Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, January 22, 1959 FOR SALE For Sale—DWELLINGS LOTS GOOD 10 ROOM house, elec tricity, gas, bath and two room basement. Extra lot with garage. A good building lot. House can be duplexed. Good location in Caldwell on paved street. GOOD 4-ROOM house, with elec tricity, gas and running water in kitchen. Two extra lots. Lo cated on US Route 21. NEW 4-ROOM house with bath, electricity, city water, furnace and full basement. Located at edge of Caldwell. MODERN 9-ROOM house, gas, electricity, bath and gas fur nace. Cement block garage, wash house. Four lots included. Priced to sell. Chester J. Howiler, Broker 516V3 West Street—Phone 228-J tf Caldwell, Ohio 135 ACRES, 8 room house, barn and outbuilding, coal and tim ber. Near Summerfield. Look this over and make an offer. EIGHT room modern home, good condition in Summerfield. With furniture if desired. Price reduced. 110 ACRES with five room house, barn and outbuildings. Coal and timber, Near Stafford. Chester J. Howiler, Realtor A. Raymon Fugle, Salesman Summerfield, Ohio 29, 30, 31 A LARCE LOT located in Hill crest Addition, across from Bronze Heights. Priced for quick sale. George Reynolds, Cumber land, Ohio. Phone Mercurv 8-3125. 29, 30, 31pd. SEVEN ROOM house with bath and shower up and down. Aluminum storm doors and windows, also aluminum Vene tian blinds. This property now renting as two private apart ments. Can be converted back to a single residence by removing panel in stairway. Located in Caldwell on two large lots and USR 21. Better known as the Tom Kerno propertv. Call in per son Saturdivs at Kemps General store in Macksburg or phono Dexter City 37-F-2 after 6:00 p. m. week days. 29, 30, 31 FOR SALE at Caldwell. A seven room house, on V-i acre. New oak floors in living room, fire place (wood or coal), gas furnace. Spacious brick garage, attached to a three-room building, with sink and city water. A nice roomv cave, large garden spot or build ing sites. Asking $9,800. Earl T. Osborn, Realtor, 84 9th street, Newark, Ohio. Phone (reversed) FA 3-5161. 19 tf. 2.5 ACRES, SEVEN-ROOM house, garage and other outbuildings. Plentv of water. Annrnximatelv one-half mile off USR 21. Priced to sell. Earl Addlespurger, Fnute 1, Macksburg, Ohio. 28 29 30 pd. DUPLEX—five rooms and bath on each side two-car garage, located at 602 W. Main street, Caldwell. Phone Summerfield 64 F-3 for interviews. 30 tf. FOUR-ROOM house for sale in Hoskinsville, large lot and out buildings. Priced to sell. Charles F. McKee, route 2, Caldwell, or call 182-F-14 after 5:00 p. m. 30 31 32 pd. For Sale—LIVESTOCK SIX-wfeK OLD White Rock pullets for sale 90c each. Phone Cumberland Mercurv 8-3393 or call at the home of James B. Marks, Cumberland route 3, on State Route 340, three miles south of Cumberland on the Cumberland Belle Vallev road. 29, 30, 31pd. mmwrn Simple os u at Up to 24 Mos. To Pay Murphy's Furniture CALDWELL, OHIO 5? i FOR SALE For Sale—CARS TRUCKS TWO CHEVROLET pickup trucks. A 1949, four' so^pd transmission, 23,000 actual miles and a 1951, V2 ton. Denver Sehell. route 1, Dexter Cilv. Phone Dex ter City 704-F-22. 30, 31. 32pd 1957 CHEVROLET V-8, hardtop, two-door, red and white. In quire at Clyde B. Crum residence, Caldwell, or phone 747-F-4. 1951 PONTIAC 2-door sedan. slate color with good tires and in good condition garden trac tor (Planet Jr.) with cultivators 36 inch cut-off saw for Ford tractor. Raymond Craft, Cald well, Ohio, route 1. 