Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, July 17, 1958 FOR SALE For Sale—DWELLINGS LOTS ACHES, good six room house, electricity, free gas, furnace and part basement. Two barns and other outbuildings This farm lays good and holders USR 21. GOOD NINE room house, elec tricity, gas, bath and two room basement. Good location in Cald well on paved street. Chester J. Howiler, Realtor 516 vz West Street—Phone 250-W tf Caldwell, Ohio ACREAGE FOR SALE on SR 147 just off SR 78. Good building site. .See Elvin Bates at Center Service, five miles east of Cald well on SR 78 and 147. 1 2 3pd LOT FOR SALE in Hillcrest Addition, Caldwell, Ohio. In quire of Georgo Reynolds, Cum berland, Ohio. Phone 10. 3pd. For Sale—FARMS FARM OF 116 acres one-half mile northeast of USR 21, near South Olive on the Warren Run's road. Has good eight room house, good barn, good cellar, free gas on farm, and can be mostly all farmed by tractor. Mrs. Inez Addis, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 4. 2 3 4pd 72 ACRE FARM with modern six room, two story house, located on County Road 37, one-half mile off State Route 146, three miles north of Sarahsville. House is completely modern with bath, hot and cold water, newly deco rated downstairs, built-in kitchen cabinets, partial basement. Two barns and numerous outbuild ings. Township road leading to house. Over 35 acres mixed hay and 50 acres of tractor land. Fruit trees on farm, well-watered by springs and good fences. Price reduced. Howard Schoeppner, Pleasant City, Ohio, Route 1. Phone Sarahsville 46-R-13. 2 3 4pd For Sale—BUSINESSES FROZEN FOOD lockej* and gro cery, 560 lockers, 2 story fire proof building, 45' 105'. On SR 8. All equipment to operate. Can net $15,000 a year. RR siding and parking. Will consider trade for property or farm. Building alone worth asking price. Barnesville Locker & Food Storage, phone 212-J or 107 for appointment. 1 2 3 For Sale—LIVESTOCK PONIES, or will trade for cows. Also two goats for sale. No Sunday sales. Ira Pryor, 1415 North street, Caldwell, Ohio. 2, 3, 4,pd. FIVE FEGISTERED Polled Here ford bulls, 12 to 13 months old. Mrs. Elma Wagner and Sons, Waterford, Ohio. 12 3 pd. BEAGLE HOUNDS. 9 month old and one 20 months old. Very cheap. An Indian Chief motor cycle, in very good shape. Inquire at Gill Brothers barber shop in Caldwell. 12 3 pd. KENNEDY'S HARDWARE Barnesville SOU We Are As Close To You As Your Telephone. HOME FREEZER SALE All aluminum lined all fast freeze all sealed-in unit 5 year warranty. The. finest money can buy, at this Sale Price. 20 cu. ft., holds 900t lbs. $389.95 20 cu. ft., holds 668 lbs. semo qs 17 cu. ft., holds 600 lbs. —.' $299.95 13 cu. ft., holds 437 lbs. $234.95 Most Complete Line of Tools, Hand or Power. I)C PONT PAINT SALE Outside White Professional DuPont in 4 gal. lots, now on Sale $4.80 per gal. We carry all kinds of paints. WATER HEATER SALE All Sizes, Gas or Electric (iias, with automatic controls, glass lined, 10-jear warranty. 30 gal- gas. on Sale $78.88 40 pal. pas, on Sale SX8.88 30 gal. electric, on Sale $89.88 5? pal. electric, on sale $99.88 Pumps $ 78.88 Bathrooms $158.88 Rotary Mowers $ 69.95 Dinette Set $ 68.88 3-pc. wall cabinets $ 29.95 Floor coverings fiber rugs K E N N E Y S Eastern Ohio's Largest Hardware S & Green Stamps E-Z Credit Open Friday Nights Till 9:00 FOR SALE For Sale—LIVESTOCK RABBITS and one Nanny goat. Contact Pauline Boord, Dexter City or phone 29-F-3. 3pd. REGISTERED BEAGLE pups, 13 weeks old. Donald W. Bates. Caldwell, Ohio, route 3. 3pd. REGISTERED HEREFORD bull, 3 years old. Well-behaved animal. Frank Ostroski, Caldwell route 4. 3pd. For Sale—MACHINERY-TOOLS INTERNATIONAL 42 combine. In running condition. Contact Tommy Douglass, Quaker City, Ohio. 2 3 4pd TRACTOR AND mower team of mares and harness. Contact Martin W. Schafer, Caldwell. Ohio, Route 6, on the Sarahsville Belle Valley road. 2 3pd FARMALL F-12 McCormick Deering tractor with mower, plow and disc harrow horse drawn implements. John Deere check row corn planter, hay rake and riding corn cultivator. Glen lams, Caldwell, Ohio, route 3. Phone 731-F-13. 