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I' I BUtfj Page Two Single District THE JOI HNAL A KEWSPAPKU IN AND FOR \LD\VK \ND VEIN COUNII PRINTED EVERY THURSDAY AT CALDWELL. OHIO Office: 309 Main Street Telephone 98 All Independent Democrat newspaper that goes into the homes of N«bl* i,«Onty and covers the Caldwell businc-s -/.one like the sunshine. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION Outside Noble County— One Year $3.50 Six Months §1.78 Noble County and Radius—One Year $3.00 Six Months $1.50 Entered at the postoffice at Caldwell, Noble County, OhlO, .M •econd class mail matter under Act of Congress a'. March 3, 1814 ASE In view of opinions expressed at the meeting of board members to diccuss the reorganization problem and careful study by school authorities, this proposal seemed to be the most logical one for the county and the most universally favored by the board members at the joint meeting. Sunt. Secrest said that the law provides that all boards of educa tion receiving cop:es of the above proposal mav, within thirty day~ thereafter, register approval or disapproval of the same with the county board. The countv board may then, within sixtv davs. af+er the ex piration of the thirtv day period, modify the proDOsal. If the countv board mod:fies a proposal, it shall imm^dia+elv file a copy of such modified prooo^al with the board of education of each school district whose boundary would be altered by such pro pocal and with the state board of education. If the proposed creation of a sinele school district for Noble countv gets on the ballot this fall, the voters in earh district involved must aoorove the actior or it will be defeated. Teenoners Con«i'Mi»ri from one ixig and were going to the scene of the fire when they crashed headon with the fire truck orj the narrow townshvp road. The front end of the Frisbee car, owned by Howard Frisbee ot Cumberland wa^ completely demolished by the inioact. Damage to the Caldwell fire trwk was estimated at $500. Sheriff Donald Conaway said today that the practice of fol lowing a truck to the f're had abated somewhat in this com munity during the past two years since several arrests were made for that very infraction. The accident Friday aga:n pin points the fact that the pvar-tice is being renewed and Sheriff Conaway warned that additional arrests will be made, if neces sary. to break it up again. Athletic Rnnauet f^ntinn^d fr«m JKIPO one the address of welcome being given by Supt. Clayton S. Smith, local superintendent. Brief re sfaarks were also given by Prin cipal Gilbert W. Weekley. Special recognition was given to a number of individuals and business places by Coach Scott for their valuable assistance dur ing the past season. Coaches Scott and Mero also received a gift from the teams SPECIAL! COMPLETE BOTTLED INSTALLATION KPWl OCT* Ml iw Includes 2 Full Tanks Range Adjustment PATTEN'S APPLIANCE CLNTER 424 North Street^ Phone 5# f^CT 5Tlo)N N A I O N A I O I A 7 tayrrrc* i Members of Ohio Newspaper Association. National Editorial Association Weekly Newspaper Representatives, Inc.. Ohio Press News Service, and tl»' Newspaper Advertising Service, Inc. Puhlished by The Caldwell Journal Publishing Co., Inc. CLARENCE J. ESTADT. JOHN WHEELER President. Vice President. Successor to The Journal, The Caldwell Press. The Republican Journal and The Republican Continue! from page one County School District. "Be it further resolved that the clerk of raid Noble county board of education shall file a copy of this resolution, along with a map showing the ter ritory affected, with the board of education of each district involved and the state board of education, in accordance with section 3311.26 R. C. of Ohio." The above resolution to form a new local school district is now being submitted to each board of education. with John Eastman and Glen Slay doing the honors. A personal plaque was presented to Coach Scott from John T. Kirchner, in appreciation of his outstanding record during his two years at Caldwell high school. John Kachilla, former coach at Maysville, gave a few brief re marks as did Claude