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Page Six 20-gal. '/4-inch Look Who's Here! Mr. and Mrs. John George Nol! of Waterford, are announcing the birth of a daughter, Tuesday. Sept. 30, in the Marietta Me morial hospital. The infant weighed seven pounds and 15 ounces at birth. Grandparents arc Mrs. Mildred Noll, Caldwell, and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Covey, of Canton. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ullman, of Macksburg, are the parents of a daughter born Friday, Sept. 2(3 in the Marietta Memorial hospi tal. Mr. and Mrs. Leo McCabe, of Columbus, announce the birth of a daughter named Patricia Ann at Mt. Carmel hospital, Colum bus, on September 26. The new arrival weighed seven pounds and ten ounces. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sorg, of Caldwell route 1, and Mrs. Henry J. McCabe, of Pawtucke, Rhode Island. Mr. and Mrs. dharles Meek, near Caldwell, are the parents of a daughter, born Thursday, Sept. 18 at Good Samaritan hos pital, Zanesville. The new ar rival has been named Melody Lynn. The father is affiliated with the Caldwell plant of Cleveland Graphite Bronze. Mr. and Mis. Richard E. Wol ford, of Bolivar, are announcing the birth of a son, September 17 at Aultman hospital, Canton. The new arrival weighed 7 pounds at Nichols... Galvanized Garbage Can $ 2.75 snd 1 ounce and has been named Kenneth Robert. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harry He-son, of Macksburg and Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Wolford of Mt. Eaton. Great-grandparents are Alex Bettinger, of Middleburg, Mrs. James Hesson, of Macksburg and Mrs. Carrie Turner, Macksburg. East Union Church School Class Enjoys Wiener Roast The church school class of the East Union church' enjoyed a wiener roast Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rutherford in honor of John Rutherford, who is leaving for school. Those present included Mr. and Mrs. Junior Snyder and family, Mr. and Mrs. Forest Archer, Mrs. Mary Green, Mrs. Rosa Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Stottsberry and family, Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Sorg and son, Mrs. Wayne Stottsberry and sons, Margie Clark, Judy and Barbara Rossiter, David Sullivan, Chris tine Semple, Donna, Ruth, Carol Marlene King, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Gant and sons, Richard and Larry Rutherford, the hon ored one and the host and hostess. TO REST HOME Tom Rossiter was removed from the Shelby General hospi tal last Sunday to the Century rest home near Sarahsville. Continuing for 9 Big Days DON'T MISS THESE FALL AND WINTER BARGAINS Automatic Toaster $14.95 Solid Closet Seat $ 5.50 Plastic Clothes Basket $ 2.98 Deluxe Mail Box $ 2.50 Football and Kicking Tee $ 4.98 Stillson Pipe Wrench—10-in. $ 2.00 Folding Step Stool $13.95 50-ft. Red Extension Cord $ 3.95 Ash Can $ 2.75 House Broom $ 1.80 24-inch Utility Stool $ 8.00 All-Steel Ironing Table .... $ 9.95 Zipper Rubbish Burner $ 2.25 Regular Sale Electric Power Saw $24.95 $19.98 Electric Drill $20.00 $14.97 Vice General Purpose $ 7.25 Sandvik Buck Saw $ 3.50 O O O A I N 1 Gal Reg. $1.25 now 5 Gal. Reg. $4.00 now Lawn Broom $ 1.00 Adjustable Floor Jacks $10.95 Baton Regular Sixe $ 1.00 2 Cell Flashlight $ 1.75 Electric Lantern $ 3.50 STEVENS MODEL 15 RIFLE Single Shot llolt Action .22 Caliber Now Only $15.95 Shotgun and Rifle Covers $ 3.00 $ 2.29 Pistol Holster Set $ 5.00 $ 3.88 Chain Drive Tractors $17.95 $14.39 TUBULAR FRAME JET WING DESIGN V E O I E E S 12-inch Size Regular $11.95 .. now ^^,98 16-inch Size—Regular $13.95 now 1 5-PIECE EC KO ETERNS K I E N U E Y S E Regular $4.79 now CUMURUN0ST. CALDWELL, OHIO $ 9.98 $ 3.69 $ 1.69 $ 1.49 $ 3.39 $ 1.39 $ 9.98 $ 2.98 $ 1.79 $ 1.39 $ 6.88 $ 5.98 $ 1.77 $ 1.98 $ 5.88 $ 2.77 17 69c $ 7.98 79c $ 1.19 $ 2.59 $3 33 MR. AND MRS. CLYDE SMITH Fredericksdale U. B. Church Scene Of Davis-Smith Wedding Saturday, Sept. 27 A candle light service at the Evangelical United Brethern church at Fredericksdale was the setting Saturday, September 27, for the wedding of Miss Wanda Jean Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis, of Sarahsville, and Clyde Ray Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, of Dexter City. The church was beautifully decorated with candelabrums, palms and vases of fall flowers. Rev. James Mason performed the double ring ceremony at 7:30 p. m. Miss Jewell Guiler, vocalist, sang "The Lord's Prayer," "I Love You Truly," and "Because." 