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Page Eight—B Horriettsville Fourth Birthday Anniversary Of Steve Huffman Observed With Dinner Mrs. Harley Beardmore enter tained on Sunday with a dinner In honor of her grandson,- Stevie Huffman's fourth birthday ar* niversary. A decorated cake with candles centered the table. Cov ers were arranged for Stevie, Mr. and Mrs. John Huffman and Johnny, Roger and Nolan Hen dershot and Mr. and Mrs. Beard more. A dinner was enjoyed on Sun day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Erval Stevens in honor of their 38th wedding anniversary. A large decorated cake and fall flowers centered the table. Cov ers were arranged for Mr. and Mrs. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Neuhart and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stevens, of Marietta. The hon ored ones were presented a lovely gift. Attend Banquet Those from this community who attended the annual mas onic family banquet at Lebanon on Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Schramm, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Fryfogle, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ullman, Mr. and Mrs. John Duff, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ullman and Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Fleeman. Attend Fall Meeting 1 Mrs. Nina Huffman, Mrs. Pearl Ullman, Mrs. C. E. Johanning and Mis. Emilene Schramm at tended the annual fall meeting of the Cambridge district Wom an's Society of Christian Service held at the Caldwell Methodist church on Tuesday. Dinner Guests Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schafer and Harry were Sunday dinner guests of Mr.' and Mrs. James Schafer. Other callers were Mrs. Faye Forshey and children of Caldwell route and Mrs. Hazel Smithberger and sons of Lower Salem route. Attend Funeral Mr. and Mrs. Charley Van Fossen attended the funeral of his uncle, Johnny King on Sat urday held at the Welch funeral home in Canton and visited lat er in the evening with Carlos and Gaylord Miller and families, of Alliance. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Unger, of Sebring, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Unger were Saturday visi tors of Mrs. C. E. Johanning. Sunday afternoon visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Brum and son, El don, of Marietta route. Recent dinner guests of Miss Clara Franks were Mr. and Mrs Robert Ryan and family, of Chagrin Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Shaw and family, of Moundsville, W. Va., Mr. Car los Franks, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Franks, of Chagrin Falls, Mrs. Henry Franks and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Franks and family, of Stafford. Mr. and Mrs. Odes Forshey, of Gilbert, Arizona, are visiting at the homes of his sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crum and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rohn and family. Mrs. Stella Schoeppner attend ed a Stanley meeting on Tues day at the Betsy Mills at Mari etta and on Wednesday was a business visitor at Caldwell. Mrs. Mildred Hesson and chil dren, of Stafford, were Satur day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Noll. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Luke and Donald and Myra were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Huffman and Johnny and Steve. Refreshments of dec orated birthday cake and ice cream were served in honor of Stevie's fourth birthday anni versary. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Crum were Saturday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Erval Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cun ningham and Marilyn Sue spent the weekend with Shirley Springer and Mrs. Jane Wilson, of Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Junior Day and Johnny, of Canton, and Mr. and Mrs. Galen Thompson and Jef frey visited on Monday after noon with Mr. and Mrs. Charley VanFossen. Danny Schramm, son of Supt. and Mrs. L. D. Schramm, left on Sunday for Columbus where he will be a junior in the study of veterinarian medicine at Ohio BUYING HOME FURNISHINGS!! Simple as at ^Murphy' s Up to 24 Mos. To Pay Murphy's Furniture CALDWELL. OHIO State University. A dance will be held at St Henry's palace hall on Sundaj evening, Oct. 5. Music for rount and square dancing by Midnight Ramblers and refreshments bj group eight. The raffle of the combination ticket will be helc then. Mrs. Mary Springer, of Cald well and Mr. and Mrs. Gler Wilson and Gary spent the weekend with John Wilson's family at Mercer, Pa., and with John, a patient in a Sharon, Pa., hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Cunning ham, Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Love and Debra and Michael, Mr. and Mrs. James Cunningham and Randy and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Carnal, of Wakeman, were Sun day guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Saum. Mrs. Mary Wise and Mrs. Sav annah Wright Denbo, of Lewis ville, visited on Tuesday with Mrs. Beryl VanFossen and C. D. Miller. Youth meeting Saturday, Oct. 4th, film, fellowship and food. Leave Road Fork church at 6:45 o'clock Saturday evening Ben nett's store, 7:00 o'clock for Stan leyville. Ray Fellinger, pastor. Sundaj' school at 9:30 and morn ing worship at 10:30 and Bible Study Wednesday evening at 7:30 at the Road Fork Baptist church. Mrs. Wade VanFossen, who is ill enjoyed being in her own home on Harriettsville route this week with the care of Nellie John P? CAROLE DIANE DAVIS This Little Girl Will Observe 6th Birthday Pictured above is Carol Diane Davis, six-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Davis, of Byesville. Carol will observe her sixth birthday on the 11th of October. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ira Davis, of Sarahsville route, and Mr. Cecil Warehime, of Lore City route. Wells and Grace VanFossen. Thursday visitors of J. R. Van Fossen were Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Miller and sons and Kenneth VanFossen, of East Union. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gessell and Glennie and Gail, of Marietta, and Hatty Hardesty were Sun day dinner guests in the home of Fred Hardesty. "I'm sorry I can't sign my name as it may mean my life or my livelihood. We are living under a labor autocracy— graft, rackets, intimidation, goons. For fear of being Gumped off ... I'm afraid to sign my name." Letter from a working/nan to the U.S. Senate McClellan Committee. John Dos Passos in Reader's Digest, Sept. 1968 "For seven years I was denied the right to belong to my local union because in 1948 I testified in favor of a bill to outlaw the union shop. I favor Right to Work because it will give the union back to its members." Testimony of a United Auto Worker. W. L. White in Reader's Digest, Aug. 1958 Railroads: "The AFL-CIO charges that Right to Work laws have the effect of keeping unions from growing! But from 1934 to 3951, workers on American railroads were protected from compulsory unionism by the Railway Lalxr Act, and during those years most railway unions trebled in voluntary membership." W. L. White in Reader's Digest, Aug. 1968 "To say that 'right to work* laws which are limited to protecting the free choice of the citizen impair the effec tiveness of labor unions would be equivalent to saying that laws controlling gangsterism might also interfere with the effectiveness^ of labor organizations.* David Lawrence in AJew York Herald Tribune, September 10,1958 The goons got nine tenths of the rank and file scared. That's the reason they don't come to meetings. I'll face any of 'em for you, Senator. I've lived 63 years now, how much longer can I live? But for God's sake give these young men a chance to raise their families!" rttrr from a house painter to the McClellan Committee* Dos Paasoa in Header's Digest, Sept. 1958 THE JOURNAL. CALDWELL. OHIO CARLISLE NEWS HAPPENINGS CARLISLE Mr. and Mrs. Argyll Leasure and Mrs. Myron Hannahs and sons visited Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sullivan at Canal Ful ton. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Warner and family, of Elyria, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Emma Warner. Mrs. Thresa Thompson return ed home Sunday after i-pending he past week at the home of Ir. and Mrs. Bert Miracle. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Hannahs and Mrs. Ruby Leasure were shopping at Cambridge and Zanesville, Monday. Peggy Spence, of Columbus, spent the weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Spence, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Orr and children, Vicky and Mark, of Byesville, spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mallett. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mallett and family of New Concord route, visited Sunday with his father, Lawrence Mallett and sister, Dorothy Archer. Mrs. Blanche Marquis, of Sharon, visited her sister, Mrs. Ruby Leasure, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clemence Dim merling, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mal lett, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spence attended the stock car races at St. Clairsville, Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hervett, of Chicago, 111., Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sorg and family, of Columbus, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Warner. Mr. and Mrs. Argyll Leasure and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mar quis and daughter, Jane, attend ed the Swiss Festival at Sugar Creek, Saturday. Mrs. Ida Spence has returned home after spending a few days with her daughter, Peggy Spence, of Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Miracle at tended the family dinner Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Le land Feldner, Caldwell route 4. Mrs. Roma Jean Wharton and daughters, Barbara and Brenda. of Lewisville route, were Sunday dinner guests of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Argyll Leasure. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Haycox, i Painesville, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mallett. Callers at the home of Mr. ana Mrs. Bert Miracle the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Leland Feld ner and family, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thompson and sons, Mrs. Marilyn Roehrig and children, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hesson and Clarence Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Argyll Leasure visited Sunday evening at the home of Mrs. Blanche Butler, of East Union. Mr. and Mrs. John Horton are visiting their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Slack of Massillon. Sheryl and Sharon Garrett spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Les ter Hesson. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Garrett and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Le land Hesson and son, all of Cald well were Sunday dinner guests at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hesson. Nationally Known Journalists Show Need for RIGHT TO WORK Nation's eyes on Ohio for showdown fight this November. Read these excerpts. Then write for reprints of complete articles to help you decide how to vote on this vital issue. "Clean up this mess. Make it so a man has a right to work and not have to bow down to them damn Hitlers." Letter from a workingman to the McClellan Committee, John Dos Passos in Reader's Digest, Sept. 1958 "It (the use of union members' dues for political pur poses) is the denial to American citizens of their political freedom to support candidates of their choice. To permit this sort of injustice to be prevalent will result in a politi cal as well as an economic monopoly inimical to free institutions*" Raymond Moley, in Columbus Dispatch, August 31 "These