29,30 31 pd. 1953 HUDSON 2-door with hydra mat ic 1951 Nash Ambassador 4-door with overdrive: apartment size gas range and Remington portable typewriter, like new. Cox's Service Station, Macksburg, Ohio. 28 29 30 For Sale—HOUSEHOLD GOODS USED reconditioned television sets, $29.95 and up. We have a nice selection of l'ine used sets with terms to please you. Pioneer Electric Inc., 31 N. Fifth street, Zanesville, Ohio. Across from J. C. Penny Co. 30 TWO-PIECE living room suite, blue mohair, good condition. One boys' winter coat "Andy Hardy", brown tweed, size 8, like new. Inquire at 709 Spruce street, Caldwell, or call 115-R. 28 29 30 pd. For Sale—FEEDS SEEDS MIXED HAY for sale. Call Mt. Echinim 21-R-52 or contact Paul King. 30pd. THREE TONS of baled straw. Albert Way, Coal Run, route 1. Phone Dexter City 57 4. 30 31 32 pd. MIXED HAY. Robert G. Reed. route 3. Caldwell. Phone Cald well 377-F-12. 29, 30, 31pd. HAY, ALFALFA and timothy mixed. First cutting, Harry Sehenkel, Coal Run, Ohio, in the Dunsrannon community. 28 29 30 pd. For Sale—MACHINERY-TOOLS USED BARNES jet pump, either shallow or deep well installa tion. D. D. Nichols, Caldwell, Ohit). 29, 30. 31 For Sale—MISCELLANEOUS FOR THE BEST in fertilizer, or der V. C. fertilizer from Wayne Can-el, Lowell route 2. Phone Dexter City 57-F-13. 30 31 32 pd. ONE FINE duality cello bne Edison cylinder record phono «nph with record cabinet and 194 records one Beckwith par lor reed organ in piano case, seven octave one Beckwith reed parlor organ, 17 stops one cus tom made 16 string electric Hawaiian guitar and case with or without amplifier. Finest elec tronics. One Milton figured wal nut player piano, completely re conditioned and refinished with 11)0 rolls and roll cabinet. Elec trically operated. 500 bushels of good auality corn. O. T. Gatten, route 2, Lewisville, Ohio. Phone Barnesville LO. 7-5636. 30, 31, 32pd. WANTED TO BUY TWO. SIX or eight months old. Jersey heifers or part Jersey and three hives of bees. State orice. Write Box 56, Caldwell, Ohio. 28, 29, 30pd. RAW FURS, beef hides and roots. See C. R. Teters, Hoskinsville, or phone Caldwell 304-F-21, or at Estadt's Feed store, Caldwell, pa« Wednesday from 12:30 until 2:30 p. m. 24 t,f. O S BILLFOLD, containing valuable papers to the owner only. Find er can keep the money if wallet and papers are returned, Liberal reward if returned. C. E. Boyd, 704 Belford street, Caldwell. Phone 35. 28 29 30 tthiiMim MONUMENTS I MALAGA. OHIO See and Compan Our CARS THE BEST DEAL IN CALDWELL DEAN A. REED MOTOR SALES Phone 108 202 Wet,l Street OPEN EVENINGS FROM 6:00 TO 8:00 Fine Selection! I I Phone: Woodsfield 2-4008 TihiiiiiHiiiiiiiniiHiiimiiHiniiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiHiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMixniiiui WANTED MAN OR WOMAN for part-time investigation work for a nation al commercial reporting agency around Caldwell and vicinity on a fee or percentage basis. Write postoffice box 1046, Columbus, O. 30 31 32 IRONING to do in my home, any day. Mrs. Arthur McKee, 523 Fairground street, Caldwell, O. 30 31 32 pd. AMBITIOUS LADY with car to represent Avon products in Noble township and Dexter City. Write Box 148, Marietta, for information. 29. 30pd. TYPIST WANTED Girl or lady for six or seven weeks to assist during rush period when new auto license plates are being issued. Contact George Estadt at Cream Station, Cumberland street, Caldwell, Ohio. 29, 30, 31 WORK FOR SMALL dozer and landscaping. Reasonable rates. William Grimes, phone Cumber land 83370 between the hours of 5:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. in. 25tf FOR RENT FOR RENT—Apartment with two rooms and bath upstairs, three rooms down. $40.00 a month, with garage. Can be seen at 602 West Main street or phone Summer field 64-F-3. 