Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, Fefrruary 5, 1959 O S A E For Sale—DWELLINGS LOTS GOOD 10 ROOM house, elec tricity, gas, bath and two room basement. Extra lot with garage. A good building lot. House can be duplexed. Good location in Caldwell on paved street. GOOD 4-ROOM house, with elec tricity, gas and running water in kitchen. Two extra lots. Lo cated on US Route 21. NEW 4-ROOM house with bath, electricity, city water, furnace and full basement. Located at edge of Caldwell. MODERN 9-ROOM house, gas, electricity, bath and gas fur nace. Cement block garage, wash house. Four lots included. Priced to sell. Chester J. Howiler, Broker 516 West Street—Phone 228-J tf Caldwell, Ohio FOR SALE at Caldwell. A seven room house, on Vfe acre. New oak floors in living room, fire place (wood or coal), gas furnace. Spacious brick garage, attached to a three-room building, with sink and city water. A nice roomy cave, large garden spot or build ing sites. Asking $9,800. Earl T. Osborn, Realtor, 84 9th street, Newark, Ohio. Phone (reversed) FA 3-5161. 19 tf. DUPLEX—five rooms and bath on each side two-car garage, located at 602 W. Main street, Caldwell. Phone Summerfield 64 F-3 for interviews. 30 tf. FOUR-ROOM house for sale in Hoskinsville, large lot and out buildings. Priced to sell. Charles F. McKee, route 2, Caldwell, or call 182-F-14 after 5:00 p. m. 30 31 32 pd. For Sale—FARMS 24 ACRES OF LAND, five room house in good condition, locat ed ope mile south of Belle Val ley on USR 21. Roy Cunningham, route 6, Caldwell. Phone 357-F-2. 32, 33 56 ACRE FARM with five room bungalow house, full basement, bathroom with out fixtures. Barn and other outbuildings. Will consider trade in Caldwell. Natie Wickham, Caldwell route 1. 32, 33, 34pd. For Sale—BUSINESSES SUMMERFIELD FEED mill on 40 acres of land in Summer field corporation. Some equip ment and stock to go with deal. Electric installed for power. W. C. Stephens, Summerfield, phone 30-F-4. 32, 33, 34pd. For Sale—MACHINERY-TOOLS FRIGIDATRE FOUR-CAN milk cooler and ah electric sheep clipper head. Charles Ramsey, Ava, Ohio, route 1."" 32 33"pd. For Sale—FEEDS SEEDS 3000 BALES good mixed hay, delivered or at the barn. W. C. Stephens, Va mile south of Summerfield. Phone 30-F-4. 32, 33, 34pd. MIXED HAY. Robert G. Reed, route 3. Caldwell. Phone Cald well 377-F-12. 32 33 34 pd. For Sale—LIVESTOCK THREE COWS, FRESH last November and two calves and four shoats. Bill Clark, East Union on SR 78. 32. 33, 34 12 WEEK OLD PIGS. Vernon Barnhouse, Belle Valley, Ohio. 32 REGISTERED GERMAN Shep herd pups. Bernard Jones, route 6, Caldwell. 31,32,33pd. BUYING HOME FURNISHINGS!! Simple as at Murphy's Up to 24 Mos. To Pay Murphy's Furniture CALDWELL. OHIO O S A E For Sale—CARS TRUCKS TWO CHEVROLET pickup trucks. A 1949, four speed transmission, 23,000 actual miles and a 1951, Va ton. Denver Schell, route 1, Dexter Citv. Phone Dex ter City 704-F-22. 30. 31, 32pd For Sale—HOUSEHOLD GOODS USED DINING room suite. Clar ence Perkins, Ava, Ohio. Box 110. 32 33 34 For Sale—MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRIC HAWAIIAN Guitar, complete with amplifier, brand new, never used. See William C. Howiler, Maple Heights Addition, Caldwell. 32 FOR THE BEST in fertilizer, or der V. C. fertilizer from Wayne Carrel, Lowell route 2. Phone Dexter City 57-F-13. 