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Thursday, January 22, 1959 Noble County's N The news was of a "general nature" during the past year as it is being reviewed in Noble county for 1958. The following breakdown of Noble county in review for the past year is by month*: with the lead stories noted for each week. Month by month, the news in Noble couniy unfolded as fol lows: January General Telephone company of Oh io completed a two-year multi project program which provides the most modern type of auto matic dial telephone service for Sill telephone users in the Pleas ant City and Senecaville areas, •according to the company's com mercial manager, William R. Krieter, of New Philadelphia. Final approval for a site for Noble county's new armory came with an announcement from Cle vite Corporation officials in Cleveland to the effect that five acres of their land, located south of Caldwell will be made avail able to the state for such a pro ject. The Noble County Ambulance unit of the 112th Medical Battal ion of the Ohio National guards will be highly, honored Wednes day evening, Jan. 29th, at the local armory when Colonel How ard H. Laille, commanding of ficer of the battalion, Fort Hayes, presents them with an excellency plaque. Last week a new and improved telephone service between Sar ahsville and Caldwell was in augurated. A vast improvement in the reception is evident in fact no interference is reflected when a call is made to that Cen ter township village from Cald well over the new installation. 'February The $350,000 bond issue for construction of a new elementary grade school building was defeat ed by the voters of the Caldwell exempted village school district, Tuesday. The vote was 563 for the bond issue and 642 against. f5ut it needed a 60 percent af irmative vote to pass or a total tf 726 votes. It received only 47 percent of the votes cast. The new $167,000 Diesel en gine purchased last fall by the Caldwell Board of Public Affairs, is now being installed at the Caldwell Light and Waterworks plant by the service department of Fairbanks, Morse & Co., of Cleveland. Ivan L. Depew is the service engineer representing the company since the engine arriv ed in Caldwell on a Pennsylvania flatcar. The amount of water consum WE PICKUP AND DELIVER! NOBLE CLEAMS Phone 109 ed in Caldwell and area reached an all-time new high during 1957, according to a report from Art Murphy, Supt. of the waterworks department. Total consumption of 83.420,000 gallons during 1957 represented an 18 percent in crease over that of the previous year. In 1956 a total of 67,748,000 gallons was used by the village customers. A private plane, carrying four young people, crashed early Sat urday morning in a field north of Columbus, claiming two lives and seriously injuring the other two. Killed when the single-en gine, four passenger craft crash landed, were Miss Susan Janice Chicwak, 19, daughter of Mr. and Mis. Michael Chicwak, of Flor ence and co-pilot, Albert Butts, 23, of Loudonville. March The jurors hearing the grand larceny case of Adolph Swyers, accused suspect of Cleveland, in the Lewis E. Henery robbery of Nov. 30, 1957, failed to reach a verdict last Friday afternoon af ter deliberating the case for more than two and one-half hours. Lucien C. Young, Jr., a student at Ohio Northern University, Ada, was recently elected presi dent of the school's junior bar association for the school term, 1958-59. The Caldwell student is a junior in law college. Acting upon the recommenda tion of Supt. Charles E. Davis, the Caldwell board of education recently renewed the contracts for nine teachers, all of which ex pire June 30. Teachers given a five-year contract include: Mrs. Lulu McDonald, Bryon Steen, Miss Ruth Addis, Sub ray Dahood, Mrs. Helen Douglass. Mrs. Doro thy Dyer and Mrs. Rama Steen. Two-year contracts were given to Mrs. Ruth Marquis and Glenn Scott. For the third consecutive year, Belle Valley high school was highly honored, Monday, when it received the annual Kroger award for outstanding achieve ment in the field of science. The presentation was made to Miss Karen Higgins, representing the school's science department by Eugene Fanker, administrative director for the Kroger company, Columbus division. April The annual Noble county Wo men's Achievement day will be held Tuesday, April 15, in the Caldwell Presbyterian church, ac cording to Mrs. Paul Seffens, president of the Noble county home demonstration council. Purses at the 106th Noble coun ty fair racing program will be raised to $600.00, according to an announcement made by J. Kyte Walkenshaw, secretary of the lo cal agricultural society. They were previously $400. Jav D. Miller, 25, Belle Valley resident, was instanly killed Wed nesday morning at 5:23 o'clock and his brother. Fred Leroy Mill cr. was critcally injured, when they figured in a fatal accident on USR 30, east of Wooster. The Caldwell board of educa tion hired a new football coach and a new elementary teacher this week and the contracts have been signed and returned, accord ing to Dr. Charles E. Davis, local superintendent. James Thomas Colley Insurance 409 West Street Phone 125 Caldwell, Ohio Road-test