Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, January 9, 1958 Court House Happ Probate Court In reference to the estate of Glen Anderson, deceased: peti tion for authority to transfer certificate of title to motor ve hicle filed order to transfer certificate of title to motor vehicle issued authority to transfer title issued to clerk of courts of Noble county, Ohio. In reference to the will of Walter H. Schneider, deceased: testimony of witnesses to will taken and filed order admitting to probate and record issued will admitted to probate and record. In reference to the land sale of Hattie V. Davis, administra trix of the estate of John Wil liam Kemp, deceased, plaintiff versus, Madeline Mathers, Mar tha Kirkbride, Ohio Division of Aid for the Aged, defendants, et. al. order of appraiseent re turned and filed in proceeding to sell real estate, return of ad ministratrix made and filed oath of appraisers taken and filed, appraisers return on said real estate made and filed order approving and confirming ap praisement and ordering public sale issued order of public sate in proceeding to self real estate issued. In reference to the estate of Lucy Botkin, deceased: hearing had on filing of inventory and appraisement order approving inventory and appraisement is sued. In reference to the guardian ship of Fred Hall: application for appointment of guardian filed consent by prospective ward made and filed waiver of notice and consent to appointment filed bond of guardian tiled and approved order for hearing and for notice issued for hearing on Saturday, Sept. 21, 1957, at 10:00 a. m. notice of guardian to per son for whom appointment i sought issued by sheriff of Noble county, Ohio. Real Estate Transfers Josephine Huffman, deceased, to J. H. Huffman, et. al., Jeffer son township, interest, 91 acres. Lyle Dewey and Mary Wells to Clyde C. and Donna L. Davis, Olive township, 57.80 acres. Frank H. and Beatrice Cox to Mary R. Cox, Caldwell, lot 424 and Vs interest 297. Emma Snider to let us H. Schoeppner, Enoch township. Fulda. C. R. Atkinson, auditor, to Mary Barlock, Noble township, No. 7 coal, 159.40 acres. John- 'Dudley to- Veva*—M. Totten, town of Belle Valley, lot 28. Edna and J. E, Douglass, et. al., to H. C. Staggers, district of Marietta, 13 acres, approxi mately. C. R. and L. C. English, et. al., Noble Township NOBLE TOWNSHIP The Woman's Society of Christian Service of Belle Valley Methodist church will meet Friday evening, Jan. 10 in the home of Mrs. Eliza beth Buckey. Miss "Pudgie" Leasure and new doll, Rosemary, of Canton, enjoyed a visit throughout the holidays with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leasure, who accompanied her home this past weekend. On New Year's Eve, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Archer and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Milligan and family. Harold Archer and Olive Milli gan are two new patients on our local sick list. Harold is in the Guernsey Memorial hospital suf fering a serious heart attack and Olive is confined to her home with a severe cold. Mrs. Mary Combs has returned to her home in Alliance after a prolonged stay with Mr. Irwin Belford and Mrs. Mary Okey, due to the latter's illness. Over-night guest of Miss Ann Totten on Saturday was Miss Janet Ramsey. emngs to H. C. Staggers, Beaver town ship, 105 acres, coal, George E. and Ella Deal to H. C. Staggers, 82.85 acres, coal. William and Mary Ritterbeck by Donald Conaway, Sheriff, to Albert Saling, Olive townsnip, 25.10 acres. The Village of Caldwell to Worl W. Thompson, village of Caldwell, parts of lots 53 and 54. Sula Gordon, nee Fox, o Berman T. Fox, Marion and Center townshipi, 130 acres. Berman T. Fox to Herman Gordon, Center township, 2 acres. Willard D. Lashley to William T. or Jean A. Bagent, Lashley's addition to Seneca Lake, lot 135. Willard D. Lashley to Searl D. or Daisy Hamilton, Lashley s addition to Seneca Lake, lots 136 and 137. Willard D. Lashley to Howard E. or Icie M. Henderson, Lash ley's addition to Seneca Lake, lot 40. Willard Lashley to Edward L. Merry, Lashley's addition to Seneca Lake, lot 100. Willard D. Lashley, to Charles F. Burkhart, Seneca Lake, Lash ley's addition, lot 105. Lena and William T. Parry, Harry Stotts, Beaver township, 86.56 acres. Whigvllle WHIGVILLE Lctiry Border of Beverly spent a few