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Pige Six—B Summerfield Lunch committee for Mr. and Local Chapter Of The Eastern Stars Will Meet Wednesday Eve., Sept. 10 Summerfield Chapter O. E. S. will meet Wednesday evening, Sept. 10 for their regular meet ing in charge of the worthy ma tron, Norma Moore. the even ing is Mr. and Mrs. James Robin son, Bernice Shafer, Lola Mal lett, Freda Jackson and Bessie Swart/wood. In Hospital Terry Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Moore, was ad mitted lust Tuesday to Good Samaritan hospital in Zanesville, where he underwent surgery. Terry would appreciate hearing from his friends and his room number is 707. Enjoy Visit Mrs. Vernon Havener has re turned home after spending a few days with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Havener in Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Havener left Co lumbus Saturday for Chicago, 111., where they will make their home. Return Home Mrs. Fletcher Guiler have returned home from a vacation trip in Canada and New England states. Visit Here Mr. and Mrs. George Philpot have returned to their home in Hilliards, after spending the past week at their home here and with her mother, Mrs. Minnie Batten. Attend Reunion Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Moore and family attended the Christ man reunion held Sunday at Fisher's Grove. To Columbus Mr. and Mrs. Don Watson moved their furniture, Monday, to Columbus, where they have an apartment rented and Mrs. Watson will teach in the school at Hilliards. She will be joined later in the month by her hus band, who is enrolled as a stu dent at the Ohio State. Miss Bar bara Bond, of Pleasant City, spent Sunday night with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Watson and accompanied Don and Linda to Columbus for the day. Checker Party Mrs. Fred Bode ntertained Thursday with a chinese checker party at her home. Those pre- imiris Clothing Store "Where Men Like To Shop" D.THILL Low-cost step saver SOcolors CONVKN ient i to blend with your color scheme. sent were Mrs. Ida Hartshorn, Marie Bircher, Marian Lesco, Mamie Friday and Mrs. Durham. Lunch was served and a -good time was enjoyed. Personals Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Batten the past week were Mr. Ira Denbow, of Akron Douglas Betz of Lancast er Mrs. Kelly Hughes and son, Jimmy, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fowler, of Zanesville. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Osborne, of Willioughby, visited Saturday with his aunt, Mrs. C. K. Pryor. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Guiler attended the Ohio State fair on Wednesday and then spent the night with her parents in Marys ville. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wheatley, Mrs. Inez Franklin and Mrs. Hat tie Pryor were among those at tending the Noble county fair, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Otis King, Mrs. Tillie Danford, of Columbus, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul King and daughter, Sandra, of Dayton, called Sunday afternoon on Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Bircher. They also called on relatives on Lewisville route. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guiler were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Guiler and sons of Owensville, Ky., Mr. and Mrs. Bill Guiler and daughter, Sandra, Mrs. Ruby Parks and daughters, Ruby and Ellen, of Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ges sell, of Dexter City, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Freeberg, of Miami, Fla., and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Copeland, of Uhrichsville. Mr. and Mrs. Don Archer and family, of Circleville, visited over the weekend with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ford Archer and Mr. Friend Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Creamer and daughter, Sue Ellen, of Co lumbus, visited Sunday and Monday with her mother, Mrs. Fred Bode and husband. They left Tuesday on a vacation trip before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Disler and son and Mr. Frances Disler, of Indiana, Mrs. Martha Disler, of Lewisville, visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Les ter Wheatley. They also called on other friends here. Mr. Pryor Reed, of Marine Corp. Supply Center, of Albany, (la., and Michael Gamber, chief warrant officer of Marine corp with headquarters in Washing ton, D. C\, spent th weekend with Mr. Heed's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reed. They left Mini day for Dayton and Philadelphia to continue their tour of fat tories. They were accompanied to Zanesville by Mr. and Mrs. Reed. Ralph Reed and Phil Ehret, of Akron, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reed and Mr. and Mrs. Zeter llanes. *tw WALL PHONES SAVI STEPS SAVE SPACE! (YourChou'e Of Colors!) a telephone in your kitchen 1 And you have a choice of ten lovely This attractive wall phone features utmost economy of wall space. doesn't get Handset is cradled at the side, so it knocked off. "Whisper-quiet" dial ceiling light, so it's easy to see. And, with all its extra convenience, the cost is only pennies per day! Call our Business Office. 