Bumps are banished America's Number (T) Road Csr! No "narrow-gauge car smooths the bumps like PONTIAC! DRIVE IT AND YOU'LL BUY IT! The wheels are moved out 5 inches for the widest, steadiest stance In America. the only car by with Pontiae's Wide- Track Wheels—widest, steadiest stance on the road. Sway and lean on curves disappear, too. Cornering is safer and handling almost magic with the year's most important auto motive advance. Come in and see for yourself why no other car can offer the readability of a Wide-Track Pontiac! Smoot, of Canal Winchester, has been hired as the new football coach, filling the vacancy created when Donald Fuchs resigned and Mfss Betty L. Larrick, of Pleasant City route 2, is the new elemen tary teacher. May Tne first annual Southeastern Ohio Firemen's association fire school will be held at the Noble county fairgx-ound, Sunday, May 4, in cooperation with the state department of education, voca tional division trade and indust rial service. There were only 1255 Republi cans and 784 Democrats who went to the polls Tuesday in one ot the lightest primaries ever held in Noble county. Dr. Robert Clyde Yarbrough, head of the speech and drama de partment of Bethany, Kv., col lege, will deliver the annual com mencement address for the Cald well high school graduating class Tuesday evening, May 26, at the •Caldwell school auditorium. There were 19 Noble county students who placed high in the district-state scholarship tests, ac cording to an announcement made today by Supt. H. C. Sec rest. Beaver local high school again took the honors for hav ing the most students placing in the test but the top individual honor went to Miss Sharon Black well, of Sarahsville, whf took the highest honors in the itiistict for English eleven. June Noble County Auditor C. R. At kinson will offer for sale on Tues day, June 17, 51 county land par eels, consisting of land, lots, parts of lots and coal lands. Included in the list declared forfeited to the state for non-payment of tax es are 48 real estate parcels and three coal properties. Construction of the 30-inch pipeline for the Texas Eastern Corp. got into full swing this week as foremen, workmen and equipment poured into the Cald well area for the project. The contract for the project was awarded to the H. C. Price Co., ol" Bart let tsville, Okla. Announcement was made today that Caldwell and Noble county would have another doctor of medicine. Dr. Frederick M. Cox, who will complete his year's in ternship at the Ohio Valley gen eral hospital. Wheeling, W. Va., July 1, will locate in Caldwell permanently after that date. Rev. Gr. James A. Dirker cele brated his first Mass Sunday as new pastor of Corpus Christi church in Belle Valley. Fr. Dirk er received his appointment to the local church on June 14. Cor pus Chrsti has been for the past several years a mission church to St. Philomena in Caldwell. Miss Helen Combs, of Cam bridge route 2, in the Fairdale community, has assumed .her new duties as Noble county's 4-H club assistant and will work mostly with the girls' clubs during the summer months. July Five hundred and thirty reser vations have been accepted for the alumni banquet of the Cald well high school to be held Fri day evening, July 4, at the school auditorium, according to Presi dent Billy Seraon. Tuesday marked the last day of operation for the Caldwell branch of the Cozier Container Corp., af ter twelve years of existence here. An extensive manhunt, headed by the Noble county sheriffs de partment. got underway Wednes day at 6:30 a. m, as the search was begun for two Florida state penitentiary escapees hiding in this area. The search was center Wide-Track 8CC YOUR LOCAL AtTHORI.-.ED PONTIAC DFALfSR FLIEMAN PONTIAC CO. PHONE 78 CALDWELL, OHIO Wheels "Wonder-Touch" Power Steering tlif safe-st, easuft over driving and developed for bofch parking—plus unsurpussttf fool of the toad. Optional at extra cost. —ja— SALT FISH THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO ed around Batesville country area, SR 147 and Beaver town ship with sheriff's departments from Guernsey, Belmont, Noble and Washington counties, in ad dition to Marietta policemen and several cars of highway patrol men participating in one of the largest manhunts ever to be held in the county. An unofficial crowd of 4,000 jammed every street in Caldwell, Saturday evening, for the annual firemen's parade which climaxed the three-day festival with per fect weather prevailing for the first time in several years. Robert Kubat and Harry Clark, Jr., who escaped from the Noble county jail early Sunday morn ing, were captured at Brunswick, Georgia, according to information received Wednesday morning by Sheriff Donald Conaway. The two fugitives were stopped at 5:30 p. m., Tuesday on a traffic charge at Brunswick -by a state patrol man. August The New Harmony Baptist church at South Olive is receiv ing a new electronics organ this week valued at $1,350. But the most significant thing about the installation is the fact it is not costing the church a single penny. Andrew S. Sholtis, 43, promi HEINZ AS SEFN ON WTRF TV SCHMIDTS HICKORY Boxes Sweet Sixteen PEAS Mel's®® m&s w^B SMOKED PICNICS 17 