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Page Eight 4* Miss Evelyn Halahan Exchanges Wedding Vows With William Potts, Saturday, Sept. 13 Wiener Roasl Enjoyed At Reed Thompson Home A wiener roast was enjoyed Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reed Thompson, near Caldwell. Those present included the following: Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Thompson and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Rayfield Williams and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Leasure, Mr. and Mi's. Willard Mallett, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rossiter, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Franks and children, Mr. and Mrs. Junior Snyder and chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Thompson and children, George Sanford, Mrs. Ruby Anderson, Nancy Rossiter, Joan Forshey, Terry and Timmie Mallett, Mrs Florence Williams, Norma Wil liams. Carl David Forshey, Char ley Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Galen Thompson and son, Jeffrey Thompson, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McVay. Noble County Farm Bureau Has Meeting Regular monthly meeting of the Noble Farm Bureau council was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Parrish, Caldwell route. The meeting was opened by the president, Frank Radelil'f. Alfred Brown led a discussion on "Determining farm bureau policy for 1959." Election of officers for the coming year was held Refreshments were served by the hostess to the following mem bers: Mr. and Mis. Glenn lams, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Radelil'f, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Dutton, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brown and Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Briggs, the •host and hostess. The October meeting will bo held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brown. A pot luck supper will be served at 6:30 p. m. i ,*4 8 Yt* 5J JiSi All Guaranteed tW $ it Easy to apply with brush or roller Dries in less than hour One gallon does an average room Donald D. Nichols "Tlie iitit For Less" Phone 63-J Caldwell, Ohio w- MRS. WILLIAM POTTS Miss Evelyn Halahan, daughter of Mrs. Peter Halahan, of Belle Valley, exchanged nuptial wedding vows on Saturday, September 13, with William Potts, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Potts, of Buffalo, in the Corpus Christi Catholic church in Belle Valley. The Rev. Fi James Dirker performed the ceremony at 10:00 a. m. Musical selections were Janie Thomas, niece of the bride, was flower girl. She wore a scarlet dress fashioned after the attendants. Joseph Thomas nephew of the bride, was ring bearer. Joseph Lenhqrdt, ol' Clinton New York, served as best man Ushers were Ervie Chrysler of Lancaster and Jack Conroy of Cuyahoga Falls. Guests were seated by Robert Schray, of Co lumbus, and Paul Minyo, of Belle Valley. The bride's mother wore pink lace sheath dress with mat ching accessories and a orchid corsage. The bridegroom's moth er attended the wedding in light blue lace sheath dress with matching accessories and an orchid corsage. A reception was held in the church auditorium which 62nd Wedding Anniversary Held pre sented by the church choir which included "Ave Maria," and "Mother At Thy Feet I'm Kneel ing." .Organist was Mrs. Neil Smith. The alters were decorated with white dahlias and the cen ter aisles with satin bows and white mums. The bride, who was given in marriage by her brother-in-law, Joseph Thomas, was lovely in a gown of chantilly rose point lace. A soft fold of taffeta gave an empire effect to the bodice which was designed with a hand clipped scalloped portrait neckline en haneed with appliques of pearl and irridescents and featured a back bow from which streamers flowed to the tip of the chapel train and was caught at the end by rose buds. Her fingertip vei of imported French illusion was caught to a Queen's crown of pearls and irridescents. She carried a clustered bou quet of stephanotis bells, carna tions and a white orchid. Mrs. Virginia Minyo, sister of the bride, served as matron of honor. She wore a scarlet gown fashioned on princess lines with high sabrina collar ending low in the back with a soft bow and bracelet sleeves. Highlighting thi back were full panel drapes flowing to the hemline and form ing a pagoda effect. On her head she wore a scarlet hat. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Janet Chrysler, sister of the bride, and Anna Marie Valentine, sister of the bridegroom. They wore matching costumes to that of the honored attendant. was decorated in fall flowers and leaves. Approximately 200 guests attended. The bride is a graduate of Belle Valley high school and Capital School of Beauty Culture in Columbus. She is now employ ed in Lazarus Beauty Salon. The bridegroom is a graduate of Valley Local high school in Buf falo. He attended Kent State University and is now a Junior in the Ohio S^ate College of Pharmacy. He is a member of Phi Delta Chi Fraternity. The bride changed to a three piece suit of beige and rust color with matching accessories and an orchid corsage for their wedding trip They are residing at I860 Starr Road, Columbus. WIENER ROAST The Home Builders class of Macksburg Methodist church re cently enjoyed a wiener roast at the state roadside park, north of Caldwell. The class entertained the 4-H boys and girls. There were 43 present and a very en joyable time was had by all. Photo Developing—Gillespie's Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Sec rest, of Akron, and former Noble county residents observed their 62nd wedding anniversary Tuesday. They spoke wedding nws at Pleasant City. Septem ber 23, 1896, she being the form- Anna Kackley. In 1919, the couple moved from Pleasant City to Akron, and have lived at 28 Gordon Drive since. Mr. Secrest is now years old, being the eldest child of the late Simon and Sarah Secrest family. Mr. Secrest, now retired, was proprietor of the Second Na tional Barber Shop, Akron, for a number of years. Mrs. Secrest is 81 years old and has one sister, Mrs. Harry Stranathan, of Pleasant City. They have one son, Harold C. of Highland Parks, 111., four randchildren and two great grandchildren. She has been active in organizations of Trinity Lutheran church, Akron, where they are members. She is now retired from O'Neil Co. and is a member of Career Grand Moth ers club of that organization. Beaver Hills Garden Club Plans Meeting Mrs. Mildred Day, o| Quaker City route, will be hostess at the October meeting of the Beaver Hills Garden club on Thursday evening, October 2. The theme of the meeting is to be "Leaves." Mrs. Keith Wagner, of Cadiz, regional director, will be pres ent as guest speaker. The year books will be handed out at this time. It is the first meeting of the 1958-59 club year and the new officers of the club are: presi dent, Miss Mabel Flood vice president, Mrs. Ruth Morgan: secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Betty Douglass. Miss Flood has named the following committee for the year's work: Program (year book) Mrs. Ellen Denius, Mrs. Ruth Morgan and Mrs. Edythe Dollison. Work shop Mrs. Mildred Day, Mrs. Betty Douglass and Mrs. Shirley Herrick. Flower show Mrs. Marie Betts, Gertrude Hartley and Mrs. Helen Douglass. Publicity Mrs. Ruth Morgan. Serapbook Mrs. Betty Warner. Members and New clubs Mrs. Beatrice Bates and Mrs. Edith Cline. Ways and Means Mrs. Flor ence Gibson, Mrs. Ada Atkinson and Gertrude Deal. Library Mrs. Freda Frakes. Flowers and Cards Mrs. Hazel McBurney Hostesses announced for the year, in addition to Mrs. Day, are: November, Mrs. Freda Frakes December, Mabel Flood January, Mrs. Ruth Morgan February, Mrs. Marie Betts March, Mrs. Shirley Herrick April, open meeting at Batesville Methodist church May, Gert rude Deal June, Mrs. Florence Gibson July, Gertrude Hartley and August, picnic. Caldwell Merry Makers Club Meets At Pine Lake The regular meeting oi the Caldwell Merry Makers club was held Wednesday evening at the Pine Lake cottage. Mary Sanford, president, was in charge of a short business meeting. The project for the day was on leathercraft. The group made jiffy purses, billfolds and leather belts under the instruc tion of Hugh N. Body and Joe E. Aumentrout, of Columbus. A pot luck dinner was enjoyed at noon and those present in eluded Mary Frye, Amy Rucker, Ruth Davis, Bessie Stringer, Kathleen Hupp, Bernice Marquis, Helen Clark, Opal McElfresh. Mary Ellen Sanford, Ellen Doug lass, Irene Dudley, Mary Secrest, Mary Richcreek, Hazel Wood ford, Florence Moore, Virginia Doan, Gladys Seffens, Helen Pezzopane, Enid Woodford, Jes sie Young, Kathryn