52 tf. For Sale—LI MBER TIMBER SEASONED LUMBER, approxi mately half red oak and half poplar. 78, 2x8x12 45, 2x6x12 51, 2x4x12 13, 2x4x10 284. 2x4x8 106, 2x8x16 52, 2x6x16. Approximately 7,000 ft. Frank Ostroski, Caldwell, route 4. 3pd. For Sale—HOUSEHOLD GOODS BENDIX AUTOMATIC washer and dryer, two years old maple student desk and chair light oak princess dresser chair and matching end table modern limed oak cedar chest white, porcelain topped utility table yellow drop leaf utility table and a tappan gas range. Call at 1212 North street, Caldwell, Ohio after 5:30 p. m. on week days and Saturday afternoons. 3pd. LARGE ELECTRIC refrigerator in good condition and a Singer sewing machine. Contact Mrs. Charles Church, Ava route 1. 3, 4, 5,pd. TWIN BEDS, practically new, complete with headboards, frames and casters, box springs, and innerspring mattresses. Call at 614 Spruce Street or phone 276-R. tfpd. UPRIGHT MANITOWAC fi •ee Ti er, 22 cu ft. good condition and reasonable. Orton Lantz, Park Heights, Caldwell, Ohio. 1 2 3pd. /s. For Sale—MISCELLANEOUS HOUSE TRAILER 3i* Travelo. See Sam Davis in Olive Green. 3, 4,pd. 1947 ZIMMER 27 foot house trailer, for $550.00. Located in Florence Addition. Contact Junior Clark, route 1, Ava, Ohio. 3 GREEN BEANS. $1.25 per hall' bushel, cucumbers and beets. Mrs. Ellis Eicher, Sharon, Ohio. Telephone 748-F-13. 3pd. I GALLAGHER MONUMENTS MALAGA, OHIO See and Compare Our Fine Selection! Phone: Woodsfield 2-4008 LAWN MOWER ENGINE REPAIR AVOID DELAYS COME IN FOR TUNE-UP NOW! MIKE'S TIRE SHOP Phone 200 CALDWELL, OHIO USED CARS THE BEST DEAL IN CALDWELL DEAN A. REED MOTOR SALES Phone 108 202 West Street OPEN EVENINGS FROM 6:00 TO 8:00 WANT AD SECTION O S A E For Sale—MISCELLANEOUS AS WE ARE leaving for Florida, we are offering for sale our flock of five pure bred Cheviot sheep necchi sewing machine, as good as new crotched table c-lotn and many other .small articles. Can be seen at anytime. Edgar Farson, route 339, near Beverly. 1. 2, 3. WANTED TO BUY STEEL WHEELS for Ford trac tor. W. Z. Baker. Cumberland. Ohio. Phone 190-R-51. 3,4,5,pd. WANT TO BUY. Light duty Bradley or Bellsaw saw mill. Write Box 794, South Zanesville, Ohio. 1 2 3 pd. WANTED TO BUY—Antiques of all kinds, including old fashion ed bureaus, dressers, corner and wall cupboards, tables, stands, brass and copper kettles, music boxes, lamps, desks, chairs, dolls, guns, dishes, buggies and sur reys. Write Vesta Evans, 2267 East Pike Street, Zanesville, Ohio 28 tf HELP WANTED WANTED: Janitor for Presby terian church at Caldwell, Ohio. If interested contact Rich ard Ball, Robert Sanford or Don Nichols for further information. 3, 4. 5 WANTED, lady to care for elder ly lady in home. Contact Mr. Wado VanFossen, Harriettsville, Ohio, Route 1, or Mrs. Carl Bo na r, Dexter Citv, Ohio. Phone 33-F-ll. 2 3 4 MAN TO BUILD fences on [arms in Noble county. Fencing ma terials furnished. John W. Bro kaw, agent for the Hannah Coal Co., Cadiz, Ohio. Phone 600 between 10:00 a. m. and 12.00 noon. 1, 2, 3. W A N E WILL DO patching and plaster ing. Phone Caldwell 354-F-12. 1 2 3 pd. O E N BUSINESS ROOMS located on the square, suitable for office rooms or store room. Contact Mrs. T. M. Ehlermann, Caldwell, Ohio, or phone 337. 3. 4. 5pd. FOUR ROOM HOUSE with balh, full basement and furnace. Contact. Mrs. T. M. Ehlermann, Caldwell, Ohio, or phone 337. 3, 4, 5pd. FURNISHED apartment avail able July 15 for adults only. With or without garage. Inquire at 203 Main Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 12 3 THREE-ROOM apartment, un furnished. Charles R. Howiler, 217 Main Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 332-W. 1 2 3 pd O S LOST, yellow and white collev dog. A reward is offered if found. Joe Dudley, Cumberland, Ohio, Route 2. 2 3 4pd O U N A SPOTTED BEAGLE dog 15" long. Contact Robert Urdak, Caldwell route 6, or phone 161-F-ll. 3. 