21 tf. MODERN THREE-ROOM un furnished apartment on first floor with private entrance. Auto matic gas heat. Close to square. Phone Caldwell 250-J. 28 29 30 HOUSE with four rooms and bath, full basement, furnace and garage. Call Caldwell 337. 30, 31, 32pd. PUBLIC SALE THE UNDERSIGNED will offer for sale, at public auction on the 23rd day of January, 1959, at the late residence of Benjamin B. Wheeler, deceased, in Noble County, Ohio, beginning at 1:00 o'clock p. m., the following per sonal property belonging to the estate of Benjamin B. Wheeler, deceased, consisting in part of: 3-niece Bed Room Suite 3 Dressers 1 Day Bed: 3 Beds 2 Chests: 1 Victrola and Records 1 Couch 2 Utility Racks Anti ques 2 laving Room Suites: 2 Stands Rugs—t Wool Rugs, 9x12 Sweeper 1 China Closet and contents: 1 Buffet. 2 Tables Rockers: Cabinet Radio Table Radio: 1 Book Rack 2 Book Cases 2 Library Tables Window Fan New Platform Rocker: Stove, Electric: 2 Brass Sets Refrigerator Brass Set 4 Gas Stove: I Lawn Chair. Utility Table 2 Floor Lamps Utility Stool: 2 Table Lamps Washer: 1 Porch Seat Tubs 1 End Table Pictures Dishes Collection of Salt and Pepper Shakes: Typewriter Desk mis cellaneous items. Terms: Cash in hand at time of sale. RAYMOND WHEELER, Administrator with Will Annexed. By Fred F. Fox, Attorney James Watson, Auctioneer 29. 30 NOTICES NOTICE— 1 am now hauling coal from the following mines: Palm er, Bvesville & Dogtown. Hauling lump, egg or nut coal, crusned stone, sand delivered $2.85 per ton, gravel delivered $3.15 per ton. Amos Franklin, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 207-W. 41 tf. MOUNT HOPE LEGHORNS. Af ter 25 years of studv and test ing, we have selected the Mt. Hope Queen as today's outstand ing "Egg Machine" because of its excellent feed conversion and high production. Write for details and picture story. Sutherland Poultry Farms, Mt. Hope Fran chised Hatchery, Waynesburg, O. 22 tf. "We Buy and Sell Anything For the HOME" G. T. JENNINGS FURNITURE STORE Phone 113 Caldwell, Ohio NOTICE Expert picture fram ing, good selection. Murphy's Furniture, Caldwell, Ohio. 40tf. 1'iiiiiuniiniNimituuuiiiii Authorized Sales and Service for BRIC.OS & STRATTON CLINTON LAWN ROT POWFR PRODUCTS LAUSON E N I N E S I MIKE'S TIRE SHOP Phone 200 Cumberland Street jj AD SECTION THE JOURNAL. CALDWELL. OHIO Market Report Wednesday, Jai- 21 The Caldwell Produce Co. Heavy hens lb. 15c Light hens _. lb. 9c Old cocks lb. 8c Butteri^t 46c Southeast Ohio Egg Producers Jumbo eggs, 30 oz. and up front 35c to 42c per dozen. Large eggs, 24 oz. to 30 oz.— from 27c to 37c per dozen. Medium eggs, 21 oz. to 24 oz.— from 26c to 33c per dozen. Small eggs, 18 oz. to 21 oz.— from 20c to 25c per dozen. Above prices based on qual ity and size of shipment picked up at door. Cases furnished. NOTICES I WILL BE AT THE following places making out income tax returns: Friday. January 23, Fulda high school, l'u Ida. Monday, January 26, Mt. Ephraim grade school building. Wednesday, January 28, at my home at Carlisle. Friday, January 30, at Batesville town house. Other dates will be announced later. Edwin L. Crum. 30. PIANO-TECH Complete piano service. Player actions reconditioned, moderniz ed and electrified. Beautiful waterfall key covers installed. See, call, or write us for reason able rates. O. T. Gatten, technic ian, route 2, Lewisville. Phone Barnesville exchange LO 7-5636. 30, 31, 32. 33, 34, 35pd. MY HAT SHOP will be closed indefinitely. I will reopen my shop in the near future. Nadine's Hat and Gift Shop, Caldwell, Ohio. 30 COB A daughters are known to command a higher selling price. Be sure your animals are COBA sired bv calling: Don Frisbee, Caldwell 273. 