Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, April 23, 1959 Pleasant City AM& Mt. Zion Homemakers Club Holds Its Monthly Meeting At Groves Home The regular monthly meeting of the Mt. Zion Homemakers club was held Thursday at the home of Mrs. Ava Groves on route 1. Following the morning business hour a covered dish dinner was enjoyed at noon by the following members present. Vickie WLn berg, Edna Johnson, Zelma and Fern Williams, Cora Nicholson, Ida Bailey, Helen Secrest, Nor ene Hively, Ester Groves, Becky and Helen Miley, Florence Lar rick and hostess. The afternoon was spent in sewing carpet rags. Vickie Win berg won the door prize and Florence Larrick the contest prize. Club Meeting1 Twenty-one members answer ed the roll call when the Build ers M. E. Sunday school class held their April meeting in the church basement, Thursday evening. Guests present were Mrs. Ella Tilton, Mrs. Abagail Waxier and Miss Nina Mazella who showed pictures of her trip to Europe. Lunch was served by the hostesses Patty LaFollette, Vera Hopps, Naomi Heckathorn, A lino Shilts and Doris McClain. fCA ORBATBST HYBRID* ...plant them1. FUNK'S isvimi© Full-Field Yields Funk's-G offers you top yields of quality corn on standing stalks not just on a small, favored piece of ground, but on all your corn acres. Order seed BOW. R. (. KEITH & SONS CALDWELL, OHIO Phone 2T0-F-H As good as looks plenty GOOD. ^TBRE A i VvT. ff.A.V IIJRNPIKIi W Air Tooled 2 1 Complete 50-Ft. Enjoy Lunch Mrs. Rena Buckey entertained a number of friends and neigh bors at her home Friday even ing in honor of Mrs. Jean Rigglc Thompson and children, Stevie and Debbie. A lunch was served by hostess and gifts were pre sented to the honor guests. Mrs Thompson and children left Monday for their home in Holly wood, Fla., after spending the past three weeks with Rev. and Mrs. A. G. Riggle and Rev. and Mrs. John Thompson. Personals Miss Ruth German and friend from Cleveland, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Susan German and other local relatives Mr. and Mrs. Hervey Secrest have returned home after visit ing Mr. and Mrs. William Mc Coy in Akron. Miss Betty Miley visited over the weekend with her cousin and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Davis at Malta. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Secrest spent Wednesday with their son Robert and family at Columbus. The past week guests at the John Thompson home were Mrs Llewellyn Thompson and daugh ter, Sally and son, John, of Dresden, Rev. Lowane Thomp son of Congress, George Zelena and Maurice Thompson and daughter, Peggy of Akron. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brokaw of Canton, spent the weekend at their home here. Mrs. Doris Stranathan, Mrs. Sue Faught, Mrs. Eileen Wil liams and Mrs. Pearl Sprout at tended a lodge meeting at Lowell on Thursday night. Mr. Ted Bayly, who is employ ed at Cadiz, spent the past week with his wife and son. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Withing ton visited over the weekend with her brother, Mr. Jackie Shaw and family in Canton. Callers at the Warren Miley home on Friday were Mrs. Mary Secrest, Caldwell, Twila Archer and Barbara Miley, Sarahsville, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miley and children, Ikie, Eva, Kiel and Alvira, of Senecaville route 1. Miss Blanche Moore, of Sharon, Pa., visited over the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Alvin Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Powell and son, of near Mt. Ephraim, were Sunday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leonhardt. Gary Harper, U.'S. Navy, Nor folk, Va., visited over the week end witjh his wife, Marjorie and daughter and other local rel atives. Rev. and Mrs. John Thompson attended Senior Citizens meet ing at the 9th Street Methodist hurch in Cambridge. Mrs. Donnella Ayers has been onl'ined to her home by illness. looks and it goodl ^YEAR VALUE! Toctbottom priced at only Fiu most 1957 model* of Plymouth, Ford, Chevro let, Hudien- .UO ill "YOU SAVE BY BUYING NOW! SEAT CUSHION $1.99 2 a o n W i S a i n e a n e a s u i n u OAS CAN $2.95 BADMINTON SET $7.77 CROQUET SET $7.77 PLASTIC GARDEN HOSE $1.99 MIKE'S TIRE SHOP Nash, Stude baker. Buick, Nash, Olls. sllii* •In 6.00 16 fits most older model, of Ford, Chevrolet, Nash, Studebnker. Six* 7.10 15 fits most pre-1957 models of Dodge. 14- Mer cury, Pontine, Hudson, cj,o 7.60 15 fits mnny recent models DeSoto, Buick, Olds, Hud son, Mercury, Packard. s1 Tube-typo p!us iDPtifc'e tire- £ASY PAY ON PAY DAY! Successor to Goodyear Service Stor* North & Cumberland Streets Phone 200 Caldwell, Ohio Who Will Succeed Her? new v 1 0 y ~,n WetCnUriitm/** 7" WilS^er ^'v emkmm It's Mrs. America Contest time and somewhere in the United States is an outstanding homemaker who will soon be enthroned as "The Nation's No. 1 Homemaker", succeeding lovely Helen Giesse, above, Mrs. America of 1959. From now through May 30, more than 50,000 homemakers from all 49 states will compete in local and state Mrs. America contests for the opportunity to become finalists in the national contest in Ft. Lauderdale. Florida June 11-23. To Mrs. America of 1960 will go numerous valuable prizes, among them all expense paid vacations in Mexico, South America and Flor ida, and a complete RCA Whirlpool Mrs. America Kitchen. Here, Mrs. Giesse—a resident of Cleveland, Ohio—displays a combination washer-dryer, one of five gas appliances in the kitchen Featured in the Mrs. America Home in Ft. Lauderdale, the Mrs. America Kitchen will be viewed by more than 3,000,000 Russians at the American National Ex hibition in Moscow this summer. (ROOKED TREE NEWS NOTES CROOKED TREE Mr. and Mrs. Denver Wagner and son, of Canton, visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Wagner and their father, Perry Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Wagner visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Brown and family. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Haines spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beatty in Toronto, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beatty returned them home, Sunday morning. Sunday afternoon callers "at the Haines home were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Haines and family of Akron, Alta Haines of Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. Luther Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Binegar and Debbie visited Mr. and Mrs. Forest Binegar and family in Williamstown, Sunday. Among those attending the Blackburn sale at Pennsville on Monday were Cecil Brown, Al fred Brown, Boyd Wagner and Dwight Harper. Jeff Chandler and Jerry Mincks spent Monday night with their grandmother, Mrs. Lila Chandler. Mr. and Mrs. Hall Farson, of Cleveland, spent a few days with his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Forest Farson and visited other friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dulton, Lillie Boyd, Mrs. Beryl Picken paugh and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Reed and son, of Portersville, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Banes Murrey called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dut ton, Tuesday evening. Mrs. Nellie Chandler and sons, and Mrs. Mildred Chandler and daughter called on Mr. and Mrs. Earl Way and family, Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lunday of Columbus, are the parents of a new daughter born April 12th and named Tamara Sue. The mother will be remembered as the former Maxine Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith and family and Mr. Mark Wilson were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson and Iv .: 1 ('a'Pb. at home or away THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ellis and Cindy were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Way. and and We We wish to welcome Mr. Mrs. Frank McAuley, Jr. family to our community. hope they will be happy in their new home. SHERIFFS SALE IN PARTITION* The relax- refresh with milk! State ot' Ohio, Noble County Common Pleas Court Case No. 9741 Cyrus J. Laughlin PlainUii vs. Alice Shriver, et al., Delendants Notice is heiv'oy given, that on Saturday, the 9th day of May, A. D. 1959, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock, A. M., I will offer for sale at public auction at the west door of the courthouse in Caldwell, Ohio, the following real 'estate, situate in the County ol Noble and State of Ohio, and the Township of Seneca, to-wit: FIRST TRACT Situated in the County of Noble State of Ohio, and in the Township of Seneca, and known as and being Fraction Number 11 of the Southwest quarter and Fraction Number 16 of the southeast quarter of Section eigh teen (18) in township eight (8) of range eight (8) and containing eighty five (85) acres, more or less. Last re corded in Volume 108 at Page 219 of the Deed Records of said County. SECOND TRACT Situated in the County of Noble and State of Ohio and in the Township of Seneca and known as and being Fraction Number one (1) of the noith west quarter of Section nineteen (HO, township eight (8) and range eight (8) and containing eighty (80) acres, more or less. Also, situated in the Township, County and State aforesaid, and known as and being ihe west half of the northeast quarter and part of the northwest quarter of Section nine teen (1!)). township eight (8) and range (8) and containing ninety-nine !)9) acres, more or less. Last recorded in Volume 108, Page 223 of said Deed Records. Said premises located at approxi mately five (5) miles north of Sarahs ville, Ohio, along State Route 28f. Appraised at: First Tract, $1,900.00, and Second Tract, $3,500.00, and can not be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Said premises to be sold as the prop erty of the parties to the above action, on an order of sale in Partition from the Common Pleas Court of Noble County. Ohio, and directed to mo, the undersigned Sheriff. Terms of sale: $100.00 cash on day of sale, balance on confirmation of sale and delivery of deed. Given under my hand this 7th day of April. 1959. DONALD CONAWAY, Sheriff, Noble County, Ohio Russel B. Dienl Edmund G. James, jg^~\ CALDWELL PRODUCE COMPANY Processors of "Caldwell Maid" Dairy Products. Phone 75 Caldwell I* Sfl WHIGVILLE NEWS ITEMS WHIGVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Guiler and daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bates and son, of Caldwell, were re cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ches ter Bates. Wiley King spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. George Berry. Rev. Myron Guiler was at Pleasant City, Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard John son, of Caldwell, spent Wednes day evening with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Carter. Rev. Durham, of Summerfield, was a caller here Thursday after noon. Ruth Clark was calling on Jane Berry, Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Kenneth Guiler spent Fri day with Mrs. Wayne Hayes, of Caldwell. William Wickham, of Summer field, was a caller here Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Guiler and daughter, of Caldwell, spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Guiler. Verna Guiler was a caller here Thursday afternoon. George Berry spent Tuesday with Wiley King. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clark and children were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Braden, of Buckeye Lake. Mrs. Frank Ruby and Mrs. Fred Webb, of Cambridge, spent Wednesday with Mrs. Kenneth Guiler. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Carter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wavnard Johnson, of Caldwell. Additional guests at the Johnson home were Mr. and Mrs. James Wolfe and son, David, of Colum bus. Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas' and Sarah Carpenter were at Caldwell, Saturday. Clarence West, of Columbus, spent the weekend at his home here. George Braden, of Buckeye Lake, spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Guiler nnd Mr?. Ruth Clark attended I church at Summerfield, Satur day evening. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. West and son, Clarence were at Caldwell, Saturday. Gladys Roe was calling on Ruth Clark, Friday afternoon. J. G. Guiler and son, Carl, of Summerfield, were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Danford, Saturday. Mrs. Wayne Hayes and chil dren, of Caldwell, spent Satur day with Mrs. Kenneth Guiler. Gloria Guiler, of Summerfield, spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Danford. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clark and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Border, of Coal Run. Mrs. Naomi Smith, of New comerstown, was calling on Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Shackle, Satur day. He has been sick for some time. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. West were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clark. The two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wentworth, is a patient at Children's hospi tal, Columbus. Elba ELBA Gene Hesson return ed home Saturday after bein^ treated at the Bethesda hospital, Zanesville. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Kirkbr:de were Saturday visitors of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pea:! Goodwill. Merle Hickle and daughter, Sandra, were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Swain nnd P. D. Goodwill. Mrs. Gene Hendershot, of Whipple, was a Saturday calif v of Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Goodwill Pythian Sisters from May flower Temple, No. 73, that at e n e i n s e i o n a O V 1 Temple, Thursday evening, Ap: 17, were Florence Swain, Main Harper, Hulda Baker, Elsie Lu ton, Sarah McAtee, Iva Hes?n, Sarah Travis and Edna Williams. CONGRATULATIONS from Murphy's Furniture Store •.). .'f -1 *v v v SOUTH OLIVE NEWS NOTES SOUTH OLIVE Mrs. Alden Harris, Warner, was a caller at the G. D. Harper home, Sunday. Dinner guests at the Ruth L. Harper home, Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Pete J. Brinkley and sons, Mrs. D. D. Swain, of Can ton, Mrs. Wava Whetstone and daughter, Caldwell, Jimmie Swain and the immediate family. Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Manson Landaker and Earl Davis called on Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Davis, Sunday. Mrs. Wilma Swain, Mrs. Shir ley Schoeppner, Mrs. May Ball and Mrs. Nora Williams attend ed a bingo party at the Betsy Mills club, Marietta. Ruth V. Harper and Ruth L. Harper were dinner guests of Mrs. Virginia Harper and son, David. Mrs. Margaret Pryor and Miss Sadie Brothers visited Mr. and Mrs. John Brothers, of Zanes ville, Sunday. Callers in Caldwell, Monday were Miss Thelma Pryor, Mrs. Martha Cheatham and Ruth L. Harper and son, Wayne. Mrs. Mary Ball visited a few Planning to build? Use NOBLE! Concrete Blocks Any Amount. At Our Yard Pick up or Deliver r- this miniature Lane Sweetheart Chest is our gift to each girl graduating from Noble County igh Schools We wanted you to know how proud we are of you all. We've watched you growing up... from little girls in grade school... to graduating seniors! Now you're ready to take your place as adult citizens of this community. And that's an event! Such an important one, in fact... that we'd like you to accept this miniature Lane Sweetheart chest as a free gift from us. It's yours for keeps... with our best wishes and all our congratulations! Page Three—B days last week with her daugh* ter, Mrs. Rolland Williams and family. Mrs. Freda Sanford, Mrs. Vir ginia Harper, Mrs. Wilma Swain, Mrs. Shirley Schoeppner, Mrs. May Ball and Ruth L. Harper attended a Stanley party Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Williams and son, Pleasant City route. Mrs. Stella Schoeppner, of Harriettsville, was the demonstrator. Mrs. Hollie Rowlands called on Mrs. Rose Pryor and Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Rowlands. Peter J. Brinkley, Jr., of Can ton, visited his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Harper, of Dexter City. Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Brinkley Sr. and sons of Canton, visited Noble county relatives over the weekend. Ruth L. Harper visited Mr. and Mrs. James Whetstone and daughter, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Harper and son and Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Brinkley and sons visited Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Swain and fam ily, Saturday evening. AVAILABLE IN SIZES 12 8 4 Inches Tested To Double State's Specifications For QUALITY, SAVINGS and Complete Selection, See Us! MORTAR MIX SAND GRAVEL Stock-piled At Our Yard WE DELIVER QUANTITY ORDERS! NOBLE BLOCK COMPANY OLD MINE SITE NORTH OF CALDWLLL Phone Caldwell 388-F-3 v .,• y* in. .... iyi