30 31 32 pd. ONE FINE quality cello one Edison cylinder record phono graph with record cabinet and 194 records: one Beckwith par lor reed organ in piano case, seven octave one Beckwith reed parlor organ, 17 stops one cus tom made 16 string electric Hawaiian guitar and case with or without amplifier. Finest elec tronics. One Milton figured wal nut player piano, completely re conditioned and refinished with 100 rolls and roll cabinet. Elec trically operated. 500 bushels of good quality corn. O. T. Gatten, route 2. Lewisville, Ohio. Phone Barnesvillo LO. 7-5636. 30, 31, 32pd. O E N THREE LARGE ROOMS on sec ond floor, furnished or unfurn ished. Inquire at 1020 North street, or phone Caldwell 76-M. 32 33 34 THREE ROOMS and bath with utility room. Strictly modern with furnace, etc. Located on TTSR 21. ju«t north of Caldwell. Hilles Keeton, Caldwell route 6. Phono 409-W. 31. 32, 33pd. MODERN THREE-ROOM unfur nished apartment on first floor with private entrance. Automatic eas heat. Close to square. Phono Caldwell 250-J. 31, 32, 33 FOR RENT—Apartment with two rooms and bath upstairs, three rooms down. $40.00 a month, with •farage. Can be seen at 602 West Main #reet or phone Summer field 64-F-3. 21 tf HOUSE with four rooms and bath, full basement, furnace and garage. Call Caldwell 337. 30, 31, 32pd O S STRAYED from my farm Friday, a large Brindle female coon hound wearing a chain show col lar. If found contact Kenneth Triplett. route 6, Caldwell, or phone 245-M. 32 33 34 pd. HELP WANTED MALE nFLP WANTED FAMOUS WATKINS Company has opening for alert, ambi tious man to call on customers in this area with Nationally Adver tised farm and home products. I.earn how you can earn $5,000 the first year. Car necessary. For interview, write Gilmore Snair, 132 Elm street, Lancaster, Ohio. 32 33 34 35 pd. W A N E WANTED TO PENT Eight room house with bath, furnace ind garage in or near Caldwell. Write Box 12, Dexter City, Ohio. 31, 32, 33 ROOKKEEPTNG and general office employment, fully quali fied. Call Caldwell 374-J. 31, 32, 33pd. MAN OR WOMAN for part-time investigation work for a nation al commercial reporting agency around Caldwell and vicinitv on a fee or. percentage basis. Write postoffice box 1046, Columbus, O. 30 31 32 "i ii wiumiHiiiiiimiiaiNiiuiiHitHiniHiiwiimMMwaMuiuiRuii GAUACHER I MONUMENTS I MALAGA, OHIO See and Compare Our Fine Selection! Phone: Woodsfield 2-4008 muitiiu!wmiimin»iniu»u»uiuwimnimmiu*Liu!i]n«iitiiBHnMUiii. THE BEST DEAL IN CALDWELL DEAN A. REED MOTOR SALES Phone 108 202 West Street OPEN EVENINGS FROM 6:00 TO 8:00 WANT AD SECTION W A N E IRONING to do in my home, any day. Mrs. Arthur McKee, 523 Fairground street, Caldwell, O. 30 31 32 pd. WORK FOR SMALL dozer and landscaping. Reasonable rates. William Grimes, phone Cumber land 83370 between the hours of 5:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. 25tf WANTED TO BUY RAW FURS, beef hides and roots. See C. R. Teters, Hoskinsville, or phone Caldwell 304-F-21, or at Estadt's Feed store, Caldwell, each Wednesday from 12:30 until 2:30 p. m. 24 |J!. N O I E S PREVENT the spread of disease through your herd by using COBA sires. They are free from any communicable disease. For service, call: Don Frisbee, Cald well 273. 32 FOR EXPERT TREE trimming service contact H. L. Rossiter at 920 Belford street, Caldwell. Phone 264-M. 32. 33, 34 PIANO-TECH Complete piano service. Player actions reconditioned, moderniz ed and electrified. Beautiful waterfall key covers installed. See, call, or write us for reason able rates. O. T. Gatten, technic ian, route 2, Lewisville. Phone Barnesville exchange LO 7-5636. 