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Page Four—B Summerfield Sunshine Sunday School Class Enjoys Meeting Tuesday, Church Basement The Sunshine Sunday School class met Tuesday evening at the ch-urch basement for their regu lar meeting, with Mrs. Ruth Ar cher and Kathryn Dysert as the hostesses. Mrs. Bemice Batten had the devotions and prayer. Mrs. Gladys Moore gave a report on part of the study book entitled "The Day Christ Died". Group 3, with Bernice Batten chairman, had the program. Mrs. Roma Jean Wharton, the president, had the business session. A surprise card and hankie shower had been planned for the teacher, Mrs. Pearl McKinney, as her birthday was on Wednesday, but since she was not present, they were given to her Sunday morning and for which she wishes to thank each one who gave, and she appreciated them very much. Lunch was served to the follow ing members: Lina Durham, Edna Truax, Roma Jean Wharton, Thelma Wharton, Bernice Batten, Gladys Moore, Marie Bircher. The table was beautifully dec orated in keeping with Valen tines Dav. To Ohio U. Miss Patsy Truax has resigned her position at Commercial Fuel at Dexter City and has enrolled at Ohio University at Athens, where she will study secondary education. She was accompanied to Athens Saturday morning by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Durel Truax and sons. Pioneer Party Mrs. Emily Havener attended the Pioneer party, sponsored by the Zanesville Business & Pro fessional Women's club, Sunday afternoon in Zanesville. 250 wo men were in attendance. Miss Olive Huston was the guest speaker and Mrs. Ann Grimes gave a program of Ohio folk mu sic. Mission Teacher Mrs. Verna Guiler will be the teacher of the adult class at the Mission school Sunday evening in the Methodist church, which will be on the Indian mission. There will also be a prayer vigil held at the church Friday, Feb. 0, beginning at 8:00 a. m. through 8:00 p. m. and anyone is welcome to come at any time through out the day for prayer. O. E. S. Meeting Summerfield Chapter, O. E. S., will meet Wednesday evening, Feb. 11, for their regular meet ing in charge of the Worthy Mat ron, Beulah Watson. From Florida Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Atkinson returned home Sunday from Jacksonville, Fla., where they had spent the past three weeks with their children, Mrs. James H. Bates and family and their son* COLUMBIA GAS SYSTEM Mr. James Atkinson and family. Enjoyed Visit Mrs. Mamie Friday has return ed home after spending the past several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Harold Edgerley and family, at Johnstown. Personals Mr. Raymon Fogle and Mr. John Leasco were business call ers Wednesday in Zanesville. Mr. and Mrs. Durel Truax and sons called on Mr. and Mrs. James Dodds and family Satur day in Athens. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Bircher were business callers Thursday morning in Cambridge and Cald well. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reed, of Lakemore, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reed and Mr. and Mrs. Zeter Hanes. Mrs. Reed's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hanes, celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary during the weekend. Mrs. Ernest Bode, Mrs. G. A. Horton and Mr. Flode Yost were callers Thursday in Caldwell. Mr. Bert Porter has returned to Parkersburg, W. Va., after spending the past three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey Dan ford. Mr. and Mrs. Don Watson, of Columbus, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Watson and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Reed and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gessell and son, of Zanesville, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guiler and family. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Watson had as dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Durel Truax and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Don Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gibson and sons, of Cambridge, and Mrs. Luther Robinson, of Millersburg, visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bode were callers Friday morning in Cald well. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bach and daughter, Cheryl, entertained on Sunday with a birthday dinner in honor of his mother, Mrs. Rena Bach. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bach and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reed. Other guests in the afternoon were Mrs. Lorah Bradmore and daughter, of Stafford. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Weaver and Mrs. Stanley Dalrymple vis ited Sunday afternoon with Mr. Dalrymple, a patient in Guern sey Memorial hospital in Cam bridge. In 1938 the first operational radar to be installed in a U. S. Navy ship was placed in the USS New York. & ASKT? Mt. Ephroim WSCS Meets Thursday At Stiles Home Members of the W.S.C.S. en joyed a pot luck dinner and quilting at the home of Mrs. Zelma Stiles, Thursday. Those attending were Ardith Mendenhall, Letha Reed, Mabel Shafer, Elsie McConnell, Susie Hannahs, Mary Miller, Grace Miley, Dora Miller, Jo Cleary, Virginia Ward, Mildred Law, Maggie Oliver, Lura Morrison, Emma McDonald, Reah Bates, Jane Bates, Jewell Powell, Marie Bates, Faye Groves and the hostess. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Walter Powell and daughters visited Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Frank McVicker at Senecaville. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Bates, T. R. Bates of here, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Miller and son, of Zanes ville, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Finley and daughter at Canton. Mr. and Mrs. David Rich and family, of Senecaville, spent Sat urday with Mr. and Mrs. William Rich and family. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rich and infant son, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Graham. Mr. and Mrs. James Menden hall and son, of Canton, visited Sunday with Mrs. Hazel Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Lorain Reed, of Zanesville, visited Saturday with Mrs. Luella Pringle. Mrs. Zelma Stiles, Faye Groves, Mrs. Jane Bates, Ricky and Mary Lou Bates and Mrs. Virginia Ward spent Wednesday with Mrs. Jo Cleary. Mrs. Walter Powell and daughters visited Sunday after noon with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Secrest and son at Caldwell. Elba ELBA Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Linton, Sophia Ball and Bryson Green were recent callers at Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Lee, of Lower Salem, were Sunday call ers of Clara Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Hickle and family, of Byesville, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stack and son, of Elba, were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Goodwill, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Swain and Clara Reed. Dickson Goodwill was in Cald well, Tuesday. Elsie Linton, of Macksburg route, Hulda Baker of Lower Salem, and Marie Harper, of Dexter City, attended Pythian Sisters lodge at Lowell recently. Senear CAPTAIN WILSON'S HAPPY ACCIDENT QM 1815, CAPTAIN! JAMES PROSPECTING WILSON, FOR SALT BRINE NEAR CHARLESTON, W.VA., ACCIDENTALLY PRILLED THE. FIRST NATURAL GAS WELL IN HISTORY. NATURAL GAS WAS THEN A CURIOSITY WHOSE GREAT VALUE WAS STILL UNKNOWN. TODAY, CLEAN, DEPENDABLE, LOW-COST NATURAL GAS IS AN IMPORTANT ASSET TO ALL OF US WHO LIVE AND WORK HERE AMERICA'S ORIGINAL NATURAL GASLAWD. ONE-THIRD OFALLTHE NATURAU GAS SOLD FOR HOME USE, AND ONE-FIFTH OF ALLTHE COUNTRY'S INDUSTRIAL USERS ARE LOCATED IN THE SEVEN-STATE REGION WHERE THE COLUMBIA GAS SVSTEAA SERVES. THE OHIO FUEL GAS COMPANY SERVING AMERICA'S ORIGINAL NATURALGASIAND IN 'Uipny v' v/ THE JOURNAL. CALDWELL. OHIO A Sue and Janet Gildow visited Friday and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles West and fam ily of near Sarahsville. Mrs. Elizabeth Morrison spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Morrison and daughter, Sherry, of Marietta. Kathryn Poland, who's em ployed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Lukie, ^pent the weekend at home. Mrs. Lenora Estadt spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pryor. Tempt Hesson, of Macksburg, was a caller at J. H, Morrison's home, Saturday forenoon. Those attended the butchering at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Lenley Addis and sons, Friday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hayes and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Donald McElfresh, of Caldwell, Walter Estadt and George Clark. The Jefferson township trus tees, Charles Hayes, Charles Schneeberger, Felix Arnold and cler'k, Roy Mason, held their regular meeting here in town •f v '•. OHIO WINNER SHINES IN STATE GROUP Winner's delight is apparent in Joanne Hoffman, 19, of Lan caster, Ohio, left, after learning that she's won the $300 Forst mann scholarship plus a sewing console by Singer Sewing Ma chine Company as first place in the senior division of the nation al "Make It Yourself With Wool" contest. The finals for the con test were held in Portland, Oregon. Miss Hoffman's winning dress was a black sheath dress of wool lace, fully lined. Shown with her are Susan Jane Hoy, 17, of Wauseon, and Mrs. Harold Judy, Germantown, state contest director. The Ohio section of the "Make It