Mendenhall and Ed Heldman of Marietta wo represented the Ohio-West Vir ginia officials association. The coaching staff from McConnels ville was also introduced. Coach Walker gave a brilliant, talk for the assembled group and it was well received by all tho e who heard him. Special recognition was also given the business places and •'ndividuals who sponsored the dinners for members of the Calc well basketball personnel, teams and special guests. Linden Herd Confinu«»d from pasre one month, both in milk per cow an'7 butterfat per cow. The Linder farm had the two highest The highest butterfat record for the month was 71 pound* produced by an aged holstc cow owned by Raymond Wheel er. She produced 1680 pounds of milk. The second high cow in butter fat production was owned V,v Linden farm. She was a four year-old Ilolstein that pro duced 69 pounds of fat. Arrests o i i n n i o T- several fishing poles which were believed to have been taken from this rtore. It will be recalled that two guns and several sparkplugs were taken from the garage owned and operated by James Rayner in North Ava, several weeks ago. This loot has since been recov ered at Bailey's Mills. The fishing line, poles, equip ment, etc., stolen from the Mag general store in Kennonsburp, was also recovered, some of it from a cabin on Seneca Lake, which investigation disclosed had been rented by the couple for three days. The couple could also be charg ed with the theft of three auto mobiles, one ot whirh was re covered at Bailey's Mills on SP 147. Sheriff Conaway said it Wf doubtful if the couple would ever be returned to Ohio fo" they could receive at least 20 years each on the three charges facing them in Louisville court?. Seven Violators Continued from page one charge. Nathan Brunt was arrested by gamn protector Merl DeVoe on a charge of fishing without an Ohio non-resident license. appeared before Mayor Howile" and was fined $15 and costs. John D. Rubrake, of Lowell, was fined S10 and costs Saturda-" when he appeared before Mayo* Howiler to answer to a charere of failure to stoo within the assurred clear di-tance. Wayne S. Harper, of Dextev C:tv, was arrested by Patrolman R. L. Clav, Saturday and charged with park:ng on the highwav. He was fined $10 and costs by Mayor Howiler. Stray Doas Pontinn'wl front na"" w* ?ccount for such mass execution of the-canine family, but obvi ously the person responsible means to pick up the existin slack with so many dogs still at large and playing havoc with domestic farm animals and spring gardens. No general alarm has been sounded by person*- missing dogs, and for that reason it seems logical that the person who took upon himself the ordeal of eliminat'ng the devastating dogs, felt that the cause was honor able and justifiable. Ph«»to novploninp— E U A E E I N Fr. Kleubcr Council Knights of Columbus No. 2565—Caldwell Thursday, April 23 8:00 P. M. Group Communion St. PhHomena Church Ili^h Mass 9:30 A. M. Communion Breakfast Council Rooms Immediately Following Mass OBITUARY CHARLES M. GOODWILL Charies Merriman Goodwill, age 83, passed away at his home 2:15 p. m., Friday, after an ill ness of five years. He was born February 23,1876 at Macksburg and was the son of the late John and Ellen Hupp Goodwill. He made his home in Macks burg practically his entire life with the exception of a few years when he and his family lived at Charleston, W. Va. He worked in the oil and gas fields his entire life at Macksburg, Corning, Ohio, and Charleston, W. Va. At his retirement, he had been em ployed by the Columbia Gas and Electric Company of Charleston, W. Va. for 25 years. He married Elizabeth K. H. Murrey April 10, 1897, who pre ceded him in death on October 24,1927. Also, one son, Otto Mur rey Goodwill died on March 19, 1929, at the age of 14 years. Two daughters and one son survive. They are Mrs. Nellie M. Warren of Mackrburg R. Ronald Goodwill of Ontario, California and Mrs. Lula G. Blake of the family home. There are, also, one grandson, Robert O. Musgrave of Williamstown, W. Va. and two great-grandchildren, Billy Owen and Cheryl Lynn Musgrave, of Williamstown, W. Va. Several