30 CHARLES RAMSEY public sale will be held Saturday, January 24, at his farm located one mile north of the Belle Valley high school on the John Keyser farm at 12:00 o'clock. 30 pd. WHY WORRY if afflicted with any skin disease? Ask about V-J-O at Gillespie's Drug Store, Caldwell, Ohio. 29 pd. i-ET US SAVE YOU $ $ $ on fertilizer. We supply Farmgro Plant Food in bulk either straight potash, phosphate or nitrogen or in popular analysis. & N Farm Bureau, Phone 95, Caldwell, Ohio. 41 tf. INSURE YOUR CAR or truck with Motorists Mutual Insur ance Company. The best com pany at the time of a loss. Joe Buckey, Agent, Caldwell, Ohio. MY GARAGE in Dexter City is now open for body and fender work, in addition to all types of car repair. Expert help. We will be glad to serve you. Blake's ga rage in Dexter City. 28 29 30 pd. I WILL NOT be responsible for any debts contracted by any one other than myself. L. D. Kennedy, Batesville, Ohio. 29, 30,31 "PIANO AND ORGAN closing out sale. Every piano and organ in our store must be sold by February 1. All prices slash ed. Don't miss this great opport unity. Make us an offer. Thomp son {Music Co., 13-15 North Fifth street, Zanesville, Ohio." 29, 30, 31 COMPLETE LINE of Dr. Hess supplies for livestock and poul try. See us for your needs. D. D. Nichols, Caldwell, Ohio. 29, 30, 31 I, THE UNDERSIGNED, will not be responsible for any debt1', contracted other than myself. Larry E. Neff, Caldwell, Ohio. 29, 30, 31 See The Journal for Quality Printing. JAMES A. WATSON AUCTIONEER 25 years Farm, Business, and Auction Experience & Service. Phone 274-R Caldwell I 607 Cumberland Street 1 CALDWELL, OHIO vrmmfiMimiNmnunimiuimfliiiiinmwimmwiinniimifniiminmmim DEAD STOilK REMOVED! HOUSES nui C'OUs I'KTfc DICKSON RENDERING CO. I Phone FR-3-4532 1 I Marietta, Ohio 1 5 We do not accept collect calls. I iiHtnHummuniiMMriuminimumiiiuniiiiuiniMimniimnnimiinutfTO Good Used Cars What Kind Do You Like? CARTER'S USED CAR LOT One Mile North of Caldwell on USR 21 OBITUARY 1/1 :KT S 1! Vv ART LYONS Robert Stewart Lyons, son of Andrew and Isabel Stewart Lyons, was born December 9, 1&88, and departed from this life on January 8, 1959, aged 70 years and one month. At the time of his death he was in Bethesda hospital, Zanesville, where he had been a patient for one week. Death was due to a heart ailment. On June 24, 1914, he was united in marriage to Edna May Marshall, and to this union were born three daughters and one son- Survivors are his widow, Edna three daughters, Mrs. Annabel Howell of Cumberland, Mrs. Frances Bailey of Chandlersville, Mrs. Maxine McKee of Frazevs burg: one son, Robert M. of the home: three grandsons one sis ter, Mrs. Bessie Ogan of Red key, Indiana: and two brothers, John F. of Chicago and Dwight E. of Los Angeles. A brother, Harold and a granddaughter preceded him in death. In 1916, he joined the Salem Methodist church, and for a number of years was Sunday school superintendent of that church. He was a member of the Chan dlersville grange. His life was lived in the High Hill com munity, where he was a farmer. He had been crippled by arth ritis for the past 33 years. Any contribution given toward arth ritis research will be greatly appreciated by his family. His weary hours and day- of pain His troubled, nights are passed And in our hearts we know He has found rest at last. Card of Thanks Our deepest appreciation and sincere thanks are extended to neighbors, friends, relatives. Rev. Everett Leedom, the singers, and the Clyde E. Thompson funeral home. For each expression of sympathy, we shall always be grateful. 