'The Wedding Prayer," "Al ways," "Oh Promise Me," and the traditional wedding marches were presented by pianist, Miss Doris Way. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white lace on nylon net topped over white satin ballerina length gown with a waist length veil with seed pearls across the front of the crown. Her jewelry was a pearl n a gold chain and pearl ear rings, gifts of the groom. She carried" a white Bible topped with white pom poms and lily 1 the valley with satin stream ers of lover knots falling from the Bible. Miss Carole Carter served as maid of honor wearing a yellow waltz length gown of yellow lace over satin. She carried a bou quet of yellow mums and lily the valley. Neil Rubel served Mr. Smith s best man. Ushers were Dewey Smith and Leslie Cater. The bride's mother was attired in a navy blue princess dress with black and white accessories. Sin- wore a corsage of pink car nations. The bridegroom's mother at tended the wedding in a navy hiue frock with black and white ic essories. She a'lso wore a cor a^e of pink carnations. A reception was held at the iome of the bride's parents for at |H*oximately 40 guests. A four tit-red wedding cake topped with a miniature bride and groom i-entered the refreshment table Hi te.sses were Mrs. Betty Cater and Mrs. Dessie Carter. The new Mrs. Smith is a grad nato of Sarahsville high school with the class of 1956 and is pf sently employed at the Citi zens National bank in Zanesville. Mi Smith is a graduate of Dex 1• City high school with the i i ass of 1956 and is now em pi. ved with the L. E. Myers Con n action Company in Newark. A wedding trip to Louisville, K ntucky, and the southern part Indiana was enjoyed by the wlyweds. ()ut of town guests at the wedding were from Canton Marietta, Newcomerstown, Co lumbus, Senecaville, Zanesville ami Cambridge. TO HOLD REVIVAL !lev. Charles Hendricks, of Marietta, will hold a revival at e e n e v i e o u n i y i-hurdh from Oct. 5 through Oct 12. Services will begin at 7:30 p. each evening and everyone is welcomfe to attend. OPENING HOURS Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 12:00 Noon 'til 8:00 P. M. Saturday 8:00 A. M. til 8:00 P. M. CLOSIII) MONDAYS Davis Barber Shop Half Mile South of Caldwell THE JOURNAL', CALDWELL, OHIO Raymond Schoeppner Raymond Schoeppner, 55, of Long Beach, California, died on Thursday night following an ill ness. A former resident of Noble county, he was the son of the late George and Kathryn Schoep pner. Mr. Schoeppner moved to California 15 years ago. Surviving are his wife, four brothers, Beda, of Cumberland John William and Bernard of Canton three sisters, Mildred Noll, Caldwell, Sylvina Hinton of Alabama and Marie Hoover of Louisville two half sisters Lillie Burkhart of Magnolia, and Martha Dick of Woodsfield. The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon and burial was made in Long Beach. Mildred Nau and Mr. and Mrs William Schoeppner attended the funeral services. Allen Trott Allen Trott, 76, a retired Mor gan county farmer and a native of Noble county, died early Mon day morning in the, Shadyside rest home at Reinersville, where he bad been a patient ior several years. Born Dec. 27, 1881, in Buffalo township, he was the son of S. E and Mary Dudley Trott. He was never married and has no known survivors. Funeral services were con ducted Wednesday morning at 10:30 o'clock from the Miller fu neral home with Rev. Myron Ramsey officiating. Burial was made in the Reinersville ceme tery. Mrs. William Parcell Mrs. Nelle Jane Parcell, 86 a native of the Elba community died Monday at 12:15 p. m. at the home of her daughter, Mrs Okie Roberts, of Beverly. The daughter of Joseph and Jane Merrow Doal, she was born Oct. 13, 1871 at Elba. She was preceded in death by her hus band, William Parcell. Surviving are four sons in eluding William W. Parcell of Reinersville two daughters 10 grandchildren 15 great-grand children and two half-sisters Mrs. Charles Gallop and Mrs Guy Tucker, both of Byesville Funeral services will be con ducted at 10:00 a. m. today (Thursday) fro mthe McCurdy funeral home in Beverly with Rev. Frank Donaldson officiat ing. Burial will be in the Beverly cemetery. Mrs. Maude Carpenter Mrs. Maude Carpenter. 