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Page Four—B Harrieftsville Mrs. R. Hughielf Presides At Local Heeling Of WSCS in Fryfogie Home The W. S. C. S. of the Metho dist church held their July meet ing on Thursday evening in the home of Mrs. Martha Fryl'ogle A prayer and group singing opened the meeting. Devotionals were in charge of Mrs. Roma Hughlett, using as her theme, "The World Federation of Metho dist Women." and she also had the program. During the busi ness session it was voted by the circle to send Miss Ann Johann ing to the Bethesda Youth camp sometime in August. After the meeting a social hour was en joyed and a delicious lunch in cluding home-made ice cream, was served to Mrs. Pearl Ullman, Mrs. Roma Hughlett. Mrs. Helen Wilson, Mrs. Blanch Schafer, Mrs. Mary Ellen Cunningham, Mrs. Bertha Johanning, Mrs. Bar bara Wooster and hostess. Club Meets The Catholic Women's club of St. Henry's church met in the parish house on Wednesday eve ning for their July meeting. The meeting was opened with a de votional period led by the presi dent, Mrs. LoreiiC Huffman. A short business session was con ducted by the president. The group voted to have a rummage sale at a later date and plans were discussed for their tall pic nic. A social hour was enjoyed and refreshments served to Mrs. Lorene Huffman. Mrs. Rita Arch er, Miss Justine Smithberger. Mrs. Clara Smithberger, Mi's. Hazel Smithberger, Mrs. Orveita Zwick. Mrs. Elaine Kerns, Mrs. Cecelia Hohman, Mrs. Verna Klemm. Miss Joan Zwick, Mrs. Ethel Schoeppner, Mrs. Rose Schoeppner, Mrs. Mary Ann Ar nold. Mrs. Ada Camden, Judy Zwick. Betty Lee Camrlnn and Marlene Arnold. Attend Reunion Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schoeppner, Mr. and Mrs. John Schoeppner and children, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Schoeppner a n d' Mrs. James Schoeppner and son, Jimmy, from here, attended the 21st an nual Estadt reunion on Sunday held in the Hupn Grove, near Caldwell Enjoy Visit Mr. and Mrs. Don Bennett and Linda, Cheryl, Judy and Dawn enjoyed a week's vacation at Glens Fails. New York and other places of interest. They had a cottage at Green Lake, and also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed But/ and children, at Glens Falls, ©inner Guests Mr. ai! Mrs. Hitn'y King and Johnny and Terry, of Pennsyl vania, were Friday evening din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dennis and Carol and Gary. Sun day dinner guests at the Dennis home were Mr. and Mrs. Charley Dennis, of Germantown. Mr. and *•. I i.JUtLM- |,j n s d, Vi Route 40 West—Cambridge, Ohio Wed. Thurs.. July 16 17 lil'CK NICIITS Ava Gardner Stewart Granger "little Hut" In TECHNICOLOR Tom •aughlin PHer Miller rr "Delinquents CARTOON Fri. Sat., .Inly 18 19 Robert Wagner Hope Lunge True Story of Jesse James In INI .\S( OI'F. Leigh Snow den It. Ilartunlan "Hoi Rod Rumble" CARTOON Sun. Mon. Tues., July 20-21-22 Elvis Presley Li/aheth Seott "Loving You" In TECHNICOLOR Forrest Tueker Kva Bartok Break In The Circle" \i 'iuu\ CASH 1* Mont hi v Paynifiit s LOAN Mont hi v Paynifiit s 500 Mrs. Jack Schofield and children of Whipple, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lallathin. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ullman were Sunday dinner and after noon guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. E Schenk, of Marietta, and in the evening called on Mr. and Mrs Joe T. Ullman and girls, also of Marietta. Personals Mr. and Mrs. John Huffman and Johnny and Steve and Mr. Leo Huffman were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Kessler and Sandra and Jimmy, of Columbus. The annual Walker-Love re union will be held on Sunday, July 20th at the Road Fork Bap tist church. A basket dinner at noon. Everyone is welcome. Come and enjoy the day. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sebaoh, of Erie, Pa., spent a week's vacation with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ullman were shoppers at Parkersbttfg, W. Va., on Friday. Sunday afternoon and evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Er val Stevens were. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Newhart, of Marietta. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wilson and Gary, Mrs. Jane Wilson and Mrs. Mary Ellen Cunningham visited on Sunday with Mrs. Anna Wil son, of Lewisville route. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Schramm and Danny were business visitors at Columbus on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Morri son and children and Mr. and Mrs. Don Bennett and daughters were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Walker and sons. Mr. .and Mrs. Erval Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Schramm and Mrs. C. E. Johanning, from here, attended the Farm Bureau annual meeting and ice cream social held at the armory in Caldwell on Thursday evening. Mrs. Jane Wilson, of Caldwell, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs, Glen Wilson and fam ily- Richard Cunningham It Saturday for Rhode Island business trip. (in i a Mr. and Mrs. John Wargo, of Belle Valley were Thursday morning visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Erval Steven.