brothers and sisters are deceased. He is the last mem ber of his family. Miss Linnie D. Goodwill, of Macksburg, is a niece. "DAD" Not much for style Or fixing up But all the while In sun or shade He stands upon the hill Of memory Like an oak. Man of the soil Was Dad Kind but firm. Friend of honest toil He sought thus to earn His daily bread. And place Upon the hill. Through storm and calm Through shade and sun He taught us Each and everyone 1 o stand erect Face the wind And storms of life Like the oak His counter part. mi'k producing cows on official test. One was a four-year-old cow that produced 1770 pounds tho other was an aged cow with 1760 pounds of milk. Funeral services were held Sunday, April 19, at 2:00 p. m., it Macksburg Methodist church with the Reverend Walter H. Brown and the Reverend William H. Kathary officiating. McVay funeral home of Cald well was the funeral director find interment was made in the Atkinson cemetery near Macks burg. 43pd. IN MEMORY \V. J. LAIIUE In loving memory of our be ^ved husband and father, W. J. Lahue, who passed away three vears ago Aoril 20, 1956. A lmht is from our household gone, A voice we loved is still, A place is vacant in our home, Which never can be filled. We have to mourn the loss of one, We did our best to save. Beloved on earth regretted still Remembered in the grave. 'Twas hard to part with one so dear. We little thought the time was near. Farewell dear one, years of life i? past. Our love for you till the end will last. Sadly missed by: Wife, Mrs. W. J. Lahue 43 and children. 'N LISTEN P. FOGLE In loving memory of Listen P. Fogle, who passed away April 26. 1940. When twilight shadows gather And we are sitting all alone, In our hearts there comes a longing If vou could only come home. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear Fond memories linger every day Remembrance keeps him den: Sadly mhsed hv: Wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Fogle, daughter, Mrs. Glen Long 43pd. and family. CAHD OF THANKS I wish to take this opportunitv to thank all mv many fr:end n^ifhbors and relatives for tH •?ifts. letter*- and cards receive^ on my 83rd birthday. They were all greatly appreciated. J. F. Archer, 43 Caldwell, Ohio cajhTof thanks I want to thank mv friend ?nd neighbors for their many *?cts of kindness during mv stnv Guernsey Memorial horp ta!. Also my appreciation to the doc tors and nurses. Mrs. Warren Martin 43pd. Belle Valley, Ohio CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all of mv friends and relatives for the many cards, letters and visits that I received while a patient in the Marietta Memorial hospital and since my return home. They were All deeply appreciated. 43pd. Dick Leaeure TH1 JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO & 4-H Jfue Caldwell S.O.S. The meeting of the Caldwell S.O.S. 4-H club was called to order by vice president. The secretary read the minutes and called the roll. The dues were collected by the treasurer. Fairy Morgan and Ruth Wikander each gave a demonstration. Barbara Lorenz and Carolyn Giallom bardo each gave a safety talk. Patty Noon, Grace Keith and Jean Allen will give a safety talk at the next meeting. Kathryn Wiley and Kay Davis will give a demonstration at the next meeting. The next meeting will be April 28 at the Court House at 7:00. A committee was ap pointed to plan the meeting. News reporter Kay Davis. Batesville Beaverettes The regular meeting of the Batesville Beaverettes was held April 17 at Batesville grade school with business being con ducted by president, Janice Duch. Discussions were held on a cake walk. No definite date has been set as yet. Refreshment? were served and games were played. Five new members were taken in. Next meeting will be May 1st at the home of Jackie Bates with demonstrations by Jackie Bates, Leah Sue Christman, Bar bara Shepherd, Terra Erwin anc' Julie Long. The conservation club meetirr will be held next Monday even ing. April 20th. News reporter Terra Erwin Crooked Tree Boys The second meet ng of the Crooked Tree Boys 4-H club v/c-r held at the grange hall, April 