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Page Eight Qjoiiknal Founder's Day Program Observed Thursday By The Caldwell P. T. A. "Founder"* Day" w i-«*rvTd Th.irsdav evening high school auditorium, when regular meeting of the Caldwell Par ent Teachers Association was held with President Mrs. Hope Web ster presiding There were 50 members in at Barbara 5wick Now Bride Of C. Weston Miss Barbara Jane Swick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Swiek, of Kipling, and Charles Edward Weston, son of Mrs. Ellen Womer. of Canton, form erly of Sarahsville, exchanged wedding vows Saturday in New Salem U. P. church at 10:00 a. m. The bride wore a white lace over satin frock and carried yellow rosebuds atop a white Bible. The couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Swick, brother and sister-in-law of the bride. The new Mrs. Weston grad uated from Lore City high school and is employed as a clerk-typist at the county school office. The bridegroom is a graduate of Sarahsville high school and is a service station owner at Sardis. The couple is now residing at Sardis. Olive Homemakers Enjoy All Day Meeting, Feb. 18 The Olive Homemakers club met last Wednesday, Feb. 18, for an all-day meeting at the home of Mrs. Hattie VanFleet on Caldwell route. The project of the day was the making of plastic Dog Wood and Daisies. At noon a delicious pot-luck lunch was enjoyed by the fol lowing members: Mrs. Lavona Whitcomb, Mr: Opal Weekley, Mrs. Lail Gill, Mrs. Ruth Mc Kitrick, Mrs. Gladys DeVolld, Mrs. Rhea Elliott, Mrs. Lillian Still, Mrs. Velma Wickham, Mrs. Goidie Laughlin, Mrs. Mary Merry, Mrs. Nellie Merry and the hostess. Guests were Mrs. Faye Hayes, Mrs. Lowene Hayes, Mrs. Happy Barnhart and Mrs. Verna Totten. Three children were also pres ent. Jennie James Missionary Society Meets Tuesday The Jenme James Society of the First Baptist church, Cald well, met Tuesday evening at the home of Virginia Doan for their February meeting. The meeting was opened with group singing followed by a prayer. The devotions were in charge of Mrs. Roy Wikander. A very interesting missionary story was presented by Martha Patten. Plans were made for the mother-daughter banquet to be held in May. Refreshments were served during the social hour to the following members: Eleanor Briggs, Irene Schneeberger, Wilma Lincicome, Martha Pat ten, Mrs. Wikander, Jessie Fin ley, Maxine Laughlin. Helen Johnson, Ada Ramage, Lois Dud ley and the hostess. at the Caldwell endance, following the invocation by Rev. James Mason, all joined in the pledge of allegiance and group singing with Mrs. E. Parker West in charge. Miss Lorraine Kalan presided at the piano. During the business meeting, the executive committee recom mended and it was accepted that the PTA show their appreciation by purchasing a gift for Mrs. William Fleming. Mrs. Fleming aided the PTA during their ear and eye examination at the local grade school. President Mrs. Webster also expressed her appreciation to the room mothers for their special activities during Valen tine Day observance. It was announced that the dis trict meeting would be held in Athens April 28 and it is ex pected that several local mem bers will attend. Murl Thomas, Mrs. R. D. Buckey and Mrs. Eleanor Hupp were appointed as members of the nominating committee and they will make their report at a later date. A communication was read from Supt. Clayton Smith, who expressed his appreciation to all those who assisted in the eye ,nd ear examination at the local school. There was a three way tie for the attendance banner with Mr. Paul McKee. Miss Ruth Larrick and Mrs. Ruth McElfresh receiv ing recognition. A special founder's day pro gram, featuring a short playlet, was given by Mrs. Irene Kalan. Mrs. Roberta Daugherty read a poem, "The Poor President" and all past presidents of the PTA were recognized. Mrs. Lillian Beyer gave a re