Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, Ju1y_17, 1958_ Quaker City— i CROOK KP TIM-MO Open House" Will Be Held In Honor Of Mrs. Grimes, Columbus Lecturer Open house will be hold for Mrs. Anna Grimes, of Colum bus on Friday afternoon, July 18, at Garfield hall, Quaker City, from 2:00 to 4:00 o'clock EST. Mrs. Grimes who is a folk musi cian of distinction, will assist with the Hill Folk festival pro gram that evening on the plat form of the homecoming grounds. People of the area are invited to attend the afternoon event and meet and talk with Mrs. Grimes. "Apple Butter Stirrin' is an event for Friday evening on the grounds and it is expected to attract considerable attention. The event will be located at the left just inside the homecoming grounds. In charge will be Mrs. Winnie Reynolds, of Salesville. I.O.O.F. Meeting The I.O.O.F. held their regular meeting on Thursday evening in charge of Frank Young, Noble Grand. The meeting was follow ed by a turtle soup supper ser ved by a committee with Cyril Hendershot as chfirman. Ox Roast Broughton's employees and their families enjoyed an ox roast, Sunday afternoon at the Masonic park at Marietta. Games and dancing were enjoyed dur ing the evening. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Murphy and son, of Chardon, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Householder, east of town. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hall and family, of Burlington, Wisconsin, are spending a vacation with his father, Lewis Hall and wife, north of town. Fred Hayes, of Jeannette, Pa., spent last week with his sister in-law, Mrs. Dora Hayes and Mrs. Bessie Hay. James V. Johnson, of Chicago, Illinois, visited recently with his grandmother, Mrs. Jennie John son and daughter, Helen. Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Bates visited last week with their daughter, Mrs. Don Speaks and family and with their son. Her bert Bates and family at Elyria. David Speaks accompanied them to his home after a visit here. His sister, Susan Speaks, return ed with them to spend this week here. Rev. Paul Hollingshead, of Morristown, was a guest minister at the local Methodist church last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith have returned after a visit with their daughter, Mrs. Davis Steele and family, of Chagrin Falls. Their granddaughter, Jane Steele returned with them for a tw'o weeks' visit. Randal Bundy, of Sarasota, Florida, visited with his par ents last week. Crooked Tree Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wagner, of Marietta, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wagner, of Columbus, called on their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Abbott Wag ner. Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hutcheson, of Marietta, and friend from Co lumbus, called on Mr. and Mrs. Emmit Way, Tuesday evening. Mrs. Maude Way was removed from her home to Good Samari tan hospital in the McVay invalid coach, Thursday. She has pneu monia but is improving. Congratulations to the com bined Jackson and Dexter 4-H square dance team that won in the talent show last Thursday night. Good luck in your next contest. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith and Loy and Mark visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wickens and family, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Misel and children, of Dexter City, and Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Wilson, Jr. and children, of Bucyrus, called on Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith and family, Sunday. Alfred Brown had a cow killed by lightning, Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dutton and Miss Lillie Boyd were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenyon Boyd. Mrs. Joe Tulius and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Newton, of Lowell, visited at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Bolen. Mrs. Bolen and daugh ter, Ethel, visited her mother and other friends and relatives in Wheeling over the weekend. See The Journal for Quality Printing. HOSPITAL NOTES Guernsey Memorial Admitted July 7: Mrs. Pete Journey, Pleasant City Mrs. Andrew Varhola, Belle Valley Mrs. Robei't Buckley, Ava Mrs. Wilbur Unklesbay, Senecaville Mrs. Don Palmer, Ava. Admitted July 8: Mrs. William E. Hayes, Ava James Corwin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Til