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Page Six fominq Social fcvfwJtA Olive Grange Olive grange, No. 398, will meet in regular session Friday evening, Feb. 27, at 8:00 o'clock. A very interesting literary pro gram is being planned and re freshments will be served. A good attendance is desired. Mothers Club Caldwell Mothers club will hold their monthly meeting in the Home Economics home of the Caldwell high school on Monday night, March 2, at 8:00 o'clock. A good attendance is desired. Jackson Grange Jackson grange No. 407 will meet in regular session Friday evening, Feb. 27 at 8:00 o'clock with Master Clyde McAtee in charge. The first and second de grees will be conferred and all members are urged to attend. Barracks No. 1671 Noble county Barracks No. 1671, Veteran of World War I of U. S. A., will meet Monday, March 2, at 8:00 p. m. in the patriotic room of the court house. Past State Commander, Vic E. Morgan, of Bridgeport, will be the guest speaker at the meeting. On Tuesday, March 3, Morgan will go to Woodsfield to organize a barrack. Esther Circle The Esther Circle of the First Methodist church will meet Tues day evening with a covered dish supper at 6:00 o'clock in the church dining room. Mrs. Elsie Kirchner will be program leader and Laura Fowler, devotional leader. Hostesses will be Edna Racey, Lillian Gillespie, Mary Walters, Mae Finley and Iva Guiler. Following- the meeting, the group will attend the 7:30 o'clock worship service at the church. Annual Banquet The annual Blue and Gold ban quet of Cub Pack 584 will be held in the basement of the First Church of Christ, Thursday eve ning, Feb. 26. A covered dish din nerwill lie enjoyed at 6:30 o'clock and all cub scouts and parents are invited to attend. Bake Sale The Noble County Farm Bur eau Women committee will hold a bake sale on Saturday, March 21, at the Permian Oil and Gas office, Caldwell, at 10:30 a. m. I Mn•JtOM Potting Soil Peat Humus Fellowship Supper Members of the local First Church of Christ will attend a fellowship dinner at the Byes ville Christian church, Saturday evening. The local group will meet at the church here at 5:45 p. m. and go Byesville in a group. Obligation Night Is Held By O.E.S. Chapter Amazon Chapter No. 30. O.E.S. met Tuesday night with Worthy Matron Marylois Colley and Worthy Patron Maurice Colley in charge. "Obligation Night" was obser ved with all members taking part. Mrs. Mary Young gave a report of the visiting committee and a report of cards sent. During the social hour, re freshments were served by the committee composed of Opal Brumbach, Erma Brown, Ethel Caldwell, Sarah Camden, Helen Carter, Josephine Carter, Mar tha Cecil, Jolene Clark, Anna Cleary, Lillian Colley and Rob erta Daugherty. Woman's Literary Club Meets Tuesday Evening Mrs. Grace Henderson was hostess Tuesday evening at her home on North street, to mem bers of the Caldwell Woman's Literary club. Mrs. Henderson conducted the business meeting in the absence of the president, Mary Slater. The roll call was answered by "Great Lovers." A very inter esting article entitled "Robert Browning and Elizabeth Bar rett" was given by Mrs. Ruth McElfresh. Rama Steen presented a book entitled "Poems" by the Brownings. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess to the following members: Inez Clark, Louis Clark, Mrs. Lillian Colley, Mary Haines, Mrs. Adaline Jor dan, Mrs. Ruth Knox, Mrs. Ruth McElfresh, Mrs. Rama Steen, Mrs. Frances Wood and Barbara Cunningham. ATTEND GRAND OPENING Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Dick McConnell, Mr .and Mrs. Elvin Hutchins and Charles Irwin, local grocery dealers, attended the grand open ing of a new Monarch warehouse in Columbus, Sunday. At Nii'iitiis you will iuiti the items yuu need to keep your home bright and clean. Housecleaning time will be here before you know it. Shop our store and select the items you need to get the work done better and easier! JOHNSON WAXES WAX APPLICATORS Furnilure Polish Mop Handles Dust Mops Sponge Mops Moth Spray Brooms Push Brooms Moth Crystals Planting and Gardening Needs Pruning Shears Lopping Shears African Violet Soil Hedge Shears EA5Y-0FF OVEN CLEANER Wallpaper Cleaner Mop Pails GALVANIZED PAILS AND TUBS CLOTHES LINES Clothes Line Posts Clothes Line Props FILTER DISK Calf Pails Calf Pail Nipples Garden and Lawn Seeds Bl'LK and PACKAGE ROLLER SKATES