 South Seneca .street. Alliance, Ohio, has been dul appointed executor of the estate oi rry E. Hutcheson. deceased, latp of o.e ViLlagc of Dexter City. Noble County, Ohio. Creditors are required to file their claims with said fiduciary within four months. Dated this 7th dav of January, 1958 EARL P. McGINNIS. Probate Judge of Said Countv 2H 30 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Case No. 6215 Estate of Frank Wright. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Elsie K. Wright, of Caldwell. RF.D. No. 1 Noble County, Ohio, has been duly appointed administratrix of the estaU ot Frank Wright, deceased, late oi stock Township, Noble County, Ohio Creditors are required to file their claims with said fiduciary within four months. Dated this 10th day of December !'.)7. EARL P. McGINNIS, Probate Judge of said Countv L' 7 2! I GALLAGHER MONUMENTS MALAGA, OlilO See and Compare Our Fine Selection! Phone: Woodsfield 2-4008 mriirHnniiwummimininmiHmmiimmnnmiinmmiHHiiiUHiiniiiiitk CARS THE BEST DEAL IN CALDWELL A. REFD MOTOR SALES Phone 108 202 West Street OPFV FVfTNINOS FROM TO 8:00 OBITUARY Hri mail ederirk Zerger Woodsfield, Ohbi Herman F. Zerg-er, senior member of the H. F. Zerger and Son Contracting Firm, died unexpectedly at his home from coronary thrombosis on Dec ember 6, 1957. He was the son of Philip and Mary Hoff Zerger tnd was bom February 19, 18f)8 near Miltonsburg, Ohio. He was confirmed in the Mil tonsburg Evangelical church at the age of 14 and following his marriage to Sylvia Anna Mow der on September. 14, 1921 they united with t: e First Methodist church. Surviving to mourn his sudden departure are his wife, Sylvia, one son. Herman. Jr. of the home, two daughters, Mrs. Ralph (Ruth) Roth, Columbus, and Mrs. John (Doris) Williams. Co lumbus, two grandchildren. Mark Frederic and Stephen Ralph Williams his father, Philip Zerger and one brother. R. W. Zerger of Woodsfield. Mr. Zerger was a devoted hus band, a loving and generous father and his death is mourned by many friends by whom he was loved and respected. He was a member of the Woodsfield Methodist church and Woodsfield Lodge No. 33S. Knights of Pythias. Services were held at the Paul Turner- funeral home on Tuesday, December 10th at 2:00 o'clock with Rev. John Benson. First Methodist, church. Woods field, ajid Rev. William Miller, Trinity Methodist church, San dusky, Ohio, officiating. Inter ment was in Oaklawn cemetery. Weary and worn in the battle of life. Driven and beaten by aor rem and strife. Turn to your Savior your bur dens to share Pause at His feet for a moment of prayer. I with Christ am one today Weakness I. but strength is He Will. He ever with me stav Yea, thro' all eterrify Card erf Thanks We wish to express our sincere appreciation to our relatives, friends and neighbors for their beautiful floral arrangements, cards, and the many many kind news shown to us at the time of our bereavement to Rev. John Benson and Rev. William Miller to the Paul Turner funeral home and to all who assisted in any way. These kindnesses will always be remembered. Mrs. H. F. Zerger Herman Zerger, Jr Mrs. John William^ ,#Mrs. B^plv^otl^jr IN MEMORY In memory of Carl (Pete Eugene Gildow, who departed this life January 11, 1057. You bade no one a last fare well You said goodbye to none. The Heavenly gates had opened wide A loving voice said "come" They say time heals all sor rows and helps one to forget But time so far has only proved how much we miss you yet. Memories are treasures no one can steal, Death is heartache nettling can heal. Some may forget you n.w that you are gone. But we will remember you no matter how long More and more each day we miss you as we go our way Since so suddenly you left us, just one year ago today. N# one knows how much we miss you Only those who have lost can tell Of the grief that's born in silence For the one -we loved so well God saw the way was getting rough The hill was hard to climb He gently el«?H*d his eyes and whispered "Peace be There. Sadly missed by: Father, Mother Brothers and Sisters. 