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Thursday, February 5, 1959 Morgan County Well Gauges More Than 4 Million Cu. Ft. It is authoritatively reported that the well on the Earl Wilson farm in neighboring Morgan county, was gauged Tuesday by Virgil Watson and showed 4,120,000 cu. ft. Another gauge will be taken when the well settles further. There is also a fair showing of oil in the well. This well in the Clinton is probably the largest ever drilled in the county and is one of the largest found in the state in many months. The lease is owned by Messrs. Carter and Brooks with Mr. Watson, who drilled the "Bone Discovery" well in charge. It is said several new locations are under way but none of the number have been made public, although it is said this company will test the Will Fox which is included in their holdings and which lies to the southwest of the Wilson well. Mr. Wilson sold a half of his l/8th royalty to the prospectors testing their lease holds in the area. Work of dis mantling the rigging on the Wil son is in progress as is further work being done on the Embree which made an excellent show ing but which has been haunted by various sorts of ill luck. The Swallow well, northwest of the Bone, was fractured in the Medina (some 70 feet below the Clinton) and preparations are in progress to similarly fracture the Clinton sand above. Owned by the Ohio Fuel, it is believed to have possibilities for a good well. On the Delmar Wil son, the drill has reached a depth of some 2300 feet. The Everett Greer farm, it is said, is also in line for a location in Grade 3 perfect attendance: Barbara Biedcnbach, Donpld Burbacher, Kathryn Carpenter, Debra Carpenter, Rebecca De long, Lowell Kerns, John Kirk bride, Betty Leach, Gary Reed, Cynthia Stallings scholastic: Barbara Biedenbach, Kathy Car penter, Brenda Clark, John Kirkbride. Grade 4 perfect attendance: Dale Archer, Stephen Carpenter, jLena Christman, David Leach, Carol Moore, Leo Powell, Pa taricia Smith, Tommy Snyder, $ue Stephens, Carolyn Tucker, Connie Wise, William Espen schicd scholastic: Lena Christ man, David Dysert, Carol Moore, Sue Stephens. Grade 5 perfect attendance: Jack Blakalee, Harold McEl fresh, Johnny Truax, George Warner, Patricia Archer, Bar bara Leach, Kay Morris, Judy Reed, Linda Tucker, Linda War ner, Calvin King scholastic jack Blakalee, Jack Barnett, Kenneth Wise, Barbara Leach, Sharon Saunders. Grade 6 perfect attendance: Only One Senior On Honor Roil For Six Weeks Period At Sarahsville the immediate future. The Trans-Eastern Victorian Petroleum Co., Inc. of Clouders port, Pa., is moving in and set ting up drilling equipment on the Lloyd Smith on Meigs creek, some 3V2 miles north of the "Bone Discovery" well. The Lloyd Smith is the former Marion Mahon farm, and is a portion of the large land hold ings of Ray G. Smith and sons, Lloyd and Homer Smith. As we understand it, this will be a test in virgin oil and gas drilling territory, or at least no deep wells have been drilled in that vicinity. Drilling activity out Bristol way has reached the feverish state and, from every indication, prospects are daily growing brighter for opening an important new oil and gas field in that area. Zane$ville Driver Arrested For D. W. I. Elmer Warner, 48, of Zanes ville, was arrested Sunday at Belle Valley by Marshal Law rence Macenko and charged with driving while intoxicated. He was arraigned that same afternoon before Mayor Eddie Bailey, of Belle Valley, and fined $100 and costs and