30, $1, 32, 33, 34, 35pd. WHY WORRY if afflicted with any skin disease? Ask about V-J-O at Gillespie s Drug Store, Caldwell, Ohio. 29 pd. j_ET US SAVE YOU $ $ $ on fertilizer. We supply Farmgro Plant Food in bulk either straight potash, phosphate or nitrogen or in popular analysis. O & N Farm Bureau, Phone 95, Caldwell, Ohio. 41 tf. NOTICE Expert picture fram ing:, good selection. Murphy's Furniture, Caldwell, Ohio. 40tf. NOTICE— 1 am now hauling coal from the following mines- Palm er, Byesville & Dogtown. Hauling lump, egg or nut coal, erusned stone, sand delivered $2.85 per ton, gravel delivered $3.15 per ton. Amos Franklin, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 207-W. 41 tf. MOUNT HOPE LEGHORNS. Af ter 25 years of study and test ing, we have selected the Mt. Hope Queen as today's outstand ing "Egg Machine" because of its excellent feed conversion and high production. Write for details nnd picture story. Sutherland Poultry Farms, Mt. Hope Fran chised Hatchery, Waynesburg, O. 22 tf. "We Buy and Sell Anything"! For the HOME" G. T. JENNINGS FURNITURE STORE Phone 113 Caldwell, Ohio INSURE YOUR CAR or truck with Motorists Mutual Insur ance Company. The best com pany at the time of a loss. Joe Buckey, Agent, Caldwell, Ohio. INCOME TAX. I am at my home at 102 S. Cumberland street, corner of Locust street, Caldwell, making out income tax returns for farmers and others. Charles L. Dyer. 30 tf LEGAL NOTICE TO ALL PUBLIC CORPORATIONS INTERESTED: Public Notice Lrf croby Given: 1. That on the 14th la.y of January, 1BS9, th» Hoiml of Directors of Mus kingum Watershed Conn^rvancy District duly levied un asscKanunt upon all the benefited counties having lund within said District an public orporationH, in the ap-jrrcK»tff sum of $1,0IS,851.07, has caused the sump to be recorded upon the Aanient Record of Haid District, and that «aid A'-rfOnsment Record in now on file in the office of the paid Dintrict at New Philadelphia, Ohio. 2. That the assessment against any such county may bt paid to the Trea surer of Muskingum Watershed Conserv ancy District at any time on or prior to March 4, 1959. vHthout costs and with out interest, and if 32 38 34 & i Classified Pay Dividends (DEAD STOCK REMOVED!! HOUSES anil COWS I ltLE 1 DICKSON RENDERING CO. 1 Phone FR-3-4532 Marietta, Ohio i We do not accept collect calls. 'UHmwimuiimiittiiimniimiiiuiimiiiiiHimniiimiHiiijUKinmiminrMB o£tis ko paid a discount of ten per cent of the aRgesfiment will be allowed .'iccordintr to law. 3. That aa eion after the 4th day of March. 1909. a» conveniently may be, the Itoard of l)ireetorn of said District, will provide the uncollected aBsinsment into convenient installments, provide for the collection of interest on the unpaid installments and will issue bonds bear ing interest not exceeding six per cent Per annum in anticipation of the collec tion of the several installments of said assessment pursuant to the Conservancy Law of Ohio. THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO Market Report Wednesday, .Feb. 4 The Caldwell Produce Co. Heavy hens lb. 16c Light hens Jb. 9e Old cocks lb. 8( Southeast Ohio Egg Producers Jumbo eggs, 30 oz. and up— from 31c to 37c per doz. Large eggs, 24 oz. to 30 oz.— from 25c to 34c per doz. Medium eggs, 21 oz. to 24 oz.—• from 22c to 29c per doz. Small eggs, 18 oz. to 21 oz.— from 20c to 25c per doz. Above prices based on qual ity and size of shipment picked up at door. Cases furnished. CARD OF THANKS I want to thank all my rel atives, friends and neighbors for the beautiful flowers. Rev. Park er West for his comforting words, the singers, special thahks to the McVay funeral home, the pall bearers and all who helped in anyway during the sickness and death of my husband. Your kind ness will always be remembered. Wife, Mrs. Birdie King Father, Sisters and Brothers. 