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Thursday, January 22, 1959 Noble Countian Named Division Highway Head T. Dye Barnhouse, 48, of Granville, a native of Noble county, has been named highway engineer of Division 5, with headquarters at Newark. He will succeed Findley Chappelear, former Zanesville man who served during the administration of ex-Gov. O'Neill. Cumberland CUMBERLAND The anual meeting of the Buckeye Mutual Insurance Company, was held at the Y.M.C.A. in Zanesville with a large attendance, following the (business meeting, officers foil 1959 were named Edward Mill hone as president Blanche Re venaugh, secretary Dewey Cald well as trustee for three years, and Melvin Spratt also E. E. Mizer of Frazeysburg, are also trustees for two and one years respectively. More than 37 en joyed the dinner at the noon hour at the Y.M.C.A. Announce Birth Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Archer, of Zanesville, announce the arrival of a baby daughter at Bethesda hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Archer, of New Concord, are paternal grandparents. Return Home Mrs. Harold Bates returned home on Saturday evening from Columbus. She accompanied her husband to University hospital on Thursday where he is under going observation and treatment. Council Meeting An organization meeting of the United Presbyterian men's council of the new and enlarged Muskingum Presbytery was held at Cambridge on Sunday even ing. O. E. Walters, Walter Craft, Edgar Allison, David Bay and Dewey Gibbs attended. Personals Mrs. Ann Mellinger and daugh ters spent Sunday with friends at Lancaster. ADMITTED TO HOSPITAL Pearl Ralston, local business woman, was admitted Thursday morning at 4:00 a. m. to the Good Samaritan hospital, Zanesville, for observation and treatment. TO HOSPITAL Mabel Wilson, of Sharon, has been admitted to the Bethesda hospital, Zanesville. for observa tion and treatment. m-mm HYBRID CORN AND HYBRID SORGilUM BEAVER HARDWARE & SUPPLY Andy Rataiczak QUAKER CITY, OHIO ALL SPORT SHIRTS ON SALE! regular $3.98 now $2.85 regular $4.98 now $3.75 ONE TABLE ODD LOT LONG SLEEVE Sport Shirts $3.95 to $5.95 Values Barnhouse will supervise Mus- kingum, Knox, Licking, Fairfield, Perry, Coshocton and Guernsey counties. For the past three years, Barn house has operated a ready-mix concrete manufacturing firm at Newark but has now sold the business. Prior to that time he was associated with the state highway department for 13 years in various capacities ranging from supervisor in charge of field crews to assistant to the deputy director of design and planning. Barnhouse was born in Belle Valley and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Barnhouse reside there. He attended Belle Valley schools and was graduated with a degree in engineering at Ohio university in 1933. Barnhouse is a veteran of World War II and at one time was battalion commander of the 174th Field Artillery, National Guard, with headquarters at the Elberon avenue armory. He now holds the rank of colonel and is commander of the 371st Anti-air craft group at Dayton. He is married to the former Florence King, a native of Cald well. They have a daughter, Kay, who is employed at Washington, D. C. LEGAL NOTICE Case No. 9762 IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, NOBLE COUNTY. OHIO The Caldwell Building and Loan Com pany, a corporation, Caldwell, Ohio Plaintiff vs. Donald E. Pritchard, Jr. and Ardola M. Pritchard, I5201i Swinney Avenue, Ft. Wayne, Indiana. Defendants. Donald E. Pritchard, Jr., who resides at 1520V1 Swinney Avenue, Ft. Wayne. Indiana, and Ardola M. Pritchard. who resides at 1520'i Swinney Avenue, Ft. Wayne, Indiana, will take notice that on the 22nd day of December, 1958, the plaintiff. The Caldwell Building and Loan Company of Caldwell, Ohio, filed its petition against them in the Court of Common Pleas, Noble County, Ohio, the same being Case No. 9762 in said court, for the foreclosure of a mort gage on certain real estate and in said petition described as follows: Situate in the State of Ohio, Coun ty of Noble and Village of Belle Val ley, and being Lots Numbered One Hundred and Eighty-two (182, 183 N and 18-1 N in the Township of Noble, Village of North Belli.' Valley as shown by the recorded plat there of, excepting however, from the op eration of this conveyance all the coal in and under the above describ ed premises. Being the same premises recorded in Volume 112, Page 282 and Volume 112, Page 283 of the Deed Records of Noble County. Ohio. The prayer of said petition is for the foreclosure of a mortgage held on said real estate and for other equitable re lief. Said defendants are required to an swer said petition on the 28th day of February. 