Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, October 2, 1958 Frank H. Cox, 74, Prominent Attorney, Taken By Death Frank H. Cox, 74, Morgan county prosecuting attorney and a prominent resident of Caldwell for a number of years, died Saturday morning at University hospital, Columbus, where he had been a pa tient for 10 days. ervict\s we FRANK H. COX Caldwell Route 3 CALDWELL RT. 3 Dwight Ogle called on Mr. and Mrs. Clem Garvin, Monday evening. Mrs. Alva Garvin called on Mr. and Mrs. John Garvin, of Sharon, Monday. Dana John Garvin left Monday for Fort Hayes, Columbus, in the U. S. Army. George Daugherty called on Mr. and Mrs. Clem Garvin, re cently. Mrs. Esther Garvin, Edna and Lillie Boyd visited Wednesday with Mrs. Bernice Dutton in the M.. '^tta Memorial hospital. Lillie Boyd spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gardner. Ira Taylor called on Dwight Ogle, Tuesday. Mrs. James Garvin and Mrs. Clem Garvin visited Wednesday with Mrs. Fred Zimmerman and family. Edgel Ogle called on Clem Gar vin, Thursday evening. Bernard Gardner called on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gardner, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Willey, Mr. and Mi's. Richard Wells, Dicky, Christy and Donna, visited Saturday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Garvin. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Combs and Mrs. Johnnie Garvin called on Mr. and Mrs. Clem Garvin and Beulah, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dannie Slater spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Alva Garvin. Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Barnhart and James Edward spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Clem Garvin and Beulah. Mrs. James Garvin spent sev eral days last week with Mrs. Clem Garvin. Mrs. Lawrence Harper, Mrs. Boyd Wagner, Fred and Dwight Harper spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gardner. Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the Miller funeral home in Mc- Thesfe are Connelsville with Rev. Brad Itohwer officiating. Interment was made in Olive cemetery, Caldwell. Mr. Cox had served as pro secuting attorney for more than 10 years, being appointed to suc ceed the late George McGonagle and then being elected for sev eral terms. He was bom in Aurelius town ship, Washington county, a son Hugh M. and Sarah Wallace Cox. He taught school in Noble county and served here for sev eral years as probate judge. When he went to McConnelsville n 1938, he formed a law partner ship with the late Clair Young, also a native of Caldwell. He was member of the Amer ican Legion, having served in .World War I. He was affiliated with all Masonic orders, includ ing the Shrine, and was a mem ber of the Morgan county, Ohio State and American Bar associa tions. Atty. Cox was a graduate of Denison university and the Uni versity of Cincinnati law school. He was affiliated with the Pres byterian church. Surviving are his widow, Bea trice Smith Cox three sisters, Mrs. A. R. Elliott and Miss Mary Cox, of Lakewood, and Mrs. George Morris, of Wickliffe and a brother, Fred Cox, of Marietta. Keithtown KEITHTOWN Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mercer, of Zanesville, visit ed Sunday at the home of Mayme Crooks. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wilson and family, of Sarahsville, visited Sunday at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dannie Slater. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Groves spent'Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hosmer Farson. Mr. and Mrs. John Craig and son, Johnny, of Devola and Ard Chandler spent the weekend with relatives at Cuyahoga Falls. Mrs. Joe Bigley and son, Kenny and Mrs. Frank Eiher mann and Jonna, of Columbus, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Swank. Afternoon callers on Sunday at the Swank home were Edith Chandler and Nancy and Judy Teeters, Kate Hale and Mayme Crooks. Weekend visitors at the home of Wm. McMannis and family were Sam and Raymond Mc Mannis and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pierce and daughter, all of Can ton and afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kelby and family, of Waterford. Betty Teeters, of Zanesville, pent the weekend at her home here. Visitors at the Leighton Land iker home during the weekend vere Shelby Landaker, of Zanes ville, Susabelle Landaker and a riend from Cambridge, and Mr. ind Mrs. Richard Landaker and family, of Waterford. Save. .. DOLLARS buy now while prices are still low Today's Electric Dryers are built better with more features than ever before. Today's Electric Dryers cost less than ever before, perhaps less than ever again. You never had a better time to buy your Electric Dryer than right NOW I Better-than-Ever VALUE! Lower-frhan-Ever PRICES! BUY NOW.. .at your Dealer's ©wo Summerfield Sunshine Sunday School Class Enjoys Meeting Tuesday At G. Taylor Home The Sunsftme Sunday school class