32pd. CARD OF THANKS The George Harper family wishes to express their heart felt thanks to those people and organizations who contributed food, clothing, furniture, etc. at the time their home was destroy ed by fire. With these donations they were able to furnish i house and again have a home Mr. and Mrs. George Harper 32pd. and Family. LEGAL NOTICE IN THE COMMON PI .HAS COURT OF NOBLE COUNTY, STATE OF OHIO Case Number !J7G:5 Leander Crock, Route No. 4 Caldwell Ruben Schafer. CKldwell, Route 4, Ohio Plaintiffs vs. Fred R. StUI, 1148 Clifton Avenue, AJtron 10. Ohio and Marv M. Still, 1148 Clifton Avenue. Akron 10. Ohio fioriii* Louis.t lman, a widow. 1414 Harrison Avenue, S. W., Cnnfon 6. Ohio Olive 8. MlUht'll, a widow, Whose last Known address was Houston, Texas William Otiis .Still, Wbohe last known address was Calcoon, R. F. D., New York and Fonsie A. Still, Whose last known address Was Calcoon, R. l-\ D., New York Elizabeth Hart, unmarried. Whoso address is unknown'it'' Olive S. Mitchell whose last known address was Houston, Texas William Still, whose last known address W"5 Ca!rcvn. R. F. D., New York Fon sie A. Still, whose last known address was Cjlcoon, R. F. D., New \ork: and Elizabeth Hart, -whose address is un known, will take notice that on tho 5th dav of Jannarv. 1959. Leander Crock and Ruben Schafer tiled their petition in tho Common Ple:s Court of Noble County. Ohio, in Case Number 9763 against tho above named parties, et al. proving that said Defendants be com pelled to set forth any interest they have or may cirtim to have in the fol lowing described real estate Tract 1 Situated in the Township of Olive, County of Noble, and State of Ohio, and betnrr a part of the southeast quarti ot Section 2 in Township 6, Range 9, commencing threp rods south from the northwest corner of said southeast quarter of the line of said southfliist quarter, thence south to th» ro 'd leading from Olive to SarahsvilU', thence in a northerly di rection along said road to the land formerly owned by Weedon Hoadley. thence west along the south line of Hoadley to the place of beginning, containing two acres, more or loss. Tract 2 Situated in the State of Ohio, County of Noble and Township of Olive, and commencing on the west line of the southeast quarter of Sec tion 2, Township C, Range 9 and three rods south of the northwest quarter of said quarter section, thence north degrees east fortv-nine and 25/100 (49.25) roils, thence eighty-nine (89) degrees cast fifty-six (5f) rods to a stake, thence south twenty-nine and (29i) degrees west fifty-six and 75/100 (56.75) rods to a stake, tlience north eighty-nine (89) degrees west twenty-seven and 95/100 (27.93) rods to the piace of beginning, containing thirteen (13) acres, more or less, and that the claims of said defendants and each of them may be adjudged n u and void ai,d that the Plaintiffs title may be quieted against said Dfjc ~d ants. Said parties are required to answer on or before the 4th day of April, L. C. YOUNG 32 thru 38 WALTER FRYE, President HRYCK C. BROWNING Secretary Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District Good Used What Kind Do You Like? CARTER'S USED CAR fifne Mile North of Caldwell on USR. 21 Attorney for Plaint i if- Authorized Sales and Service 