1959 or judgment will be taken against them. SALE V4 ALL REDUCED! reg. $42.50 now $32.00 reg. $39.50 now $29.95 reg. $36.95 now $27.70 reg. $34.95 now $26.70 reg. $29.95 now $22.00 Discontinued Lots VanHeusen White Dress Shirts Regular Price $4.00 and $5.00 Now *2" 3 *885 The Caldwell Building and Loan Company By FRED F. FOX Attorney for Plaintiff 26 27 28 29 30 31 3C OW Vi TOPCOATS CAR (OATS AND JACKETS ALL REDUCED S A V E Vl to BUD'S "Where Men Like To Shop' A question often asked these days by those vitally interested in education what has been accomplished and what does the future holds for our chil dren in making possible for them the best in educational advantages? Looking back over the past three or four years, the turn of events certainly indicate a most disheartening, alarming situation with respect to improving the educational pro gram from a local level. What plans are being form ulated by the various camps of thoughts with the anticipation of alleviating the local tur bulent state of affairs are not definitely known, but occa sionally a whisper of hope is ,roiced. Just how deep the scars of past conflicts have penetrated, it is rather difficult to say. This expression was made recently by a member of the anti-consolidation group "he never had opposed the con solidation movement." This statement seems a bit out of order for it is a known fact that his name was closely as sociated with the letter which was publicized incorporating the words "irrevocably op posed" to the idea of ever joining a county consolidation movement. This bit of hedging now only leans on the sacrilegious side. Such expressions result in added confusion and disrepect for the individual when an actual attempt is made to clarify the extremely involved school problem. The same off-side thinking has been expressed by persons actively allied with the thought of consolidating area schools. Voiced bitterness by mem bers of this group against the opposition, and their apparent determination to attempt to offset any movement to bring needed harmony within the school district groups only broadens the breach that now exists. After reviewing the past few years of activities where ef forts have been made to bring about some solution, it is quite a a e n a s o e i n should be attempted to bring the camps of thoughts togeth er, for obviously nothing cai be accomplished without a closer understanding of all Keithlown KEJTHTOWN Mr. and Mrs. John Craig and son, Johnny, of Devola, spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ard Chandler and family. Mr. and Mrs. Manford Young and family, of Canton, were re cent visitors at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Burk hart. (Mr. and Mrs. Ard Chandler and son, Harley spent a day last week at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Craig and son, of Devola. Raymond McMannis returned to his work at Canton after be ing home the past week, due to illness. Sam McMannis of Canton also spent the weekend with his par ents. Mrs. Jack Edwards and son, John Douglas, of Caldwell, call ed at the home of her parents on Thursday. Her daughter, Pamela, spent last week with her grandparents. OHIO POWKft COMPANY Attn: Residential Depart**** I am Interested In Electric Heat fort a new home. my preeeot bom*. additions or remodeling. O MA ME ADDRESS cifr. THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO "Reappraisal" Needed To Achieve Better Understanding Of Local School Problem concerned. The defeat of two Caldwell bond issues gives thought that a coordinated effort is needed to successfully pass any such proposed future issues. Divid ed as the people seem to be, any attempt now or in the immediate future to pass a bond issue appears destined for defeat. The consolidation effort proved to be somewhat of a disappointment