71, of Summerfield route 2, died at 2:30 p. m., Tuesday in the Guernsey Memorial hospital, Cambridge where she had been a patient since Aug. 10. ner, Mrs. ATHS A life long resident of the Summerfield community, she was a daughter of John and Margaret Morris. Survivors include her husband Wilbur and four grandchildren Donald Carpenter, California Bernard Carpenter, East Union Mrs. Donald Bishop, Cambridge and Mrs. Edward Welker, Calais Her only son, Cleve, is deceased Funeral services will be con ducted Thursday afternoon at 1:00 o'clock from the family residence with Rev. Herbert Dur ham officiating. Burial was in charge of the Brubach funeral home in Summerfield. LACERATES FINGERS Fred Denny, of Cumberland route, lacerated his first and second fingers on his left hand Wednesday, in a power take off He was treated in the office of Dr. Ditch and Cox. v|rs. Margaret Clark Of Ava Re-elected Resident Of Noble County W. C. T. U. Mr?. Margaret Clark, president Mrs. Anna Archibald was re cognized as serving her 35th year as president of the Sharon Union. This union with a membership of 17 is the Mother Union of the county and is a Hold Fast Union, both State and National. Mrs. Cora Marquis was elected the new president of the union. (Bvdhjdaij Tuesday, Sept. 30 Inez Mason. Wednesday, Oct. 1 Donna Perry, Freda Petty, Donald Moore, Mrs. Ruth San ford. Thursday, Oct. 2 Mary Mickle, Harry Danford, William Kirkbride. Friday, Oct. 3 Jimmy Wolfe, Lorry Bates. Saturday, Oct. 4 John W. Cleary, Judy Cox, Harley VanDyne. Sunday, Oct. 5 Helen Freer. Monday, Oct. 6 Earl Sutherland. Tuesday, Oct. 7 Norman Carpenter, Robert Smith. Wednesday, Oct. 8 William Franklin, Martha Jam Kirkbride, Lucy McCandlei Donnie Moore, Jr. Friday, Oct. 10 Wanda Smith, Virginia Ward Saturday, Oct. 11 Roy VanDyne, Carol Diam Davis, Roy Graham, Lois Doan Pearl Archer. Sunday, Oct. 12 Emma Wilk, Patty Davis George D. Moore, Mrs. Andrew Miller, Roger Dyer. Narcissus Club Enjoys Luncheon At Marietta Evelyn Johnson aqd Hope Webster were companion host esses to a 1:00 o'clock luncheon held at the Lafayette Hotel in Marietta last Thursday afternoon for members and guests of t!lu Narcissus club. The president, Marion Robey was in charge of the short busi ness session. The refreshment table was beautifully decorated The following members wen present: Marion Robey, Kathryn Merry Sophia Gray, Gertrude Harpei Freda Robinson, Edna Tarleton Jo Freestone, Mary Tipton, Lela Kcyser, Mary Okey, Jesni Young, Winnie Johnson, Natalu Dahood, Mildred Zimmerman :ind Mary Seerest. Guests were Nancy Budge and Minnie Heddleson. of for the past six years was re-elected president at the annual county convention held Thursday afternoon and evening in the Sharon Pres byterian church. Other officers elected were as follows: Mrs. Adeline McKee, vice president Mrs. Vera Harmon, record ing secretary Mrs. Evelyn Ray corresponding secretary Ola Shafer, treasurer. "Highway of Abstinance," was the theme of the convention, which opened with the group singing "America," with Iva Guiler at the piano. The invoca tion was given by Ola Teeter, pastor of the Sharon Methodist church. Mrs. Clark presided at the con vention. The worship service* were in charge of Mrs. Teeters. Billa Patterson led the salute to the flags and Esther McElroy led the "Crusade Psalm." Mrs. Cora Marquis gave the welcome and Mrs. Gladys Dudley the response. PLAN HOMECOMING The Ava Methodist church will hold their annual homecomin.u Sunday, Oct. 12. The speaker arid program will be announced later. MARRIAGE LICENSE A marriage license was issued last week in the Noble county probate court to Robert GET MORE OUT OF LIFE GO OUT TO A MOVIE! Thursday-Friday-Saturday October 2-3-4 The personal story that finds the soft spot in America's toughest fighting hearts! JAMES GARNER "MAVERICK" himself in his first starring big-screen role! II DARBY'S RANGERS II PLUS TWO CARTOONS Sun.-Mon.-Tues.