are not cranks addressing the Senate Committee. Many have devoted their lives to the labor movement. But they want labor leaders to be subject to the law like everybody else." —John Dos Passos in Reader's Digest, Sept. 1958 "TTiey want unions, but not the check-off or the union shop. They want union membership to be voluntary in stead of compulsory They want unions to be finan cially responsible, under law, like banks and insurance companies .. They want the right to present grievances without danger of reprisals They want self-govern ment in unions, freedom of speech and th6 right to elect officers by set ret ballot... They want action. They want legislation. They want protection. They want democ racy," —John Dos Porno* Reader's Digest, Sept. 1968 "We pray to God that we will some day get laws passed in this country that will help us working people rid our selves oi these dictators so that we can govern ourselves." Letter to Mcf^lellan Committee. John Dos Passos in Reader's Digest, Sept. 1958 RIGHT T€ WORK IS RIGHT FOR EVERYONE i Help us to tell the Right to Work story fully to all Ohioans. Your contribution will help finance advertisements like this. Send to Campaign Committee for Issue 2, Calvin Verity, Trcas., 219 Spahr Bldg., Columbus, Ohio. (*For free reprints, write to the above address) VOTE YES on ISSUE 2 RIGHT TO WORK AMENDMENT NOV. 4th THE RIGHT TO WORK CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE FOR ISSUE 2, 50 N. THIRD ST., COLUMBUS, OHIO, ELTON KILE, CHMN. WILLIAM EDWARD McKLL This Youngster Was Formerly From County Pictured above is William Edward McKee, the 15-month old son of Mr. and Mrs. William McKee, of Marietta. The paternal grandparent was the late Clara McKee. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Machlom Addlespurger, of Mari etta. Mrs. Eva Harmon is the great-grandmother. Renrock RENROCK The Renrock church is planning a homecoming October 12. Regular worship ser vice and Sunday school in morn ing. A singspiration and talks in the afternoon. Everyone is wel come. Everyone bring sandwich es, cake or cookies. The beverage will be furnished by the church. YES NO MT. EPHRAIM NEWS HAPPENINGS MT. EPHRAIM Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Franklin enter tained with a shower for Mr. and Mrs. William Franklin at the school building, Saturday night. Refreshments were served to two hundred and fifty and1 the honored ones received many gifts. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Caldwell, of Triadelphia, W. Va., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stiles spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lantz at Owensboroi Ky. Mrs. Isabelle Brownfield and son, Ray, spent Sunday with Mrs. Hazel Powell. Mr. and Mrs. William Degen hart, of Cambridge, visited Sun day afternoon with Mrs. Luella Pringle. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Rich received word last Monday that Mrs. Emma Booher had fell and fractured her hio while in Wash ington, D. C. Clara Beatty, Dora Miller, Grace Miley, Mary Rich, Lura Morrison, Anna Miley, Jane Bates. Zelma Stiles. Reah Bates, Virginia Ward, Joe Cleary, Ardith Mendenhall *and Jewell 409 West Street Phone 125 Caldwell, Ohio WHAT RIGHT TO WORK WILL DO: Give every man and woman in Ohio freedom to join or not to join a labor union. Give every man and woman in Ohio freedom to pay or not to pay money to a labor union. Prohibit compulsory "Union Shop" agreements between employers and labor officials under which an employee must pay union dues or be fired. Make Unions voluntary organizations controlled by members free to act, investigate or resign, as are religious, farm, political or other organizations. Require Union organizers to secure members on the basis of services performed rather than compulsion. Help correct such abuses of power by some professional union offi cials as have become a matter of public knowledge. Return to Union members effective control of the way their dues and assessments are spent. Stop forced contributions used for furthering ambitious programs of political domination. Help build public s'.d member cent i' ice in the labor movement. WHAT RIGHT TO WORK WILL NOT DO Not interfere with the legal right of employees to organize and bar gain collectively. Not affect hours, seniority, or pensions. Not affect wages or bargaining for higher wages. Not permit any employer to fire anyone because of union member ship or non-membership. Not interfere with union membership campaigns. ISSUE 2- RIGHT TO WORK Shall the Proposed Amendment to The Constitution of The State of Ohio, declaring unlawful any contracts and practices of Employers and Labor Organizations where by membership or non membership in a Labor Organi zation, or payment or non-payment of money to such an organization are made a condition of employment or continued employment, but saving, for not more than two years, conduct pursuant to a written agreement made before the effective date of the amendment, be adopted? Thursday, October 2,1958 Powell attended the fall district meeting of the W.S.C.S. at Cald well last Tuesday. Plans are being made to start harvesting the cane crop this week. There will be a meeting at the school building Monday evening, Oct. 6, concerning school con solidation. Everyone is urged to attend. Elba ELBA Clara Reed is spend ing sometime with her grandson, Warren Swain and family at Newark. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Hickle and daughter, Sandra, of Byesville, were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Goodwill. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Goodwill, of Marietta, were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Goodwill. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Swain spent the weekend with their son, Warren Swain at Newark. Gale Goodwill, of Marietta} spent the weekend with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Good will. WILEY FOR TREASURER Colley Insurance