-. Monthly I'ayratnts $100 $10 07 $ 7.29 300 29.63 v r- A c- o a y r: TUT! TUT! MR. M1KOYAN Anastas I. Mikoyan, Soviet Deputy Premier, recent I v in dis cussing democracy and freedom, sneerihgly asked: "What sore of liberties, what sore of rights do the 5 million unemployed Americans now have? They have lost their right to work. Do they have the right to leisure. i sIikU. n health protection? Tut! Tull Mr. Mikoyan. You are either a fakir or sublimely ignorant, in posing that question. The fact of the matter is that an unemployed American has all those rights enumerated by Mikoyan—plus the right and obligation to seek productive work of the sort he would like to have and for which he can qualify. And further, the Soviet Deputy Premier should be in formed, if he doesn't know it, that the average American indus trial worker, temporarily out of work, can buy more with his un employment compensation bene fits than the average employed Soviet worker can buy with his wages. The Soviet Union has long bragged about its ability to pro vide full employment for its peo ple while taunting America on its recurring periods of .unem ployment. Well, it would be a cinch for us to avert these per iods of unemployment, if we abolished free enterprise and chained every worker to a state controlled job, Soviet style. You can bet your bottom dollar, there isn't a single American worker, employed or unemployed, whn would be willing to abandon hi freedom, to become wages. 21.33 48.00 34.06 a serf at lov. 520 West Street Phone 69 Payments include all charges. Loans up to $1000 subject to prompt approval. PROBATA COURT NEWS Order to record proof of pub lication of notice of appointment approving publication of notice filed in the Matilda Gildow estate. Order to record proof of pub lication of notice of appointment filed in the estate of Charles L. Pitt. Order to record proof of pub lication of notice of appointment filed in estate of John W. Mill hone. Order on approval and settle ment filed in estates of Austin Cunningham G. W. Parker, guardianship Joe Elias estate Kathy Ann and Brady Miller, guardianship Charles Bates estate William H. Burkhart estate Okey B. Johns, guard ianship Savannah Watson estate Joseph B. Arnold estate, and Phyllis E. Smith, guardianship. Orders on filing, filing of sche dule of claims, confirming with out notice filed in the estate of John Dudley. Admitting authenicated copy of will to probate filed in estate of Fred Bradley. Order for hearing and notice filed in the guardianship of Car roll Gordon and Lola Loretta Gordon. Order to sell real estate filed in estate of John W. Milligan. Orders on filing inventory and appraisement filed in estate of Netta F. Church. Estate not subject to inheri tance tax, orders on filing af fadavit in lieu of schedule of claims, orders on filing first and final account in the estate of Adeline Fowler filed. Orders on filing first and final account, estate not subject to inheritance tax, orders on filing affadavit in lieu of schedule of claims filed in estate of Mary A. Snider. Order admitting to probate and record filed in estate of Wil liam M. Wheeler. Orders on filing first and final account, orders on filing affid avit in lieu of schedule of claims filed in estate of Bertha Roe. Authority to transfer real estate (estate not subject to in heritance tax) filed in Ruth Vir ginia Thompson estate. Order to record proof of pub lication of notice of appointment filed in the Fred Gordon estate. Proof of publication of ap pointment filed the Charles L. Pitt estate. Proof of publication of ap pointment, proof of publication of approval and settlement of accounts for month of June filed in Matilda Gildow estate. First and final account, sche dule of claims in estate of John Dudley, filed. Approval to admit to record and probate authenticated copy of will, petition for letters testa mentary, will filed, letters testa mentary filed in estate of Fred Bradley. Choice of guardian and waiver of notice in guardianship of Charles Carroll Gordon and Lola Loretta Gordon filed. Petition for summary order of sale filed in the John W. Mil ligan estate. Inventory ami filed in appraisement estate of Netta F. Church. Affadavit in lieu of schedule of claims, first and final account, application for determination of inheritance tax filed in estate of Adeline Fowler. Affadavit in lieu of schedule of claims, application for deter mination of inheritance tax, first and final account filed in estate of Mary A. Snider. First and final account, affad avit in lieu of schedule of claims filed in estate of Daisy Roe. Bond filed in guardianship of Charles Carroll Gordon and Lola Loretta