port on the accomplishments of the local PTA during the past years, after which refreshments were served by the committee at a beautifully decorated talble. Fulda Catholic Women's Club Has All-Day Quilting The ladies St. Mary's Cath olic church, Fulda, enjoyed an all day quilting last Tuesday. A pot-luck dinner and supper was enjoyed by the following: Mesdames Martha Schafer, Agnes Crum, Sophia Schott, Emma Siftder, Clara Smithberg er, Marie Schoeppner, Esther Gerst, Mary Schehl, Thelma Sehehl, Florentine Schehl. Lev ina Schott, Nora Gerst, Ida Crock, Ella Weisent, Dora Hill, M'agjgie Cornett, Marie Crock, Vita Mae Schoeppner, Marie Miller. Margaret Schockling, Marjorie Shafer, Margaret Shafer, Lizzie Schafer, Alberta Hohman, Roie Crock, Leona Hill, Clara Arnold, Celia Ostrosky, Pauline Crum, Clara Crock, Sophia Rupple, Jean Ann Rupple, Viola Crum, Gertrude Schockling, Alma Sing er, Jenny Sailing and Mildred Fox. Guests were Fr, J. J. Donald son. George Sill and Allan Schehl. SPECIALS THIS WEEK!! 2 USED TAPE RECORDERS WILCOX (.AY TWO SI'l l) Used Eight Months Original Cost $279.00 Sale Price $100.00 RCA TWO-SPEEI) In Excellent Condition Original Cost Sale Price BELL DISC RECORDER Practically New In Excellent Condition Original Cost $189.00 Sale Price $100.00 The above three units will he demonstrated at Vergan's Music Store on Spruce Street, Friday and Saturday, Feb. 27-28, between the hours of 3:00 p. m. and 6:00 p. m. Interested persons are asked to be present during the designated hours. Very Latest Records Sold OI NTUY ANI) I'OPIIAR Kl A OKOIMiS Hi-Fi and Stereophonic Sets AT ALL PRICES Piano Accordion Guitar Lessons By Instructors Who Play Professionally VERGARI MUSIC STORE Opposite Postoffice Building SPRUCE STREET CALDWELL, OHIO $189.00 $75.00 SIII K LEY LORI This Couple To Plight Their Troth In April Mrs. Andrew Lori, of Caldwell route 6, is announcing the en gagement of her daughter, Shir ley, to Arthur L. Wharff, Jr., son of Mrs. Arthur L. Wharff, of Marietta.route 3. The bride-elect is a 1954 grad uate of Caldwell high sehool and is presently employed at R.C.A. in Cambridge. Mr. Wharff graduated in 1951 from Dexter City high school and Hobbart Trade school, Troy, Ohio. He is now employed at the Leukart Machine company, Columbus. An April wedding is being planned. Frances Willard Tea Observance Is Held At Kirchner Home Mrs. Elsie Kirchner enter tained members and guests of the Caldwell W.C.T.U. Friday at her home on North street. There were 29 in attendance at the annual Frances Willard tea observance. Mrs. Madelaine West led the worship service, Mrs. Faye Hayes and Mrs. Susabelle McVay were the program leaders. Mrs. McVay paid tribute to Mrs. Billa Patterson, director of the L.T.L., in a poem entitled "The Sculp ture." Mothers of L.T.L. members were special guests at the meet ing. They were introduced by Mrs. Bilia Patterson and each mother was presented with a white carnation by Mrs. Jesse Young. The mothers included Mrs. Helen Watson, Mrs. Clara Rummer, Mrs. Marguerite Wik ander, Mrs. Vera Milligan, Mrs. Janice Brandon, Mrs. Madelaine West and Mrs. Norma Miller. Mrs. Susabelle McVay and Mrs. Fay Hayes sang "I Would Be True," while the mothers re ceived their carnations. Mrs. Opal Ullman gave a talk on Frances Willard, the Aveng ing Crusader, and Lois Jennings gave a talk on prejudice. Guests were welcomed by the president, Mrs. Ola Schafer, president. Mrs. Hope Webster and Mrs. Elsie Kirchner, presided at the refreshment table. Mrs. Mary Secrest and Mrs. Madelaine West favored with a vocal num ber with Mrs. Susabelle McVay at the piano. The meeting closed with group singing. Sunshine Club Meets Thursday At Davis Home The Sunshine club met on Thursday, Feb, 19, at the home of Josephine Davis with Beulah Pryor as co-hostess. A delicious Dot-luck dinner was enjoyed by 18 members, eight children and -ight guests including, Doris