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fi in ^idANNlVERS^M VOL. 100 NUMBER 30 New Teacher Hired By Caldwell School Board At a special meeting of the Caldwell exempted village board of education Friday night, Mrs. Robert Evilsizer, the former Garnet Clark, was hired as a new teacher for the Caldwell schools. The board at this same meeting also accepted the resignation of Mr. Wilbur Hunt, who has been ill for the past several weeks in a veterans hospital at Martinsburg, MRS. ROBERT EVILSIZER IN FLORIDA Henry Brum bach of the Cald well Produce company .left last week for Dade County, Florida, where he will enjoy a fishing trip. With a rainfall of 1.29 inches in the last 36 hours, creek chan nels in Noble county have swol len and overflowed causing high water in all sections of the county Wednesday morning. Richard Burlingame, weather man for this area, reported that 1.30 inches of rain has been recorded for this area during January and- of this amount 1.29 inches has been recorded in the past 36 hours, including Monday and Tuesday. The local state highway de partment reported that several state routes, including USR 21, north and south were closed with high water Wednesday. State highway workers placed "high water" signs at the follow ing places Tuesday night and Wednesday: State Route 564, from Middleburg, south State {toute 260, from Carlisle to Road v Continued on page two Richard Douglass Named To State Executive Board Richard Douglas.- of Batosviile, elementary school supervisor for the Noble county schools, has been highly honored by being named a member of the executive committee for state supervisor's association. Mr. Douglass will represent Southeastern Ohio district, which includes 12 counties. Each district in the state has only one member on the execu tive committee. INCOME TAX. I am at my home at 102 S. Cumberland street, corner of Locust street, Caldwell, making out income tax returns for farmers and others. Charles L. Dyer. 30 31 32 WINDOW GLASS cut to accu rate size. See us for vour needs. D. D. Nichols, Caldwell. tf. W. Va. 'Mr. Hunt has been unable to return to his duties since the Christmas holidays but didn't resign until the past week. Mrs. Evilsizer will be teaching English and girls' physical education. The board is also, going to attempt to offer a Spanish class in the eighth grade since Mrs. Evilsizer is qualified to teach this subject. Supt. Clayton Smith said there would be several shifts in teaching assignments and that Marvin P. Wood would be given the vocal teaching for the high school. Mrs. Evilsizer is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Clark, Caldwell, and a graduate of the local high school. She received her college work at MusKingum college, New Concord. For the past several years she has been teaching in the schools at Hopkinsville, Ky., where her husband was stationed with the U. S. Marine Corps. He was dis charged last Nov. 28 and. they have since returned to Caldwell. Auditor Completes Tax Distribution For Noble County The Noble county auditor has completed the October settlement for 1958, x-epresenting the last half of the tax collection on real estate here. This is always the smaller of the two tax settlements. Auditor C. R. Atkinson said that the schools received $35,569.34 the townships, $3,479.11 and the corporations, $830.44 from the un divided general personal tax. High Water Closes Major Highways In Noble County This breakdown is as follows: Beaver local, $1,336.12 Brook field, $5,672.18 Buffalo, $875.10 Center, $278.31 Elk, $540.20 Fulda school district, $275.29 Summerfield school district, $239.74 Belle Valley school dis trict, $616.12 Caldwell school district, $22,907.86 Seneca, $370.28 Sharon, $117.31 Stock, $167.12 Southern Noble, $1, 8 0 0 5 5 W a s i n o n o u n y $148.76 Guernsey county, $181.48 and Monroe county, $42.82. The townships received the o o w i n a o u n s e a v e $52.65 Brookfield, $332.78 Buf falo, $97.24 Center, $36.21 Elk, $77.40 Enoch, $22.43 Jackson, $36.35 Jefferson, $92.35 Marion, $32.93 Noble, $112.81 Olive, $2,427.47 Seneca, $44.25 Charon, $15.29 Stock, $48.43 and Wayne, $50.34. Continued on page two TOMCATS THREATEN Carl Murphys Found Dead By Relatives Mr. and Mrs. Carl Murphy, prominent residents of Macks burg for a number of years, were found asphyxiated in their home, Tuesday night at 7:30 o'clock by their brother-in-law, Carl Hes son. The couple had not been seen by their friends and neighbors since Sunday afternoon and it is believed that the couple met death Sunday night from the fumes of two unvented stoves in their home. The Noble county sheriffs office was notified at 8:04 p. in. and he in turn notified the sheriff's department in Washing ton county and they investigated. Coroner Dean Northup, of Mari etta, returned a verdict of death from asphyxiation. It is believed that due to the bitter cold wave which hit this community Saturday and Sun day, that Mr. and