to those per sons spearheading the move ment. One spark of life on this matter was expressed by a high school executive when he said, "More people would have supported the consolidation Women's Society of Christian Service met at the home of Mrs. Ina Bates with Ethel Dutton as co-hostess. Lula Blake was in charge of devotionals. Theme: "Rekindling the Gift." Ethel Dutton read the hymn "In Christ, There is No East or West." A prayer for mis sions was given by Lula Blake Eileen Curtis was in charge of the program. Lula Blake gave a prayer for evangelism. Ella Wal ters, president, was in charge of the business session. A delicious lunch was served to the following members pres ent: Mrs. Lula Blake, Mrs. Julia Mean, Mrs. Irene McKee, Mrs. Ella Walters, Mrs. Ella Miller, Mrs. Eileen Curtis, Mrs. Helen Lewis, Mrs. Stella Hunter and the host and hostess, Mrs. Ina Bates and Mrs. Ethel Dutton. News Brief Mr. Franklin Turner, of North Industry, spent a few days last week at the home of his mother, AS SUNSHINE No flames, no fumes, no odors. Nothing to leak, spill or go out. Electric heat is worry free...for you and all your family. issue if placed on the ballot at a normal election. Confusion ran rampant in the last elec tion over many of the issues. It was not an honest expres sion of the people." Perhaps the professor had something, but it is doubtful if the margin needed for the consolidation issue could have been realized at that particular time. The recent attempt of per sons to bring Sharon Local school district into the Cald well exempted fold, failed mis erably. Expressions have been voiced why the attempt was unsuccessful. In the final ana lysis it resolves itself to one thing people become con- STATE AUDITOR TO HEAD CANCER DRIVE Auditor of State James A. Rhodes, right, is pictured as he accepted appointment of state campaign chairman for the Ameri can Cancer society's "Goals Unlimited Cancer Crusade" from Dr. Arthur C. James, president of the Ohio Division, Inc., of ASC. The orange "sword" is«£he symbol of the American Cancer so ciety. MACK5BURG NEWS NOTES MACKSBURG Preaching Sunday at 7:30 -p, m. by Rev, Walter H. Brown. World Day of Prayer World Day of Prayer at Macks burg church, Friday afternoon at 2:30, Feb. 13. All churches are to participate with the host min ister, beginning a brief message on prayer. Mrs. Lula Blake is in charge of the program for the day. Refreshments will be ser ved by the W.S.C.S. following the service. Plan now to attend this World Day of Prayer. W.S.C.S. Mrs. Carrie Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pennett and son, Russell of Beverly, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis. Mrs. Ella Walters was shopping in Caldwell, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hesson spent Monday at Zanesville. Clyde Dobbins visited Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Verna Dobbins at Marietta. 59 Ford Galoxie Club Victoria on* of the 23 new Fords that rid* on TYREX cord tire*. Only PLENTY OF LEG ROOM There's plenty ol streich-oul room, i bsth front and rear seats-even for long-legged six-footers. WIDER DOORS FOR EASIER ENTRY Ford doors ore r.».A.r, WIN A 59 fOKO PLUS SI 0,900 CASH AND A GLORIOUS HOLLYWOOD VACATION fQR 1(i: ENTIRE FAMILY fused with the many com ments that accompany such an effort, and the, ultimate result is that nothing is accomplished ... it only retards the educa tional processes so badly need ed by the children of our area. It is logical to think that the time has come for an honest appraisal of our schools be exercised by capable, enter prising people. As it appears now, many persons involved are eagerly anticipating the opportunity to acclaim victory as a personal issue. It is safe to assume that this approach never will become a reality, for these eager beav ers seemingly lack the per sonal integrity and esteem of the public to do what is best for our community, and best for our children. Time is running out for many school districts in Noble county. The present law is clear, that after Dec. 31 the state can withhold or refuse financial support to any school district that does not conform with certain operational re quirements. One particularly affects every high school in the county system as well as the exempted