4, 5, PUBLIC SALES DUE TO THE DEATH of my husband, am leaving farm, we will offer at public sale on Fri day. July 25, at 1:00 p. m. our personal property, located one mile east of Fredericksdale and three miles north of East Union in Center township, consisting of eight cows, Hereford and mixed cows, fresh in spring one year old bull, Hereford, has been tested for bangs and found to be O.K.: 2 horses 2 mowers plows: 1 rake miik cans 1 disc 3 tons of hay 1 wagon: 1 refrigerator. 8 foot cupboard washing ma chine cabinet chairs beds, wal nut chest dressers old fiddle: bureau dishes and etc. Terms of sale: Cash. HELEN B. GORDON. Owner James Watson, Auctioneer 607 Cumberland Street Caldwell, Oh io 3, 4. Not responsible for accidents WANTED CLEANING RAGS WILL PAY 100 PER POUND Rags will be inspected Rags must be clean Overalls and silks will be refused The Journal-Leader THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO N O I E S NOTICE The budget commis sion's estimate of local govern ment funds for year commencing July 1, 1958 and ending June 30, 1959 and the distribution of said local government funds to the political subdivisions of Noble County for said year by budget commission of Noble County is as follows: Fifteen townships, $600.00 each for year for a total of $9,000 Noble County, $40,000 Munici palities: Caldwell Corporation, $3400 Belle Valley Corporation, $800 Batesville Corporation $700 Dexter City Corporation, $700 Sarahsville Corporation, $700 and Summerfield Corpora tion, $700 for a total of $56,000.00 for the entire year. C. R. ATKINSON, Auditor 3 Noble County, .Ohio NOTICE —The annual hearing for the Noble county budget for the fiscal year will be held Tuesday morning, July 29, 1958, at 10:00 o'clock in the office of the Noble County Auditor and Clerk. C. R. ATKINSON, Auditor 3 Noble County, Ohio PRODUCE MORE EGG, larger eggs, over a longer period, with a Farm Bureau all-mash feeding program including Farm Bureau 40^ Poultry Supplement. Makt a Bee-line to our Feed Service man for facts. & N Farm Bur eau—your bee-hive of values. 3 ARE YOU INTERESTED in a more profitable breeding pro gram for your cows? Then, call R. W. (Bill) Moore, Caldwell 273. STOP INSECT DAMAGE and fungus invasion that spoil flower and vegetable gardens. Keep damage from happening with dusts and sprays from our complete line. We're ready to serve you with the very latest in secticides, herbicides and fungi cides for effective, economical control. & N Farm Bureau. 1 3 WHY WORRY if afflicted with any skin disease? Ask about V-J-O at Gillespie's Drug Store, Caldwell, Ohio. 29 pd. NOTICE—Order now for Spring delivery. Come, see my roses in bloom and choose your favor ites. All colors. Over 200 bushes to please you. If von have sick roses, may I offer my help? Few potted roses left, flowering trees, rose spray. Visitors welcome. Nichols Rose Nursery. 237 Euclid Avenue, Bvesville. Ohio. 12 3 "We Buy ana Sell Anything For the HOME" G. T. JENNINGS FURNITl'Ill STORE Phone 113 Caldwell, Ohio INSURE YOUR CAR or truck with Motorists Mutual Insur ance Company. The best com pany at the time of a loss. Joe Buckev, Agent, Caldwell. Ohio NOTICE—Expert picture fram ing, good selection. Murphy's Furniture. Caldwell, Ohio. 40tf I WILL OPEN A STUDIO in th American Legion hall each Thursday morning from 9 o'clock on to teach practically any string instrument, in addiiion to the accordion and piano. Richard Me Neish. 1017 Poplar Street. Zanes ville, Ohio. Phone GL 2-7157. 