ton, Caldwell. Dismissed: Mrs. Pete Journey arid infant daugh ter, Pleasant City. Admitted July 9: Mrs. Charles West, Caldwell route 4 Dale Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Myron Guiler, Summerfield. Dismissed: Mrs. Henry Gibson, Summer field: James Corwin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tilton, Cald well route 3 Mrs. Roy Wikander and infant son, Caldwell. Dismissed July 10: Margaret Hennen, Cumberland Mrs. Wil liam Hayes, Ava Mrs. Andrew Varhola and infant daughter, Belle Valley. Admitted July 11: Mrs. Henry Abrams, Pleasant City Donald Betts, Batesville Mrs. Luther Sponcil, Summerfield. Dismissed: Mrs. Charles West and infant daughter, Summerfield. Admitted July 12: Mrs. Carl Carpenter, Senecaville Franklin Dudley, Pleasant City Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Hesson, Caldwell. Dismissed: Mrs. Henry Abrams, Pleasant City Mrs. Robert Buckley and infant son, Ava Dale Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Myron Guiler, Summerfield Jeffrey Neal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Danford, Ava Jack, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clark, Caldwell Donald Betts, Bates ville. Admitted July 13: Mrs. Char les Ball, Pleasant City Mrs. Wilbur Brown, Caldwell David, son of Mr. and Mrs. Myron Ste wart, Caldwell. Dismissed: War ren Miley, Pleasant City Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Hes son, Caldwell. St. Francis Admitted July 8: Mrs. Ernest Hannum, Pleasant City Steve Kopcher, Ava route 1 Andrew Mishlan, Belle Valley. Dismissed: James Master, Cumberland. Admitted July 9: Finley Har per, Cumberland Jacquelyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Siddle, Buffalo. Dismissed: Mrs. John Spencer, Pleasant City route 2. Dismissed July 10: Linda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Buckey, Ava route 1. Dismissed July 12: Mrs. Edith Church, Pleasant City Audley McElroy, Ava route 1. Admitted July 13: Ernest Chal fant, Pleasant City. Dismissed: Mrs. Ernest Hannum, Pleasant City Mary Wasenko, Pleasant City route 2. Marietta Memorial Dismissed July 7: Mrs. Ray mond Fellenger and baby, of Harriettsville. Admitted July 8: Mrs. Bert Reiter, Ma^ksburg Mrs. Fred Haines, South Olive. Admitted July 9: Paul Antill, Whipple route 1. Dismissed: In fant Donald Fogle, Dexter City route 1. Dismissed July 10: Perry Blake of Dexter City Paul Antill, of Whipple route 1. Admitted July 11: Ray De Volld, Caldwell. Dismissed: Mrs. Stephen Parrish, Caldwell Miss Orpha Forshey, of Harriettsville route 1. Dismissed July 12: Mrs. Cora Antill, South Olive. Dismissed July 13: Mrs. Gerald Davis and baby, Caldwell route 2. Bethesda Admitted July 7: Ernest L. Yerian, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Yerian, Sr., Cumber land route 1. Dismissed July 8: Ernest L. Yerian, Cumberland route 1. Admitted July 9: Mrs. Lucy P. Molyneaux, Cumberland route Dismissed: Herbert Wickham, Cumberland. Dismissed July 10: Mrs. Lucy Pearl Molyneaux, Cumberland route 1. Dismissed July 13: Charlotte Buckey, Caldwell Larry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tom, Cum berland route 2. Photo Developing—Gillespie's NEW HOURS -FOR- DAVIS BARBER SHOP USR 21 South Caldwell, Oh io Monday -Tuesday Wednesday 8:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. Thursday—8:00 a. m. to 12:00 noon Friday Saturday 8:00 a. m. to 8:00 p. m. How In Medical Training At Fori Sam Houston, Tex. ',v $ 4 KEVM TH GIBSON Pvt. Kenneth Richard Gibson, son of Mrs. Robert Mathers, of Cambridge, recently completed his basic training at Fort Knox. Ky., and is now receiving train ing at the medical center in Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Pvt. Gibson is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. William Oliver and Mrs. Laura Gibson, of Sum merfield. He graduated from Summerfield high school in 1957 and enlisted in the Army Medical Corps in March of this year. His address is Pvt. Kenneth R. Gibson, RA 15597124 "Class 68 A," Co. "A" 3rd Bn„ U.S.A. M.T.C., B.A.M.C., Fort Sam Hou ston, Texas. Family ltcilElioilS Schehl Reunion The Schehl reunion was held at the home of Mary Schehl on Sunday, July 6, with one mar riage and four births being re ported. Dinner was served at noon and games and refresh ments were enjoyed by the fol lowing: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Schehl, Chandlersville route 2 Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schehl and Freddie and Barbara, Caldwell route 4. Mrs. Helen Noll and daughter, Phyllis, of Coldwater Mrs. Joseph Sehaffer and Sue and Tom, of Canton Mr. and Mi's. Robert Schehl, daughter, Jane and sons, Daniel, Jerry and Allan of Caldwell route 4 Mi*, and Mrs. Ruben Schafer, Joan and Mary Kay, of Caldwell route 3. Mr. and Mrs. Junior Schehl, of Chandlersville route 2 Larry Birt, of Coldwater Mr. and Mrs. Denver Schell, Dexter City: Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Schell, Cald well Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Schehl and Christy, Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schoeppner and son, Danny, of Canton Mary Schehl and Sue and Kay Maxwell, of McConnelsville. Nicholson Reunion The descendants of Jacob and Mary Jane Cramblett Nicholson held a reunion on July 6, at Mt. Zion Lutheran church, near Pleasant City. At noon a bountiful basket dinner was served in the church grove. During the afternoon an organization meeting was held. Mr. D. R. Nicholson, Byesville, was elected president Mrs. Ran dolph Murphy, Pleasant City, secretary and Miss Ruth Nichol son, Buffalo, treasurer. It was decided by the group that an an nual reunion would be held the last Sunday of July at Mt. Zion. The rest of the afternoon was spent in conservation. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Irl Nicholson, Mrs. T. E. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nicholson and daughter, Helen, and Mr. and Mrs. Irvil Groves, Pleasant City Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nicholson and children and Mr. and Mrs. Chester. Nichol son and children, Zanesville. Mrs. Wilbur Nicholson, Cam bridge Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Nich olson and Edwin Nicholson, Byesville Mr. and Mrs. Roger Nicholson and children, New Concord Mr. and Mrs. James Nicholson and children, Cam abridge. R.F.D. 6 Miss Ruth Nich olson, Buffalo Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Irvin, Gratiot Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Nicholson and children, Mt. Gilead Mrs. O. C. Meyer and granddaughter, Susan Matta chione, and Victor Meyer, Can ton. Rev. and Mrs. L. S. LaFonMine and daughter, Auburn, Nebraska Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Nicholson and children, Coshocton Lawrence Nicholson, Byesville and Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Murphy and children. Pleasant City. Budget Commission Es'imefes Local Funds The No,ble County Budget Commission has estimated the amount of local government funds to be distributed to the various political subdivisions for the coming year, according to Auditor C. R. Atkinson. The 15 townships in the county will each receive $600 for a total of $9,000 the county fund will receive $40,000 and the munici palities as follows: Caldwell, $3,400 Belle Valley, $800 with Batesville, Dexter City, Sarahs ville and Summerfield each re ceiving $700. Photo Developing—Gillespie's THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO DEATH NOTICES Herman J. Sothen Fun'-ral services were held Tuesday morning at the Cannon and Cannon funeral home, Crooksville, for Herman J. Sothen, 45, who died suddenly at his home on Crooksville route 1, of a heart attack. Rev. Harold Gibbs officiated with burial in Ark Spring cemetery, near Chandlersville. Mr. Sothen was born Sept. 10, 1912, in Barbor county. W. Va., the son of Edward and Rachel Oldaker Sothen. of Hall, W. Va. He was employed at the Owens Corning plant at Newark and had lived in Noble county, near Ren rock before moving to Hopewell and Crooksville route. He was a veteran of World War II and saw service in the European theater. Surviving in addition to his parents are his widow, Helen Mclntire Sothen: a son, Galen, and six daughters, Lois, Char lotte, Elsie, Nellie, Marjorie and Doris, all of the home four sisters and four brothers. Oather C. Secrest Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Buffalo Methodist church, of which he was a member, for Oather C. Secrest, 90, of Buffalo, with Rev. Helen Groves, pastor, and Rev. B. Allen Reed, of the Seneca ville Presbyterian church of ficiating. Interment was in the Senecaville mausoleum with Meek funeral home in charge. Mr. Secrest died Friday morn ing at a Cambridge rest home. A son of the late David and Sarah Jane Miller Secrest, he was born August 