1 for i BRIGGS & STRATTON CLINTON I I AWN BOY POWER PRODUCTS LAl'SON S E N I N E S I 1 MIKE'S TIRE SHOP I Phono 200 Cum'ierhutd Street mminiiHni'mmmnifii'MmnHfmmitiMininniinMmfiiirnnu't'innuiiisi: crs LOT Woo! Marketing Year Ends Mar. 31 For Noble County Chairman R. W. Dennis of the Noble county Agricultural Stab ilization and Conservation com rnittee today reminded farmers that the marketing year under the 1958 wool program will end March 31. The wool program is conducted under the National Wool Act of 1954. Payments under the 1958 program will be made this sum mer when the payment rates are determined on the basis of na tional average prices received by producers for shorn wool during the 1958 marketing year. Any marketings after March 31 will be eligible under the 1959 pro gram. If any condition concerning the sale is not settled by March 31, the sale will not be considered as completed. Title must, have passed to the buyer, the wool must have been delivered to the buyer (either physically or through documents), and the last of the factors (price per pound, weight, yield, etc.) needed to determine the total purchase price must be available. Applications for payment un der the 1958 program must be filed with the county ASC office not later than April 30, 1959. IN MEMORY HAKOLl) SIVirnfBERGER In loving memory of Harold Smith berger who passed away 11 years ago, January 27. 1958. God took you away We know not why. We wish you were here, We miss you so much. The days go by, But we can never forget The happy hours we spent. The sweet words we loved to hear are still here. A place in our hearts no one can fill. But God doeth all things well. Sadly missed by: Mother, Mrs. Rosa Smithberger, 32pd. Sister and Brothers. IN MEMORY LEONA SCHAFER In loving memory of my wife, L6ona Schafer, who passed away one year ago, February 4. 1958. Sadly missed by: Your Husband, Carlson Schafer 32pcL CARD OF THANKS We wis!h to thank all those who sent flowers and were so kind at the time of death of Harry W. Smith. Also thanks to the pall bearers. Rev. Walter BrQwn gnd Murphy funeral home. Harry W. Smith Famil v 32pd. SOIL CONSERVATION NEWS The Noble Soil Conservation District makes a radio broadcast every three weeks over WILE Cambridge. This week's pro gram was heard on Tuesday. The program brings timely topics to tlie listening audience. Tuesday's topic discussed between myself and a gentleman, Noble county farmer, was Land Use and Con servation Practices. I refer to the farmer on the program as the gentleman and he uses tho name oi 'Smith' in an effort to remain anonymous to his friends in the county. He is not bashful. He is too modest to be in the limelight of radio. Bright Ideas W I W I N E WEATHER addi:K icy roads and dim visibility driving hazards, motorists must redouble thot care they take at the wheel. Knowing our own limitations is a key consideration. According to researchers for tht Murine Company, leading eye lo tion producer, we all are born with a blind spot in our area of vision. Many of" us are unaware of it. We can locate it, however, by penciling a small dot on a :heet of paper and marking a cross an inch of two from it. Close one eye and look at the dot. As you move the sheet of paper slowly back and forth from the eye, you will reach a point at which the cross will dis* appear. That ii your blind spot, if it concealed a road sign or pedes* train, it could be treacherous. GET OUT YOUR PAD and start to add now that we're well into 1959, it's a good idea to