-Wed. October 5-6-7-8 Filmed in color amid the grandeur of the high Sierras! ROBERT TAYLOR RICHARD WIDMARK PATRICIA OWENS "THE LAW ANI) JAKE WADE" the Noble County W. C. T. U. Mrs. Elizabeth Ball presented an impressive memorial service for Mrs. Estella Newton, of Ava Union, who passed away Nov. 1957, at the home of her daughter in Bowling Green, Ohio. A vase of white carnations with one placed in a special vase by Gladys Dudley in her me mory was a part of the services. Iva Guiler sang the memorial hymn. Miss Effie Warren, who re signed after 11 years of Child Welfare Work, was also recogniz ed, through her efforts, Noble County W.C.T.U. had been given the honor three times for secur ing the largest number of White Ribbon 'Recruits in the State. Re ports were given by local presi dents and county department directors. Cards were signed by members of the convention and White Carnations were sent to Greta Hamilton, who is a patient in Guernsey Memorial hospital, and Lena Burlingame, who is recovering from a fall and frac tured arm. The evening service opened at 8:00 o'clock with Rev. Roy Wik ander, pastor of the Caldwell Baptist church, as guest speaker. The highlight of the evening was the County L.T.L.'s who gave a special program with their lead er, Billa Patterson, past county president, assisted by Irma Mil ler and Lois Jennings. Other features of the evening were the Brandon sisters who sang, "He has the Whole World in His Hands," with Mrs. Brandon at the piano. Jane and Dianna Marquis gave solo's and a temperance reading that was enjoyed very much. The convention was closed with Rev Wikander giving the benediction. OLD SMOKEHOUSE pound ROYAL SCOTT Assorted Flavors Hill. Caldwell route 4, air force, an Donna Buckey, Caldwell, stu dent. ROXY MACARONI AND CHEESE iTinv i iir.rorj KRAFT DINNER 2:2 CASHMERE BOUQUET FACIAL SOAP 4- U. S. No. l's POTATOES lO"*"' CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP 3 SUNSHINE KRIS FY CRACKERS CITY 516 West Street NELLIE McCUNE Belle Valley Girl Announces Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Owen J. McCune, of Belle Valley, are announcing the engagement of their daugh ter, Nellie, to Darryl Bradley, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Brad ley of Pensacola, Florida. Miss McCune is a graduate of Belle Valley high school and is presently employed by Nation wide Insurance Company in Co lumbus. Mr. Bradley is a grad uate of Pensacola high school and will be a senior at William Jennings Bryan University in Tennessee. No definite date has been set for the wedding. YOUTH MEETING Young people of the Road Fork Baptist church will attend a youth meeting, Saturday, Oct. 4 at Stanleyville. Rev. Ray Fel lenger, pastor, said they would leave the church at 6:45 p. m. DISMISSED FROM HOSPITAL Clare Boyd, of Caldwell, has been dismissed from the Guern sey Memorial hospital in Cam bridge, where he had been the past few days for observation and treatment. He is recovering at his home on Belford street. r- You can determine the actual meaning of "food savings" only after you shop CITY MARKET. In every department... meats, foods and vege tables you save $ $ $. Check our many specials listed below! Rib Half Loin Half Whole Loin Thursday, Octobrr 2, 1958 H. T. H. Bridge Club Is' Entertained Wi'h Dinner Members of t'he H.T.H. Bridge club were entertained with a dinner at 6:15 o'clock Tuesday evening in the home of Mrs. Paul McVay on North street. Prizes were awarded to Bea Harkins, Louise Ditch, Gladys Gillespie, and Mary Louise Cox. Members present were Bea Harkins, Mary Quick, Marjorie Harris, Jess Reed, Louise Ditch, Kathryn Walkenshaw, Mary Kiehcreek, Helen Young, Gladys Gillespie, Dorothy Murrey, Ruth Wheeler and a guest, Mary Louise Cox. MHO Bridge Club Meets At Giallombardo Home The M.. N. O. Bridge ciub met at the home of Mrs. Joe Gial lombardo last Tuesday evening. Prizes were won by Mrs. John Hazard, Mrs. Bob £earle and Mrs. Robert Lorenz. Dessert refreshments were served to the following guests: Mrs. George Daugherty, Mrs. Bill Davis, Mrs. Clarence Estadt, Mrs. Jack Ferrell, Mrs. Ken Leighton, Mrs. Robert Lorenz, Mrs. Bob Searle, Mrs. John Haz ard and the hostess. Woman's Literary Club Holds Initial Meeting The Woman's Literary club of Caldwell held their first meeting of the year Tuesday evening at the First Methodist church, Cald well. The guest night dinner was served at 6:30 o'clock. There were 40 present. Mary Slater, president, gave the welcome, and Adah Musser, a guest, gave the response. The invocation was led by Mrs. Parker West. A trio consisting of Joy Wells, Barbara and Marilyn Merry favored a vocal selection. Loraine Kalan gave a piano solo and Rev. West a very interesting talk. The committee for the evening was Marion Robey, chairman, Elsie Kirchner, Kathleen Hupp and Louise Clark. W'rtf- wry LIL' DAVEY 29' 2»»«49c HIP BEEF LBS. u§ $100 quarter-pound packages 1 BOX PATSY ANN Assorted SANDWICH COOKIES 2-lb. box KRAFT'S si red CHEESE 8-ox. pkg. 29C PIMENTO or AMERICAN Caldwell