Mrs. Murphy. Continued on page two Inspection Credits Local ONG Unit With 'Fine' Work .Noble County's Ambuiance Company, 112th Medical Bat talion, Ohio National Guards, fared exceptionally well in the recent inspection conducted by Major Andrew Tyndall, of New ark, second army inspector. The report submitted by the inspecting officer credited the local unit with two "superiors" and three "excellent.s." Capt. Charles Coyle, company commander, stated that the in spection included practically every phase of the local unit's activity, and the report reflects most favorably on the effort and work performed by the officers and enlisted men. For administration, which in cluded unit files, personnel rec ords and reports, an "excellent" rating was received. A "superior" rating was re Continued on page two Figures In Accident On SR 78, Sharon Hill Neal 11 Racey. of Sporting a record to date of nine wins as against one loss, the Redskins appear to be nearing the stage of setting a new basketball record for Caldwell high school. Local sport fans are digging into the school's archives, checking the past records -to determine just what has been done and, when and where. It has been several years since basketball has been so enthusias tically received by local fans. Attendance at home games re flect this trend. In all prob ability all previous attendance records will be broken this year. A 'boost in general attendance has been greatly encouraged by inaugurating the reserve seat section at the gym. Even with weather conditions as they were last Friday evening, a full house was on hand to celebrate the last-minute victory staged by the local quint over a hard-fighting defiant Philo team. To maintain the present sup Coatinued on page two Caldwell, and Glen R. Long, of Caldwell route 2, figured in an accident on SR 78 near Sharon Friday afternoon, due to the icy condition of the highway. The sheriffs department said that Racey, who lives at 1013 Fairground street, was coming down Sharon hill when the car started skidding due to the ice. Although Racey tried to turn off the road, his vehicle skidded into that driven by Mr. Long. Only moderate property dam age was sustained and no charges were filed. Redskins Must Have Support For Victory IN HOSPITAL Mrs. Betty Jane Watson, of the Sarahsville community, was ad mitted to the Guernsey Memorial hospital, Cambridge, Monday, for observation and treatment. Mrs. Watson is the former Betty Jane Williams, of Mt. Ephraim. FOX DEN ROBBED The Fox Den tavern on USR 21 near Warner, was broken into Monday night according to a re port from the Washington county sheriff's department. The loot included whiskey, approximately $40 from a juke box and an undetermined number of cigar ettes. s NOBLE. £ouNry A number of enlisted men, members of the Noble County Ambulance Company, 112th Medical Battalion, Ohio National Guards, were recipients of awards of merit of the state of Ohio. The occasion gave special recognition to those members having completed three years of continuous service in the local ambulance company. The formal presentation was made at the regular meeting of the unit held Wednesday evening at the local armory. Viewing the awarding of the ribbons to the eligible members were Capt. Charles Coyle, company command er, extreme left in picture and 1st Lt. Howard "Nellie" She Whispered- Ohio Power Pays $23,934.68 In Taxes One of the largest real estate payments in Noble county was made Tuesday afternoon to Treasurer R. P. Elliott when the Ohio Power of Guernsey and Noble counties planked down a check in the amount of $23,934.68. Ohio Power Manager Ray Friese, of Cambridge, brought the check down personally and paid the taxes to Treasurer Elliott which represents only the first half on their real estate for 1958. Treasurer Elliott said today that although the tax' books closed Tuesday evening, Jan. 20. all taxes received in the mail before the deadline would be honored without the penalty payment. The mail has been extremely heavy the past few days and the treasurer's office got behind on the taxes -which came in that way. DIVORCE FILED A divorce action was filed last week in the Noble county com mon pleas court, according to W. V. Archer, judge. The action was filed by Floyd H. Antill, of Dex ter City, plaintiff, against Ruth C. Antill, Marietta, defendant. The plaintiff charges gross neg lect of duty and he is represented by L. C. Young, attorney. NO MUFFLER Donald J. Pitts, of Caldwell route 6, was arrested Sunday by the state highway patrol on a charge of not having a muffler on his truck. He was fined $10 and costs when he appeared be fore Caldwell Mayor Chester Howiler to answer to the charge. FUND CHAIRMAN Rev. E. Parker West, pastor of Caldwell First Methodist church, has accepted the chairmanship for the county Red Cross fund drive which is to be held during the month of March. Rev. West was present at the district meet ing Wednesday evening in the Red