DONALD D. NICHOLS "THE BEST FOR LESS" Phone 63-J 506 Cumberland Street lltltSII Gpernsey .Memorial Admitted Feb. 16: Walter C. Bonnell, Quaker City and Mrs. Cain Archer, Summerfield. Admitted Feb. 17: Mrs. Albert A. Smyers, Quaker City Miley C. West, Sarahsville, and Gary Alan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Cox, Quaker City. Dismissed: Mrs. Jack B. Bruce and infant daughter, Caldwell Mrs. Max Rose, Cumberland, and Mrs. Iva Webster, Quaker City. Dismissed Feb. 18: Mrs. Wil liam Franklin and infant son, Sarahsville. Admitted Feb. 19: Mrs. Mar garet Rose Franklin, Caldwell. Dismissed: Sandra, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dusenberry, Ava. Admitted Feb. 20: Ezra Davis, Buffalo Orten L. Ridgley, Pleasant City Mrs. Amanda Gallagher, Quaker City route 1. Admitted Feb. 21: Mrs. Ellis VanFossen, Caldwell, and Rita, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Fish, Cumberland. Dismissed: Samuel Cooper, Caldwell, and Frederick Clodfelter, Buffalo. Admitted Feb. 22: Mrs. Hugh Carpenter, Quaker City Mrs. Robert E. Clark, Caldwell Her bert Norman, Jr., Pleasant City Clement R. Guiler, Caldwell Vernon Barnhouse, Belle Valley Raymond Reed, Summerfield and Joseph Kochalko, Belle Valley. Dismissed: Mrs. Voyn Lloyd Cook and infant daughter, Quaker City, and Mrs. Willis Nichols and infant son, Quaker City. Marietta Memorial Admitted Feb. 16: Frank Schramm, Macksburg route 1 Albert Huck, Lowell route 1. Dismissed: Harry Ogle, Whipple route 2. Admitted Feb. 17: Timmie Pontius, Lower Salem route 2. Dismissed: Howard DeVol, Cald well Lawrence King, Caldwell route 3 Mrs. Wayne Bettinger and infant son, Caldwell and Edward Gildow, Caldwell route Admitted Feb. 18: David Mor ris, Macksburg, and Mrs. Elmer Morsenstern, Whipple route 1. Dismissed: Frank Schramm, Macksburg route 1 Mrs. James Nichols, Caldwell and Infant Jimmie Thompson, Lower Salem. Admitted Feb. 19: Timmie Pontius, Lower Salem route 1. Dismissed: Marry G. Davis, Low er Salem route 2. Dismissed Feb. 20: Mrs. Eu gene Combs and infant, Rein ersville George Thompson, Cald well Mrs. Richard Cunningham and infant son, Harriettsville Mrs. Robert Boney and infant, Caldwell route 5, and David Morris, Macksburg. Turn Yard Work into WHEEL-HORSE TRACTOR-FLJ MORE Sun .. MORE Fyti MORE Done! A year 'round wok horse—hookt up to 22 MARY JANfi SLAY JOHN RICHARD EASTMAN Miss Slay was the highest with a score of 225. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Slay of Caldwell route 6. H0SPITA optional attachments including 32" mounted rotory mower. Only yard-garden tractor with "Uni Drive," a multi-gear-pack of proven efficiency with tranjmiuion, jynchro nized differential and tuper power reduction geart in one compact, ell* sealed unit. Big tractor power from tremendout gear reduction. Gear shifts into three speeds forward, plus reverse. FUN-TEST IT HERE TODAY! Long's Tractor Sales Miller Street Phone 170-M THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO HIGH RANKING SENIORS FOR CALDWELL HIGH SCHOOL Pictured above are the three top seniors in the Caldwell high school, following their high scoring in the General Scholarship test given to 22,717 seniors in the entire state. NOTES Admited Feb. 21: Infant Janice Thompson, Lower Salem. Dis missed: Mrs. Alex Miller, Cald well, and Albert Craft, Caldwell route 1. Dismissed Feb. 22: Leonard Clark, Caldwell route 4 and In fant Janice Thompson, Lower Salem route 1. St. Francis Admitted Feb. 16: Mrs. Alta Poulton, Belle Valley. Dismissed: John Spencer, Pleasant City. Dismissed Feb. 17: Mrs. Frank Poulton, Belle Valley. Admitted Feb. 20: Mary Jo and Gloria, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Forest Hatfield, Caldwell and Debra Bania, Belle Valley. Dismissed: Glen Hill, Summer field. Admitted Feb. 21: Donald Jones, Ava route 1 and Mark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Haw ley, Ava. Dismissed: Mannie Mil ler, Sarahsville, and Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pick enpaugh, Ava. Dismissed Feb. 22: Mrs. Wayne Garrett, Caldwell route 6 and Gail, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Tonnous, Caldwell route 4. Bethesda Admited Feb. 17: Harry T. Hewitt, Cumberland. Admitted Feb. 18: Mrs. Gert rude Braden, Caldwell. Dismissed Feb. 21: Sherman William Shafer, Belle Valley and Clark Hennan Watson, Cumber land. DEATHS Mrs. Ora