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luu Cong. Henderson Will Deliver Dedicatory Talk Dedication of Dexter City's new $362,000 Southern 'Toble high school will be held Satur day, November 1, according to an announcement made today by H. C. Secrest, county superinten dent and Charles H. Burley, executive head for the school. Dedication services will begin at 2:00 p. m. in the multi-purpose room. The principal address will be delivered by Congressman John E. Henderson from the 15th district. Immediately following the dedication services, the building will be open for inspection and refreshments will be served by the Southern Noble Community club. Lewis Long, member of the board of education, will preside for the dedicatory program. The invocation and benediction will be given by Rev. Leslie W. Koskovics, pastor of the New Harmony Baptist church. The American Legion and its auxiliary will present, a new flag to the school, after which a pledge of allegiance to the flag will be given. Duane Brown, president of the student council, will lead this pledge with the audience participating. Greetings and presentation of guests will be made by County Supt. H. C. Secrest. Presentation of the keys to (Continued on Page Two) Smith Will Close Campaign Willi Caldwell Rally .id J. "-sr.irl:, c. .Marietta, Democratic candidate for Con gress from the 15th District will follow in the footsteps of another popular former congressman, Robert T. Secrest and close his campaign in Caldwell, Monday night at the Caldwell high school. Smith said today he has lined up an array of talent for this program and a big night of en tertainment has been planned starting at 7:30 p. m. The program will include the Shenandoah Valley gang, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Dajniels of Byesville, The Snyder Sisters who will feature popular songs, The Flowers Brothers Quartet of Marietta and the Marjorie Holz schuher school of dancers from Zanesville. Smith stated that everyone of both political parties are invited to attend this meeting. Caldwell P. T. A. Plans Annual Fall Festival .•Ynnouncment has iucn made by the Caldwell P.T.A. associa tion that the annual fall festival will be held Friday evening, Nov. 7, in the Caldwell high school auditorium. Advance tickets of 10 cents each are being sold which will be worth 15 cents on the pur* chase of food. Prizes will be awarded on advance ticket sales at drawings to be held through out the evening. Entertainment will include fis'h/ pond, ice cream and cak stand, doughnuts and cider stand, pie and coffee stand, homemade candy, baked goods, pop corn and peanuts, pop and other attractions. Advance tickets will be on sale by P.T.A. members next week DISMISSED HOME Dr. N. S. Reed has been dis missed to his home on Chautau qua Court from St. Francis hos pital, Cambridge, where he has been receiving treatment the past several weeks. His daughter, Mrs Jack McLaughlin and daughters of Indianapolis, Ind., visited here the past weekend. TO THE VOTERS of Stock Local School District. You will be voting on a five mill school levy for operating your school at the November 4 election. Your sup port will be appreciated. Board members, Walter Mallett, John Larrick, Bernard Archer, Ken Tucker and Everett Archer. 18 READ JAMES & QUICK'S ad on another page for special bar bains. VOTE FOR Dwight F. Wiley, now serving you as your county treasurer. SEE US FOR your Bottle Gas need. D. D. Nichols, Caldwell Ohio. tt r'TT Pictured above is the beautiful and modern Southern Noble consolidated high school which will be dedicated Saturday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock, with Hon. John E. Henderson deliver ing the dedicatory address. The school is FILES K. BULLEY Former Research Chemist New Southern Noble Head Charles H. Burley, new execu tive head of the Southern Noble schools at Dexter City, is a form er research chemist and worked as such for almost four years with the Reilly Tar and Chemi cal company at Fairmont, W. Va. Mr. Burley took over his new duties as head of the Dexter City schools this summer follow ing t'he resignation of Willis B. Ogle, who is now manager and operator of the Maple Sfiade Inn. Mr. Burley is a native of Wor thington, W. Va. He received his AB degree from Fairmont State college and his MA degree from West Virginia Liberty Univer sity in school administration. He taught academic Sciences at the Southern Garrett county junior and senior high school in Oakland, Md. He also served as principal of the Kitzmiller com munity school at Kitzmiller, Md., before accepting his new job at Southern Noble. He is married to the former Shirley D. Romine and they have one son, Bobbie, aged 14 months. Dedication services are plan ned at the new school next Sat urday afternoon and the general public is being extended a cor dial invitation to attend by Principal Burley and his staff of teachers. Harry Yontz InjiTed In Train-Car Accident Harry Yontz, Caldwell, sales man for the Wayne Feed Supply Co., was injured Monday after noon when the auto he was driv ing hit a train in Coshocton. Yontz was given emergency treatment at a Coshocton hospi tal. He suffered head injuries and was dismissed following treatment. The driver narrowly escaped death in the mishap and con siderable damage resulted to the auto. DISLOCATES SHOULDER Tommy Zwick, 3, Caldwell route 1, son of Mr. and Mrs Charles Zwick, sustained a dis located shoulder when he fell at his home last week. He was treated and dismissed: in the office of the Caldwell Clinic. RUBBER FOOTWEAR for the en tire family. Select now, while our stock is complete. Lay-away for a rainy day. Carl's Shoe Store. 