oz. cans I O N E A THE e*fSX TEA 8 oz. box 85* STAR-KIST TUNA chunk style m-m POTATO CHIPS ews Events As Tfiey Unfolded During The Past Year nent Noble county farmer, died Friday night at 9:15 o'clock in St. Francis hospital, Cambridge from injuries received Thursday when his arms were caught and mang led in a hay baler at the farm of a neighbor, Raymond Wheeler, three miles north of Caldwell. An early Tuesday morning blaze completely destroyed the 32-year-old grandstand on the eve' of the annual 106th Noble county fair, but the show is go ing on and temporary bleachers were secured from the Caldwell high school and installed under direction of Marvin P. Wood. September Paul William Everly, 22. of Summerfield route 2, died in stantly from a broken neck and his two companions were injured at 10:35 p. m., Friday, two miles east of Caldwell on State Route 564. James D. Rutledge, 32, who was wanted in Minerva, Ohio, lor questioning in the strangulation of his mother. Mary J. Rutledge, 58. was arrested Monday by po lice in Chicago, 111. Mrs. Rutledge wai: formerly of the Sarahsville community. Dr. Charles E. Davis, superin tendent of the Caldwell exempt ed village schools for the past two years, was hired Tuesday SWANSDOWN 1 FLAVORS CUT-RITE WAX evening at a PAPER $ SfX MONTHS HOME OWNED FOOD MARKETS special meeting of the Cadiz school board as their superintendent. October Announcement was made that the State of Ohio has earmarked $850,000 for the construction of a 300-acre lake in Noble county, which will more than adequately meet all demands from industry for a sufficient water supply should they locate a plant in this area. Violet Jean Bailey, seven-year old daughter of Mrs. Geneva Car penter, Coal Ridge, was fatally in jured when she was struck by an auto Saturday afternoon at 4:10 o'clock as she darted across the highway near her home. Driver of the auto was A. J. Whims, 56, of Bedford, near Cleveland. Albert E. Rathburn, 34, busi ness education and commerce in structor at Southern Noble high school, was killed Friday night in an auto accident near his home town of Huntington, W. Va. State Route 78 has been re classified from a secondary state highway to a major state thor oughfare, according to an an nouncement made this week in Columbus by State Director of Highways. Charles Noble. Dedication of Dexter City's new $362,000 Southern Noble high 17 OZ. btls. 1.00 12 KING TASTi: Pl'fli: YKa T.\BI I LIPTON SOUP MIXES jCHICKEN NOODLE 3 pkgs. 43 TOMATO VEGETABLE 3 pkgs. 43* ONION SOUP 2 pkgs. 35* .... 2 BEEF VEGETABLE GREEN PU ... SHORTENING CHASE & SANBORN INSTANT COFFEE pkgs. 35* 2 pkgs. 31* LIPTON I E A A S THE dMSK TEA 48Y box 67* 2 flat cans 65c 1 lb. bag 69* E A E A E N 2Lbs- 55c 39c Lb. schoo! ill be held Saturday, Nov. 1. Keys to the building wit! be presented to Mr. Burley, by Congressman John E. Henderson, who will deliver the dedicatory address. November The school consolidation issue was swamped by the seven dis tricts involved, the right-to-work issufe lost 1798 to 3174, Fran/. Mc Nutt and Clarence VanFossen were returned as commissioners, Rolland P. Elliott beat out Dwight F. Wiley as treasurer of Noble county and Clayton McKee won handily over Arthur L. Davis in the race for judge of the county, completes the rundown of results in Tuesday's general election. Clayton S. Smith, of Amity, Knox county in the Mt. Vernon area, has accepted the superin tendency of the Caldwell exempt ed village school system and he will take over his new duties on Nov. 15. A representative group of the Noble county fair board met with the Noble county commissioners Monday in the interest of obtain ing a new grandstand this com ing year to replace that which was completely destroyed by fire Tuesday, Aug. 26, just one day be fore the 106th county fair was to open. $ Rolls FLORIDA SWF FT POTATOES JOWL BACON TASTY FARM WIENERS KRAUT WALDORF TOILET TISSUE Page Five—B December Two Sarahsville women, en route to work in Cambridge, are improving from injuries received early Friday morning when the car in which they were riding skidded out of control on a snow covered highway and plunged over a 50-foot embankment. Driv er of the car, was Mrs. Edna Bond of the Shenandoah Trail and the passenger was Miss Karen Davis, of Sarahsville. The working part of the sher iff's department were on display Monday to 150 juniors and sen iors in four high schools of the county with the remaining schools to be extended the same oppor tunity at a later date. Sheriff Conawav explained his display of the necessary weapons and equip ment needed to operate the sher iff's office in the law enforcement department of this county. Congressman John E. Hender son today announced the nomina tion of 17 young men from the 15th congressional district, in cluding three i'rom Noble county, to compete for the vacancies to occur in July. 1959, at the Air Force Academy, West Point and the United States Merchant Ma rine Academy. Noble county's nominations are Larry Atkinson of Batesville, James Herbert Hague of Senecaville and Dale Shackle of Caldwell. No. 2% Cans *1.00 75c 99c 3 lb. can 6 oz. jar WINESAP ROME BEAUTY APPLES Lb. BAG ORANGES 49' MZ. 3 29« Lbs. 25c 49c Lb. Lb.