1959. Protects were discursec and platis made for the season Next mer,tin9. April 30th at 7 p. m. Refreshments, Steve Bine •gar and Mike Long. News reporter Gary Carre! H?f«e Cowl* Pkns For DisVd A called meeting for the Nntvc county home demonstration council has been scheduled for Fridav, May 1 to comnlete plans for Noble county's participation in the district home demonstra tion council meeting, accordin" to an announcement made by Mrs. Nora Stewart, president. The di^triet meeting will be held Thursday. Mov 7 in Fe^ow shin hall, Lewisville. A luncheon will be served at the meetinr and tickets are available at $1.25 each. The Noble county home council will be in charge of the reception of delegates at the dis trict meet'ng. The dis+ri^t is comprised of Noble, Washington, Morgan, Monroe and Athens counties. Mrs. Marv Ellen Sanford, Cald well. will serve as secretary at the district meeting. Luncheon reservations for the meet:ng mu«t be received at countv extension office bv Fri day, Mav 1, the local meetinf date. Ladies in rural commun' ties, wishing to attend the lun cheon. may receive tickets from any home council member. ADMITTED TO HOSPITAL Carol Ann Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson of Fairground ro^d was admitted Thursday to Childrens Hospital. Columbus, for observation and treatment. Her room number is 318. Carol is a fourth grader in the Caldwell school. OM1 PLATE FOCND Gary Dnvis of the South Olive community dug up an old 1911 license plates near his home last week. It was manufactured at Beavertown, Pa., of porcelain enamel, and weighed about a pound contracted with the light v.'er.'ht of the 19f»9 licence p!at( CALL CALDWELL for your GAS 2 Tarks of GAS Now installed for only $^S.N U' a "The Best For Less" t. .1 Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Obney and daughter, Carolyn, of Al liance, spent the weekend with their grandmother, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Feldner of Florence Ad dition. Mrs. Betty Kohut and Mrs. Wilmer Watson and children visited Friday with Miss Dor inda Smith at Miar's rest home in Sarahsville. Sunday callers at the home of Wilmer Watson, Mt. Ephraim, were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde L. Crum and family of Berne, Mrs. Cliff Franklin, Mrs. Arlene Knight, Mrs. Donna Perry and daughter, all of Quaker City, Mrs. Marcus Gant and sons of Summerfield route. Mr. and Mrs. John Steele, of Cambridge, had as guests the past week Taylor Archer of Oceanside, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ellinger of Annapolis, Md., Mrs. C. M. Archer of Caldwell and Glen Archer of Whigville. Taylor Archer was born at East Union and had not been back to Ohio for 60 years. An uncle of Mrs. Steele, he was the son of S. P. and Harriett Barnes Archer. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rucker spent Monday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ball in Canton. Suzanne Rucker returned home with them. Mrs. Dora Watson, Mrs. Reah Buekirk and Clara Beattey, Cald well, attended the W. S. C. S. meeting at Mt. Ephraim last Thursday. (PcA&onal Vfttniion and 71 aw. Featuring feiPS If&GS AT KIJICHINS ROYAL BLUE MONARCH'S Golden Whole Kernel CORN 6 NO. 2 M/r ECONOMY lyN s nri wr.v? 00 NO-303 CANS RED K'lOrS Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McClintock, of Columbus, are spending several days with Mrs. Millie Cunningham, of Summerfield. Mrs. W. O. DeVdld, West street, has returned home after visiting with her daughters and sons-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gil bert Ferguson, of Pittsburgh, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Davis, of Cambridge. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Pitt, of Lowell Ridge, Elmer Hanes of Dexter City route and Miss Eve lyn Beatty, of Toronto, spent one day the past week with Mrs. Alta Hanes and Clark Hanes of South Cumberland street. Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Fin ley, 906 Mill street, were Mr. and Mrs. Dean Edgar and sons, Larry and Gary and daughter, Pamela, of Summerfield, Mr. and Mrs. Dana Caldwell and son, Jon Wayne, of Caldwell, and Dalton Finley, of Pleasant City. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Catlett and son, Barry, of California, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Catlett, of Buffalo, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Beattey and daughter, Sara, of Zanes ville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Beattey on Wal nut street. Mr. and Mrs. Coen Welling and daughters, of Canton, were visit ing over the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sorg, of Fulda, and spent Saturday shopping in Caldwell. Monarch GREEN TAG SPECIAL MONARCH'S Yellow Cling Sliced or Halves PEACHES oo 3CANS N0.2J/2 GREENTAG SPECIAL MONARCH'S Large LETTUCE ~1®c CALIFORNIA 113 SIZE r-r PJ I K!: H, TASTY a Toilet Tissue 8:99' Size 37c ST CiM MP MR. CLEAN 69' 7i« SWEET PEAS $1 oo 6 NO. 303 CANS I --v APPLES 4135* 49 wmm mmvmm NO. 303 CANS I I £vsmt& Clhoimd the founiq Miss Janet Mendenhall, of Co lumbus, spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Mendenhall. Walnut street. Weekend guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Boley, of Ava, were Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Larrick, Rev. Hiett and daugh ter of Newark, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Long and sons of Pleasant City, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Han num, Mr. and Mrs. William Han num, Mrs. Inez Perkins, Mrs. Ruth Buckley and daughter, of Ava, and Harry Davis, of Zanes ville. Miss Rachael Dudley, Hoskins ville, and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ziler, Caldwell, visited Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Har old Bates, Cumberland. Mr. and Mrs. Noel VanWaere nen of New York, arrived Friday from a vacatipn trip to Florida. While here they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Clark, near Caldwell, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clark of Pleasant City route 1. Carl and E. R. Rucker and Ed Wallace of Columbus, were week end guests in the home of Mrs. Bertha Morgareidge, near Cald well. Monday guests in the Morg areidge home were Mrs. Happy Barnhart, Mrs. Hattie VanFleet and Mrs. Layle Gall. Miss Adda Dutton has returned to her home in Cleveland after visiting with her sister and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dan ford, West street. /FINER FOODS MONARCH'S I && s§ tlni SAUCE 6 $1| 00 GREEN TAG SPECIAL MONARCH'S Shortening Can BY PIECE BOB I VANS DELICIOI'S dz GE 2 15 HOME-MADE Qc Thursday, April 23, 1959 Mrs. Maggie Clidden, oi Water ford, returned home Sunday after visiting a week with her sister. Mrs. Edna Tarleton on Cumber land street. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Herman Waller of Cambridge, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Green of Waterford and Mrs. Pearl Green of Watertown. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore and son, of Woodsfield, visited the past weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gorby Wells, Caldwell. Callers at the home N0.2J/2 CANS of GREEN TAG Effie Warren, Walnut street, Saturday afternoon were her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Warren and the latter's nephew and family, all of Akron. Mrs. Ada Gibson, Main street, Lafe Robbins, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy VanDyne and daughter, ol Pleasant City route, visited Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hoffer and family, of Crooks ville route 2. TWO MARRIAGE LICENSES Two marriage licenses were issued to couples last week in the Noble county probate court ac cording to a report from E. P. MeGinnis, judge. Couples who applied for licenses were Charles Glen Wilson, of Washington county, shovel operator, and Jeannette Lowers, Olive town ship, inspector James H. Dennis, Noble township, factory worker and Judith Ann Archer, Noble township, student. SPECIAL ., i.ivirs FRUU COCKTAIL 39c eaoh or 00 GREEN TAG SPECIAL STAR KIST Green Label TUNA 27 Can MEAT SPECIALS BACON 35c. SPARE RIBS 31$1°° WIENERS 59 BLADE Cl'T Cut from Hlue Ribbon Beef CHUCK ROAST 49 PAN S AOS ACE 45 HUTCHINS lb lb ib