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Pa«® Few—B km Carlisle Third And Fourth Degrees Will Be Conferred On Grange Candidates Cuil:-ic uian^u, Xo. 2344. win hold their regular meeting on Thursday evening, July 24 at 8:00 o'clock with Master Rayner Schehl in charge. The third and foui'th degrees will be conlerred on a class of candidates and also the annual inspection, Mrs. Anita Crum, lecturer, will pi-esent a program. All officers and mem bers are urged to attend. Potluck supper will be served, following the meeting. Personals Mrs. Lucy Dimmerling and daughter, Anna Lee, Junior Dim merling and family, all of Cald well. visited Tuesday with Mi\s. Anna Miracle. Mrs. Marvin Orr and daughter, Vicky, and son, Mark, of Byes ville. visited a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mal lett. Mrs. Ruby Leasure spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Mabel Sullivan at Canal Fulton. Mrs. Maude Tinsman, of Earl Park, Ind., and Mrs. Joe Horton, of Defiance, spent the past week With Mrs. Ida Horton and daugh ter, Eunice. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Miracle visited Saturday with her mother, Mrs. Theresa Thompson, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Feldner, of Caldwell route 4. Kathv Ketler, of Canal Fulton, Barbara and Bienda Wharton, of Lewisville route and Jane Mar quis, of Sharon, spent the past week at the home ol Mr. and Mrs. Argyll Leasure. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sorg and children, Charles. Johnnie and Mary Alice, and Miss Katie War ner, spent a few days at Pitts burgh. Pa., and Wheeling, W. Va. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Hannahs and sons, Myron Dale and Gary, visited over thi* weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs Neul Craig, of Palmyra. Ann Mallet t, of Newcastle, route, visited a tew days with her father, Lawrence Mallett and aunt. Mrs. Dorothy Archer. Norman and Jeffrey Feldner, of Caldwell, spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Miracle. SEF TTIF NEW TT.imilton electric watch at Lruis E. Ilenery, Jeweler, Caldwell. Calvin Ciuig. of Palmyra, visit ed the past week with his cou sins, Myron Dale and Gary Han nahs. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mallett and son. George, visited over the weekend with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Haycox, at Paines ville. Peggy Spence, of Columbus, spent the weekehd with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spence, Sr. Mrs. Emma Rilterbeck visited Friday with her (laughter, Mrs. Loretta Hesson, of Sarahsville. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Wharton visited Wednesday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ar gyll Leasure. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Warner, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sorg and chil dren attended the annual picnic at Burkhart, Sunday. Mrs. Blanche Marquis, of Shar on, visited Thursday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ruby Leasure. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kuhn, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Kuhn, Con nie, Janie and Keith attended the annual picnic at Burkhart, Sun day. Miss Loretta Adams and Mrs. Hilda Horton, of Zanosville, visit ed Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Ida Horton and Mrs. Hilda Swick and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Kuhn and children, of Zanesville, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Spagnola and daughter, of Columbus, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kuhn. Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mi's. Francis Thompson were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Miracle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thompson and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Feldner and family, Mrs. Thresa Thompson. Mrs. Marilyn Roehrig and children, Joe Estadt, Boh Shock ling and Nelson Thompson. Afternoon guests in cluded Clarence Thompson and son, Harold, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Warner and children, of Elyria, visited with his mother, Mrs. Emma Warner. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Houston and daughter, Linda, of Columbus, attended the Spence reunion Sun day and also visited with friends. ANNUAL CAIN REUNION The Annual Cain Reunion will be held at the Noble County Fairgrounds, Caldwell, Ohio, on Sunday, August 3. Friends and relatives are invited. Picnic lunch at noon. T. n. NORGE REFRIGERATOR PRICES START AS LOW AS... $149.66 CATV—President Cain Ki'unioii Association '58 NORGE Swing 'n Serve Refrigerator EASY TERMS) MURPHY'S 66th Noble County's Largest and Oldest Furniture Store Makes, dispenses, stores ice .. .automatically! Imagine...when cubes are frozen they automat ically drop into a large storage basket. help yourself to one cube or dozens. SWING OUT SHCIVU for instant selection SWING OUT CRISPER All food in easy reach. SWING SHEIF-SPACKR Adjust shelves with out unloading. II* lb. digrU WHIM 13 u. TOTAL STORACC Regular $559.95 $ FAIR TRADE ITEMS EXCEPTED No Layaways All Sales Final No Exchanges or Refunds You just rT' AteC