3 4 5 TIRED OF LAYOFFS? Tired of strikes and unemployment? We're looking for a fellow who would like to make a good in come the year around in a rural locality, selling nationally ad vertised Watkins Products. Es tablished routes available. Write Gilmore Snair, 132 Elm Street, Lancaster, Ohio. 2 3 4pd NOTICE—We still have a good supply of our Master Painters Marietta Outside White Paint at S4.39 per gallon. A pood quality paint. Caldwell Implement & Supply Co., Caldwell, Ohio. 51 4 NOTICE— 1 am now hauling coal from the following mines: Palm er, Byesviile & Dogtown. Hauling lump, egg or nut coaJ, crusaed stone, sand delivered $2.85 per ton, gravel delivered $3.15 per ton. Amos Franklin, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 207-W. 41 tf. Authorized Sales and Service I for I BRIGGS & STRATTON I CLINTON I LAWN EOT 1 POWER PRODUCTS I LAI'SON E N I N E S I MIKE'S TIRE SHOP. Plume 200 Cumberland Street nifftinntiuitiiiitiMuiiHtffiMiiixfiffHiiitititMiKiiitwfNtimiHtiiHiiiinntiira Good Used Cars What Kind Do You Like? CARTER'S USED CAR LOT One Mile North of Coldwell on USR 21 N O I E S LET US SAVE YOU $ $ $ oh fertilizer. We supply Farmgro Plant Food in bulk either straight potash, phosphate or nitrogen or in popular analysis. & N Farm Bureau, Phone 95, Caldwell, Ohio. 41 tf. NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will be received at the of I ice of the Clerk ol' the Village of C'.ildwcll, Municipal Building. Cald well, Ohio, until i2:00 o'clock noon on the 30th day of July, 1!58. lor th purchase of a pick-up type street sweeper said, machine to be gasoline powered with pneumatic tires and equipped with a cab, electric lights, direct iohal signals, pressure spray water system, pick-up broom and gutter broom sweeper to be delivered f.o.b. Caldwell, Ohio. Bids shall be for three sizes of equipment— f. Sweeper of two cubic yard capacity 2. weeper of three cubic yard capacity 3. Sweeper of four cubic yard capacity. Alternative bids should be sub mitted— A. The price for cash on delivery B. The price on a lease-purchase basis. Each bidder shall submit with his bid a certttied check hi the sum ot Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00 to insure delivery in the event that he is awarded the contract to furnish the equipment. The Council of the Village of Cald well reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By Order of the Village Council oi Caldwell. Ohio. CHESTER J. HOWILER. Mayor Violet Morgareidge. Clerk 3. 4 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will lie received at the Clerk's Office. Municipal lUulding. Village Caldwell, Ohio, until 12:00 o'clock noon. Wednesday, July 23 1958, for the following proposed irn provements in certain streets and alleys in the Village oi CaldweM. Ohio, as designated below: Proposal No. 1 shall be a separate bid. Troposal So. 1 Locust Street from Cumberland Street to East Street, primed patched, and sealed Poplar Street from West Street to E.TSt Street, patched and sealed: Fairground Street from West Street to Cumberland Street, patched and scaled Fra/ier Road from West Street to Railroad Street, patched and sealed Frazier Road from Railroad Street to State Route 285, primed, patched and sealed Lewis Street from Fairground Street to Frazier Road, patohed and sealed Cliif Road from U. *S. Route 21 to Oaklawn Avenue, patched and .sealed. Spruce Street from railroad property to Young Street, patched and sealed: Young Street from Main Street North Street, patched and sealed Railroad Street from North Street to Fairground Street, patched and sealed Spruce Street from Railroad Street to Walnut Street, patched and sealed. Bel ford Street from Railroad Street to Walnut Street, patched and sealed. Proposal No. 2 shall be a separate bid. v Proposal No. 2 East side of Public Square from Main Street to North Street, asphaltic concrete, two inches thick North side of Public Square from umberland Street to West Street, as phalt u- concrete, two inches thick The Council for the Village of Cald' well. Ohio, reserves the right to ro iect any .or all bids. yertit'ied check in the amount of $100.00 must accnmpanv bids. By order ot the Village Council of Caldwell. Ohio. CHESTER J. HOWILER. Mayor Violet Morgareidge. Clerk. 