look at e a i y finances for the year. If. you had trouble in '58 keeping track of where your money went, here's a simple solution. Pay all your bills by check. Then, you'll have a perfect record of everything you've spent your cancelled checks are proof of payment recognised io any law court and your check book gives you a perfect "built-in" bookkeeping system that makes managing the family-finances easy. Good idea, don't you think O O A THESE IS SOA4E THING NEW un dcr the sun is e 1 2 -p o u n book-size line of dictating instru ments which the Edison Voicewriter division of Mc* Graw-Ediion Co., has just made available. Mindful of changing tastes and trends in office and home decor, engineers and designers put their heads together and came up with a mechanical wonder with a choice of five colors: gray, green, beige, blue and tan! That's enough color variety to satisfy even the most discriminating tastes. And to o o k a e sl e e k i n e s o e s e i n struments, you would never guc-s thar they contain some 90(1 details made into 60 sub-assemblies and seven major assemblies. Whipple Youfh Comp!etss Course At Fori Seivol: Pvt. Charles D. Yonis, 18, son of Mike F. Yonis. route 1, Whipple, Ohio, recently com pleted the nine-week equipment maintenance course at the Army Engineer School. Fort Bel voir, Yonis was trained to perform maintenance on gasoline and diesel engines, air-compressors, tractors, grader/ and crane shovels. He attended Salem Liberty high school. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all who sent cards, letters and all that visited me after my fall. Your kindness will never be forgotten. 32pd. Mrs. Anna Allen However, he has consented to appear on the program at three week intervals in behalf Noble Soil Conservation District. The next farm program over WILE he will appear on is scheduled for February 24. 'Mr. Smith* feels that he represents tht average farmer but explains that average is the place from which deviation starts. He has a farm full of weeds, scum, few fish and lots of cow tracks. For some rea son he wants to talk about it next time on the radio so you be sure to listen February 24 and every day to the Farm Program over WILE Cambridge. Ohio BARNESVILLE LIVESTOCK Market* Sole Prices for Saturday, Jan. 31, 1959 HOG RECEIPTS 165 HEAD 140. lbs. 516.73 170 lbs. 180-220 lbs. $16.25 to $18.00 225-237 lbs. SI7.10 to $17.80 280-345 lbs. $13.50 to S14.40 gows ... SI3.00 to SI3.70 CATTLE RECEIPTS 202 HEAD ffc-ire $25.50 to $27.70 Good 523.50 to S2.i.50 Medium S21.00 to S23.00 Big bulls"".".7Z'IL $21.10 to f25.40 Stocker calves and yearling steers S2r.,00 to s31.00 Good cows S19.0j0 to S21.00 Medium cows $16.50 to S18.00 Common cows $14.00 to $16.00 CAMP RECEIPTS 199 HEAD 13 head prime, 130-215 lbs. $39.90 to $40.50 3 head prime, average 252 lbs. $37-80 2Q head choice, 130-215 !bs *3., 3 to $36.80 28 head good. 130-215 lbs $30.60 to $32.5 10 head medium, 130-215 lbs. $20.00 to $29.00 21 head medium and choice, 105-125 lbs. $21.75 to S27.00 17 bead light, 85-JOO lbs. $21.70 to $25.00 17 head light, 70-80 lbs S22.30 19 head light, 65 lbs. and down $20.90 33 head light, 100 lbs. and down $21.00 to $40.00 going bark to the farm 11 head heavies. 220-260 lbs. $23.75 to $34.00 SHEEP RECEIPTS 315 HEAD 28 head choice wools Si9.50 to S20.10 22 head good wools S.f8.50 to S18.70 28 head common to medium wools $12.00 to $17.0.0 116 head choice and prime clips, 75-99 lbs.. ... SI9.00 to $20.70 23 head choice clips. 