Way, Ethel King, Hazel Pryor, Elsie Smith, Goidie Laughlin, Donna Davis and Mabel DeLong. Prizes were won by Mildred Mitchell, Pat Theiss, Elva Brown, Belva Landaker and Mary Vaughn. The next meeting will be at the home of Margaret Tilton with Beulah Carr as co-hostess on March 19th. A pot luck dinner will be served at noon and the day will be spent by setting to gether a quilt top donated to the club by Beulah Pryor. East Union Homemakers Meet At VanFossen Home The East Union Homemakers club met at the home of Myra VanFossen Thursday, Feb. 19, for an all-day meeting. The day was spent in quilting. At noon a potluck lunch was served to the following: Audrey Sorg, Myrle Kinjr, Mary Green. Joan Gant. Lou Archer, Mary Eddy, Rachel Rob inson, Josephine Stevens, Rose Miller, Shirley Miller, Marie Tucker, Rosa Tucker, Dorothy Snyder, Irene Miller and Grace VanFossen. Prizes were won by Myrle King, Mary Green and Joan Gant. The next meeting will be held at the home of Rosa Tucker on March 19th. PIONEER GIRLS MEETS The pilgrim group of the pioneer girls met at the First Baptist church last Wednesday at 3:30 p. m. with 32 members arid two guests present. The group worked on towels and pic tures. A valentine party was held at the home of Mrs. Char les Patten last Friday with 24 members present. Local Residents Observe Their 40th Anniversary THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clark obser ved their^ 40th wedding anniver sary Sunday afternoon, Feb. 22, at their home on Caldwell route. Mr. and Mrs. Clark were unit ed in marriage on Feb. 20, 1919, in the Methodist parsonage at Caldwell by Rev. William E. Starkey. Mrs. Frank Glidden, former Eva Smallwood of Sugar creek and Lee Lewanger of Can ton attended the couple. They are the parents of four children, William J. of route 1, Ava Robert F., of Hiramsburg Mrs. Peggy Ellison, of Pleasant City, and one son, James, died in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. Clark also have five grandchildren, Charles Roy, Noel Timothy, Elizabeth Ellen, Sandra Louise and Peggy Lynn Clark. The honored ones received a beautiful arrangement of American Beauty roses from her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson and family, of Canton. Cheryl Jean Johnson Honored On Birthday Cheryl Jean Johnson, daughter of Ruth Johnson, Olive addition, was honored Saturday, Feb. 14, with a party in honor of her seventh birthday anniversary. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Charles West, Mrs. Vic tor Bonar, Mrs. Tad Young, Mrs. Mack Johnson and Miss Jeanie Pitts. The guest list included Brenda Bonar, Ricky Bonar, Lorraine Young, Jane Elen Young, Diane Macenko, Denise Semon, Nancy Harper, Tommy Harper, Eddie Paries, Becky Parks, Brenda Mason, Jeanie Mason, Shirley Crum, Cheryl Cox, Denver Sal ing. Sheila Saling, Linda Saling, Judy Saling, Susan Robinson, Shirley Kraft, Terry West, Tam mie West, Danny Jo Michel, George Foreman. Jennie Marie Poulton. Janet Crock, and Mari lyn Miller. Those sending gifts but unable to attend were Bob Rossiter, Tom Rossiter .Stevie Robinson, Mary Heppner and Diane Schafer. Contest prizes were awarded to Janet Crock, Jennie Marie Poulton, Susan Robinson, Nancy Harder and Denver Saling. Merrimakers Club Hears Col. Leo L. McCarthy The Merrimaker club met last Wednesday evening, Feb. 18, at the home of Florence Moore on Walnut street. A short business meeting was conducted with the president, Mary Sanford, in charge. Gladys Seffens gave a short talk on the heart fund. The guest speaker of the evening was Leo L. McCarthy from Youngs town, Civil Defense Director. Delicious refreshments were served to the following members: Mary Sanford, Enid Woodford, Bessie Stringer, Virginia Doan, Helen Clark, Ruth Davis, Lela Keyser, Florence Moore, Kath erine Hupp, Ethel Caldwell, Bernice Marquis, Mary Secrest, Ellen Douglass, Jessie Young, Mary