Cross rc#m of the court house to complete plans for a successful year. mm- Li ESTABLISHED IN 1859 CALDWELL, OHIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1959 FOURTEEN PAGES THIS WEEK SINGLE COPY 6c Commissioners Slash County Budget MACKSBURG COUPLE ASPHYXIATED BY GAS FUMES ONG MEMBERS RECEIVE Summerfield Phone Operator Is Credited With Saving Life "Nellie," she whispered in a choking gasp and thereby hangs a tale of mercy on the part of a telephone operator in Summerfield, who said today it was just "one of the many incidents" that has happened to me in my span of 36 jyears as an operator at the Sum merfield exchange. The woman who could very easily credit her life to the quick thinking of the operator was Nellie Yontz, 53, of Lewisville route 1. The operator was Mrs. Leona Wtyeatley, who started her 37th year with the Summerfield telephone exchange on June 1. Let Mrs. Wheatley tell her story: "I heard a tingle on the Lewis ville line as though someone was calling. When I didn't get a number, I naturally thought it was some small child playing with the phone, as they are a thing of beauty and very enticing to a youngster. KG. T-U-E. SuNf-u i N-E V AWARDS OF 2nd Lt. Continued on page two Noble County Will Not Have A Primary Noble county will not have a primary election this spring according to Harry G. Richcreek, clerk of the Noble county elec tion board. However, there will be a fall primary for the election of town ship officials, village officials and school board officials. Petitions may be obtained any time from the board for the pur pose of circulation but the dead line for the filing of same in Noble county is not until August 5 at 4:00 p. m. with the board. Noble countians should keep this in mind and not be confused with other neighboring counties where primary elections will be held. 257 Prisoners At Being the sheriff of Noble county is a man size job but during the past year, the law enforcement agency of this county has been away above average, according to the an nual report released today by Sheriff Donald Conaway. A spot audit of the records of this department revealed that 456 cases were handled by the officials with net earnings in fees amounting to $1,563.31. This represents only the fees MERIT Larry Ross, company Bealls and officers. Pictured are the enlisted men who were present to receive the military ribbon. They are, left to right, front row Sgt. Roger King, Supply Sgt. Lee Truex, Motor Sgt. Carlos Bryan, and Capt. Lawrence Macenko back row—Sgt. Dennis Gerst, Sp/3, Ronald Ross and Sp/3 James Sholtis. Other members eligible to receive tic award are Sp3 Dave Rubel, Sp/3 Frank Stevens, Sgt. William Tarleton, Sp'3 Wayne Bettinger, Sp/3 Gene Devol!, and Sp/3 Nor bert Hupp. Highway Snow Plow And Car Involved !n Accident A state highway department snow plow for Noble county and a car driven by William E. Mur rey, of Caldwell, were involved in an accident one mile south of Caldwell on USR 21, Friday night at 10 o'clock. Ed Greathouse, of Caldwell, had just pulled onto the highway with the road equipment when the electrical system on the plow failed. Greathouse was preparing to put out warning flares when the plow was struck by Murrey. The state patrol from Marietta said Greathouse attempted to flag down Murrey but he was not ob served because of the blinding snow. The accident occurred near tin Noble county state highway de partment when the local crews had been called out on an emer geney status. William B. Schoit Is Head Of County Board Wiinam B. Schott was elected president of the Noble county board of education, Saturday morning at its organizational meeting. L. E. Hedge is the vice presi dent and other members are Robert Blake, J. O. Gibson and Alfred Brown. County Superin tendent H. C. Secrest serves as clerk of the board by law. Meetings will be held by this board the first Wednesday of every month at 1:30 p. m. 1003 Hours Economy Stressed In $111,367 Reduction Mothers' March Of Dimes To Be Held Thursday The Noble county commissioners cut the 1959 appropriation to operate this county a staggering $111,367.45 according to figures re leased today by the board. The commissioners had indicated that the county could be op erated more economically and they immediately put their words into action by slashing the 1959 bud get In 1958, the approved budget for Noble county amounted to $606,777.45 compared to the economy budget of $495,410.00 for 1959. In 1957, the budget amounted to $547,994.41. In their move to economize, the commissioners cut the bud gets for the office of the clerk of courts, the county recorder, the Noble county election board and the sheriff's office, through their deputies and otherwise, in addition to other departments in the county. Noble County Commissioners Franz McNutt and Kenneth Van Fossen, both Democrats, signed the appropriation but Republican Ernest Secrest refused to do so, due to the slash in the many office appropriations. A