1V11 us what additional tele phones you'd like to have—in the kitchen, bedroom, den or workshop. Why not do it nou GttiCRAL TELEPHONE catches America's Second Largest Telephone System \ctNU*1 Mi. Tabor MT. TABOR Miss Elsie Wright visited Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Leasure, Monday. Otis Martin and son, Roger, were callers at Mr. and Mrs. Reed Thornpso^, Tuesday Ann and Lynn Stephens visit ed their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and family on Monday. Miss Elsie Wright visited Mrs. Otis Martin, Wednesday even ng. Wiley Thompson and 'Miss Nancy Lee Martin attended grange at Carlisle, Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Neal Stephens nd daughter, Lynn and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Martin were visi tors at Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and family, Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Martin nd Mr. and Mrs. Neal Stephens and daughter, Lynn, were visi tors and helped put up hay for Otis Martin, Thursday. Wiley Thompson was a busi ness caller at McConnelsville and Cleveland, Thursday and Friday. Miss Nancy Lee Martin attend ed the fair at Cadwell with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Martin, Wed nesday evening. Mr. and Mis. Reed Thompson and granddaughter, Roger Mar in, and Wiley Thompson and daughter, Shila, attended the fair at Caldwell, Wednesday evening. Rev. and Mrs. Wilford Corey were callers at Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and family, Friday even ng. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and non, Roger, and Mrs. Charley Kirkbride were business callers in Caldwell, Friday. Otis Martin and sons, Roger, Jerry and Terry and grand daughter, Joy, were callers at Mr. and Mrs. Steve Grysvolski, Saturday. Wilbert Masons family met for their annual reunion at Oscar Wells' home, Monday. It was well attended. Miss Nellie Wells, of Akron, visited Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wells, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thoburn Leasure and children, of Akron, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Leasure and son, Cleon, and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Leasure. Wiley Thompson and daughter, Shila, were business callers at Quaker City and also called on Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mallett and family one day last week. Carlisle CARLISLE Guests the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Miracle were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thompson and son, of Caldwell route, and Mrs. Marilyn Roehrig and children, of Fulda. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Flynn and children, of Akron, were Mon day evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Thompson. Mrs. Emma Ritterbeck and Mrs. Gertrude Kuhn visited Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Willis Rath and son, Rudy. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Wharton and daughter, of Lewisville route, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Whar ton, of Summerfield, visited Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Argyll Leasure. Eunice Horton, Gertrude Kuhn, Dorothy Archer and Anna Schell were shopping at Zanes ville, Wednesday. Mrs. Herbert Warner and chil dren, Danny, Patty and David, visited with their grandmother, Mrs. Eunice Warner. Several from Carlisle &T 7- """ST fi. -f V*- a-. .... £&*<•'svy. attended the Noble county fair well. at Cald Summerfield Mr. Ernest Bode, Mrs. Ida Hartshorn and Mr. Flode Yost, visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. G. A. Horton, a patient in Memorial hospital in Marietta. Mr. Horton underwent surgery on Wednesday and his wife and daughter, Mrs. Ernest Bode re mains in Marietta with him. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Boeshaar, former Charlotte McClintock, of Los Angeles, Calif., were calling on friends here Sunday. They also attended church services at the Methodist church. Mrs. Bernard VanDyne, of Cambridge, visited Sunday with her mother. Mis Offn Rishop. V^V-VI 0' 2. THE JOURNAL. CALDWELL, OHIO The usual bountiful basket din ner was served at noon. Conver sation and informal diversions occupied the afternoon hours. Those in attendance included: Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Dudley, Mrs. Norma D. Schothorn, Mrs. Flora Stonuking, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schenk, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schenk, Jr., and Debbie, Mrs. Florence St. Clair, and Charlie Keyes, of Zanesville Earl Dud ley, of Denver, Colorado Mr. and Mrs. Willard Wilson, Caro lyn and Patty, Miss Ruth Dud ley, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beckett, Larry, Dale, Jill and Debbie, of Akron Mrs. John Gaab, Mary Jo and Jeffrey John, and Law rence Ogle, of Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. James M. John son, Dawn Carol and Marianne, of Marion Earl D. Lowe and Pearl of Cambridge Mr. and Mrs. Raymond St. Clair, Jeanne and Nicky, of Chandlersville Mr. and Mrs. Frank Childers, John, Marilyn and Martha, of Gallipolis Miss Ruby C. Ziler, of Newark Mr. and Mrs. Larry Fisher, Karen Sue, Jeffrey and Judith, of Columbus Mr. and Mrs. Dale Binegar, Stephen and Schott, of Lowell. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Dudley, Rebecca Clark and Georgianna Shields, of ni ar Ava Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin E. Ziler, David and Clara Elaine H. R. Blackburn, Mr. and Mrs. Don E. Ziler, Cumberland Larry Young, Sarahsville Mr. and Mrs. Pearley Dudey, Lois and Carol, Misses Lucy and Rachel Dudley, Hoskinsville Millard Sealock, of Belle Valley Mr. and Mrs. Bolon Barnhouse, Mrs. Charles Keith, Mr. and Mrs Ivan Ziler, Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth E. Ziler, Kenneth Vaughn, and Theodore Murphy, of Cald well. 250,000,000 TONS OF ORE During the 70 consecutive years of operations in the Sud bury District of Ontario, Canada, International Nickel and its pre decessor companies have mined some 250,000,000 tons of nickel rtMv.HM* ore Now You May Choose The Protection You Want for Your Child Under the Broad Student Accident Insurance Sponsored by Your Schools 1. COMPLETE "ROUND THE ClOCIT ACCIDENT COVERAGE. AT HOME ... AT SCHOOL AT CHURCH ... AT PLAY. OR SCHOOL ACCIDENT COVERAGE ONLY. See the Literature Sent with Your ChUd tor Fall information Reed Insurance Agency Phone 43 1. O. O. Bids. Caldwell, Ohio fcf.-S*'- St. M:(• I, i( Ps church at Pleasant City will observe its 60th year on Sunday, September 7, when a re-dedication service is held. Activities have been planned throughout the day with the Most Rev. Nicholas T. Elke, of Pittsburgh, Pa., re-dedicating the renovated church. Re-dedication Services On Sunday For St. Michael's Church, P. City St. Michael's Catholic church, Pleasant City, will be solemnly blessed and re-dedicated Sunday, September 7, when the parish will observe its GOth jubilee year. In 1899, the first church was dedicated by Rt. Rev. John Am brose Watterson, bishop of Columbus. The present church was erected in 1916 and was dedicated by I'aiiiilr IS IIIIIOII* Dudley Reunion More than eighty relatives and friends of the late Joseph and Eliza Jane Metheney Dudley at tended the annual reunion Sun day at the home of Misses Lucy and Rachel Dudley, Hoskinsville. v'-' V'-* v*' t* 'I- jz I'V ,:••* '?.» V -.VJ Rt. Rev. Stephen Soter Ortynsky, first Catholic Bishop of the Byzantine Rite in the U. S. During the past three years, exrensive renovation has been done to the interior of the church in preparation for the observance of the parish jubilee. Most Rev. Nicholas T. Elko, D.D., bishop of Pittsburgh By zantine Catholic Diocese, will solemnly re-dedicate the renov ated church and celebrate pon-. tifical high mass at 4:00 p. m. (DST). St. Michael's parish Is under the jurisdiction of Bishop Elko, who is the exarch of Byzantine Slav Catholics in the U. S. Most Rev. John King Mussio, D.D., bishop of Steubenville, will attend the ceremonies as well as many of the Catholic clergy from Ceveland, Pittsburgh and south eastern Ohio. A jubilees banquet will be held ater in the evening to climax the festivities. Rev. Fr. Simeon Fetzko is pas tor of the Pleasant City parish and he extends a cordial invita tion to all parishioners and friends to attend the ceremonies. Photo Developing—Gillespie's Quaker City QUAKER CITY Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Snapp, of Lansing, 111., left Thursday morning for Columbus, where they will visit before returning to their home. Their children, Elizabeth and Freddie, who have been visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Smith, returned to their home. Miss Mary Stephens, of Cincin nati, spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Stephens and other friends at this place. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Franklin were business visitors in Cald well, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Moore, of Dayton, visited with his moth er, Mrs. W. J. Moore, last week. They also visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Moore, of Woodsfield. John Johnson, student at the physicians and surgeons school at Columbia university, New York City, is spending a two weeks va cation with his mother, Mrs. Ethel Johnson, of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Edson Forsythe and Mrs. Victor Carpenter, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Loveall at tended the State Fair on Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Webster, Jr., and children, Thomas III, Margaret and Peggy, attended the Hall-Doudna Friends Boarding school, Barnesville, Aug. 24, and visited with Mrs. Mabel Smith and family, east of town. Mrs. W. J. Moore, of this place, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gas kill and son, Chuckie, of Cam bridge, spent a few days last week with the formers daughter, Mrs. Paul Barrett and family at Can ton. Eddie Parsons, from Shepherds Air Force base, Texas, is spend ing a two weeks furlough with his mother, Mrs. Eliza Parsons and family. He will return to an Air Force base at Topeka, Kan sas. Mrs. Helen Merryman Kerr, of Detroit, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kerr and son, of Fishkill, New York, called on Mrs. Irene Spurgeon and other friends here, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. of Quaker City route, left last week by plane from Columbus to visit their daughter, Mrs. Don McKinstry, of Pacoima, Calif. Mrs. Margaret Hendershot, of Main street, spent last week' with her sister, Mrs. Etta Carter, of Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Webster, of Columbus, spent the weekend with her father, Herbert Knight. Rev. and Mrs. George Vorhies spent Labor Day at Mt. Ephraim homecoming. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Barton and family arrived home Sunday evening after a weeks visit with his brother, Walter Barton and family, in Michigan. Herbert Knight will go this coming Saturday for a visit with his son, Richard Knight, at De troit, Michigan. Earnest Heade, of Cambridge, spent a part of last week with his cousin, S. M. Brown. Center Wyscarver, WATCH for the BIG CHANGE all over 0D Special services at the F. M. church at Sarahsville beginning this Thursday night, Sept. 4, at 7:30, and running through Sept. 7. Rev. Samuel Pettit, of Corn ing, Ohio, will be the guest speak er. On Sept. 7 at 2:30 E.S.T., there will be a song fest with different churches taking part. Services Sunday night at 7:30. Rev. Ronald Wells is the pastor and everyone is invited to attend these services. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allen, of Zanesville, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Johnson, of Derwent, spent Sun day with Ida Smith. Mrs. Waneta Myers and Evelyn Shafer called at the Goodwill home, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Myers and children, Rhoda, Jeanie, Tommy and Joie, of Youngstown, spent the weekend with Mrs. Myers' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ott Shafer and daughter, Paulette. Mary Bates called on Anna Cox and Ula Archer, Friday. Mrs. Cora Clinger and grand daughter, of Byesville, called at the Goodwill home, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stevens and family, of Zanesville, attend ed the Noble county fair Thurs day. They also called on Mr. Stevens uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Bates, of Center. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Goodwill and family, of Chandlersville route, were visiting at Center, Wednesday. Mrs. Daisy Butler and daugh ter, Anna May, of Caldwell route 6, called on Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Bates Saturday. Other callers at the Bates home were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carr and children, Dav id, Joseph, and Bobbie. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Everly re ceived word of the death of a great granddaughter, born to Mr. and Mrs. Darl Gardner, of North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Moore and chil dren and Mrs. Gladys Moore were at the Athel Moore home one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibson, of Quaker City, were at Mr. and Mrs. Warden Everly's, Sunday. Mrs. Marjorie Rehak and Mrs. Pearl McKee were at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Everly, Mon day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Sanford and daughter, Ann, are at Van Wert for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Athel Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Harden and Emma Everly were at the Fulda home coming, Labor Day. Hugh Eddie Cox spent the r«o«d This Now k can be told—'the biggest news in the history of Faitn Bureau Cooperatives. We're changing our many trademarks to Landmark. Landmark will identify, under one banner, all Farm Bureau facilities and services you know so well. Soon, all Farm Bureau outlets will be hanging out this new "shingle." Watch for the big change in this community... on the Farm Bureau store and elevator, on farm and home products, on petroleum and service trucks, on mail that comes to your home. Wherever you see this new emblem, youll know it stands for successful achieve* ment through the cooperative effort of thousands of folks like yourself. It is your banner for a better standard of living. IT'S A ORANDM ARK IT'S A BR AN DM ARK IT'S LANDMARK FARM BUREAU COOPERATIVES 240 OUTLETS SERVING OHIO Thursday, September 4, 1958 Special Revival Services Will Begin At Free Methodist Church, Sept. 4 Labor Day weekend with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cox, Sr., of Sarahsville route. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson and children, of Pennsylvania, Mr. and Mrs. Grady Sapp and children, of Wadsworth, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Everly and son, David. Mrs. Susie Weekley has return ed to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dean Reed, of Caldwell, af ter spending the past two months at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Everly. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Archer, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ball were at Harden Everly's Sunday evening. Mrs. Phyllis Everly was calling on Miss Anna Cox and Miss Ula Archer, Friday evening. MAGNETOSTRICTIVE NICKEL The ability of nickel to con tract and return to its original length in an alternating magnetic field makes it a useful metal in ultra-sonic equipment, such as magnetostriction phonograph pickups, oscillators and tools. Detergents are more effective in water temperatures of at least 140 degrees than in cooler tem peratures. UNSEED Oil. and 55% TITA.N1UM A1 !A HOUSE E S I E N Is the name and we sell it in the fnJlons for only— 4.89 DC NAID D. NICHOLS lite Best For Le&s': Phone 63-J Caldwell, Ohio For All Your Insurance Needs HOWILER INSURANCE SERVICE Office 516'j West Street CALDWELL, A brand new mark of quality lor our great family of products and eervioes by tin faith of Ohio fariMrt In (htmsalvts Phone 250-W OHIO NW tymbol cfafkotod to your own business o businow which you own and control... In which you sharo and •orvko ftavingi bontfitft i