30 The Robert Lvons Family. IN MEMORY In memory of our children, Dewey Galen and Eileen Wilson and grandson, Lerov Wilson. God has not promised skies always blue. Flowers streun pathways all our lives through. God has not prorrlised sun without rain, Joy with sorry, peace with out pain. But God has promised strength for the day, Rest for the labor, light for the way Grace for the trials, help from above Unfailing sympathy, undying love. The depths of sorrow we can not tell Of the loss of the ones we loved so well. On while they sleep a peace ful sleep Their memories we shall always keep. So while we grieve upon this earth We know God is just, and soon we'll meet and upnderstand In ihitn we place our trust. Sadly missed by: Father, Mother Grandfather and Grandmother, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wilson Brothers, Dale, Byron and Rodney and 30pd. Sister, Marybelle. OBITUARY SISTER ML XAVIER After eight months of intense suffering Sister M. Xavier died at Gill Memorial hospital, Steu benville, fortified by the Rites of Holy Church and fully re signed to God's will, in the 54th year of her age. Solemn funeral rites were held at the Mount St. Ursula Chapel, Oid Washington, Reverend Wil liam R. Byrne, Chaplain, being celebrant, Reverend Stephen J. Pekalla deacon, Reverend Cor nelius Gallagher sub-deacon, Reverend Angelo J. Cappelli, master of ceremonies. Other members of the clergy attending were Right Reverend Monsignor Stephen Laca, Reverend James J. Donaldson. Reverend Robert Brown, Reverend Roger Brisgal, Reverend Robert Mascolino, Rev erend Rudolph Wargo, Reverend James Dirker. Reverend Francis Trettel, not able to attend, pro vided for pall bearers, all of St. Benedict parish: Max Stokely. Attv. Frank L. Danello, O. W. King, R. P. Pelton, John E. Thompson and H. E. Addison. The Charles Scott funeral home was in charge of arrange ments. Burial was made in Mount Calvary of Cambridge. Sister M. Xavier was the fifth of eight children of the late Joseph Wald and Magdalen Siegel Wald of Columbus, Ohio. Surviving are her mother, two sisters in religion. Sister Martina, dominican of the Sick Poor, of Dayton, Sister M. Angela of the Ursulines, Old Washington, Mrs. Elizabeth Sahr, Marie and Mar garet of the home, two brothers, Paul and Aloysius all of Colum bus. Sister M. Xavier was active as teacher of primary grades at St. Ladislaus, Columbus, St. Philo mena, Caldwell St. Joseph, Burkhart Assumption, Barnes ville St. Francis. Toronto, Ohio. 30pd. IN MEMORY HERMAN RALPH HESSON In loving memory of our dear husband and father, Herman Ralph Hesson, who passed away two years ago. January 20. 1957. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear Fond memories l.nger evn-y day •Remembrance keeps him iear. Sadly missed by: Wife, Pearl and Children. Martha. William, Ilene and Irene. 30pd. CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this means of thanking all my friends, neigh bors and relatives for the cards, letters, flowers and beautiful hankies I received during my .stay in the hospital and since I have returned home. Thanks to Paul and Charley, Belle Valley Ameri can Legion Auxiliary No. 641, and those who have called at my home to sefc me. Special thanks to Maggie May God bless you all. 30 Mabel Edwards Belli Vallev. Ohio CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our heart felt thanks to our many friends, kind neighbors, our children, nurses and aides of Guernsey Memorial hospital, the ministers visits and all the prayers for our recovers*. Special thanks to Drs. Boyle VanNoate, Jenkins and Ricard. Also