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Pagg Six Coming Events on the Social Register Round and Square Dance Round and square dancing every Saturday night from 9:00 until 12:00 o'clock at Highland Park. The public is invited. Fulda Grange Fulda grange will hold their meeting on Thursday evening, May 7, at 8:00 o'clock sharp. The men are in charge of the lunch. The chairman is Raphael Gerst, Terrance Michael, Claud Fox, Bernard Roehrig, Joe Hohivum, Joe Singer and Raymond Cral't. All members are urged to attend as there is important business to be discussed. To Held Dance There will be a round and square dance Sunday evening, April 26 at St. Henry's parish hall, Harriettsville. Group three is in charge. The Midnight Ramb lers will furnish the music and the public is invited. Mother's Club The Belle Valley Mothers' club will hold their regular meeting, Wednesday evening, April 29 at the grade school building, begin ning at ":30 o'clock. Mrs. Mae Racev and Mrs. Nellie Beckett are the hostesses. Olive Grange Olive grange, No. 398, will meet in regular session Friday evening, April 24, at 8:00 o'clock. The first and second degrees will be con ferred. Refreshments will be served and all members are urg ed to attend. Society To Meet The Woman's Missionary So ciety of the First Church of Christ will meet Tuesday even ing, April 28, in the home of Mrs. Bobby Miller at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. Wesley Walker, Missionary to Japan, will be the guest speak er. All members are urged to attend. To Hold Dance A round and square dance wjll be held Saturday, April 25, in the Reinersville gym from 9:00 until 12:00 p. m. The caller and players are Irvin Nichols and the Midnight Ramblers. The dance will be sponsored by the Girls' 4-H club. The public is cordially invited. Class Party The Lambda Phi Sunday school class of the First Church of Christ will meet in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Brandon, Friday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Junior Wilson will serve on the refreshment committee. Cub Pack Meeting Regular meeting of the Boy Scouts Cub Pack of the First Church of Christ will be held this Thursday evening, April 23 at 7:30 o'clock with Scoutmaster Jack Reed in charge. Laurel Grange Laurel grange No. 1678 will liOld a meeting Saturday, April 25. to put a new roof on the Safeguard those youngsters feet! Buy them BLACK PATENT SHOES li N. All Sizes Carried In Stock. We know you will be more than satisfied if you buy this popular style. MULLIGAN'S SKSE ST03E CALDWELL, OHIO WORLD WAR I VETS ATTEND CONVENTION Candidates for commander of the 12th district of World War I veterans are pictured above at the district convention held Sunday, April 19 at the Caldwell American Legion hall. Left to right, they are Mr. Longfellow, of Marietta Ed Dulaney, Martins Ferry Victor Morgan, Bridgeport, and Mr. Anderson, of Zanesville. Victor Morgan was elected as commander of the district. Approximately 60 veterans attended the convention Sun day. Perry, Guernsey and Monroe counties were not represented. The membership for the Noble county barracks, No. 1671, has reached 96, according to Henry Simonton, local commander. Other officers of barracks No. 1671 are, Hobart Bates, Quaker City, senior vice commander John Parks, Caldwell, junior vice commander: C. R. Atkinson, Batesville, quartermaster Leo Car ter, Caldwell, judge advocate Forrest Sanford, Caldwell ad jutant and John Morris, Caldwell route, chaplain. Trustees are W. H. Wharton, Summerfield,^ Forrest Bellville, Sharon, and Arthur Orr, of Caldwell. grange hall. All members that can help please meet at the grange