three ctfcys in the Noble county jail. Two Seniors Make Third Six Weeks Hofior Roll In Summerfield Schools Lawrence Crum and Kathrvn Bishop were the only two seniors to make the honor roll at Summert'ield for the third six weeks end ing January 16, according to Ward Bishop, executive head. The complete list is as follows: Grade 1 perfect attendance: Beverly Biedenbach, Dennis Car penter, Timmie. Clark, Carol Christman, Jay Dee Kerns, Roger Reed, Audrey Warner: scholastic: Dennis Carpenter, Victoria Gry walski, Diane McElfresh. Grade 2 perfect attendance: Linda Eates, Jane Bates, Kathy -Carpenter, Joyce Cline, Terry Smith, Linda Stotts, Frankie Wise scholastic: Joyce Cline, Cheryl Leasure, Kathy Carpen ter, Pamela Edgar, Judy Moore, Frankie Warner, Frankie Wise. Gary Edgar, Paul Henry, Mar tin Johnson, Tim Reed, Gary Snyder, Rosie Smithberger scholastic: Gary Edgar, Martin Johnson, Tim Reed, Carolyn Guiler. Grade 7 perfect attendance: Sue Bates, Alice Carpenter, Bar bara Espenschied, Darla Starr, Darlene Thompson, Brian Christ man, Donnie Kirkbride, Warren Moore, Gene Reed, James Reed scholastic: Donna Kirkbride, Alice Carpenter. Grade 8 perfect, attendance: "Kenneth Clark, Karl Guiler, Vernon Kirkbride, David Reed, Charles Snyder, Lila Christman, Barbara Leasure scholastic: Ver non Kirkbride. Grade 9 perfect attendance: Dwight Carpenter, Ronald Gant, Gleorge Leasure, Thomas Starr, Delbert Tucker, Marlene Archer, Karola Delong, Olive Hill, Nancy Martin, Ann Sheiton, Sandra Smith scholastic: Karola De long, Ann Sheiton, Sandra Smith. Grade 10—perfect attendance: Larry Edear, Edsel Hannahs, William Thomas, Vivian Moore, Elaine Tripplett scholastic James Crum, Larry Mallett, Elaine Tripplett. Grade 11—perfect attendance Darrel Gant, John Green, Virgil Thompson, Peggy Christman, Rita Gressel, Kathryn Parks scholastic: Leanna Carpenter. Grade 12—perfect attendance: lesson Carpenter, Marlin Brown, Floyd Stern, Jr., Gloria Bates, Kathryn Bishop, Gloria Guiler scholastic: Lawrence Crum, Kathryn Bishop. Only one senior was abl^ to make the honux xoil at Center local schools in Sarahsville for the third six weeks, according to a list re leased today by Hobart Bond, executive head. The complete honor roll and perfect attendance is as follows: Honor Roll Grade 2 Michael Merry, Donnie Moore, Robert Norman, Marilyn Carter, Clyta Cater, Sue Cooper, Nancy Jacobs, Cindy Kirkbride, Sandra Lestock, Bon nie Wheeler Grade 3 Jody Cox, Jeffery Hayes, Lance Van Fleet, Connie Clark, Diana Moore, Christine Semple, Dar lene Stottsberry. Grade 4 Cheryl Clark, Karen Clark, Jane Davis, Jo Ann Dreher, Roberta Semple, Vicki Stottsberry Grade 5 David Carter, David Everly, James Shaw, Gary Stottsberry, Gary Benner, Cheryl Kirkbride, Patricia Young Grade 6 Joyce Eates, Paulette Shafer, Frank McAuley. Grade 7 Nancy Cooper, Becky Kirk, Margaret Semple, Sandra Stottsberry Grade 8 Janet Sholtis, Merlin Wentworth Joyce Young Grade 9 Myrle Watson, Patricia Reed. Grade 10 None Grade 11 Karen Sue Bates, Barbara Bond^ Deloris Bond, Lana Trescott, Grade 12 Barbara Rossiter. Perfect Attendance Grade 1 Dale Clark, Terry Stottsberry, Kenneth West, Terry West, David Wilson, Marlene Hurcov Grade 2 Kenneth Anderson, Michael Merry, Don e Moore, Kenneth Wilson arilyn Carter, Clyta Cater, Sue ooper, Cindy Kirkbride, Sandra Lestock, Bonnie Wheeler. Grade 4 Robert Gibson, Thomas West, William West, Cheryl Clark, Karen Clark, Jane Davis, Jo Ann Dreher, Roberta Semple, Vicki Stottsberry. Grade 3 Jody