Paul McVav for his ambulance service, those who sent cards, hankies and notes. We deeply appreciate each and every little act during our illness. They will always be remembered. God bless you all. Clifford and Elsie Marquis 30pd. Sharon, Ohio PUBLIC AUCTION TUESDAY NIGHT, JANUARY 27 7:00 l\ M. MINER'S UNION HALL- FLORENCE ADDITION CALDWELL, OHIO Platform -rockers socket sets wrench sets: 7" power saws to electric drills: soldering guns electric sanders 18" chain saw hammers- screwdriver sets hand saws electric blankets blankets bedspreads pillows steam irons electric skillets deep fryers rope flashlights lamps and hundreds of miscellaneous articles. PAFL RAMSEY—Auctioneer iniminuniniinHHiiintninm?nmiiHiinniiiinnininiiHininuiiinnii iiiiiiiiimiimiMii !miiinniiiiiniimmiimmiiuimiiiMMinntnimnimiimnmniiDii' I MARIETTA LIVESTOCK AUCTION EVERY THURSDAY 1:00 P. N. 2 6 y e a s o s a i s a o y s e v i e o e i v e s o k Producers in this area. 1 Best facilities 2 sets of scales Experienced 1 management Licensed auction eers State bonded and financially strong. A market you 1 can patronize with confidence. I Your check over-the-counter if you wish or in the mail the day of sale. The Marietta Live Stock Market, Inc. Pike and Acme Streets Highway Rts. 7 and 50-N ANNIJAI. RKPOR General Fund 1-8.2R Street Construction MAR S r.fifi.lS i 23.S3 State Highway Imp. Fund Total Gen. Village Funds ... Grand Total of All Funds (Clork) ... $ 707.91 Total. Hal. and OutsUtnding Fund -l 94.OR Total Property Taxes Fire 0*2.04 Total Protection to Person and Property I 2.177.117 Sanitation General Village Funds (Garbage and Rtfune Removal* Dust Control Total Sanitation Highway* -Genera Funds Total Highways Public Service Enterprise Electric Light Sewer Rental & Misc. Signs Total Public Service En'-' prises Miscellaneous —General Village Funds Other Total Mi»ce1!aneons Grand Total Expenditures Institutions (Local. Gn, State Beer and Liquor License Fines and Cont« (Mayor and Police Court) Miiicellaneoiia Fees. Sa^ am Refund on Bond Commission on l'. v !'le"w Total Mi -cell.meol: Other Services Total Receipts Mayor—Salary, office erpense. etc. Clerk -Salary, dffice expense, etc. Treasurer—Salury. offi . evpense, etc. General Executive Offices General Executive Offices New Equip't I or THl I KRK jOf THE VILLAGE OF BELLE VALLEY NOBLE. COUNTY, OHIO J-'or thi- Fiscal Year Krutmir 1,384.46 i 1,776.72 184. B3 *M95.71 S 707.«4 Warrants* ... Tt easureA Oa^h HaJance Cash Balance December 31, 19."i8 SCHEDULE B-l Summary Receipts Property Taxe»—General 941.06 Cigarette Tax 167.06 Stji'.- Motor Vehicle Tax ... S 640.K4 Gawnline Ta* 1,142.00 Inheritance Tax 3 57.9* Sale.-, Tax and Financial Institutions (Local, Gov't s S00.00 State Beer and Liquor License Fee* 3 2.620.00 Total License* and Permits 2,620.00 Fine* and Costs .. 1,820.4S Contract with Trustees of Noble Township S 75.00 Firemen'* Relief and Pensions —Donations 'W.00 Miscellaneous Fee*. Sales iincl Charges ---General Village and Other Funds .... 1 »'•. 4 4 Total Miscellaneous Fees Sales and Charges ... in.41 Public Service F.nterpriscu— Commission on Pay Phone 4-.36 Refund on SpizaK'.-i Bond I 7.4 Total Public Service Enterprises S 55.S6 Total Revenue S 8,405.71 Grand Total Receipt* .... X.W.71 SCHEDULE B-2 Summary of Expenditure General Government legislative (Council) $ 1 44.00 General Executive i 1,543.09 Buildings (Town Hall. etc. .V 127.t0 Total General Government 1,MRS.29 Protection tu 1 Vraon an! Property—Police 1.695.Oil .00 450.7« 525.70 Vil! i'.r 1,498.09 1,498.09 S79.