12, 1867, and was the last of a family of 12 children. He was married to Olevia Jane Trott, who died nine years ago. A retired worker of the Cam bridge Glass Plant and a previ ous employee of the Old Hart ford Mine, Mr. Secrest had man aged a farm all his life. He is survived by a grandson, Harrison Rose, of Buffalo, and many nieces and nephews. A daughter, Mrs. Sadie Rose, died last November. Mrs. Rachel Bates Mrs. Rachel Bates, 79, of Byesville route 1, born in Noble county, Jan. 18, 1879, the daugh ter of Thomas and Martha Mc Connell, died Friday in Ohio Valley General hospital, Wheel ing, W. Va. Funeral services were held for Mrs. Bates Tuesday afternoon at the Second Street Church of Christ, Byesville, of which she was a member, by the minister, Vernon Barrell. Burial was in charge of the Herlan-McGaughy funeral home, Byesville, with burial in Nox-thwood cemetery, Cambridge. She is survived by her hus band, Leonard, of the home four daughters three sons one sister: 30 grandchildren 20 great grandchildren and two great great-grandchildren. Three daughters, one son, two brothers and two sisters ax*e deceased. I. C. Johnson Funeral services were held Monday afternoon for Mr. I. C. Johnson, 65, of Summerfield route 2, at the Summerfield Methodist church with Rev. Herbert Durham officiating. Burial was made in Eastern cemetery with Brubach funeral home in charge. Mr. Johnson died Friday evening at his home. He was born in West Virginia on October 28, 1892, the son of Ecel and Cara Johnson, and was a farmer in the Summerfield community for many years. Surviving are his widow and two sons, Darl and Marvin, of Summerfield route 2 three brothers, Rhubert and Harvey, of Salem, W. Va., and Erv, of Weirton, W. Va., and one sister, Mrs. Lena Mitchell, of West Milford, W. Va. Mrs. Sarah Ford Funeral services were held Sat urday afternoon for Mrs. Sarah Ford, 90, of Kimbolton, at the McCracken funeral home with Rev. Eugene Mansfield officiat ing. Burial was in North wood cemetery. Mrs. Ford died Friday morning at Guernsey Memorial 1-e-nital whrre she h:\d bet?n a oatier.t for three weeks. Bt- n March 5, 1868 at Mt. Ephiaim. in Noble county, she was ihe 'laughter of the late John and Sallio Bivens Williams She married W. L. Ford, who died in March, 1953. She is survived by one son, Earl M. Ford, of Compton, Calif. one daughter, Mrs. Alma Mc Cance, of New Concord route 2 one sister, Mrs. J. W. Yoho, of Mt. Ephraim and nine grandchil dren. A daughter, a son, a sister and three brothers preceded her in death. She was a member of the New Concord Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith, all of Blue Rock, in Morgan county, were Sunday afternoon visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ziler and Mrs. Zoa V! Dickinson. Mr. and Mrs. Don C. William?, of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, were Wednesday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder, of Caldwell. Mr. Williams was a former Noble countian. SLh Busy Beavers The Busy Beavers met at the Batesville grade school, July 18. There were fourteen members present. Some were dropped out of 4-H. We discussed what to bring July 25 to the grade school for inspection. We also discussed when we would model our dress, Aug. 7.—Judy Richards, reporter Ridgerunners The third meeting of the Ridgerunners was held at the home of George Spears, July 8. The meeting was called to order by President Larry Woodford. Eight members were present They discussed the floats. The next meeting will be held at Harry McAuley's on July 18, at 7:00 p. m. Gary Tilton, reporter. Sarahsville Nimble Thimble The girls held their ninth meet ing, July 8 at the school gym. Demonstrations were given by Becky and Carol Snode, Janie Davis, Karen Bates and Rita Stottsberry. Refreshments were served. The Sarahsville and Mt. Ephraim girls sang their songs for the talent show at this meet ing. Our next meeting will be held at the Sarahsville school gym on July 18. Joyce Young, reporter. Buffalo Boys The last Buffalo 4-H club meeting was held at the Buffalo local school house at 7:00 p. m. on July 11, 1958. The meeting was called to order by the club president. The minutes were read and approved. It was decided to enter a float in the Caldwell firemen's festival. The next meeting will be held at the same time and place on July 23. Gregory Drake, reporter. Three Forks Merry Belles The seventh