18 VOTE FOR DALLAS BOND REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER SHORT TERM Experienced Businessman and Farmer. COVERS i ue right to work amend ment and the school consolida tion are the two top issues in Noble county and it is expect ed that a record vote will be tabulated when the polls are closed next Tuesday evening at 6:30 o'clock. Trick Or Program Progresses i iie aiaie department oi agri culture, division of animal hus bandry is continuing the Brucel losis testing program in Noble county, which is aimed at modi fied certified Brucellosis free county status. This testing is to cover herds other than strictly feeder ani mals, not covered or tested by the milk ring test. The blood testing program is compulsory and the co-operation of all herd owners is desired. It has been estimated that about half the county has been com pleted wit'h the testing deadline set at Dec. 1, 1958. Belle Valley Students To Enter Business College Miss Fontella Greathousc. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Greathouse, route 2, Caldwell, and Miss Janet Ramsey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ram sey, route 1, Ava, have just com pleted arrangements to enter the Columbus Business University (Office Training School) in June, 1959. Miss Greathouse and Miss Ramsey will graduate from Belle Valley high school in May and then enter the executive secre tarial course at the university. FORFEITS BOND Homer N. Carpenter, 21, of Summerfield, forfeited a bond of $15 this week when he failed to appear in court at Zanesville to answer to a charge of failing to yield right of way to a car driven by Robert C. Crawford, 22, of Zanesville. Carpenter was arrested as the result of a collis ion, Monday afternoon on Put nam avenue, Zanesville. FALL FESTIVAL, Friday, Nov. 7 from 7:00 to 9:00 p. m. in the Caldwell high school auditorium. Prizes will be awarded on ad vance ticket sales. IS No a Treal For LKlCEf Thursday Kite It will b- trie 1 or treat for UNICEF this Thursc&y even ing, Oct. 30 in Nobl^county. Through cooperation of the various Protestant and Cath olic churches in the county, the children will receive pennies for needy children of the world when they make their traditional trick or treat visits to the homes. The UNICEF trick or treat will begin at 7:00 p. m. with many of the churches planning a party for the children when they return with their pen nies. Rev. E. Parker West, of Caldwell, is serving as chair man of this project. Brucellosis equipped to accommodate a maximum of 350 students, although th^ enrollment is only 250. Crock & Schafer were the general contractors and ground was broken in May, 1957. —The Journal-Deader Photo Consolidation And RTW Are Top Local Issues Testing Precinct omcials will meet next Saturday afternoon in the Noble county Common Pleas courtroom, where they will re ceive their supplies and receive last minute instructions rel ative to counting out. The proposed creation of a new school district which would include Belle Valley, Brookfield, Sharon, Center, Buffalo, Seneca and Caldwell exempted village school dis trict is one of the hottest issues in the territories which it involves. Another controversial issue is the Right To Work amend ment on the local level and this issue alone should bring out a big vote. On the state level, Michael DiSalle and C. William O'Neill are battling it out for the honor to serve as governor for the next four years. As their running mates, John W. Don ahey, Democrat, and Paul M. Herbert, Republican, are run ning for lieutenant governor. For secretary of state, Re publican Ted W. Brown is running against Asher W. Sweeney, Democrat, and for treasurer of state, Joseph T. Ferguson, Democrat, is seek ing to unseat Republican Rog ^r W. Tracy. For attorney general, Wil liam Saxbe, Republican incum bent, has Mark McElroy, Democrat, as his opposition. For United States Senator, John W. Bricker and Stephen (Continued on Page Two) Civil Defense Meeting Held Wednesday Night A nitcliiig oi the new ly organized Civil Defense Unit in Noble county, was held Wed nesday evening in the court house with county director Owen H. Pickenpaugh in charge. Membership cards were given out by the chairman. Rev. James Mason, chairman of religious affairs for the local unit, gave a report on his recent trip to Battle Creek, Mich. Mrs. Barbara Louise Cunning ham was named as chairman of the ladies organizations through out the county. Leo L. McCarthy, third area defense director, was present at the meeting. He outlined the general program of the unit on various phases of the county pro gram. Those in attendance included Kendrick Marquis, Sharon Paul Davis, Sarahsville Vera Antill and Bernice Webber, Dexter City Edwin Crum, Caldwell route Edward Bailey, Belle Val ley J. R. Wells. Caldwell, and county commissioners Ernest Secrest and Clarence VanFossen NON-SUPPORT CHARGE