-"* 1 i' 1,96 M-.95 V -I.R4 -S 1*2.49 S 7,4 74.50 SCHEDULE C-l General Village Funds (Including Stree't CooFt. M&R, State Highway Improvement 7'ir£, Cemetery. Garbage and Refuse and Other General Village Funds I RECEIPTS Property Ta tee*--—General Property Tax Classified Property Ta\ Total Property Taxe Cigarette Tax .. State Motor Vehicle Liceu-e State Gasoline Ta. Inheritance Tax .. Sales Tax and Financial s.ii.,00 .i.'e.OO 1 Charges -Contract witb Township Marshal. Police and Fire Department oo ",9.0ft 7.49 I- :\u «\i. FOR STATE PURPOOSES-.M Mills. FOR COUNTY PURPOSES—General Fund 3.00 M/lls TOTAL—3.50 Mills BT TOWNSHIPS s* SCHOOL DISTRICTS CORPORATIONS Mi Reflver Twp Batesviile Corp Brookfield Twp Cumberland-Speneer S. D. (Guernsey) Buffalo Twp. Center S. D. Seneca S. D. .... Center T\vp Caldwell S. D. Summrrfield S. D. Seneca S. D. Snrahsville Corp. Elk Twp .. Snlem-Liberty S. D. (Washtnpton) Monroe S. D. i Monroe) Enoch Tu Caldwell S. D. Center S. D. Fulda S. D. ... Southern Noble S. D. Dexter City Corp. Jackson Twp Caldwell S. Fort Frve S. D. i Waslnngton) Southern Noble S Dexter City Corp Jefferson T\vp Aurelius S. D. Washington F.Ik S Fulda S. D. Salem-Liberty 5. (Washington* Southern Noble. S. P. Dexter City Corp. Marion Twp 00., .50. .50.. .50.. Summerfield S. Seneca S. D. Stock S D. Summerfield Corp Noble Twp. Belle Valley S Brookfield S. D. Caldwell S. D. Center S. D. Sharon S D. Belle Valley Corp Olive Twp. Caldwell S D. Southern Noble S Caldwell Corp. Dexter City Corp Seneca Twp ... Summerfield S. D. Sonecaville *S. D. (Guernsey) Sharon Twp Caldwell S. D. -. Southern Noble S Stock Twp. Fulda S D. Summerfield S. D. W.ivne Twp. Beaver S. Senecaville S. D. i Guernsey i When asking fox 3.00.. 3.00. 3.00.. Page Seven December 81, l!'",i I'opulnf ion, 19"" On.sus. Ili-IW- Viilley. Ohio, January 7, 1959 hereby certify the fallowing report, to be correct SCHEPULE A-l Summary Fund tl inr' Bat. Jan. 1 HAZKL STARR, Village Clerk Receipts :mil Expenditures Rrreitp« Expenditures Jlnl. Doc. 9* *1.026.6K i 081.20 *5.71U* *1,660.68 $ 86.69 $7,474.50 4 9 5 7 1 71.87 $1,729.15 $7,47 4.50 $1,729.15 •1.T29 15 $1,729.15 $1,729.15 Electric for I'hone Booth $ 22.34 Publit Buildings--Gas (Fuel) $ 58.99 Police Protection--Marshal and Police Salaries $ 1,200.00 Gas for Police Car $ f4X.78 Total Police Protection 1,648.73 IVilice Department— t'onat. and New Equipment $ 147.15 Fire Protection—Uai for Fire Truck $ 95.30 Other Fire Department Expense 586.74 Total Fire Protection 6 fS2.04 Sanitation Other 450.70 Garbage and Refuse Removal Total Sanitation Highways Street Repair -9 Sign ... Street Lighting Traffic Lights Total Highways wellaneotjs Legal 75.00 $ 625.70 1,478.03 9 155.79 9 817.55 I 61.68 $ £,633.05 Advertising Telephone County Fines Sheriff's Fees Total Miscellaneous Total Expenditures .... $ 7,474.50 18.55 90. JO 55. )0 18.54 I 182.49 MEMORANDA Tax Valuation $220,330.00 Total Salaries and Wagen Paid in 195.x $ 2,985.48 PROBATE NOTICE Approval ind Settlemort of Account Accounts ,,ncJ vouchers ot the follow ing n imeci poisons and estates have bwjn tiled in the Probate Court of Noble County. Ohio, for approval and sett leiTUiit. First and tmal account oi John W. Hazard, guardian of Edna Cook. First and final account of Paul Mc Vay, administrator of the estate of John W. Milligan. deceased. First and lmal account of Paul Mc Vav. administrator of the estate of Verna MjUignn, deceased. First and final account of Clarence Lockmilkr, executor ot the estate of Fred I.iOckmiller. deceased. Firsl and final account of Fred F. Fox. guardian of Clarence Schwallie. Unless exception.', are filed thereto, said accounts will be for htsiring be fore said Court, on tlii» 23rd day of February. 