Cox, Jeffery Hayes, Roger Kirkbride, Diana Moore, Christine Semple. Grade 5 Norman Abbot Gary Benner, David Everly James Rossiter, James Shaw. Grade 6 Robert Bond, Shir ley Anderson, Joyce Bates Darla Robinson, Gary Stotts berry, Cheryl Kirkbride, Judith Wickham, Patricia Young. Grade 7 David Anderson James Carter, Billy Clark Nancy Cooper, Terry Gibson Sandra Stottsberry, Charles West, John West, Marilyn Wheeler Grade 8 Hubert Bates, Tyke Bates, Howard Hague, Mike Kirkbride, Mary Nesselroad, Janet Sholtis, Mari lyn Wentworth, Joyce Young. Grade 9 Frank Bettinger William Bettinger, Kathy Bond Gary Hague, Sally Jo Martin Ronald Moore, Irene Picken paug'h, Jerry Robinson, Kenneth Shafer, Myrle Watson, Joyce Vorhies Grade 10 Irene Bond Carol Dudley, Charles Hannum, James Leek, Lula Robinson Lauerne Wentworth, Myra Wor rail. Grade 11 Karen Bates, Bar bara Bond, Deloris Bond, Pa tricia Charlton. Margie Clark, Gerald DePuy, Karen Hively Grade 12 Arthur Stotts berry, Marilyn Hague, Erma Casey. Hupp, Grade 6 Seven Seniors Make The Honor Roll For This Period At Belle Valley High T- The seniors really went all out at Belle Valley and seven were listed on the honor roll for the period between Nov. 24 and Jan. 16, according to an announcement by Lester Wheatley, acting executive head. This is the greatest number! of seniors for any school in the county system. The honor roll! and perfect attendance list is asl Charles Caldwell, David De follows: I lancey, Thurman Harmon, How Honor ROll I &rd Lorey, Thomas Sklenar. Her- Grade 2 Marvin Feldner, I bert Smith, Steve Yakupcak, Rodney Marietta, Charles Teters, I Beverly Buckey, Sandra Dusen Joseph Thomas, Diane Hronec,I berry, Doris Ginn, Janet Mixik, Janie Grade 4 Diana Brown, Brenda Danford, Patty Khune, Larry Kominar, Carol Lett, John Mizik, Vickie Perkins, James Serdy, Phyllis Tomdho, Joellen War go, Sharon Yocco, Kathy Miller. Grade 5 Darlene Malenda, Diana Still, Sharon Hannum, raldine Nichols, April Math- Grade 3 Eugene Carnes.l Larry Kilburn, Terry Milligan, Thomas Mizik, James Perkins, James Taylor, John Wargo, Jr.,| Brenda Cartell, Darla Ginn, Dar lene Haga, Janet Hill, Marilyn I Roberts, Paula Seamster, Judith Smith. Grade 4 Jackie Archer, I Joseph Archer, Charles Doven barger, Larry Kominar, Carol) Lett, Kathy Miller, John Mizik, Terry Perkins, Joellen Wargo, I Terry Yakupcak, Sharon Yocco, Paul Yonker. Grade 5 Darlene Malenda, Diana Still, Richard Roberts,! Geraldine Nichols, Jack Johnson, Lynn Mallett, David Cartell, Constance Marietta, Martha War ner, Frederick Perkins, Mark Thomas, Dennis E?chman, Roger Feldner, Delbert Gordon, Jerry Archer, Ronald Hronec, Robert] Lori, Sandra Leisure. Grade 6 Francis Brown, SCOUT SUNDAY Cub Pack 584 will attend special services in recognition of I Scout Sunday at the First Church of Christ this Sunday. The Cub| Pack, with their Den Mothers, Cubmaster and Pack committee-1 men will be given special re-1 cognition. At this service a rep resentative from the Scout office I will present the new charter to the church. This will begin the eighth year of sponsorship of the Cub Pack by this church. RED CROSS MEETING A rescheduled meeting of the I board of directors of the Noble county Red Cross will be held Monday evening, Feb. 9 at 7:00 o'clock in the chapter rooms on the first floor of the court house. Executive Secretary V. G. Hed dleson said this meeting was to have been held two weeks ago but due to the high waters only a few members of the board were able to get into