Model CT-1358 SEE IT DEMONSTRATED TODAY! NORGE 13 cu. ft. TRI-LEVEL Refrigerator-Freezer 466 Now 66 NORGE 11 cu. ft. TRI-LEVEL Refrigerator-Freezer Regular $489.95 Now $36666 Archer's Ridge ARCHI:i s RIDGE and Mrs. Churies Kennedy and daughter, Carol Lynn, of Bell Garden, California, were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Paisley, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Clark and children. Dennis, Dale. Gary, Janice and Michael attended church at Coal Ridge, Sunday evening. Mrs. Eva Gerst returned home after spending past three weeks visiting her daughter and son-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Noll, of Glandorf. They accompanied her home and spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Pais ley. Natie Wiekham and Miss Mary Davis spent Thursday evening with Edgar Guiler and daughter, Aroma, of near Summerfield. Mrs. Anna Paisley, Mrs. Bertha Lahue, Mrs. Sophia Rupple and Marvin Rupple attended grange meetings at Harriefttsville la st Monday evening and Thursday evening at Fulda. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Wiley and daughter, Kathryn Ann visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Paisley, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Anderson and family called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Clark, Fri day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Blaney and children, Bobby, Kathy, Rusty and Teresa Lynn, of Zanesville route, visited Sunday with Mrs. Bertha Lahue and son and other callers on Friday evening were Mrs. Delbert Clark and children. Here & Yon HERE oc iON Hugh Eddie Cox is spending several days of his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cox, Sr., of near Sarahsville. Recent visitors of Emma Kirk bride and sister were Mr. and Mrs. Russel Kirkbride and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. William Kirk bride and children, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sills and family, Mrs. Nora Forshey, Mr. and Mrs. Clark McCandless and Osa Secrest. Allen Dale Kirkbride spent the past two weeks with his grand mother, Mrs. Rose Bates and sons. Saturday visitors at the Poling home were Mr. and Mrs. Junior Poling, of Canton. Sunday call ers were Ronnie Wheeler and Mrs. Callie Meihen and son, Jetf, Tommie Hickman and Fannie Kirkbride. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hickman spent the weekend with her moth er, Mrs. Ruth Kirkbride and fam ily. Miss Becky Poling has returned to her home in Zanesville after a week's visit with her grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Poling and cousin, Patsy Jean. AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC DRYER Now Sharon THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL. OHIO Loyai Temperance Legion Enjoys Picnic Meeting At Marquis Park Sharon Luyal Tempo unce Le gion met at the Marquis park for their July meeting and annual picnic, Wednesday afternoon. President Tommy Marquis called the meeting to order. Scrip ture lesson 1 Peter 2:13-25 was read by Judy Walters, followed by prayer. Song, "America, the Beautiful", L. T. L. rhyme and pledge were repeated. Songs, "Give Me Oil In My Lamp", and "Thank Thee Lord". Each mem ber repeated a Bible verse. Dur ing the lesson period a story, "It Paid Roy To Go Along" was read. A flag quiz was also conducted. Song, "Whisper A Prayer", clos ing L. T. L. salute and prayer. Games were enjoyed and a wiener roast and picnic supper were enjoyed by Ronnie Harmon, Karen, Joan and Billy Boyd. Can dace Wilson, Peggy and David Ramsey, Deanna and Tommy Marquis, Joyce Haga, Linda Wil ey, one guest, Donna Rowlands, assistant leader Judy Walters and the leader. Vera Harmon. Youth Rally Several from here attended the Youth Rally at Manchester Bap tist church, Friday evening, A nice musical program was pre sented and Rev. Myron Guiler preached an inspiring sermon. Grange Meeting Sharon Grange met Friday evening with members of Center Grange as guests. In the doily contest, first place was won by Roberta Bigley and second by Floy Parrish. Personals Mrs. Lydia Archer is confined to her home with a heart ailment. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Smith and daughter, of Canton, are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Haga. Kaye and Tony Boyd are visit ing with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Sparks and children and Rose mary and Leroy Walters, at Crooksville. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Armstrong, of Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Her man Bickford and children, of Trinway, v sited recently with Mrs. Jessie Marquis. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Kuntz and son, Stuart, of Caldwell, Mrs. Bernice Foraker and sons, of near Ren rock, Mr. and Mrs. John Kuntz and Cheryl visited with their mother, Mrs. Sciesta Kuntz, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Harmon and children, of Hoskinsville, visited with his mother, Mrs. Ocie Harmon, Sunday. Mrs. Donald Boyd is residing with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Boyd while her husband, Private Bovd, is stationed with the army in Germany. Mrs. Mary Bivens. of Belle Val N O E W A S E S Regular $129.95 Washer' Regular $139.06—With Pump $:z: $106.66 Regular $ 179.97 Power Rinse. Pump. Timer Wash9// $136.66 AUTOMATIC WASHER and DRYER Regular S649.90 $499.66 NORGE RANGES Norge Certified Performance Gtf Range 36-Inch Magic Burner L£ Regular $299.95 JdfcOO.OO Norge Vertical Broiler Electric Range 36-Inch Magic Burner CTt'l CL LL Regular $429.95 JOJLO.OO Norge Automatic Electric Range 30-Inch Regular $239.95 Pair~n AUTOMATIC GAS DRYER Regular $269.95 Now $196.66 $216.66 ley, spent several days iast week with her niece, Mrs. Ruth Wal ters and famiiv. She spent Sat urday night with Mrs. Jessie Marquis. Mrs. Maud Jennings and Mrs. Agnes Parrish, of Columbus, spent the weekend with their daughter and sister, Mrs. Lucille Heddleson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Norman, cf Frazeysburg, vis.:!ed with her grandmother, Mrs. Nora Marquis and Eva May, last Thursday. Mrs. Olive Foreman, of Toledo, is visiting with Herbert Steen here and her mother, Mrs. iLeti tia Steen, at Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Spriggs, of Caldwell, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul fylcNabb, on Sunday. Sgt. and Mrs. Carlos Lawrence and children, of North Carolina, have been visiting with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Per ley Law rence and other relatives and are preparing for a trip to Germany. Mrs. Mabel Dovenbarger and Mrs. Lydia Archer received word that their brother, Ira Baker un derwent surgery at Good Samari tan hospital, Monday, July 21. Candace Wilson spent the week end with Jean Wilson at Cam bridge. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Dovenbarger and Riley visited his sister, Mrs. Hattie Harmon, at Zanesville, re cently. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson and children and grandchildren enjoyed a wiener roast at Seneca Lake, Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ralph and children, of near Caldwell, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Mabel Dovenbarger and family. Mrs. Cora Hartshorn and Bon nie Hayes, of Cambridge, visited with Mrs. Cora Marquis and fam ily, Saturday evening. Billy Boyd spent several days recently with his aunt, Mrs. Pearl Elliott and family. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Marquis were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Marquis Monday eve ning, July 14. Mr. G. E. Marquis was celebrating his 81st birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Spear and son, Lewis, of Rich Valley, called on his mother, Mrs. Ocie White, Monday. Deanna Marquis was a supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. James Ar cher, Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Cisler and children, of Canton, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Parrish. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mallett and children, of New Concord route, spent Sunday with his father, Lawrence Mallett and sis ter, O^vvth Specially Priced Sarahsville Rt« 1 S A A I i V I K K O U K 1 Mrs. Mary Feldner had as guests the past week, Mr. and Mi*s. Den ver Bates, Patty Jo, Larry and Danny Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Feldner, Melvin and Dale Feldner, of Canton, Mrs. Estella Schoeppner, of Harriettsville. Evangelist and Mrs. Floyd Ross, Jr., Judy, Mike and Pat, of Bev erly, Mr. and Mrs. Clesson Love, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Wilkner, of Quaker City, Cheryl Love, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Thompson, Carlos Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Carpenter, Twila Sue, Gary and Charles Feldner. Mr. and Mrs. Clesson Love, Mrs. Mary Feldner from East Union, attended the Love-Walker reunion, Sunday, July 20 at Road Fork Baptist church. Cenier CENTER Mrs. Dorothy Arnold and children, Alice and Dickie, of Barberton, have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Everly and son, David. Mr. and Mis. Athel Moore spent one evening last week at the home of Mrs. Delbert Knox. Mr. Dighten Bates, of Zanes ville, called on his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Bates, Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Johnson re turned home after spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs Joe Everly and son ,David. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Johnson, of Derwent, were visitors at Cen ter recently. Mrs. Ira Johnson, Phyllis Everly and Alice Arnold visited with Misses Anna Cox and Eula Archer, Thursday evening. Miss Patty North is spending her vacation with Mr. and Mrs Cecil Stottsberry and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stotts berry are building a new home. Mi-, and Mrs. Dean Reed and grandson, of Caldwell, and Mrs Minnie Wilson were visiting Suzie Weekley at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Everly, of Ball Hollow recently. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wells and sons, of Crum Ridge, attended the Walters reunion at Cam bridge, Sunday. In the evening they called on Mr. and Mrs. Minus Goodwill, of Center. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beatty and daughter, Sarah Ellen, were sup per guests Saturday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Billie Everly. Also callers at the Everly home were Mr. and Mrs. Warden Everly, of Perryopolis. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Shafer and son, Dennie, have moved from Youngstown to the Johns property in Sarahsville. We wel come them to our community. Mr. and Mrs. Harden Everly attended the birthday party of their grandson, David Everly on FrH LIVINGROOM TABLES-SPECIAL! 3-pt COCKTAIL TABLE A N TWO END TABLES *2666 JMHflH Choice of Finish Walnut, Mahogany, Limed Oak We have a large selection of tables specially priced for our Anniversary Sale! Bedding- Mattresses- Box Springs Dinette Sets Diningroom Suites Livingroom Suites- Bedroom Suites Table Lamps ALL REDUCED FOR OUR SALE 301-307 Moin Street ELBA NEWS BBIEFS ELBA Ml. a n Mrs. J. H. Hesson and daughters have re turned to Glassbaro, New Jer ey, after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Haas. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Foraker and family, of Canton, spent Sat urday with Mrs. Carrie Stack. Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Haas were Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hesson and daughters, of New Jersey Mr. and Mrs. Eldin Haas and daughter, Nancy Mrs. Pat Pryor and children, Pamela and Chris Pryor. of Marietta. Mrs. Florence Swain, Dickson Goodwill, Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Goodwill and Betty Jo and Gary Goodwill were in Caldwell, Tues day. Miss Virginia Stack has return ed to her home in Chicago, 111., after spending a week with her mother, Mrs. Carrie Stack. Martha McAtee and Sara Tra vis were in Marietta. Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Carpenter were recent callers at Caldwell. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Travis were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Travis and daughter, Frances, of Dexter City, Donald Travis and Dan Hupp, of Mansfield, and Herbert Travis, of Greenboro. N. C. Anna Starling and Clara Hes son, of Ashland, were recent callers of Mrs. Rosa McAtee. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Hornick, of Ava, were recent callers of Mrs.' Carrie Stack. Mrs. Florence Swain was in Marietta, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Goodwill Rosemary, Gary and Betty Jo Goodwill spent Wednesday even ing with Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hendershot at Whipple. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Hickle and family, of Byesville, were Sun day evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Swain and Mrs. Clara Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Armstron were Sunday evening callers the Dickson Goodwill home. Mrs. Harley Stalanaker and son, Terry, of Pomeroy, were cent visitors of Mrs. Carrie Sta Mr. and Mrs. Paul Goodw of Marietta, were Saturday ca i ers of Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Goc will. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Spence, Lowell, were Sunday callers Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Goodwill. Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Goodw i! and Rosemary, Gary and Bell 9x12 RUGS Reduced To $ 66 MURPHY'S FURNITURE "Quality Furniture Since 1925" 66 Thursday, July 24, 3968 Jo Goodwill went to the Me morial hospital at Marietta, to see their daughter, Mrs. Ethel Hendershot. who underwent sur gery. Chaseville CHASEVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Revere Hale, of Akron, spent their vacation last week at their farm. Mrs. Nellie Laughlin and daughter, Geneva, were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Fred Me Williams at Caldwell. Additional dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moss and William Laugh lin, of Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Barr and family visited one evening last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Williams at Pleasant City. Mr. and Mrs. David Dettra and Daisy Dettra, of Columbus, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dettra. Sunday dinner guests also were Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Gant and family, of Sarahsville route. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Drumm and daughter, Waneda, spent Fri day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Triplett, of Senecaville. Mrs. Elbert Williams and son, Bobby, Mrs. Laura Barr and son, Thomas, of Bloomfield, David I Bowers, of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Revere Hale, of Akron, and Geneva Laughlin were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Barr and family. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dettra and family visited recently with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bar nett at Derwent. Mr. and Mrs. Revre Hale and Mrs. Nellie Laughlin and daugh ter, Geneva, visited Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Laughlin and family of Cambridge. •gMmammsmmt* WE PICKUP AND DELIVER! NOBLE CLEA Phone 109 COLLEY INSURANCE 409 West Street Phone 125 Ccldwell, Ohio 1 n i "m SPECIAL PRICE TWO-DOOR WARDROBE $19-66 SAVE $ $ S SINGLE DOOR UTILITY CABINET $16 SAVE $ $ $ Phone Caldwell 128