2 3 OBITUARY Iva Florence Masters, daughter of John K. and Martha Gibson Robinson, was born February 24, 1877 and passed away June 25, 1958. being at the time of her departure 81 years, four months and one day of age. On February 17, 1912, she was united in marriage with Perry Masters. To this union, one daughter, Florence, was born. Her husband preceded her in death in March, 1913. Two sisters, Mary and Blanche, and four brothers, Forrest, Rich ard, Ramey and George, with her parents, have all preceded her to their heavenly home. Surviving to mourn the loss of this good mother is her daugh ter, Mrs. C. R. Smith, of Lewis ville, rotite 1 two sisters, Mrs. Swazey Dotson, of Summerfield, and Mrs. Grace Snyder, of Meeh anicsburg, and one brother, Clyde G. Robinson, of Stafford, with many other relatives and friends who are saddened by her death. In young womanhood she con fessed faith in Jesus Christ as her Savior and united with the Methodist church at Swazey. and later transferred her mem bership to the Methodist church at Summerfield. "Jesus said unto her, I am the Resurrection and the Life: He 'hat believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live and whosoever believeth in me shall never die." John 11:25, 26. No Tears Are There! Though here we miss the loved ones dear. And lonely are and often fear, III heaven, our Home, we'll meet them, And answer once again their call. No tears are there! Card of Thanks We wish to express our most sincere thanks to all our friends, neighbors and relatives for their kindness during the illness and at the time of the death of my mother, Mrs. Iva Masters. Also the Guern ey Memorial hospital staff, Dr. Kellum rnd Dr. Albu querque and for the beautiful floral offerings. Rev. Dur.irm, the pallbearers, the Gardner fu neral home, and anyone else who helped in anyway. It was deeply appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith Photo Developing—Gillespie's Market Report Submitted thru the courtesy of The Caldwell Produre Co. Wednesday, July 16 Heavy hens Light hens Old cocks Pullets Eggs Curmnt receipts OBITUARY lb. 13c lb. 10c lb. 10c 20c 29c Henry Belford Feldner, son of William and Alice Rohrer Feld ner, was born March 16, 1905, in Elk township and departed this life, July 6, 1958, at the age of 53 years, 3 months, and 20 days. He was united in marriage to .rv Opal Love on February 2. 1924. To this union were born eight children. He was engaged in farming, a school bus driver and worked for the state highway department for a number of years. He was a lifelong resident of Noble county and had many friends through out the county. Surviving him are his wife, Mary Love Feldner seven chil dren. Mrs. Betty Bates. Edward and Donald Feldner, all of Can ton John Feldner. of Philadel phia Mrs. Shirley Carpenter, Charles, and Gary Feldner. of the home one brother, Charles Feldner, of Caldwell two sisters, Mrs. SheLla Johnson and Mrs. Ada King, both of Canton eight grandchildren and a host of nieces and nephews. Preceding him in death were one son, Paul, two brothers, Clarence and Leslie and one sis ter. Mary. Mr. Feldner was baptized at an early age in Hines Chapel Church of Christ, near Stafford, Ohio, by Fred Dennis, of Mari etta. He was a faithful member of the church until his death. He was a faithful husband, a loving father and a friend to everyone. Henry had been in failing health for several weeks and his death comes as a shock to his family, friends and neighbors who loved him, respected him and associated with him. He will be sadly mi-sed by nil w ho knew hitri. The midnight stars are shining upon a silent grave Beneath it sleeps the one we loved, And the ne we couldn't save. We think of you as ne who sleeps, all free from grief and pain: And know the happy days will come, When we shall meet again. What would we give tn see your face, Your loving hand to touch. To hear your voice imd see your smile, That meant so much to us. Card of Thanks The family wihes to express their thanks and appreciation to the many friends and neighbors who were so helpful during the death of our husband and father. We are indebted to the McVay funeral home, the pallbearers, the singers and Brothers Ross and Nesselroad for their kind words of sympathy. Such kind ness on the part of everyone will always be remembered by us. The Family, Mrs. Henry Feldner. Mr. and Mrs. Denver Bates Mr. and Mrs. Don Feldner, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Feldner Mr. and Mrs. John Feldner, U. S. N. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Carpenter, Charles and Gary Feldner. 3pd. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my neigh bors and friends for cards, calls and the many other acts of kind ness during my recent illnes while I was a patient at Bethesda hospital. Mrs. Alta Clark 3pd. South Olive, Ohio NEWS FOR VETERANS Questions and Answers Q—I am eligible tor War Or phans education, but I have ju.-i enlisted in the Army. Could 1 go to school under the program while I am in service? A—No. Under the law, eligible persons in military service ma not receive War Orphans school ing. You will have to wait until you are discharged before you enroll under the program. q—premiums on my .World War II GI term insurance polity are under waiver, since I am totally and permanently disabled. Would I still have the right to convert to a permanent plan Caldwell United Presbyterian Church Fred H. Eastman, Pastor Qhivudx TloiM Sunday school, 9:30. a. m. Classes for every member oi the family. Worship service, 10:30 a. m. Dr. Charles E. Davis, guest speaker for the day. His topic "Our Golden Years." A most cordial invitation to all. Evening service. 7:00. p. m. at the Methodist church. Rev. Parker West preaching. A congregational meeting of the church is called to be held on Sunday, July 27, at t|ie close of the church service for the consideration of an increase in the janitor's salary. Circle No. 2 of the Women's Association will not have any meeting in either July or August. There will be church service every Sunday through July and August at the usual hour of 10:30 a. m. and Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Caldwell First Methodist Church E. Parker West, Pastor Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Worship service, 10:30 a. m. 3k rmon "'Giving The Gospel." Evening Worship. 7:00 p. m. Sermon "The Proper Place of Shame." The official board will meet Monday. The West' vacation address is: 3 Brown Place, Woburn, Mass. Wednesday, Prayer meeting at 7:00 p. m. Choir rehearsal at 8:00 p. m. Friday. Noble Countv Youth Rally. First Church of Christ Ira J. Brandon, Pastor Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Robert Long, Supt. Worship service, 10:30 a. m. No evening service due to the absence of Rev. Brandon. Caldwell First Baptist Church Rov Wikander, Pastor Sunday school. 9:30 a. m. Worship service. 10:30 a. m. Evening service, 8:00 p. m. Caldwell St. Philotnena Catholic Church Itev. F:\ S. J. Pekalla, pastor Confessions Saturday at 1:30 p. m. 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Sunday Masses at 7:00 and 9:00 a. rn. Caldwell Free Methodist Churcl James L. Mason, Paster Sunday school, a. m. Worship service, 10:30 a. rn. Children's service, 7:00 p. m. F.M.Y. at 7:00 p. m. Evening service, 7:30 p. m. Midweek service, Wednesday evening at 7:30 p. m. Church of Christ on Main Street William Ducll, Pastor Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Worship service, 10:30 a. m. Belle Valley Corpus Christi Rev. Fr. James A. Dirk'-i. Pastor Sunday morning, 8:00 a. m. (L.M.) 10:00 a. m. (H.M.) Confession Saturday and on eve' of Holy Day 3:00 to 4:0f| p. in. and 7:00 to 8:00 p. in. Reinersville Methodist Charge Harvey H. McPlieron, Pastor Reinersville Sunday school, 10:00 a. m. Sermon "Christian Education, The Hope of the World." Smith's Chapel Worship 9:00 a. m. Sermon "Christian Education, The Hope of the World." Sunday school. 9:45 a. m! Youth fellowship, Friday, 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, at 8:00 p. m. R.- td Ae1s 21 163 lbs 180-220 lbs. 220-285 lbs. Sows Choice Cattle Good Cattle Medium Cattle Plain Cattle Big Bulls l.ight Bulls (inod Cows Medium Cows Common Cows Shelly Cows of GI insurance? A—Yes. You may convert to any permanent plan other than an endowment policy, without a medical examination. even though you are totally disabled. The world's largest welding equipment factory is in Cleve land. Ohio. U! 1151' n H! lut il tl I Ht iUUttlllill 1 nut'! 