Caldwell. POMONA GRANGE Regular meeting of Noble county Pomona grange will be held Tuesday evening, Feb. 10 at the Sharon grange hall in I Sharon, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. Following the business meeting, there will be a program by the I lecturer. A jot luck lunch will be served and all members are urged to attend. Janet Secrest, Kathy I Twila Perkins, Patty Uhl. Serdv, Joan Tomcho. I Grade 7 Sam Cartell, Ray Grade 3 Eugene Carnes, eney, Richard Roberts, David I Pitts, Carl Roberts, Mike Roberts, Cartell, George Anderson, Mar-1 Lynn Seamster, Connie Spriggs tha Warner, Vicki Niswonger.l Grade 10 Riley Dovenbarg Bonnie Bond, Patricia Cunning-1 er. Jerald Heeter, James Secrest, ham, Constance Marietta, Ronaldl James Walters, Daryl Wheeler, Hronec, Sandra Leisure. I Carolyn Archer, Oretha Lett, Grade 8 Richard Devolld Grade 9 Joyce Cain, Grace Dennis, Lynn Seamster, Judy Serdy, Judy Willey: Grade 10 Marilyn Pickenpaugh, Lois Tet-[ crs. Grade 11 Polly Hill, Violet I Teters, Judy Walters: Grade 12—| Sue Phipps, Janet Hysell, Fon tella Greathouse, Mary Dennis, I David Ziler, Larry Foraker,| Robert Brown. Attendance Grade 1 Larry Bailey, Danny Boyd, David King, Mich ael Malenda, Tommy Mackie,| Patricia Cobb, Mary Dovenbarg er, Wilma Hannum, Becky Nis wonger, Teresa Perkins, Joyce Stewart. Grade 2 Edwin Dovenbarg-| er, James Duffalo, Richard Esch inan, Rodney Marietta, Andrew Mika, James Mizik, Mitchell Perkins, Bernard Roberts, Gary Roberts, Kenneth Wiley, Robert Yonker, Brenda Gordon, Diane Hronec, Janie Hupp, Janet Sec-| rest, Kathy Serdy, Joan Tomcho. ENTERS HOSPITAL George Thompson, Caldwell, has entered Marietta Memorial hospital for ob&rvation and treatment. He was dismissed to| his home, Monday. CONFINED TO HOME Mrs. Nettie Tilton has been I confined to her home on Cum-I tberland street for the past month I with illness. She is reported to be improving. Favorite toys of a century ago are displayed each yuletide sea son in the Ross County Historical Society's Museum, Chillicothe,| Ohio. Francis Brown, I Karen Long, Lois Teters. Gary Brown, Pamella Bartoletta.l Grade 11 Carl Geary, Rol Carolyn Dovenbarger, Janet| ]and Moore, Polly Hill, Barbara Mizik, Patty Uhl Grade 7 Michael Hrinko, Willard Barn house. THE JOURNAL. CALD WELL. OHIO 1 I mond Gaydos, Michael Hrinko, Terry Milligan, Thomas Mizik.l Barbara Macenko, Robert Mizik. Elizabeth Danford, Connie Nis wonger, Paula Seamster, Suella Thomas. Tom Perkins, Diane Perkins, Margaret Seamster, Gerald Warner. Grade 8 Janice Archer, Ralph Delancey, Richard De Volld, Gary Ginn, Gloria Har mon, Joyce McCune, Linda Nich olson, Carol Perkins, William Roberts, Cecil Warner. Grade 9 Joyce Cain, Grace Dennis, Carol Greathouse, Joyce Haga, Kenneth Harmon, Mike Higgins, Gerald Morris, Diana Pickenpaugh, Violet Teters, Judy Walters, Faye Wiley. Grade 12 Judy Archer, Janet Hysell, Becky Wiley, Larry Foraker, Herbert Hurst DUNCAN HFNES CAKE MIXES YACHT CLUB PEACHES I Lb. Pkg. ARMOURS STAR SHANK HALF HAM HAM ARMOURS ENDS and PIECES 2H SIZE GREEN GOLDEN RIPE NO. 2 y2 CAN MM BOB EVANS SAUSAGE 59' WIENERS *59 -49 BACON »29 LETTUCE 2—29 POTATOES""59c ONIONS 2 19 Bananas i-W Bran Crunch Coffee Cake Serve spicy, hot Bran Crunch Coffee Cake to perk-up break fast, brunch, or morning coffee on a drab winter day. This de lightful combination of buttery cereal crunch, spice, and biscuit (lough is quick and easy to make. Biscuit mix is prepared, topped, and filled with a mixture of bran flakes, brown