days the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clark. Delia Thomas and Sarah Car penter were calling on Ruth Clark Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hayes and children, of Caldwell, were call ers here Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Border and children, of Beverly Mrs. Wilford and sons, of Marietta, spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth VanFos sen and children, of East Union, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Berry. Mr. and Mrs. William Gulick, Billy and Ruth Gulick, of Cam bridge, were calling on Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Carter, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clark and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Border, of Bev erly. Mr. and Mrs. Brady Archer and daughter, Patricia, attended church at Summerfield, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Chester Thomas of Summerfield, Saturday evening. Mrs. Mag Thomas of Marietta, is spending a few days with her sisfer, Mrs. John Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gessel of Zanesville, spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Forest Dan ford. Jane Berry spent Monday af ternoon with Ruth Clark. William Thomas of Zanesville, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas. Rev. Brandon of Caldwell, was calling on Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Carter Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Border and family of Beverly spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Danford quietly celebrated their 50th wed ding anniversary Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas and Mrs. Mag Thomas spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Thomas of Cumberland. Mr. and Mrs. Don Berry spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Her man Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Guiler of Kentucky spent Wednesday eve ning with Mr. and Mrs. Forest Danford. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Berry spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clark. Kenneth Guiler of Caldwell, was a caller here Thursday. George Kent of Sarahsville, was a caller here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Guiler of Summerfield spent Saturday af ternoon with Mr. and Mrs. For est Danford. You Are Among Friends Here 520 "WEST STREET PHONE 69 BOB MILLER, Mgr. THE CITY LOAN & SAVINGS CO: CIEAN-UP tOffWS TJr TO $ 10OtT Caldwell's New Mayor Sworn In Common Pieas Judge W. Vernon Archer, right, is shown here administering the oath of office to Caldwell's new mayor, Chester J. Howiler, who took over the reins of the village gov ernment from Dwight F. Wiley last Wednesday. A local well known realtor, Mayor Howiler heard his first case Friday when Rufus B. (Jay) Wiley appeared before him Friday, charged with unsafe operation. He received a fine of $20.00 and costs. The Sharon man was picked up by the sheriff's department Thursday evening following a minor accident. LOCAL DEATHS Walter F. Addis Walter F. Addis, 67, of Zanes ville, a native of Caldwell, died at 3:00 o'clock Saturday after noon in the Good Samaritan hos pital where 'he had been- a patient since Thursday. Born Jan. 16, 1890 in Caldwell, he was the son of George and Rose Brown Addis and had resided in Zanesville since 1907. Surviving are his widow, Flor ence and a son, Herbert M. of the home.. The body was removed to the DeLong and Baker funeral home where services were conducted at 2:30 p. m., Tuesday with Rev. Myron Shimer officiating. Burial was in the Duncan Falls ceme tery. Rev. W. 0. Hawkins Rev. Warren O. Hawkins, 82, a Methodist minister since 1903, and a brother of a Caldwell resi dent, died Wednesday in Canton following a long illness. Born at Stafford, he was the son of John W. and Martha Wil son Hawkins. He taught school at Stafford before he was ordained as a minister. He has had pastorates in Macksburg, Byesville, Canton, Youhgstown and East Liverpool. His wife, Flora, died in 1942. Surviving are six daughters, Mrs. Reuben Z. Wise, Mrs. Dehvin A. Fox and Mrs. David E. Thompson, all of Canton, Mrs. Roy Allen of New Philadelphia, Mrs. Burton W. Neff, of North Canton and Mrs. James Bachtel of Kent a son, John of Detroit, Mich. three sisters, Mrs. Ross Farley, of Caldwell, and Mrs. Walter King and Mrs. Clyde Robinson of Stafford a brother, William of Stafford 13 grand children and 23 great grandchil dren. Services were conducted Sat urday at 10:00 a. m. in the J. L. Arnold and Son funeral home in Canton. Rev. William B. Robin son officiated and burial was made in the Stafford cemetery. Walnut Ridge' WALNt liiDGK Mr. and Mrs. George HOrton and son spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. William Horton. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Weinstein and children spent Christmas with relatives in Indiana. Alice Smith spent the weekend at O. O. Horton. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Horton and son, Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Feldner and sons, Harold and Larry Hor ton, spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Horton. Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Culbertson. Marcia, Marne and Doug, of South Charleston, spent Christ mas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Horton. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Smith and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hor ton and children spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Horton. Mrs. Annie Leasure spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Martha Horton. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Leach, Den nis, T^rry and Mickey spent Sat urday at Otis Hortons. Flo and Walter Smith were visitors at Calvin Smith's homo Thursday. Mrs. Lucy Feldner and Mr, Martha Horton were callers at Cambridge Saturday. Ohio has gained over one mil lion in population since 1950. say Ohio State University exten sion rural sociologists. Electronic Dry Cleaning "If Your Clothes are Plot Becoming to You, They Should be Coming to Us." THE JOURNAL, CALPWELU OHIO George W. Clark George W. Clark, Jr., 37, of Belle Valley, succumbed to a heart attack at 8:00 p. m., Thurs day while at the Belle Valley post office. Born April 9, 1920 in Buffalo, he was a son of George and Minnie Poland Clark. He spent most of his life in Guernsey and Noble counties, except for five years he spent in California. He was a machinist employed with the Cambridge Tool and Supply company in Cambridge and a veteran of World War II. Survivors include his mother his widow, Virginia Rea Clark three sons, George Allen, 5, Andrew Lynn, 4, and Allec Wayne, 2 and a daughter, Cheryll Ann, 1, all of t'he home four sisters, Mrs. Viola Hutchinson and Mrs. Opal Paige of Pitts burgh, Pa., Mrs. Pauline Buckey of Sherrodsville and Mrs. Mary Morel and of Derwent. Funeral services were con ducted Sunday at 1:00 p. m. from the McVay funeral home with Rev. Ira J. Brandon, pastor of the First Church of Christ, of ficiating and burial was made in the Village View cemetery, Sarahsville. Mrs. Sara Compton Mrs. Sara Compton, 71, of Canton, a Noble county native, died Friday night at Mercy hos pital in Canton, after a short illness. She was a resident qf near Summerfield for many years. Surviving are two daughters, Madge of Summerfield and Marion of Canton two sons, Bruce, of Nashville, Ind., and Paul of Salesville: seven grand children two sisters, Mrs. Char les Layman and Mrs. Grace Ren ner, both of Cambridge, and two brothers, Timothy Bates of Mt Ephraim and McKinley Bates of Summerfield. Funeral services were con ducted Monday at 1:00 p. m. from the Bates Hill Church of Christ with Evangelist Paul Van Camp officiating. Burial was made in the Bates Hill cemetery. The Brubach funeral home in Sum merfield was in charge of arrangements. Photo Developing—Gillespie's MUTUAL, Inc. Moffc* of 69th CowaDirtdttdL Ike Board of Directors of bivettow Mutva! hai declared a quarterly dW dend of nine centi per ihare payable on January 16, 1958, to shareholder* of raeord at of December 31, 1947. Joseph M. FHzsimmons Chairman of the Board MUTUAL. INC. STOCK FUNDt INC. SELECTIVE FUND, INC. GROUP CANADIAN FUND LTD. For proiptclunt writ• DIVERSIFIED SERVICES, INC. Investor! Bldg., Minneopolii 2, Minnesota Or fill out, clip and moil coupon be'owr RICHARD F. LONG 2011 Wheeling Avenue Phone 4-6774 Cambridge, O. Please send the prospectus describ ing the investment company Off companies checked below: Investors Mutual, Inc. Investors Stock Fund, Inc. n Investors Selective Fund, Inc. 0 Investors Group Canadian Fund Ltd. Nome Addres«_ Q»y .Zone