Young, Mary Frye, Amy Rucker, Nancy Rudge and daughter, Gladys Seffens and Helen Pezzopane. A guest was Gloria Hatfield from Dudley. Farm Bureau Council Meets At lams Home The Farm Bureau council met Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn lams on Caldwell route. The discussion was led by Clifford Parrish. The business meeting was in charge of the chairman, Frank Radcliff. A delicious lunch was served by the host and hostess to the following members: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Dutton, Mr. and Mrs. Clif ford Parrish, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Radcliff, Sam Miller, Shirley and Sam Brown. Mizpah Sunday School Class Enjoys Meeting The Mizpah class of the First Methodist church met Friday evening in the church dining room with the president, Merle Barnhart, in charge of the meet ing. A delicious pot-luck dinner was served to the following: Mr. and Mrs. Orton Lantz, 1vir. and Mrs. Merle Barnhart and chil dren, Rev. Parker West and daughter, Mae Walters, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Rudge and daugh ter. The next meeting will be held Friday, March 20, with the pro gram in charge of Nancy Rudge ind the recreation in charge of Orton Lantz. CLUB MEETS WEDNESDAY The Town and Country club ~net Wednesday afternoon at the lome of Mary lams on Cald well route with a covered dish luncheon at noon. The members included: Ellen Douglass, Mary Frye, Bessie Christopher, Nelle Parks and Amy Rucker. SARA, KAY BRUCE Dexter City Girl Announces Engagement Mrs. Velara Hutcheson, of Dexter City, is announcing the engagement of her granddaugh ter, Sara Kay Bruce, to John Milton Spence, Dexter City, son of the late Francis and Faye Spence, Caldwell. The bride-elect is a junior at Southern Noble high school. Mr. Spence is a graduate of Moose hart high school, Moosehart, Illinois. No definite date has been set for the wedding. Ava W. C. T. U. Meets Friday In Ellison Home Mrs. Peggy Ellison was hostess Friday night, Feb. 20, to mem bers of the Ava W.C.T.U. in her home at Pleasant City with 18 members in attendance. Agnes Sayre, devotional lead er, read the scripture from the Bible and a poem by Russell Hoy. Mrs. Margaret Clark, presi dent, presided and read an article entitled, "I Refuse to Drink Because." Literature was given out to members and to Gladys Dudley, local and county director of flower missions and relief. Pledge cards were also given out to the directors of child wel fare, Betty Rayner and Louie Clark. A special offering was received for the Francis Willard fund. The meeting was dismissed with a prayer by Ila Dunlap. During the social hour Bible contests were won by Esther Mc Elroy and Lela Davis. The door prize was won by Alice Phelps. Delicious refreshments were ser ved by the hostess assisted by her mother, Mrs. Clark, Eliza beth and Rebecca Clark. The hostess for the March meeting will be Alice Phelps and Etta Rayner. Good Neighbors Club Meets At Ellidtt Home The February meeting of the Good Neighbor club was held at the home of Mrs. Pearl Elliott, Main street, with all members present. Quilting and piecing quilt blocks were the projects of the day. The business meeting was conducted by the president, Juanita Ramsey. The club prize was won by Lois Blake, the guest prize by Clarice Mendenhall and the puzzle prize by Bettie Wil son. Members present were Juanita Ramsey, Doris Ramsey, Ruth Lawrence, Alta lams, Lois Blake, Floy Parrish, Martha Parrish, Ruth Wells, Mabel Wilson, Jean Ramsey, Belle Boyd, Martene Spriggs, Phenia Bigley, Roberta Bigley, Bettie Wilson, Effie Ramsey and the hostess. Guests were Goidie Foster, Genevia Foraker, Clarice Men denhall, Amy Johnson, Lillian Delancey, Jessie Elliott and Rhea Elliott. There were also several children present. Cora Leiand Sunday School Class Meets The Cora Leiand Class of the Presbyterian church met Friday evening in