Yourself With Wool" contest is sponsored by the Wool Bureau and the Ohio Wool Growers Association. MIDDLEBURG NEWS NOTES MIDDLEBURG Miss Betty Harriman visited Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Morrison and family on Monday. Gay Bettinger, of Wolf Pen road, was a caller at Morrison's blacksmith shop, Tuesday fore noon. Walter Love and Harry Pryor attended the stock sale at Mari etta, Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Antill spent Thursday at Marietta. Walter Weisent was a caller at Morrison's blacksmith shop, Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Freda Clark was a caller at Mrs. Clara Morrison's, Friday forenoon. Charles Hayes was a caller at Caldwell, Friday. Mrs. Ruth Hayes and Mrs. Hazel Fogle spent Friday after noon at Marietta. house, Saturday forenoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morrison and daughter, of Marietta, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. James Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gildow spent Saturday at Marietta. Rev. and Mrs. Lenley Addis and family visited Sunday after noon and evening with Mr. and Mrs. Donald McElfresh, of Olive. Mrs. Fern Carnes and son, Eu gene, of Belle Valley, visited Sunday afternoon with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Estadt. The Clark and Gerst, \tfho are drilling a well on the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Feldner, of Rado ridge, plan to drill well in this morning, Monday, Feb. 2, on ground hog's day. We hope the boys get a good well. Mrs. Clara Gildow spent Mon day with her father, Alex Bet tinger. Ava AVA Mr. and Mrs. Chester Everly and family, of Massillon, were visiting here last week. Mrs. Jesse Merry and son, Johnny, of Gallipolis, were visit ing her mother, Mrs. Dorothy Hawley and family last week. Mrs. George Clippinger and Mrs. Robert Mellon and children spent Saturday in Caldwell. Mrs. Bessie Daw is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ellis Oney in Can ton. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wood nnd children, of Buffalo and James R. Buckey, of Crestline, were callers here, Sunday. Mrs. Cora Perkins and Sandra Perkins were visiting in Marietta on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Dusenberry, of Coal Ridge, were callers here, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Mason Wood spent Tuesday in Cambridge. Specials! -CLOSE-OUT- CLEAR PLASTIC SEAT COVERS FOR 1957 and 1958 MODELS $10°° Now only set COLORED PLASTIC SEAT SOVERS—set $17.95 MUFFLERS INSTALLED ALL MAKES FUEL PUMPS NEW AND FACTORY REBUILT SPARK PLUGS AC Autolite Champion NO CHARGE FOR INSTALLATION AUTO FLOOR MATS MIKE'S TIRE SHOP Successor to Goodyear Service Store North & Cumberland Streets Phone 200 Caldwell, Ohio (haseville CHASEVILLE Recent visi tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Hill and family were Mr. Ed McGee and daughter, Evelyn of Gibson and Mrs. Hazel Fin ley. Miss Louise Murphy, student at Ohio University, Athens, visit ed 'her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Halderman Murphy and family, the past week. Mannie Miller was dismissed to his home, Sunday, from St. Francis hospital, Cambridge, where he had been a patient for 10 days. Recent visitors of Mrs. Nellie Laughlin and daughter, Geneva, were Mrs. Harley' Drumm, Mr. and Mrs. Halderman Murphy, and Kenneth Laughlin. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Barr and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Williams and family, near New Concord, recently. John Pipa, of Pleasant City, and Randy Murphy visited with Newton Davis on Sunday. Wilfred Hill, Jimmy, Martha and Paul Murphy attended Luth er League at Mt. Zion, Sunday evening. Mrs. Helen Drumm called on Mrs. Hazel Finley, Monday. Mrs. Ada Williams spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Barr and family. Mrs. Halderman Murphy and daughter visited with Mrs. Alfred Brown, Derwent, Satur day. Miss Geneva Laughlin visited with Mannie and Dora Miller on Sunday evening. Here & Yon HERE AND YON Sine our ground hog's predicted the wea ther for the next six weeks we can look forward to Dan Cupid on Valentine's, day. There's a rumor that a certain mail car rier is having Valentine nite mares. He has been checking up on the sweet gift list as there are two important birthdates coming up soon. Mr. and Mrs. Clark McCandless spent Sunday p. with his daughter, Mrs. Bernice Millstead and family in Zanesville. Noah Pitts had one of his limbs amputated on Saturday a. m. at Guernsey Memorial hospital in Cambridge. His condition is fair at this writing. Mrs. Betsy Poling visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Her man Gordon and son. Mrs. Shelva Robinson was a recent visitor of Jewell Wickham on Railroad street. Mrs. Nellie Matheney was a weekend visitor of Laura Depew and family. Willard Poling spent Saturday evening at the Raymond Poling home. Walter Johnson spent Friday nitr with Willard Poling. I Sharon 2 JjM PLUS... unpredictably Tom Gop P' *7. 