State. Two Seriously Injured In USR 21 Wreck Two persons are listed in 'serious" condition in Cambridge Community hospital, Thursday morning as a result of an auto accident at 3:00 a. m., Thursday ust south of Ava on USR 21. They are Ernest Ray Tribble, 20, of Chesapeake, W. Va., who suffered severe face lacerations and almost complete amputation of his right ear and Verna Brum baugh, 53, of Cleveland avenue, Akron, who sustained a lacerated face and back injuries. The Noble county sheriffs de partment who investigated said it was not yet known which per son was in charge of the vehicle at the time of the accident. The crackup occurred when the driv er lost control of the southbound vehicle, causing it to swerve from the right to left side of the road, turning onto its top side and pinning both passengers inside. Retired Belle Valley Miner Taken By Death Michael J. Malenda, 79, a native of Czechoslovakia, and a Belle Valley resident for many years, died at 9:30 a. rn., Wednes day in the Guernsey Memorial hospital, Cambridge. He had been a patient in the hospital only a few days. A retired coal miner, he came to the United States many years ago. Survivors include his widow, Helen of the home three daugh ters, Mrs. Helen Vincent of Cleve land, Mrs. Ann Kovach of Akron and Mrs. Mary Mazgay of Cald well four sons, Joseph, Andy and Steve, all of Cleveland, and Michael, Jr., of Belle Valley, and 23 grandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday at 9:00 a. m. from the Corpus Christi Catholic church, Belle Valley with Rev. Fr. S. J. Pekalla officiating. Burial was made in the church cemetery. The Brubaoh funeral home in Summerfield was in charge of the arrangements. The body was removed to the home of Michael, Jr., in Belle Valley on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Belva Parks Injured In Automobile Accident Mrs. Belva Parks, 55, wife of Dewey Parks, of Reinersville, was injured Tuesday morning in a head-on automobile crash on SR 78 near their home. Mrs. Parks was removed to the Good Samaritan hospital, Zanes ville, where she is being treated for body bruises and lacerations, in addition to .possible internal injuries. The injured woman was riding with her husband when their car was struck by an auto driven by Herschel Hooper, of Caldwell. Neither Parks nor Hooper was injured. County Court Judge Begins Duties Clayton (Jum) McKee, who seVved as sheriff of this county for 16 years, assumed his new duties of Noble County court, judge last Wednesday, after receiving the oath of office from Common Pleas Judge W. Vernon Archer. Judge McKee maintains offices on the third floor of the courthouse. He heard his first case Friday morning when Det mar Greathouse of Sharon appeared before him, charged with failing to stop within the assured distance. He pleaded not guilty to the charge and was released to the grand jury under his own recognizance. The charge grew out of an auto accident last December in the Hoskinsville community. It was filed against him by Elmer Stuckey of Canton. KENN0NSBUBG NEWS NOTES KENNONSBURG Dwight Mummey, of Delaware, a former resident here, was visiting Mr. and Mrs. U. J. Massie, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Don McMullen and son, Timmy, of Newcomers town, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Wilson. Mr. and' Mrs. Bob Sell and children, of Canton, were visit ing Mr. and Mrs L. R. Lashley. Saturday. The Sell family were on their way home from vaca tioning in Miami, Florida. Harmon Moore has returned home from visiting relatives at Akron. Mrs. Minnie Danford and Miss Pearl Ankrom will entertain the Good Cheer Circle, Tuesday evening. Mrs. Clarice Stonebumer wil1 be the hostess for the Wayne Homemakers club, Wednesday, with "Meals from the Freezers", the project. Mrs. Audrey Long and Mrs. Emma Corbett are the leaders. Mr. and Mrs. Dorres Wells and children spent Christmas with the former's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bearl Harding at Norwich. Mrs. Mary Alice Bates and Children, of Canton, were visit ing Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Lashlt the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Long wen visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wyscarver on New Year's ei*-. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tisd*. and children, of Canton, spent Our Job )|ir job is generating electricity an4 getting it to where it's used. We're in this business because it is concerned with the supply of a fundamental requirement of modern living, be* cause it's an honorable one, because we like it, and because we want to earn a living at it. the past weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Rich. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Williams and children spent New Year's eve with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Anderson, near Caldwell. Rev. and Mrs. George Peoples and son, Preston, of Cambridge, and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Massie, of Canton, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. U. J. Massie and Henry Hague last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Bailey, of Cambridge, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Wells on New Year's day. FORMS ARE AVAILABLE Income tax and social security forms to aid farmers in making out their annual reports, are available at the Noble county extension office, according to Floyd Henderson, Noble county agent. Account books, which in clude forms that can be used for filing income tax return forms, and a classification of records to simplify filing are also avail able at the extension office in the Noble county courthouse. Classified Pay Dividends We aim to give one kind of service to everyone ...the best that's possible. That means sup plying our customers with what they want when they want it. It means being courteous at all times and maintaining attractive easy-to-do-business-with offices. It means doing everything we can to keep com plaints from arising, and it means prompt and fair handling of those that do. We are a citizen of each communHgf we serve and take an active part in Its affaire. Like any other citizen, we want our neighbors to think well of us. Besides, it makes good business-sense. We can only prosper as the community prospers so we help it thrive In every way we can. 8uch is our job as we see It We are trying to do it well and to do it bette* all the time. OHiO Page One—B| C. K. Pryor, 82, Dies At Summerfield Home Clarence K. Prvnr, 82, well knoWr. resident of the Summer field community, died Wednesday at 7:15 p. m. at his home at Sum merfield. Born April 8, 1875 on a Mon roe county farm near Summer field, he was a farmer all his life. He was a son of George and Nancy Kent Pryor. Surviving are his widow, Hattie Pryor of the home one son, George of Akron a step-son, Chester Sullivan, of Columbus, and one granddaughter, Mrs. Patricia Dockendorf of Harris burg, Pa. Funeral services were con ducted at the Summerfield Meth odist church Saturday afternoon at 1:00 o'clock with Rev. W. E. Peters in charge. Burial was made in fhe Eastern cemetery. The Brubaoh funeral home in Summerfield was in charge of the arrangements. Former County Resident Dies At Worthington Harvey 1: tor. 77. f-,nm-r Cald well resident, died Tuesday afternoon at Worthington. The body was received by the Murphy funeral home, Friday evening. Funeral services were conducted Saturday at 2:00 p. m. from the funeral home and burial was made in the Sharon ceme tery. Mr. Tilton's wife, Nora, died Jan. 31, 1955. Survivors are three daughters, Mrs. Grace Poling of Akron, Mrs. Icel Smith of Worth ington and Mrs. Francis Smith of Columbus one son, George Til ton of Youngstown, and a broth er-in-law, Quinton Porter, of Caldwell. Rev. Emory J. Ingmire, pastor of the Columibus First Pente costal Gospel church, was the officiating minister. Ava AVA Mrs. Bertha Bates was visiting in Zanesville last week. Dwight Perkins and family, of Cambridge, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elsworth Perkins. Mrs. Lucy Jennings, of Cald well, was visiting Mrs. Nora Bates, one day last week. Ord Marks was visiting in Co lumbus last week. Mr. and Mrs. David Gessel, of Warner, were visiting Mrs. Kath leen Buckey and family recently. Mr. and Mrs. George Matheney and daughters were visiting Mrs. Evelyn Rayner and family, Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. John Shondrick and children, of Maple Heights, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bill Buckley, Sunday. For All Your Insurance Needs HOWILER INSURANCE SERVICE Ofkce: 516'j est Mreet CALDWELL Phone ZjW-W OHIO ER COMPANY