recapitulation of the funds reveals the following amounts were appropriated: General fund, $150,000 motor vehicle and gas tax fund, used only for roads, $340,000 dog and kennel fund, $5,410 for a total Continued on page two Final plans have been pleted for the annual Mothers' March of Dimes in Caldwell .vhich will be held Thursday evening, January 22, beginning at 6:30 o'clock. Mrs. Thelma Moore and Mrs. Pat Vogel are serving as co chairmen for this event and they have received the cooperation of many mothers who will assist in this drive. The fire siren will blow promptly at 6:30 p. m. signifying that the march is on. Those who have volunteered their services and the particular section of town they will canvass are as follows: Marylois Barnhart, Lavonna Whitcomb, Natalie Dahood, Gert rude McGregor, Thelma Estadt, and Roberta Daugherty, North street Etta Davis and Mary Richcreek, West street: Beverly Ralston and Rosemary Wilson, Continued on page two CALLED TO CHICAGO Mrs. John D. Wheeler, North street, was called to Chicago, 111 Sunday by the serious illness of her sister, Miss Mildred Lorentz, superintendent of nurses at the Michael Reese hospital, that city. KENNETH Sarahsville Barber To Locate Here With Saling Kenneth L. Gibson, son of Mrs. Ada Gibson and the late John Gibson, of Sarahsville, has re turned to Caldwell and will take up the barbering trade with Harley Saling in the former Ancil Westcott barber shop on Main street. It will be recalled that Harley Saling purchased the shop when Ancil Westcott retired and left for Florida to spend the winter. barber is a graduate of the Sarahsville high school with the class of 1952, w-here he was active in sports, especially basketball which he played for four years. He attended and graduated from the Riggs-Lemar state bar ber school in Akron in June, 1958. Since that time he has been associated with the Neader bar ber shop in Marietta. Saling and Gibson are now making extensive repairs at the former Westcott shop with a new bar, paneling and new fixtures and furniture. GAS METERS OFF It has been bad enough for residents to keep their homes warm this ''deep freeze" weather but the sheriff's department has received complaints that culprits in the Dexter City community have been turning off the gas meters outsides the homes. The complaints are being investigated and a warning has been issued by the sheriff against such pranks that could have dire results. James Ferguson Quits WSAZ For Post In Memphis, Tenn. James H. Ferguson, formerly of Caldwell and program director at WSAZ-TV, Huntington, W. Va., has accepted the position of pro gram manager at WMCT, Memphis, Tenn., effective Jan. 28, Law rence H. Rogers, president and general manager of WSAZ announc ed today.' Ferguson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles (Spide) Ferguson, of Washington, C. H., formerly of Caldwell and a graduate of the local high school. He is the son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Quick, Main street. Mr. Ferguson, a radio and television pioneer in the Hunt ington-Charleston area, has been actively engaged in radio and television since college days. He started as a radio engineer while attending Ohio State University. After graduating from college, Sheriff Handles 456 Cases In '58 and does not include the fines. There were 257 prisoners in the Noble county jail during 1958 and they spent a total of 1,003 hours in the bastile. Of the total number of cases investigated, the 74 civil cases totalled $374.80 297 criminal cases, $975.23 in fees 31 for eign cases, $56.26 and. 44 pro bate court cases, $174.52 in fees. Total fines for violations other than driving while in Continued on page two toxicated amounted to $1,634. The D.W.I, fines amounted to $1,045 and the forfeited bonds totalled $45.00. The total fines with clerk of courts and com mon pleas amounted to $5, 087.31. The total average cost per case was $6.54 and the sheriff's average cost per case amount ed to $2.60. There were 143 accidents in vestigated by the department, involving 234 cars. There were ON UNIVERSITY STAFF By appointment of the presi dent and board of regents, Mrs. Julia McGregor Thornberry, of Caldwell, is now a member of the faculty for State University in Iowa City. She will serve as an instructor in the school of nurs ing on the surgical floor. Her husband, Dr. John R. Thorn berry is a resident physician for the same university. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Thorn berry, of Columbus, and Mrs. Thornberry is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. A. G. McGregor. 99 accidents involving property damage only and 35 in which they had personal injuries in volved. There were three fatals during the year, including two pedestrians and one driver. Continued on page two DANCE at St. Michael's, Carlisle, Saturday, January 24. Public invited. 30 SEE US FOR your Bottle Gas needs. D. D. Nichols, Caldwell, Ohio. if.