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Page Six—B V Summerfield Former Residents Of This Community Will Observe Their Golden Wedding The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Harry McClintock, former residents of the Summerfield, might be interested to know that they will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary on Nov. 16. Local residents can all help them Celebrate this wonderful day by sending them a card to the fol lowing address 2035 Kelton Ave., W. Los Angeles 25, Calif. Dinner Guests Mr. and Mrs Dean Oliver en tertained Sunday with a chicken dinner honoring the birthdays of Mr. W. L. Oliver, Sylvia Oliver and Harry Moore. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Tread way and family of Galion Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mathers of Cambridge Mr. and Mrs. Jack Oliver of Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore and daughter, Helen, host and host ess. Mr. Wilbur Oliver was an afternoon guest. Lodge To Meet Summerfield Lodge F. & A. M. will meet Wednesday evening, Nov. 5, for their regular meet ing and also election of officers in charge of Vernon Moore, mas ter. Legion Auxiliary The American Legion Auxili ary will hold their annual vet erans day dinner on Saturday evening, Nov. 8. at 7:00 in the legion hall. The dinner will be served by the mothers of the senior class of the Summerfield high school and tickets are on sale now by the senior class. Election Dinner The American Legion Auxili ary will serve both chicken and beef dinner on election day at the Legion hall beginning at li:00. They will also have sand wiches, pie and coffee. Halloween Party The Summerfield grange will hold their annual Halloween party on Friday evening, Oct. 31, in the grange hall. W.S.C.S. The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service will meet on Tues day evening, Nov. 11, for their regular metting, instead of Nov. 7, as had been announced. Attends Meeting Miss Helen Meek attended a district meeting of the Aid for the Aged held this Monday in Cambridge. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyd, of Caldwell, visited Sunday after noon with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Weaver. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Weaver were dinner guests recently with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ball and son, Bobbie, near Caldwell. The dinner was in honor of Mrs. Weaver's birthday. Mr. Charles Dotson, Bert Cal land, Sam Reed, Ralph and Lloyd Bach and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weaver attended the feed er calf sale Wednesday in Cos hocton. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kraouff, of Quaker City, Mr. Arthur Knouff of Eighty-Four, Pa., were dinner guests Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Homer Warner, of Gladys Val ley. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Atkinson visited recently with Mrs. Emma McGurk and Mrs. Grace Egger in Byesville. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Atkinson, of Summerfield, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis and family, of Sar ahsville, were dinner guests Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Don Han nahs and sons in Circleville. They also visited the Old Man's caves near there. They were ac companied home by Mrs. Shirley Davis and Garry Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guiler and children, Gloria, Carolyn and Carl visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Guil er and sons in Owensville, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Moore, Mrs. Edna Truax and daughter, Patsy and Mrs. Mildred Day are in Cincinnati this week attend ing the Miand chapter of the Order of Eastern Star. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Bircher were business callers this Mon day forenoon in Caldwell and Cambridge. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reed and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Reed, of Akron, visited a few days with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reed and Mr. and Mrs. Zeter Ilanes. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cantor of Akron, visited over the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Richeson. Mrs. Opal VanDyne, of Cam bridge, visited Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Of fa Bishop. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Bircher visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Brague and Norman in Woodsfield. They also called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weisend in Lewis ville. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Maust and family, of New Concord, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mathers, of Cam bridge, Mr. and Mrs. Albert White and family, of Canton, Wilbur and Paul Oliver and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Oliver visited re cently with Mr. and Mrs. Will Oliver and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore and daughter. Helen. Mrs. Ellis Leach. Mrs. Carl Bates and daughter, Karassa Lynn, of West Lafayette and Phyllis Leach attended the wed ding of Rex Casey and Char lotte Clark at the home of the bride's parents on Sunday after noon. TWO FILE SEPARATIONS Two young men filed separa tions from the U. S. Army in the office of Noble county Recorder Benny J. Fowler, last week. They were Francis Eugene Morris and Junior Ernest Ball, separations 214. is "health in a bottle" Every glass of milk you drink Is CI toast to your good health. Milk hes "what it take#" to keep you fit and en the go. It's Nature's most nearly perfect food ... a rich source of nourishment and energy. So versa tile, too! You can enjoy it plain of flavored... in cooking and bakingl Refresh with milk often. It's delicious any timel CALDWELL PRODUCE CO Phone 75 Caldwell, Ohio (enter CENTER Several attended the fall festival held at the Sar ahsville high school, Thursday -vening. Bill Rossiter, Nancy Rossiter, Mrs. Gladys Moore, Mrs. Helen Horton and son, Dana and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Brown were visit ing with Mr. and Mrs. Athel Moore, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Bill Everly was a dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harden Everly, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mart Rossiter were visiting at Center, Sun day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Shafer and son. Denny, were shopping at Cambridge, Saturday. Mrs. Harden Everly received word that her sister, Mrs. Harold Ball is in a Canton hospital. We hope her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Minus Goodwill and Mrs. Ida Smith were shop ping at Caldwell, Saturday. Hugh Eddy Cox, of Fort Knox, Ky., spent the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cox, Sr., of Sarahsville route. Mrs. Lena Everly attended the funeral of Mrs. Jane Archer at Caldwell, Monday. Mrs. Ann Mellinger and daugh ters, Shirley, Sharon and Becky, visited home folks at Jewett and Dillonvale on Saturday. i Sam and Raymond McMannis, of Canton, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McMannis and family. Their mother, Virgie McMannis and Mary Ann, Janet Sue and James, who is on furlough, all were dinner guests on Sunday at the home of^ Mr. and Mrs. Junior McMannfs and family of Cambridge. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Stack and Thelma were Saturday evening callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Farson and family, of Big Run. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Davis, of South Olive, were Friday even ing callers at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Landaker and family. Jimmie Lockhart, of Dungan non visited recently with Dean Stack. Edith Chandler and Nancy Teeters called on Ella Burkhart one afternoon the past week. James McMannis and his moth i WHao^'.fWFfan H- A xwgiwwMutiw*. %»r« THE JOURNAL. CALDWELL, OHIO KEITHTOWN NEWS HAPPENINGS KEITHTOWN Mr. and Mrs. John Craig and son, Johnny, of Devola, were Saturday visitors at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ard Chandler. Betty Teters, of Zanesville, was also a weekend visitor at the home of her parents. er, Virgie, spent a couple of days the past week with relatives in the northern part of the state. There will be a public auction sale at the Keithtown store on Thursday, Oct. 30, beginning at 10:00 o'clock. Archer's Ridge ARCHER' S RIDGE Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Gherst and Dora Warner and Louis Warner of Zanesville, were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Paisley and Mrs. Eva Gherst. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wickham and children, Connie Sue and Russell and Mr. and Mrs. Junior Wickham and Finley Wickham, of Zanesville, spent Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. Bertha Lahue and son, Ron. Andy Snider and Coletta, of Youngstown, and Raphael Gerst, of Fulda, were guests recently of Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Paisley and Mrs. Eva Gerst. Dallas Paisley attended the stock sales in Zanesville last week. Natie Wickham, Miss Mary Davis and Larry. Wickham spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Davis and son, David. I i i':, 1 ft' -W- A ^llfe a ra i £1 ft \*m v mmim & Citizens to Defeat State Issue No. 2 i Cumberland CUMBERLAND The W. S. C. S. of the Methodist church will meet on Tuesday evening in the social rooms. The devotionals will be given by Bernice Allison and the program prepared by Vera Bates. Refreshments will be served by Edith McNutt, Eliza beth Simons, Bernice Hall and Mary R. Howell. Cumberland Rebekah Lodge will meet on Monday evening at 8:00 p. m. with Noble Grand Alice Muhlbach, in charge of the busi ness meeting. The refreshment committee is: Martha Cowgill, Frances Harding and Ellen Hick le. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bartlett, of Columbus, were callers on Sun day at the Lee Watts home and attended the Barnett-Watts wed ding. Mrs. Neva Conn, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ellis, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Crawford, attend ed "Friendship Night", at Free port Chapter, O. E. S. Mrs. David Davis and daugh ters, of Youngstown, spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Waller. Mrs. Davis came for the weekend and his family accompanied him to their home. Miss Joan Hickle, of Zanesville, spent the weekend with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hickle. •J..*- v A In the Home Issue 2 would weaken the happy family life we now enjoy. With less money coming into each home, parents will be forced to deprive their children and themselves of many of ljfe's necessities. Our Churches and Schools Churchmen of all faiths oppose Issue 2 on moral grounds. Included are the Protestant Ohio Council of Churches General Assembly, all six Ohio Catholic Bishops, and leading Ohio Rabbis. On the Job CALDWELL ROUTE 3—Clem Garvin called on Edna Boyd on Monday evening. Alva Garvin spent Monday and Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Phi 11 is. Mrs. James Garvin called Wednesday on Mrs. Clem Gar vin. Ednia Boyd called on Mrs. Lawrence Harper, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Garvin, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hutchins and Virgil and Fred spent Wed nesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. James Garvin. The Marschel Spear house was burned to the ground one day last week. Clem Garvin called on Ernest Keyser, Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Smith, Johnnie and Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Marshall and John, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Garvin and Beu- Eighty per cent of all Ohio employer-employee contracts include the union shop. This type of agreement put Ohioans among the best-fed and best-clothed people of any of the states in the Union. Under the "right-to-work" law, the working man will suffer because his wages wall be cut and his job security will fall. on issue 45 N. High Street, Columbus 15, Ohio Philip R. Bradley, President Thursday, October 30, 1953 CALDWELL ROUTE 3 HAPPENINGS lah. Mr. and Mrs. James Garvin, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zimmer man and George, Sherida and Karen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Boney, Irvil and Ancil, of Hoskinsville. Clem Garvin, Mr. and Mrs. James Garvin called on Frank Dillehay, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. James Garvin and Alva Garvin spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Clem Garvin and Beulah. Floyd Boyd called on Clem Garvin and Edna Boyd, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Boyd and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dutton spent Sunday with Lillie Boyd. Leonard Gardner called on his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gar dner, Sunday. More school for your money. Vote yes on consolidation. Colley Insurance 409 West Street Phone 125 Caldwell, Ohio mm* 'i 6 k- t!