sugar, butter, and cinnamon. To speed preparation, the cereal crunch can be fixed ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator ready to use. If per chance, there should be any left, simply wrap in foil and freeze or store in the refrigerator. To serve—reheat thor oughly. The ingredient use of breakfast cereals is an easy way to increase the protein, vitamin, essential mineral, and food energy content of recipes. Bran Crunch Coffee Cake cup butter or margarine, 1 teaspoon cinnamon melted 2 cups prepared biscuit cup brown sugar, i egg, slightly beaten well-packed cup milk IVi cups bran flakes Mix together melted butter or margarine, brown sugar, bran Bakes, and cinnamon. Combine biscuit mix. 5 5 egg stir vigorously 30 seconds. Spread half of batter in greased Square pan (8x8x2 inches). Sprinkle half of cereal mixture over top. Cover with remaining baiter and top with remaining cereaL Bake in a moderate oven (375^.) until done and brown, 20 to 25 minutes. Serve warm. Yield: 16 pieces. and milk, and l^'Ttpug,! 4 i*r v 3 No. CHASE fir SANBORN ... Regular or Drip COFFEE Four Seniors Make Honor Roll For Third Six Weeks At Harriettsville High Four Seniors from Elk local high school made the honor roll fqr the third six weeks of school, according to Luther Schramm, execu tive head. Honor Roll Qrade 1 Lewis Crum, Tony Forshey, Johnie Huffman. Grade 2 Linda Forshey, Jimmy Fryfogle, Linda Schoep pner, Pamela Williams. Grade 3 Janie Blair, Donna Crum, Donna Duff, Donald Luke, Sandra Schoeppner, Dennis Ste phens, Patty Tewanger. Grade 4 David Bishop, Ruth Rohrer, Shirley Snider, Doris Williams. Grade 5 Cheryl Bennett, Gregory Duff, Bonnie Erb, Tim Fleeman, Kermit Stoffel. Grade 6 Linda Beardmore, Linda Bennett, Mary Huffman, Linda Rohrer, Harry Schafer. Grade 7 Gary Blair, Judy Love, Marilyn Stoffel. Grade 8 None. Grade 9 Frank Baker, David Huffman, Keith Hughlett, Wade Lucas. Grade 19 Larry Bettinger, Mary Lou Hesson, Jo Ann Mor rison, Nancy Rossiter. Grade 11 James Blair, Betty Sue Crum, Larry Crum, Joe Fliehman, Joan Forshey, Bev erly Griffen, Sue Hendershot, Bob Huffman, Ann Johanning, Velma VanFossen. Grade 12 Roger Hendershot, Dana Morrison, Dale Schoeppner, Dean Schott. Perfect Attendance Grade 1 Larry Archer, Lewis Crum. Tony For.-v.ey, GOLD MEDAL FLOUR 5-Lb. Baff 49c MONARCH SHORTENING 3-16. 69 Can HUTCHINS MARKET KENNY'S CUT GREEN BEANS 3 Mo. 303 Cans KENNY'S TOMATOES 39 303 Cans in CALDWELL Page Fiv» 1 Johnie Huffman Grade 2 Jimmy Fleeman, Linda Forshey, i y y o e a e i n e Groves, Linda Schoeppner, Bon nie Tewanger, Connie Tewanger. Grade 3 Donna Archer, Donna Crum, Lynn Daniels, Donna Duff, Calvin Hendershot, Donald Luke, Sandra Schoep pner, Dennis Stephens, Patty Tewanger, Judy Tray lor Grade 4 Linda Archer, David Bet tinger, Eddie Forshey, Billy Pryor, Ruth Rohrer, Ellen Tray lor, Doris Williams, Larry Wil liams. Grade 5 Cheryl Bennett, Tim Fleeman, Kermit Stoffel Grade 6 Kenneth Ayers, Linda Beardmore, Mary Huffman, Harry Johanning, Linda Rohrer, Harry Schafer. Grade 7 Gary Blair, Marie Daniels, Charles Johanning, Judy Love, Joe Lucas, Marilyn Stoffel. Grade 8 Betty Williams Grade 9 Frank Baker, Larry Bettinger, Eugene Daniels, David Huffman, Keith Hughlett, Blake Pryor, Gary Wilson Grade 10 Jo Ann Morrison, Nancy Ros siter. Grade 11 James Blair, Betty Crum, Landseer Daniels, Joe Fliehman, Sue Hendershot, Bob Huffman, Ann Johanning. Grade 12 None. Photo Developine—Gillespie's NAVY BEANS 2 Lb• p,*27° KING NUT OLEO 6 1 99' 'jRTuuj. 39 69 YAL &