the church basement with Lucille Fowler and Mary Young serving as co-hostesses. Devotions were led by Lucille Fowler. A short business meet ing was held with the following new officers being elected: presi dent, Mary Young vice presi dent, Kattie McWilliams secre tary-treasurer, Mary lams. Delicious refreshments were served to the following: Hazel Woodford, Mildred Eastman, Lucille Fowler, Mary Young, Mary lams, Kattie McWilliams, Adaline McKee, Capitola Love and Ethel Caldwell. Mrs. Donald L. Harkins Entertains Friday Niters Mrs. Boa Harkins was hostess Friday night at her home on West street to members of the Friday Niters Bridge club with a 6:00 o'clock dinner. The tables and other decora tions were in keeping with the theme of Washington's birthday. Prizes were won by Eleanor Moore, Lillian Beyer, Marion Robey and Florence Archer. Guests were Florence Archer, Bernice Mills, Mary Riehcreek, Opal Brumbach, Eleanor Moore, Lillian Beyer, Ruth Knox, Grace Henderson, Helen Huprich, Lil lian Walton, Thelma Estadt and Marion Robey. Mrs. Jennie James Is 95 Years Old Today Mrs. Jennie James, prominent resident of Caldwell for a num ber cf years, is celebrating her 95th birthday anniversary this Thursday, Feb. 26, at the Con tented Rest Home, North Fifth street, -Cambridge. Mrs. James is the widow of Charles Fremont James, who died 21 years ago. She is a devout member of the Caldwell Baptist church and was honored by hav ing a missionary society named for her. She accepted the Lord at the age of 13 years and later affili ated with the local church. She is the mother of eight children, two of whom are deceased. Those living include: Mrs. Leonard Bell of Cambridge, Mrs. Louella Richards of Iron ton, Mrs. Clara Bryson of Co lumbus, Mrs. Ocie Lawrence of Titusville, Pa., Mrs. Emma And erson of Caldwell and Clifford James of Canton. Mrs. James, who is enjoying good health for one of her ad vanced years, also has 20 grand children, 38 great-grandchildren and several great-great-grand children. Sharon Club Holds Its February Meeting The February meeting of the Sharon Home Demonstration club was held in the church basement last week. Bea Cain taught the lesson on leathercraft. In the absence of the president, Dorothy Harmon, Rhea McNabb, vice president, presided at the business meeting. Future activities of the club were discussed. Vivian Archi bald gave a report on some county projects for the coming year. Members present were Ruth Wiley, Marteen Spriggs, Pauline Haga, Pat Morrison, Doris Ram sey, Bea Cain, Rhea McNabb, Vivian Archibald. Guests were Clara Dennis and Robert and Randall Ramsey. The March meeting will be held at the home of Pat Mor rison. Woman's Missionary Society Has Meeting The Women's Missionary So ciety of the Church of Christ, North street, held their monthly meeting in the church basement with 24 members answering the roll call on Tuesday evening, Feb. 24. The meeting was opened with an interesting talk on, "The Life of Missionaries," by Laura Ram sey. Following the business meet ing, which was conducted by the president, Norma Miller, decili ous refreshments were served by the co-hostefcses, Rhea Elliott^ Jessie Elliott and Clara Dennis. Several members of this so ciety took part in a special pro gram Sunday morning at the Sunday school hour with Mrs. Miller in charge. Presbyterian Circle Meets At Ball Home Mrs. Twila Ball was hostess Thursday evening to members of Presbyterian Circle Two at her home on Spruce street. The meeting was opened with the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. Ball gave an article on "My Chute Didn't Open," Mrs. Mil dred Eastman presented, "The Spirit Speaks to the Church." Community Circles was given by Mrs. Ruth Evilsizer. Refreshments were served to the following members: Mrs. Mildred Eastman, Mrs. Ruth Evilsizer, Mrs. Helen Harmon, Mrs. Gertrude Harper, Mrs. Bertha Radcliff, Miss