1 r:. iin IIH It' iHt' III1'l^i'""11 DORSES and COWS TREE DICKSON RENDERING CO. Phone FR-3-4532 1 Marietta, Ohio We do not 4ccept collect calls. 1 Page Seveni Keith—Sunday school 9:30 a.m. Worship service, 10:30 a. m. Sermon "Christian Education, The Hope of the World.'' Youth Fellowship. Monday, at 7:30 p. m. Dungannon Sunday school, 10:00 a. m. Worship service. 8 00 a. m. Sermon "Christian Education, The Hope of the World." Prayer meeting, Tuesday, *?:30 p. in. Read, St. Matthew 15 to 28. Sahilisvitte Free Methodist Church Ronald Wells, Supply Pastor Worship service, 10:00 a. m. Sunday school, 11:00 a. m. Evening service, 7:30 p. m. Harriettsville Methodist Chnrch Sunday school, 10:00 a. ttL Worship service, 9:00 a. U|. St. Michael's Catholic Church (Carlisle) Caldwell route 1 Rev. Fr. Rudolph Wargo, Pastor Sunday Mass at 9:00 a. m. Daily Mass, 7:30 a. m. Novena Devotions every Sat urday at 7:30 p. m. St. Henry's Catholic Church Harriettsville, Ohio Rev. Fr. Donald O'Carroll Mass—Sunday at 9:00 a. m. Cnited Presbyterian Church Sharon, Ohio Dr. Russell Hutchison. p: stor Worship service, 9:30 a. jp. Sunday school, 10:20 a. Summerfield Bible Missionary Church Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Testimony service, 10:30 a. m. Evening evangelistic service at 7:30 p. m. Mid-week service Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Summerfield Free Methodist Church Paul W. Smith, Pastor Sunday school and church unified serviced, 2:00 p. m. Summerfield Church of Christ McKinley R. Bates, Pastor Bible study, 10:00 a. m. Worship service, 10:30 a. m. Evening service, 7:30. Pleasant City Lutheran Parish St. Paul's, Pleasant City Church service, 9:15 a. m. Sunday school, 10:15 a. m. Harrribny Church, Buffalo Sunday school, 10:00 a. m. Church service, 11:15 a. m. Mt. Zion Church Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Worship ser vice, 10:15 a. m. Ava Free Methodist Church Leroy Hiett, Pastor Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Worship service, 10:30 a. m. Evening service, 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening, 7:30 p. m. Archer's Ridge Community Church Albart F. Randolph, Pastor Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Worship service, 10:30 a. m. Prayer service, Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. TERMITES Exterminated For Free Inspections Phone 21. Tipton's Corner Hardware Caldwell, Ohio Vaughan's Exterminating Service St. Mary's, W. Va. BARNESVILLE LIVESTOCK Market Prices for Saturday, July 12 HOG RECEIPTS 115 HEAD CATTLE RECEIPTS CALF RECEIPTS 311 17 Head Prime—130-215 lbs. 43 Head Choice—130-215 lbs. 68 Head Good—130-215 lbs. 50 Head Medium—130-215 lbs. 17 Head Medium to Choice—105-125 lbs. 17 Head Medium to Choice—220-250 lbs. 7 Head Plain—120-145 lbs. 16 Head Heavies—230-350 lbs. 31 Head Lights—100 lbs. and down 35 Head Lights—100 lbs. and down LAMB RECEIPTS 162 HEAD 14 Head Choice Lambs—average 80 lbs. 21 Head Good Lambs—average 79 lbs. 9 Head Light Choice Lambs—average 70 lbs. 21 Head Medium Lambs—average. 79 lbs. 22 Head Light Good Lambs—average 68 lbs. 1*1 nead Medium Lambs—average 71-74 lbs. 17 Head Common Lambs—average 30-75 lbs. 0 Head Yearling 27 Head—Slaughter Sheep BARNESVILLE LIVESTOCK BARNESVILLE, OHIO $23.00 $23.10 to $24.00 S22.00 to $23.60 $16.00 to *20.00 270 HEAD $21.00 to *26.10 822.0ft to $24.00 SI9.00 to $22.00 $16.00 to $19.00 $20.20 to $24.6(1 $17.00 to $23.00 .... $18.50 to $21 00 $16.00 to $18.50 $13.00 to S15.50 $9.70 to $12.50 HEAD $27.75 to $29.00 §26.00 to $27.80 $23.00 to $24.85 $22.20 to $23.50 $20.75 to $23 9(1 $20.90 to $25.50 .. *17.25 to $20.00 $18.50 to $25.00 $18.70 to $21.50 $22.00 to $38.00- CM t, $24.10 $22.90 $22.90 S20.25 $19.50 $18.50 $17.00 $13.00 $10.50 $22.50 to $.18.00 to $11.00 to $11.50 to $5.30 to