meeting of the Three Forks Merry Belles was held on July 8 at the home of Jacque Reed. Safety talks were »iven by Diane Ogle and Joyc^ Willey and plans for the 4-11 float were discussed. Plans fe 4-H talent show were worked or The meeting was closed by th 4-H pledge. At the next meet ing safety talks will be give' by Lynn Bryant and Judy Hec: dleson. Also Jewell Willey an Jacque Reed. The next meetin will be held July 11 at the hom of Sarah King. Jacque Reed, reporter. Brookfield Buckeye Lassies The seventh meeting of th( Brookfield Buckeye Lassies 4-11 club was held on July 9. The float was discussed. It was do cided to have a dance on July 1S» Carol Greathouse gave a demon stration on freezing and Loi Teters gave one on "How Measure Correctly." Violet Teters, reporter. Forest Grove Busy Boys The Forest Grove Busy Boy met at Sharon grade school o» July 8. Meeting was called order by Bud Pickenpaugh. Th 4-H pledge was given, busines settled. Bob Brown, reporter Ava Seventeeners The Ava Seventeenex's met Barbara Morrison, reporter. Hillto-ppers The Hilltoppers held their meeting July 8 at the Crooker Tree church basement. Plan were made for the float. Connit Smith gave a demonstration or. the correct way to serve food The next meeting will be hel July 22 at the Crooked Tree church ba ement. Teri McElfresh, reporter. S.O.S. 4-H Club The regular meeting of th S.O.S. 4-H club was held at th home of Judy and Nancy Feld ner on Monday, July 14, wit! nine members and one guest present. The meeting was called oider by the president, Lind?. Jordan with the minutes of tht last meeting being read by club reporter, Jean Allen. The roll was called and the dues were collected by the secretary, Kay Davis after which a safety talk was given by Fairy Lee Mor gan. Demonstrations were given by Jean Allen on "A Beauty Hint" and by Kittie Jo Parks on "How To Thread A Sewing Machine." The club members also reported on how their various projects were progressing. The next meeting will be held Wednesday, July 23, at the home of Mrs. Merle Lashley to work on the float for the firemen's festival. Refreshments were served to the following members: Kittie Jo Parks, Fairy Lee Morgan, Judy Noon, Patty Noon, Caro lyn Giallombardo, Linda Jor dan, Kay Davis, Jean Allen and Nancy Feldner one guest, Karen McPeek and advisors, Mrs. Jor dan and Mrs. Feldner. Jean Allen, reporter. WEDDING ANNOUNCED Announcement is being made of the marriage of Dorothy Car penter, of Summerfield, to Manoah Carpenter, of Summer field, on June 28, at the Summer field parsonage with Rev. Her bert F. Durham officiating for the single ring ceremony. Wit nesses were Mr. and Mi's. Charles F. Tilton. ENJOYS HAMBURG FRY Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Davis entertained with a hamburg fry at their home in Bronze Heights Tuesday evening. Those present were Mrs. Mack Johnson, Geneva Johnson, Ruth Johnson, Cheryl Johnson and Homer Cunning ham, all of Olive Mrs. "Doc" Camden, Mrs. Mae Robinson, Mrs: Florence McAuley and Gladys Davis, all of Caldwell Mrs. Allen Archer, Mrs. Alia Davis, Miss Sandra Hupp and Glenn Davis, all of Canton. ENTERTAINS AT HOME Gladys Davis entertained with a chicken dinner at her home on Cumberland street, Monday evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Davis and son, Larry, of j3ronze Heights Mrs. Florence McAuley, of Caldwell Mrs. Alta Davis, Sandra Hupp and Glenn Daviss all of Canton, and the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Archer and children were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ermel Rice, of Dresden, Sunday. »?t MEW a' Mrs. Moore's home. The meeting was opened by repeating th pledge. We were given our part to be done ofrthe fair. Othe: business was taken care of. Th meeting was closed by th pledge. Cookies and kool ai was served. Twila Perkins, reporter. Noble Cookies The Noble Cookies meetin was called to order and thi pledge was said by all. All mem bers were present, plus thre visitors. We discussed plans fot camp, talent show and judginj We worked on our projects. De monstrations were given by Bar bara Morrison and Patricia Nat on how to give artificial respira tion. Refreshments wfcre servei by the hostesses, Judy Morrisoi and Sandra Stottsberry. The las meeting was held at the homi of Barbara Morrison. The nex' meeting will bt Friday, July 1' at the home of Sandra Nau. "o- a Ta?