2,1 TY! don In br.nd-rw* Amm&r .3U f. M. farming pr«dMm«nt. ^mr II* i i a January Meeting Of Temperance Legion Held At David Ramsey Home The January meeting of Sharon Loyal Temperance Legion was held at the home of David Ram sey, Wednesday evening, Jan. 28. President Tommy Marquis called the meeting to order and the fol lowing program was presented: Opening song, "Whisper A Pray er" song, "We Children Have A Temperance Pledge" salute to the American flag repeated song, "America, the Beautiful" salute to the Christian flag repeated Joan Boyd led the devotional service song, "He's Got the World In His Hands" pledge to the Temperance flag repeated Judy Walters, assistant leader, conduct ed the lesson period, reading the third chapter of Phillipians and the following stories: "A Wood Pile Story", "Wisdom From the Dog House" and "What the Snow man Heard" song, "Ten Little Brain Cells". The meeting closed with the L. T. L. salute and a prayer. During the social hour, games were enjoyed and Mrs. Doris Ramsey served delicious refresh ments to Ronnie Harmon, Tommy Marquis, Joan and Billy Boyd, Candace Wilson, Peggy and Dav id Ramsey, Riley Dovenbarger and the assistant leader, Judy Walters. Elects Officers The Methodist Youth Fellow ship met Sunday evening for their regular service with Presi dent Judy Walters presiding. Of ficers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: President, Tommy Marquis, Vice President, Clair Pickenpaugh, Secretary, Joan Boyd, Treasurer, Peggy Ramsey, news reporter, Jav Boyd, counsellor, Vera Harmon. Rev. Ola Teters preached an in spiring sermon at the worship service, which followed. Fractured Arm Kathy Archibald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mack Archibald, fell at school, Wednesday, frac turing a bone in her left arm. Mystery Club Quilting Mamie Parks, Hannah Miller, Pauline Haga and Jean Ramsey spent Tuesday with Mrs. Ocie Harmon and enjoyed a pot luck dinner and all-day quilting. Mab el Dovenbarger was present in the afternoon. Children present Phone 125 Caldwell, were Jerry and Brenda Ramsey. The quilting is being done for the Mystery club. Personals Mrs. Cora Marquis called on her uncle, Cyrus Trott, at a Cam bridge hospital, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Norman, of Frazeysburg, visited with her grandmother, Mrs. Nora Marquis and Eva May, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bickford and children of Coshocton, visited with Mrs. Jessie Marquis, Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Bigley and Mr. and Mrs. Junior Wilson, of Caldwell, visited with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wil son last week. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Marquis, of Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Garvin, of Columbus, were sup per guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Marquis, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Parrish and S. W. Parrish were at Massillon last Thursday, attending the funeral of Gene Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Haga and children, of Newark, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Haga. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson and sons, of Beverly, were Sunday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Miller. Mrs. Bertie Ackley and Mr. and Mrs. George Ralph, who are spending the winter in Canton, spent Saturday at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. John Cisler and children, of Canton, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Parrish. WE PICKUP AND DELIVER! NOBLE CLEANERS Phone 109 Col ley Insurance 409 West Street Wednesday, Feb. 11 A High School Auditorium Fairground Street Caldwell listen to the famous Mid-Slates Four, and the John Deere Singers end Dancers present your favorite numbers. Iff The Great Johnstone, magician-comic, presents Max the Magnificent in en unforgettable escape act. See internationally famous vaudeville teem Willy West and McGinfy, and xylophone artist Will Mahoney in their acts that have thrilled audiences from coast to coast. Oddities in Farming What's New for a rare behind-the- scenes visit to the John Deere combine plant to watch them "Building the Dig Ones." it i:l: TO ALL! Bring the Entire Family and Enjoy the Colorful Program. A NUMBER OF DOOR PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED! SPONSORED BY THE CALDWELL IMPLEMENT & SUPPLY CO. Your Local John Deere Dealer Ohio