Gordon. Application for transfer of .real estate filed in estate of Ruth Virginia Thompson. Application with itemized statement for determination of inheritance tax filed in the Ruth Virginia Thompson estate. Notice of appointment of Helen V. Gordon, administrator of the estate of Fred Gordon filed. OBITUARY Nellie Edith Brown was born January 31, 1878, the daughter of William Rice and Abby Pol ing Davis. She was united in marriage to A. W. Brown on June 3,1903. To this union was born seven chil dren. Two children and husband preceded her in death. She is survived by five ehil dren, ten grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, five sisters, one brother and several nieces and nephews. At an early age, she joined a church and remained a staunch sincere Christian till her death. July 4. 1958. Card of Thanks We wish in this way to express our appreciation to friends, rel atives and neighbors for their many kindnesses expressed dur ing the illness and at the time of the death of our beloved Mother. Nellie Edith Brown. We are also grateful to Dr. W. W. Bryant, the nurses and aides of Guernsey Memorial hospital. Rev. Floyd Gaugler, Rev. Parker West, the Murphy funeral home, the sheriff depart ment and city marshal. 3pd. Children W' %i •r SI THE TACTNAL, CALDWELL. OHIO Whigville WHIGViLI.K Mrs. Kermit Border and son, Larry, of Bev erly, spent Tuesday with Mrs Ray Clark. Martha Archer, of Caldwell was calling on Mrs. Kenneth Guiler, Wednesday afternoon. George Berry attended the fu neral of Henry Feldner at Crum Ridge, Wednesday. Mrs. Freda Guiler spent Mon day with Mrs. Wayne Hayes, of Caldwell. Mrs. Amy Johnson, of Caldwell and Jill and Larry Bates, of West Lafayette, spent Wednesday af ternoon with Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brook over, qf Fostoria, spent Tuesday night with Mr. and Mrs. George Berry. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Guiler and daughters, of Caldwell, spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Guiler. Mr. and Mrs. Gould Ward spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas. Mrs. Mary Gordon spent Fri day with Mrs. Donald Berry. Mrs. H. D. Carter received word Sunday of the death of her cousin, Mrs. Joseph L. Floyd, of Canton, who was found dead on Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley King spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. George Berry. Gloria Guiler, of Summerfield, was calling on Mr. and Mrs. For rest Danford, Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clark, of Middleburg, spent Sunday after noon with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clark. Ruth Archer was called to Zanesville Thursday by the death of her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Frank King and children, of Canton, are spend ing their vacation with his lath er, Wiley King. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Van- Ilis Jjj I ?FY/ Fossen. of BSast Union, were pick ing cherries at Roy Graham's on Saturday. Clarence West and Shirley Bates, of Columbus, spent the weekend at their homes here. Mrs. Jolene Hayes and children of Caldwell, spent Thursday with Mrs. Freda Guiler. Mrs. Amy Johnson, Jill and Larry Bates, of Caldwell, Mrs. Phyllis Hughes, of Sandstone, Va., were calling on Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Carter, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clark were at Beverly Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Thomas, of Otsego, spent Thursday after noon with Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas. I. C. Johnson passed away at his home Friday night. Burial was made in the Summerfield cemetery, Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. West, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Guiler were at Caldwell, Saturday. Jane Berry was calling on Ruth Clark, Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Berry were at Barnesville, Saturday. Mrs. Carroll Guiler and chil dren, of Caldwell, were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bates and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Guiler Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Guiler and children, of Summerfield, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Forest Danford. Brownrigg Reunion The Brownrigg reunion will be held at the Caldwell fairground Sunday, July 27, with a basket dinner at noon. Each family is asked to bring their own table service. All Brownrigg relatives and friends are welcome. The Army's first airplane pilot was Brig. Gen. Frank P. Lahm, native of Mansfield, Ohio. He learned to fly in the third plane built by his fellow Ohioans the Wright Brothers. To the Annual PUBLIC SQUARE- CALDWELL 3 H'g Nights 3 Y 24-25-26 Don't Miss One Single Night Something Exciting Is Scheduled For Each Day & ALL THREE NIGHTS! CONCESSIONS RIDES EATS Mf. Tabor MT. TABOR Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hupp