Glen O. Nichelson, 30, of Ava, appeared in Cambridge court on Monday to answer to a charge of contempt of court which grew out of his failure to keep up payments ordered by the court earlier for support of the man's three minor children. Nichelson was sentenced to six months in the Guernsey county jail with five months of the sentence being suspended by Common Pleas Judge Delbert Tedrick. UA COUNTY L/-£ T-U-Z VOL. 100 NUMBER 18 ESTABLISHED IN 1859 CALDWELL, OHIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1958 TWENTY PAGES THIS WEEK SINGLE COPY 6c $362,000 Southern Noble High School Will Be Dedicated Saturday Present Status Of Highway Makes Bond Money Available The Noble County Chamber of Commerce membership favors the school consolidation at the coming election by a vote of 71 for and 21 against, according to a report an nounced Wednesday morning by President Malcolm Parks. There were 160 ballots mail ed out to the members with 92 being returned as of Wed nesday morning. This was considered an unusually heavy return and indicates interest is running high on this issue. This means that 57 percent returned their ballots. Of those returned, 77 percent were in favor and 23 percent against. The ballots were counted in the presence of President Parks, Bolon Barnhouse, Joe Yontz Robert Whitcomb and W. D. Semple. The sheriff's department said that Hill was traveling west to ward Caldwell, came out of a curve at a very high rate of speed and lost control. The vehicle hit a bridge abut ment, traveled approximately 55 feet down a small embankment and came to rest against a tree. The young man was removed to Marietta Memorial hospital, Marietta, in the emergency vehicle of the Caldwell volun teer fire department. Hospital attaches said he suffered a pos sible concussion but no bones were broken. Hill regained con sciousness when he was admitted to the emergency room of the hospital All Saints Day To Be Observed Saturday All Saints Day, Saturday, Nov. 1, is declared as a Holy Day by the Catholic church and it will be in observed in all the Catholic parishes throughout the county. Masses are scheduled to be held in all Catholic churches on this 'holy day of obligation and some of them are listed as fol lows St. Philomena church, Caldwell, Masses 6:00 a. m., 8:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. St. Mary's church, Fulda, Masses at 8:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. St. Henry's church, Harriettsville, Mass at 7:30 p. m. and Corpus Christi church, Belle Valley, Mass at 7:30 p. m. DIVORCE GRANTED A divorce was granted last week in the Noble county com mon pleas court with Judge W. V. Archer on the bench. The peti tion was filed by Ida L. Hartley, of Caldwell, plaintiff, and S. Nicodemus Hartley, of Trimble, Ohio, defendant. The plaintiff was granted a divorce on grounds of wilful absence. Attorney L. C. Young was attorney for the plaintiff. SuNf-UIN-Z' Noble county will be the intersecting point for two of south eastern's Ohio's major highways, State Routes 78 and 21, according to an announcement made this week in Columbus by State Director of Highways Charles Noble. In reclassifying SR 78 from Chamber of Commerce Favors Consolidation New Bridce On SR 285 Is Hearing Completion Summerfield Youih Injured In Accident On Cat Steps, Fulda Da it R. Hili, 24, oi iuute 1, Summerfield, narrowly escaped death and serious injury .Sunday morning at 1:07 o'clock when he lost control of his car on Cat Steps in the Fulda community. State Route 78 Reclassified Into A Major Thoroughfare a secondary state highway to a major state thoroughfare, such action prominently identifies this route as one of Ohio's more im portant routes, resulting prim arily from the industrial develop ment now taking place along the Ohio river in the vicinity of Clar ington, in neighboring Monroe county. The Journal-Leader whei: speaking to Director Noble b: telephone this week, was assured that several major changes in the route would be made an»i that steps would be taken to advance these needed improv€ ments. When asked directly if an plans had been made wit! respect to these changes, Direc tor Noble stated tihat a stud or survey of the road would firs be made by Division Enginee J. C. Kendle, Marietta. From thi study certain recommendation would be made by the divisio and submitted to his office. Plan for improving the highwa would then proceed along a given schedule. Director Noble stated that be cause of the time involved, the (Continued on Page Two) According to a report from state highway department Supt. K. G. Kearns, state highway crews are pouring the concrete top on the bridge on State Route 285, located at the Amy Rich farm, near Sarahsville. After the top is poured for the bridge, a period of 10 to 12 days is required for the concrete to cure before traffic can be main tained over the new bridge. A detour around the bridge i being maintained for traffic during construction. A 15"' culvert, 52 ft. long ws laid on State Route 146, betwee the Ernest Secrest farm an Pleasant City, this week. Supt. Kearns said the new culvert re places an old culvert which located in a deep fill. State highway workers are constructing a detour bridge at the site of a new bridge on State Route 147, near the Denver