102-104 lbs $18.10 to $18.20 52 head good clips, 68-91 lbs. S17.50 to $18.80 30 head common and medium $ 8.00 to $15.00 16 head slaughter sheep p«r head S 1.00 to S10.00 BARNESVILLE LIVESTOCK BARNESVILLE. OHIO S15.20 TnrRSDAY, February 5 7:00 Today 9:00 Romper Room 10:00 Dough-Re-Mi 10:30 Treasure Hunt 11:00 The Price Is Right 11:30 Concentration 12:00 Tic Tac Dough 12:30 It Could Be You 1:00 Heart of the Home l:i'.0 Downtown 2:(*0 Truth or Consequences 2:S0 Haggis Baggis 3:00 Young Dr. Malone 3:30 From These Roots 4:00 Queen for a Day 4:30 County Fair 5:00 Comedy Time 5:30 Life of Riley 8:00 Annie OakUy 6:30 Pope ye Plajdiouse 7:00 Seven O'Clock Reg»rt* 7:15 NBC News 7:30 Ozzie & Harriett 8:00 Steve Canyon 8:30 It Could Be You 9:00 Behind Closed Doors 9:30 Hall of Fame "Berkeley Square" 11:00 News Tonight 11:15 The Jack Paar Show FRIDAY, February 6 6:30 Continental Classroom 7:00 Today 9:00 Romper Room 10:00 Dough-Re-Mi 10:30 Treasure Hunt 11:00 The Price is Right 11:30 Concentration 12:00 Tic Tac Dough 12:30 It Could be You 1:00 Heart of the Home 1:30 Downtown 2:00 Truth or Consequences 2:30 Haggis Baggis 3:00 Young Dr. Malone 3:30 From These Roots 4:00 Queen for a Day 4.30 County Fair NBC 5:00 Comedy Time 5:30 Life of Riley 6:00 Sgt. Prefiton 6:30 Popeye Playhouse 7:00 Seven O'Clock Report 7:15 NBC News 7:30 Northwest Passage 8:00 Phil Harris Show 9:00 "M" Squad 9:30 Thin Man 10:00 Cavalcade of Sports 11:00 News Tonight 11:15 The Jack Paar Show SATURDAY, February 7 9 00 9 30 :0:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1.00 1:30 2:00 2:30 2:45 3:00 WTRF-TV WHEELING Bugs Bunny's Friends Cinco Kid Howdy Doody Ruff and Reddy Fury Circus Boy Truo Story Detective's Diary Town and Country This is the Answer TV College Patti Page Americans at Work College Basketball Holy Cross- West Virginia Racing from Hialeah Women's Bowling Soldiers of Fortune Dance Party Saber of London The Rifleman People are Funny Perry Como Show Black Saddle Cimarron Citv D. A.'s Man News Tonight Skvline Theatre "The Tihrd Man" Valli, Joseph Cotton. Orson 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 9:00 9:30 10:30 11:00 11:15 BY MERLE MARIETTA Welles. SUNDAY. February 8 9:57 Sign On 10:00 Industry on Parade 10:15 Back to God Hour 10:30 The Big Picture 11:00 The Christophers 11:30 Bugs Buny's Friends 12:00 This is the Life 12:30 Rural Community Defense 12:45 Steel workers TV Meeting 1:00 Championship Bowling 2:00 Talk Back 2 30 Pro Basketball New York at' Syracuse 4:30 Probe 5:00 Kaleidoscope 6:00 Walt Disney Presents 7:00 Leave It To Beaver 7:30 Music Show with Buddy Bregman 8:00 Steve Allen Show 9:00 Chevy Show K:00 Loretta Young Show 10:30 Sea Hunt 11:00 Sunday Night News 11:15 Skyline Theatre MONDAY, February 9 (':30 Continental Classroom 7:00 Today 9 00 Romper Room 10:00 Dough-Re-Mi 10:30 Treasure Hunt 11.00 The Price is Right 1: :30 Concentration 12:00 Tic Tac Dough 12:30 It Could Be You 1:00 Hearts of the Home 1:30 Downtown 2 00 Truth or Consequences 2:30 Haggis Baggis ':00 Young Dr. Malone S:30 From These Roots 4:00 Queen for a Day 4:30 Country Fair n 00 Comedy Time .1:30 Life of Riley t/i 00 Superman H:30 Popeye Playhouse 7:00 Seven O'clock Report 7:15 NBC News 7:30 Buckskin 8:00 The Restless Gun 8:30 Tales of Wells Fargo 9:00 Peter Gunn 9:30 Alcoa Theatre 10:00 Arthur Murray Party 10:30 Medic 11:00 News Tonight 11:15 The Jack Paar Show See The Journal for V Quality Printing Page Seven TL'ESDAY, February 10 7:00 Today 9:00 Romper Room 10:00 Dough-Re-Mi 10:30 Treasure Hunt 11:00 The Price