Cooper Mrs. Ora Wilson Cooper, 77, died Wednesday at the Ohio Valley hospital at Wheeling, W. Va. Born at Coal Run April 6, 1881, she was a daughter of the late Wood C. and Catherine Newton Wilson. Survivors include four daugh ters one son 20 grandchildren 7 great grandchildren three sisters one brother and a num ber of nieces and nephews. Funeral services were con ducted Saturday at Clarks fu neral home at Cadiz. Burial was in the Union cemetery, Cadiz. G. M. Brown George M. Brown, 83, of near Mechanicsburg, father of Dwight Brown, of Sarahsville, died Mon day afternoon following an ill ness. He was born Aug. 18,1875 and was a retired farmer. Surviving are two daughter?, Mrs. Lemuel Cline of Woodsfield route and Mrs. Robert Zwick of Woodsfield two sons, Frank of Woodsfield route and Dwight of Sarahsville Several grandchil dren and great-grandchildren and cue sister, Mrs. Jasper Eckel berry of Navarre. Funeral services were con ducted Thursday at 2:00 p. t'nm the Turner funeral home with Miss Homie Clark officiat ing and burial was made in the Antioch cemetery. Henry Bond llcnry Bond, 77, of Lakemore, a former resident of Belle Val ley, died at 3:00 p. m., Monday at his home. Death was attri buted to a heart attack. Surviving are his widow, the former Bertha Anderson of !5 He Valley three daughters, Mrs. Tracy Piatt of Cuyahoga Falls, Mrs. Roy Fluhart.v of Lakemore and Mrs. Glenn Hum mii 1 of Akron three bx*others, rl of Cambridge, W-. A., of Pleasant City and Charles of Sarahsville several grandchil dren and a brother-in-law, Fred Anderson, Caldwell. A daughter and four sons preceded him in death. Funeral services were con ducted this afternoon (Thursday) at Lakemore. 1 RETURNED HOME Mrs. Alex Miller was returned tn her home on Bridge street from the Marietta Memorial hos pital, Saturday morning. She underwent surgery at the hospi tal two weeks ago and her con dtion is somewhat improved. She will be confined to her home for some time. '*4 4 DALE RICHARD SHACKLE John Richard Eastman, who had a score of 178, is the son of Rev. and Mrs. Fred Eastman of the United Presbyterian church, Caldwell. The third local senior, Dale Richard Shack le, had a score of 176. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Shackle, Railroad street. (Happy (Bvdhdcu} Monday, February 23 Eileen Ball. Wednesday, February 25 Mrs. Nellie Laughlin, Mrs. Mary Murphy. Thursday, February 26 Ruth Wikander, John Scherr, Homer Jerles, William James Laughlin (3). Friday, February 27 Beth Wood, Robert' Wheeler, Gerald Miller. Saturday, February 28 William Laughlin (91). Sunday, March 1 Ellen Douglass, Julia Hupp. Anna West, Mrs. O. R. Croy, Harry Miley. Monday, March 2 Donald Franklin, Lutta Mir acle Hughes, Luella Miracle Mor ris. Tuesday, March 3 Gladys Rummer, Henrietta Doudna, Mrs. Edith Bates. Wednesday, March 4 Stanley Maurice Archer, Charles Poling, Donna Mae Nichols, Betty Griggs Benson. Thursday, March 5 Daryle VanFossen, Margaret Estadt, Wanda Foraker Nelson. Friday, March 6 Lulu McDonald. S Mr. and Mrs. Voyn Cook, of Quaker City, are the parents ol a five pound, eight and one half ounce daughter born Feb. 18 in the Guernsey Memorial hospital, Cambridge. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Carpenter, of Quaker City, announce the birth of a six pound, 10 and one half ounce daughter in the Guernsey Memorial hospital, Sunday, Feb. 22. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lee Harper of Pleasant City route 2, arte the parents of a daughter born Tuesday in the Guernsey Me morial hospital, Cambridge. The infant weighed seven pounds and four and one-fourth ounces Special Sermon Topic Slated For Sunday Night "Husbands, what mistakes would you like to avoid, if you could live your life over?" This is the interesting topic that will discussed this Sunday evening at First Church of Christ,, based on answers given on the questionnaires recently distributed among the husbands. Last Sunday evening Ira Bran don pointed out in answering the question, "Who Should Carry The Pocketbook?' 