Kennedy farm. Tne Minuez con struction company has been awarded the contract for con structing the new bridge. The detour bridge at the Ankrom (Continued on Page Two)* Former Resident In Sharon General Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Don Pilcher ar daughter, of Olive street, spei the weekend with her parent Mrs. John Wilson and Bill, Mcrcer, Pa. and her father, Job Wilson, who is a patient in tl Sharon General hospital, Sharor Pennsylvania. Mr. Wilson, wh is recovering from triple amput tion and third degree burns, ha been taken off the serious list He is to have skin grafting done Wednesday. Mr. Wilson wishes to thank all of his many friends for their cards and letters. Mr. Wilson is the son of Mrs James Wilson and the brother of Mrs. S. O. Springer, Mrs. Forrest Sanford and Mrs. Grace Parks all of Caldwell, Glen Wilson, of Harriettsville, and Roy, of Mantua, Ohio. INVOLVED IN ACCIDENT Ronald W. Batten, of Dexter City, charged with driving at an excessive speed on a graveled road, drew a fine of $15 and costs in Marietta municipal court. The state patrol reported that Batten sideswiped a bridge on county road No. 8 and then rolled his car over in a ditch. He is em ployed near Marietta. PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX deadline notice—Friday, Octo ber 31. 1958. is the final day to pav Personal Property Taxes in Noble County. After the deadline a penalty of 10 percent will be added. 18 DWIGHT F. WILEY Noble County Treasurer 4 CUMBERLAND SCHOOL IS ROBBED Forrest Howell, school executive, is shown here checking the safe in his office at the Cumberland high school which was broken in^ and robbed last Friday night. Mr. Howefl said the thieves punched off the combination wheel of the safe, shown above, and made Jf with approximate ly $44.00. It was reported earlier that they got only $10.00 but the junior class had left $34.00 of their money in the safe Friday. The robbery was discovered by Coach James Marks. En trance to the building was gained by breaking out a window. It is believed the thieves left the building thru the door leading into the gymnasium, for it was that door Marks first noticed was not locked when he reported to the gym Saturday morning to check out some basketball material. Guernsey county authorities who investigated the robbery reported that it was impossible to detect any finger prints. It is thought that those persons responsible for the break-in wore gloves to avoid any possible clue. Ohio U. Offidal Will Speak On Consolidation T. Grover, assistant t_ i'r C. Baker at Ohio University, Athens, will be the principal speaker Saturday evening, Nov. 1,* when a general meeting on school consolidation is held at the Knights of Columbus building, West street. William D. Semple, chairman of the committee, said that John S. Patterson, president of the Morgan Local board of education, Mc Connelsville, had also accepted an invitation to attend this meeting. 1 BRANDON T. GROVER FIVE PASS TESTS Five persons successfully pass ed their driver's examinations, Monday, under the jurisdiction of the state patrol. John Milton Spence, Dexter City Norma Jean Romnosky, Caldwell Mary Ellen Dennis, Caldwell route 6. and Marilyn Kay Hague, of Sarahsville, passed their exami nations and received operator's licenses and Donald Lyle Gal lagher, of Quaker City route 4, received his chauffeur's license. TO THE VOTERS of Noble Coun ty. As I will be unable to meet each one of you personally I will greatly appreciate your support in the coming election, November 4th. Franz McNutt. 18 WANTED: Old pictures or nega tives of the O.R.&W.. particu larly around Noble County. Pic tures will be returned. Ralph W. Teters, Teters Studio, 805 North Street, Caldwell, or phone 397-M. 16, 17, 18 In accepting the invitation, Mr. Patterson said, "With the change in the law in the next two years the small districts are faced with a choice of consolida tion, lowering their standards or greatly increasing local taxes. I have visited several consolidated schools and find they have im proved their standards and facili ties at littie or no increase in cost per pupil. I would urge the voters in the district voting this fall to vote for consolidation." Every tax payer in Noble county is invited to this meeting which will begin at 7:30 p. m. In addition to the speakers, there jvill also be an evening of enter tainment for those attending. This will include the popular 'Pop-cords," a well known bar ber shop quartet from Cam bridge who will present a half hour of entertainment and songs that you like to hear. Program Chairman Robert Stevenson said today he was also lining up several other program features. Whether you are for or against consolidation in the proposed creation of the new school dis continued on Page Two) TO THE VOTERS of Noble Coun ty. As I will be unable to meet each one of you personally, I would like to have your support in ihe coming election. November 4tli. It will be greatly appreciated. Clarence K. VanFossen. 18. RE-ELECT Clayton McKee Coun ty Court Judge, Noble County. Non-partisan Ballot. It will cost less to consolidate. Vote yes on consolidation. VOTE FOR DACK BLAKE For Your COUNTY COMMISSIONER WINDOW GLASS cut to accu rate size. See us for your needs. D. D. Nichols, CaldwelL U.