*v, Refreshing Dessert- ROBIN HOOD FLOUR 25-lb. Bag SSjr it & CUBE STEAK Coming Events on the Social Register Sharon Grange Sharon grange No. 1561 will meet Friday, July 18, at 8:00 p. m. Center grange will present the literary program. The doily contest will be held at this meet ing. Refreshments will be pot luck. A good attendance is desired. Summerfield Class Meeting The Sunshine Sunday school class of the Methodist church in Summerfield, will have their monthly meeting on July 22 at the church at 8:00 p. m. Hostess will be Pearl McKinley and co hostess will be Clarice Guiler. iiomebuilders Class The Homebuilders class of the First Methodist church will meet at the church, Monday evening, July 20 at 6:30 o'clock for a potluck supper. Brookfield Homemakers Club The Brookfield Homemakers club will meet at the home of Grace Hedge, Thursday, July 24 Work will be done on leather craft or bring your own work. Rebecca Lodge Rebecca Lodge will meet on Friday, July 18 at 8:00 p. m. Re freshments will be served with Mary Ellen Sanford as chair man. A good attendance is de sired. Friendly Sewing Circle The Friendly Sewing Circle will meet at the roadside park on Thursday, July 17 at 6:30 p. m. In case of rain, the meet ing will be held at the home of Feme Lantz. W.S.C.S. Circle No. 4 W.S.C.S. Circle No. 4 will meet Monday evening, July 21, at 6:30 o'clock at the roadside park for a picnic. Each member is to bring a covered dish. Olive Grange Olive grange No. 398 will visit Laurel grange at Keithtown on Thursday, July 17. The visiting grange will put on the literary program. A covered dish is to be taken. Try a Journal Classified! POTATOES.... 101 39 PiESIV OF FREE PM!H5! HOLLAND BRAND—DUTCH TREAT TASTY RICH HEAT SPECIALS! SAUSAGE 49 GROUND BEEF 49 BOILING BEEF 29 Sirloin Steak 7 9 otsnd Steak ICE CREAM..-65' instant Coffee- 89c lb WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITY PURCHASES ON SPECIALS! Irwin's Super Market IN NEW LOCATION OLIVE TUSCO AG SR 78 PRICES APPTT TO THURSDAY TOTDAY ATTTftfXY Page Fiv® PERSONALS Mrs. Thomas Zimmerman and sons, of Cambridge, visited re cently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Rucker and other relatives in this area. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davis, of Bronze Heights, the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Parks and Mrs. Nina Parks, of Belpre Mr. and Mrs. Earle Hupp and children, Ricky and Sandra, Misses Anne and Vera Jefferis, Mrs. Alta Davis and Glenn Davis, all of Canton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Stephens, of Cleveland, returned to their home, Monday, after spending several days with Joseph E. Ste phens and Mr. and Mrs. Homier Jerles, of Caldwell route. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Parrish and daughters, were present Sunday at the Ohio Guernsey Field Day held at Granville, at the Sallie Sexton farm. Over 1,500 mem bers of the Guernsey Breeders Association were in attendance at this affair. Miss Sally Parrish, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Parrish, left Sunday for Columbus, where she will visit at the home of Mrs. Mary Miller for several days. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wiliiam Rossiter and Mrs. Nancy Rossiter, of Sarahsville, were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Horton and son, Mrs. Gladys Moore and grand daughter, of Zanesville, Mrs. Mary Pitts and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Brown and grand daughter, of Caldwell, Mrs. Athel Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Davis and children, of Sarahs ville, Mr. and Mi\s. Harold Hor ton and children, of Lore City, and Mrs. Marilyn Watson and son, of Cambridge. Mr. and Mrs. John lams and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. De Volld and family, of Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs. George Brown and family, of Deloit, spent the past week at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn lams and their sister, Mrs. Vere Miller, of North street. Caldwell W.C.T.U. The W.C.T.U. will meet Friday, July 18, at 2:00 p. m. in the home of Miss Effie Warren, Wal nut street. Mrs. Howard Shafer, president, is leader of the wor ship service. Mrs. Ed Ball is pro gram leader. Members are asked to attend and guests are wel come. e 79 ea CUT-RITE WAX PAPER 2 49( tons lb lb lb JTTTY CAKE MIXES tocolato 10 White Chocolate Yellow SURE FINK MILK Can