'that it was not so important who car ried it, but that God was taken into consideration in setting up the budget. No home can called a "Christian home" until it has solved the problem of their obligation to God. In looking forward to the dis cussion this coming Sunday evening, a cordial invitation is extended to all to attend. VISITS WITH PARENTS Mrs. Donald Pilcher and daughter, of Olive street, Cald well, have returned home aftei spending a week with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson, of Sharon, Pa. Mr. Wilson who received third degree burns in an accident which resulted in week U. S. No. l's YAGGI (.1 INAYOOI) .1 AM I 1 A N SI a triple amputation has spent thr past two months at home with his family. He returned Feb. 2-1 to Sharon General Hospital Sharon, Penna.. for treatment. He is appreciative of the many cards received from friends in Noble county. HOSPITAL PATIENT Carol, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson, Fairground road, is a patient in the Good Samaritan hospital, Zanesvillc. where she is receiving treatment for rheumatic fever. HOSPITAL PATIENT Donald Jones was removed from his home in Coal Ridge to the St. Francis hospital. Cam bridge, Saturday evening. He was admitted for observatio: and treatment. (p£AAonaI IfYbwlion and A3/C Melvin Weniworth has returned to England A.F.B.. Louisiana, after spending the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wehtworth, of Sarahsville route. Mrs. Flora Stoneking, Zanes ville, visited Sunday with Lucy and Rachel Dudley, of Hoskins ville, in observance of Mrs. Lucy Dudley's birthday anniversary. Other visitors were Mrs. Pearley Dudley and daughter, Lois and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ziler, of Cald well. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ackley had as their dinner guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Phil Midkiff and Mrs. Howard Chapman of New ark and Mrs. Cora Rucker, Dex ter City. Mrs. Rucker spent the past in Newark. OLD SMOKEHOUSE END CUT STRIETMANN'S New 8 Inner Pack JOAN' or AKC 303 Cans LAlii.i: AI.iroiiNl.V 0LE0 Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Stewart, of Caldwell, were Mr. and Mrs. Don Spicer and children of Belle Valley Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leas ure and daughters of Stafford Hurlbert Boyd and daughter, Karen of Sharon. Callers at the home of Lydia and Sarah Gant, East street, the past week were Mr. and Mrs. George Gildow of Elba, Mr. and Mrs. Junior Snyder and chil dren, Sandra and Ricky, Lucetta Thompson, Ella Robinson of Summerfield route, Edna Arnold and Joan Gant of Sarahsville route. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Stewart, of Caldwell, spent Sunday even ing with Mr. and Mrs. George Collins, of Olive Green. Don 't Miss the on these FOOD PRICES i s a i i o u y o u e n u a n n i n w e n y o u a k e a v a n a e o e v a u e s a (Jill MARKET. Our shelves are stocked with the kind of food you like to serve at the prices you want to pay. Every brand name means quality evrv price means value. Many housewives have already discovered that shopping here means better food at lower prices. Join them today You'll be glad that you did! CALLAS 29 POTATOES 25- 69 SWISS CHEESE 59 Creamy BUTTER 69 AJAX Cleanser 2:39 AIM r.\ or SIX 12-t./. BOTTLES PEPSI-COLA 25' Red Kidney Beans 811*1 PASCAL CELERY 23' HI 1 I I K SI'KI Ali All Vegetable Oils— S O E O U S MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY- THURSDAY 8:00 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. FRIDAY—8 A. M. to 8:30 P. M. Saturday—8 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. No Animal Fat s Thursday, February 26, T_959 lb lb yi&WA TLoJtsA Recent callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Boley, of Ava, were Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Lar rick, of Newark, Mary Baker of Belle Valley, Mr. and Mrs. George Metheney and daughter, Anna Davis and Martha Wood, all of Ava route. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Gibson and Mrs. Orpha Swain, Sarahsville, were Mr. and Mrs. Warden Everly, Caldwell route 1, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Braden, Jr., and children, of Caldwell, Mrs. Mar garet Cunningham of Sarahsville, and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Richey, of Senecaville. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Baldwin, of Marietta, spent Sunday with Mrs. Alta Haines and Clark Haines, South Cumberland street. Bost BLUE WATER Lb. pkg. IESTA CRACKERS 2-39* DOG FOOD 25-*1.89 OSCAR MAYER CANNED LUNCHEON LOAF 12-oz. Can 39 NEW HERSHEY'S INSTANT COCOA MIX Just Add Milk 2-lb. 6-oz. Can 89' CITY MARKET 516 WEST STREET—CALDWELL