Merry, Lela Keyser, Eleanor Moore and Mary lams. The next meeting will be held Oct. 15 at the home of Mrs. Helen Pezzopane with Helen Clark and Mary lams serving as co-host esses. Center Grange Officers Are Named At Meeting Oflicer^ were elected for the coming year at the Septembei meeting of the Center grange They were as follows: Roy Wentworth was re-elected as master Timmie Cooper, over seer Irma Wheeler, lecturer Alva Watson, steward: Robert Cooper, assistant steward Helen Davis, chaplain Norval Carter, treasurer Dessie Cater, secre tarv: Roy VanDyne, gatekeeper. Gladys Cooper, Ceres Nora Bettinger, Pomona Hazel Davis, Flora Lucille Watson, lady assis tant steward L. G. Higtiman, legislative a?gent Ray Bettinger, business agent Genevieve Jacobs, home economics chair man Mildred Law, youth chair man and Freda Cooper, pianist. DINNER GUESTS" Mrs. Lucy Jennings, North street, entertained at her home recently in honor of Mrs. Russia Mac Hanson, of Phoenix, Ariz and iher sister, *Mrs. Nora Bates THE JOURNAL. CALDWELL, OHIO J. •. irC, i' O N E 9 8 MR. AND MRS. DANA JOHN GARVIN Couple Exchange Their Wedding Vows At The Home Of The Bride's Parents On Friday evening, September 12, Miss Jessie Ann Combs was united in marriage with Dana John Garvin, of Caldwell, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Combs, of E. Union Avenue, McConnelsville. The impressive double ringlceremony was performed at 7:00 o'clock by Rev. Myron Ramsey, in front of the mantle decorated with candles and pink gladiolia. Their attendants were Faye Combs, sister of the bride, and James Garvin, brother of the bridegroom. Members of the immediate families attended the wedding The bride was lovely in it white, ballerina length, dress ol nylon chiffon topped with a short jacket of lace over taffeta. her nylon circular shoulder length veil was held in place by a half hat of hair braid with seed pearl trim. She carried a white Bible with a corsage of red roses and lily of the valley from which white'streamers tied in lover knots fell. Her only jewelry was a blue necklace that had belonged to her grand mother. The maid of honor wore a royal blue with satin trim dress and a corsage of red rose buds. The bride's mother wore a navy blue dress with whit accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. The 'bridegroom's mother was attired in a navy blue frock withi white accessorie and a pink carnation corsage. After the ceremony a reception was held with approximately 65 friends and relatives attending A beautiful four tiered wedding cake topped with a miniature bride and groom formed th centerpiece of the refreshment table. Hostesses were Mrs. Grace Radcliff, Mrs. George Abel, Beulah Garvin, Norma Thomas. Sue Garvin, Alice Barnhart and Phyllis McFerren. The newly weds xeceived many nice ami useful gifts. The bride is a senior this year Family Dinner Enjoyed In C. L. Feldner Home A family dinner was enjoyed Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Feldner, near Middle burg. Places were ararnged for 3K guests. They included the fol lowing: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mir acle, Clarence Thompson anil son, Harold Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Thompson and son, Nelson Mr and Mrs. Harry Thompson and sons, Paul and Robert Mrs Marilyn Roehrig and children Lillie Ann and Dennis Mrs. Lucy Dimmerling and daughters, Del oris and Phyllis Mrs. Junior Dimmerling and children. Dale, Beverly and Patty Ann Mr. and Mrs. Gerold Tennet, Mr. and Mrs Michael Bania, William Thomp son, Emalene, Gail, Lloyd, Nor man, Jeffery and LaVerne Feld ner and the host and hostess. Sunshine Club Meets At Caroline Wilson Home The Sunshine club of Dexter City and Caldwell communitie met at the home of Caroline Wil son on Thursday, September IB A business meeting was held with Willie Ann Gill, president in charge. A pot luck dinner was served at noon. Eleven members and one guest, Mrs Pat Theiss and several children were present. Contests were enjoyed and prizes awarded to Martha Davis Agnes Crock, Isabel Dowling Ethel Harper and Pat Theiss. A collection was taken for flower money. The next meeting will be held at the home of Willie Ann Gill on Thursday, October 16. at Malta McConnelsville high school. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clem Garvin, of near Caldwell and a graduate of Caldwell high school. He has been employed in Center town ship. He left September 22 for !iu I: S. A i 111 fe) MODEL N2L ACROSS AMERICA MORE WOMEN BUY MAYTAG WRINGER WASHERS THAN ALL OTHERS. Heavy Duty Mode! Safety Balloon Rollers Positive Sediment Trap Giant 151 Gallon Capacity Famous Roll-Over Water Action Handy Lid Hanger Quality Construction Throughout Quiet Dependable Operation MAYTAG COMPANY GUARANTEE 1. Total Guarantee on the Entire Machine. 2. Thirty-Year Parts Availability Guarantee. Barnett-Hannum Vows Spoken Miss Kathleen Barnett, daugh ter of Charles Barnett, of Sum merfield route, and Ronald Hanr num, son of Mildred Hannum, also of Summerfield, were united in marriage on Saturday, Sept ember 20. Rev. Herbert R. Durham per formed the double ring cere mony in the Summerfield Meth odist church. Wanda Christman and Lament Christman were the attendants for the couple. A reception was held in the American Legion hall in Sum merfield. Summerfield Couple Are Now Engaged Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephens, of Barnesville Star route, are innouncing the engagement and approaching marriage of their youngest daughter, Neva Joy, to (Jharles Edward Burkhart, of liarnesville Star route. He is the son of the late Herm n and Delores Burkhart. Miss Stephens attended Sum merfield high school. Mr. Burkhart attended ,Lewis ville high school. He is employed s a truck driver. Supt. And Mrs. C. E. Davis Honored With Parties Members of the Caldwell school faculty and the board of education gathered at the Home Economics department Friday evening following the football game in honor of Supt. and Mrs. Charles E. Davis. Supt! Davis assumed his new duties this week as head of the Cadiz schools in nearby Harrison county. Light refreshments were ser ved arid Mr. and Mrs. Davis received a lovely gift. Supt. and Mrs. Davis were also feted Wednesday evening in the home of Glenn Scott when 24 guests gathered in their honor. They were presented a lovely gift from Coaches Scott, James October 4.. Maytag Specia EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO GET THE CLEANEST WASH YOU'VE EVER HAD AND AT A PRICE YOU WANT TO PAY! ALL ITEMS ARE TOP-QUALITY NAME BRANDS! Look at the Rest ... See the BEST ... at Patten's Appliance Center Own a MAYTAG Own the Most Wanted Name in Home Laundry 424 North Street Phone 58 MISS LUANNE WELSH Dayton Girl Announces Engagement To Wesley Baehill Marshall, Caldwell (3) Sunt Box of Tide—3-Monlh Supply (4) Plastic Clothes Basket Mr. and Mrs. Ray J. Welsh, of Wabash Ave., Dayton, Ohio, are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Luanne, to Wesley Baehill Marshall, son of Mr. Wesley Bae Marshall, of 310 East Main Street and the late Mrs. (Mary Hill) Marshall. Mr. Marshall is a graduate of Ohio University and his social fraternity is Tau Kappa Epsilon. His honoraries include Sigma Delta Chi-Journalism, and Chi Rho Beta-Radio. He is a United States Marine reservist and is presently completing require ments for a Master of Fine Arts degree in the graduate college of Ohio University. Miss Welsh attended North western University where she was* a member of the Delta Zeta (1) 1958 MAYTAG WASHER, Model N2L $139.95 (2) Johnson Heavy tey Double Drain Tubs $ 19.95 Made of the finest quality materials. King-sized 38-gallon capacity with modern styling and sturdy construction. Lightweight, unbreakable—solid bottom keeps clothes clean and floors dry. You Pay Only Total Value ol Complete Set $1(6.88 $30.00 Less Guaranteed Trade-In Allowance For Your Present Washer Maytag Washer, Double Tubs, Tide, Clothes Basket LESS THAN THE PRICE OF THE WASHER ALONE! FREE DELIVERY AND FREE INSTALLATION Note: If you do not have a washer to trade-in, or if you do not need the tubs, cart, or detergent, see us for a very special deal on this MAYTAG WASHER during this sale! Thursday, October 2, 195 I Ohio University and is presently employed in the Psychology de partment at the Athens State Hospital, and is an associate member of the Ohio Psychologi cal Association. The wedding is scheduled for November 28, at St. Andrews Episcopal Church, Dayton, Ohio. See The Journal for (Jiniiiv Piimuic. Deadline for $ 4.00 $ 2.98 *136" m. usr ACT NOW! TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS BIG OFFER DUR ING OUR SPECIAL SALE! Easy Terms for Easy Ownership!