is Right 11:30 Concentration 12:00 Tic Tac Dough 12:30 It Could Be You 1:00 Heart of the H(|me 1:30 Downtown 2:00 Truth or Consequences 2:30 Haggis Baggis 3:00 Young Dr. Malone 3:30 From These Roots 4:00 Queen for a Day 4:30 Country Fair 5:00 Comedy Time •r:30 Life of Riley 6:00 Huckleberry Hound 6:30 Popeye Playhouse 7:00 Seven O'clock Report 7:15 NBC News 7:30 Donna Reed Show 8:00 Bel! Series "American Festival'' 9:00 George Burns Shpw 9:30 Bob Hope Show 10:30 Boots and Saddles 11:00 News Tonight 11:15 Jack Paar Show WEDNESDAY, February 11 6:30 Continental Claswwjm 7:00 Today 9:00 Romper Room 10:00 Dough-Re-Mi 10:30 Treasure Hunt 11:00 The Price is Right 11:30 Concentration 12:00 Tic Tac Dough 12:30 It Could Be You 1:00 Heart of the Home 1:30 Downtown 2:00 Truth or Consequences 2:30 Haggis Baggis 3:00 Young Dr. Malone 3:30 From These Roots 4:00 Queen for a Day 4:30 Country Fair 5:00 Comedy Time 5:30 Life of Riley 6:00 Woody Woodpecker 6:30 Popeye Playhouse 7:00 Seven O'clock Report 7:15 NBC News 7:30 Wagon Train 8:30 'Meet Mr. Lincoln" 9:00 Milton Berie Starring in The Krait Music Hall 9:30 Bat Masterson 10:00 "An Evening with Fred Astaire" 11:00 News Tonight 11:15 Jack Paar Show TV NEWS Sunday, February 8 "Sea Hunt'. 10:30 p. m. Mike Nelson discovers he has become involved in an unusual bankrqb bing plot. Lloyd Bridges. Monday, February 9 "Superman", 6:00 p. m. "Lum ber Camp". A lumber dtnnp owner conspires to defraud his niece. Guy Madison. Andy Devine. Tuesday, February 10 "Huckleberry Hound", 6: 00 p. m. "Hypnotize Surprise". Pixie and Dixie hypnotize Jink, the cat. "Hokum Skokum". Grandpappay Huck tells about his days as an Indian fighter. "Bid Bad Bully". Yogie and Boo-Boo are chased by a bull. "Donna Reed Show*'. 7:30 p. m. "Have Fun". Donna and Alex re call their courtship days to calm their daughter's first $$te "nerves". Wednesday. February 11 "Woody Woodpecker". 6:00 p. m. "Ace in the Hole". Woody joins the air force "Bandmaster". Andy Panda leads a circus band. Banquet Busters". Andy and Woody portray two hungry mu sicians. Thursday, February 12 'Annie Oakley", 6:00 p. m. "Outlaw Mesa". Tagg's ventrilo quism proves to be an effective secret weapon against a gang 'of outlaws. Gail Davis. Saturday. February 14 The Rifleman", 7:00 p. m. "Shivaree". A wedding celebra tion party turns into a dangerous mob scene. Chuck Connors. "Lincoln Theatre", 11:15 p. m. '"Keys of the Kingdom". A Scot tish priest goes to China as a missionary. Gregory Peck. Thom as Mitchell. Vincent Price, Peggy Ann Garner. Journal-Leader Classified Advertisement Pays Oil Classified advertising in The Journal-Leader newspapers real ly pays off with dividends ac cording to Mrs. Nadine Reming ton, of Caldwell. Mrs. Remington had a beauti ful boxer dog and according to her advertising she was willing |o give the dog away if a good home would be provided. She |-eceived numerous replies and selected the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Erwin, of Pleasant City, who have two small chil dren. Another small dog was placed in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Parsons, of East Union. "If you waJit results," just advertise in -The Journal apd Leader, Mrs. Remington said today. DISTRICT CONFERENCE Noble county agents Floyd Henderson and Paul Jonard have made plans to attend a district conference of agents of the ex tension advisory council of 11 area counties. Those who will attend the conference will be the east half of the southeastern gisjyist gf Pfcip-