district of Caldwell regardless of size that a high school must have a pupil enrollment of 240. Dis tricts that do not comply with this requirement are at the mercy of the state board of education and stand a chance of having their charters revoked. However, some leni ency is being extended to those districts only lacking in this one respect. With no exception, there isn't a school in the county that could operate more than four months if foundation money or state subsistence was not forthcoming. This fact is significant, especially since a number of schools have grant ed substantial salary increases within the last month. With student enrollment in creasing and problems becom ing more complexed a deter mined effort must be initiated by those persons possessed with the know-how and in tegrity to do what is BEST for the advancement of the area educational program for our children. No wonder the swing is to FORD* gives these "beautiful sense" features! NEW HEAD ROOM-EVEN HAT ROOM Ford is spacious. Unlike the major competitor you can wear your hat, front seat or back. iL* wider than the top competitive make and hove 2-stage front door checks. in its price field IOpJJA adi EASY TO USE TRUNK SPACE Ford's deep-cut trunk opening lets you load or unload with far less "lift" than competition. CALDWELL MOTORS, Inc. 315 Wesi .Street, Caldwell, Ohio Phone 84 PICTURE YOURSELF IN A 59 FORD—AND WIH A TRIPLE GRAND PRIZE Hundreds of other fabulous prizes in Ihe Sylvania Photoflash Contest Lions District Governor Is Guest Of Local Club Alton Moore, of Duncan Falls, district governor for 13-B which includes the Caldwell Lions club, was a guest of honor Wednesday evening at their regular dinner meeting held at Maple Inn, Dextar City. President C. D. Elliott was in charge of the meeting and in troduced the district governor, who spoke briefly. He also pre sented President Elliott with a certificate of merit for going over the quota in the recent mem bership drive. John Shamhart was the individual who obtained the most new members. Plans were also discussed briefly for the Caldwell Lions club to join forces with the Cald well volunteer fire department in sponsoring a magazine sale for the county. Proceeds from this sale will be divided by the two organizations. Chairman Floyd Henderson spoke briefly concerning the an nual farmers' night which will be held by the local club on Wed nesday evening, Feb. 25. Dinner will be served by the Southern Noble Community club in their new gymnasium. All reservations must be turned in to Chairman Henderson not later than Feb. 18. Leon Evans of Jackson, who re cently returned from a tour of the middle east and North Africa will be the speaker. Each Lion club may invite a farmer of his choice or contact Henderson for a list of proposed guests. The Lions club also agreed to dispense with the pumping of the gasoline tanks for polio at the Sinclair station in Caldwell this year. In years past, Mr. Mike Brienza has turned over the pro fits for that one day to the March of Dimes drive. Instead "they took up a collec tion and the amount of $30.85 will be turned over to the polio fund. District Governor Moore also introduced John Thomas, a guest, who is first vice president of the Duncan Falls club. you all Let 'er Snow ETnE sF 6, NOT JUST 4, RIDE IN COMFORT Seais 0.'e_!0''f poise^aers wont fjsrffc A Clear Drive Is No Strain with Wheel-Horse fun-work yard tractor Works year 'round driving 22 optional tools including 32" mounted rotary mower. Only yard-garden tractor with automotive gearing, steering and 2-wheel Miller Street INSURANCE Reed Insurance Agency Phone 43 O. O. P. Bldg. CALDWELL, OHIO brakes as standard equipment. Big tractor power from tre mendous gear reduction. Gear shift selections give 3 speeds forward end reverse. FUN-TEST IT TODAY! For next Summer's use ... See us about our lay-away plan! Long's Tractor Sales Phone 170-M OF ALL TYPES "bot tom out" on bumpy roads os in many other cars. FRAME SURROUNDS YOU WITH SAFETY Everyone rides protected by Ford s solid wide* base frame. A Ford exclusive in its fieldl fOtt FULL INFORMATION Get your entry blank and the official rules at your Ford Dealer's or wherever Sylvania Blue Dot Flashbulbs are sold. Contest closes r.idnight, March 1 5, 1959