Mary Rad cliff, Miss Bernice Mills, Mrs. Mary Sanford, Mrs. Esther Schafer and the hostess. Bridge Club Entertained With Dinner At lams Home A dinner bridge was enjoyed last Tuesday at the home of Mary lams on Caldwell route. Two tables of bridge were enjoyed with Nelle Headley and Mary Scherr winning the prizes. Members present were Thelma Rice, Mabel Parks, Helen Ehler mann, Mary Richcreek, Violet Morgareidge and Nelle Headley. Guests were Sylvia Bryan and Mary Scherr. COUNCIL MEETS The Farm Bureau Women council met recently at the Farm Bureau office on Mill street. The business meeting was in charge of the chairman, Mary lams. A discussion was held on the bake sale for March 21st. Members present were Reah McNabb, Katherine Leonard, Grace Radcliff and "Nora Mani fold. WORTHWHILE CLASS MEETS The Worthwhile class of the First Church of Christ, North street, met Thursday evening in the church basement with 22 members present. A short busi ness meeting was conducted with the president in charge. Hosts and hostesses for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Clifton El liott, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Brown. BETTY LOU FARSON September Wedding Is Planned By Local Couple Mr. and Mrs. Hosmer Farson, of route 1, Dexter City, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Betty Lou, to William Charles Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wilson, formerly of Lowell, now of Mad ison, Indiana. Miss Farson is a 1957 graduate of Southern Noble high school and is employed by Attorney T. Kendall Mehlberg, of Marietta. Mr. Wilson graduated from Lowell high school with the class of 1957 and is employed as a radio dispatcher for the State of Ohio Department of Highways in Marietta. A September wedding is being planned by the couple. FAME FUN FORTUNE FABULOUS PRIZES Thursday, February 26, 1951 Helen W. Erskine Marriage Announced Friends in Caldwell have re ceived announcement of the marriage of Heiene Worden Erskine to Mr. William Henry Harrison Crammer. The marriage was announced by her aunt, Mrs. May Worden Anderson, of Salt Lake City, Utah. It was an event of January 31, 1959 at the Bruton Parish church in Williamsburg, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Crammer are now at home in New York City at 540 Park avenue. The new Mrs. Crammer is the daughter of the late Mrs. Wtt bertine Worden of £aldwell. Friendly Neighbors Club Holds February Meeting The February meeting of the Friendly Neighbors club was held recently at the home of Edna Garvin with Blanche Woodford as co-hostess. Prizes were won by Delia Cowell, Jessie Swank, Wilrna Waller, Joanne Hanson and Edith Garvin. Delicious refreshments wer'e served by the hostesses to the following: Delia Cowell, Jessie Swank, Wilma Waller, Joanne Hanson, Cleo Briggs, Doris Ed wards, Edith Garvin, Allie Gar vin, Grace Radcliff, Ethel Porter, Gladys Clark, Polly Hanson, Pam and Doug Edwards, Larry and Brent Clark. The March meeting will be held at the home of Cleo Briggs. AMERICA CONTEST •MAIL TODAY NAME ADDRESS Here's the golden opportunity every home ma leer dreams of. And the honor can come to yoa just at it came to Mrs. Helen Gieme. of Cleveland, Ohio, in 1968. As always, the contest is open to married women everywhere. But there's no age limit this year. Yoa have everything to gain and nothing to lose. Enter today! Pniaei AT EVERY LEVEL A Complete RCA Whirlpool Kitchen & Laundry $1000 Chest of Gorham Silver A Hammond Chord Organ West Bend Aluminum Ware A $4,000 Esther Williams Swimming Pool All-Expense Paid Trip to South America, for Two Outboard Motor, Boat and Trailer Year's Supply of Wilson's Meats Other Valuable Prizes $ oU o U E 109 NORTH FRONT ST. COLUMBUS 15. OHIO I would tike to enter the Mrs. America Contest. Please send me complete contest rules and an Official Questionnaire. CITY ZONE STATE CONTEST CLOSES MARCH 31, 1959