and family, of Cumberland, Maryland, Ethel Crum, J, O. McDonald, of Cald well, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Orr, of Zanesville, Effie Orr and daughter, Florence, Bill Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Weber and daughter, of Columbus, and Mr. and Mrs. Salmon Weber, of Lewisville, visited at Miss Elsie Wright, July 4. Elsie Wright visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mallett and Miss Maggie Mallett the past week. Mrs. Otis Martin and sons, Kenneth, Jerry, Terry and Roger, and Mrs. Verna Kirkbride and daughter, Joy were business call ers in Caldwell, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Stephens and daughters, Ann and Lynn visited Mr. and Mrs. Otis Mar tin and family, Tuesday evening. Mr. Reed Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Neal Stephens were helping Otis Martin in hay on Thursday. Miss Elsie Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cline and children, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stephens and chil dren, Mrs. Clyde Stephens and daughter, Sue, Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Shroyer and daughter, Tina, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Mor ris, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Stephens and' daughters were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and family, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Oti^ Martin and family, Mrs. Verna Kirkbride and daughters visited Miss Gen ene Hannahs, Mr. Earl Bennett were supper guests at Mr. and Mrs. Neal Stephens and daugh ters, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mallett and family, and Miss Elsie Wright visited Mr. and Mrs. Mar vin Orr and family, of Byesville, Sunday evening. See The Journal for QnnTify rriritiriq". HEY! s* oV HEY! V s* & Or SPONSORED BY (ALDWEU VOLUNTEER FIRE South Giive SOUTH OI.IVE Mrs. Nellie Kirkbride, of Zanesv»lle, visit ed Noble county relatives and friends last week. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Saoford and son and Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Harper and son, visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sanford, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Harper returned home after vacation in Canada. Mrs. Penniebaker, of Philo, visited her mother, Mrs. Alta Clark, Monday. Mrs. Cora Antill was removed from the Marietta hospital to her home here in the McVay ambul ance. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Harper and son were dinner guests Sunday of his mother. Mrs. Ruth L. Har per. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wagner and Mrs. Nina McCaulcy visited Noble county relatives and friends over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Swain and sons visited relatives in Buffalo one day last week. Visitors at the Howard Sanford home, Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Sanford and sons, Bobby and Jerry, of Cald well Mr. and Mrs. Wade Long fellow and children of near Dud ley, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bird and family, of Dexter City Mr. and Mrs. Dick Sanford, Rolland Wil liams and son and Ruth L. Har per. If??! A! *1 *4 Sm HEY R. Thursday, foly 17, 1958 Miss Edith Shilling and friend visited her mother, Mrs. Excitement and Fun for Young and Old! It's Caldwell's Big Event. Ride Prices Reduced for Children Under 12 on Saturday Afternoon 1:00 To 4:00 Lulu Shilling. Mrs. Vinnie Warren, Mrs. Freda Sanford, Cinda Weston, Ruth V. Harper and Ruth L. Harper attended a Stanley partv at the Jerry Bird home, Thurs day evening. Mrs. Ruth L. Harper and daughter, Willa R. Harper visit ed Mr. and Mrs. James Whet stone and daughter, of Caldwell, Saturday evening and enjoyed a wiener roast. Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Brink ley and son, of Canton, are' visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Har per, of Dexter City. Mrs. Fred Haines is a patient in Memorial hospital, Marietta. Mr. .and Mrs. James Carter and family are moving to Bev erly. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Yeagle, of Pennsylvania, visited her sister, Mrs. Vernon Schoeppner and family, Sunday. Mrs. Rose Pryor has returned home after a visited with her daughter, Mi's. Charley Blake and family, of Marietta. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Swain and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Schoeppner and sons and Willa R. Harper, and David and Den nie Barton enjoyed a picnic at Seneca Lake, Sunday. Stephen Collins Foster, the noted composer, came to Cincin nati, Ohio, in 1846 to act as book keeper for his brother, and it was here ho wrote "Oh Susanna." ,r The Annual Cain Reunion will be held at the Noble County Fairgrounds, Caldwell, Ohio, on Sunday, August 3. Friends and relatives are invited. Picnic lunch at noon. T. B. CAIN—President Cain Reunion Association O E O N E O E A V IS i s l| s i i i S I