28 CARD OF THANKS We sincerely appreciate, every kindness shown us at the passing of our wife and mother, Mrs. Lieu Amie Dailey. We are especially thankful for the many prayers WTe wish to thank Rev. E. Parker West. Rev. J. L. Mason, the young people of the Free Methodist church for their Christmas box all relatives, friends and neigh bors for the beautiful flowers, the two Caldwell Doctors and the tw Marietta Doctors. Also the nurses and nurses aides at the Mariett Memorial hospital and the Mc Vay funeral home. May God bless each one of you. Mr. James M. Dailey Donald Lamont Dailey Hildrcth Irene Dailey S8 IN*. CARD OF THANKS I would like to express my sincerest thanks to my many friends, neighbors and relatives for the nice cards, letters and gifts that I received during the holiday season. Your kindness was deeply appreciated. Pic. Larry Wilson Fort Lewis, Washington 28pd. Pago Seven OBITUARY Kr ivd) Taylor, 3, died at his residence at 309 Ca ples street, B'indlay. Tuesday, No vember 26,1967. Death was attri buted to a complication of di seases. Born in 1884 in Lincolnshire, England, to William and Isabella Taylor, he moved to Canada in 1905 and came to the United States in 1913, entering the Gos pel Bible school at Find lay, where he prepared for the ministry. He was married in Findlay to Meribah L. Cain, who died in 1934. In 1944, he was married to Lena Fruth Welsch. who survives. Also surviving are daughters, Mrs. Frank (Marjorie) Snyder, Findlay: and Mrs. Norman {Mil dred) Baker, Wrilliamstown: son, the Rev. Paul C. Taylor, Bellvue stepdaughter. Mrs. John (Lorene) Kreps 11 grandchildren and a brother, in England. Mr. Taylor was a retired minis ter and was also on the retired list of the National Carbon Co., Fostoria. where he had been em ployed for 20 years. He was a charter member of the First As cembly of God of Findlay and had been an associate pastor of the church. He also held pastorates at. the Assembly of God, Cam bridge, and the Oak Harbor As sembly of God, Dunkirk. Services were held at Mann Mortuary in Fostoria Thursday, 10 a.m., with the Rev. V. L. Schie ber officiating. Following the ser vice, the body was taken to the Coldren Mortuary, Findlay, and services were held at the First Assembly of God, Findlay, at 1:30 p.m., Friday. The deceased was a brother-in law ol Mrs. Joanna Cain James, of Caldwell, and Mrs. Pheobe Cain Nithols, of Caldwell route. His first wife, Meribah L. Cain was a native of Sharon. 28. OBITUARY vuua V» tuvefs Garretson died at 9:15 a. m. on Monday. December 23, 1957 at her home in Ashland, Ohio. She was born in Noble county and married C. S. Garretson in 1900. They moved to Ashland in 1911 and had made their home there .since then- Mr. Garretson died tin 1944. and a step-son Rolla R. Garret son died in 1917. Survivors are two sisters, Mrs. J. W. Blake of King Road, and Mrs. Howard Ogle of Sandusky street in Ashland a step-so®, Ronald C. Garretson of College avenue, Ashland a niece and a nephew two step-grandchildren. Mrs. Frank Joseph, Jr.. of Grand Rapids, Mich., and Charles Phil lips Garretson of Wichita, Kan sas and seven -great-frraud children. Mrs. Garretson was a member of the Methodist church, the Anti-Can't class, West Sandusky street Circle. Athenian cktb, Monday Night club and the C©» lumbia club. Funeral services were held at the Gilbert funeral home cm Thursday, Dec. 26th at 2:30 p. m.. conducted by the Rev. Russell Linton, assisted by Rev. Harry C. Dougherty. Burial was in the Ashland cemetery. 28pcL IN MEMORY In loving memory of James Marion Hayes, Who passed away, seven years ago, Jan. 5,1951. A beautiful memory of one so dear We cherish stil! with 1#*e sincere 'Till memories fade and life departs You'll live forever, Dad in our hearts. Sadly missed by: Daughters and Sons. 28 CARD OF THANKS We wish in this manner to Ex press our sincere thanks to Our friends and neighbors for the many kindnesses and sympathy at the time of the death of our husband and father. Thanks f»r the lovely floral tributes, to tihe Clarence Brubach luneral hoitte for their efficient services and to Rev. Fr. Pekalla for his com forting words. Your kindness will long be remembered. Mrs. Michael Malenda. Sr. and family. 28pd. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the basket ball teams of Belle Valley aiid Caldwell V. F. W., the churches and groups who sent money, gifts and many beautiful Christmas cards sent to Larry Rossiter, a patient at University hospital. C» lumbus. Your kindness will nev«ff be forgotten. May God bless you all. Mrs. Etta Rayner an© grandson, Larry 28 pd. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank everyone for their kindness during the illness and at the time of the death Of our brother and grandfather, John M. Dudley. Brothers, Sisters and 28 Granddaughter, CARD OF THANKS I wish to express ray sincere thanks to each and every one that sent cards and letter? while I was in the hospital and after I returned home. I am sure they will ahvavs be remembered. Rttefl Mai lett 28 Dexter City, Ofeio