met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Grace Taylor with Mrs. Dama Reed as co hostess. Mrs. Roma Jean Whar ton had the devotions and pray er and group four had the pro gram. Roma Jean Wharton, pre sident, conducted the business meeting. A delicious lunch was served to the following: Mrs. Pearl McKin dey, teacher, Lina Durham Roma Jean Wharton, Thelma Wharton, Hattie Oliver, Kath ryn Dysert, Mary E. Muchelnaus, Clarice Guiler, Anna Wilson, Marie Bircher, Edna Truax, Wilma Johnson, Mildred Han num and Leone Garrett, Attend Meeting Mrs. Pearl McKinney, Lena Durham, Ella Richeson, Clarice Guiler, Marie Bircher, Edna Truax, Kathryn Dysert, Mary E. Muchelnaus, Thelma Wharton, Beulah Watson and Verna Guil er were among those attending the fall district meeting of the Woman's Society of Christian Service held Tuesday n Cald well. O.E.S. Meeting Summerfield Chapter O. E. S. will meet Wednesday evening, Oct. 8, for their regular meeting and also "friendship" night with Cambridge, Barnesville and Caldwell chapters invited. A pot luck lunch will be ser ved with the chapter furnishing the sandwiches. B.P.W. Meeting A board meeting of the Cald well Business and Professional Woman's was held Monday even ing at the home of Mrs. Vernon Havener. Circle Meeting Mrs. Edna Truax, Beulah Wat son and Mildred Day attended the O.E.S. matron's circle meet ing held Friday evening at Mar tins Ferry. Personals Mr. E. T. Bircher was a busi ness caller Tuesday in Zanes ville. Mrs. Lou Philpot and Mrs. Mamie Friday were dinner guests Wednesday with Mrs. Nellie Cunningham and Mary Wein stein. Mr. and Mrs. Heber McClung of Jackson, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ver non Havener. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Gibson, of Cambridge, visited Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Gibson and Mrs. Offa Bishop. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Osier and daughter, of Salesville, visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Charley Warner. Mrs. Pearl Hannahs, of Circle ville, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Roger Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bode and Mrs. Ida Hartshorn were dinner guests Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bode. Mrs. Inez Porter, Of Woods field, and Mr. and Mi's. Jerome Vess, of Port Clinton, visited Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey Danford. of Gladys Valley. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Wheatley, of Massillon, visited Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wheatley. Mrs. Elizabeth Bode and Mrs. Mary Weinstein were business callers Tuesday in Woodsfield. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bach and daughter, Cheryl and Mrs. C. K. McKinney, of Lewsville route, were callers Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Bircher. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cleveland, of Zanesville, visited a few days with Miss Hattie Cleveland. Mrs. Nellie Cunningham and Mrs. Mary Weinstein visited on Thursday afternoon with Mr. and. Mrs. Stanley Dalrymple. STAR TIRES with cord for safer driving All Star passenger car fires and most Star truck tires are now available in high strength Nylon construction. If you are going to need new tires soon, find out about these safer, cooler running tires that will actually cost you less per mile of driving. STAR TIRES THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OIITO Mrs. Joe Guiler and children, Gloria, Carolyn and Carl visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Billy Guiler and daughter in Marietta. Mr. and Mrs. William Fowler of East Fultonham, visited Thurs day with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reed. Other guests during the week were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reed, of Akron. Mrs. Nora Stephens and Mrs. Emily Havener were notified on Tuesday morning of the death of their brother, Mr. Cappell Horton in, Indianapolis, Ind. The body was brought to Blauser and Baker funeral home in West Jefferson, Ohio, where funeral services was held Thursday. Those attending from here were Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Havener, Mrs. G. B. Taylor and Mr. Tom Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Doan and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reed, of Akron, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Zeter Hanes. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Weaver visited Saturday and Sunday with his aunt, Mrs. C. E. Osborne in Dover. Mrs. Larry Philpot, of Colum bus, visited over the weekend with! Mrs. Minnie Batten and others. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hopps, of Pleasant City, called on Mr. and Mrs. Ross Watson, Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gibson and children, of Cambridge, visit ed Sunday afternoon with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Gib son. Mrs. Guy VanFossen was noti fied last week of the death of her sister, Miss Louella Sutton, of Bellaire. Funeral services was held Saturday. Those attending from here were Mr. and Mrs. Guy VanFossen. Mr. Blaine Moore was taken Monday to the veterans hospital in Pittsburgh, Pa., for observa tion and treatment. The trip was made in the Brubach ambul- (haseville CHASEVILLE Harry Finley, of Akron, spent the weekend with his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Drumm. On Sunday he was hon ored with a family dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hickle, of Cumberland, route 1. Those present were Wilbert Ha gan and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ha gan, of Byesville Joe Zinn, of Crooksville Joanne Hickle, of Zanesville Jim Hague, of Seneca ville Harry Finley, of Akron Mr. and Mrs. Harley Drumm and daughter, Waneda, of here, and the host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Claire Murphy and son, of Caldwell, called on Mrs. Halderman Murphy and family, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Warner Miller, of Senecaville, route 1, visited re cently with Mannie and Miss Dora Miller. Halderman Murphy left Sun day on a business trip to Mem phis, Tenn. Sunday evening callers of Mr and Mrs. Wilmer Barr and fam ily were Rodney Williams, of Mt. Ephraim, and Mrs. Nellie Laugh lin and daughter, Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. Revere Hale and Mrs. Amanda Lasher, of Akron, spent last weekend at their farm here. Miss Martha Murphy attended a shower, Thursday night, for Mrs. Lorena Casey, who was re cently married, at the home of Miss Susan Wilson at Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Finley, of Columbus, and Mr. and Mrs. John Ford and family, of Cambridge, spent the weekend with Mrs. Haz el Finley. HEPPNER'S SOHIO SERVICE OLIVE STREET SR 78 2 DR. WEST TOOTH BRUSHES With Lyon's Tooth Powder S1.63 Value $1.79 Value PALMOLIVE RAPID SHAVE With Schick Razor LILT HOME tsm Permanent With 60c Prell Shampoo Both for $2.00 $2.00 DESERT FLOWER HAND & BODY LOTION REVLON Futurama Case With Refills $2.oo -ppipppp GEM SAFETY RAZOR 10 Blades $1.69 Value 69c Pepsodent Tooth Paste $1.00 Hair Brush l' 69c TUSSY'S Wind and Weather LOTION $1.00 $1.87 Value 2 DR. WEST TOOTH BRUSHES Plus 49c McKESSON'S TOOTH POWDER 99c $28.50 $14.95 $29.50 $ 9.25 $14.50 $ 9.95 $99.50 $ 7.95 $ 4.50 1 w SxJ GILLETTE WORLD SI-RIES RAZOR Giant School Special PENS REFILL GILLESPIE'S DRUG STORE 100 Doylets $5.40 SS 40 Geritol Tablets .... $2.98 100 Unicap Caps .. $3.75 15 cc Poly-Vi-Sol SS Baker's Liquid Lactum Liquid Varmel Liquid We at GILLESPIE'S wish to take this way of saying1 Thanks-A-Million for your wonderful patronage and valued friendship for these 23 years. And to make better the service we have always tried to maintain for you, we have Two Registered Pharmacists and One is Always on Duty. So be assured that when you trust your prescription needs to us, they will Always be filled by a Registered Pharmacist Remember, you are always sure at GILLESPIE'S. DRASTIC PRICE CUT Sunbeam Electric Shaver $1.35 %S 30 cc Zyma Drops .... $2.35 16 ox. Vi-Daylin $4.19 $1.50 Yardley's Hand Cream 99c $1.00 Veto Deodorant Cream 50c 83c Vitalis Hair Tonic 63c $1.50 Evening in Paris Deod. $1.00 $1.75 Hudnut Shampoo $1.10 $2.00 Tussy Hand Cream $1.00 89c Vaseline 69c $1.00 P. A. C. Tablets 69c 12 oz. Vi-Daylin Pressure Pak $3.85 16 oz. Bexel Multiple Syrup $3.89 12 oz. Zyma Syrup $4.37 15 cc Abdec Drops $1.26 Can Goat Milk Liquid 52c Sobee 45c Dextri-Maltose No. 1 89c SMA Powder $1.08 Similac Powder 99c 28c Can 25c Can 27c Can 20c WE GUARANTEE OUR RELIABLE PRESCRIPTION SERVICE I I YOUR PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE 1 I Lady Schick Shaver $ 0.95 Schick Electric Shaver $19-95 Flash Camera, complete outfit $ JJ.95 Duaflex Camera $ f.95 Brownie Flash 620 Camera $ 3-95 Kodak Stereo Outfit Insulated Picnic Cooler $ 4-95 Picnic Jug with Spout $ 2-98 VITAMIN HEADQUARTERS 100 Upjohn's Unicaps $3.11 100 Lilly's Multicebrin $5.08 100 Bexel Special Formula $5.95 100 One-A-Day Multiple $2.94 100 Zyma Caps 144 Super Plenaminsl 36 Super Plenamins 250 One-A-Day Vita. 40 Bexel Spec. Formula $2.98 30 Delectavites $1.98 12 oz. Cod Liver Oil $1.29 16 oz. Homicebrin ... $3.96 12oz. Geritol Liquid$2.98 ,, 8 oz. Geritol Junior $1.95 A Y SMA Liquid -c'n 27c Similac Liquid NESTLE S BABY HAIR Treatment (Free Brush) .... $1.00 5 DAY DEODORANT PADS 63c and 33c (Both) 79c POND'S ANGEL SKIN Hand Cream (11.7oz.) $1.00 Norwich Aspirin 1500 Tablets) $1.49 Lustre Cream Shampoo $1.59 $1.00 Listerine 89c O O S (BUY BY THE CASE AND SAVE) SMA Liquid (per case) $6.00 Similac Liquid (per case) $6.19 Baker's Liquid (percase) $11.00 Lactum Liquid (per case) $6.00 Varmel Liquid (per case) $8.50 Sobee (per case) $5.15 Dextri-Maltose (per case) $8.64 SMA Powder (6ca) $6.18 Baker's Powder $5.64 BABY FOOD TO BE FRESH. PHONE 160 $4 —Two Registered Pharmacist To Serve You— CALDWELL Page Three—B /f J18'S $62-95 1 1 OIKIIOI $6.60 $7.95 I 1 I xv OHIO