hall, Saturday morning. The ladies of the grange will serve a pot-luck lunch. A good turn out is desired. Those not able to help with the room can help clean the grange lot. Halley's Ridge Halley's Ridge grange No. 2747 will meet Friday evening, April 24, at 8:00 o'clock. All members are urged to take part in the sewing and baking contest. Pot lyck lunch will be served. A good attendance is desired. To Sponsor Dance The March group of St. Mary's church, Fulda, is sponsoring a bingo game and a dance Satur day evening, March 25. Refresh ments will be served and the public is invited. Literary Club The Woman's Literary club will meet Tuesday, April 28, at 8:00 p. m. with Kathleen Hupp as hostess. The roll call will be answered by Spring Thoughts. An article entitled "A Garden," will be presented by Dorothy Dyer. Lillian Beyer will present an article on Charles Franklin Kettering. dwppit SihtPidcuf Monday, April 20 Jose Henderson (92), Robert Franklin, Herb Landefelt, Walter Miller. Tuesday, April 21 Anna belle Archer, Clyta Cater, Emma Burson. Wednesday, April 22 Clarence West. Thursday, April 23 Betty Cater. Friday, April 24 Junior Stern, Lester Martin. Sunday, April 26 Gladys Wiekham. Monday, April 27 Emma Kirkbride (86), Jim White, Donald Kirkbride, Chuc kie Lashley. Tuesday, April 28 Klane Smith, Kenneth V. Ziler. Wednesday, April 29 Bernadine K. Boyd, Sherman Phelps, Lois Ann Elliott, Homer Johnson. Thursday, April 30 Shirley Davis, Frank Boyd. Friday, May 1 John ivid Wiekham, Jr. Saturday, May 2 Marvin Archer, Vernon Arche} ATTEND MEETING Joan Koskovics, Eleanor Rube Mary Lou Radcliff and Vinni Farley were in Columbus, Tues day, attending the Ohio Associe tion of Regular Baptist, Mission ary Spring Rally held at th* Tmmntinfl Rrmf Gospel Meeting CRUM RIDGE CHURCH OF CHRIST MAY 3-10 Services Each Evening at 7:45! SPEAKER Evangelist David Powers leek Who's Here! ...nd Mrs. Karl :i niiall are announcing the birth of a daughter at the Timken Mercy hospital. Canton. The new ar rival has been given the n&n.' Jill Ann, and weighed seven pounds and 11 ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mendenhall, formerly Caldwell but now of Canton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leavrns. of Oxford, Massachusetts, m nounce the birth of a daughter. The new arrival weighed eiuht and one half pounds, has .•. n given the name Judith Ann. Great-grandparents are Mrs. O. R. Croy and Mr. and Mrs. Clare Tipton of Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Henry, of SteubenvilK', formerly of Caldwell, are the maternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sampson of Lowell, are the parents of a daughter born Friday, April 17 in the Marietta Memorial ho pi tal. Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. King, of Xenia, formerly of Summerfield, are announcing the birth of a daughter born Monday, April 1H The new arrival weighed ei.nht pounds and four ounces and lias been given the name Jean Ellen. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ross of Jeffersonville m\d Mr. and Mrs. Otis G. King of Co lumbus. Great-grandparents are Mrs. Margaret Moore and Bruce Ross, of Fairborne, Mrs. Matilda Danford and I. H. King, of Co lumbus. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hutchins, of Caldwell, are the parents of a son born Saturday, April 18 in the Marietta Memorial hospital. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hutchins, Caldwell, and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde King, Sum merfield. RETLRN HOME Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Webber have returned to their "home in Dexter City after spending the past winter months in Stuart, Fla. They were accompanied home by their daughter, Mrs. T. C. Houk and daughter, Frances, of Stuart, Fla., who plan to spend one week visiting in Dex ter City before returning home. 0 A real orchid FREE w'^ every Lady Orchid Cake Order yours now for Mother's Day. There is no more fitting compliment for Mother on her day than a beautiful Vanda orchid from Hawaii and THE JOURNAL*, CALDWELL, OHIO a BIRIHST3KE RINGS IDEAL FOR THE GRADUATE or MOTHER! as low as $ a catc deli- Lady Orchid Cake. Faintly golden, fine-textured the Lady Orchid Cake is gen erously frosted in an orchid tinted pink and snowy white frosting. This delicate cake is made only with the finest ingre dients and baked with master skill by Landsker's Bakery Phone 103-M CALDWELL, OHIO Place Your Orders Now! 1 f\f\ HENERY'S ... SiaMinq... HERE'S OUR 4th ANNIVERSARY WATCH SPECIAL We're allowing up to $20.00 for your old watch for a new HAMILTON BULOVA ELGIN FAITH Ideal Time To Layaway For GRADUATION! FEATURE LOCK DIAMOND RING SETS Regular $29.50 Reduced to OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF DIAMONDS I TO I OFF NECKLACE-EARRING SETS JUST ARRIVED! A Complete Selection of MM easeismesaaBmi .' I' •. s. VY.V- CONTINUING THRU SATURDAY, MAY 2 You'll Save $ $ $ Like You've Never Saved Before If You Buy Now! Don't Miss the Opportunity to Win Our Big Anniversary Prize... VAN DELL FAITH JEWELRY IN STERLING SILVER and GOLD FILLED. Beautifully Boxed Ideal for Mother's Day or the Graduate! V* *o $^00 & xh 0FF! W,LL H0LD ANY UU ITEM FOR GRADUATION OR MOTHERS DAY! Gift Wrap At No Extra Charge! Coupon (lip This Coupon.. '59 Graduate It's worth money to you on a pur chase from our fine selection of GRADUATION GIFTS! NAME Coupon celebrating 4* FRIDAY, APRIL 24 FREE —REGISTER WIN A DIAMOND SET Drawing: Jr With each purchase amounting to $1.00 or more you are entitled to a ticket, and by reg istering your name you may win this Diamond Ring Set. 9:00 P. M. A COMPLETE SPRING LINE OF JUSTIN GENUINE LEATHER GOODS ladies' Purses (!ukh Bags Billfolds SPECIAL FOR MOTHER! CULTURED PEARLS Was 829.75 Now *19 95 Federal Ta i ludod LAYAWAY FOR GRADUATION! Phone 143 mmm •mMm.rm NOW! Retail Value $98.75 SATURDAY, MAY 2 Were $3.95 $2.95 Now md BEAUTIFUL SPRING COLORS. NAME IMPRINTED FREE! GENTS BILLFOLDS Were S3.95 $2.95 Now and up Was $13.50 Now $25 00 Federal Tax luded ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF DELTA SIMULATED PEARLS and EARRINGS TO MATCH. OFF Vl LEWIS E. HENERY JEWELER We carry nationally advertised items where you have a factory and a jeweler's guarantee! Thursday, April 23, 1959 SPECIAL OFFER! We have been granted per mission to make you a spe cial allowance on any old band traded in on the pur chase of a new band during our 4th Anniversary Sale. Man's Expansion WATCHBAND GEMEX Kit** Ail it takes is one of these fine, distinctively styled Gemex gold-filled watchbands tc give your watch the newness, the richness it had the day you bought it! And Gemex gives you the comfort of the smoothest, freest expansion action of them all! See our man-sized selection of these new Gemex watchbands, here now. WATCH BANDS LADIES' and GENTS WHITE or YELLOW GOLD THREE LENGTHS Regular Long Short EXPANSION Were $2.95 Now "f $2*5 GENTS LEATHER WATCH STRAPS 29c» COSTUME JEWELRY 29» Special to the Gents Have in Stock Gents 32-Degree Rings 41-pt. Diamond in Heavy 10K Mounting Was $275.00 $200 Now 18-pt. Diautoiul in Heavy 10K Mounting Was S100 on $70 Now COMPLETE LINE OF LADIES' RINGS Eastern Star Black Onyx Pearl SIZING FREE! Vi OFF GUTS RINGS Masonic Odd Fellows Black Onyx Ruby Blue Stone SOME WITH DIAMONDS OFF V* 4-14 Cumberland Street 4