19fr. at which time sajcl ac counts will be considered and contin ued from flay to day until tmall_y dis posed ot. Any person interested may file writ ten exceptions to said accounts or to matters pertaining to the execution o£ the trust, not less than five days prior to the date set tot hearing. 30 "..46 U11.06 1 67.0t H40.M 1,142.00 •T.PS w r, 1 1 4 .71 EXPENDITURES Council- -Salaries, Incidentals etc. ...... General Executive Office KARL P. McGINNIS Probate Judge Doris McKee. Depufv Clerk CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all my friends and relatives for the prayers, cards, Rifts, flowers and visits that I received while a patient in the Marietta Memorial hospital. Also to those who don ated blood and to the doctors and nurses who so ably cared for me. Your kindness will always be remeni bered. 30pd. Earl C'lvmer Dexte: City, -1.00 91 1 9 4G 1951 Rates of Taxation I:: pursuance o: law. I. R. P. Elliott. Treasurer of Is-.b!.- hereby rivc notice that live number of mills levi/l on ta' for taxation in said county tor tlie year 1058 is as follows: Ohi1 CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this opportunity to thank all my relatives and friends for the nice sifts and phone calls which I received on my 36th birthday anniversary. They were deeply appreciated. Mrs. Hattie Longfellow in Dexter City, Ohio County, Ohio, do joll i! hi property O 1 00 1.00 2.00 2.00 .50.. .50., .90... .50.. .50.. .50-. .50. .50 .50.. .50. 2.00. .50.. .50.. 3.00... 3.00... 2.00. 2.00. 2.00. 2.00. 200. 2.00. .50 2.00 2.00. 2 00. .50. .50.. 50.. .50.. .50.. .50. |E o o Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills -50— .50 50_. 3.00... 3.00 3 2.00.. -30. —22.20— .27.74 |1 32.70 [2 21.50 3 22-20 3.00— 300... 3.00... 3 00... 3 6.70 -17 00 .16 60 ..1800 ,. 1!.70 .13 80 ...19.70 14.50 ..10.70 —13.80. ...19.70 ...19 00 2.00. 2.00. 2.00. DO... 3 00... 3.00.— 3.00— 300.. 3.00l_. 2 00 2.00 -20- 21.10 23 50 25.20 19.30 25.20 8 9 10 11 12 13 20.00 16.20 .19 JO 25.10 24.50 1 70 -19.60-.... -15.00 3.00... 3.00... 3.00— 3 00 300— 14 14 15 25.10 20.50 16 16 ..14.50 ..19.70 20.00 25.20 ..18.80 .50 3.00 .50. .50. .50- 34 30 35.90 25 90 17 18 .20 40 -.20-IP 19 1 50 20 21 SI 22 22 23 14.50— 3.00 3.00 3.00 .20.00 ._ 8.70— 0 40 . 20.40 14.20 25.90 25.90 1 .-n 2 00. 2.00. 2.00. .50.. .50.. .50- 3.00. 3.00. 3.00__ 2.00. 2.08. .50.. .50.. .50.. .50.. .50.. 3.00.. 3.00.. 3.00 3.00 .50 .50 .SO- 3.00. 3.0Ol 3 00 3.00.. 300„ 3.00 .20. .50.. .50 .50.. .50 .50— .50.. 300 3.00 3.00 3.00 300 3.00 2 on.. .20. .50.. .50.. .50.. .50.. .50-. .50... .50.. 3.rt0 3.00 3 00 3.00. 3 60— 3.00 3.00. 1.B8. 1.80 2.20. 2.20 2 20.. ..1.50 3.00- n whose name and in what town?hin the properly nclose a self-addressed stamped envelope tor reply. 25, 26, 27. 28, 29. 30 & 1.50—22.20.- o0. i 00. 1.50— 23 10.. the amount of yoijr taxes by mail, please state clearly 24 J5 25 25 -13 40 ..10.00 -18.80 18.90 24.50 24.30 26 27 28 28 -10.60 .20.40 .20.40. 25.10 25.90 1 .'if 2.00. 2.00. 200. .70. -2550 1620 19.30 21.30 23.20 31 31 12 *3 14 J5 .10.70 ..13.80 .15.80 .10.70 3 :?n 2 00. 2L00. .19.00 17.00 14.50 10.70 14.00 19 00 2.00 2.00, 2.00 SO.. .50 .50... .24.50 22.50 20.00 25.20 19.50 27.70 35 36 S7 38 39 10 II 11 5 oo 14.50 20.40 -14.50 20.40 13 80 .10.70. 2.00. .20, 20.00 25.90 20.00 25.60 18.80 15.70 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 ... 1.80. 1.50. 1.50, 1 50- 1 50 1 80.. .23.10 .14.00 14.50 .20 40 .15.80 lfi.R0 ,.10.70. 28.10 19.30 19.80 25.70 21.50 24.50 16.40 18 19 50 51 52 53 4 54 &5 2720 28.10 is located. Always R. P. ELLIOTT, TTTF1 frlTBgg NOBLE CSBNTY